get tips on growing your affiliate marketing team from successful affiliates

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Page 1: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Global Domains International

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Today’s Topic: Today’s Topic: Tips from Actual GDI AffiliatesTips from Actual GDI Affiliates

Page 2: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates
Page 3: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Chat with us on Wednesdays! #GDIchat

Got Questions? Just Starting Out? Tweet Us!

• A Live Twitter Chat is just what it sounds like. We encourage all interested to log into their Twitter accounts at 4pm every Wednesday to have a chat with GDI corporate to ask questions, connect with other affiliates and learn from our GDI tweets! To participate, simply search for and follow the hashtag #GDIchat, and you will be able to see all updates and questions from anyone using that hashtag. This way you can see the questions being asked, answers and just who else is interested in GDI.

• How to Participate: Bring your questions! Log into Twitter at 4pm PDT on Wednesday October 12th and search for or follow #GDIchat. You will then be able to see all the talk going on between GDI corporate and anyone attending the chat. To ask a question or make a statement simple tweet what you want to say ending in #GDIchat and everyone involved will be able to see what you have to say and offer answers on comments.

Page 4: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

FAQs for New MembersFAQs for New Members I don’t want to SELL anything. That said, how do I build my business?I don’t want to SELL anything. That said, how do I build my business?

That is the beauty of our program. YOU don’t sell anything, WE do all the selling for That is the beauty of our program. YOU don’t sell anything, WE do all the selling for you. Just enter the names and email addresses of the people you know personally you. Just enter the names and email addresses of the people you know personally online, and we’ll send a personalized email to them, from YOU, which directs them to online, and we’ll send a personalized email to them, from YOU, which directs them to a fully personalized, dynamic flash presentation. If you prefer, you can alternatively a fully personalized, dynamic flash presentation. If you prefer, you can alternatively send them directly to your free Affiliate WebSite, which will be identical send them directly to your free Affiliate WebSite, which will be identical to the one you are looking at right now, but tracked to YOU, so you get the credit for to the one you are looking at right now, but tracked to YOU, so you get the credit for all sign ups.all sign ups.

How can I see who signed up under me and how much commissions are How can I see who signed up under me and how much commissions are owed to me?owed to me?You will have 24/7 access to REAL TIME REPORTING on all hits to your agent WebSite, You will have 24/7 access to REAL TIME REPORTING on all hits to your agent WebSite, all trials placed, and all active customers, as well as complete downline reporting, all trials placed, and all active customers, as well as complete downline reporting, selectable by layer (1 through 5), and all current and past commissions due to you. selectable by layer (1 through 5), and all current and past commissions due to you. You will also have contact information for your UPLINE SPONSORS, so you can email You will also have contact information for your UPLINE SPONSORS, so you can email them and learn about their successes, as well as contact information for your them and learn about their successes, as well as contact information for your DOWNLINE (network) members, so you may email them and tell them of your DOWNLINE (network) members, so you may email them and tell them of your successful experiences. successful experiences.

As an Affiliate, do I need to send in any paperwork?As an Affiliate, do I need to send in any paperwork?Yes. The required simple documentation can easily be accessed from within your Yes. The required simple documentation can easily be accessed from within your account. However, you may begin building your business immediately (before we account. However, you may begin building your business immediately (before we receive your documents). receive your documents).

Page 5: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

This is a great tip that many tend to bypass. It’s easy to want to jump as fast as you can into a new business, but if you don’t take the time to learn that business, it will be a much slower process for you to succeed. The GDI affiliate program is designed in such a way that everyone should have that mentor. As in the 9-5 corporate world, you need to be careful of who you do business with and do your research. Really talk to someone before you sign up with them to make sure they are committed to you and your success as much as their own. These are the people who will share what works for them and educate their team on marketing tips and strategies to be successful with GDI.

This is the same if you are trying to get someone to join your team. Show that you are capable of being that great mentor and helping your entire team grow and thrive. Take the time to educate your team members on what you have learned so that they have the chance to be as successful as you.

Tip #1: Take Your Time to Learn Marketing Strategies from a Tip #1: Take Your Time to Learn Marketing Strategies from a Good Mentor Good Mentor

– – Paul on Paul on FacebookFacebook

Page 6: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Tip #2: Promote on YouTube for More AccessTip #2: Promote on YouTube for More Access

--Joseph on Joseph on FacebookFacebook This is just another reason why video marketing is so popular. When you create video, you want to add it to your personal GDI site, but also make sure it is available on YouTube.

This way you will be open to people who are browsing YouTube and learning more, but haven’t quite made it to GDI or your specific site yet.

This opens a whole new potential network for you and as Joseph said gives you access to everyone in the world (who is browsing YouTube of course!). Combined with easy access, YouTube videos are also very easy to share and embed anywhere.

Page 7: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Tip #3Tip #3: : Stay Determined and FocusedStay Determined and Focused

– – Silas on FacebookSilas on Facebook

We talked about this recently, but it’s important enough to repeat. To succeed in any business you must remain determined and focus on your goals. Setbacks will happen, but it is important to work through them if you ultimately want to be successful.

Remember to set goals and focus on them. Perhaps you joined GDI on a whim, not knowing what to expect back. You need to decide what you would like back. Set goals, create a plan to attain them and stay focused and determined!

Page 8: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Tip #4: Get Your Contact List Together and Send Emails Tip #4: Get Your Contact List Together and Send Emails Through GDI Through GDI

- - Darryl on TwitterDarryl on Twitter

This is another important tip that we have covered on the blog before. The Inviter is an awesome tool to quickly get out emails with your GDI website to all of your contacts. The more people you share your opportunity with, the better your odds are for building your team.

Log into your Members Area and start using the Inviter today.

Page 9: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Tip #5: Tip #5: Don’t Try to Reinvent the WheelDon’t Try to Reinvent the Wheel

– – Darryl on TwitterDarryl on Twitter

You have heard over and over and for good reason! GDI is an easy opportunity and there is no need to overcomplicate it. When you start to overcomplicate things, it’s too hard for your team to understand and replicate that success and you may even be scaring off potential team members.

A good way to succeed with GDI is to find out what works for you and how to replicate that simply and easily so that others can be as successful. Talk to your upline or other affiliates and find what works for them, with some trial and error you will find the plan that works for you.

Page 10: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Video Marketing and KeywordsVideo Marketing and Keywords

We’ve talked about the importance We’ve talked about the importance of keywords on the blog before as it of keywords on the blog before as it relates to your websites, marketing relates to your websites, marketing and blogging. and blogging.

But one area where keywords are But one area where keywords are becoming more and more important becoming more and more important is is videovideo. Video marketing is a . Video marketing is a powerful tool, so just like your GDI powerful tool, so just like your GDI website you should be taking website you should be taking advantage of keywords to direct advantage of keywords to direct people to your videos.  YouTube has people to your videos.  YouTube has a great tool for this called the a great tool for this called the Keyword Suggestion Tool. Keyword Suggestion Tool.

Page 11: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

Video KeywordsVideo Keywords What it DoesWhat it Does

Once you navigate to the Keyword Suggestion Tool page you will be Once you navigate to the Keyword Suggestion Tool page you will be asked how you would like YouTube to help you find keywords. You can asked how you would like YouTube to help you find keywords. You can choose to have suggestions given to you based on the choose to have suggestions given to you based on the topictopic of your of your video, the video, the demographicdemographic you wish to market your video to or simply you wish to market your video to or simply your video your video URLURL. Once you have selected an option, YouTube will . Once you have selected an option, YouTube will present you will a list of related keywords and the monthly search present you will a list of related keywords and the monthly search volume each keyword receives, giving you an idea of how popular these volume each keyword receives, giving you an idea of how popular these words are.words are.

How to BenefitHow to BenefitThe best way to benefit from this tool is to use it to load up your The best way to benefit from this tool is to use it to load up your marketing video with keywords you think will drive the most traffic. If marketing video with keywords you think will drive the most traffic. If you want to attract a certain type of customer, try the demographic you want to attract a certain type of customer, try the demographic option and select everything from age and gender to countries and option and select everything from age and gender to countries and interests. The topic suggestion tool is great to see what searches are interests. The topic suggestion tool is great to see what searches are most popular. Adding in popular keyword searches will help to increase most popular. Adding in popular keyword searches will help to increase the chances that someone ends up seeing your video. Once you have the chances that someone ends up seeing your video. Once you have decided on which keyword you would like to use, you can add them to decided on which keyword you would like to use, you can add them to your videos right from the Keyword Suggestion Tool page and even add your videos right from the Keyword Suggestion Tool page and even add multiple keywords at once.multiple keywords at once.

Page 12: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates is Your IDN Headquarters!

Page 13: Get Tips on Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Team from Successful Affiliates

New: GDI Tutorial VideosNew: GDI Tutorial Videos GDI is happy to announce our new GDI is happy to announce our new

Video Tutorials Section in the Video Tutorials Section in the Members AreaMembers Area

Have a suggestion for the tutorials? Have a suggestion for the tutorials? We want to hear from you!We want to hear from you!