german timeline

GERMAN TIMELINE By: Dylan Williams and Ashleigh Duffy 1929 Wall Street Crash – Everyone in the world had a bit of a part in causing the great depression. Germany was borrowing money from America. This caused their economy to fall apart too. The people needed a leader. Anger at the Young plan – The Allied Reparations Committee decided to reduce the amount Germany had to pay for WWI. But the Germans thought they should owe nothing at all, in their eyes they still didn’t owe the rest of the world anything. ‘Why should Germany

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Ashleigh Duffy and Dylan's timeline


Page 1: German timeline

GERMAN TIMELINEBy: Dylan Williams and Ashleigh Duffy


Wall Street Crash – Everyone in the world had a bit of a part in causing the great depression. Germany was borrowing money from America. This caused their economy to fall apart too. The people needed a leader.

Anger at the Young plan – The Allied Reparations Committee decided to reduce the amount Germany had to pay for WWI. But the Germans thought they should owe nothing at all, in their eyes they still didn’t owe the rest of the world anything. ‘Why should Germany work so hard for other people’s mistakes?’ The Germans were angry.

Page 2: German timeline

The Great Depression affected the whole of Germany because of everyone’s connections with each other.

Their country as a whole was working to pay their massive penance for WWI. It affected every household and paycheck. People lost their life savings, all of Germany was paying.


President Hindenburg is forced to dissolve the Reichstag because when having a minority government they couldn’t pass bills, this caused elections – This showed Germany that their current government was unstable. Elections are chances for an entire country to change overnight.

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German election – Nazis gain the most seats and become the second largest party, one of the largest steps they will take politically. It showed the country that if so many people were suddenly supporting him, there must be something great about the Nazis.

Everyone was paying attention to what was happening in their government. The pressure of what the people wanted drove these events.

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Nazi brown house is opened in Munich – Gave the Nazis a sense of solidarity and showed the people of Germany they weren’t going anywhere fast. It showed they cared about the country they were in.

Nazi party created the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) as their own intelligence and security body. – This was another reason to fear Hitler, military means business. Military power can mean war, in or out of the country.

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Potential Nazi supporters were looking for a strong party that would hold their place, not be pushed around. With these actions, Hitler gained some respect.


Hitler gains German citizenship – This made more people view him as a true German and opened high positions like chancellor and president. It made him seem more patriotic than an intruder.

Money came in – Industrialists began investing in the future of the Nazis. They were gaining important support along with more

money which is more power.

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Being a German makes you a part of Germany. So many more Germans would support a German over an Austrian.

Some big players in the German industries decided to support Hitler by ‘sponsoring the Nazis’. Perhaps these people truly believed that Hitler would be healthy for Germany. He was gaining national support.


Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany – Becomes head of the government, finally has some power to play with. The people of Germany were paying attention.

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Enabling act – Gave him a dictator-like power over the country. Effected everyone in Germany.

Hitler had much more support by now, enough to take the place of chancellor then, when he got his hands on the enabling act he had so much power over the country that the fear that spread gave him more support, whether people really wanted to or not.


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Hindenburg dies – Leaving president’s seat open for Hitler

Hitler becomes Furher – self explanatory

Though some people were still against him, Adolf had many supporters and this was the day those many had been waiting for.

People admired and trusted Hitler, Mein Furher was the highest level of respect he could gain.


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Nuremburg Race Laws – New laws are introduced which define which German people are Jewish, and places restrictions on them. These include preventing marriage, denying citizenship, and only allowing them to display their own colours/symbols, not those of Germany.

Conscription – In a Treaty of Versailles violation, Hitler begins military conscription to rebuild the armed forces.

This is likely supported thanks to Hitler’s growing popularity, and people believing in his pro-Aryan ideologies.

After how much the treaty had been hated, people were fine with breaching it, especially to strengthen the country.


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Berlin Summer Olympics – Despite some political controversy, the Olympic Games are held in Germany. Hitler takes advantage of the opportunity to make an impressive show and promote the country. Only Aryan Germans were allowed to participate, in an attempt to demonstrate his ideas of superiority.

Gestapo Unrestricted – The German secret police has all legal boundaries removed. As stated by SS officer Werner Best, “As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally."

The Olympics focused the world’s attention on Germany. This time they will have a chance to show how great they are.

This further extends the arms of Nazi control over the country.


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Hossbach Conference and Alliances – At a meeting with his foreign policy staff, Hitler discusses the idea of a series of small wars to support the German economy. Also, he meets with the Japanese and British leadership in an attempt to begin building alliances.

Bombing of Guernica – A Spanish city in civil war turmoil is attacked by the Luftwaffe, with the intent of supporting Dictator Fransisco Franco. Many civilians are killed, and it allows his forces to capture the city.

Everything revolved around Germany; Hitler was working to achieve more for their country.

A step forward, military wise and gave the German people reason for confidence.


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Anschluss with Austria – German annexes Austria, aiming to unite all people of German background under the same flag. Hitler’s forces are welcomed rather than resisted. Immediately after this, Austrian Jews begin to be abused and mistreated.

Night of Broken Glass – In retaliation for a Jewish man assassinating somebody at the German embassy, a large scale attack on the Jewish community is launched. Storm troopers and SS vandalize, assault and murder local Jews. Later, they are cut out of the economy altogether, with their property liquidated. They are also billed for the damage caused by the riot.

With these connections Germany was able to extend their reach outside of its own borders.

The Night of Broken Glass was in retaliation for the government of Germany.


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Occupation of Czechoslovakia – With the Sudetenland already under German control, the rest of the country was greatly weakened. After negotiations stalled, Hitler invaded the country, meeting little resistance, and adding more territory to his Reich.

Invasion of Poland – World war two officially begins with the German attack on Poland. Britain, Canada and the rest of the commonwealth declare war. The United States remains neutral.

With this, Germany was truly threatening; Hitler had shown the country what they could do. Their country had risen out of the depression and toward glory.

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This is the symbol we used to identify our top five.

1. Hitler became Furher All along the way, Hitler gained massive support in order to become Furher.

When he finally did, he had many citizens so committed they would believe and follow him every step of the way.

2. Invasion of Poland This was when the war began, Germany had finally decided to come out

and declare they’re superiority. War is a cause of major patriotism, nationalism.

3. Olympics This is a complete nationalist event. Each country wants to show what it’s

got but Germany made sure the world knew that they were not crippled anymore. It was a great chance for publicity.

4. German election 1930 The events that played out after this election were caused by the German

people. This was when people really started supporting the Nazis and Hindenburg began realizing how popular Hitler was becoming.

5. Night of broken glass In a way it seemed like this man was attacking the country itself, like the

Jews were attacking Germany. It was a huge movement that caused distrust of the Jews and gave Germany a reason to accuse and label.