germany between the wars definitions. friedrich ebert leader of germany’s social democrats, ebert...


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Page 1: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the



Page 2: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the Weimar Republic, becoming its first president in 1919.

Page 3: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


The “Free Corps” were ex-soldiers recently returned from the war who formed themselves into an irregular unit. They were used by Ebert to put down the Spartacist Rising, but were not sympathetic to Weimar. They were hard men of right-wing attitudes, who later supported the Kapp Putsch

Page 4: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


The German Communists, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. Attempted a rebellion against the Weimar Republic in January 1919, but were put down by Ebert with the help of the Free Corps. Their leaders were murdered.

Page 5: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Town in southern Germany where the new German republic was proclaimed. Weimar was used as the venue because Berlin had become too unsafe for the parliament to meet.

Page 6: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


The moderate left-wing party of which Friedrich Ebert was leader. They went on to win more seats in the new German parliament than any other party. They remained one of the largest German parties, but failed to win majorities because of Weimar’s proportional representation voting system.

Page 7: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Set up by Kurt Eisner in November 1918. Although Eisner was killed in February 1919, the Bavarian Communist Party made Bavaria a soviet republic in March, running it as a separate communist state. Eventually destroyed by the Weimar Government, using the Free Corps again.

Page 8: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


The name applied to the German politicians who had signed the armistice with the Allies. The harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty caused people to resent the Armistice, and they blamed the civilian politicians rather than the army. The army was claimed to have been “stabbed in the back”.

Page 9: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Named after Wolfgang Kapp, an extreme nationalist who tried to seize power from the Weimar government in March 1920. He was supported by the Free Corps and the Berlin police, but defeated as a result of a workers’ strike. Ebert’s government was able to return to Berlin after 100 hours!

Page 10: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


German Foreign Minister who believed that Germany should keep to its Versailles obligations. Murdered in June 1922 by anti-semitic nationalists, his funeral saw a million people march through Berlin in mourning. His killers were sentenced to four years each.

Page 11: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Caused by the French invasion of the Ruhr in pursuit of reparations payments. The German Government called on workers not to work – “passive resistance”. In order to pay them, they had to print large amounts of paper money, which in turn caused prices to rise, leading eventually to hyper-inflation.

Page 12: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


The most able of the Weimar leaders, Stresemann became Chancellor in November 1923 and called off the campaign of passive resistance. He resolved the inflation crisis before standing down as Chancellor in December. Remained as Foreign Minister until his death in 1929, negotiating loans and treaties that improved Germany’s standing.

Page 13: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Failed attempt by Adolf Hitler to seize power by force in Munich. This was a response to Stresemann’s calling off of passive resistance, but Hitler lacked widespread support and was betrayed by the Bavarian leaders. His accomplice in the putsch was former army commander General Ludendorff.

Page 14: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Hitler’s autobiography and political statement, written while in prison for his part in the Munich Putsch. This contained the ideas on German expansion and anti-semitism which Hitler was to put into practice when he came to power.

Page 15: GERMANY BETWEEN THE WARS Definitions. FRIEDRICH EBERT Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Ebert was largely responsible for the establishment of the


Plan negotiated by Stresemann for easier payment of reparations. Germany was allowed to pay only what she could afford. Named after the American banker who helped negotiate it, the plan was followed by the Young Plan. Both plans also secured loans for Germany.