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  • 8/8/2019 Get Massive Complete



    By Rob Maraby

    The Fat-Loss and Muscle Building Guru

    Published By Rob Maraby Publishing58 Corning Road

    North York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1 Canada

    (416) 493 4793

    Fax (905) 607 5422

    Legal Notices

    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,personal experience, and research of the author. Because everyone is physically different,

    the author and the publisher urge you to consult a health physician or professional before

    you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and exercise program, but firmly believes that the informationpresented in this book works.

    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritionalprogram, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or

    consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or

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    techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you should feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for

    medical counseling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom

    and not cowardice, to seek a second or third opinionThis publication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

    2001 by Rob MarabyFor mail orders, write Rob Maraby Publishing, 58 Corning Road, North York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1, Canada

    All rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not bereproduced in any manner whatsoever without written consent from the publisher.

    FastMuscles program: ISBN 0-9730480-0-X

    Maximum Muscle Mass in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-1-8Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-2-6

    How you can Lose 30 lbs of Body Fat Watching TV: ISBN 0-9730480-3-4Publishers Note:

    There may be typos in these manual and other errors of a grammatical nature.When I write, I write as I speak and in a straightforward, non-technical way. I am often

    very excited as I write, but I dont have a degree in English, so I ask you to bear with myliterary style. You might find it unconventional and maybe annoying. But if it is realistic

    and cutting edge information you are looking for, this manual will give it to you.

    The information contained in this book will change your life like it changed mine. In just

    12 weeks you can have a tight, lean and attractive body without diets, daily exercises and



    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,personal experience, and research of the author. Because each individual and their

    situations are different, the author and the publisher urge you to consult a physician or

    health professional before you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and/or exercise program, but firmly believes that the

    information presented in this book works and should be presented to the public.

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    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

    program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects orconsequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or

    techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute

    for medical counselling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom

    and not cowardice to seek a second or third opinion.

    By Rob Maraby

    The Fat-Loss and Muscle Building Guru

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    My name is Rob Maraby. I'm the creator of the revolutionary FastMusclesProgram, a program that is groundbreaking in everyway. It contradictsalmost everything you read in magazines and it is a far throw from aconventional weight gain routine. Most importantly it produces musclegrowth and potentially stimulates hyperplasia without the excuses or

    guess work that is typical of conventional programs RESULTS AREGUARANTEED!

    You are lucky

    See I truly envy you because unlike you I never had the opportunity to dothings right from the very beginning , as far as building muscle and losingweight was concerned. I never had a program offer me a sure way to gainmuscle mass. It was always guesswork and trying everything under the sky

    to gain mass but nothing much ever happened. It took me 8 years to gain10 pounds of muscle. It was only after I begun using the FastMusclesprogram did I make my first sudden growth spurt gaining 30 pounds ofmuscle in a few months. I spent another 4 years and spent tens ofthousands of dollars to actually perfect it into what it is today.

    Having said that lets begin with the first point you need to know to gainingall the mass you need.

    The first piece of information I want to give you is so profoundThat even the so-called self-acclaimed experts simply don't get it. It is the

    very basis of gaining muscle mass fast and it is:

    The Specificity of Adaptation

    The first principle upon which all muscle growth is based upon is the principle of"specificity". This essentially means that muscles will adapt or grow inresponse to a specific stress or demand placed upon it. Note the word specificstress this means it will not respond to a multitude of stresses or a variety ofstresses and this alone eliminates the importance of erroneous principlessuggested in muscle magazines such as variety training, the confusion principle,

    instinctive training and all other principles like descending sets, forced reps,supersets and pre-exhaustions sets.

    Hard to believe I know but let me continue and give me the benefit of the doubt.The principle of specificity is the law ofcause and effect applied to bodybuildingwhich says that for every action there is a reaction (which is also Newtons law inphysics), so if you apply a specific stress (the cause) there should be a specific

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    adaptation (the effect).

    In bodybuilding this stress (the cause) has to be of a specific nature. And this stress:

    Must be of high intensity and heavy overload.

    And second it must be of progressive and reoccurring.

    Now before you run into the gym and perform forced reps and negatives withheavy weights, be warned that it is not as random as that. It is specific.

    The stress must be heavy enough to exceed the normal threshold of themuscles. This cannot be accomplished with ordinary workouts, where you use60-70% of your 1MR(Maximum repetition). In Fact, our tests reveal that evenusing singles at your 1MR is not sufficient enough to cause an abnormal spurt ofgrowth in muscle mass.

    In other words if you perform a set with 70% of your maximum and train to failureyou will get more capable of performing sets with 70 % of your max and in such acase the muscles will develop only to accommodate this specific stress.

    It will not grow larger than it has to accommodate this specific stress. The bodywill adapt neurologically, metabolically and structurally to this specific stress- butthat is where it ends, if you use the same level of stress or even close to it , themuscles will at best grow minimally because although you are increasing repsand or weights you are still well within its natural threshold. This is one reasonwhy you do not make extraordinary gains with conventional routines.

    Point blank, you will never make extraordinary gains. And gaining 20-40 poundsin 4 months is an impossibility with a conventional training routine, rather gaining2-5 pounds a year would be more in line with that type of stress.

    What all this says is:

    that the higher the level of stress and intensity the higher the level of

    adaptation and growth.

    What is the threshold?

    Thus the higher the overload the higher the stress on the natural threshold of the musclesand the faster the gains. Therefore if you wish to make astounding gains you must carry

    weights that are above your 1MR(Maximum repetition). Sound impossible?

    I know and it is if you use a conventional program but it is not when you use theFastMuscles program. This is what makes FastMuscles different, it applies 70-150%

    weights above your 1MR, and the results are explosive and instantaneous muscle


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    If fact in some cases FastMuscles uses 200-600% above your 1MR and its all safe andnatural. And anyone can do it a few simple techniques will show you how. When you

    use specific weights like these the muscles adapt to this specific stress and you gain

    weight and muscle mass fast.

    You might wonder if it is safe?

    In my 12 years of bodybuilding I have yet to receive an injury and I lift 405 on the bench

    press and 605 on the squat- proof enough that it is safe. The true threshold of the body we

    do not know, but I believe it is on the 1000-1500% range above your 1MR.

    Do you see now why your gains using a conventional program are mediocre atbest? Do you see why the FastMuscles program gives you faster results? Here is

    just one proof of how explosive the FastMuscles program is:

    Explosive! Is just one word I can use to describe the results I haveachieved? I jumped right into your arms program and 2 workouts later .37

    inches on my arms. Wow! And I have not yet begun the actual programsIam already satisfied with the results I have achieved Julius Torth, 233

    Oakstreet, Toronto, Ontraio.

    Once we understand the principle of specificity we can move on to the nextrequirement which is apart of the principle of specificity and this is:

    Principle 1 Overload

    This term has been taken out of context and underestimated. You see manyarticles in magazines saying that heavy weights are not the answer tomuscle growth and that quality repetitions are better than using heavyweights. Quality repetitions are important but quality has nothing to dowith using lightweights. Sure the stress and intensity is not high so youcan perform quality repetitions. But here is the fact. Quality light repetitionswill do nothing for your mass gaining goals. It will give you a pump anddelude you into believing that that strategy is working? But is it? Theanswer is no!

    To get a muscle to grow you need to subject it to an unaccustomed stress.The reaction to stress can be explained by citing the adaptation principle.Which says that when a muscle is subjected an unusual degree ofunaccustomed stress and effort,( though not so nearly as much as to cause aninjury), the muscle respond by getting larger to manage and cope with the addedstress.

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    A simple principle by no means, but one whose essence is often overlooked.Because it states that a muscle will enlarge only if you give sufficient reasontoo. A muscle will not enlarge on a consistent basis if you apply a moderateweight and apply moderate intensity -which is the case when you use highvolume workouts. If this were the case, you would get large muscles just by

    carrying grocery bags and you would not need to go to the gym.

    There is a delicate balance though, because the adaptation and overloadprinciple can be taken to mean that only heavy weights used for 1 repetition arenecessary to induce muscle growth. Whiles that holds some validity. Testsindicate that maximum hypertrophy occurs when heavy weights and highrepetitions are used. Furthermore the set has to be taken to the point of fullmuscular failure-nothing shy of this is acceptable. This as you will realize is aparadox in itself, because using a conventional weight gain program we realizethat we cannot use heavy weights for high repetitions. It is not possible with aconventional routine. High repetitions and heavy weights produce the greatest

    level of intensity and that is where the FastMuscles program comes in it showsyou exactly how to do that.

    Why heavy weights?

    Its all Because of the all or nothing principle. The all or nothing principle can bedefined as follows

    When lifting a weight, only the necessary amount of muscle fibers needed to liftthe weight is used. It uses the exact amount of muscle fibers necessary to movethe weight; it does not use a little bit of all the available fibers to move the weight.The inactive fibers may move during the movements but they will not provide orcontribute any effort to the work being done because they are not needed. Thebody will do the least amount of work necessary to maintain homeostasis.Thus from this we realize that the heavier the load, the more fibers that will beused to perform the work. And to achieve full muscle fiber recruitment, it isessential that the muscle have to be in the fully contracted position. To achievefull contraction, each muscle fiber must be shortened during the allocated work..

    Why extremely Heavy weights can cause hyperplasia

    What occurs in normal hypertrophy is that the myofilaments muscle fibers -(thecells which provide contractile power) increase in number in response to the highintensity stress placed on them. The goal is to divide the work between a larger

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    amount of myofilaments. If you place a greater amount of stress on themyofilaments to the point where they almost exceed their threshold they areforced to split and cause hyperplasia. But it takes a lot to achieve this; regularheavy lifting just will not do it. By this I mean if you perform singles or negativeonly training you will not get this effect.

    Even if you can currently bench press 300 pounds, your body has adapted to thislevel of stress, it is manageable, because such strength came slowly over a longperiod of time. If you increased the weights by 20 percent, it is still manageable.It has no reason to split. If however you used 450 pounds TODAY, themyofilaments will have to split to cope with the stress. The stress is anabnormality and far exceeds the normal carrying capacity of the localizedmuscles. The body deals with this emergency immediately by maximizinghypertrophy and then potentially allowing hyperplasia to occur. Now how to usethis kind of weights can be found in the FastMuscles Program. But as seeminglysimple as this seems, it is not so cut and dry. The frequency of the workouts

    have to be such that an emergency state is created and yet at the same time,enough rest has to elapse before the body can produce overcompensation andpossible muscle splitting.

    The body responds to training stimulus via the central nervous system. Inbody building the goal is to lift as much weight as possible to stimulate thegrowth of muscle MASS. It is not lifting weights in on themselves that ismost important, but rather we are after the muscle growth that results fromlifting those weights. Lifting weights is a means to an end , but it is a veryimportant means to meet those ends. Strength is an essential part of thegrowth process. The two are directly related, The stronger you get the

    bigger you get , and vice versa. This is another fact that cannot be refuted

    But you may ask, Why do muscles respond this way?

    In the body there exist a regulatory and sensory system that is part of thedefense mechanism of the body-its primary function is to signal the need formuscle growth and muscle atrophy. In short it is the survival mechanism of thebody. The main purpose of muscles is to survive.

    The principle of muscle growth centers on the principle paramount to all livingorganisms, and that is SURVIVE.Every living entity is born to survive on a biological, mental and emotional level.This survival mechanism is tied into natures evolution systems because animalsare born to adapt and survive in their environment-, which is ever changing.Muscles are no different, muscles are there for one primary reason only; and thatis to help the body survive externalities that are strong enough to burden anddisrupt the equilibrium of the body. The scientific term for it's "constant" state iscalled homeostasis

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    .For muscles this survival mechanism can be divided into 4 areasThe first zone, Zone 2 touches on homeostasis; this is where the body likes to bebefore stress is applied. This is where most bodybuilders and the average man/

    woman are. You know the look, they have enough muscles for basic functionsand they do not look like bodybuilders. They may have a puffed chest and somebiceps to show but there is no exaggerated muscle growth. Zone 1 touches onovercompensation (where we want to be) and Zone 3 touches on self-destructionand zone 4 touches on Maximum compensation(and possible hyperplasia). Iput maximum-compensation in bold because it is a term coined by my researchteam and myself. Maximum compensation occurs when extreme overloads areused and when muscle growth is rapid gaining 30-40 pounds in 3-4 months.The average bodybuilding program will never reach this stage for reasonsdiscussed above. FastMuscles is the only program as of yet to reach this zone.

    The FastMuscles Program is the only program as of yetthat to reach this zone.

    The environment is the only real threat to the muscular system and the body. It isthe only way we as humans and as bodybuilders can disrupt the equilibrium ofthe body and the muscles to shift and to overcompensate and grow.

    Its method of survival however is a tricky and limited one. Once stress isattached to the muscular system, the muscles and the body try to fight the stressin the least expensive way and according to the level of urgency. (In the use ofresources).

    This least expensive way could be either build more muscle (overcompensationor maximum-compensation(hyperplasia)) to protect itself or break down musclesto stop the attack (weaken itself)Because the end result is that muscle MUST SURVIVE. It does not always haveto get stronger to handle the stress; it can actually use a reverse tactic of gettingweaker (by releasing cortisol) to prevent the stress(or threat ) from occurringagain. Muscles can therefore overcompensate or breakdown to face the externalstress stimuli.

    Which one does it choose?

    If you use a normal conventional training routine- the latter usually occurs-Itbreaks down. This is because:

    1 the stress is not heavy or urgent enough.2.The stress is applied to often (twice a day 5 times a week) and overtrainingoccurs.

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    3.Not enough recovery time is allowed for the muscles to repair themselves andthen overcompensate.

    If however the stress is to the "extreme" and enough time is allowed to elapse forfull recovery to occur, the body will overcompensate with new muscle growth and

    what I have termed maximum-compensation in fact there is visible proof thatpotential hyperplasia may result but this has not been confirmed in the lab due toethical reasons (I would need to dissect the muscles of a human to see the splits). What we do know is that gaining 1-2 inches on a specific body part after 1-3workouts is very probable and that the muscles double or triple in size whensubjects use the FastMuscles program -all this means that you get that rock hardbuilt look faster than you ever thought possible.

    Remember Muscles can't maintain that overcompensation state for long, theprinciple of survival ensures that such an abnormal state is only temporary. Thusif you do not train for a long period of time .i.e. take a layoff (say 8 months) the

    muscles will begin to shrink with a survival memory implanted for future attacks.But the notion that you will lose muscle mass if you don't train every 3-4 monthsis wrong and absurd (it may hold true if you use "conventional programs")...and itis the very reason why diehard trainees fail to take the needed rest and end upwith little or nothing to show for it in and outside of the gym.


    Just as humans have two psychological states; those of pain and pleasure,muscles too have the similar mechanisms, pleasure is homeostasis, and pain isovercompensation or maximum-compensation.

    The chemistry of the muscles varies by the second. There is a constant state offlux, it is dynamic and ever moving, but this "constant dynamics" creates aconstant or normalization state, so that this state is constant to the survivalmechanism of the body.The only way muscles will grow is if you upset the state of normalization. Thethreat of weights means that body is under attack and the body must either buildmore muscle to prevent further attacks in the future or weaken itself by breakingdown muscle. But this de fence is only temporary.To keep a steady state of overcompensation, the attack has to be periodic andcalculated. Frequent attacks send the body to a state of overcompensation Zone1 and if the stress and the frequency are high enough for that workout daymaximum-compensation occurs and a shift to zone 4 occurs and it occursimmediately. If the stress is not high enough and is applied to often the body mayovercompensate temporarily but then immediately after move to Zone 3, which isthe state of destruction, this is where the muscles break down and you getweaker, so that the stress cant hurt the body no longer because the body is tooweak to lift any weights that are capable of threatening its survival system. Only

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    after Zone 3 has been completed and the stress eliminated will it fall back toZone 2. This means you get mediocre results.

    The only way to prevent a zone 3 drop from a zone 1 or 4 is to hit the musclesvery sparingly and allow adequate recovery to pass. This is done for you in the

    FastMuscles program.


    To summarize this point :The greater the disruption, the more potential stimulation (assuming that fullrecovery and repair has taken place (the need for infrequent workouts). Once thebody adapts to this stress it will NOT GROW again even if you apply the samestress. So the next key for maximum growth is PROGRESSIVE resistance. You

    need to increase your reps and weights, each and every workout to makeconsistent gains and let me ask you this; how many of you can boast ofincreasing your weights or reps very workout? Very few can and that is becauseyou are using the wrong routine.If you do not allow full recovery to take place, the body in an attempt to maintainhomeostasis will get weaker so that you cannot generate enough force todisrupt its homeostasis.

    Most bodybuilding programs do not take this into consideration. Theyrecommend 3 days week training with no leeway for recovery. And let me remindyou that if you do not recover, you will not grow.

    The cornerstone of FastMuscles

    Your goal is to break down contractile protein and the only scientific way of doingthis is to apply more weights and high intensity to your workout. Then all thingsbeing equal, if you optimize and hold constant the number of sets (1 set always),use the same exercise and exercise form (no cheating) when the overloadincreases so will your muscle mass. THIS IS A LAW! Juts as certain as 1+1=2.This law stands with great objectivity.

    So the question that pos up is how do we continue to increase the weights

    each and every workout. And my answer is you will not, it is automatic. Yousee each visit to the gym should bring gains in strength and the strongeryou get the bigger you become AND that too is a universal law.If you follow a conventional routine this will never happen. Why? Becauseyou never get stronger! And this causes you to change direction. Becauseyou figure out that because you are not getting stronger you must do morework. So you add more sets and more sets, but doing so violates bothprinciples, to train longer your intensity will decrease and further you

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    violate the overload principle, because you are training with lighterweights. So point is, nothing happens you look the same year after yearand you continue to buy magazine after magazine hoping for a miracle tosolve your muscle building problems. But that miracle never comes,because you are overtrained and nothing will ever happen if you are


    Point 2 intensity

    Intensity is Key

    A lack of intensity is a major reason why weight-training athletes fail at showingany progress from their workouts. It is a fact that more than 99% of trainers outthere do not know how to train hard. And it is purely a mental thing. Only 1%

    knows how to push their bodies to the point (which I call the switch) where theirmuscles simply have to respond and grow. Remember it is much like a switch,one click and it produces the result! No ifs or buts, it must adapt to the shockand your body will adapt

    Understand that there is no such thing as a recreational weight lifter defined assomeone who lifts weights to break sweat that is aerobics and we want none ofit for muscle building. There is only one way to train and that is intensivebodybuilding. Intensity as you know has nothing to do with the duration of yourworkout or the frequency. The latter is related to the intensity but they do notrepresent intensity in themselves. Once intensity is high, frequency and duration

    must be low. You cant train hard and long. One must give in to the other.

    So what is intensity exactly?

    Intensity is simply generating the most amount of stress on a body part or musclein the shortest period of time. Intensity is best understood by explaining its effectson muscle and its relation to muscle growth.

    Weight training serves as a means to an end. It merely places stress on the

    muscle being trained. When abnormal stress is placed on a muscle it has nochoice but to respond in growth and size this leads to GREATER muscle massgrowth, which often translates to more fat loss and better tone. Intensity is theamount of stress placed on a muscle. Tests indicate that unless the muscle isstressed past its current capacity, it has no reason to grow or change. Fact is thebody hates change and will change only if the stress is too much. The body ishomeostatic in nature. It has to stay the same in temperatures, muscle size etc

    this is often in relation to its environment. E.g. Africans carry less fat because

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    of the heat. Just as Europeans carry more body fat because of the coldertemperature. Point is the body wants to stay the same. The body maintains aconsistent temperature, normal enzyme level and more importantly it alsomaintains this consistency by limiting the amount of muscle it carries.

    So how does weight training fit in?

    For muscle growth or adaptation to occur, enough stress must be placed on themuscle so that it is literally damaged on a cellular level. Intensity is a mental thingin fact. When you curl by a weight say on the bicep curl, your brain sends asignal instructing the muscles to contract, and in line with homeostasis, itinstructs only enough fibers to get the job done. Here is where the gold lies. Eachfiber that moves does so at 100%, no more, no less. The only problem is itinstructs only the necessary fibers to get the job done. That is why lightweightsand low intensity is a waste of time. Heavy high intensity bodybuilding instructsall muscle fibers to work to get the job done. So you see it does not matter if

    you use machines or free weights, so long as the intensity is high, you willgenerate the required results. But again let me clear this up, lifting heavy weightswill not do the job on its own. Lifting heavy weights with high intensity will do it! Intheory, you could use lightweights to get results but that would be impractical andextremely painful. The lactic acid build up would be too intense and rep rangeswould be too significantly (70 100 reps) 99% trainers would fail mentallybefore their muscles reacted to the physical failure.

    Most lifters are guilty of picking up a weight, doing a pre-determined set ofpicking up a weight, doing a pre-determined set of repetitions and setting theweight down. That sort of training is no training at all you are wasting your time

    and money at the gym. To capture the benefit (all or nothing philosophy) youhave to lift to the point where completing another rep is physically impossible!This is the only way you grow and to do that you must have really developedmental powers because the pain often deludes you into believing that you havereached failure when you have not. I call this the little voice and in my book, Ishow you methods of eliminating it. This little voice is the major obstacle toprogress because it is very difficult to beat. When you train past the point of fullmuscular failure the body has to grow to adapt to the stress. It has to, as a selfdefense mechanism even though it does not want to do it. To prevent you fromdoing such damage to it, it uses lactic acid build up (physical) and mentalobstruction (little voice) to fool and force you or stop you. Your mind is the onlytool you have to beat this fooling mechanism. Beat it and you have got aphysique to be proud of in record time.

    The truth is very few people have the potential to achieve this intensity, very few.Many believe the performing forced repetitions and negatives seals the coffin asfar as intensity is concerned. But get this, if you can perform 3-5 forced reps aftera set, chances are you never took the set to absolute positive failure. In short youare spinning your wheels. I have devised mental techniques that allow the

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    average person to go past failure. Dont let anyone lie to you. Body building at itspurest is not a sport, You go to the gym for one singular purpose-and that is tolook good, you have limited time and resources so you cant lift weights with a laxmental attitude you will get no muscular results, no fat loss, no tone. That is thesingular reason why people who weight train make no progress at all. This is

    where the experts come in to make a quick buck. They introduce the magicweight loss pill or bodybuilding supplement that will make you grow and change.Fact is: even steroids require the same high intensity stimulation to get anynoticeable results. And the thing with steroids is that you can perform a reallyinefficient routine and still make reasonable gains but come to think about it, whywould you want to consume harmful drugs and use a "conventional inefficientworkout routine." If I were taking steroids I would want to get the most out of theperiod under which I am taking the drugs. *

    Moderate intensity (USING LIGHT TO MEDIUM weights) will not build musclemass to the degree sought after by most bodybuilders, on the contrary, it seems

    that a little muscle mass will be produced to adapt to that environment but thatgrowth will be small and it will not expand further than a certain limit . Evidence ofthis can be seen in everyday life, which is the work done by manual laborers on a

    job such as construction. Their activity even though they may lift heavy weights isof a low intensity. It has to be , otherwise they could not work for long.

    The point is you can either work hard with maximum intensity or work long withlow and moderate intensity. The former will produce the results you seek, thelatter simply delays results by straining the recovery system and delaying thegrowth process. By high intensity I do not refer to high intensity principles likeforced repetitions, negative only training, pre-exhaustion and other techniques

    espoused by muscle magazines. These principles are actually detrimental to thenatural bodybuilderbecause most trainees do not know how to use them.

    Principle 3 is recovery

    Once the abnormal stress has been applied then the issue of recovery,

    frequency and duration come into place.

    The recovery system is responsible for replenishing wasted energy resources inthe muscle and the body as a whole and it is also responsible for allowing the

    muscle growth stimulated to manifest itself. But the recovery system is also partof the defense system of the body or more accurately; the survival mechanism ofthe body. And the only way it will let down its defenses is if the stress applied is

    deemed an immediate threat to the bodys survival.

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    Working out with a conventional program is not severe enoughto threaten the survival of the muscles and body.

    The body can meet the ENERGY demands of such threats and as such it doesnot have to adapt exceedingly well to guard against it in the future. We found that

    the only way the body and the recovery system will allow an abnormal increasein muscle mass is if the attack or threat is heavy, intense and appears permanent(that is, it is reoccurring)

    The word permanent is crucial because it is what separates the system fromheavy duty or any other system.

    For example, lets say you decided to get a construction job and you now have anoffice job. If you go from the office job to the construction job, you will see musclepop-up fast, especially in those areas where the most stress is handled. Thisoccurs because you probably lift heavy loads all through the day and the body

    sees this as a permanent and reoccurring stress (assuming you go to work 6-7days a week and for 8-12 hour shifts) so the body produces an abnormal level ofmuscle mass to compensate and adapt to this stress. This reoccurring intensestress will trigger the growth mechanism.

    But you will also realize that the growth will soon stop and the level ofmuscle mass developed will not be spectacular and will remain stagnantbecause the stress and intensity is not high body and the body hasovercompensated and there is no further need for change or musclegrowth.

    No change will occur gain even if the loads lifted were to increase slightly. Thisis because the body overcompensated slightly above what is required to handlethat kind of stress and more for future attacks. The point is that the stress has tobe reoccurring and it should be heavy intense and reoccurring enough to warrantan abnormal increase in muscle mass.

    This translated to bodybuilding means that the stress must be high and heavyand that it should be performed often enough to send a signal to the body thatthe stress is permanent.But if you know anything about bodybuilding you will soon realize that this is

    impossible especially when a conventional routine is concerned. We have seenthat with a conventional routine overload is too low and second stress is notreoccurring. What a conventional bodybuilding routine cannot mimic is the levelof overload needed as well as the reoccurring nature of the workouts.

    Many experts have come close to this important stimulus to the body ; in thatthey recognize that the muscles must be subjected to a reoccurring stress butthey confuse this principle by using or suggesting long and frequent workouts

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    such as 3-7 workouts a week. But that is enough to send the muscle into zone 3muscle atrophy and a state of overtraining and does nothing to threaten the bodyand its survival mechanism.

    Recovery and bodybuildingThe most essential aspect ofbodybuilding success is recovery. Successfulbodybuilding /fat loss is 99% recovery and 0.005% physical training and another0.005% to nutrition. Now that is a bold statement but it is the truth.If you train very intensely (and you should, if you desire any significant fat loss

    /muscle building to occur) and you dont allow your body enough time to recover,you simply will not develop any muscle mass. You will in fact cause your musclesto regenerate they will get smaller and weaker and their fat burning ability willbe greatly diminished.

    High intensity bodybuilding stimulates muscular growth but it does not actuallybuild muscle. Your muscles recuperate during rest, (provided you supply thenecessary nutrients needed to replenish the muscles.)To understand the relationship between recovery and muscle, you have tounderstand that there are three phases that your muscles have to go throughbefore increases in mass and strength can occur.The first Phase of recovery begins seconds after you have completed a set of anexercise. The muscles begin to recover a substantial amount of their strength itlost as a direct result of the exercise. This phase essentially allows local energyreserves to be replenished. This phase usually takes a couple of minutes.Phase two can only begin after phase one is completed. Phase two is systematic

    and chemical in nature. The damaged muscles must be repaired on a cellularlevel. Your whole energy reserve system in the body has to be replenished andthis takes time on average 4-10 days, for some individuals this process maytake weeks if not months to finish. That is why it is so important that you nevertrain before you have recovered. As an individual you have to find your ownrecuperative cycle and you can do this effectively by looking at your muscles andasking your self this questions. Are they sore on the next scheduled workoutday? Do they look flat and feel flat? If the answer is yes to any of the questionsabove then you have not yet recovered from your workouts. You need to take anextra day or two off before you even think of working out again.Another way to judge whether your muscles have recuperated is to use a

    workout journal. If you record all your weights, repetitions and sets performed, itwill be easy to see whether you have recovered or not. Full recuperation from anefficient workout system allows you to have an increase in strength; each andevery workout. An increase in strength is directly proportional to an increase inmuscle size. A cycle will emerge and you can make the necessary alterationsshould you be over training. If your workout output is falling, consider checkingyour diet, take days off and get more rest, a couple of 30 minute power naps willdo well.
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    The third phase is the phase of overcompensation, the phase where youincrease muscle and strength. This phase occurs when the other two phaseshave been fully completed. I.e. Phase 3 cannot occur until phase two hasoccurred fully.This implies that if you train a body part before phase one and two have been

    completed Your efforts would prove detrimental and will stop the growth processflat, eventually leading to a loss in muscular growth and strength if you shouldcontinue with the habit. Over training is the biggest obstruction to musculardevelopment and subsequent fat loss. Over training is defined simply doing onemore set than necessary. Be aware that your body has only a finite amount ofunits of energy; these units have to be used very wisely because unlike strengthgains and muscle gains they never increase in number and the stronger you getthe more unit of energy you require to perform a workout.The more energy you need in performing a set of an exercise. This essentiallyimplies that the least amount of high intensity training is needed to recover fast.Stick to one efficient set per exercise and no more than three exercises per body

    part. Some larger body parts, such as the legs can take 4 exercises but otherssuch as the biceps should not be done at all, or at most just one set and oneexercise should be performedIf you are not making consistentmuscle gains on a workout by workout basis, itmeans you are either not training hard enough to stimulate strength and musclemass and/ or you are over training. Now you may find the suggestion that youhave to see an improvement on a workout-by-workout basis unrealistic but it isnot. The workout routine you are using may be inefficient and if you gain muscleat all you gain muscle by the "hit and miss " approach. The FastMuscles Programdoes it all for you, after testing several hundred athletes and after gathering theresults from clients who have used the program .we have devised and laid out astep-by-step approach in ensuring that your muscles recover and then grow.There is no guesswork involved and no frustration. Simply follow the step-by-steproutines. You can only succeed. Learn of a way to stimulate muscle mass eachand every workout; try this systemhere.The results are nothing short ofspectacular.In summary to achieve proper muscular and strength goals, apply extremeoverload to the muscles, use heavy weights and allow all the rest necessary to allthe stimulated growth to manifest. Do all this and results are guaranteed. It is assimple as that!

    Once we understand that high intensity overload is the sole factor needed tocause maximum-compensation and that after this recovery is essential for thegrowth stimulated to manifest itself we have to understand and ask how manysets and how often should I train. Is there s science to this as well? And theanswer is yes there is a science. Once you understand this you will understandwhy 3 days a week training, 5 7 times a week training is useless because itfollows no scientific universal principles of muscle growth.
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    Principle 4 Volume

    Volume of training and the number of sets you should perform

    In theory the best number of sets to perform is zero I call this the zero trainingtheory! This is because for a muscle to grow, you first have to stimulate it (1),then the body has to replenish the spent energy (2) and then once that is done itrepairs the torn muscle and overcompensates. (3) If you did not train you wouldeliminate stages 1 and 2. But the only known way to stimulate muscle mass is toweight train (1) and since we cannot avoid that we can minimize stages 1 and 2by performing the least amount of exercise one set per exercise per body part.

    That is, the best-set sequence is one set per body part. One set for chest, oneset for legs etc this is the absolute minimum but effective training we can affordto do. All this is done to limit the drain on our finite energy reserves. Remember

    that for every set you perform you eat into your recovery ability.Thus your workouts have to be short and very infrequent if you expect maximum-compensation to occurThere is no guesswork here. For a weight training session to be intense it has tobe short.

    Rule: And the absolute minimum amount of stress needed tostress a muscle is one set per exercise per body part.

    The energy system in our body is part of our survival mechanism. In short thebody fist purpose is to gather energy in the form of food, water and oxygen tokeep the brain and body functioning to survive. Energy is required for growth; it isthe precursor of muscle stimulation because without energy you would be able toperform a set. It is the fuel that will allow overcompensation and then maximum-compensationThe body needs to spend this energy when you contract your muscles and itneeds energy to recover from those workouts, if you do not allow it sufficient timeor resources to recover it will not grow.

    The body has no reason to develop exaggerated levels of muscle mass, it doesnot want to do it, it is more concerned about other the survival of other vitalsystems of the body such as the brain.

    Immediately after a workout the body must recover its energy reserves before itwill even consider repair of the torn muscles and then overcompensation. If youtrain too often or perform many sets these energy reserves of the body arewasted and remember no growth will occur unless they are first replenished.If you do not allow recuperation and replenishment of energy reserves and youcontinue to train regardless you will shift the body into zone 1 the body will

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    make attempts to lose existing muscle mass stores in an attempt to stop thedrain on its energy reserves. In that regard it has a threshold point, once youcross that threshold, the body will force the muscle to atrophy-muscles will getweaker and smaller. All the energy that should have been used to replenish andthen rebuild or overcompensate will be directed to simply replenish the whole

    recovery system of the physical body.

    These all suggest that once you a apply high intensity stress on the muscle stopperforming any more sets or workouts. It takes one attempt to stimulate musclemass, adding mores sets or workouts before recovery is complete will bedetrimental to your bodybuilding progress.

    Principle 5. Frequency

    Short and infrequent workouts are keyTo build mass you have to use heavy overload and high intensity, once that is onplace you simply cannot train long or frequently. It is a universal law, yousimply cannot train hard and long. So the higher the intensity the shorter theduration of the workout. If you can perform 2 sets of an exercise you are nottraining hard enough and you are just spinning your wheels.The reason this is so is that the body has a finite level of recovery ability and allkinds of physical and mental activity feed into this recovery ability, performingmultiple kinds of activities feeds away at those finite resources but does not giveus the end result-which are bigger and stronger muscles. Now lets discuss the

    importance of recovery

    The frequency of your workouts must also decrease in proportion to yourstrength gains. Unfortunately, because science has not yet coded our recoveryability. Frequency and volume are closely linked and the reasoning and scientificfacts behind them are all similar. Again it all points back to recovery.There is a direct relationship between the amount of stress you place on yourmuscle and body and ability of the body to recuperate and overcompensate from.The higher the overload and the intensity the less the body can take. I.e. the lessstress the body will tolerate before falling into zone 1- muscle atrophy.Once the needed stress is applied, then enough time has to be given to the

    muscle to recover and then maximum- compensate. Because whiles musclestimulation occurs at the gym, muscle recovery and growth occurs outside thegym and it can take weeks and not 48 hours (as purported in muscle magazines)training before this will disrupt the growth process. Let me explain it better byattacking a popular myth and practice among bodybuilders. Training too often!

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    To build a fat free muscular physique requires 2 hours per day of workoutsand 6 days per week training!

    This is the biggest misconception to come out of the bodybuilding scene. Notonly is it wrong, it is actually the very reason why people fail to see results at the

    gym or worst yet never end up at the gym in the first place. This misconceptioncame about because professionals starting in the 1970s used to spend hours atthe gym 6-7 days a week. That kind of training for a natural bodybuilder is adeathtrap. The natural bodybuilder is literally digging his or her own grave. Sucha routine will not give you an ounce of muscle (if you are drug free) and it willactually cause you to gain fat and keep it.

    When intensity is sufficient to stimulate muscular growth, recuperation has to becompleted before any muscle growth can manifest. Training on a daily basisleaves no recuperative time for the muscles at all. The human body defends suchan abuse by getting weaker and putting on more fat to try and slow down the

    abusive workouts.

    Think of the process of building muscle, as the process of building a skyscraper.The workmen that demolish the existing building represent weight training. Letscall them workmen A. The workmen that build the foundation of the skyscraperrepresent recuperation and we call them workmen B. The skyscraper itselfrepresents muscle growth, which is our goal because it is the only way to lose fatpermanently. Now if workmen A destroy the building and workmen B come a daylater and build the foundation, and the preceding day workmen A come todestroy the work done by Workmen B. Eventually, workmen B will give up out offrustration and there would be no skyscraper (muscle growth/fat loss).

    The same goes with muscle: if you stimulate muscle (workmen A) and dontallow it to recover (workmen B) then there will be no muscle growth (Skyscraper).

    Magazines fail to tell you that all you need to stimulate muscle growth and losefat is one brief intense (10-15 minutes) workout performed very infrequently(once every three weeks). In doing so, you can transform your body in less than12 weeks and reach your true genetic potential in less than a year rather than adecade people believe it takes.

    Also remember that the use of your valuable energy reserves is system wide andnot just localized. By that I mean if you train biceps, you are still using the samesource of energy reserves that you would have used had you trained legs.

    That is why a split routine in which you train upper body on Monday and lowerbody on Wednesday is unproductive because you are still using the same sourceof energy reserves, and eating further into your recovery ability. Training amuscle has both a localized effect as well as a systematic effect on the wholebody. So even if you alternate upper and lower body parts you will stop the

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    growth process. In our example the biceps will not recover and will have to waiteven longer than before to recover and grow, since you trained the lower body.

    Do not train any body part unless you are 100% sure that you have fullyrecovered.

    How do you know? Well I wont discuss it here but let me say we haveshown you a step-by-step way to achieve this using the FastMusclesprogram

    The stronger you get the greater the possibility of overtraining and the more energyreserves you use up when training, for instance if you can bench press 200 pounds today

    and use X amount of unit of energy and tomorrow you use 400 pound, you will use 3xtimes the amount of energy. We do not know the exact factor it increases but we do know

    that the energy reserves of the body are limited and do not increase with the size of your


    This essentially means that the stronger you become the less training youneed and the body can withstand. But we have all seen the opposite ingyms across the country, rather than train less; they train long and addmores sets, more high intensity principles. . Is there any wonder why theydo not grow and resort to steroids or buy supplements with the hopes ofbreaking free from the plateau that they put them selves in.

    Law#4 Testosterone is key

    We all know and heard of testosterone and how it affects muscle growth,

    research indicates this to be true, but here is a fact they wont tell you.Testosterone cannot be induced by any known supplement, however it can beinduced naturally through exercise. What makes steroids a great growthproducer is its ability to maintain high levels of testosterone through out the day,allowing for greater protein synthesis and Fahey et al. in his research on serumtestosterone m body composition, and the strength of young adults published inthe journal of med. Sci sports (8(1): 31, 1976) found out that individual placed ona high intensity program elevated their testosterone by 19.2%. Using theFastMuscles Program we tested for serum testosterone and found a phenomenal48.3 % increase and what is more that high stayed elevated for the whole day.But it is not so simple because the elevated testosterone level does not stayelevated for long with a normal weight-training program. Professor Weiss in hispaper comparison of serum testosterone and androsteinone in men responseswith weight lifting in men published in the European journal of applied physiology.

    50: 413, 1983 found that, high intensity training will elevate testosterone by25.6% amount but it quickly falls after exercise to base line levels. Point is tomake extraordinary gains you need to keep the high levels of testosteroneinduced by exercise elevated for a prolonged period of time

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    What does this all mean?

    So in short if your testosterone level are not above normal and if they are notmaintained for a long period of time, you have a very slim chance of gettingabnormal levels of muscle growth. The research undertaking with FastMuscles

    manipulates the frequency of workouts, which allows the elevated levels oftestosterone to stay elevated for the whole day. Our research proves this. Thisessentially means that users using FastMuscles can build an abnormal level ofmuscle mass because the overload is far more than a conventional trainingand the frequency allows higher elevated levels of testosterone and otherandrogens to remain, allowing fast and abnormal growth to take place.There is also the ability to retain nitrogen (44 and their role to) in proteinsynthesis. Samples obtained from our research indicates that after 6 weeks onthe FastMuscles program elicited a 24.5% increase in testosterone up and abovebaseline levels fro all the participants, actual figures are 581+/- 182.8 ng/100 mlto 692.8=/-175.4 ng /100mli.

    The FastMuscles program uses a revolutionary training technology that: Elevates testosterone by as high as 58.6% Keep that high level of testosterone elevated for 14-16 hours

    This mean you can make awesome gains, gaining 30-40 pounds in a 12-week period. All with certainty and scientific precision.

    Ok I want to make something very clear, I am not saying that this is like steroids(that would be a scam), but what I am saying is that it is the only system that canmaintain consistent high levels of testosterone throughout the day naturally(much like steroids). This means you can make fast gains that you would not

    have otherwise made with a regular weight gain routine and gaining 10 pounds ofmuscle a month is indeed possible and common whereas with steroids youwould gain 30 pounds in 4 weeks. No other program can match this, not evensupplements (even though they are advertised as such)

    So here is the summary; To progress you need to add more intensity and more overload-this does

    not mean more forced reps and negatives. Using these will put a halt toyour progress (another difference from heavy duty

    You need to cut back on the number of sets and exercises and add morerest days as your grow

    Intensity and overload have to be high the higher the demand placed onthe muscle, the greater the response

    Keep testosterone levels elevated above baseline levels for abnormalgrowth.

    Having said all these you should understand why you are currently not makinggains. You do not know these facts or you have not really understood theirimplication before this and so you did everything to put yourself deeper into a

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    plateau. Blaming your genes and your environment: such as I need moresupplements, I am not eating well and I should try more sets and differentroutines.If there is one thing you should garner from this report is that there is only onevalid science of bodybuilding and that is a specific stress on a muscle places a

    specific demand that calls for a specific response. You should not believe for onemoment that every training system has its own merit because they do not. Youwill agree with me that every system you try seems to give you a tiny burst ofresults, which is often hardly noticeable, and then fades away. Well this responseis your bodys way of reacting to a stress and not adapting. Think of it this way,you could take a two by four piece of wood and ask someone to slam it hard onyour biceps. Your biceps would react with a bruise but it would not adapt bygetting bigger biceps. Why? The applied stress is not specific and is not in linewith the universal laws of muscle growth. You will get a results but it would not bethe result you are aiming for.Useless training theories found in muscle magazines are the same way; the

    stress applied is not specific enough to warrant a specific response.

    In short you must stimulate growth with a high intensity overload and once that isdone enough rest should be allowed to allow recovery and then maximum-compensation. The least amount of training should be used (volume) and inevery case it is one set per body part per exercise, once that is ion placefrequency should be low to allow full recovery and to prevent the disruption of therecovery/and or growth process. It stands to reason that the optimal trainingstrategy is to use the most amount of intensity and stress imaginable and at thesame time minimized the use of energy reserves with the FastMuscles programall this is done for you

    When you follow the principles inherent in the FastMuscles program, you shouldsee an increase in strength each and every workouts. Like I always say youmust see an increase in strength each and every workouts if you do not you areover training or you are not following the laws as specified.

    Increase in strength means an increase in weights, sets and or reps on aworkout-by-workout basis.Progress should not be sporadic or uncertain, because the laws of musclegrowth indicate that once the laws of adaptation are adhered too, and recovery,volume and frequency are taken care off, gains should occur. It is the law ofspecificity or the law of cause and effect at work. Muscle growth follows a precisemathematical formula. Once you apply the exact variables in this formula musclegrowth is quick. If you follow this step-by-step model muscle growth will occur. Ifit does not you are doing something really wrong.

    You should understand that to grow stronger and larger you must increase theweights and the intensity of your workouts and if you do things right, it will

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    happen automatically. Intensity has nothing to do with duration in other wordsyou do not have to add mores sets to increase the intensity or perform highintensity principles like pre-exhaustion or drop sets if you wish top increase theintensity.The only reason wh6y you would not make progressive increases in strength

    would be because you are not: Training intensely or heavy enough Your are not mentally making an effort of increasing the weights. I.e. you

    are using the same weights each and every workout You are performing too many sets or too frequently-you are overtraining.

    You will understand that the only reason you get bigger when following theseprinciples is an attempt of the body to limit the damage on its recover ability.Your muscles enlarge so as to prevent further similar attacks, because onceit adapts the same level of high intensity overload no longer posses animmediate threat on the body- the body and the muscles have seen it all


    Now before you think this is heavy duty it is not. Heavy duty is sound by allmeans and you are on the right path if you are currently using it but it is limited atbest. Why? Heavy duty uses negative only, pre-exhaustion and lightweightscompared to what you will use with FastMuscles-this east up valuable recoveryability. Trust me, I used heavy duty and I gained 5 pounds and then my gainswent flat. You see I have terrible recovery ability, if I lift up a weight I will be sorethe next day and performing all those pre-exhaustion sets and negatives set meback months in terms of recovery. For hard gainers like myself, even heavy dutyis too much. Second whiles we agree that the harder the workout the lesstraining you need, we believe that frequency has to be tweaked if you are goingto make sudden and abnormal spurts of growth.Heavy duty does not use the precise frequency sequence that relays a messageto your body that the stress being applied is permanent. It does not provide thenecessary overload necessary for spontaneous and fast muscle growth

    FastMuscles technology Uses the precise overload-up to 200% above your 1MR Uses the precise frequency needed to send a message to your bodys

    regulatory system to provide abnormal increases in muscle mass- sincethe stress is reoccurring

    Uses the absolute minimum training required-up to 64 times less training It is precise and no guesswork is allowed, just plug and play follow the

    simple instructions and succeed, there is no guesswork no need to spendyour time figuring things out to succeed.

    This report truly lives up to its promise if you follow these principles you willsucceed. This is what FastMuscles is all about. Rather than you follow theseprinciples and use trial and error or hit and miss approaches we have taken

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    data from tests we performed these past twelve years and we have tabulatedwhat works and what does not this is done right to the amount of weights youshould use, rest periods, sets and repetitions, nutrition in fact everything iscovered.

    Lets understand this: the main obstacle stopping all bodybuilders is ignorance.And a complete misunderstanding of the principles of muscle growth

    This is not your fault either, I mean open any magazine up and in it you will find amultitude of training programs in a single magazine there could be up to 25different routines. Hence the average bodybuilder thinks variety is key and thatthere is no one-way of training and that my follow bodybuilder is what holdsyou down. You see a muscle has a specific identity a muscle is a muscle, it isnot fat and it is not a bone it has no brains and it cannot chose at any time torespond to a training stimulus in any way it chooses. Muscles will respond to acertain stimulus and they will respond without question or conditions. In fact in

    the harshest environments muscle will grow even when you are half starved-thisis to prove that the issue of nutrition and supplementation is a commerciallydriven one and you do not need it to succeed. Muscles respond to a specificstimulus and I am gong to tell you exactly what that is

    To summarize I want to point out that if you goal is to pack on mounds of musclemass and gain weight without excuses; you have to give the FastMusclesprogram a try. You WILL not fail. There is a full money back guarantee to ensureyour complete and utmost satisfaction.

    I end here with a few testimonials from satisfied customers:

    I gained of an inch after just one workout using your biceps report, it has been10 days since and my next workout is due Monday (2 days from now), I neverwould have believed that something so logical and simple could cause apermanent increase in my arms. I just cannot wait to try the actual Fast musclesprogram Bill Adams, Provo, UT, USA

    Wow! Using T.S.M. I was shocked to find out that after my very first workout Iwas using 70 lbs more weights that I had previously used on the preacher curland the workout was so intense I was out of breath after the very first set3

    workouts later my arms are 1/3 inch larger. I will never ever use any otherprogram You have changed my perception of bodybuilding, Christopher Plepos

    via email

    As you can see the FastMuscles program produces results fast, so there is nowaiting apply the simple suggestions and you are guaranteed results. To get

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    started please click (should be differentso that you can trace)

    If you need to have a personal question answered , please do not hesitate, emailRob right here [email protected] deal with me directly , no secretaries , no

    customer service person , just me I want you to succeed and I will do myutmost to ensure that this happens.

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    You may reprint any article included in this eBook, providing you include thefollowing Resource Box at the end of each reprinted article:Rob Maraby is the author of the best-selling muscle-building book called theFastMuscles program.

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    Tired of spending hours at the gym lifting weights with mediocre results? Haveyou tried every weight gain program and weight gain diet only to fail! stop wastingyour hard earned money and stop wasting precious time! Learn the secrets thatwill show you a guaranteed way to gain lean body weight without diets , withoutexcuses, without daily workouts. Go to for moreinformation.[email protected]/http://[email protected]/[email protected]/