get ready to collaborate ·...

1 7/6/09_ID DOCUMENT_COLLLABORATE ONLINE_MILLER Get Ready to Collaborate Online Instructional Design Document Contact: Anthony J. Miller Jr. Redwood Designs [email protected] July 28, 2009

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Get Ready to

Collaborate Online

Instructional Design Document

Contact: Anthony J. Miller Jr. Redwood Designs

[email protected]

July 28, 2009

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Table  of  Contents  







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Brief  background/history  of  problem  or  need,  and  its  importance,  target  audience  and  stakeholders  involved.    

The Masters of Arts in Instructional Science and Technology Program (MIST) at California State University of Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is primarily an online program. A key component of that program is for students to collaborate online in groups to accomplish a wide range of tasks, from putting together PowerPoint presentations to answering questions related to a textbook chapter. These collaboration tasks are conducted on a weekly basis. A comment from a Needs Analysis survey sums up the need for instruction in the best practices in using online collaboration tools, “Online collaboration tools are essential for group work success.” In addition, working together in an online environment is different than working in a face-to-face environment. As a result, students need to make sure that their comments are not misinterpreted.

The target audience for this instruction are incoming MIST students. Before coming to the MIST program, students have a wide range of experiences regarding online collaboration tools. Some students come into the program already extremely comfortable using the tools, but some students have never used them. With the instruction, MIST students would confidently use these online collaboration tools and as a result, be able to transition into the collaboration aspect of the program easily.

The  overall  purpose,  goals  and  objectives  of  the  proposed  instruction.

The overall purpose of the proposed instruction is to provide incoming MIST students with a set of tools when collaborating online with their group members. Furthermore, the intention of the instruction is to provide these students a seamless transition into the world of online collaboration. This set of tools includes a recognition of what online collaboration tools exist, which ones have been used by MIST students in the past, what problems MIST students have encountered with these tools, the ability to make sure that they communicate their message properly and clearly, and the ability to know when and how to use these tools most effectively.

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Ethical  Considerations

The MIST program attracts a diverse community of students. Survey results show that incoming MIST V students speak a variety of different languages, including Mandarin, Swahili, Russian, Arabic, and Korean. Some students speak English as a second language. Furthermore, MIST V students have lived in a number of different countries, including, but not limited to, Japan, Mexico, Thailand, Sudan, and France. With a diverse group of learners, ethical considerations need to be made. Some comments on the Needs Analysis survey showed a misunderstanding of some questions. As a result, the instruction needs to be as comprehensible as possible to allow the learners to achieve the greatest possible success with the instruction. In addition, to assist students with hearing difficulties, the Notes section will include the narration that goes along with each slide.


There are some constraints involving the proposed instruction. At this moment in time, the instructional design team is composed of one individual. In addition, the instruction would benefit from more time to work on the analysis phase of the project. Specifically, it would be helpful to collect more survey responses. There were twelve surveys completed by MIST V students, seven surveys completed by MIST IV students, and one survey completed by a MIST faculty member. The instruction is being guided by the responses of the surveys and the instructional designer’s own experience in the MIST program. Another constraint will be the designer’s limited expertise in using technology to design instruction. Finally, the instruction needs to be delivered in a 3-5 minute period.


There are many resources available to develop, implement, and evaluate the proposed instruction. They include, but are not limited to, the Internet, textbooks such as Mastering the Instructional Design Process, current MIST students, MIST faculty, the specific websites for online collaboration tools such as Skype and Google Docs, and software programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

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General  timeline,  and  costs  for  development,  implementation  and  evaluation.    Date Phase Costs July 7 Draft of Lesson Plan/

Script due to client 4 hr. @ $90/ hr.

July 14 Draft of entire ID document due to client

6 hr. @ $90/ hr.

July 28 Final draft of ID document and video script to be approved by client

Design and Delivery of instruction: 6 hr. @ $90/ hr.

August 29 Instructional video to be ready for beta testing by MIST V students and instructors

Audio: $75/min. x 5 = $375 PowerPoint Slides: $20 x 10 slides

September 4 Revisions made on instructional video to be shown to client

Revisions by designer: 2 hr. @ $90/hr.

Note to client: Costs were determined from page 43 of George M. Piskurich’s Rapid Instructional Design (2006)

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Needs Analysis

Identified  problem  A needs assessment of current and past MIST students revealed a need for instruction in the best practices in using online collaboration tools. An online environment for communication is different than a face-to-face environment. That difference can create situations when messages can be interpreted in different ways. In addition, a number of MIST students enter the program without having used certain collaboration tools. Since the MIST program requires collaboration work on a weekly basis, these students enter the program at a disadvantage and need to quickly learn how to use these tools effectively.

Analyzed  current  performance  levels  Based on a Needs Analysis survey, 12 of 12 incoming MIST V students entered the program having used email. Out of those 12 students, six of them felt that they could teach others how to use email, and six responded that they felt comfortable using email. Only 3 of the 12 students had used Skype before entering the program. Out of those 3 students, two felt they could teach others how to use Skype, while one student responded that they felt comfortable using the tool. When asked about using Google Docs before the program, only five students responded that they had used it before. One student felt like they could teach the tool to others, while four responded that they felt comfortable with the tool.

Identified  causes  of  problem  The Needs Analysis survey revealed a number of different problems that MIST students encountered while using the different tools. When using email, students mentioned problems occurred when messages went into a spam folder, not being patient enough for other people to respond, switching from one email program to another, forgetting to check different email accounts, and not having emails transferred from one account to another account. When using Skype, MIST students responded that problems occurred when calls were dropped, not knowing how to add people to a conference call, getting used to a new version, not being able to hear someone, and dealing with poor sound quality. When using Google docs, MIST students responded that problems occurred when editing wasn’t seen immediately by the group, attempts were made to share documents, trying to upload the document into Word or PowerPoint and dealing with format changes, and trying to understand the update cycle.

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Identified  desired  performance  outcomes  One desired performance outcome for the instruction is to allow all MIST students to feel comfortable using Skype and Google Docs before they begin the face-to-face session and embark on their journey into the world of online collaboration. Another desired performance outcome is for students to be able to communicate effectively with these tools.

Proposed  appropriate  interventions  The proposed intervention would be a 3-5 minute instructional video for incoming MIST students before they attend their first face-to-face session. MIST faculty will send an email to incoming MIST students before the session which will contain links to the video and formative evaluation as well as summative evaluation questions. MIST faculty will determine who needs the instruction.

Justified  why  intervention  addresses  the  need  This intervention addresses the need because incoming MIST students will be aware of how students in the past have collaborated online, what problems students have had in the past, and make sure that their comments are communicated with the proper intent. This instruction is needed before they leave the face-to-face session because they will be collaborating online immediately following the session.

Described  methods/protocols  of  data  collection  used  to  complete  needs  analysis.  A needs analysis survey was sent out to current MIST IV students and faculty with the assistance of a current MIST faculty member. These surveys can be found in the Appendix. After receiving a completed the survey, the faculty member made the survey accessible to the designer via the course’s website. In addition, the instructor required five MIST V students to provide answers to the designer’s MIST V Needs Analysis Survey. Of the five students, only two responded.

Desiring more information, the designer revised his survey and created an online version via and emailed the survey link to twenty-four MIST V students who had not already responded. These online surveys were anonymous, and at the time of the design of this document, ten surveys were completed. The survey can be found here:

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Learner Analysis

Profile  of  the  typical  learner:    

The instruction is aimed at incoming MIST students. The MIST program is a graduate-level program, and its students have successfully completed an undergraduate degree. MIST students are only required to be on the CSUMB campus at the beginning of each semester. This requirement is described as a face-to-face session. In their first semester, they take a Technology Workshop course where they are given tasks to achieve a certain baseline in technological fluency. Certain tasks have been given in the use of email, Skype, and Google Docs. When asked the question on whether or not MIST students felt they required additional assistance on how to use those tools after receiving the instruction in the Technology Workshop class, 80% of the students responded that they felt additional instruction is necessary in those tools. The current MIST V cohort is made up of individuals who work for the Defense Language Institute, the city of Monterey, as substitute teachers, and classroom teachers. In addition, the incoming cohort speaks a number of different languages, including Swahili, Korean, Japanese, and Russian. Furthermore, members of the cohort have lived in a number of different countries, including Sudan, Thailand, and Mexico. Some students speak English as a second language. As a result, the MIST program includes a lot of cultural diversity, and as a result, cultural differences need to be recognized and honored. A number of the students are balancing the demands of the masters program, a full-time job, and their families. As a result, the learners need to be motivated to receive the instruction. Based on the results of the Needs Analysis Survey, all 12 completed surveys commented that incoming MIST students would be interested or very interested in instruction in the best practices in using Skype and Google Docs, On the other hand, only five surveys commented that incoming students would probably be interested in instruction in the best practices in using email. The ideal learner is one who has little experience using the online collaboration tools. Learners will be bringing a wide range of experience regarding the use of collaboration tools. The survey results showed that all 12 MIST V students used email before the program, but only 3 used Skype before, and 5 used Google Docs before the program. However, shortly after the program, all 12 responded that they were using all three collaboration tools.

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Pre-­‐requisites  of  ideal  learners  The ideal learners for this instruction need to be able to access a computer with online access. They should have an email account that they can access to receive the email from MIST faculty with the link to the instructional video. They should also be aware of how to send an email message and attach files to that message. The ideal learner should be familiar with using the Internet and be comfortable going to websites when given a URL. To access Skype, one of the collaboration tools, they should have permission to download Skype onto their computer. In order to demonstrate their ability to use online collaboration tools, they should also know how to perform screen shots. Information on how to perform a screen shot will also be provided in the email with the link to the instructional video.

Description  of  methods/protocols  used  to  complete  the  learner  analysis  

To complete the learner analysis, the designer looked at the results of the 12 Needs Analysis surveys completed by the MIST V students. Ten surveys were completed on and two surveys were completed via the class’s website. In addition, to gather demographic data related to the current MIST V cohort, the designer examined the results of the Pre Face-to-Face Tech Survey. Additional information was included based on the designer’s personal experience in the MIST program.

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Work Place / Environmental Analysis

Specific  Work  Setting  characteristics,  resources  and  constraints,  which  may  possibly  affect  the  development  of  the  instruction  

A work-setting characteristic that may affect the development of the instruction is the lack of time. After submitting a draft of the instruction, the designer needs to finalize the instruction in three weeks. The lack of time will affect the thoroughness of the analysis as well as the development of the instruction. Another characteristic that will affect the instruction’s development will be the limited number of completed surveys. The analysis was completed mainly by the results of 12 MIST V surveys, 6 MIST IV surveys, and 1 faculty survey. These surveys were a primary means of gathering data for this ID document and the plan for instruction. A third characteristic will be the designer’s expertise in technological resources. Another need determined by the preliminary needs assessment was a desire to learn how to use Captivate. The designer currently does not know how to use Captivate to design instruction. However, the designer feels confident in his ability to use PowerPoint so that is the intended mode for instruction.

Description  of  methods/protocols  used  to  complete  and  verify  Work  Place  Analysis.  

Since the client wants the instruction to be only 3-5 minutes long, the designer needs to determine the key objectives and learning tasks to be included in the instruction. There will not be time enough for all objectives to be included. Specific Work Setting characteristics, resources and constraints, which may possibly affect the delivery of the instruction A key work-setting characteristic that will affect the delivery of the instruction will be the determination of when the presentation will be delivered. If it will be delivered before the face-to-face session, the delivery method will most likely be received in an online setting. As a result, the learner will need to have the necessary resources to access the instruction online. In addition, the delivery of the instruction will be affected if the volume of the computer is either turned off or muted. This will prevent the learner from accessing the narration that will add to the instruction.

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Specific  Work  Setting  characteristics,  resources  and  constraints,  which  may  possibly  affect  the  application  of  the  instruction  

A major work-setting characteristic that may affect the application of the instruction is the changing landscape of technological resources. It was indicated on the Needs Analysis survey that all the MIST V students who responded currently use email, Skype, and Google Docs to collaborate online. However, those tools may become outdated. To exemplify this point, I quote a comment by a MIST IV student:

“This [best practices in using online collaboration tools] is a burgeoning area right now. It behooves MIST students and faculty to be proactive in seeking out and experimenting with new online collaboration tools, instructional development tools, and so forth. Web 3 is nearly here, and not many of us are ready for it.

As a result, this instruction needs to be continuously revised to reflect the current ways that MIST students are collaborating online. Another work-setting characteristic that needs to be revisited that may impact the application of the instruction will be the philosophy of the MIST faculty regarding the need for collaborative projects. If the philosophy ever changes to one that eliminates the need for collaborative projects, the implementation of the instruction will be severely affected.

Description  of  methods/protocols  used  to  complete  the  work  analysis  

The work analysis was completed by consulting the book Mastering the Instructional Design Process for considerations on what characteristics, resources, and constraints may affect the development, delivery, and implementation of the instruction. In addition, the designer analyzed the results of the Needs Analysis surveys completed by MIST V and MIST IV students to complete the work analysis.

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Task/Job/Work Analysis

Instructional  goals  related  to  problem  

The instructional goals related to the problem include identifying online collaboration tools that are used by MIST students to complete group tasks, knowing what kinds of problems that MIST students have had while using these tools, providing ways to prevent problems in online communication, and providing ways to know when and how to use online collaboration tools effectively.

Required  skills,  knowledge  and  attitudes  (SKA’s),  or  tasks,  competencies,  or  topics  identified  and  prioritized  

Based on the results of the Needs Analysis Surveys completed by MIST V students, the following four tasks have been prioritized in the following order (the top task was seen as the most important):

1. The names of online collaboration tools that MIST students use to collaborate • Skype • Google Docs • Email

2. The steps necessary to set up online collaboration tools before beginning the MIST program • The steps necessary to set up Skype on their computer

o Set up an account at

o Add your group members as contacts

o Set up a time that works for all of your group members

o Get started on that project • The steps necessary to set up Google Docs on their computer

o Set up a Google account at

o Make sure that your group members have Google accounts

o Go to Google Docs at

o Select ‘New’…Document

o Select ‘Share’

o Type in the addresses of your group members

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o Select ‘Share’ o Begin working on that project

3. The advantages to using certain online collaboration tools • The advantages to using Skype

o Being able to talk to your entire group at once in an online environment is an advantage

It saves time from not having to talk to group members on an individual basis. Everyone in your group hears the same information.

o Using the chat function on Skype will allow group members to communicate throughout the day as a group

Keeping a chat open on Skype throughout the day allows group members to communicate to one another as they find time to work on a project. Not everyone works at the same time.

• Advantage to using Google Docs o It’s advantageous to work on a document as an entire group

without having to send it back-and-forth via email Sending documents back-and-forth via email makes it

difficult to keep track of the most current version of a document

The most current version of the document is visible on Google Docs

You can also track different versions of the document using the Revision History feature

o It’s advantageous to see the same document along with your entire group at the same time is an advantage

Google Docs allows your entire group to be looking at the same document at the same time. You are able to see changes made to the document in almost real-time without having to send the document to group members via email

4. Problems that MIST students have had using online collaboration tools • Problems that MIST students have had using online collaboration tools

in general o Not having an agenda can be a problem

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Not having an agenda for a collaboration meeting can lead to meetings getting off topic or lasting much longer than necessary

o Not having a facilitator can be a problem Not having a facilitator can be a problem because some

group members may dominate the conversation and other group members may not be heard

o Not having a recorder can be a problem Not having a recorder can be a problem because it can

get difficult figuring out who is making revisions on a group document

• Problems that MIST students have had with email o Not checking email consistently can be a problem

Not checking email consistently can be a problem because messages might not be read and you may miss a group meeting

o Not checking spam folder can be a problem Sometimes important messages regarding group projects

find their way into a spam folder, preventing you from learning about changes made to your group project

o Not forwarding all emails to one address can be a problem Sometimes group members may send messages to your account instead of a more commonly used account. If you don’t have messages forwarded to your most commonly used account and don’t check both accounts, messages and key information could be missed

• Problems that MIST students have had with Skype o Dropped calls can be a problem

Dropped calls during a Skype group conference may occur. A group member may suddenly be disconnected and miss information from the meeting. These dropped calls result in stopping the conference, reconnecting the group, and providing the information again

o Audio interference can be a problem Sometimes there can be audio interference during

conferences on Skype that may take the form of a ‘wind tunnel’. At times the interference can be so distracting

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that the conference is stopped, and the group tries to reconnect again.

o Not having a facilitator can be a problem A facilitator makes sure the meeting moves along and

makes sure that all group members are heard. Without a facilitator, some group members may dominate the conversation and the discussion may get off topic.

• Problems that MIST students have had with Google Docs o Not having a recorder during a meeting can be a problem o Multiple drafts of a project within the same document can be a


Prior  skills  and/or  knowledge  have  been  identified  

Based on a Needs Analysis survey, 12 of 12 incoming MIST V students entered the program having used email. Out of those 12 students, six of them felt that they could teach others how to use email, and six responded that they felt comfortable using email. As a result, instruction about setting up an email account will not be included. Only 3 of the 12 students had used Skype before entering the program. Out of those 3 students, two felt they could teach others how to use Skype, while one student responded that they felt comfortable using the tool. When asked about using Google Docs before the program, only five students responded that they had used it before. One student felt like they could teach the tool to others, while four responded that they felt comfortable with the tool. However, shortly after the program, all 12 students responded that they were using all three tools to collaborate online to complete MIST group assignments.

Criteria/standards  It is important that students have the knowledge of the types of online collaboration tools that MIST students currently use. It is also important that they can describe the advantages to using those tools while they work collaboratively on projects in the MIST program. Furthermore, it is important that they can demonstrate the presence of their accounts of Skype and Google Docs so they can begin to work with those applications immediately. Additional instruction will be provided on those applications in the Technology Workshop. Students should also be able to describe problems that MIST students have had with the various online collaboration tools.

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Method  described  A question on the updated MIST V survey asked the respondents to rank a number of different instructional topics in order of importance to incoming MIST students. The ten respondents were asked to rank the following topics: the names of online collaboration tools, the problems faced by MIST students with online collaboration tools, best practices with Google Docs, best practices with email, and best practices with Skype. The topic/task that was determined to be the highest priority by the ten respondents was the knowledge of online collaboration tools used by MIST students. As a result, that topic was given the highest priority when planning the proposed instruction. Since the instruction will be given prior to attending the Face-to-Face session, the designer felt it was also important to give instruction on how to set up accounts in Skype and Google Docs as well as know the advantages to using those collaboration tools. The task/topic that received the second priority on the survey was the knowledge of problems faced by MIST students using those tools. As a result, that task/topic will be prioritized under the advantages. In terms of providing instruction for this topic, the designer will share ways to prevent problems that students have had with those tools. The tasks that received the lowest priorities included, in order from highest to least, best practices with Google Docs, best practices with Skype, and best practices with email. The content was determined by the responses on the survey regarding online collaboration tools used by MIST students. The designer also felt it was important to provide information on how to set up Skype and Google Docs accounts so students would be familiar with those applications before the program began. The content information was gathered by going to the Google Docs ( and Skype ( websites. On the survey, the topic that received the second highest priority was the knowledge of problems that MIST students faced while using the online collaboration tools. Respondents on the survey shared problems that they encountered while using the collaboration tools. These problems were included in the list of ‘Required skills, knowledge, and attitudes’ section of this analysis. The designer’s own experience using the collaboration tools also helped develop the list of required skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

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Section 2: Goals & Objectives

Overall  Goals    The overall goals for the instruction are…

• To provide information regarding online collaboration tools that incoming MIST students can use while working on collaborative projects

• To provide a seamless transition for MIST students to begin working collaboratively online when they start the program

• To provide tips on how to make sure that messages are not misinterpreted while working in an online environment

Objectives  Written  For  all  Tasks,  Learning  Domains,  and  Learning  Levels  Identified  

Task/ Topic Performance Objective Learning Domain/

Learning Level The names of online collaboration tools that MIST students use to collaborate

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will name Skype, Google Docs, and email as three online collaboration tools that MIST students use to collaborate online with on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level 1: Knowledge

The steps necessary to set up Skype on their computer

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will demonstrate the steps required to set up Skype on their computer by sending a screen shot that shows the student using Skype on their computer

Domain: Cognitive Level 3: Application

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The steps necessary to set up Google Docs on their computer

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will demonstrate the steps required to set up Google Docs on their computer by sending one screen shot that shows them using Google Docs on their computer

Domain: Cognitive Level 3: Application

The advantages to using Skype

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one advantage to using Skype as an online collaboration tool on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

Advantage to using Google Docs

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one advantage to using Google Docs as an online collaboration tool on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

Problems that MIST students have had using online collaboration tools in general

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one problem that MIST students have had with online collaboration tools on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

Problems that MIST students have had with email

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one problem that MIST students have had with email on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

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Specific  Objectives  for  LO-­‐2  Selected  and  Identified   Here is the list of the specific objectives for the LO-2:

1. Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will name Skype, Google Docs, and email as three online collaboration tools that MIST students use to collaborate online with 100% accuracy on the summative evaluation.

2. Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will demonstrate the steps required to set up Skype on their computer with 100% accuracy by sending a screen shot that shows their Skype account on their computer

3. Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will demonstrate the steps required to set up Google Docs on their computer with 100% accuracy by sending a screen shot that shows them using Google Docs on their computer

4. Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe an advantage to using Skype as an online collaboration tool with 100% accuracy.

5. Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe an advantage to using Google Docs as an online collaboration tool with 100% accuracy

Problems that MIST students have had with Skype

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one problem that MIST students have had with Skype on the summative evaluation.

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

Problems that MIST students have had with Google Docs

Upon completion of the instruction, the learner will be able to describe one problem that MIST students have had with Google Docs on the summative evaluation

Domain: Cognitive Level: Comprehension

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Section 3: Design, Development & Implementation

Organizational  Problem:     The Masters in Instructional Science and Technology Program at California State University in Monterey Bay is primarily an online program. The program requires students to work together on projects. Since group members often do not live close to one another, it requires them to collaborate online. Coming into the program, some students are unaware of online collaboration tools and how to communicate effectively in an online environment.

Objectives:   After watching the instructional video, incoming MIST students will be able to:

• Identify the names of three online collaborative tools with 100% accuracy in the post-video assessment

• State an advantage to using Skype while working collaboratively with 100% accuracy on the post-video summative assessment

• State an advantage to using Google Docs while working collaboratively with 100% accuracy on the post-video summative assessment

• Demonstrate their use of Skype while working collaboratively by providing screen shots to the instructor that shows their use of Skype

• Demonstrate their use of Google Docs while working collaboratively by providing screen shots to the instructor that shows their use of Google Docs

Audience:     The intended audience for the instructional video is incoming MIST students. The video link can be provided to these students before they enter the program via email so that they have set up the necessary accounts to start collaborating online immediately. Along with the video link, the email will contain the summative evaluation questions and the formative evaluation link.

Major  Deliverables   The major deliverables will be an instructional video, summative evaluation tool, and formative evaluation tool. The video script for the instructional video is found in this section of the document. It includes information regarding the textual information

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and audio information to be included in the video. The summative and formative evaluation tools are found in the next section of this document.

Anticipated  Challenges  and  Constraints   An anticipated challenge for the design, development, and implementation of this instruction is the limited experience of the instructional designer in the field. The designer worked with a group of fellow student designers to create a set of PowerPoint presentations providing instruction on the Development and Implementation stages of the ADDIE model. However, this is the first project that the designer has worked on individually. As a result, the designer is receiving feedback from his instructors and fellow MIST students and using that feedback to improve the design of this document and the video itself. In addition, the designer is using the documents from fellow designers and the feedback by instructors on those documents to improve the design of this document and the instructional video. Another anticipated challenge is limited technological expertise of the designer. The designer is fluent in the use of PowerPoint but lacks fluency in other presentation tools like Captivate. Therefore, the designer will use PowerPoint as a medium for the instructional video. Another anticipated challenge would be the scattered population of the target audience. Incoming MIST students will be enrolled in an online program so they can do their coursework from anywhere in the world with online access. Therefore, the design and development of this instruction needs to be available to students working in an online environment. The designer will work closely with the client to make sure that the links to the video and formative evaluation tool are working correctly. A final challenge will be the limited amount of time to complete the design, development, and implementation of the project. The instructional video needs to be completed by August 29 for beta testing. Any other beta testing needs to be organized by the designer. In addition, the client has requested the instructional video to range from 3-5 minutes. Therefore, the designer needs to make sure that the most important tasks are chosen for the instructional video.

Treatment  and  Justification   The instructional video will include a set of slides with the following topics:

• Title • Problem and Objectives • Commonly Used Tools • Email • Advantages of Skype

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• How to Get Started with Skype • Advantages of Google Docs • How to Get Started with Google Docs • Final Thoughts and Tips on Online Collaboration • Credits

In addition to the text, there will be narration that will add to the provided text. A full description of the text and narration is provided in the Video Script. The instructional video was chosen for the delivery mode due to the fact that incoming MIST members are geographically scattered prior to coming to the first face-to-face session usually held at California State University at Monterey Bay. The link to the instructional video will allow incoming students to view the video at a time of their choosing so they can be ready to collaborate online.

Pre-­‐requisites    The pre-requisites expected of learners are discussed in detail on page 10 of this document in the Learner Analysis section.

Title   The title of the instructional video is “MIST Survival 101” How Do MIST Students Collaborate Online?” This video will be developed to allow MIST students to collaborate successfully online.

Resources     The content for the video came from a number of different sources. The Needs Analysis surveys provided information regarding the types of online collaboration tools and helpful tips regarding email and the use of collaboration tools. The designer’s own experience in the program provided the content regarding the advantages to using Skype and Google Docs. The websites for Google Docs ( and Skype ( provided the information regarding the steps required to start using those applications. Sources for the design of the instructional video included

• MacBook • Microsoft Word- to write up the video script and IDD document • Microsoft PowerPoint- to design the slides of the instructional video • Internet- to access  and • GarageBand- to record narration of instructional video

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• iTunes- to convert audio files so they can be imported into the instructional video

Learning  Theories/  Instructional  Strategies  Since the MIST program is a graduate program for adults, elements of adult learning theory have been applied to the video. For example, adults need to feel that the goals and objectives of instruction are important to them. In addition, adults need to see that the instruction is relevant to their everyday activities in the program. Therefore, there is an attempt to provide a realistic example of how the ability to collaborate online will be useful I the MIST program. The video describes a problem where the learner will need to work together with their group in an online environment to put together a word document on the application of a learning theory. The video then goes on to share the objectives of the video that are to provide tips on how to be successful on putting that video together. Elements of Gagne’s theory of instruction are also included in the instructional video. One of the elements is to gain the attention of the learner. That element is attempted by including a realistic problem that the learners might face while in the program that is relevant to the instruction. Another element requires stating the goals/ objectives of the instruction. After the problem is presented, the video presents that the objectives of the instruction are to provide tips on how to solve the problem. Another element of Gagne’s theory is to allow the learner to recall prior knowledge. In the video, the first collaboration tool that is presented is email, the tool that all respondents of the Needs Analysis survey mentioned that they had used prior to attending the program.

Evaluation   After watching the video, there will be a summative assessment given to the learners. The summative assessment will be found in the email sent to incoming MIST students with the video link. More information about the summative assessment will be provided in the Evaluation section of the document. In addition, learners will be asked to complete a formative evaluation on the usefulness of the video. Learners will access the link to the formative evaluation via the email message with the video link. More information regarding the formative evaluation will be discussed in the Evaluation section of this document.

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Project  Timeline/  Budget  for  the  development  and  implementation  Date Phase Costs July 7 Draft of Lesson Plan/

Script due to client 4 hr. @ $90/ hr.

July 14 Draft of entire ID document due to client

6 hr. @ $90/ hr.

July 28 Final draft of ID document and video script to be approved by client

Design and Delivery of instruction: 5 hr. @ $90/ hr.

August 29 Instructional video to be ready for beta testing by MIST V students and instructors

Audio: $75/min. x 5 = $375 PowerPoint Slides: $20 x 10 slides

September 1 Revisions made on instructional video to be shown to client

Revisions by designer: 2 hr. @ $90/hr.

Note to client: Costs were determined from page 43 of George M. Piskurich’s Rapid Instructional Design (2006)

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Video  Script    

Screen 01-0010

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16

Time: 8 seconds


MIST Survival 101 (center alignment)

Lesson 1: How Do MIST Students Collaborate Online? (center alignment)


MIST Survival 101

How Do MIST Students Collaborate Online?

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Screen 01-0020

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16(title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 30 seconds

Title Text:

Problem and Objective (centered)

Non-Title Text:

Your instructor has just assigned your group to complete a word document on the benefits of a learning theory. What do you do? (left justified)

This video is going to provide you with some helpful tips. (left justified)


Consider this problem: Your instructor has just

assigned your group to complete a word

document on the application of a learning theory

to instructional design. Your group members

are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Athens,

Monterey, and Santa Cruz. In the MIST

program, this may happen. What are you going

to do? This video will provide you with some

tips on how to successfully complete that

assignment and others like it while in the MIST


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Screen 01-0030

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 30 seconds

Title Text:

What are Some Tools that MIST Students Use to Collaborate Online? (centered)

Non-Title Text:

Some tools that are commonly used are:

• Email

• Skype

• Google Docs

• Group Forum in iLearn


Groups use a number of different tools to work

together on their group tasks. According to a

survey of MIST V students, all the students that

responded indicated that they had all been using

email, Skype, and Google Docs to collaborate

online within the first month of the program.

Another tool that was deemed helpful but not as

commonly used was the group forum in iLearn.

This video is going to focus on the use of email,

Skype, and Google Docs.

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Screen 01-0040

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 35 seconds

Title Text:

Email (centered)

Non-title text:

Things to keep in mind when using email: (left justified)

• Check daily and if possible, a couple times a day

• Try to forward your emails to one account

• Make sure you check your spam folder


Many MIST students come into the program

feeling quite comfortable using email. However,

here are a couple things to keep in mind. First,

be sure to check your email at least once a day.

This will enable you to see if there are any last

minute meetings to discuss your group’s project.

Also, a suggestion is to forward your emails to

one account. Therefore, you don’t have to

spend time checking your different accounts.

You can just check one. Finally, check your

spam folder. Occasionally, a group member’s

email might end up there, preventing you from

learning that your group member might be

having trouble submitting a document.

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Screen 01-0050

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 30 seconds

Title Text:

Skype (centered)

Non-title text:

Advantages of using Skype: (left justified)

• Allows you to have a voice conversation with all of your group members at once

• Allows you to have a video conference with group members (if your computer has a camera)

• Allows you to send instant messages through its chat function


One of the most popular tools that MIST

students use to collaborate is Skype. This tool

allows you to have voice conversations with your

entire group at the same time. Furthermore, if

your computers have cameras, you can have a

videoconference where you can see the person

that you are talking to and they can see you!

Another advantage to using Skype is its chat

function. It allows a continuous dialogue to take

place between group members about project

updates and group members can access it

whenever they have the opportunity to work on

the project.

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Screen 01-0060

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 20 seconds

Title Text:

Are You Ready to Use Skype? (centered)

Non-title text:

How to get started: (left justified)

• Set up an account at

• Add your group members as contacts

• Set up a time that works for all of your group members

• Get started on that project


Now I know you are ready to use Skype on that

first collaborative project of the summer. Here’s

how you can get started. You will first have to

set up an account at Once

your account has been established, you will

need to add your group members as contacts.

Set up a time when your entire group can get

together and get started on that project!

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Screen 01-0070

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 25 seconds

Title Text:

Google Docs (centered)

Non-title text:

Advantages to using Google Docs: (left justified)

• Your entire group can see the same document at the same time

• Your entire group can work on the same document at the same time

• No need to send the document back and forth via email


So now you can talk about the project as a

group by using Skype. But, what if there was a

way for your group to see the document at the

same time, and see the changes made to the

document in almost real-time? You can, by

using Google Docs! Google Docs will allow your

group members to work on the same document

and see the changes that have been made

without sending endless versions back and forth

via email.

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Screen 01-0080

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 30 seconds

Title Text:

Are You Ready to Use Google Docs? (center text)

Non-title text:

How to get started: (left justified)

• Set up a Google account at

• Make sure that your group members have Google accounts

• Go to Google Docs at

• Select ‘New’…Document

• Select ‘Share’

• Type in the addresses of your group members

• Select ‘Share’


So the last step in getting your group started is

to make sure that you can all access the same

document at Google docs. To make that

happen, you need to make sure that all of your

group members have Google accounts. Then

someone needs to start a new document and

share that document with everyone in the group.

Your group members should receive an email

that gives them a link to access the document.

As a result, all group members can start

collaborating on that document, and you will be

done in no time!

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Screen 01-0090

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 40 seconds

Title Text:

Final Thoughts and Tips (centered)

Non-title text (left justified):

Have an agenda.

Have a timekeeper.

Have a recorder.

Note that Google Docs does have some formatting issues when converting to Word or PowerPoint

Have fun collaborating!


So as you are collaborating on that project, keep

some of these thoughts in mind. First, it will be

very helpful to have an agenda. That way

everyone’s time is honored. Also, have a

timekeeper. Set time limits on discussion topics

so you don’t spend hours wordsmithing a

sentence. Another suggestion would be to have

a recorder. This is incredibly helpful while using

Google docs so group members don’t edit over

one another. Be alert that there may be

formatting issues when converting a Google Doc

file to a Word or PowerPoint file. Most

importantly, have fun collaborating! It is a huge

part of your MIST experience!

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Screen 01-0100

Background Color: Black

Font: Comic Sans

Font Color: White

Font Size: 16 (title) 14 (non-title)

Time: 8 seconds

Title Text:

Credits (centered)

Non-title text (left justified):

PowerPoint designed and narrated by:

Redwood Designs, Inc.

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Section 4: Evaluation

Summative  Evaluation  Overview  

The purpose of the summative evaluation is to make sure the objectives of the instruction have been met. It will assess the learner’s acquisition of the material provided in the video. The summative evaluation will be provided in the email sent to incoming MIST students along with the links to the instructional video and the formative evaluation. This email should be sent by MIST faculty to the incoming MIST students four weeks prior to the initial face-to-face to allow students plenty of time to view the video, contact faculty members regarding difficulties with accessing the video, and to perform the summative and formative assessments. By providing the summative assessment questions beforehand, incoming MIST students will be able to determine what information they need to retrieve from the video. The summative evaluation will be created in Microsoft Word and saved as an .htm file. The file will be uploaded to the server using Fetch. The link will be provided in the email. The questions have been sequenced based on the performance required. The first question is based on the knowledge level of the cognitive domain, the second and third questions are based on the comprehension level of the cognitive domain, and the final two questions are based on the application level of the cognitive domain. The first question requires the learner to state the names of online collaboration tools used by MIST students, the second and third questions require the learner to describe an advantage to using Skype and Google Docs, and the final questions require the learner to show screen shots that they used the steps to set up Skype and Google Docs accounts. To make sure each item covers a specific performance objective, the item number has been put in parentheses with the corresponding objective below.

After watching the instructional video, incoming MIST students will be able to:

• State the names of three online collaborative tools with 100% accuracy in the post-video assessment (item 1)

• Describe an advantage to using Skype while working collaboratively with 100% accuracy on the post-video summative assessment (item 2)

• Describe an advantage to using Google Docs while working collaboratively with 100% accuracy on the post-video summative assessment (item 3)

• Demonstrate their use of Skype while working collaboratively by providing

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screen shots to the instructor that shows their use of Skype (item 4) • Demonstrate their use of Google Docs while working collaboratively by

providing screen shots to the instructor that shows their use of Google Docs (item 5)

In terms of ethical considerations, it is not advised for designers to conduct the evaluation themselves. It is important for another party to conduct the evaluation. Since the MIST faculty members will be receiving the results of the summative evaluation via the email from the learners, they will be able to look at the results before the designer. The results of the summative assessment may cause the instruction to be modified. If a question is frequently answered incorrectly, a new instructional strategy may be implemented or the information within the video may be revised or reformatted to achieve greater success. Note to assessment facilitator: Please send the email on the following page to incoming MIST students four weeks prior to the initial face-to-face session. As students reply, please place all responses into a folder in your email program titled ‘Online Collaboration’.

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Proposed  Email  Message     Note to assessment facilitator: Please send the email to incoming MIST students four weeks prior to the initial face-to-face session. As students reply, please place all responses into a folder in your email program titled ‘Online Collaboration’. After viewing the responses, please send them to the designer for evaluation purposes. Dear incoming MIST students, Congratulations on being part of the MIST program! We want you to be successful in the program from day 1. Since the MIST program will require you to complete projects online with group members, we want you to check out this instructional video on some techniques and tools to be able to collaborate effectively. It might be helpful to preview the summative questions prior to watching the video. Feel free to watch the video as many times as you want. 1.) Here is the link to the video: (enter link here) 2.) Please show us that you watched the video by completing the summative evaluation at the following link: 3.) Please take the time to evaluate the usefulness of the video at the following link: Please complete these three steps prior to attending the Face-to-Face Session. Please send your responses to the summative evaluation to the following email address: (enter email address). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you find the video to be useful as you begin your MIST adventure! See you at the Face-to-Face Session on (date) Sincerely, The MIST Faculty

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Summative  Evaluation  Tool   Directions: A.) After watching the video on online collaboration, please answer the following questions in an email and send them to your instructor at the following email address: (enter email address here) B.) Please label the subject of your email in the following format: YourLastName_CollaborationAssessment C.) Please send the email prior to the Face-to-Face Session on (date).

1.) State three online collaboration tools that MIST students use to complete their group work. 2.) Describe an advantage to using Skype. 3.) Describe an advantage to using Google Docs. The next two parts of the summative assessment require you to demonstrate that you have set up Skype and Google Docs on the computer. If you are unfamiliar on how to create a screen shot, the following directions are provided. The directions to create a screen shot on a PC are found at this link: The directions to create a screen shot on a Mac are found at this link: 4.) Provide a screen shot that shows your use of Skype. 5.) Provide a screen shot that shows your use of Google Docs.

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Formative  Assessment  Overview   The purpose of the formative evaluation is to provide incoming MIST students to comment on the usefulness and quality of the instructional video. The designers will use the information provided in the evaluation to make decisions regarding the instructional video. Specifically, the tool will help the designers to make the instructional video more useful to incoming MIST students. MIST faculty will send incoming MIST students an email with links to the instructional video, summative evaluation, and the formative evaluation. The formative evaluation can be provided at the following link: MIST faculty will send the email to incoming MIST students four weeks prior to the initial Face-to-Face Session and expect replies to the summative evaluation and formative evaluation prior to the beginning of the Face-to-Face Session. The formative assessment will be accessed via a link. Learners will be able to access the link at a time and place of their choosing. The assessment will be anonymous, allowing learners to comment freely. In addition, the designer will attempt to provide MIST faculty with a link to view the evaluation results, or at least, provide screen shots that show the results of the formative evaluation. Beta testing of the instructional video will take place during the weekend of August 29. Beta testing will be conducted with the current cohort of MIST V students. The results of the beta testing will be useful in making decisions regarding modifications of the instructional video.

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Formative  Evaluation  Tool   Link to formative evaluation tool: If the link does not work, here is the content of the tool: Directions to incoming MIST student: The results of this survey will be used to assess the usefulness and quality of the instructional video on Online Collaboration. Based on the results of your survey, modifications may be made to the video to make it more useful to future MIST students. Thank you for your participation! 1.) Did you find the instructional video useful? _____ Yes ______ No Please explain. 2.) Was the information easy to understand? _____ Yes _____ No Please explain. 3.) Did you find the directions on how to set up accounts to be accurate? ______Yes _____ No Please explain. 4.) Do you have other questions regarding online collaboration in the MIST program? 5.) Do you have suggestions on ways to improve this instructional video so it would be more useful or better quality?

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Best  Practices  Online  Collaboration  Tools  Analysis  Survey  (MIST  V)  

This survey is to be given to current MIST V students. Directions: The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the need for instruction of best practices with online collaboration tools. The responses will be used to determine tasks that should be included in the instruction as well as characteristics of ideal learners for the instruction. 1.) Before the MIST program, what online collaboration tools did you use? Check all that apply. If you chose ‘Other’, please specify.

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other:

2.) Before the MIST program, how comfortable did you feel using the following collaboration tools? 1- Did not use 2- Used very little 3- Comfortable 4- Extremely comfortable, could teach others

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

3.) Since the beginning of the MIST program, what online collaboration tools have you used? Check all that apply. If you chose ‘Other’, please specify.

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

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4.) At this moment in time, how comfortable do you feel using the following collaboration tools? 1- Did not use 2- Used very little 3- Comfortable 4- Extremely comfortable, could teach others

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

5.) At this moment in time, how important do you see the need for MIST students to use the following online collaboration tools? 1-Not at all important 2-Somewhat important 3- Important 4- Essential

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

6.) Since the beginning of the program, what are some of the best ways that you have used the following tools to collaborate with your group members or faculty? If you have not used one of the following tools, please state that.

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

7.) What problems have you or someone you know faced while working with these online collaboration tools?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

8.) How were these problems solved?

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9.) What would be one piece of advice that you would give an incoming MIST student on how to use the following online collaboration tools effectively?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

10.) As an incoming MIST student, how interested would you be to receive instruction on the best practices with online collaboration tools? 1- Not at all interested 2- Somewhat interested 3- Interested 4- Very interested

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

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Best  Practices  Online  Collaboration  Tools  Analysis  Survey  (Faculty)  

This survey is to be given to MIST faculty members. Directions: The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the need for instruction of best practices with online collaboration tools. The responses will be used to determine tasks that should be included in the instruction as well as content for the intended instruction. Please respond to the following questions and return your answers via email to the person who sent you the survey. 1.) What online collaboration tools do you think are essential for MIST students to be able to use to be successful? 2.) What problems have you or your students faced while working with these online collaboration tools?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

3.) How were these problems solved? 4.) What are some of the best ways that you have used the following tools to collaborate?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

5.) What would be one piece of advice that you would give to an incoming MIST student on how to use the following online collaboration tools effectively? If possible, please state a piece of advice for each tool.

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

6.) Is there anything that you would like to add regarding the topic of online collaboration tools?

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Best  Practices  Online  Collaboration  Tools  Analysis  Survey  (MIST  IV)  

This survey is to be given to current MIST IV students. Directions: The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the need for instruction of best practices with online collaboration tools. The responses will be used to determine tasks that should be included in the instruction as well as content for the proposed instruction. Please respond to the following questions and return your answers via email to the person who sent you the survey. 1.) What online collaboration tools do you think are essential for MIST students to be able to use to be successful? 2.) What problems have you faced while working with these online collaboration tools?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

3.) How were these problems solved? 4.) Since the beginning of the program, what are some of the best ways that you have used the following tools to collaborate with your group members or faculty?

• Email • Skype • Google Docs • Other

5.) What would be one piece of advice that you would give to an incoming MIST student on how to use the following online collaboration tools effectively? If possible, please state a piece of advice for each tool.

• Email • Skype • Google Docs

6.) Is there anything that you would like to add regarding the use of online collaboration tools?

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Revised  Online  Needs  Analysis  Survey  for  MIST  V  Students