get ready to hire php developer


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Get ready to Hire PHP Developer There is so much of debate on whether to Hire PHP developer or an in-house employee. But decision is completely yours if you

want to earn extended profits or if you are happy with current scenario. eLuminous Technologies is the company where you can

Hire dedicated developers and expect a high return on investments.

For those who are still skeptical to Hire PHP Developer, there was a person just like you. Tim Gray, an old customer of my

company was happy with the average profits he used to earn out of his Web solutions business. His expenses included the rent of

his office floor, electricity & other bills, recreational benefits offered to his employees and fuel needed to come to office. In

earlier phase, his business was making good money, he got quite a few big projects that really helped him to expand. But

suddenly he started facing challenges in his business, the reason being his growing number of competitors, hike in salaries of

employees and less returns on investments. One day we just happened to communicate with him and gave him a suggestion

to Hire PHP Developers.At that point of time, he felt that it would be an additional investment and didn’t expect any returns out

of it.

Tim finally took a decision to hire dedicated developer for his client’s projects. And the outcomes were really amazing than

what he had expected. He earned high profits through every single project that he was awarded, he was able to take risks of

accepting projects which required proficiency in multiple technologies and many more things.

If you are in the same position, I would say there isn’t any real risk if you invest in hiring a PHP developer. Let me tell you why:

1) You do not have a constant stress of project completion. The company from where you hire the PHP developers takes the

responsibility of projects completion. You may take necessary actions if your demands are not satisfied.

2) You don’t need to search for developers who has an experience in multiple fields and who understands the projects from

technical as well as commercial point of view.

3) You can charge your customers the same amount but you can hire the resources at a lesser cost, which indirectly benefits

your business profits.

4) There won’t be a waste of time during the recruitment and selection process. The companies who offer PHP developers on

hire already go through this process and select the best people from the market to maintain and improve their quality of services.

5) You don’t have to pay your office operational charges nor have to cater the developers with the incentives or insurance

benefits. The service provider manages it for you.

I think all these factors are enough for you to make a decision on whether you should go with an in-house developer or hire php

developer from a service provider. There’s no harm in trying it out with a single project to start with. I am sure you will

experience the same benefits that Tim had.