getting over metaphysics

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  • 7/29/2019 Getting Over Metaphysics


    Getting over Metaphysics - 1




    What does Getting Over Metaphysics mean? This title merely

    tries to help us understand the thinking we must do about the

    Revelation of Being, but it can lead us astray if it blocks us from

    experiencing the reason for the original disclosure of this

    Revelation, that evidencing in which Being itself was

    suppressed. Certainly, Getting Overdoes not mean expelling the

    scholarly discipline of metaphysics from philosophicaleducation. Metaphysics should be thought of as a mode of

    deeming the truth about existence that is based on a concealed

    but essential assumption -- the Oblivion of Being. Insofar as we

    take Getting Overto be a philosophical achievement, the title

    could have been The Metaphysical Past. Of course, this title

    would have introduced yet more misunderstandings because

    Pastsuggests a passing away and a passing over into what has

    been. Because metaphysics has passed away, it is indeed past.

    Yet the past includes rather than excludes metaphysics

    assertion now and for the first time of absolute mastery over

    everything, as existence assumes a truthless form of utility and

    objectivity. Yet equally, traced from its original dawning,

    metaphysics has indeed passed away in the sense that it has

    entered its final conclusion. Its concluding is lasting longer than

    all its previous history.


    1 Vortrge und Aufstze (Vierte Auflage 1978) pp.67-95: berwindung der Metaphysik,

    translated by Thomas F. Perkins

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    Getting over Metaphysics - 2

    Metaphysics will not let itself be put aside like some opinion.

    We cannot discard it like some doctrine that we no longer teach

    or believe.

    Man, the animal rationale, which nowadays means the

    laboring creature, has gone astray in the wastelands of a

    devastated earth. This may be a sign that metaphysics unfolds

    out of Being itself, thus getting over metaphysics may be seen

    as a recovery from Being. For labor today can be classified

    metaphysically as the absolute objectivisation of existence that

    arises from the Will to Will. If this is so, then we should not foolourselves into supposing that we can release ourselves from

    metaphysics simply because we anticipate its approaching end.

    Metaphysics does not disappear just because we are getting

    over it. It comes back to us changed, continuing to dominate the

    difference between Being and existence. The decline in the truth

    of existence means that the testimony that existence and only

    existence can give about itself has lost its once unique and

    decisive authority.


    The decline in the truth of existence is essential, Indeed it

    fulfills metaphysics. This decline approaches completion as the

    world shaped by metaphysics collapses, as metaphysics

    devastates the earth. The collapse and devastation reach their

    ultimate conclusion with the transformation of man, the animal

    rationale, into nothing but a laboring animal.

    This demonstrates the extremity of our delusion about the

    Oblivion of Being. For man willingly volunteers HIMSELF to serve

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    the Will to Will. All truth is reduced to the error he needs to

    secure his illusion about the Will to Will, which really can will

    nothing but empty nothingness. Despite this, man persists,

    unable to recognize his own complete emptiness.

    Before Being can again unfold in its original truth, Will

    masquerading as Being must be broken, the world must be

    driven to collapse, the earth must be laid waste, and man must

    be converted into raw labor. Everything that exists within

    metaphysical truth will perish in the downfall. Only afterwards,

    and then very slowly, may the exhilaration of the beginningevidence itself again.

    The downfall has already made itself evident and the effects

    of the past hundred years of world history are its consequences.

    They reflect only an ebbing away of something that has already

    ended. The course of events is arranged techno-historically in

    conformity with the final stage of metaphysics, in such that what

    has already ended is shaped into an illusion of reality. This

    illusory system functions in an irresistible way by asserting that

    it can get along without any revelation of the true nature of

    Being, and it does this so effectively that no suspicion arises that

    there is anything at all that needs to be revealed.

    Metaphysical man is denied the Truth of Being, which

    remains veiled. The laboring animal is abandoned to the

    intoxication of his manufactures, with which he may rip himself

    to shreds or annihilate himself into empty nothingness.


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    To what extent is metaphysics part of human nature? Looked

    at metaphysically, man is just one being among many, equipped

    with certain special faculties. He is a creature constructed thus

    and so. The what and the how of his being, his nature, is

    metaphysical -- animal (material) and rationale (spiritual).

    Trapped this way within metaphysics, man is dominated by the

    difference between Being and existence, a difference that he

    never experiences. Characterized this way by metaphysics, man

    can discover only metaphysical world everywhere around him.

    Metaphysics belongs to human nature. But what is nature? Whatis metaphysics? Who is the man within all this natural

    metaphysics? Is he just an I who can only assure himself of his

    I-ness by calling out to a Thou and entering into an I-Thou


    Descartes found the ego cogito present and complete from

    the start in all his cogitationes, something enduring,

    unquestionable, not to be doubted. The ego cogito is the a

    priori, the essential certainty preceding all else, that locates

    everything relative to itself and thereby confronts them as


    An object is characterized by its objectivization (essentia

    possibilitas) and also by the actuality of its confrontation with

    the subject. The object is the persisting unity of these

    constituents. Essentially, its persistence depends upon its

    fluctuating representations being accepted as presentations of

    something actually there. Objects originate in objectivity itself.

    Objectivity originates in the I think, understood in the sense of

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    percipiere, of the subiectum that has prepared itself in

    advance to perceive all perceivables. Within the hierarchy of the

    transcendental genesis of objects, the subject is the first object

    to be ontologically represented.

    Ego cogito is the same as cogito: me cogitare.


    The modern form of ontology is transcendental philosophy,

    which has turned into epistemology. To what extent is there a

    parallel in modern metaphysics?

    To the extent that we accept as existence the mode ofpresentation that stabilizes2 a representation, existence

    becomes objectivity. The question concerning objectivity asks

    about the possibility of objectivization as a stable and

    computable representation, and therefore really asks about the

    possibility of knowledge.

    Of course, we are not concerned here with the psycho-

    physical mechanisms which process knowledge, but with the

    potential for an object to present itself so it may be recognized

    and known as such.

    Epistemology is contemplation, theoria, insofar as we

    conceive the on as an object and interrogate it about the nature

    of the possibility for objectivity.

    To what extent was Kant able to firmly establish the

    metaphysicality of modern metaphysics through his

    2 Stabilize is a key word in this essay. It might be more accurately translated by

    assure, insure or secure, the last of which conveys the essential idea: to make

    something fast and hold it tight against decay or other transformation by the

    exercise of sy-tematic power. T.F.Perkins.

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    transcendental mode of questioning? Knowing and knowledge

    moved to the forefront insofar as truth became certainty, and

    the existentiality (ousia) of everything became transformed into

    the objectivity of the percipio and the cogitatio.

    What we designate by the word epistemologyis basically

    only a metaphysics and ontology founded upon a conception in

    which truth is the certainty of stabilized representation. But the

    whole business of stability only arises because we mis-

    understand Being to be objectivity and representation.

    Consequently, objectivity goes astray as an explanation ofknowledge and a theory of science.

    Epistemology is really only a catchword to describe modern

    metaphysics inherent and increasing inability to understand its

    own essential nature, and the reasons for this. The talk about a

    metaphysics of knowledge reveals the same misunderstanding,

    for it is really about a metaphysics of objects -- existence

    understood as a collection of objects fora subject.

    The ascendancy of symbolic logic merely illustrates the

    reverse side of this empiric-positivistic misunderstanding of



    Metaphysics approached completion with Hegels

    metaphysics of absolute knowledge as the Will of the Spirit.

    Why did this metaphysics only approach but not reach

    completion? Does not absolute reality yield absolute certainty?

    Could this metaphysics have transcended itself? Probably

    not. But it did not work out completely its potential for absolute

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    correspondence with the Will of Life. The will did not appear as

    the Will to Will within the reality it prepared. That was why the

    absolute metaphysics of spirit was not complete.

    One thing is certain; despite all the glib talk about a

    breakdown of Hegelian philosophy; that philosophy alone

    determined reality during the nineteenth Century, though as a

    metaphysics -- the domination of existence in the sense of

    certainty -- rather than as a formal doctrine. The reactions

    against this metaphysics were themselves part of it. Everything

    since Hegels death has been such a reaction, not only inGermany but throughout Europe.


    When metaphysics deals with existentia, it does so briefly

    and as something self-evident.

    Aristotle was the only exception, although everything

    revealed by his original thinking on energia was buried by the

    subsequent translation ofenergia into actualitis and reality,

    which obscured the relation between energia and ousia.

    Hegel thought about existentia, but only in his Logic.

    Schelling considered it when differentiating between reason and

    existence, but his thinking was rooted in subjectivity.

    A confused echo of Being as physis emerged later when

    Being was identified with and limited to Nature. Nature was

    contrasted with reason and freedom. Since Nature was

    understood as all-there-is, freedom and purpose could not Be.

    The contrast of Being with purpose led to a contrast of Being

    with value. Then finally, as will attained the extremity of

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    arbitrariness, Being became simply a value, and value itself only

    a stipulation ofwill.


    Through all of its historical stages and forms, metaphysics

    was the unique though perhaps essential fate of the West,

    providing the prerequisite for Western planetary dominance.

    Now as this will to dominate thrusts back into the Western

    heartland, once again only a will from the center of the West

    arises to oppose it.

    The absolute domination of metaphysics is just beginning tounfold as metaphysics affirms those distortions appropriate to it,

    delivers its own essence into them and consolidates itself within


    As the fundamental engine of European history, metaphysics

    is destiny in the strong sense, the only sense intended here. It

    has stranded the people of the West in the midst of existence

    and left them unable to experience, question or harmonize the

    duality of Being and existence either within or through


    Thought through from the perspective of the Revelation of

    Being, this destiny is nonetheless essential, because Being can

    illuminate the difference it safeguards between itself and

    existence only if and after that difference purposely evidences

    itself. But how can this happen unless everything first becomes

    utterly oblivious of Being, while at the very same time, Being is

    achieving in some way inconceivable to metaphysics absolute

    mastery in the form of the Will to Will, which latter through its

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    assertion of the exclusive primacy of objective realityis

    immediately and uniquely compelled to submit itself to Being for


    So, the possibility of distinguishing the difference exhibits

    itself in certain ways, at the same time remains hidden and

    strangely incomprehensible. The difference itself remains veiled.

    Symptomatic of this is the technical-metaphysical response

    towards grief -- a predetermined explanation of its essential


    As metaphysics enters into its fulfillment, something else isoccurring that is unknown and essentially inaccessible to

    metaphysics: the preliminaries that will illuminate for the first

    time the duality of Being and existence are beginning even

    though the first hint of the Truth of Being still remains

    concealed, the primacy of Beings authority shielded within it.


    We need to think about getting over metaphysics from the

    perspective of the Revelation of Being. Certainly it is a

    preliminary indication of an incipient recovery from the Oblivion

    of Being. But it also reveals something more primal though more

    concealed -- the original Evidincing itself. So what seems to the

    metaphysical way of understanding to be a preliminary

    indication of something else should be taken as only the last

    glimmer of an original illumination.

    But it is only worthwhile thinking about getting over

    metaphysics insofar as we think at the same time about the

    Recovery -- think urgently about it while continuing to think

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    about getting over metaphysics. This kind of attentive thinking

    can experience the unique evidence of the appropriation of

    existence in which the peril of the Truth of Being lit up,

    illuminating the origin of truth and, in its departing, shone upon

    humanity. To get over metaphysics means to deliver it into its

    own truth.

    At first, getting over metaphysics could only be represented

    metaphysically as a metaphysical achievement, a self-

    surpassing. Recognizing this, the discursive outline in Kant and

    the Problem of Metaphysics retains validity to the extent that ittried to rephrase into these new terms the thinking that Kant

    had developed from a critique of rational metaphysics, although

    it did attribute more success to Kant than he actually managed

    to accomplish within the limitations of his philosophy.

    Some of the talk about getting over metaphysics may stem

    from an identification of metaphysics with Platonism, including

    the modern interpretations of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. The

    latter stayed completely within metaphysics when he inverted

    Platonism by making the material world the real world and the

    spiritual the unreal. His approach to getting over metaphysics

    yielded only a final entanglement in metaphysics regarded as

    nineteenth Century positivism. Although Nietzsche appeared to

    have done away with the meta -- transcendence into spiritual --

    in favor of an enduring material world, in favor of an enduring

    material world; in fact, he liberated and spurred forward the

    spiritual side in the form of the Will to Power. He thereby

    completed the Oblivion of Being.

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    The Will to Will confronts and opposes destiny. It cannot

    know nor can it admit any knowledge of destiny. By destiny

    here, we mean any indication of a manifestation of the Being of

    everything. The Will to Will hardens everything into objects

    without destiny, things outside fate, the undestinied. Its sign is

    the dominance of historiography. Its helplessness is historicism.

    Should anyone mistakenly attempt to describe the Revelation of

    Being in modern historiographical terms, they would only

    demonstrate the dominance of the Oblivion of being in the mostpalpable way. The age of fulfilled metaphysics is about to begin.

    The Will to Will is characterized by its drive to calculate and

    organize everything, but only in order to secure itself absolutely

    and eternally.

    Within the undestinied world of fulfilled metaphysics, the

    characteristic method by which the Will to Will organizes and

    calculates may concisely be labeled technology. This label

    embraces all those modes of existence that between them

    shape the totality of existence -- objectified nature, commercial

    culture, fabricated politics and the superstructure of ideals.

    Technology in this sense is not restricted to machinery and

    manufacturing processes. Mechanical technology certainly

    possesses a special significance that needs to be more sharply

    defined but which arises basically as a result of the precedence

    we grant to material things as a consequence of their

    supposedly elemental state and also because they are the most

    object-ive kinds of subject.

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    We need to understand technology in this sense as

    fundamentally synonymous with fulfilled metaphysics. The word

    technologyretains the memory of the original techne once

    essential in the unfolding of the total nature of metaphysics. The

    word also allows us to think about the fulfillment of metaphysics

    and its planetary dominance without having to make specific

    reference to historiographically demonstrable transformations of

    peoples and continents.


    Nietzsches metaphysics produced, in the shape of the Willto Power, the penultimate stage of the unfolding of the

    immanent will of existence into the Will to Will. The final stage

    did not appear to Nietzsche because he was dominated by

    psychological concepts of power and mastery, and by a

    fanaticism for life. Consequently, his thinking failed to treat

    these concepts rigorously and carefully, and lacked calm

    historical reflection. Historicism ruled, bringing with it

    apologetics and polemics.

    Why did the appeal to life in Nietzsches metaphysics lead

    some to a contempt for thinking? Because they failed to

    recognize that, in his doctrine, a planned representational (that

    is, dependable) steadiness of purpose is as essential to life as

    ascentand exultation, and also because they only understood

    these in the vaporous sense of psychological intoxication.

    Consequently, they failed to recognize his decisive insight that a

    dependable and steady purpose is required to stabilize

    genuinely original impulses and to grant validity to any ascent.

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    The Will to Power requires the attainment of absolute mastery

    through rational calculations rather than through the nebulous

    confusions of a turbid chaotic life.

    Influenced by Schopenhauers contempt for philosophy of

    the type represented by Hegel and Schelling, and by his

    superficial reading of Plato and Kant, the misguided Wagnerian

    cult superimposed a mystique of Art upon Nietzsches thought,

    which led in the last decades of the nineteenth century to an

    enthusiasm in which a superficial and muddled historicity served

    to characterize truth.Behind all of this lay a singular incapacity to reflect upon the

    nature of metaphysics as it attained its destined supremacy. The

    nature of truth consequently changed into truth-as-certainty. As

    a result, Nietzsches metaphysics were not thought through in

    relation to the simplicity of modern metaphysics. Instead he was

    turned into a literary phenomenon that heated the brain instead

    of purifying it, a phenomenon that may deter or even terrify.

    And in the end, Nietzsches passion for creativity deformed his

    conception of genius into the technological sense of the capacity

    to accomplish. The two constitutive values conceived in the Will

    to Power -- Truth and Art -- are two ways of saying technologyin

    its essential meaning as a planned and calculated basis for

    those accomplishments and constructs ofcreativitythat inspire

    life over and above everyday concerns, and which establish a

    culture industry.

    This all helped support the Will to Power but the confusion

    made it difficult to focus upon its essential nature: the clear light

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    of that broad and essential understanding that arises from

    thinking about the Revelation of Being.

    The essential nature of the Will to Power could only be

    grasped through an understanding of the Will to Will. But the

    Will to Will might only be experienced after metaphysics had

    entered into its final transition.


    This sentence of Nietzsches prefigures his metaphysics of

    the Will to Power: The Greek knew and sensed the terrors and

    horrors of existence. To be able to live at all, he had to setabove him the radiant dream-creation of Olympus.3

    We find titanic and barbaric, wild and impulsive, are opposed

    here to a beautiful, sublimeappearance. This already anticipates

    the need for a will which could allow for exultation and

    guarantee a foundation, although it was not yet clearly thought

    through, differentiated, and seen from a unified perspective.

    However, this will did not at the time emerge as the Will to

    Power because Nietzsches thought was originally dominated by

    Schopenhauers doctrine of the will. The preface to the work was

    written on Schopenhauers birthday.

    With Nietzsches metaphysics, philosophy was fulfilled - that

    is to say it had completed the circuit of all prescribed

    possibilities. Fulfilled metaphysics is the basis of our planetary

    way of thinking. It has provided a framework for an organization

    of the earth that we expect will last for a long time. This

    organization no longer needs philosophy because it is based on

    3 Nietzsche F., Socrates and Greek Tragedy, Munich, 1933. (original version of

    Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music.)

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    philosophy. But although philosophy has ended, thinking has not

    come to an end as well, but is in a transition to a new beginning.


    In his notes to the fourth part of ThusSpakeZarathustra

    Nietzsche wrote in 1886: We are experimenting with truth!

    Perhaps humanity will perish through it. So be it!4 A comment

    from the Dawn of Day from the period 1880-81 reads: What

    is new about our present attitude to philosophy is the conviction

    that no previous generation has entertained that we do not

    know the truth. All people before us knew the truth, even theskeptics5.

    What does Nietzsche mean when he refers to truth? Does he

    mean correct? Does he regard this as having a real existence or

    as something that validates decisions, behavior and life?

    What does it mean to experiment with truth? Does it mean

    to offer the Will to Power as the criterion of truth within the

    eternal recurrence of the same?

    Does this thinking ever get to the question concerning the

    location of the essence of truth, and the source of the truth of



    There can be objects in the sense of objects only where man

    has become a subject, where the subject has become an I, and

    where this I has become an egocogito; only where the essence

    of the cogitare has been conceived as the original synthetic

    unity of transcendental apperception; only where the highest

    4 Nietzsche F., WW XII p.307.

    5 Nietzsche F., WW XI p.268.

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    pinnacle of logic has attained truth in the certainty of the I

    think. Only then can the nature of an object bare itself in all its

    objectivity. Consequently, then and only then does it become

    possible and indeed unavoidable to conceive objectivity as the

    new, true object and to regard it as absolute.


    Subjectivity, object and reflexivity belong together. We can

    only equate Being with objectivity after we acknowledge

    reflexivity as the crucial link to existence. To discover this link,

    we must experience reflexivity in the reprsantatio, in re-presentation.

    But this can only take place after we have converted the

    idea into theperceptio. To do this requires us to convert truth-

    as-correspondence into truth-as-certainty (although the

    adequatio still remains). Through its stabilization of the self,

    which means the ability to will ones own self, certainty equates

    to iustitia, which validates the link to existence and to the first

    cause, and is consequently the dependability of existence.

    Iustificatio meant the same to the Reformation as to Nietzsche

    in his conception of justice as truth.

    The reprsantatio is founded on the reflexio as a result of its

    essential nature. Consequently, the nature of objectivity only

    becomes evident when we understand and expressly recognize

    the essence of thought to be the I-think-something. This is



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    Kant was moving towards a transcendental, i.e. ontological,

    approach to the nature of reflexivity. This is shown by a modest

    footnote in Kants Critique of Pure Reason entitled On the

    Amphiboly of Relative Concepts. Though merely an addendum,

    it is filled with significant insights and contains a critical analysis

    of Leibniz (and hence of all previous) metaphysics, insofar as

    Kant saw self-hood as the basis for their ontological constitution.


    On the surface, self-hood may seem merely a further

    generalization of, and an abstraction from, the self-nesses ofindividual human selves. From the outset, Descartes obviously

    thought of his own self as the individualizedpersona (res cogita

    equals substantia finita) as opposed to Kants generalized

    consciousness. But Descartes conceived this individual self in

    the light of a concept of self-hood that he certainly did not

    define explicitly. He introduced self-hood in the shape of the

    certum, certainty, which is nothing other than a stabilization of

    the representation being represented. The relationship between

    self-hood and certainty, both of itself and of the representation

    being represented, was already dominant, although concealed in

    this concept. The individual self as such can only be experienced

    within this relationship. As a self-fulfilling individualized self, the

    human I can itself only will in the light of this relationship of the

    still-unrecognized Will to Will towards it. No self can be simply

    there by itself - a self can only exist insofar as it appears in-

    itself, i.e. within self-hood.

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    This must hold even when the individual self is in retreat

    under the domination of society or of some other mode of

    association. Precisely here we find the pure and unadulterated

    domination ofegoism, understood of course in a philosophical

    sense and unrelated to nave solipsism.

    In this age of metaphysical fulfillment, philosophy is become

    an anthropology (Holzwege p.91). It makes no difference

    whether or not we say philosophical anthropology, for along

    the way, philosophy has been plundered by the descendants of

    metaphysics, i.e. of physics understood in the broadest sense,which includes the physics of life and humanity - biology and

    anthropology. Changed into anthropology, philosophy itself is

    perishing beneath metaphysics.


    The Will to Will demands a secure foundation (truth) and the

    potential to sublimate instinctual drives (art) for its realization.

    The Will to Will then replaces Being with existence. Technology

    (assured stability) and absolute aimlessness (experience) first

    become dominant within the Will to Will.

    Technology and aimlessness belong together; they are the

    same. Technology understood technologically is the highest

    form of rational consciousness. Aimlessness, opaque even to

    itself, is the organized incapacity to relate to anything worth

    questioning. We will assume here that we have already worked

    this out and understand why it is so and how it has come to be.

    There is only one more thing to note, to conclude this

    deliberation. In its explanation of everything as the expression

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    of man, anthropology does not limit itself to the study of

    mankind and human willpower. Even where judgments are

    sought rather than investigations, anthropology opposes one

    form of humanity to another, acknowledging humanity as

    though it were the primal force, the beginning and end of all-

    that-is, with existence and its momentary expression a mere


    And so we confront the decisive question: what is the form of

    man? We should think of form in a vague metaphysical way,

    i.e. Platonic, as that which IS - determining, though independentof, all that has been handed down to us and of all that is to be

    passed on. This anticipatory recognition of man has led us to

    search for Being only in the human realm, and to look upon the

    individual man himself as human materiel, as the transitory

    me on in contrast to the idea.


    As the Will to Will achieves extreme and absolute certainty, it

    becomes the universal guarantor. As such, it is the sole criterion

    of what is just, and hence becomes justice itself. The justness of

    the Will to Will springs from its own absolute and complete

    certainty. What is to be willed must be just and orderly because

    the Will to Will is the only measure of order. The original nature

    of truth gets lost within the self-certainty of the Will to Will. The

    justice of the Will to Will is absolute untruth. The justness of the

    untruth in the realm of the Will to Will is peculiarly irresistible.

    But the justness of an untruth that itself AS SUCH remains

    hidden is at the same time the weirdest thing that can unfold in

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    this perversion of the nature of truth. Justice dominates truth

    and does away with truth. The will towards absolute certainty

    results in absolute uncertainty.


    Will is the explicitly recognized and consciously organized

    execution of the pursuit of an aspiration, where this is organized

    conceptually as part of the general representation.

    Consciousness belongs to will. The Will to Will is the loftiest and

    the most absolute state of consciousness that is attained by

    careful and self-confident calculation (The Will To Power, p.458).Therefore, the Will to Will is continually absorbed in a

    thorough and unlimited review of its objectives, the resources at

    its disposal, and the difficulties it faces. It is forever adjusting its

    tactics and strategies, and modifying its goals, based on a

    continual self-audit of its performance. All this creates self-

    doubt, and leads the Will to Will to concentrate only upon the

    security of its own power.

    The aimlessness, indeed the essential aimlessness of the

    absolute Will to Will fulfills the nature of will, self-proclaimed as

    pure will in Kants concept of practical reason. Pure will wills

    itself into existence and becomes Being in the form of will.

    Regarded as values, pure will and its decrees are formal. Will

    itself is the only content of the Form of will.


    From time to time, will is personified in individual strong-

    willed men, which makes it seem as though the Will to Will

    radiates from them. This leads us to suppose that the Will to Will

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    originates in the human will. Actually, man is willed by the Will

    to Will, although he does not recognize the nature of this willing.

    Insofar as man is willed by and is located within the Will to

    Will, the will of his own nature is of necessity also appealed to

    and offered as an instance of truth. The over-riding question is

    whether individualities and communities originate from this will,

    or whether they come to terms with it or strive against it, not

    realizing that the outcome is already decided.

    The Will to Will admits only one direction for willing, a

    demonstration of the uniqueness of Being. The uniformity of theworld of the Will to Will stems from this - a uniformity as far

    removed from the simplicity of the Beginning as is the unnatural

    from the natural, although they both belong together.


    The Will to Will rejects all aims and purposes except as

    temporary expedients for constructing an arena where it can

    play out its part. However, in order to establish itself in

    existence, the Will to Will cannot allow itself to appear as the

    aimless and catastrophic anarchy that it really is. Consequently,

    to legitimize itself, the Will to Will invents the talk about a

    mission. Such a mission should not be thought of in regard to

    the creation or preservation of anything, but as a target that has

    somehow been assigned by destiny, thereby justifying the Will

    to Will.

    In every crevice a struggle for power is going on between

    those who have it and those who seek it. Everywhere, power is

    decisive. In the course of this struggle, the nature of power for

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    both sides is transformed into absolute mastery. One thing only

    is disguised - that the struggle serves Power and is willed by it.

    The Will to Will alone empowers the struggle. Power has

    mastered the struggle beforehand. Power has mastered

    humanity in a way that makes it impossible for man to escape

    from the Oblivion of Being through it. The struggle is necessarily

    planet-wide. Of its very nature it can never be decided because

    there is nothing to decide, because the struggle is outside all

    differentiations, outside the difference between Being and

    everything-there-is, and consequently it is outside of truth. Itsown energies drive the struggle out into the un-destined, out

    into the Abandonment of Being.


    The grief we first must feel and then wring dry is the insight

    and knowledge that needlessness is the most high and hidden

    need that cries first to us from far-off places. Needlessness is

    believing that one grasps reality, that one knows what is real

    and what truth is without ever needing to know how truth arises.

    From the perspective of the Fate of Being, the nature of

    nihilism is that Abandonment of Being in which Being dissolves

    into productivity. This dissolution thrusts man into absolute

    servitude. It is in no way a decline,andin no sense at all a

    negavitity. Consequently, not all peoples are suited to bring

    about absolute nihilism in the destined way. Therefore, a

    struggle becomes essential to determine precisely which people

    is capable of fulfilling it absolutely.


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    All around are the signs of the final Abandonment of Being -

    loud announcements of idealsand values, proclamations

    about great deeds and the need for spirit. All these are keyed

    into the mobilization mechanisms of the sys-tematic process,

    The process itself is inexorable as self-absorbed man seeks the

    only escape there is from the void of the Abandonment of Being

    by relentlessly using up everything-there-is for technological

    productions, so that he may pursue his subjectivity in super-

    humanity. Super-humanity is the same as sub-humanity. They

    belong together, for the subof the animal and the superofthe ratio are bound inextricably in the unity of the animal

    rationaleof metaphysics. Here we need to think of sub-

    humanity and super-humanity as metaphysical terms, not as

    moralistic appraisals.

    Understood in a metaphysical sense, mobilization is the

    process whereby man mastersthe brute forces of nature.

    Mobilization dictates the sequence and pace at which everything

    is consumed. Consumption involves the regulated utilization of

    everything to sustain the material base and provide the

    potential for ever greater achievements. To be utilized is to be

    employed in the service of mobilization. But, since the only aim

    of mobilization is aimlessness, and since it leads only to an

    indefinitely escalating level of mobilization in the quest for

    absolute self stability, such employment really means depletion.

    The Abandonment of Being has resulted in world war, in

    total war. The world wars have institutionalized a standardized

    mode of resource depletion. Man is himself caught up in this

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    process. His status as the most critical raw material is no

    longer concealed. He is the mostcritical raw material because

    he is the subject, the active agent of depletion. As the subject,

    his own will must necessarily be merged into the process,

    making him simultaneously the prime object of the

    Abandonment of Being. World war is a preparatory step towards

    the abolition of any distinction between war and peace, as the

    world becomes transformed into an un-world of an existence

    that has abandoned the Truth of Being. In the context of the

    Revelation of Beon6

    , worldmeans the non-objective floweringof the truth of Beon for man, whose own nature in turn is

    dedicated to Beon. But where Being does not rule (although

    continuing to flower) world turns into an un-world of power for

    powers sake, i.e. where everything is utilized, consumed and

    depleted. Existence in the form of activity is taken to be real.

    Activity is everywhere but nowhere is there a worlding of world.

    Of course, Being is everywhere as well, but Being has been


    Beyond war and peace lies the naked madness of the

    depletion of all existence to allow sys-tem to stabilize itself

    within the emptiness of the Abandonment of Being. Changed

    fundamentally and become indistinguishable from each other,

    warandpeace dissolve into the madness and disappear beneath

    the self-accelerating pace of production of everything that is

    producible. We cannot answer the question: when will peace

    6 (Beon is the translation chosen for Seyn, an archaic word used by Martin

    Heidegger in place of its modern equivalent, Sein, to refer to a more original mode

    or nature of Being. T.F.Perkins)

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    come, not because we do not know how long the fighting will

    last but because what is asked about no longer exists. War is

    now just one way of depleting existence, and the depletion will

    continue in peacetime. To reckon on a long war is just an old-

    fashioned way of recognizing a new era. This long war is not

    going to lead to a traditional kind of peace, but to a condition

    which it will not be meaningful to call either warorpeace.

    The madness of depletion does not know the Truth of Being,

    and substitutes for it a totally mobilized sys-tem. Within the

    overall perimeter of the sys-tem, every precinct is stabilized bymeticulous planning processes. The special provinces of human

    mobilization necessarily become sectors of the sys-tem. The

    poetry and culture sectors are simply two such administrative

    districts alongside others, stably planned under their respective

    leaderships.Those who dont yet understand what is going on

    often direct their moral indignation at the arbitrary and

    authoritarian ways of our leaders, but this is really an

    unsatisfactory way of appraising the situation. The anger at the

    leaders is an inescapable consequence of their offenses, but

    each of these only indicates that the leaders are not

    independent agents. People think that the leaders contrive

    everything themselves during blind frenzies of selfish egomania.

    But leaders are simply the unavoidable consequences of an

    existence being turned into a mode of madness, whose

    spreading emptiness demands a single sys-tem to stabilize

    everything. Leadership is urgently required by the calculated

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    planning processes that must stabilize existence. Men who are

    good at leadership must be mobilized and organized.

    The leaders are the critical cadres of mobilization who

    monitor the sys-tematic depletion of existence in every sector,

    i.e. supervise their entire environment and master its madness

    through calculation. Their mode of supervision involves a

    capacity to calculate, which is dedicated beforehand to serve

    the steadily escalating demands for consolidating sys-tem in the

    face of each new emergency.

    The across-the-board coordination of every conceivableplanning and implementation effort is called instinct7. This

    usage of the word denotes an intellectthat transcends

    conventional intelligence, which is only able to deal with

    immediate relationships. No input variable required for

    individual sector balance calculations can elude the

    intellectualism of instinct. Instinct is appropriate for super-

    humanity - it is that super-intellect required to integrate

    everything absolutely. Instinctwas formerly regarded as an

    animal characteristic - something that identified what was useful

    or harmful in the animals environment, responded to it, and

    strove no further. The absolute certainty of instinct depends on

    its blind confinement within an ecological niche. The absolute

    authority of super-humanity corresponds to a complete

    liberation of sub-humanity. Animal urge and human ratio

    become identical.

    For instinct to be an essential characteristic of the super-

    human means that he is partly sub-human, understood

    7 (American English, 1996 = seat of the pants, gut feel. T.F. Perkins.)

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    metaphysically, and sub-human in such a way that precisely his

    animality is subjugated in every aspect by calculated planning

    (health care administration, family planning, etc.) Because man

    is the most critical raw material, it can be predicated, on the

    basis of modern chemical research, that factories will one day

    be constructed to manufacture manpower. Already the

    possibility of raising males and females in proportion to demand

    has been opened up by the research which has won the City of

    Frankfurts Goethe prize for Dr. Kuhn.

    Within the culture sector, the administration of literature isnakedly consistent with the administration of artificial

    insemination programs (we should not let oldfashioned prudery

    make us look for differences that no longer exist). The

    mobilization system regulates the supply of manpower in the

    same way as it regulates the supply of popular novels and books

    of poetry. In the production of a book, the poet is no more

    important than the bookbinders apprentice who fetches the

    cardboard covers from the warehouse.

    The technological production of an unlimited capacity to

    produce anything and everything depletes all resources,

    including human resources. In some concealed way, this

    depletion is instituted by the complete emptiness that surrounds

    all existence, the stuff of reality. The emptiness must be filled.

    But fullness of existence cannot fill the emptiness of Being,

    particularly since its emptiness is unrecognized. Consequently,

    an escape can only be found in an unceasing attempt to

    organize existence around the permanent promise of sys-tem to

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    provide a mode of stabilizing the aimless activity. From this

    standpoint, technology is the organization of shortages, because

    of its unrecognized relationship to Being. Technology must leap

    in to utilize resources and develop substitutes anywhere there is

    insufficient for the vaulting Will to Will. But substitutes and

    mass-produced synthetics are not just transitory emergency

    relief. They are the only possible way by which the Will to Will,

    the restless stabilizer of the systematic processes of sys-tem,

    can keep itself going and thereby itselfbecome the subjectof

    everything.The numerically increasing mass of humanity is a direct

    consequence of the planning activities, which never miss an

    opportunity to demand more living space for the masses. The

    increased space then requires an even greater mass of people

    to occupy it. This circular relationship of depletion for the sake of

    utilization itself identifies the history of a world turned into an

    un-world. NaturalLeaders are those who appoint themselves as

    the helmsmen of this process on the basis of their instinctive

    certainty. They are the chief executives of the business of

    depleting absolutely to stabilize it against the emptiness of the

    Abandonment of Being. This business of depleting existence to

    ward off unconsciously a Beon that not been experienced,

    excludes in advance any differentiation between nations and

    peoples as significant factors in decisions. The difference

    between national and international disappears, just as the

    difference between war and peace becomes untenable. Today,

    someone who thinks as a European cannot be labeled an

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    internationalist. But neither is he a nationalist, because he

    concerns himself with the prosperity of other nations as with

    that of his own.

    The uniformity of the course of history in our time has not

    come about because of some adaptation of the older political

    systems to the newest. Uniformity is the reason for, rather than

    the consequence of, the military conflicts between individual

    administrations, with each striving to exercise authoritative

    leadership in the task of stabilizing sys-tem within the depletion

    of existence. The uniformity of existence arises from theemptiness of the Abandonment of Being and the discovery of

    the computational stability of sys-tem subjugated beneath the

    monolithic Will to Will. This uniformity demands one universal

    and uniform leadership that is above any and all national

    distinctions and for which each government is merely one link

    among others in the chain of command. Because reality itself

    depends upon uniform planning calculations, man must become

    uniform as well, in order to keep abreast of reality. A man out of

    uniform today gives an impression of unreality - someone who

    belongs here no more.

    The Will to Will admits only an existence that expands

    without differentiation, governed only by practices and

    procedures that underlie the dogma of production. Production

    would seem to require a degree of discrimination, but is in fact

    entirely arbitrary because the universal aim of all production is

    the uniform and pointless exhaustion of every kind of labor to

    stabilize sys-tem. The undifferentiated chaos that spews forth

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    vividly from this dogma, does not coincide in any way with the

    mere leveling-out that comes from abolishing former grades of

    distinction. The chaos of total depletion and exhaustion results

    frompositivelyrejecting any and any possible level of distinction

    under the domination of a futile objective. The disappearance of

    distinctions bears witness to the already stabilized inventory of

    the un-world of madness. From the perspective of the Revelation

    of Beon, earth has become a star gone mad, an errant comet in

    the sky.

    XXVIIInvisibly, the shepherds dwell beyond the wastelands of an

    earth, devastated and subjugated to stabilize the mastery of

    man, whose interest is limited to estimating whether or not

    something is important to life. Life, in the form of the Will to Will,

    demands first and foremost that all knowledge move in the

    channels of calculated and evaluated stability.

    The humble commandment of the earth preserves it within

    the sufficiency of the coming to be and passing away of all

    things among the circles of possibility allotted them; the circles

    which all follow and none know. The birch tree does not overstep

    its own possibility. The bees in the hive dwell within their own

    possibilities. Only the will, flexibly girdled with technology, rips

    up the earth, depletes it, exhausts it, converts it to synthetics.

    Will drives the earth out beyond its accustomed circles of

    possibility into the impossible. But neither technological

    discoveries nor the swelling tide of novelties pouring forth from

    technological projects and processes even suggest that any

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    future technological triumph can ever make possible the


    The realism and moralism of historicity are the last steps

    towards completely identifying nature and spirit with the

    essence of technology. Nature and spirit become objects of self-

    awareness, whose absolute mastery drives both forward into a

    uniformity from which metaphysics knows no escape.

    It is one thing to utilize the earth; it is quite another to

    receive her blessing and make our home within the lawful

    commandments of her welcome, that we may protect the secretof Being and shield it from any violation of possibility.


    Mere action cannot change the condition of the world

    because Being in the form of efficiency and activity blocks all

    existence from any such event. Even the immense grief that

    stalks the earth cannot awaken a transformation because we

    experience grief as suffering - a passivity that is the reverse side

    of activity and therefore is also with the essential realm of the

    Will to Will.

    But the earth stays sheltered within the humble regulations

    of her own possibilities. Will has compelled the possible along

    the path to impossibility. This compulsion is equipped and

    supported by a productive capacity springing from the nature of

    technology, assumed here to be synonymous with self-fulfilling

    metaphysics. The absolute uniformity of all peoples of the earth

    under the devastation of the Will to Will makes plain the

    senselessness of completely unregulated human behavior.

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    The devastation of the earth began as a deliberately willed

    operation, although its nature was not clearly understood nor

    was even understandable. It began in that moment when the

    nature of truth became restricted to and identified with

    certainty, to provide a secure base for human conceptions and

    creations. Hegel understood this moment of metaphysical

    history as the founding of thought on absolute self-awareness.

    The nature of pain, and likewise the nature of joy, seems

    almost hidden from man under the domination of Will. May the

    excess of human suffering yet bring about a change in this?No change comes unheralded. But how may the herald

    approach except within the light of E-videncing that, calling and

    needing, eyes the human creature, i.e. begins to see him and,

    through seeing, brings mortal man upon the way that leads to

    building in thought and poetry?