gff^^^^ ' iv f'-'tt!*c ' --^...

gff^^^^ ' IVC f'-'tt!*' --"^ pSfcjRf: WBBmm "HS^' (UBBif \jr\y. >iW« No. 24 ANNOUNdPim FORfORNSBOW Agricultural Interests Prepare to HeU Aiuioal Ev< Tcmber 23. SUNDAYSCHOOLS HOLD ,,_ ANNUAL CONYENnOl* ifanaasas IM8triei~HMtiiif • ! Grace Choreh—GQB0t7 CoBTention Latw. RP CROSS TO niCEii FOKmDiEimL FOURTEEN SOLDIERS TO LEAVE NEXT WEEK The annual convention of tb« Sun- day Schools of Manassas District was held last Sunday at Grace Ibtlkodiit (C. A. M.^^•(p»^.-.iy rv..... t). *t^^"*'^^f1^Irtl1^fy^ll fT'ir"**. »'•••"' ^^^ »**» Some vary valuable prizM have been offered this year for the com show which is to be h«id on Friday, Novem- bef 23. A silver loving cu$ is offered by T. W. Wood and Sons, of Richmond, for the beat ton ears of whita com, and Burpee andOm^anr, tha Philadelphia MUltary Relief Committ^ Ship* Sweaters and Cot i EqoipBMat for SoUlecs. ^ The Msm^ai ^apter-^^ Everybody Invited to Send Small Gifts to Unele Gnat's - Men at the Front. Last of Prince William's Five Contingents Wifl Repwt iSiesday Afternoon. MEXPECUD * J*V'T| The ftfthand last contingent of Prine* Williim men sunnnoned to compteta the county's quota in the new NationSf ManaasaM Citizens Organize Unit in Interest of Bsnfchead Highway. noon aaaakm waa addressad by Mr. Thomas C. Diggs, secretary of the State Sunday School Atsociation; Mr. w. S. «ft«««^ aj^hlBt uf iha Itani^ attend. seed growera, offer |B in snpds sflrrt<^ from their catalog, for the best bnafaal of yellow com. I have and am secur- ing othar premiums and hope that inany of tha lahniin vID MIJM best ears tUt year when hosldng, and en- ter file contelt; TUxis -faww—goe* of NokaaviOa iai^ taperfntendent «f-a NokefevSlla Sunday Schoal) Mr. J. A. Sceaa, aaaatJCy •< th«. Brentuyills AmerteniRetf Cross will hoM regular meeting at the Town Monday evening at 7:80 o'clock chapter aiBbracaa all ei liam county except Gatwesville and Thotwsgirfare, ary to tiha jariadiettoinrf i&e .Sveryon. should b. .age, to help Army, fourteen in number, will leare ^.-^'T/? ^r "^ J^'TT^ "^ -eemf There are many who have good eem BBd do not know it, wfaile'^ere are many who have very itoor jrarietiea of com and do not Ibiow i|>!! FtMr t h i s reason I shall mentioB a few of tlM •"Wt^ important nolnta to hxA for when selecting c«m for show. Uidfwadty of BxUbit. Each catr of com in the "sample should resemble colsely in shape, sise I.-- tV ^ ear in the sample. Lack of uniform- ity is one of the prindples tiutt dk- tingoishcs scrub breeding from im* ^bved. •• " Shape ot Banr. To get the maximnm perceptag* of grain to cOb^iha ear shmMWf of the same dlaaeter from butt to tip. As it is natuxal for com to taper toward ^the tip, w« must be satisied with soibetUig less than 'u perfect' cylin- der. Some varieties h^ye^a ^ to taper more thMi othiars;:': county, for instancai Thte alundd not be considered s o JMNAfet: It^ t*^ » S«qM df the eUr. ipoter at Vara, KenseU Bad Cohs. Y«^t«« gr»in« oiT^wliite ears or and Mr. C. J. Meetse, whose topic waa "The Progress of Sunday School Work in Priaee Wllliaw C»un^" WuTlju^ii'M»iaat9 ung sua inrv. A. Comtw coBdoeted t ^ devotional —Another address by Mr. Biggs waa the principal feature of the evening session. The mmici^ program inelnded a solo by Mrs. Hervin U. Eoop and the devotiolial exercises were con- ducted by Rev. B. D. Lucas. The present offlcera. Mr. FowaB M. mont chapter, wtth headqwartere The Plains. V Members enrolled since the pnUtc anaemeMseat are ai Miss Emily J. Johnson, Charles Lsrkin, Miss Hearie E. Pogaa A. W. Sinclair, Mrs. W' Hutchison, Mrs. Man—it Barbow| Mr. S. T. HaU, Mrs. Henrietta Upaf comb,- Mrs. Albert Speiden, Unt Lucy A^ Snow, Mrs. BobMt A in giving Christmas cheer to our sol- for Camp Lee Wednesday morning. *»<"»! Highway from Waahiogiw, 1>r- .j diers in France and ?o the boys in Thrmen have been ordered to report ^^ T***'T'^ via AtUnta " ^ B«f-. ' the cantonments here-at Jlome. The at the courthouse at 3:30 Tuesday"" " " * * * * " * * " ^ *°***"'^'*^'"•"^ iool R«l Crofcs chapter is making eveafaig, and later they will be the «»*t«^y I * " through MMWMM, a pSEa^oTsend Christmas packetsT»xt guests of honor at a celebraUon at »«•*>«»« <»' ^^* i?"**^ "*" "„**? week and everybody is invited to con- Conner's Opera House under the sua- ^^«?a^ "»*• "*" •* *"* .^•*™ ^*" tribute. Will you prepare a package? ^ices of the Manassas Chapter of the ^ ' ^ ^ morning to discuss ^^fj^^ The packet should be composed of American I^H Crq«- The men ar«pim ^**" •""* ** the addresa^ef Hutchison, Blrs. Hannah Johasoni Miss Eugenia Oaboum, Mrs. Bfrfteit Mets, presJdeat, and Rev. H. UlWon, Brown, noss isaDeoe unwsmson, Ulaa secretary and treasurer, were re- S. W. HatcUaon, Mr. Weatwood elected. I Hutchiaon, Mr. •• G. T. Lyon, Mri The county convention to which all Thomas W. Lion, "Mrs. a F. M, -Hfitrt ~^».~»>»^^~'• «<ii m-ir* »-«iio»t. Lewis. Miss Albeyta Hg)lmis, ifar. H. is to be held in a few weeks. MEETZEOmnED TO PIMM BI- POin'MllTIEB be chosen toftUthe packet, follows: r i A f f l D E T i 1U1?V Mrs. F. M tewisrlfe -MdrMw^ Eavelepes, paper, peaeilKpeatakyllSsli XAnAmSd^&U^- V. Stephenson, Mr. E. B. Harrdl. jr., Mrs. W. E. Free, Mrs. Waiter U Saa- ders, R. L. Byrd, Miaa E^aestiBe Mosar« Mrs. C. C. Lyim. . —- T^e comwittae on.military relief, ofjwirich Mra. B. & Hynsoa is^iairp man, haa shipped an emergen^ eot eiiuipmeBt-fw use in (MM of tjie eaa- tonBtenta. The equipment inehufes WHY Sm HS NOV US&W PUB- ^ M««ta^~ ar^le IB this tite cot, sheeta* Uaidceta, piUows^ iiinatitm set Of checksiboard,' mosquito netting, bat water bottla. .whita-ca^ed yellow grains «i ydlow e a » iadkata V nftxaariaina^^ ^^112113^^112 lowers tbe chance for » premfoia; " White cobs in yellow-varieties or redJMy-deu Frioid: <^bs ia white varieties ^are also object i^ ^^awaa.>»^ I atiiii I'h l » « i l « t f saaf by th»€oh>red Yotah li<B«w to tbe colored vatos of %i eovi^.';This letter faJtows: ManaasaSj Virginiai M^ 9li^ }n«t K« ta Enroae tias tisss^ but willl ; As ^ paeMa-ax«^ be-shipped andTiis advisers no doubt ttiBiigtt that wr * ^^"';^_*g^**° Warrmton sad IFtWaber, »17. MmwkM. Con Any. onsouadttUfl, <u sluiveled, iiu' v-"V •, mature grain detract froni market vahu «f exhibit. Each ear would b« titoioQghly eoiad aad be thocaagUy ^gid whw it te twisted betweea dke^^^nte? two hands. LJL soft, flaxihla «ib.fiidl- cates that tbe com was not ripe or that it is of poor quality aatmaJly. - Tipa aad Botts of Bars. _ The i»iws of 'rrninn iihopM be car- ried w ^ out to the tip of the eur. It is not necessary tiiat the tfp be en- , tirety covered over, bat not over «ae- foorth of an inch of the eoB i^o^ >e exposed. The k«nds at tiia butt of the ear should be regular in shape, t£« same as in middle portioa of the ear^ tb* rJifiviijdmBiH H eMn««4 out W*''**ift}Jra<f^ ^ ^ 1 " ' ^ ead «e tiw cob, fMrmiiw a cap^«ki9od deinessiMi where tite ear Was at- tached to its sxtpportiag .^amk. ' Lcivth aad C3rcnaifereaee ef ^ r . ffotrly—aD eera gt'owms' asseoia Toasday, Moveadwr 6, is ^eetiog^ da]-- At thsj_ t*"r'> •'^^ •»«».«» irf p><iy.» William County must elect a DalBgaUi to llw State Legislatare^ You are one «rf the «U too.jfew reg- istered iolwad voters at "l^ ^eo<a>^- What are i^^rl^ag to do wfft jpgg socks' aad everythiag of tUs nai irti^b is Iweceiwury to the a-Meh'i iwaatyAta" swa shinad to Waahiagtoa tvy tki^iNut- taig sectiwi of the mil^tqi?^iel^ «.«i..»i»»yj. headed -by Mttr~M. E* Bijcey, «J>airtaan. ^The awsatara: will a writing pad, a box^of tweets, one- quarter to one-half pound size, and any littie should be wrapped in a khald hand> kerchief, which may be obtained from -the—chapter at Manassas, wrapped; ag^|in_in lighf brown Manila paper and tied securely with red, green or gOt cord. The name of the sender sheold be placed inside, as the soldiers are always glad to know the names of their unknown friends. The ctaipleted packet should not be follows: Randolph W. Fair, Manassas. -ft.'ltf-Bwnmoiint, Csthsi^iin Mr. R. T. Harrison, of i^yacasarg, sea-~ retary of the Piedmont division of the highway association." The Henry Lynn Latham, Haymaricet.- Ephraim Hwndon, Briatow. Jolm Thomas Clarke, MluuleviUe.— Richard Com well, Manassas. Richmond Donovan Rector, Quan- tico. . . Leonard Monroe .Senseney, Man- assas. John Lemuel Hynson, Itfanassas. Magrader Posey, Bfanassas.' was called to order by Dr. C. R. C- Jo)>nson, who, after explaining its object, introduced Mr. Harrison. The speaker gave a full description of the aims and objecto of the Bank-' head Highway Association^ and aricad for a Manassas unit of twenty-fiva members at |2 each, with ^regularly elected ofl^cers. " - His request was promptly mat ^ wider than the wriUng pad, nor more Sussex Hunter Smitii, Hanaiii^i: an organUaUwu of tweuty-aa than five or six inches high. Each . Clarence ClarkSon soldier must have a gift, bat none can Gainesville, be large, for it is not easy to make Carlyle D. Buck, Manassas. shipmente across the sea to Prance.^ j Martm Omer Smith Mayhugh, t****' ^^ ^* foUowiag ofBears: laeut. George C. Round, preaident; Mr. A. E. Brueh, vice pre«daiit; Mr. K, S. Hynstm, secretary; Mr. C. A. Mont- A list of articles^ any of which msiy, (in pap«r cover), scrspbook (noaie'l made, containing a good shc^ story, sane joltt*, fitr )j knifa (snrh nn hfty, scoato.Bse), ateel inirirdr, U>akl-c«d- -^ ored handkerchi^s, month organs, Twenty-Nine electric torches, compass, mechanical " puzides, Jted Cross checkerboard i^fom- aotoery, assistant aeeratary; Mr. ii, Raymond Bateliire, treaaarw, aaaf Mr. H. Thomtea Oxnmk itt^.C ^ -C. Johnaoa and Mr. Thomas H. Uoa di- rectors. ' . - Tlfe m e e t i n g w v r M o n a e d t h a t tlMt" ••" ' "".; •' "Vathfinders" wiU paM thtsaeh k o * Prince WHHjiiwaa Novendter %, according to sehadola, I^aftics Given Roosing l •»* that4t4s.up to the town and the SeoA-oBr- Msoeiatira to aiake thapathflndera ba- *— - - • » 'Ueva that tl» route through Graaa- OFF TO CAMP cheannan, dominoes, made of heavy j The Genaans have shown remark- vrfch, Chapd brings, .Klford, Uaxt- pajamaa.' haapttal_iyt^t8j sliwawtt cardboard, especially for the Red Croea able shrewdness and sometimes a wis- assaa and Ceatwvme, is ttw awst^^^^^ Virj^nia and Maryland boys who are suffering with the e ^ m suae of the northern camas. and soUfbr five cants a piece), water-' dom w^r^y «* a twtarr canse in sama rirable^ and jvioBiie, as weH as the [t *atdi ixnt. dtewina giua. f n ^ ' of tfa^ jiattian iMX ia^jhdnuKa ta o w that fdU aarvaflia mm peoiOi. fciaiar, Bat ia their proposed atimwafa flfg^'vPiai Mitdid, Walfea^ Orsage and sdted Huta, i^aaes, figs, dates, raitfns, coloiad-iac^ from their aHNH'W''* to Warrantan havajm^ aad are aanoM fiard eaady, cfiaeolato^ ia tin fofl, yr oar rapabUeHwy have not, so far as A r .«ua joata. H the warte ^ ^ be tiTYiriw- TMWrtMUMt« nut lairtrirtad I n, ..1 • .iniirlii mamhmr nf dtaUffiattd SH Ijia way OVWr tte W » - . . to this list. - - - - - - ^ ' that raee-tetO-a traitor. The Kais«; rentoa pike, there waald not be a van MB8. MARY MTT.T.EH IH^ AT NOKESYBl^ , r #OTWi HiwiMwl itaii lige_€iyi- -Jteu—g^naral BeK ««^-~ YaBay^iewCiuiefcr - _.^uideB yda thoc are W. otheia. What are they going to do^Hiih their Most people already know tt»tt t h « ^ » f c f c _ y u y N.^Mflfe^'.^T^ft «*. j ^ colia»d vote is to deaag^rfs election.|fcA^^*fllg. died early Moad^m^ iT^ not a wonderful oipportdnity '-j ing at her homa near Nokesvu^, MWT .. .. ^ . ^ -.r.^.^ X.. :-l. w^of ilTriMM Rh« was. fifbr-foar a brief illness. She Now, the Ctdored Voters League is , .... . .. sendiBg-lettws to C.A.'Siadair and! years oW. Fwsaral servjcas ware held C J . M i w t a e , t h e ^ r o oa»<>aiaK taaSt-i Weda^d^ n w i m g ^ VaH^ dates, asking"each of tfia^to Ist as;Chigch of t l i e • B j : ^ w _ i m a koow-bafora we caat our v«taa^[«0Bt was m die V J W View what, if anything, he iroposea to do twy- Bev. N. M. SUdeler, af_Ha- the "Jim Crow* law, about bron ^Semiaary, oOdated, assisted by d'gldar, r " K ffliMtt.__gi,^CaBnon aboat tfae daaghter uua gi'owers tions have a^op^ as atandud togths raniwar ftoai 9 to indias. Longer or AcaUr aaia ttaa tfaasa steadards da aot gtva sa high yiaMa whoa plaatad aadec SOMO eoqdit^ais. •ntestendB? Omo-fburths the kngth, 7:fi taebaa whea the iSiB£a9~l«LgtE' ia f5 Space Betweam Baws a«d K«aela. There should be no broad, deep for- rews iMtwam flia rows of kanek. A space of aot over Me thiitf ascoad of aa iach betwaea the crowns of g i a i u s iB^^adjcBaiBg coasiderad perfect. Thata shoold be ia the raw.. A looaeaesa o^ kemeb ia 4 e raw, as evidnead by woiUag them wiUi thaad>,'la abo shJaciisB- danmaUe diserimiBatkm agaiast yoor &an^ ^riUrai aad adna & the *atter odj Mrs; Milte public schools; and tfaqr are to anK^Martin aad Barbara W^agar, swer tids lri*er by Oelobar M. ,baaa Spriag HiU, Aagaato coMiy. this aot iatwst y»aT Of ef She had week (November 10), it ia importaat viooe coadition of servitude woaW . TTie (fflleers are pBnaing w>"6«vaa that all who deshre to contribute com-' make them easy tootoln Mshaads. |laiga nambar of autoB meet the p a ^ flmnJAte with the chapter at once.| When oar local board li^t-Friday fadwa.ia Warrcato aad escort thaai VnHhm. aartic«l.~ m^j 1w> -Kf.^,^ nrm—T* *'- *^'^ '-'-~'' -^ ^ " ^ " " ' "*"'" "•""•'« M a i l l M M ^ ^w», Mi^ M - ^ T^rim» Mrn. JflMfrti' drsftad for tha natinnat army. tw«i-1P****^"***" ^**^ Waahmgtoa yastfl. Preston Lyoa or MiSa Mary Beverly ty-nba ra^onded |n pa^an, and the' day war the. B i e h a ^ Ui^wwrtw Leaefaaian, at Manaans. ' I thirtieth man, who rasiaed t«ap«a- AUaata aad Btfmia^iaiB, a^a^V lt1sparticulariyreqBostadthatp«r-|rily in Washiagton, raportdd at to return over the Lyaehbnrg roate. sobs livfag outside of Maaassas, trite' Camp MOLOSTM^,itrcompVmatt with rsaching WarrentonaboctiMon <« * • p i r t IB M i B i S the «frfti. AS who do'« jSliig oTlfie ProvosWBarftal G«B- <*• Their *rtaat*aaaaMimalwai a o t ' i m S T b a S i a a «(Bq»te*|rBSa«*^^^^^ vriio aia^naaUa to cdttafai everything] diers of Prince WOKam county were Any rf our dtiaens whacan are » - which tliej deaiie toiadada ia-iV coatribata, as a Bnm>'*«' «* th* pack- ^*.rf^^ y^ftouiHl'lOo'iiei tentftdthfalta thai^ ^**^' *** ""*^ *^ pathfimtent at War- eto wffl be made tip at Bad Oow head- qaairtets. rmim, Any who BMI fgHMrt ^ - —• FOUR ROratSaROST -•'-•-— ^- " IK Friday evening the colwcwtpeopteTdiwa" ara asked .to raSKvt W^We^ ! of Manassas ^ v e them in s«»g, in pynson at their earUest coavtaiience. fioU Watdi, ^50, Rev^rer, Can '^y Cigars'and Food Stolen — • — - — ¥ i ***—-TltB Und. tig exetdses b e i ^ held at t h ^ j W ? ™ ? WJXMpy- coloredBapUstCliuid^ Oouut, Clerk J ^ A M ^ IQIfBliS^ Four Mr""-** famtliwi ware reb- _^ bad M«niiy B^IU. The thiftvas en- Z ^ member of the Ctoeh of the'tqwd the- hoaiea ef Ifassrs. R. Sv •' • '' '—,. . _—= I I I ' ••• !•••• a nB*fi Georga G. Tyler and Shefiff C. A.' Barbae, chairman aad derk of the' local board, represented the govern-1 id Lii-Bti Gsssgs Ci Btmwl Ta^i«*- URBtp Leaehaum Elected CMrti^ mi Mews. Uaaff mmi BatdiffeLie«tcaaBf& reoeated ttt» Red-^ Cross camaifttac. Mr. Tjdar ia a few wttt duaen re- _^____ nuoks preaentad^feQowing speak-' - - - ' ' " , _ _ era: C J. Meetie. Fred P. MoMaa,' The Manassas Home Guards j M y a a o a m JIMM JL PeHaU. fast " ^ j p ^ ^ a^ltoassas Indastr&a orgaai»ed-*t k mwUBg held hi -tha- to^jSSir'^^:^^'^"^ ^'^^.^S^J^S^i-^arlstaasC.aadE I j m ^ W ^ ta^wSaat^* ^ ^ are hsr h«rt»nd, aia diOtaa and ^ ^ . ^ T ' ^ T t ^ ^ * ^ '^.^^ Hams.^. B. Harris. Akx. Km., jrfm'formal or ''"T"*^.'!*^,,,^^- w«Bt to know u w a i y^rfchadrstt. Thaddldian aia Itoa. Hyaae^ hack eTOe '•ih7y^-*«*«";7j5;wTdte and BavJ)aaidfcww^^ *——n^ - M yoB arill ha lodastrial Sehoal at the Coonty Fair, Sowaid. _-- you "SXKk tet"yott" kaaw what ead> of these men prom- iUUsa, otTT .„—- hiea to d a . ^ ^ ^ t ybo dvie > i * a WBaiv J * » • « « • • ¥**'*'» and racajiride enagi^ to be tbwsT jbochoad. TttT+ : eraie raOway f ^la, uiasl ilsiing af the fei Mr. jr. W.'a ' —fc -'Jl"l^i^imitnsfit tdilrinil taw I'* *ii« P*™J— Natiawa? n«»fc daring waa caasmitted «t the i^piiioa ! ~ L % ^ ^ ^ » U d ia tM baseaMOt «f the week aad tHs ballot was « aMiiifti aJitTi li •'• " • !^;^!^_r j Tbe'resaK was sbout twwity:.ta tisM or tiiat yM a>ay not vote. The rt|^ ta vote isa. saoad ana; yoa maat' eastyoarbaDat. Aad" iriien Oiapos Attadcs firfl fai the TOWW-COOWCP. »"»Ti ^ «V ilhiaagh Ibe Utofaea da«r. « » , ^ ^ ^ aamber revertad to the lo. ) to 4hs third floor a w i f a ^ cal board at thecoarthoase Saturday tha iliiiiBg apartaseat of Mr. J o b ^^^^ s,d were esr«rtad ta thf e i """• LXBtaa. ' sotttared among a i ^ b a r tf eSBfB- ' datea, bat gixisca. ] ~ Mr. 3. P. Leachmaa for.eaptsda, Ifr. Heoir,'first Uewtaaaat.'na' should be atreeta at-okLBoBtOtt town to Carri,' Piats-Otkcr Seonts S d l l M Bonds. -n^. Piinoc abeat $50,000 to tha Saeoad* Liberty of 1»17. The Bay Seoais aff—OOLOBBD VOTHBa LBAO^R sold 105 bonds, aggregat- ii^ XttJSSH. the Scoots who wB-ra' itllirg *'^ "^ ""*" Richard Morris; who sold 14; are: William Hill Broyn afl Mack men have ahgi adgiagiy, At the regalaor aseaixBg o T t b Town gxymOOr fiTwTto m B K i t t a l ^ a f Coondl, which waa held at the Tawa Uaek aMB b a t ^ aad t h s i T r g i S ^ - ' Hatt Mgaday a v f t i g , Xayea violahla. aer- preaidfaig, Mr. Albert Spddanv ^ ^ ThaylMvagivanthdrlivaa. Sardy'etstoMg of the «*«a«tory comadttoe ^ ^ «w «»W yOtt CBB JWW y W T^<#—^^W^^^^^^^^ "VOOBBRVB "• Mflft pRB^ 4w ••^ cast —_, _ * iMaotaty aada by Mr. A. If yoa are for better UuaUasiilufor^ataa aad a lartocd ^aok gad ywB chBdrw < w a <a Mn,,g. Tha I phwa te haaa a Siaeer^ yooia, ! vwaenUp of lota aad Uie . . • . ^.^^ __, , „.,^> triia to rgggCPtttivatjrf^ j^ r^.n^vat it.t/«trr-- gift lr«a his - — r « "• S S t y ^ u ? b S s a f the ladastrial, "t^ Upon tekjng a formal yato. 1 I twaaty-firat birthday. Hia leather belt; S ^ T n - S i tii tria Is Caa» Lee'o«««* ^«* *»«***• ^ nart aa^dag swiagto. S ^ ^ t a ^ T d J j ^ ^ S r a ^ t h S 1' B^H^rt wiD be » ^ to the Adjatoat ^ -*•: over the •f the fairway. was'rMsd at the Ernest B. SadOi. of Wdlh«- ; GeMral for Anther iastraetfawa, after Wid-ta^ Sns irZE^Si«..=U>-ifi-^« «?£ SLS^ and *» t l » is BOW the ptaperty ef **ff^ Sapt I staatip extaKted fram the poekato ef A s ! ef «ka heaaa wUla tiMy d s y t At tha DonaU issiiliani a revs af 1ii1sp>iBt~fe Br. DanaD WHT tigalhsi ahh —Rer. W. S. Ja^son, of Fredericks- veeahtly-calafaEatad-tha .traity- _.. jnaivarsary of hie pastorate at _^ I ^ Baptist C%arch,nEfipiitree«ii^.t^^ M Mr. Jaeksoa fai hia address to the eon-; saUttat twity -a tha daties tf tha organivatisa le<£iag The ibst mtiitii^ leoUag toward tha foratattaa of Aa hoaas gaard waa haid niday, October 12. aad Inside «f a w < ^ Hio.auMa af Mare than tiM re- had ^aea aeearad. « Lusalatad ^ BateUCa, L. Led- .B.BaBkaaad Tha to lih4 •ef MrK! .Mrs. DenaQ'h thehaaaa r, who aeeQiaa part ot responaa to thia the voted by a wsing ve<« It ia stated in this letter that the „ ^ n ^ sabacribsca. Walter Sanders candidates for the legislatarr w « b e permRs weF* TVpOTtadr ,.._*«, and Leon Waters, 13 each; Ralph Lar- asked to a^naas-their vie«l_OB_U»f Mr.M-J. Hottk appeared b d h « ^ son aad Jack Merdiaat, 12 each; AlH- "Jim Crow^ law, and also on the "na- the ooaBcU to aak that the drahi son Hooir, 11, aad Hareoidt Dlckna,'Just and damnaWe disisimiaatirM Qnart aveaae at the railway be w 10. Three of Asae, William BiaWa, | against yoar children and a^M ia Iha ]a,:||^' - _ matter of public schools " —Mr. —^ A. O. Weedoa, of Warren- ele^ed chairaics of ^lie utaiubeis many gifta, indading a d s m a o a ^ eoBmdt- baadaome purse fifled with coia. ThB^««"vwl8ni phases of Pood <:^werra ATlison Hooff and lade Merchant, wart th* honor scoots in tiia first «am- paifiTi. Others who took part were Georpre "^.r^.r., J-..:--I i.ake. Paul Gibson ftw^n Wmmec vuieman. Note the qoestioa asked the candi-' —The monthly meatiag date*: First: "As to inadecfuate, nn- Loyal Temperance Legion just and disrriminatinsr acrommoda- held on Sunday aft«moon tiona for .->>.. re- peiiple or railroads Methodist Episonpal Church i^..,.ur.-.-. ..^ ?a*c :'. . ) prttgran-. :s proir.-.seH. AlBCTt Fletcher, de- is the charch in which MM of its old- , I ,„,, Mr. Weeden is a brother-in-1 est oflfeial members died a few years I law of Mrs. Albert Speiden, of Man-j ago', says the Frederieksborg Free of the «aa8. Mr. Weedon has b a a a mem- Lance, and through hia will the paa- win be bar of the committee for over twmty tor, Rev. Bfr. Jackaoa, received sev- at Grace years, says the Warrmton Times, and sra) splendid visasats, among tham A good by good service has well earned U» $1,000 in cash aad his haadaomc gold < Honor of bemfr placed at its head. wateZa and chain. -The BetUehMt Good Hooaakeap- Oah waa ehavmingly entertained .••R<3S« HIV hoax-nf T>r snti Mrs. M. D. Brown. There was ranch pleasant discussioa tion, now the moot faahionable topic of eonversatioB. War and its herrors were lamented and the members made plans to send a ChristiBas box. XO-.R...- ber 16 to the so'.diers in Truncf » hn went from families of the ciLib .\ .toothsome two-<-our»? ]iin.-ht".-.r • .- served the sfM-iti, .. .r

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"HS^' (UBBif \jr\y. >iW« No. 24


Agricultural Interests Prepare to HeU Aiuioal Ev<

Tcmber 23.


ifanaasas IM8triei~HMtiiif • ! Grace Choreh—GQB0t7

CoBTention Latw.



The annual convention of tb« Sun­day Schools of Manassas District was held last Sunday at Grace Ibtlkodiit

(C. A. M.^^•(p»^.-.iy rv.....t). *t ^"*' f1^Irtl1 fy ll fT'ir"**. »'•••"' ^^^ »**» Some vary valuable prizM have been

offered this year for the com show which is to be h«id on Friday, Novem-bef 23. A silver loving cu$ is offered by T. W. Wood and Sons, of Richmond, for the beat ton ears of whita com, and Burpee a n d O m ^ a n r , tha Philadelphia

MUltary Relief Committ^ Ship* Sweaters and Cot i

EqoipBMat for SoUlecs. ^

The M s m ^ a i ^ a p t e r - ^ ^

Everybody Invited to Send Small Gifts to Unele Gnat's -

Men at the Front.

Last of Prince William's Five Contingents Wifl Repwt

iSiesday Afternoon.

MEXPECUD • * • •


The ftfthand last contingent of Prine* Williim men sunnnoned to compteta the county's quota in the new NationSf

ManaasaM Citizens Organize Unit in Interest of Bsnfchead


noon aaaakm waa addressad by Mr. Thomas C. Diggs, secretary of the State Sunday School Atsociation; Mr.

w. S. «ft«««^ aj hlBt uf iha Itani attend.

seed growera, offer |B in snpds sflrrt<^ from their catalog, for the best bnafaal of yellow com. I have and am secur­ing othar premiums and hope that inany of tha l a h n i i n v I D M I J M best ears tUt year when hosldng, and en­ter file contelt; T U x i s


of NokaaviOa iai^ taperfntendent «f -a NokefevSlla Sunday Schoal) Mr. J. A. Sceaa, aaaatJCy •< th« . Brentuyills

Amerten iRet f Cross will hoM regular meeting at the Town Monday evening at 7:80 o'clock

chapter aiBbracaa a l l ei liam county except Gatwesville and Thotwsgirfare, ary to tiha jariadiettoinrf i&e

.Sveryon. should b . . a g e , to help Army, fourteen in number, will leare ^ . - ^ ' T / ? ^ r " ^ J ^ ' T T ^ " ^

-eemf There are many who have good e e m BBd do not know it, wfaile'^ere are many who have very itoor jrarietiea of com and do not Ibiow i|>!! FtMr this reason I shall mentioB a few of tlM

•"Wt^ important nolnta to hxA for when selecting c«m for show.

Uidfwadty of BxUbit. Each catr of com in the "sample

should resemble colsely in shape, sise


tV ^

ear in the sample. Lack of uniform­ity is one of the prindples tiutt dk-tingoishcs scrub breeding from im* ^bved. •• "

Shape ot Banr. — To get the maximnm perceptag* of grain to cOb^iha ear shmMWf of the same dlaaeter from butt to tip. A s it is natuxal for com to taper toward

^the tip, w« must be sat is ied with soibetUig less than 'u perfect' cylin­der. Some varieties h^ye^a ^ to taper more thMi othiars;:': county, for instancai Thte alundd not be considered s o JMNAfet: It t*^ » S«qM

df the eUr. ipoter at Vara, KenseU Bad Cohs. Y«^t«« gr»in« oiT^wliite ears or

and Mr. C. J. Meetse, whose topic waa "The Progress of Sunday School Work in Priaee Wllliaw C » u n ^ " WuTlju^ii'M»iaat9 ung sua inrv. A. Comtw coBdoeted t ^ devotional

—Another address by Mr. B i g g s waa the principal feature of the evening session. The mmici^ program inelnded a solo by Mrs. Hervin U. Eoop and the devotiolial exercises were con­ducted by Rev. B. D. Lucas.

The present offlcera. Mr. FowaB M.

mont chapter, wtth headqwartere The Plains. V

Members enrolled since the pnUtc anaemeMseat are a i Miss Emily J. Johnson, Charles Lsrkin, Miss Hearie E. Pogaa A. W. Sinclair, Mrs. W' Hutchison, Mrs. M a n — i t Barbow| Mr. S. T. HaU, Mrs. Henrietta U p a f comb,- Mrs. Albert Speiden, Unt Lucy A^ Snow, Mrs. BobMt A

in giving Christmas cheer to our sol- for Camp Lee Wednesday morning. *»<"»! Highway from Waahiogiw, 1>r-.j diers in France and ?o the boys in Thrmen have been ordered to report ^^ T*** 'T'^ via AtUnta " ^ B«f-. ' the cantonments here-at Jlome. The at the courthouse at 3:30 Tuesday"" " " * * * * " * * " ^ * ° * * * " ' ^ ' * ^ ' " • " ^

i o o l R«l Crofcs chapter i s making eveafaig, and later they will be the « » * t « ^ y I * " through M M W M M , a pSEa^oTsend Christmas packetsT»xt guests of honor at a celebraUon at »«•*>«»« <»' ^^* i ? " * * ^ " * " " „ * * ? week and everybody is invited to con- Conner's Opera House under the sua- ^^«?a^ "»*• " * " •* *"* .^•*™ ^ * " tribute. Will you prepare a package? ^ices of the Manassas Chapter of the ^ ' ^ ^ morning to discuss ^^fj^^

The packet should be composed of American I^H Crq«- The men ar«pim ^**" •""* ** the addresa^ef

Hutchison, Blrs. Hannah Johasoni Miss Eugenia Oaboum, Mrs. Bfrfteit

Mets, presJdeat, and Rev. H. U l W o n , Brown, noss isaDeoe unwsmson, Ulaa secretary and treasurer, were re- S. W. HatcUaon, Mr. Weatwood elected. I Hutchiaon, Mr. •• G. T. Lyon, Mri

The county convention to which all Thomas W. Lion, "Mrs. a F. M, -Hfitrt ~^».~»>»^^~'• «<ii m-ir* »-«iio»t. Lewis. Miss Albeyta Hg)lmis, ifar. H . is to be held in a few weeks.


be chosen to ftU the packet, follows: riAf f l D E T i 1U1?V Mrs. F. M tewisrlfe -MdrMw^ Eavelepes, paper, peaeilKpeatakyllSsli XAnAmSd^&U^-

V. Stephenson, Mr. E. B. Harrdl. jr., Mrs. W. E. Free, Mrs. Waiter U Saa-ders, R. L. Byrd, Miaa E^aestiBe Mosar« Mrs. C. C. Lyim. . — -

T^e comwittae i tary relief, ofjwirich Mra. B . & Hynsoa i s ^ i a i r p man, haa shipped a n e m e r g e n ^ eot eiiuipmeBt-fw u s e in (MM of tjie eaa-tonBtenta. The equipment inehufes



^ M««ta ~ a r ^ l e IB this

tite cot, sheeta* Uaidceta, piUows^ iiinatitm set Of checksiboard,' mosquito netting, bat water bottla.

.whita-ca^ed yellow grains « i y d l o w e a » iadkata V n f t x a a r i a i n a ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 2 1 1 3 ^ ^ 1 1 2 lowers tbe chance for » premfoia; " White cobs in yellow-varieties or redJMy-deu Frio id: <^bs ia white varieties ^are also object

i^ ^^awaa.>»^ I atiiii I'h l » « i l « t f

s a a f by th»€oh>red Y o t a h l i<B«w t o tbe colored v a t o s of % i e o v i ^ . ' ; T h i s letter faJtows:

ManaasaSj Virginiai M^ 9li^ }n«t K« ta Enroae tias tisss^ but willl ; As ^ p a e M a - a x « ^ be-shipped andTiis advisers n o doubt ttiBiigtt that wr * ^^"';^_*g^**° Warrmton sad

IFtWaber, »17.

MmwkM. Con Any. onsouadttUfl, <u sluiveled, iiu'

v-"V •,

mature grain detract froni market vahu «f exhibit. Each ear would b« titoioQghly eoiad aad be thocaagUy ^ g i d w h w i t te twisted betweea dke^^^nte? two hands. LJL soft, flaxihla «ib.fiidl-cates that tbe com was not ripe or that it is of poor quality aatmaJly.

- Tipa aad Botts of Bars. _ The i»iws of 'rrninn iihopM be car-

ried w ^ out to the tip of the eur. It is not necessary tiiat the tfp be en-

, tirety covered over, bat not over «ae-foorth of an inch of the eoB i ^ o ^ > e exposed.

The k « n d s at tiia butt of the ear should be regular in shape, t£« same as in middle portioa of the ear^ tb*

rJifiviijdmBiH H eMn««4 out W*''**ift}Jra<f^ ^ ^ 1 " ' ^ ead «e tiw cob, fMrmiiw a cap^«ki9od deinessiMi where tite ear Was at­tached to its sxtpportiag .^amk. ' Lcivth aad C3rcnaifereaee ef ^ r .

ffotrly—aD eera gt'owms' asseoia

Toasday, Moveadwr 6, i s ^eetiog^ da]-- At thsj_ t*"r'> •'^^ •»«».«» irf p><iy.» William County m u s t elect a DalBgaUi to llw State Legislatare^

You are one «rf the «U too.jfew reg­istered i o l w a d voters a t " l ^ ^eo<a>^-What are i ^ ^ r l ^ a g to do wf f t j p g g

socks' aad everythiag of tUs nai irti^b is Iweceiwury to the

a-Meh'i iwaatyAta" s w a

s h i n a d to Waahiagtoa tvy tki^iNut-taig sectiwi of the m i l ^ t q i ? ^ i e l ^ «.«i..»i»»yj. headed -by Mttr~M. E* Bijcey, «J>airtaan. ^The awsatara: wil l

a writing pad, a box^of tweets, one-quarter to one-half pound size, and any littie should be wrapped in a khald hand> kerchief, which may be obtained from -the—chapter at Manassas, wrapped; ag^|in_in lighf brown Manila paper and tied securely with red, green or gOt cord. The name of the sender sheold be placed inside, as the soldiers are always glad to know the names of their unknown friends.

The ctaipleted packet should not be

follows: Randolph W. Fair, Manassas.

-ft.'ltf-Bwnmoiint, Csthsi^iin

Mr. R. T. Harrison, of i^yacasarg, sea-~ retary of the Piedmont division of the highway association." The

Henry Lynn Latham, Haymaricet.-Ephraim Hwndon, Briatow. Jolm Thomas Clarke, MluuleviUe.— Richard Com well, Manassas. Richmond Donovan Rector, Quan-

tico. . . Leonard Monroe .Senseney, Man­

assas. John Lemuel Hynson, Itfanassas. Magrader Posey, Bfanassas.'

was called to order by Dr. C. R. C-Jo)>nson, who, after explaining i t s object, introduced Mr. Harrison.

The speaker gave a full description of the aims and objecto of the Bank- ' head Highway Association^ and aricad for a Manassas unit of twenty-fiva members at | 2 each, with ^regularly elected ofl^cers. " -

His request was promptly mat ^

wider than the wriUng pad, nor more Sussex Hunter Smitii, Hanaiii^i: an organUaUwu of tweuty-aa than five or six inches high. Each . Clarence ClarkSon soldier must have a gift, bat none can Gainesville, be large, for it is not easy to make Carlyle D. Buck, Manassas. shipmente across the sea to Prance.^ j Martm Omer Smith

Mayhugh, t****' ^ ^ ^ * foUowiag ofBears: laeut. George C. Round, preaident; Mr. A. E. Brueh, vice pre«daiit; Mr. K, S. Hynstm, secretary; Mr. C. A. Mont-

A list of articles^ any of which msiy,

(in pap«r cover), scrspbook (noaie'l made, containing a good s h c ^ story, s a n e joltt*, fitr )j knifa (snrh nn hfty, scoato .Bse) , ateel inirirdr, U>akl-c«d- -^ ored handkerchi^s, month organs, T w e n t y - N i n e electric torches, compass, mechanical " puzides, Jted Cross checkerboard i^fom-

aotoery, assistant aeeratary; Mr. ii, Raymond Bateliire, treaaarw, aaaf Mr. H. Thomtea Oxnmk itt^.C ^ -C. Johnaoa and Mr. Thomas H. U o a di­rectors. ' . -

Tlfe meeting w v r M o n a e d that tlMt" ••" ' "".; •' — "Vathfinders" wiU paM thtsaeh k o * P r i n c e WHHji iwaa Novendter %, according to sehadola,

I ^ a f t i c s G i v e n R o o s i n g l • » * tha t4 t4s .up to the town and the SeoA-oBr- Msoeiatira to aiake thapathflndera ba-

*— - - • » 'Ueva that t l » route through Graaa-


cheannan, dominoes, made of heavy j The Genaans have shown remark- vrfch, Chapd b r i n g s , .Klford, Uaxt-pajamaa.' haapttal_iyt^t8j sl iwawtt cardboard, especially for the Red Croea able shrewdness and sometimes a wis- assaa and Ceatwvme, is ttw awst^^^^^

Virj^nia and Maryland boys who are suffering with the e ^ m s u a e of the northern camas.

and soUfbr five cants a piece), water-' dom w^r^y «* a twtarr canse in sama rirable^ and j v i o B i i e , as weH a s the [t * a t d i ixnt. dtewina giua. f n ^ ' of t f a ^ j i a t t i a n iMX ia^jhdnuKa ta o w that fdU aarvafl ia mm peoiOi.

fciaiar, Bat ia their proposed atimwafa flfg^'vPiai Mitdid, W a l f e a ^ Orsage and sd ted Huta, i^aaes, figs, dates, raitfns, coloiad-iac^ from their aHNH'W''* to Warrantan h a v a j m ^ aad are a a n o M fiard eaady, cfiaeolato^ ia tin fofl , yr oar rapabUeHwy have not, so far a s A r .«ua joata. H the warte ^ ^ be tiTYiriw- TMW rtMUM t« nut lairtrirtad I n , ..1 • .iniirlii mamhmr nf dtaUffiattd SH Ijia way OVWr tte W » - . .

to this list. - - - - - - ^ ' that raee-tetO-a traitor. The Kais«; rentoa pike, there waald not be a van



r #OTWi HiwiMwl itaii lige_€iyi--Jteu—g^naral BeK ««^-~

YaBay^iewCiuiefcr -_.^uideB yda t h o c are W . otheia. What are they going to do^Hiih their

Most people already know tt»tt t h « ^ » f c f c _ y u y N.^Mflfe^'.^T^ft «*. j ^ colia»d vote i s to deaag^rfs e lect ion. | fcA^^*fl lg . died early M o a d ^ m ^ i T ^ not a wonderful oipportdnity '-j ing at her homa near Nokesvu^, M W T

. . . . ^ . ^ -.r.^.^ X . . : - l . w^of ilTriMM Rh« was. fifbr-foar a brief illness. She Now, the Ctdored Voters League is , .... . . . sendiBg-lettws t o C . A . ' S i a d a i r and! years oW. Fwsaral servjcas ware held C J.Miwtae, t h e ^ r o oa»<>aiaK taaSt-i W e d a ^ d ^ n w i m g ^ V a H ^ dates, asking"each of t f i a ^ t o Ist a s ;Ch igch of t l ie• B j : ^ w _ i m a koow-bafora we caat our v « t a a ^ [ « 0 B t was m die V J W View what, i f anything, he iroposea to do twy- Bev. N . M. SUdeler, af_Ha-

the "Jim Crow* law, about bron ^Semiaary, oOdated, assisted by d ' g l d a r , r " K ffliMtt.__gi,^CaBnon


tfae daaghter

u u a gi'owers tions have a ^ o p ^ a s atandud togths raniwar ftoai 9 to indias. Longer or AcaUr aaia ttaa tfaasa steadards da aot gtva sa high yiaMa whoa plaatad aadec SOMO eoqdit^ais. • n t e s t e n d B ? Omo-fburths the kngth , 7:fi taebaa whea the iS iB£a9~ l«LgtE' ia f 5

Space Betweam Baws a«d K«ae la . There should be no broad, deep for-

rews iMtwam flia rows of k a n e k . A space of aot over M e thiitf ascoad of aa iach betwaea the crowns of giaius iB^^adjcBaiBg coasiderad perfect . Thata shoold be

i a the raw.. A looaeaesa o^ k e m e b ia 4 e raw, a s evidnead by w o i U a g them wiUi thaad>,'la a b o shJaciisB-

danmaUe diserimiBatkm agaiast yoor & a n ^ ^riUrai aad adna & the * a t t e r odj Mrs; M i l t e public schools; and tfaqr are to anK^Martin aad Barbara W^agar, swer tids lri*er by Oelobar M. ,baaa Spriag HiU, Aagaato coMiy.

this aot i a t w s t y»aT

Of ef

S h e had

week (November 10), it ia importaat viooe coadition of s erv i tude woaW . TTie (fflleers are pBnaing w>"6«vaa that all who deshre to contribute com-' make them easy tootoln Mshaads . | l a i g a nambar of autoB meet the p a ^ flmnJAte with the chapter at once.| When oar local board l i^t -Friday fadwa.ia Warrcato aad escort thaai VnHhm. aar t i c« l .~ m^j 1w> -Kf .^ ,^ n r m — T * * ' - *^'^ ' - ' - ~ ' ' - ^ ^ " ^ " " ' "*"'" "•""•'« M a i l l M M ^ ^w», M i ^ M - ^ T^rim» Mrn. JflMfrti' drsftad for tha natinnat army. tw«i-1P****^"***" ** Waahmgtoa y a s t f l . Preston Lyoa or MiSa Mary Beverly ty -nba ra^onded |n pa^an , and t h e ' day w a r the. B i e h a ^ U i ^ w w r t w Leaefaaian, at Manaans. ' I thirtieth man, who rasiaed t « a p « a - AUaata aad Btfmia^iaiB, a ^ a ^ V

l t1spart iculariyreqBostadthatp«r- |r i ly in Washiagton, raportdd at to return over the Lyaehbnrg roate. sobs livfag outside of Maaassas, trite' Camp MOLOSTM^,itrcompVmatt with rsaching WarrentonaboctiMon <« * • p i r t IB M i B i S the «frfti. AS who d o ' « j S l i i g oTlfie ProvosWBarftal G«B- < * • Their * r t a a t * a a a a M i m a l w a i ao t ' imSTb a S i a a «(Bq»te*|rBSa«*^^^^^ vriio aia^naaUa to cdttafai everything] diers of Prince WOKam county were Any rf our dtiaens w h a c a n are » -which tliej deaiie toiadada i a - i V coatribata, as a Bnm>'*«' «* th* pack- ^*.rf^^

y ftouiHl'lOo'iiei tent ftdthfal ta thai ** ' *** ""* *^ pathfimtent at War-

eto wffl be made tip at Bad Oow head-qaairtets.

rmim, Any who BMI fgHMrt ^ - —•

FOUR ROratSaROST -•'-•-— - " IK

Friday evening the colwcwtpeopteTdiwa" ara asked .to raSKvt W^We^ ! of Manassas ^ v e them in s«»g, in pynson at their earUest coavtaiience.

fioU Watdi, ^50, Rev^rer, Can '^y Cigars'and Food Stolen

— • — - — ¥ i ***—-TltB

Und. t i g exetdses b e i ^ held at t h ^ j W ? ™ ? W J X M p y -

coloredBapUstCliuid^ Oouut, Clerk J ^ A M ^ I Q I f B l i S ^

Four M r " " - * * famtliwi ware reb-_ ^ bad M « n i i y B^IU. The thiftvas en-

Z ^ member of the C t o e h of t h e ' t q w d the- hoaiea e f Ifassrs. R. Sv • ' • '' ' — , . . _—= I I I ' • • • ! • • • • a n B * f i

Georga G. Tyler and Shefiff C. A. ' Barbae, chairman aad derk of the ' local board, represented the govern-1

id Lii-Bti Gsssgs Ci Btmwl Ta^i«*-URBtp Leaehaum Elected CMrti^ mi Mews. Uaaff mmi BatdiffeLie«tcaaBf&

reoeated ttt» Red-^ Cross camaifttac. Mr. Tjdar ia a f ew wttt d u a e n re- _ ^ _ _ _ _ nuoks p r e a e n t a d ^ f e Q o w i n g speak-' - - - ' ' • " „ „ ,

_ • _ era: C J. Meetie. Fred P . MoMaa,' The Manassas Home Guards j M y a a o a m JIMM JL PeHaU. fast " ^ j p ^ ^ a ^ l t o a s s a s Indastr&a orgaai»ed-*t k mwUBg held hi -tha-

to^jSSir'^^:^^'^"^ ^ ' ^ ^ . ^ S ^ J ^ S ^ i - ^ a r l s t a a s C . a a d E I j m ^ W ^ ta^wSaat^* ^ ^ are hsr h«rt»nd, aia d i O t a a and ^ ^ . ^ T ' ^ T t ^ ^ * ^ ' ^ . ^ ^ Hams .^ . B. Harris. A k x . Km. , jr fm'formal or ' ' " T " * ^ . ' ! * ^ , , , ^ ^ -w«Bt to know u w a i y ^ r f c h a d r s t t . T h a d d l d i a n a ia Itoa. H y a a e ^ hack e T O e ' • i h 7 y ^ - * « * « " ; 7 j 5 ; w T d t e and B a v J ) a a i d f c w w ^ ^ *——n - • M yoB arill ha lodastrial Sehoal at the Coonty Fair, Sowaid.

_ - - you "SXKk tet"yott" kaaw what ead> of these men prom- iUUsa, otTT . „ — -hiea to d a . ^ ^ ^ t ybo dv i e > i * a WBaiv J * » • « « • • ¥ * * ' * ' » and racajiride enagi^ to be tbwsT jbochoad.

TttT+ : eraie raOway f

^la, uiasl ilsiing af the fei

Mr. jr. W.'a

' —fc -'Jl"l^i^imitnsfit t d i l r i n i l t a w I ' * *ii« P * ™ J — Natiawa? n«»fc daring waa caasmitted « t the i^piiioa ! ~ L % ^ ^ ^ » U d ia t M baseaMOt « f the week aad t H s ballot was «

aMiiifti aJitTi l i •'• " • ! ^ ; ^ ! ^ _ r • j Tbe'resaK was sbout twwity:.ta

tisM or tiiat y M a>ay not vote . The r t | ^ ta vote i sa . saoad ana; yoa maat' eas tyoarbaDat . A a d " iriien Oiapos Attadcs firfl fai the

TOWW-COOWCP. » " » T i ^

« V i lh iaagh Ibe Utofaea da«r. « » , ^ ^ ^ aamber revertad to the lo . ) to 4hs third floor a w i f a ^ cal board a t thecoarthoase Saturday

tha i l i i i i B g apartaseat of Mr. J o b ^^^^ s , d were esr«rtad ta thf e i """•

LXBtaa. ' sotttared among a i ^ b a r tf eSBfB-' datea, bat g i x i s c a . ] ~

Mr. 3. P. Leachmaa for.eaptsda, Ifr. Heoir,'first Uewtaaaat. 'na'

should be atreeta at-okLBoBtOtt town to Carri,' Piats-Otkcr

Seonts S d l l M Bonds.

-n^. Piinoc

abeat $50,000 to tha Saeoad* Liberty of 1»17. The Bay Seoa i s a f f — O O L O B B D VOTHBa L B A O ^ R

sold 105 bonds, aggregat-i i ^ XttJSSH. t h e Scoots who w B - r a '

i t l l i rg *'^ "^ ""*" Richard Morris; who sold 14; are:

William Hill Broyn

afl Mack men have ahgi adgiagiy, At the regalaor aseaixBg o T t b Town gxymOOr fiTwTto m B K i t t a l ^ af Coondl, which waa held at the Tawa Uaek aMB b a t ^ aad t h s i T r g i S ^ - ' Hatt Mgaday a v f t i g , Xayea violahla. aer- preaidfaig, Mr. Albert Spddanv ^ ^

T h a y l M v a g i v a n t h d r l i v a a . S a r d y ' e t s t o M g of the «*«a«tory comadttoe ^ ^ « w « » W yOtt CBB JWW y W T^<#—^^W^^^^^^^^ "VOOBBRVB "• Mflft pRB^ 4w •• c a s t —_, _ * i M a o t a t y a a d a by Mr. A.

If yoa are for better UuaUasiilufor^ataa aad a lartocd ^aok gad ywB chBdrw < w a <a M n , , g . Tha

I phwa te haaa a S i a e e r ^ yooia, ! v w a e n U p of lota aad Uie

. . • . ^ . ^ ^ __ , , „.,^> t r i i a to rgggCPtttivatjrf^ j ^ r^.n^vat i t . t /« trr- -

gift l r « a his - — r « " • S S t y ^ u ? b S s a f the ladastrial, " t ^ Upon tekjng a formal yato. 1 I twaaty-firat birthday. Hia leather belt; S ^ T n - S i tii tria Is Caa» L e e ' o « « « * ^ « * *»«***•

^ nart a a ^ d a g s w i a g t o . S ^ ^ t a ^ T d J j ^ ^ S r a ^ t h S 1' B^H^rt wiD be » ^ to the Adjatoat



over t h e • f the f a i r w a y . — was'rMsd at the

Ernest B. SadOi. of W d l h « -; GeMral for Anther iastraetfawa, after

Wid-ta^ Sns irZE^Si«..=U>-ifi-^« «?£ SLS^ and

*» t l » is BOW the ptaperty e f **ff^ S a p t

I staatip

extaKted fram the poekato ef A s ! e f «ka heaaa wUla tiMy d s y t

At tha DonaU issiil iani a revs af 1ii1sp>iBt~fe B r . D a n a D WHT

t igalhsi a h h

—Rer. W. S. J a ^ s o n , of Fredericks-veeahtly-calafaEatad-tha . t r a i t y -

_ . . jnaivarsary of hie pastorate at _ I ^ Baptist C % a r c h , n E f i p i i t r e e « i i ^ . t ^ ^ M Mr. Jaeksoa fai hia address to the eon-;

s a U t t a t t w i t y -a

tha daties t f tha organivatisa le<£iag The ibs t mtiiti i^ leoUag toward

tha foratattaa of A a hoaas gaard waa haid n i d a y , October 12. aad Inside «f a w < ^ Hio.auMa af Mare than tiM re-

had ^aea aeearad. « Lusalatad ^

BateUCa, L. Led-. B . B a B k a a a d


to lih4 • e f MrK! .Mrs.

DenaQ'h thehaaaa

r, who aeeQiaa part ot responaa to thia the voted by a wsing ve<«

It ia stated in this letter that the „ ^ n ^ sabacribsca. Walter Sanders candidates for the legislatarr w « b e permRs weF* TVpOTtadr , . . _ * « ,

and Leon Waters, 13 each; Ralph Lar- asked to a^naas-their vie«l_OB_U»f M r . M - J . Hot tk appeared b d h « ^ son aad Jack Merdiaat, 12 each; AlH- "Jim Crow^ law, and also on the "na- the ooaBcU to aak that the drahi son Hooir, 11, aad Hareoidt Dlckna, 'Just and damnaWe disisimiaatirM Qnart aveaae at the railway be w 10. Three of Asae , William BiaWa, | against yoar children and a^M ia Iha ] a , : | | ^ ' - _

matter of public schools "

—Mr. —^

A. O. Weedoa, of Warren-ele^ed chairaics of

^ l i e utaiubeis many gifta, indading a

d s m a o a ^ eoBmdt- baadaome purse fifled with coia. ThB^««"vwl8ni phases of Pood <:^werra

ATlison Hooff and lade Merchant, wart th* honor scoots in ti ia first «am-

paifiTi. Others who took part were Georpre

"^.r^.r., J- . . : - -I i.ake. Paul Gibson ftw^n Wmmec v u i e m a n .

Note the qoestioa asked the candi-' —The monthly meatiag date*: First: "As to inadecfuate, nn- Loyal Temperance Legion just and disrriminatinsr acrommoda- held on Sunday aft«moon tiona for .->>.. re- peiiple or railroads Methodist Episonpal Church

i^..,.ur.-.-. ..^ ?a*c :'. . ) prttgran-. :s proir.-.seH.

AlBCTt Fletcher, de- is the charch in which M M of its old-, I , „ , , Mr. Weeden is a brother-in-1 est oflfeial members died a f ew years I law of Mrs. Albert Speiden, of Man-j ago', says the Frederieksborg Free

of the « a a 8 . Mr. Weedon has b a a a mem- Lance, and through hia will the paa-win be bar of the committee for over twmty tor, Rev. Bfr. Jackaoa, received sev-

at Grace years, says the Warrmton Times, and sra) splendid visasats , among tham A good by good service has well earned U » $1,000 in cash aad his haadaomc gold

< Honor of bemfr placed at its head. wateZa and chain.

-The BetUehMt Good Hooaakeap-O a h waa ehavmingly entertained

.••R<3S« H I V hoax-nf T>r snti Mrs. M. D. Brown.

There was ranch pleasant discussioa

tion, now the moot faahionable topic of eonversatioB. War and its herrors were lamented and the members made plans to send a ChristiBas box. XO-.R...-ber 16 to the so'.diers in Truncf » hn went from families of the ciLib .\

.toothsome two-<-our»? ]iin.-ht".-.r • .-served the sfM-iti, .. .r



fMT other eaadidatoi' m«t there had, aa •eerataiy, hean

fautfueUd to nadfy M sU, but it was (jitrtnggL later thjtt ana « my <>PPO-nanta >t Ost time did not want me preacnt.) He then otfered.« raafelatieo mUeii had HetB atodfdToTBim. Mr.' Lion then got up and apoke aod^ told

eomiUin^ Priaee William oouaty would not ataad to have such a reaolutioo aa Mr. Kar-

Prtete lis bad offwad rammed 4»wa-thaif^ thnHita.- After aomerxKiaideiaine dsa-euaaioB Hr. Lion offered a motion to the effect that Mr. Hutehiaon and Mr. BrowniBff be beard on the law govern­ing: the matter. Thia modon waa overwhelmingly defeated-. And my lawyers were not permitted to speak.

My opponento, J j " k the voter* ^f-Prince William liave^oonducted their I'coanfy what do tiM^~ l^ink of auch

T * the Vetera awl CMaeaajtf WOIiam County: |

Tha campaign for the office of tha ^Beaaa of Dekgatea ia new coming to a cloae, and from the very beginning of aame I have tried to conduct it on a high plane, telling only the tmth! in all matters, and pointing to the law, governing the same. who arfe~mi

UoawaaJlf Mtnilir I, Uwlmnitigrfe

Xuaw tmm J3»J »41 oi IWH» I ?\^^ "!, "^ other than I have stated from time •q ipni« m tWytaaBa^-aq^ .»o~utWP ^ •^^^' '^ * '~ V . * l l « l Tipon.them •{pii{.u« ry 'uin{ MOU^ <H(J uaia ai() ' ^'*^ (five) moatha to state othai • iaii tooma 'inj3»iiu pwt .itjTnini psuoQ ! ^^ m.y article of Oct. 26th, which or tne older membera have expresaed waa addressed to my opponehS^ T an intentjon of voting for him, M stated that (naiag thcae worda) you cbairman Af. tfae^lSiliioeratk caocoa.' have men out ,betUng against me. I^j^ted that I could not imagine a \ whi^ statement waa and is atill ajb-

' ' true. A n d j i r * ^ - ^ character woold^^inc BO staadiav' caaions different ones of these oppo- with the Hou^eC"'^^ nenta have offered to d»'thia, and eonte

As-te Mr. Meetae'a poaition ia the have done ao. and othera who did not caucus, if elected, I did not ezpraaa>aa.! bet told my friends who the partioa opinion and it would have been im- ' were, « ^ wanted to bet 2 to 1 on Mr. ^svper for me t« have dene so, aa Ij Sinclair; I have never accused Mr. have not heard the facta. Sinclair of anything in thia line di-

I pointed out in my letter and Iirectly. But my article, which speaks should like to have' it distinctly on-! for itaelf, refers to my opponents gen-

•V'I'"P" •**••' ••'*" have ever known a campaign to be eondoeted. Really it is what you would call "cheap politics." On June 7th I announced my candidacy for.tbe House of Delegate*. This annonnee-

. m u t reads Just as all others I have pot in for Mvwal yean. I was the

ing the above letters. An absolute stranger could not iiave received worse treatment at the handa of any one. After the meeting some of my friends told me I must not get out of the race as the true democrats who stand for majority rule and a square

only person who made—publie an'' ' M* were. with -me.—Aa aeon aa it nouQcement untU July 19th, when Mr.! was known by my opponents that I Siiu.l»(, mmA^ .n «nn^nn«,mont thatj Was "true blue" and 4efi»d them, then he had been regularly decUued the they began to make the most un-nominee. Why weren't the members | called &r and ungentlemanly re-

f th. n«m«rr«tir cmmiti^. yiv**. marks and to Bjake aU manner of fun written votiee? Mr. Uoh, Mr. Leach-}o*^ me and called me ignuranl, an In-man and Mr. Airington, wh» live dependent, bolter and many other' ri^t here in Manassas iiriiere the things which they knew to be untrue, chairman lives, knew nothing of the They said I would have no standing in meeting. (Thcae men are friends of j the houae if elected. I wrote Hon. R. mine.) Mr. Crow, Mr. Barbae and fi- Willis, of Boanoke, the floor lead-Mr. Kerlin, who live from 12 to 14 or! er of the ho.use whfl wrote'me the

'following tttier: —. _ Iff milts •flistintj fill Imy r ff t * * ">««*•-ing and aU were present (Thcae bwt' Roanoke, Va., Aug. 20, 1917. three men were aot (rieada ef miae.)! Hon. C. J. Meet*e, Very straage,Sras it not. that these' Manaasas, Va. things sbovid be • » ! BIKI^w,'My Dew Ctm.— Mr Laehaaa and Mi. Airfagten] Replying to yonra «rf tha Iftth been present Meetse have m>t-. in which you state tfaaV

' "There is a report in rircnlation in thia county, the purpoee ^ wfaidt Is

make the

would known what vroa gointan^andJ^UL*. just what thejr dM wi^ w«nt The; Charley KeySer affidavit di«do«e8 to'to make the impnasion upon my the piiblif |>T whole tif>n)HKtT1T frft"* friaids that if thev vote for me_and beginning to. end, which waafe "atoit I were elected, T should not have any cut Meetze." '" |standing tir"thf legislatnret»»I wa<

As soon as this waa done, 1 weHtlnoMucandidate In the primafy el«!-to Mr. Upscomb'a offi««, Jnae VHk, fe'tion in Augn^" aad ia w t ^ tet^ company with Mr. Rice. t» ddJver to' ter yon ftatlM^ aak n^: Mr. Upscomb my dedaratiott of can- "Aa a reader Otitte,.Priaee WH^ didacy. Hi» offiee was dosed. (It Uam^Tapers. •"Tig *—"'- ' ^»t. |^i.i . i . was a litUe after five o'clock.^ I then^mne «t-tiie c^aditiama herOi I wiA went-to Mr,^. KiJimaer'aatote andjyou woohi write me fraakly wtot wrote Mr. Lipeeomb the le t t« yon see yo« bdieVe to be the &cta in tte so much about ia the piq^er^'and aert l eaae."i. ' J_ -.

'' '' '" 1 want to aay.that l doot belieVe the letter and my dedantion to him | by Mr. Conner. 11»e Mler wai re-.

the taOMmUH W*> I»- 'OtMy <riw there ji» a nieoibcr wf the Genial Aa-

-wpaialam tor abealute ceived, but . turned without a s^^eltee fiNmi him.} honesty, etodar and fraatoteaa ia bet-Several days after that I'aeat him ter aaMai the men with, whom he word to pleJL»rean aaother meet i^ haa »efyed_ tfaaa yovrs. T h o o ^ i t hi of the comaHtise, as T imOiBifS'^ la^~iS&'TTmw:li^iaa^ some matters b e l ^ thoA. ^ c Mat witii yov in year eondaaioaa aad ac­me word tha* if I had anv^daiaw I_ tioaa, aa wdl as some ut ytm aaifai-

Uuaa, aial thwiKh it- ia tf we Uiat aiaay wished Ui briag bMuw tlw <ig«Mflt6g and if I weoM pat ^ea> ia writiag of tite other menbcn of the heoae he weald take tanie akfar aMaMssa*. have Ukewiaa. diaapaad with yoa at Iimme£a\dywTCtehiaiBattlBttetti,times, I have never.heard apqr niaa my claims, aad ea Jaae VUh reeefaed gnaatien year ahaetota sia«ai'ity aad the fnll«wi|.g-liittiir! • I honesty ot punwae.

Blanaama, Va., Jane 1^ 1917. I ' - * " aea«ee^Ji>agine any cir-Hon. C. J. Me^re,. - 7 - camataaeea m wUch

Manassas, Va. Dear Sir!——. =-

jm the lagialatara aa a awa and i a«iib« TrwM art Vs w bjitfa —

Your letter «f the Ibtfa^recuved oa ,"" my

,yy^j^' men wi>o have never Jieard aa oiiin-16th requesting me to caH a Meeting |<» « p i « « j d eoatrary ta the abdve. of the Democratic County Commitiaf j ^ ^ say ftgther, ttmt there m ^ In reply I beg to rtafee t h a t j had! **™v V " ^ ^ y * ' * * ' " * * ' — " « ? * already decided to call » ••••rtimi .»"««• •> •*»«• to eleel yM U OiM^ Notice of the me in the county papfra tiUa week.

Toan tr^^, W. N. LIPSCOMB.

4 wrote him ew Urn MUh HUX^g~l would be away ca ecrtaia ^atea aa l ^am

hoped he woidd aet.€aOa~ » -t^g^" I on those datea. lettem-

He vnateaMtUa

Msnassaa; Va;, ^unr "SO;' "mft^ C. J.

Va. Dear ^ :


satomed thia year. While, at one eaa aatidpate^

v^opaMnto between new and tiie y a m A» gmmmrmi ••Wllllhljl IIMSllS. T awral^ aseattini OlsHtoliww tte ca-

w U d yoa are hdd by ^ a with-whsas ; v|9 bavaan

I do aot wiah fo pat asyaeKia tiie AtUmdt df IBMHeriiig in a Ideal afS=" teat, b«* I waa both

'to charge aa thsa had

derstood now that I hav« aot the slightest desire or inclination to in­terfere ina purely local fight. NeiQi-er do' I wieh-*»-retyact er part of my letter, which ia a teati-monial to Mr. Meetze's personal char­acter, which I consider sa high aa that of any man I know. Neither ia tlM letter a statement of what I or anyone else, in.the caocas will or will not do.

With that ttiis fuUy answer* your qoestion, I am,

Youtu very truly, R. H. WILLIS.

Copy to Mr. Meetse. —l-jis^msgt& Mr. Sindafa-, Mr. Hutehiaon or any others, to mert me in joint debate. They abaolutdy ig­nored me and , tried to abeolotely laugh me out. But they soon found that they were barking ,up the wrong tree. On Oct. 23rd Mr. Siadair wrote me the fellewing letteiK—

Manaaaaa, Va., Oct. 23, 1917 C. J. Meetze, Kaq..

Manaaapa, Va. My dear Sit:—

Yaa haw. la.

neDta got fonsy with the cdored voten of the eounty, in ofder to awe whom they were\gomg to v<^ tor. They wrote letters and sent them tmt, aad

Mvaral ojxaaiftnH, I evervthiag waa done that all iff them throos^ the lodtl 'preas «ould do to swing: the edored vote. suggested

that_jr0n would ddwte i £ ^ . to tiotL

1!lia pnrpnn* at thin Imttnr in tfl ee-

like to meet me in the Nevnaber ctte-

ccpt your challange opoa the folkrw-ing conditiona: Thai we apeak at Manassan, far' Cooner'a hall, on yri HUft- Kov. 2, 1917, Iw^paffly piwupt-iy at seven thirty p. m., each of us t» have'forty-five mmotas within

to speak,—the -firat^apeakBt -to

imd. tA be clran jiity to speaj- Yea : jTOB win _ (ihsinaaii of tte.^luegtjw agreed apoa by ua.

Oct K . mt Mr. C A Siaelair,

•Va. • My dear Ataustaad:-^

i beg to aeknawMge year «f tbe 2Srd,.«Ueh J receiaed hn yea-

aad m vapiy to at I vria-hia glad ta-Jaael

yoa m j < ^ diaeaaaaB. b^^^yoor prapeaitien at Uas lUh hear deoa not sait my arraagaaMata, aa I had made my plana ssaiwrhat •» | e aqr

SMms IQce we ^ M e t aa I

can arraage- it that aiglit

anywhere in the coon^ yoa wiah, OB Setnrdiix.BiiteJA

peiat, aai aazt week Vight at different plaeea aad the end ap at Maaaaaaa e » Msaiiy diikt h^iare^tke dectiea. Oet Stk. —We eaa aHMf* WIUl UW^ptflpH tf

erally, and had they read the article carefoUy they would have aeea it aa it was wrlttai. Mr. ainclalr-wrate an

je tarns, weekt ago about the jndgeahip, in which he said many liarah thing* about me and accused me of atarting -Use rumor which I had nothing to do vrith. He said he had had nothing to do with any papo' con-tR>ver*iea *ine* the campaign began. I aaawwed his article and aaked him

pointed qaaatioiis siw! asked him to answer them. One of the questions was, who .wrote _the nx-^ Bcles to the Richmond, Waahington and Baltimore papers about me T Has he ever anaw<red-a^«fiiy^ «|if ^f ^j many qoeaticns wfakt I have called upon him to answer? No, not one aiagle one of them.

Th«i I ask every honeat man wheth' er for or against me this one qnea-tion: Who is right? Meetse Siqdai)^? —Abate th ago my eppe

They "even wmit on Sunday witii a law known aa the ahti-tippiig law, which I voted^or, te try to lUiow them that Ihad toeriminatod against t|>em, KriMta they vary wdl kncrw there u e more white waiters and waitreasea in the eoantry flian cdarej «iea, and

bpot wttit a th»ty-4ve miaate speech and to have ten miiivAf* wftlum irilieh to doae. the aeeoad speaker 'to con- , , ^. sqaAlus tiiae llhBdhi^is on Ua fetf "ieaBdiDir « edored voter tor ^psito a

gotten so that unless yoa woe^always tilling waiters, yop did not get wajted -mi-very~wdLozLeet.madt to eat either, It had become a ^creqniaite to good servie* aad. a good meal. I saw tloae pronunent men here in. town, aar-

r-tJBsr^iyiar'to gee-hie vote.

It is poor economy to save money by tubfidtuting^ tomething inferior but wouldn't yea lifcfrto aa»e on cott^l yea-eould ptt •ooMthiae better? Yoo Az g«t a better xtx^ for lest money if you pot on . . '

Certainrteed Rool^ng

regtrded as a more or l e s temporary roof—but now CEnTAIM^TEED Imidemonstntted^att^igi a most durable roof, but also t^ most efficient roof. It is economical to buy, inexpensive to lav and co6t» practically nothing to maintain. It is lient weight* dean, sanitary, Ere-retardant and weather-tig^ Itjs now used •i the |»ef<srable type of roof for office buildings, factories, hotels, stores, ware-homes, garages, £arm buildings etc., where dura-bilitvjs demanded. CERTAIN-JTEED is guaranteed for 5710^ or IS years, aooptding to tfaicknrM (I, 2nr3ply). V ^ - ' There are many toQ zoofinci on die madBct, but only oae

- G S t T A i N - T l ^ X ) ? I t m s t o t e t the best h cptf ua mtan-m hy a G E R T A I N - l ^ i D roof duta it does to I 9 a poor toot, but diere b a vast diBcreoce in the wear. You can't teB

^ije^adiy o l a i o s i a g l y f e c t e eried.—Y'''wr ?"'r "^tff '* *^' Be Wf« dut it i* C E B T A I N - T E Q > ^ t b e o foa am

^ qaaiiljr andxaarailnka/sacirfacdos.

ibte Aiatfiet iot jcndMCe*. They cost 1M%^ tail'aii gao2 feoU^ wear better, jHa^ I d a f , hwdd* ac^ffii. :llHy i » e s i n t a a , aad do aot hase tabs paiated or aiaiaed.

Certtim-imed Pkdnto luid VwiadiM are me best < gnmadaad mmcd idth BMcfaaaicalae-

ealled the ceeded to elect Two of thaa were on the greaad for the tiurpoee, eUcted. then instead of the informing the cuuualttee of respondencc aad sayteg I was there and wished to be heard, Mr. J. P. Ker-iin (rot up with a doid>le barrelled reo-! in. Jast

tiea ia te sand yoa a copy of my let-tar, which I aarindeaiag beieaith. The letter speaks for itadf aad

I nothinc mace ttaa is _^ the letter statea. Mr.

olution which had been wrttten in Mr. j Meetao Wreee BM statiac that the ro-Hutchiaon'i office and plaeod in hia' port had been circulated that if be hand to hf read. After some time were elected be weald no* have any the resolution was divided and read.' standing in the Letrislatare aad uA-TH«n ih« Frntltm-i from Jopiia. Mr. mg me to write him my views on tbe{ the wM

iled t notify me nf a subject. I stated what ia a f»ct. vii., .iS-:ussjon at is piact ir 191" -a t ^ e -LanHs as a man of unques

pera oae day late with the chairmaa I •haaM aa* be

permittad to eatar the pcteary, be-eaaae the lew plainly says, "This act shall be UbenJIy coastroed. ao that

of the alee ton mar aa* be (i«f«al«d by aay informalitr." Ko fonatroction car b* rv!»r«J upon this'

iJNei iCEDEefrEJ^ ADVANCES ur liie cost o f eir^Ttliing^ comtectedhvHA:

pc^Secfi wliicJb vms effective Nov* 1st. t a r OUR PRICES a a d ^ w wffl Imow that a cash basis yriiiMPactajLl COST.

can JE^^f^ y<y ^xx^ vaiue at a. flike iifich w^iU be i^MnUe^:!^d ' S B w Tc iaiWi»lafls


One Ton Track

OHFRAL Gii^A(£ !K.£JidGOY, Visyiaia



The MdVa^'rjSu^fftS. N«mao will be « alackw when tt rvauaasD Kvorr psiDitT m-WMO— wr

Tk Muauu J M ^ hUsiii a:;ii^

- -• • » * * • •

Entered mt the Poet. Office at Manueaa. *" rinia,^ Second Class Mail Matter

:'^,.^»xj»cted ot' the wpmk/tr,

%m k T«tr

Friday, Nttrmber 2,1917.

eoae. to hla ttiwael*! poUee ivi». tvr &b own aafeti and for OM nEa oi m< eanimiiHitj.—A — i w u ^ j break shoald not be, required' to

patrietie Mrviee: It mattK* not t ^ he knows th»t^

the safety of hi« « m Is involTwk m weU aa tho mtm «< ^"^^ ^ ^ neiirhbor's. Each member of the KOard has made a fine, nnselflih pledg* t« aafesnard the boinee «f the cemaMBitr. The McaaiaattoB s h o ^ spnMi to the facthcat Uasito tS the

wea pectad doOar hi an oU

coat. «t a foor-iMf clever whan ywn-l e g a l e hear/^ind dsD with JNHTW fancied woec

f* • • ^ • t i l f^ ^\tm fi—t •¥>*'^«> ^«»KSw

in the ebiU of a winter dajr. It ieft

of U^t ia gone. It inspired the b$ppy

which a poet mifht have traaalatMl mto an ode to a daar aubecrOber, aad which iMa-wniBC this ftntter of thanks from a mattar-oif-tKt editorial pea wWeh prides itself «a a aaoM o< vmtaMB and «Udi nmiy iwlalcM in tlM Uks of thi*.



receive full value—and confessed tliat she "really conldnt keep house with-

• •wrt-^^-Jeunial.^' She cmiiAnh keep house without The

tkcXkm TnesdayrMoT. €, 1917.


For LttuteiianMjOvcrnor B. F. BUCHANAN

For Attomey^General JOHN R. SAUNDEBS



'Remember that thrfU oi ezottotioB one day «iMa a man ywi partiew lariy admired paid a delieato eom^-m«nt to yonr taste in cravmtoT

Thaf f Jnst hew we fdt the other day'when a good sabaeribcr paid her dollar as she would cash a draft at her bank—knowing that she, would

Joumall Sounds exaggerated, doesnt it? Stni we like it, and we believe the stotement was sincerely miade.

Aftor one haa done the same thing only different e w y week fitr a mat-ter of twanty-^wo years « so, dne is apt to oonaider himself a necessity when he is only a habit after aU. (And long years of modeaty whid^ bred this thought only tend to eA&uee ihe value oi appreeiaOmi.)

So this little tribnto. wUdi reaehert the heart of The Joanal just as nmly. as it came from / ^ heart of the

Feed Canaarrv tien jvask should faring into line the number of bomf* wives jrhoe$ pledges are expected by the Pood Administration. Economy hi« men and the debt wegibs ligbiiy tions and sogae of the hbuaewives ipay get even the thrill of the treaehea by enliating in the a m y of food aayera who are helping to win the war, •

Foartaa Syringes!' The cleverest raodds in rapid-flow, foil capacity foontain syrinsres, with all the neeeafwry Httle tnb« liztares for all syringe pdrposcs. Qnattty pre­dominates, that's idiat •Hucs that ao advisatie to boy.

^ FiSfarWar; ^ : First in Peace,

FIRST Aad^Fintiiitke ~H«ait$ of fait Cotti-


HAYMARKET PHARMACY 6 . M. Odeaum, Proprietor.

• Hajraiailiet, Ya.


• V , y » Seii6F»egy irf^the jOSniBoa-

wealtii . ' B , 0 . JAlffiBj _jL-i

For Superintendent ,of PuWic -' Instroctwn HARRIS HART.

For Bfouse of Ddegates Prince WmiMi county . "~~" C.A.SINGIiAlR


Tfaeft«9aBrt8P«f*E^ Mr. Mc« Voted Declared C. A. Sinclatf Pemo-^^tfe fftt«iittefrte^4ie«>e^^ o ^ Pelegat»

- <fe itme-aiaii 1917, Mr. C. A. Snfelaar fikid With the cfaairmui of thb county Dentocratic Conunittee all necessary papers to entitie him to become a cantiicbite for the the Houae of Dele-gstoB from Princp WilKam county. No ooe else WeAor offeredto file any such m t p ^ on or before J«nse StJi, and, therefore, the p«-mary tow, for4fhi^Mr.^rJ^ Moctae voted, antomaticaHy declarad Mr. Sinclair the Democratic nominee f or lh<f Poaae of Pele<atea. .

Wh«i MrJfertry tfim^rrr* "* |iit|irtii fh tita i-itaiwwati rfaiai comiitctise mnixee xor. Khdair waa tlw nominee of ^ e DttBpenttic party.

Mr. Jtfeetze achmts in the fbllowiiw photogrtid^ copy flf bia letter to Hie chairman i ^ t t e etH&mittae that be did not off^ bifi Iiapfflrw in tJijBfc

suH^>Kr^Tiiis wwBiwHis. Yet, m: t i e face of tUa letter, in which Mr. Meetae saj^ -

"""First in Strengu, First to Supply Your

FIRST WanU and First for the Interests < Its Patrons

If s ott hftv* nevtf had an AcMtnt with u open mie today. Use thia Baift as yoio-


The National Bank ofManassas

. . f , . ^ ___: ' S a l ^ ' T o a r agent and cooaiMuuea aa you wouU your, ihmker, Lawjreir or Doctor, aiaco yottrfinancial oakt-eBceaii«7 depend o a ti|ua and the h t ^ coda no nioco

• than thepooreaL ..a.;- ..&;: .j:. :. a •.- .•»• s -ts

EstaK&faed » 4 ^ ^


BSl this paper id, and always haa brtn dwaueiatie, aad h— alwny b»an ViUmg t» lend Ito luiiiwyt to Jfa«^

cratic nominee for the House of Delegates, of ksiding itsdf to a fr*in^nlefnt aeheme in voting as it did. - '

p«i»i yK* Moo»rV« Urf*PT Hft hriporl ti> matce the

have «f ^ «

tha^ el««d.

!I3ie Z^SMcntit , nated and placed hi the field, to be

voted for nert Tuesday, a foil ticket, Iranito eandJdatoftor Goverww, to ito Modidates twe ihe Home eriWegitw?

Thae has hem ennaidwihh matnte. wwj in thia e ^ ^ v^ the BiMd>er <A ttie next Hooae. In tUa coBtro^ veny, we have taken no past

- The iJnly eaaatitatad anQMfities of y r t y h a ^ dedajcd

|aw^n(^ then-afd(e4 it. Wbes be would i ruling of the eoimty

paxty,; after

Mr. C. A. Sndair the nomibM ofLito party and this aetioa has bees OQB-tened by the hicfaeat state auttori-tiM in the party. As leTd.dfBM«**^,

Sbciafe b «k» jUgaacBt, tka( Mr. ) of Us party-

,is declared tha _ I iqp a pMMUHF Toto, by STWin ktatiac «ai|v«ntion, or by aeration «rf iBwvUisrendtistlHsaM. .

gVery kiy>» damomt in gtmca Wil-Sun cMBty dMNddeome to the poQa

County DeniocrataeiTMaimttee t» ^—^^ a c c ^ the law of his own soaking or n e

ba^became a beltv and an inr"-

Prince tmUmn^Bo^mlT Pemoerata will not stand for 4 a INDB-

^ ^

m. ' ^ . cxuy}



atoeagth of Aa party toay ha ,Sm «vf»y n6oA|ee of

- ' . , " " . - • . „ j 1 ^ „


^4; hei <M>t to A e vol- ^ Oo-M.

jridck » wia-

tsr BicMa whs«-Jl« >ii>* * « • the eocimr «tf the ' 4-Mile awax ' S i ' y « « J * ' ^ *• haM aa

W« tmst a h i t ^ t o f c t e ^ a i l la^^MB and the M * v a l c h r l c M r

—Aad^sart tKt the need haa come . « » fN«d that tiM hoaa caazd

ae vnmn^ tmi «Kii*it^ who

^^K~^Sip«^ ft 1 ^ yott

r€4y. IC*-4JL_


4 M ^

XAJLAJC ^ ^ u ' * •


the ceaaty while ^ « V t g ^ I saan « « aerrinc in rtaa«e< ^«« to the popalatiwt a t^gSa^ of seuuily hi sh«p

"with the a t » « g | h « _ e<_i tncenclmdhy oar «

ofttkm. ' Daily we face the poesibiUty of sn

oathreak which most be qoeBed by force ' Oar unpreparednees ao far* has not proved «n inviution to l«w bresVen'. fitcept to the thieves *rhoj

'JL t/ Asun^ I


to tfca

4: to band wa



A i-;••?'•;;*•


3BSC :;as

D l l l l i d ' l A A j i i U J l l O r T T i ) Oranh gmvc « H»Uow*'«p party Tiw»-

rrTla ''mntf^ny dsy •veninf at CoBser's Hall. Ice

thfkm^l ettb* tinnrli sad the diil-

Lwirel, Md., foiiiifalj of u « th* pvood p*rent« ^ • wm, b o m Ottober 26.

ments dtuing the evvaing, wa« iiu^"^ tions and • TicttOiTprovidi

The haU

Mr- -*hd j | ^ - fiMngtf^^!gffc*'V ™< feicpig ia Qw meet commMi cukoae c f tored t« HSlSKt^V^Smmltt' -itif^C ,; i <H '" ''tieeMB i s cftliiaiafaif. A)«ra]ra wedding trip. They have been the keep the calf'htingTT-s n M t s r e f l i r . . - W a l k e d xtatvrt. Mr*, j < ^ s ^ f a i ( t* BUm Mitt. Isaac L. %M!kMt M S Mrs. Franda' At the eod of two weeks the strong Mmil«imwi| Liswii. Mis. WKlkw. | i t, v t ^ ^ f a , caU shauld be cKlBpa i f f

Aboat a week should be

-—Mrs. C. J. Meetce was taken last w«ek to a hospital in Rochester, Bfina., ^ i i J l _ i for treataDMit. Sbe was accompanied by her niece, Miss Itabel Bombaker.

—The Ladies' Aid Society of the Msthodtst Chnndi will meet a t 3 e'sloeh ne«t Thwgsday aftenMwa M

—Mtisnt Elvere and Virginia Con­ner, the little daoghters of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.' Conner, were hostesses Wednes4s7, afternoon at a deMghtfol

party at ComeiirB Hall which was profusely decorated with com shocks, autumn le^Tes, floweiSr pumpkins and other things suggestive of the holiday. More than

the''home of Mrs. L. B. WilUApui, on tie classmates of the other chiMren 01 ihe of whom cams m m; le host­esses respresented an Indian girl and a clown with down baby, respectively.

wa» formerly Miss Clara Bye, of Am-' ^\^ n y n M d g e , Pa.


IMUn and Packages Miwt B« IfaOM Before Fiftccpth

of Noveaiber.

Friends at home who wish Christ­mas mail to reach sailors and soldiefs with the forces in Europe or on 'Mf-•els in European wateis must po«t them not later than Koyember IB. T"** prqep has gone forth fmm tin

^—Arrangements will be made for the celebration in honor of the boys who leave for Camp Lee next week Monday evening at the meeting of the county R«d Cross. The public is in-v i t ^ fM «tt^nf< j . —Mnntval^, TWdfnrd soMBty,

. „ , . , , , . a population of lesa than 100 people, - R e v . James W.Wright, of M«ys- i ^ , organized a company of home

ville, W. Va., hasbeen preaching at ^ , , ^ , . . ^ - ^ ^^^ , ^ K . B I . , . DieLliiBU CliUfCh, 61 ^ i d ^ Rifles, which were mustered

Bureau of Kavigation, Navy Depart­ment, and with it . is asked the fullast co-operation on the part of those at

and their younger sister, Miss Walser home. BCail posted before November Conner, was a flower girL

—Mftntvnlif PrifT^H

which Bey. Li G, Meukk ie-'pastor. Rev. Mr. Wright snd his bride were the guef t« of Mr. and M n . Measick yesterday. -T"" - -

into the state volunteer service last week. The showing nu|de by the company w a s highly, isomjilimenttd

I by the mustering officer. Col. Jo —Rev. L. C. Messick, pastor of the ^ n « Stem, sUte inspector of Vir-

United Brethren Churc^i, is moving sinia volunteers, says the Bedford into the parsonage of the U. B. Church BoUetin. Part of the funds for the oh West street, formerly known as «l«*I«»e°t « ' the guard was appro-Asbury M. E. Church. Mr, MwMiclf' priated by the county and the re-

16 will morning.

pt delivered by Chrtstaua

.nother essential is that every package shall conspicuously bear the wsrds, "Christmas Mail," and, ef

and his faittUy have been living a t | » > ^ » ^ was raised by private snb-Nokesville. among

Town; Bible-. noon at 3 o'clock at the Presbyterian' Church, under Gyiny. GtaMt-prayer

Ibyal residents Kasehagen,

W. Va., wlU open the week's^ i , . t i l l in the raUiwy mail seryice, Mmiday aft»r-,)iMi been elected iecong Hentenaat.-

thd auspices of the; A B O U T P E ^ 4 ^ W E K N ^ V pt iye t • cirde. Tba ;.• • ' —*^---^-^——— '

, . . 'I'^ '• J** i f f 'T^ Mr. Win andtfc, of Hidrory G J ^ Thursday m conneetioii with ^he Bifala ^^^ in f-nnfiitnfin M<»day. class. ~ • . ' '. i ' : = = = = = = • :

Bft^'Jtrfm; eiti«&fM -Cathsriwti, w s s - M a j o r WiBiam Lay Patterson, i^ M^iassas 00 Wadnesday.

who has been^.ul commaiMl of aviation • • at Corregiador, Philippine Islimdaij_^jla^ f!sTreft PulWiand MriT has been piomuled t6 the r a i i k ~ r f S l y ipeat ToMday i s Waidiini lieutenant cojooel, in conunand Of „ ~, ^ ^ . — j , ^ - Tu^r^„,jKt.^ aviation at Newport kewa. Col.' J * ' " * ^ * ^f^''^^^' Dwroughiare. Patterson is a ^ w T w Mrs. B a H y n - ' ^ * ' ' " ^ ^ T * * " ' ^ " ^ ' ' -tyne Patterson and a. Bephaw of Mrs.' - BCiss Susie Garrison, of T b p r o o i ^ B. T. H. HodgOi — — ^ -^—• ,

—A ^ v e r - l e a will, be glv«n tpnigfit at the chapter hall by t ^ I>aaglit«rs

Pokn . »ef. Tlie iMwgiiiw wiM

include » TWitine,^^^gb»"ffijitO^ Prince William CaValry,'' by the. d iap- ! ter historian; Oaiiu sdoa by ftp*-! _ - y,,- ^ - . ^ _ , « | _ Moshcr, rea f f iacTW WH^JtUu, «*. ^ " S T J L - ? Eastern C<^^ra> a ^ ^ by Mrs. Pat -

Miss EUzabrtfa MncliaBt reeoitly € ^ ' & Uiieaua-

ham, in WashingtoP.

tie and Mrs. EUioiti a redtkt im by MiiW Rrt»a P t w «»»»< »^fr« . l iT i»m«t .

Mr. Aylett D. Clsuric, of Chetfar. P a -

-lam nuiuui; hii» pawnu, R«^ —The school difldtMi «>f tha tomfy

uaAUa,X.U. IJ. C t e k .

are requested to naJce scirapborin not _Mr^an^MMCX^M^I!*^ff t f i rS t ' '^ t * V ^ «b th* iAiporttaa larger than T b y . 19 Jnehea t o - g o ia Washmi^Bi. . .4^«t:J5ii iday wlti ^ m

sister, Mrs. CarroU Paten; diers which the Bed CrbsS will, send , ^ away next week. FurthCT informa-' ^ " * Bowena Merchant has re-tion will be foond m raotber ^ofaunn; *«»'*** *" Iwr hcrtne a t Dnifrtaa, after of The JoamaL The «»«nh«, ir- ' « »«»rt yfidt to retetives hera. shoultl be brought. 01 uiaileo 10 me jcati jHaa'HM^ Cross heaaquaners by Wi ' ""

course, the complete address of the person for whom it is inte^ided. The address of the iMider must be plaeed in the upper left-hand eemer of the package. It i s also obligatory upon persons sending packages that they are so xsealed or wrapped.-that the postmaster can : easily examine them. No. paaeel will be dispatched,, which does not have the postmaster's certifl-c i t e that n contains no prohibited ar-tidea;

ATI mail fei' iiieu servlttt;. on bogiff yeaaela of the Atlantie Fleet and ia European waters should be addraasad to the United Statea ship (hta» sap^ piymg the name of the vessel on which the sailor i s ) , in care of postanaater, 2Iear..Yoik ^Gtr- Al l ,mai l fbr ntea^^ aarViag i n . the Pacific and Asiatic Fleeta shwdd ba addreased-^to the United Statea Bhip (hare snpplyfag XaCiJlft lKtt—Ox—tn0 I S n i p 'Ott-^^riUCn - tiW

sidior i s ) , P a d f i c ' S ^ ^ n , t i a -Saa


The Manassas Grammar School was the acene of -a very lively impromiAii entertainment "JCanfiday afternoon. Thw

-***' . y . ^ * U w j g a j I g J jrIULJfaiL|.'T>*<**t oeeaaion lur this atoembty was tte earnest desire to interest parents

MTB. Mimii* Beaver, o f - W a a p o o t H * " ' ? ^ * * ? ! * ^ * ^ * * ' "•"_*•»• ™ ^

p M e , ^ m n Miss Grace MiaanVi lit­tle tots throni^ the eighth grade, n s -d«; tiie spadal care id Miss Kate Will-coKon^ took i lart T t e redtatiMia, ki^ the singing were very enJoimbH ""^ showad what might be accomplished wiUT leal uia£Lk«:

.Mra: &es8ed';the aadience-<rf-

itt s o S i ' a WSMTway that food •-(iMhMnttCKthe addfiar bojb ftgfa^big foe

a s OB t h e other «ida ^ the saa. Tile yiahms wtm urged to i d n tt« a m ^ ot a a y n s . A fine C^MTOB, "AQtaBm," doaed the prsiiranii • •

- -^xoi . Forest Cole, director of mi sic for Gypmy^SauA, jr., the list, visited" frieads in Maiiasaas M e s day. Mr. Sniith passed through t o r o

morning train, returning to hia borne at Noank, Cenn., a f tw —'**^"g Rev. I. B. Lake in a peotraeted meet­ing at thejpaptiat l a a r e h at Umwr-ville. i n ^ - .-••:^-.".' ^^^r~^-^y—^ The-series of meetiiigs Sonday iil field, N. J. ._;.

Smith, te»»,-ton, and Mrs. W.. v-ille. Md.

)'«£ Xr Prisce William Coim^ 1*0! the manse in morning at 10 o ' d t t ^ important matters 'to* to fore the ""^Titing and all fia^^mtmrw nf the c w i ^ ai» i inwl In b* pteasML(«fc«-J

H. r . and W. T. whs hay« besB uving on the Sodlay Farm for sarwral years. the f s n a to Mr. S. B. fiWpp, oC ington, who wiD taka January 1. Mr. H. P. Ward ta ranging t* HMTS to his biwtbsr haa the

—Tha Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia, which mat w«ek in ^etarsborg, elected the f d -lowSig^'oHoefsi Grand eommandwF^ Boyd Smith, Miaaral; first lieatenant oommandar, T. S . Jaekaea, Norfolk; B«oond lieutenant coonnander, Capt. John Laasb, Richmond; third lieuten­ant -eoouaander. Judge J. M. Mullen^ Petersborg; inspector general J. C. MiUerr, Lynddjurg; qoartermaster gen­eral, Dayid A. Brown, ^ ^ f i u h m o n d ; rhuplflne Itev. J. V. Seed, Hampton, 1-• 1 ! Braxton Bryan, Peters-

; Kcnerai, Joseph V. Bid-i T i o , : . . . a<»Oii.

Mr. aad M n . b v f e -Fas* d a a ^ t s r ,

Braady atattsB, hara

end do not feed much more skim milk than you did whole miUc Aicmg with your ^idm milk te replace the fat removed an equal mixture of com meal and whole or crushed oats cannot be improve^ upon. ' When the calf is two or three montlis old use shell com. If oats cannot. be had use wheat bran. Feed <by a f t a milk has been f e d

H«Tfi ^fiUi vhoK and akim ^(arm and sweet, 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

When ttilk is sold thr probtdn is , how to raise calvea without the feed costing more than the value of the animal raised. But the heifer claves should be raised, as it it the^only practical way to iaiprove ^the pro-d^Ktlon 61 H»e nerd. Calves may be raised very well by feeding fresh milk in rather liberal quantities for twu muuUiB, tlieu K'ttduftlly l'«dueiHff it, and at tiie same time snbstitnting a..good grain ration.

CaU meals aine often used, but as' good results can be obtained by a grain mixtare prepared by the feeder.

At the V. P. I. dairy barns, young calves w « « changed from the regu­lar amount of milk to one pound of. eataueal and thrws iKumJa of mlft" per day., The oatmeid was gradnalljr increased and uiilk d e c f t a s ^ and at

' ^ B ^


t lTi^ WorlS May Owe Every :

the end of two months tttey were fed two pounds of oatmed and wie-faalf pound of ndlk feeding. 7 ' — A ylmlUtf exp«rimMt was carried

But theimes whafeil to make themselveT" "preferred creditors*' by the practice of industry and thrift, by regulaWy saving a part of their income and taking advan­tage of the Law Accumulation, usmatlj have to hustle rather hard to make colle©-^' tion, Gettinc/the details of OUR Elank Account Plan dosen't place you under ob-lijfation to open an account but when you know this plan you will quidkly see its regular use will prove £in incentive to the practice of thrift.


Hie Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our Slogan.: "It is a pleasure to serve you." -


C. J. BIEETZE. T E e a i & l e b e l o w written by Mr. M.

D. Lynch is the anthotity for the

duty to nut. ueeuse to relieye him i 3 the reqwnsibility of starting this ru­mor and am willing to m a l n y a t h t b a l ^ B E l S i n n ^ me t&i zegaxIlMi ci~~^

on at the North Carolina stetion and is s t r t m i ^ reepnunandedy 'It waa^ fonnH that one potmd of ivITeS oats waa equal » - f e e d i n g yalae to o n e ' D . Lynch is the anthotity for the whether or not titare waa any fonnda* gaBon of milk. One galhrn of boiling statement' which I had in my article iSm thereto. (Hy«i under my band watgr was poared^jcnrer 4 2 pnaeea ia refereoce to Ur. Bd)ert A . Hatchi-I thi« aacood day of NoyMtbar, 1917. i d l e d oate arid f e d when cool enough, eon maaofag a Btatemant M to JM l»!Qi-^ A ^ - M i^ TrTWCH,


ono: pwmd nf oate per day.- The eojit * a s very smaU and the'cahraa did nearly as Wdl aa the aM^r~mj|lk cdves . Hie d ^ milk ealvea w w e a s vigoroM aa tlie whole. miBc ealyea (another, experiment) aad raised a t nraeh kaa ezpeaaa.

ftrains ia .ted antntnson iJaTbeen te- taa-in liberal qnantitiea.

Do wA &rget sa l t and water for the • pslf, and a b i B y e ^ l t M i q p i ' f a #

leading yesseis c^an and tnsQ sunned. Hay* good light, d e a n qoar-ters fwe the calf, giybig him. plenty of dionld be.niade'the first year,

^drKwtef~1{om~{&enMT Manaaaaa, Va., Nov. 2 ,1917.

I hereby certify that Mr. W . D. Green came to my house on Tuesday morning, Oetober 30, ahd dur&g a discBssion of campaign ias(Ma. men* ti<»ed the fke t_ j to tJ i f e ,Boher t A.

W A B TAX ON MOTION PICrUKBS Owing to tiM inereaae of w a r .tax

on jietan tiMatres, the tickats aoU, —•• and tha reela thinnsdyea, i t ia neces­sary, beginning Tneaday n e s t to bt-rreasy the admisaloa price to-ten-)

teute In Unlff to mUhtiJn t h e ' night before a i ^ i H n l e diarwwfaig )o-l same high standard, of p idatca n9V eal imlitioa jrtatod tojto^ihat Mr.{being abwm^fcsea. -Hi^faig that 1 ^ C r J . M[eetae had giyen np the flriit pnhK. wtw I O A a t flit, ir. t*^ ^g^t *"•' —***"'- ^—1 **" * riTTir thst thi n n i i a i i l l j n f lltu Umiui der ly eonaideied the matter a Joke and maads and not that I am iaeraaaing inada menticn of i t to some <rf my the adB^arien witfaoatjaat eanse fee..

exercise. -OBe-half\j^t—yfowtkjCrieM>la in Manawas and a&ee it has d d a g ao; gotten into tha loesTjirasa 1 fed . it my W.UON.

Hock of the foUowmg machiner; J ootion to off^ you at a SFOOA nn<**f ~? ibativa am ia a ponton to off^ you at a good price:

Cora King Manure StMreaButera7Ho<»ier lIuoMei DrilUand limeSowCT»,W^

Miss AJiee Metx, yriio ia teaching at CatharpiB, reeeatly speat the week­end witit her mother, Mrs. Soaie D. Mets, near Manassas. Waa Mate was accompanied by Miss Mary Trainham, who teaches at Catharpin, and Miss Sluart Trainham Hickory Grovs.

•^'ak^^*?!^^^*^^ " ^ '• ati MJ Pivot Wheel CuIriir frA, ^ ru^ il„^ Rnliii;

~ Ribywcn and Binden

aire; tUrd , tite heifar cahMa trwai the

ef M f l k t o F e a i . Under natoral coaditiona the eaU

takea ite adik ftequanUy and small qaaatities. The e a l f e at this time ia small, and ezeeasiye f

who is teaching at t amounts always 7-esutt in indigastioa. Tb« Misses l^aiB-j For the first two weeks 10 to 121

ham are the danfrhters of B«v. C. W h t I poonds pCT day for the larjrest calf 1 Trainham, of Bruinirton. King and ur.l 7 tr 10 pounds fnr thf jimaller Quepr. county a i\:

HAYDQGK BUGGIES ftimroge and J iarpfes Separatoiy

Manassas Feed, Supply and fanplement Co V1fihftf><*ft? Rft'-.^iQt V

pastor of i.'K' oiaer ir. I •EVERYTHING FOR T H E FARM

' W T ' i n . >




culaud a rumor to U>» ^ « c t that the Colored Votem' Leagtie of Prince Wil­liam County lad" »ii(Hg~ for and Iw-



J i a

(Continued from nag« ftno )

'c«ived irom one of uc^eaadidbtM <«• election to tha Aaaexably (the minor

, > ^ | | ^ r whidi cmdktetBy -pledge that, if elected, he would aeek legislation looking toward the eatab> lishment of mixed schools and for the abolition of the "Jim Ciam" law. Such a report is so palpably false and so direct a controvenion of the tmth i h a t no intelligent man or woman, would for a moment either give it eredence or seek to disseminate i t

But the colored people pt Prince William, feartng lest in this t ime wh&a there is need for perfect and complete harmony and understanding, their own attitude may be^istuiderstood.wish— and with all the earnestness at their command—to pronounce the report absolutely ^ d unconditionally false.

What did actually happm is this. Reprcaentation* had tiMn made to

and In pvlbUc places?" "Note Hr. M e e U g i j B i H B n - H am mOIfBE^FORRUN

opposed to inadeiquato, <a}Bet and dis> crimiftating accommodations for col-

i^>0ftt0l^lkaM»4M and in pub­lic iili^cai, and have always been." In his answer Mr. Meetie adopted^ ISe very language of the question. The "unjust, inadeqnaU and discriminat­ing accommodations" complauked~'A~ls the law known as the "Jim Ciow" law. Mr. Meetse in his answer states in effect that he is opposed to i t

The second question asked is: "As to Negro education in the puUie •cbeols of the stata;" Mr. MeeOe of tiie ojanion that thAJMceo


to anyone," aeeuurea K. J5. *ew, IJTing m Greer, a. G, Ri R 3). Route No. 1. —Let-

fBBtfe ; isrOAX SUDLBY

One Brotlier, Just Oat «f Hos­pital Got Back Strencth hy

Taking Natural Inm.— OOin- (&e Pntiaaa

It HicUy.


.'JI wag in A nuk-down, weak-

colored voters in the interest of both of the opposing candidates. Neither candidate, however, had acqu»ntedjas with his views in a publie-deo tared platform. Barred as we are from

> diseoveraome way of arriving at an intelligent basis foe casting our votes, for suffrage is too sacred a duty to be carelessly ex-

each candidate praying a statement of his views upon matters of interest not alone to us ourselves but to all th» citizenry of Virginia. Aiul right

"liere we a n expreuing the hope that a copy of this letter be made public.

The 4e^b«r s o u ^ t t« u x i v e at « d e a r statement of the candidaies' •views l t d platfeiia,: Ought a aUi^g voter g a to the pbUs without tills in-formation t

The lettMr.-ionght npinX prhtiytinn

' ' . •

bef<ae the law for all the people of Virginia. Would the "MothOT of Pres­idents" offei tfaott less?'

. But yeetwday aegto men left Prinee ~WlBi«nr~ tawuity —tor -larmp- iie^ Bravely and with a right good heart they set out to eanry their full share of Ameriea's reqwnsiMlity. Ought they not-aJao share some of AinericaV opportunity! ^- _ _

The letter aaks only that tii« laws WVJM Tiuillag of tEe~XSaliimoawe&Itk


of Virgfaja be enforced ~ enforced in an the dtJMary of Virginia. la there a uttgle vioAer, white or. taiut, -who hopes for and aaks lo se^ ^— ' COU»l!D VOTE. '.• •• •• • r Adv.

EUJCTION OPPieERSi-Tfae li^wiog is list of judges,

»rpniwfe»ri hy tti« Blwftniyl Board of


—Prince William'Ceimty to act st thfi

9, 1W7: liirtffwtiM* Precinct—Judges: S. T.

HaU»F. Crfiorabauj*, W.E'Trualer. CSeite: B. M. Watos, S.4. B*isd.

Wdlington PTeciBct—Judges: J. D. \meeler, W. P. Larkin, A. S. Bobtet-

- w.ym.»-igft P^-a^titri-Jiidai^: W. L. S. Mere-

KeigM, G. 6 . denser , A. B . Bust,

. dith. ' G b e b : G«o. Brady- "

Catharina Precinct—Judge*: -ftttt ie , P. S. W9- <30rka C. H. Akers, GJarenee

Prednet—Judges: ^dcory Grove Xdward Wilaan. W. G. Lathaia, J. K. Downs. Oerks: Tj ar Braaaofl . T. B. OaIleh«i^ — • • ' . . _ . , — - - ^

WatwfaD Predact-Jodges: B. B. 1Somtkm,3. P. SiuES. B. O. Maying Clsikai O. B. KiMer, B M Bri<!lBBi_

BroBtsvffie Prednet-Judgea: - B. A. Coopw, J. M. Keys, Bichard Donovan.

" O M S : U"BrSp1tiir,lfoiarGiaiiW.

is being discriminated against in the ened Condition and didn't haVB tl^npoonful 'n fi'giaM ftf fftivr matter of publk schools as he tolls. the slightest Idnd of appetite. I ' them: "I am in favor of giving the' was losing strength and weight, negro a square dtel in the matter.of. I never could «lt any breakfast public schools." | and added to my stomach trou-

The Uttw sUtea: "If yon wiU be bles and rundown condition waa present at Manassas Industrial School' my trouble with piles. I didn't we will let you know what eMih these men proteises to do." ,

Mr. Meetze's answers were evi-

But a brother of know what to do of mine who came out of the hos­pital about two months ago urg-

man or wumau a get thin and full of uric acidjwuLJ.

open-TW all Kinds of troubles. Just get them going down hill rea^ fast and nothing seems to help them, but a few weeks treatment at home with just natural iron, highly concentrated like it is In Acid Iron Mineral will fix them Up in great shape. It isn't a patent medicine and doesn't contain a drop of alcohol.

1 It is iiltered. concentrated, tested and bottled; just aa it comes from the mineral deposit and a

blood, WWnWRflniY. WOVBUBHi \h BegiaaiBg at • o'deek a. m.

after meals makes an unu0aal, stronger, cheaper tonic tlum any­thing one can take.

offkt for ^bove-named dato at Sudley Farm, one-half mile f run Sudley Charth; Priaca .William County, the following stock and machinery:

Brown mare, 8 years eld, w e i ^ i;200 lbs.; sound good worker and brood mare, bred to good eeach'stal­lion; flve-year-old bay mare, 1/HSO lbs., sound good worker, brood mare; -•i -jTMr old xiQiy xalding. 1,1(0 lbs., souiid and good worker; three-year-old bay mare, half breed, IjOOO Iba., sound and good .worfcar; sorrsLmit,. coming 3 years old; brown coH, com­ing 2 year^'old, sound; two suckling coltt, twcTAiitoh cows; one to be fresh

dimt^'coiairae? as they were ui{en%3'ed mCto taReTAciJTWn'MtflCItf'. "tlTg "Sfeflt KtBd' Of medicine for plows', two three-horse plows. to be—as promises^because "the, ne-j "He didn't seem able to regain

To prove how strong it is, pour ,'" Dec^mbfcrr«x-foot I>eering_Mldetl[House of Delegates of Virginia. a few drope on a cut and note K^xx 'Ofdit'oi; Johnson mowing ma-how quickly it stops the bleed-j chine, good order; Ontorio disk drill, ing. Old sores, pimples, and Uiy Rood as new; Hoosier corn planter, troubles with the skin are quick- Kow* »» ""w; three-riding cultivators, ly healed by this iron. It makes K°^ order; double and tingle shovel

around the house. Whole fami- h^tej^ipw,spike-teeth harrow,Wdwr groes w«r« instructed to voto for-W«f' his k>St weight ^iUX leaving the lies take it. Put the cork from wagon, ThomhiU wagon, good aanew; and he stotes in his latest article that hospital and didn't until he start-; the bottle to your tongue. Re- four-hourse wagon, three hay frames. thoir 8ytnpa\hies are with him. Adv. ~ C.~A. SINCLAIR


ed taking Acid Iron Mineral. And member, it won't harm the teeth, **« ««*• double wagon harness, two so, on his recommendation I stomach or digestion. It helps >«^ single buggy harness, set double started taking it, believing it: them. People with sore bleeding driving harness, buggy, surrey, plat-might strengthen and build me gufms get relief right away. Den- 'orm scales, seed sower, portable up too. I Bsts use it stop bleeding and as forge, post driU press, vise and

"Now I'm praising this splen-! a» antiseptic when extracting anvil,DeLaval separator, new Butter-did preparation myself becAUM teeth.—You'll like to t&kft iron Ay gepanitor, 400 shucks of com I found-myaelf picking up al-'just as nature mtended it. Get st«indirig in «eld.

' —^- laiost from the first dose. After a large or small bottle of your HOUSEHOLD A N D KITCHEN TheStpry of the W e ^ - ; R e « | H ^ I l ^ ^ t ^ AJarge bot- FUBNITUBE.

gan eating bre i^ast regularly, tie will be sent prepaid any- ' Coffee and sandwiches will - be aiidupw^l can eat aa much oriwhwe on receipt ot^^fl-by the «epted-at the Jwuse. ~ IZZ""

!^Sr£i*r'rr~t*saring, ae-eotiable note, wHh itparmeJ aeenrity. " "" . WABD BBOS. I* B. PATTIE JOSEMl UBEKN

. JiacttoBeers.

"2; A CARD

To the Votorsof Prince William County Having been regularly declared

Democratic nominee for the House of Delegates ^rom Priaee William county, I heriebv announcii that I will be a eao-didate tor the House of Delegates f roM said countv at the genenU electieii to b» btld io Koyeolifii;

BeaoectfuUy, C. A. SINGLAUL

CARD To the

William County: • I heret>y'give notice to the people of

Prince Wllham C<wnty that I shaU b« a candidate to succeed myself in the oext

tion. Assembly aiid HaT-towe'en gartg^

4£dit«d-by Miss-Marion Rnrks, N( 1 ^ Training ClaSa.)

Tlie Ugh school faculty gave a very enjoyable reception Monday after­noon, The guests were the two new high school' teachers. Miss Belt and U» gniMJarg, awH tt»* fa»iu>^ser« of the

• I , more for breakfast tJum w y oth-^ owners of the deposit, the Fer- Terms of sale: Sumis of | io and N o t z ^ Hjeal^_ItJ^ jdfflfte me more^rodine Qien^alCon). , Roanoke, Jmder. cash; over that amount credit

IgnnH fhan nnjrt'Mnff T h^ytf nvfrrVa — - — - - _ .„ of tv lve_naoj|iaa_wm be given, pur- .

lieve my conduct in the past four siona warranto this. I ask you to ez-awine the recerts,'as kept in the Jour^ nal of the Hoose, to see where I stood and how I voted on all matters.

Thanking you for the honor which yoa havg^lfWlSy wptojgeduponmeand the

iCe repoeed, and w i u a renewed an<i detmmination to better

s n ^ e you in the future, i am. Very sincerely,


HOT WATER EOniES Water BoVtll^ frwn

tiny face size ap ta a Ug bottle that holds three qoiarfs; Gaar-anteed anywhere from a y« to tfcreo yeMBT QnaMiy te BP-pemr, jxlce is very low.

HAYMAREET PHAlblACT 6. M. Cokman, Proprietor.

graded school.' BUss Gi4>ert, eoimty heme denuHisteatieo agent, and Mr Mtmtgunery, county agent, were idso inviteo. uus i c was, furnished by It iss Louise Bialoney and Prof. Mosher, each accompanied by MissMozer.

Tlw Osbonm LiiOTary Society «atar-r

ing.- A n extremely interesting ^ o -grwa im Food CouMrvatiak waa pve-stitted. The laes idei^ of the Osbonm BodetyrltaFSl^a-Larkin. wesided. The school was attnetivdy decorated witli foliage, flowen and strikhtg'pos-ters.

Thepntgram eomnwawyd with toe.-Lord's Prayer, repeated ly the school, after which Misa Edith Merchant read fmlarfinnii fmm thft Script»ires. Mr Mantgomery s y d w - ,ott ^Tke Impokt-aaee oC FUed X>»wsrvati<ib." in U s speech h e daded ststtanwito pmiim throoghoot tiia eooBtoy i n r ^ u r d t o tbe waste .o t food fa 11ML l ra i i i i | g , camps.

Miss Sallie Laridn then read an bk-•estmg porti<»i of * letter gecMysd

by Mrs. Hodge ftom hwF attHWBU-U e o t CoL Bobaart t l , FSt tenonrUn A., Who is now in France.

Miss Gilbert gave^aa instructive k e -L. B. ture on "How Food is Being Coo-

Huwtttd ITais | strrsiii Mrs fffr^*", who was in-troduced by Miss Osbourn, told maqy inttnst iBg stories o f t h s Food Cam­paign at Gainesville this snmmear. She a k o spoke, of the Genaaa syston a s laaetieed in P<dand, Seryia, Belgiofls and Baamuda_u id_Bio iAvMAy seribed the «taa«Hs eanOBST of Ike PoteSi _ , •

After ihk entertaining speech THiinTrt*'' LarUn read a L . "First Lesson in Fded Couerrmtiaa,"

Nekesvias P>edt»efr-^odf: Milton «*««• The sefauul

ffsst. H "^*~—Sf«M faW»>» f h m nitTHilnHsd 1 ^ •^a»fiBlfsl, vdM gave sa igtaf i f i

bed^ard this sammar. Miss BOM nua/ mi geiiiiiiiiiiji'inj ^—ITOL

^ndgaa: W. H. piaadod fer tat W.-B. K « ^ J. fc. Brumi. geitjT geovsK.^

Istta: K. A.^sQ. Haaptasi Hera-! Mr. Barder Atbey rwdted "What^ BB, : Goiag to BappSB If IFe DoiA W^di Dossfittaa Pradart fudges: L. B. Out' Aa artkls «B ftod


mkHM^ C3«rta: Btawaei .

Petamaf , Prednet-^Jadges: Frank, S t a i t e , K. A. gamtilsis, J. B. Fiek.

After the sfaiging of the I song. Miss Emily Beuad read aa ar­ticle entitled "SmaU Saving."

Mxa. Bsaders awiwaiiweii that aa er-Cterto: F n a k MeIntear,.Jos. Msssw. | « a r t » H e n of Giri ifceato waa to ha

Joplin P i e d i K t - J a d g e s : Elia^ MID-, fontod fai Manassas. Food er W. T. Abel, Bcnben Bebfaisea.' ttoa eards were disUibuted C a ^ : B. F . i e d i « » W. E. AbeL I oat the aodieoeo ky Mr.

OooogiMn Piiiihiit fa iUss i M i f l ^ I W ^ n c s a a jcteaed with a Broekett, J. M. Barbea, B4 Hasuaffl- talk by


Cteiks: naiiy Oai

kiahBiM,B.E. Ssqps««,V.B.FWr-.the flowers f. r u ^ r W. A. Kidwen. B. t,'*m^ Ms iOaess.

Haliowe'ea aight the three «f the Ugh school gave a re-ia henor of the first year sto-


Crooch. lad^Mident HiU Precinct—Jadges

B. W. Otailw. BsaJ l o w s . J l . •M.-Blh -USi. t a e r t s : Arthar Woodyard, J. S.ydsBts. A large variety of pretty aad 3 l ^ j ^ ^ j dever costumes were worn. Miss —SortoR Prednet -^odges : M. C. CatJiertne Laririn waa selected aa hav-Sothard, 0«:ar Duffy, Clarence Hem- ing the most beautifnl costume. Those

don. Clerks: Lynn Davis, John Stuart, present ran relays with spoons, bob-Token Preoinot—Judges; - Bobt.-bed for apples, i»layed Marching to

CoTOwe::. Rozier Payne, Delly Com- Jerusalpm and blind-foid fp«lin?. Re-wel! -rk-s: » S. Smith. H. M. Fair, freshmer.ts of hot chocoiate and rjikes

, „,„. , . . - . of Klection—R. B.-were pf-rverf T>vp ro..r.- -> ,= '.e^o-... .- c '; ;..,,,. \ . , Robertson, 'i- •• •• - 'f • -r.:. , ..,,.. ;


AU/ waa.—KKi jwt ciwi AHi> m

i:HE-XEKSei«att?M CiamFSMAKlNCT C IPF. ..vs. ,

joid hgenoog^ rl., . tp unite bcxii ease and fashi6nableness in the design . . . . to tallof^be/^ garment with imwearying watchfulness for every

-*-<fctaiI—these are- the dothesmaking stsuftdards which it is the Kirschbaum purpose to. uphold

— « . . . and while upholding thetft to keep the price always within easy reach of the average citizen's purse ' ^ ^ - , $I6,5Q, $20, $25 and $30




^FRfDAY, NOVEMBER 2, » l f ;


~Ha& I CiMpWfc, 1

MBiaru BKASjm hAtm* KB-. kunS- MAUCiOVS

___ J B W M 9 *

AtfoKk K«U«7, ^Mtor. I 8und«7—Sonday SCIMOI at 9:45 a.'

m. Sabjvit. DafMt.Throaffii Dmak-

Luther Refonnatton ServtM »t 11 a. m. (SteMoptioob l« tar« on tba Ba-formatiflii on Novwpbar 20.)

Chriatian Kndcavor m«atiBC at 7 p. m. Sttbjaet, PanMrarmfca.

Praachinc at 7:S0 p. n . Babjaet,

Wadnaaday—Prayar maativc


EPISCOPAL TVinlty. Epiae<^>al Church,

(Cmtinnad from pat« Two.) »t*B4 by me. QuOc^jm^^ Cel-oqad Yptara' Xfaagva wiota.Mr. Sin-elAir And myMtf aKh a lattar. Tha aaaM UBd of a lattar:

Maaaaaaa, Va., Oet tO^xni. Mr. C. J. Maatsa,

Manaaaai. Vwciaia. P«»r Sir:

Wa, the eolprad votara of Prinea t' William County, ara looking (orward

^ i w i t h intaraat 1^ tha ^aetfan naxt ^^^ •KHjUr'af "OUT lapiaaaulali <ra to tha

Man-asaaa, Bav. J. P . Boria, nc tor .

Sunday School at 9:46 • . m< S^rrriea at' 11 a. m.

of Oakcataa. We aia coinir to do all we can to halp that ^ n d i -date to win whoae viawa and idaala aaem to ua to be for the beat in-tereat of all the people af our Com-ndowealtfa. That we may make up our mioda, tJien, to thia end we are

St. Anne's Vemorial Chapel,' respectfully aakins our eandidatea Nokesville, Rev. J. F. Boriu, rector.^ to iobmit to ua their viewa and the

Scrvlea gumliiy .e»eiiiMt' at TiM puuue tUaA tfaay yiOi Uke, i l eleeted, j'^Iq'^"" P'^^"'**;' o'clock. J on the following:

LUTHERAN I- P^*^> matter* concerninK the sen-Bethel Lutheran Church, Edgar Z. ""^ w ^ * " <^ *" * e people of the

W4d-' Ooiumuuwealth Pence, paslor! unoir pracnca nesday evening at 7:30. Sunday School Sunday at Vhj^. m. No aerv-ices on account of paatoi^g abaence.

BAPTIST Manassaa Baptiat Church, Rev. T.

D. D. dark , pastor. Sunday—Sunday School, 9.46 a. m.;

mnrning »f,rric», 11 o'clock; B. Y. P.

at U., 6:46; evfaing service at 7:30.

Wednesday—Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. ' • __ ;

CATHOLIC All Saints' Uathohc Church, MM-

assas, FAher William Gill, paator. Mass at 8 a. m-> first and thbd Sun­

days. Second and fonrth Sundays at 10:30 a. m. foUoweJby benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

I Second, the inadequate, unjuat, and j discrim mating acconunodationa for e ^ r e d people on raiiroads and. in public places.

Third, Negro education in the pub­lic schools of the S ta te

Fourth, lynchings and mob vio­lence of which we have had recently two herriMa eases. -

Grace Me^< South, Manassas, Bey. H. Q. imrr,~ pastor.

Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. Preaching at 11 a m^r w ^ ^ O

We should l>e grateful if yon Will let ua bear from you on or before

_ .Wadnasday^^ the '24th instant Very truly yours,

THa UUXJOBED VOTEBS^EAGjJB: To this l e t tw I wrote the leUowfng:

Oct 24, 1917. The Colored Voters League, , . . .

Mahaaaaa, Va. Dear Sirs:— . -jyoHT^cuwilar le^tw* swifr to my

self and^ nnr cpyitnent baa been re-^

p. m. Senior

p. m. Epworth League at 6:30

-Rev.-C follow:

V Mil1b.«B'« IHMtfaltWMimtM

ceiyed, and the iaUsrrugaUirieB con-tained therein have been carefully conatdeied aBd-ut^-n^y .to them will Bay:

First. I. do and >lway» haver up-heUk and - advocated meaaoics. COD' cenunc the geiieral welfare id aH the ';peotde ot the commonweattl).

Saeond. I aim oppoaed to inade-

aad Sudley—First, aeeond Sundays, 1]. a; m.*

Fairview—Seeftnd and fonrtb Saa-

H.qnate, oajnat and diacrimmating ac-fogjf]t'acc0iiuaM(|>^<><u> 'for colored paap^

days, 3 p. m. — Gainesville—First Sunday,-6 p. m.;

third and fifth Sunday, .11 a» m. Bristow—Thml and fiCffi

3 p. m. Woodlawn-^Third and fifth S m -

Jaya, 8 p. m, ifoolBey=-**HsE

UNTTBD-BRKriUBN; ;;, rr: Rev. L. C. Meagick'a- «a>dntane»ta


on raiboada-and in puUie pbwea, and hava alwmys been; . —TMrt. I MB In ftVflUHJ giving t a g colored, people a sgwam <ted^Jn__^ matters of pubbc aehoida and to pf»^ vide bettar fadlitiaa- and equipmeBt

: ^ r ^tte cdaeatiM^-ef ibtkt race be-oiaae^i brt iey4fr wKl srfvauee greafc-

Manassas—First and third Sa^daya, 7:30 p. m. Sec(»d and foOrtli Son-days, 11 a. m.

Buckhall—Second and fourth Sun­days, 3_fi:

Aden—Second and fourth Snadaya. 7:30 p . m . ' '

Midland—First and ttiird Snadaya, 11 a. m.

Everything Good to E a t _ ^

My line emlKSces Staf^e and Fancy "

Qaeensware, Tin and Enametwar<»-



ly t&e right, ctmeaption of their doty

whiraTtitey M « a part.-.Fvufth. I have ^ never favored

lyn<jiidg or mob violeiice, and while grave orimea." h^ye be<« _<wnuwtted, I have alwaya maintained ttmt tbie ends of juatiee and liiimanity can be best eon<»ved by the prop^LJ^ppli' eatioB of the law, and that speedy trials hy^ the ptupei Xtflwuiala m al­waya the proper coorae to pursue.

In coneloaiaii, I jnat w U t t»-add: thia one WMcd to t t e ahove^ MetAae

« reeodd-in tiie paaC

the racea* lyfaether i& tha of railroad aceoj

or etherwiae, is unoonstitational. Any member of the legislature muat bear in miitd the prgtaction guaran-teed both races.

Third: 1 ^ answer to the first geg-aral inquiry % ~I think a

to thia one. Under the law there can be no diaerimiiiatioo in tlM matter of pubUe school educatiML

Fourth: I cannot condemn too ttraagly all acta ot lynching and moh violence. AH good citiaena will agrae with me that all acta ml violaoce and

guise or pretext they may he pac-petrated, not only bziag the law and ita admin fatratioti into aerye to rob both racaa, white and colored, of the equal protection which the laj*r promisee them.

In general, i wapt to aay that a man should be judged by hia Ufa and his works, rather than by pre-

I have lived ii> this community all my Ufa, a n ^ have workad for bat­ter feeling between the white and eelored Baaes; and I are glad to be-lieve that many celmred people in thia community and county wil^ gladly teatily te my friendship for them— not based ^ S P E C I O U S promisee— but based on acts of Idndneaa at timea when there was not hop^ or expectation of reward.

Respectfully yours, _ ^ _ _ ^ C. A. SINCLAIR.

You can judge between these let­ters for yoursUves. They both ane t h e - aame in sobatance and naithor contain any more than any repreaeota' Uve of atl thepeopie would ataudlwrf The Colored Vetera' League alao wrote a letter to each cplored v o t w in tt|e county calling upon them to aniqoort the man who promiaed to dojthe most for themT. I know nothing at all of

not any taken by them as to which one of ttie two candidates they wUl support. But I believe" t t e t their Sympatfaiea are with me, and I (^poneots think so because they ar»-aandiae-o«^ all over tiaa eoifiity a-letter which the Colored Voters' League wrote t » their •otera and are-coBneeting with .that letter the» moat slanderous and falae report that yay aet of men ccfdd be guilty <a. to- the effect that 1 | M beUeved hi miMtl adMola and adzed racea on the -trmina. A bigger talae hood waa nevA' uttered add t i f » any one of the ntasber as^Gea each a vicious-statement he k n m n it ia Ji f a b e h o e i And I want to aay, ftarther, the folored people dim t want or expect nifaced.. schotHa. or mixed trama eith«'. And my opponeifta are

ypyTmataiLe to «vi.m<Btrtfir aweh" s tbing, I, haiiervr wtL-paopkr hexa have one of the -beat eia(iK.««f cokwed people living swong thepi that l ive 'anywhne , and oceaawfeto aay thatJ the most kindly f ed iag . eTfatmg be­tween • the ~ two racea. W l ^ ahoold' tbeae letters be sent oat and wh; should these -false and slanderoua statements be made, for no otbev por-poae-than to try to show to the votws

Keetae '~~' "~ ^ that Meetae^raa wocUng ^riUi tiw eolered p e e ^ f ^ t h e » vote? AaiMet « a - a i 9 here I waat evary ^nto-1-eaoi

^ 8«t hoaorahly. But i t ia the JBwirtiir for yonr race, aad h»eaiMd ae t have , j , ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^y^ dope the hotf-aobbing any sinister ntotive' in view becauae of the fact tiist the Bepublicaaa M v e a e v a r bean allowed t o pata in DaawCTatic priawTiea, and I efifii aot e:q>ect a^rtt ing

• h a t . L i ^ b e jaWL.flK«« y<iar4 MsaiMliip aad geeil aill aiiifh T lieve I have a t tin Urn**.

f I weaM ai^^tiMt l^aaoU

caa beat siihaima J O T iirtereatai^i


Near Bmitgvfllfc VL Coaonenotat tA »

IwlH oe the above named data a t a ^

BrentaviTla, i iT JtmiMi kitebaa fmntitaia aad a lot and fodder.

Terma of sale: Same of | t 9 and under, eaah( over that ame—t cragt ot nine atoetha wiO be givaa, por-chaaer eJiataCiat l a l w i i t gotiaMe note with appiwad aaearity, p a y a M e a t t h a

• f I. T. SBXNK.

J. p. KERLIN. Aactioaeer.

•ays tin

law b^ly.

rrhAt'B a iBC jeW gMXk^ti cimfoMur, ixig 0r6«!r has been IBad hj Uw iommaTs jab dapartoMat. Saa oar work and iret oar qnoUtiona without, if

8 t a t « - taxation. ' Sometimes the most efficient »«rv

tee a member of the legisUture cai rfn.-i«r ij bv checking- barf lepnslation

np in r.- • ' eol

oa cards, letter heada, ments, en . rlopes, sale MUs, pro-c a w "-r tah es. etc. Hijfh

ral public achoel teadters ta tiM ead not only that theae of betii laeea m have j a iiMMjiiia tat flttiag aad paa-pariag thsMtrteaa ior pokBe aehaol teachers, aad the boilding ot good roads with preaent availabie faada

adding iaereaaad

•w^ the colored folka. ^ But they real­ise j ^ t M e e t s ^ > a a _ t h e i r aympathy.

My orooaeata are c O b i n g that the repohiiean y « i a n _ j n « for Meatae. Why ia thtot i t ia not baeaaaa tftay

waatliig fiiii -tiiem day and night, aad at* trying

^ -


"Alway»tiicr BwPtrf Every-thing for the Least Money^


—uor slogan for nearly a quarter of a ccntary.

—And sUll the oaly one we know.

-In fact ot auiwatedentad candlttBiH tlBit tedndr rtBtns. pri^H uid a tive op to ihia polcy.

—Yon win find clean, fresh stoeka of FALL AND WINTER NEEDS in eveiy one ^ the 60 STORES UNDER OUR ROOF.

—THE APPAREL STORES are ready with new StOts, Coats, Waiste, Dwaes, MflUnery, Furs, Sweatera, Skirts, etc, far

BHaeea', UhiMwa'a and iMtiris' Ayimd. —

—THE ACCESSORY STORES with the new in . gbyes, Handkerch^a, Bags , Jawttor. S<^\wisr,,^vf*r-7, iTnAM-W««r, Pniw-

- « » «fer



China, Silm' Kitdien OnUttingB, QHaaaware,. Ruga; Draperiv^ Linens, . Beds and Bedwear,'Floor eavurings,'ete,. • ~ .

Dram Goods, lArfngs, BoatestfaB, WMta Gwi^^yBh miaga. Laces, SMbnMarias Bibb^ps, Flanwtaipvatc.

SUki trtat-

.^-AND OTHER STOBXS with Toitet Goods, Can^, Statfenary, Scheal Bappifes, Tvyt, Yietnikm, Notioiia, «ter

—AtX ARE READY with new at Jbun'ar-lnr prieea.

ArMAIL ORDER SERVICE, conducted ^.a^fioim «f itftcB||«!4jM^|M^i»iH^^ i - :



i i ^ A V M A R K g T - V A ,

^^^Ittl&illiUUU) ~

I^KN^pt and vice. H.earae funushed f w

E v e r y t h i n g GoinfC U p ! Coat of living; farm imptanents have

advanced: it eeataasodi more to edaeate your childieB than forpiorlyi wearing Mpargl aud evetvthingyoa buy is gwng up. We are told tlutt fire maatance eompaniea are advwieing their ratee in tremendoospBoportiotta—BUT^REiEM-BEX—the oM reliaUe FanqniAr Mutual g « ^ l a m M M * CoMtMmYhavenot aayrt a^vanead their nttaa. ^-« !••••• irtiimo your pi^iany. i»e*-

1 nat peed it than toaeed i i ^ i t . Wa wiU be idad t»

itveyaawttaa. Ifo

ori-r.fvt; ipgmlR-

a ^ a e o o a ^ daty te deaa ,aad I ^ ~ a 8 Judge C. K. Nieal, G. G. T y % , B . K. Watase, Gee. C l a n d . A. C « ^

Wagaaar aad ber-itf

N a v ta aqr oppoMarta. Y e » « 9

gain aaythiat m tUa warid by trytar 16 thjliia fc* a thia Vayraerwgryaa «e«r gala aaytiriag by trying te ittt-tato any bad feeling aasoag oar paa-p i r in any way. Why dMat ysa oM why d e a l yon phiy the gaaM fai^. Give BM a aqaare deal as I have yea, come oat in the open aad fight fair. Prednee facta. We have had aeveral falls since this campaign began, yon have taken all underfiokla every time and some Jfcvp come ur 'T^'T. h«>r,;nd. But I hs p ^--T.- , -, • rr

ia-aoadc from best materlali. baked In an xxp-to-^Xt oyea,

1 by neiit,-dean, ea»%-fill workmen. Ask for it— ataapt B» other. We a t e ha>a a nJceQUlOC LUNCM

TlTiK where yooJIfe your appatitK Mn

nDaoi V. MiraBUwief y.

JrMBEtt Adaihiiatered for

laaa Bxtraetiaa of Teeth. Kla-


M. I. C. BaildinK. Manassas. Va

I Beejf, Lamb, Veal and Pork

wf^iitiDir^f* FANCY AND STAI^


Dr^ftMs Shoef\ W»iito- HeMi ry

Yoiar Intpei^ioii Invitml

CAMPER & JENKINS ne '•<ore M ana»*ft,»

Clean TeetLf] —cfyrpTTf




AT • ' -

PrinceWSIiamPliarmacy MaiMM«a, Virginia -'

TW's Ov

Omversity ot Virgima Head of Public School Sjntem of


CoUege, Gradaate, Law^ Medi-eine, Kngin—ring

au coats to YirtEbtU stadoits in th« ' Academic DiBpartmcmta. Send tor


HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar, : —•• " • " — Ufliv*wity, va'

JbylMM yw wak ia tha wyaf ekdricai tMrtan, irm «•# te Ov virkf idl iMtalitiM cf if tam is annmi \j tte Bawi if-

!• U r i Ml pim far ««r |«ii


MULES F(HISALE of Doraea and inuli< y all deaeripfeiiM for ttje at atabWB in Yorfcr^


Tha ^ail Whaata arhii - —' "*—

WOOD'S Seed Wheat. ore from the best and most pro-

\ di|gtive ctnpa grown in this State. ' In addition to our care in seenni^~

bagb qttiJits Wheat, we caMfolly tcdean an tbe wbeata iHtidt we rcoelTe, so as to eliminate impari­ties and the smaHer gra&>s; Jtea fumiahisg' otir «aMS<>mer8 widi plunp, weD-devekipea seed, w U ^ ehouM make modi larger jlsMa ^han wheats or&ia i f ly .ao l*** jeeding ffBiT9»».

Write &r "WOOBra SPECIAL" giving full lutioa aboct SEK> W^BA?, OATS. RYE, PAl other BtaaKUM* toJfc'

T.W. WQ-'Djg: S E B S K H T ^ K B O M S W

"Beginning oiT Mondsiy, Aagnst 6th, I shall con­duct my business on a •wtcuy cash iiaata. Uy this system I will save

XHTHH purehasra; Come in and ask prices before b u y i n g else-

" where. "*• •"""' "~~~ •

Hoping to share a por­tion of your trade, I am,

Yours to serve,

SfnkcTc Oli Slaid fbamu. U ~aiRran ttieasurefl of refonnT'"


The way to make two bladca of

We cordially invite all electors, without regard to past party affiliations, who believe in the pnnciplea set forth in ita platform.

ItacaBt'tfteir^baHotii OTI November 6th for the foirowihll ; "^

LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE m s s grown where one does now: to deserving students. 110:00 covers ffpy * *"* <'fl1nhi tr'H Magn*miiii»i- —

Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., tiie lime that haa been sold in Loudoun and Pkrfax for the past twenty-fi^e years, and out prd-duced them all; and the reai&on

nesiiun and Oxide of Iron in right pnnportion to Calcium Carbonate, Md_theJJnitei5tlJaa-Agrical-tunf Be^rtment in Yew Book 1961, page 161, states that Hagr nMJumJfl-abBolntely noccaaary^ t)latit growth and nothing else will take its place. Send order? to ComwdL&tpply C6., Manaa-saa* ViT.A. &Robert8on, Well­ington, Va.; M. Rollins, Briatowt Va., OF direct to ua and ume will

o» n«w stocfclkM

of bat jTMi^a^ftockatth^


FaatAWsHP^HsMt "AUMIWBfntA'ItHfa'wm'ICB ' waigi*«Aal

of Uavint tha wtatVat tka lata Br A.-SkB«-

qiaast that iffl yartka owiaa M>M ss>ata^Hl i-nma and aettle at one*. All eraditen will

their daisM Jaly — ttt payment.


22.St* AdmlnlatTators.

If you really want the NEWS of the county The Journal will jrive it to you every week for a "- ar far one dotlar, in advance.


AttentioHiseirfle*tothefaetihat-fche D«nocratic Party this year haa helff no state r^eieting and adopted no party pl«tform of pirincii ea aad policies, ''in the Augui t pninaQr,4far. Sllyson, »ui on hia owzL individual personal platfono^JCr. PoUard did the saae thing and Mr. Davis did likewise.' Now the Democratic voters of the state are asked to support ifr. Davis as the Democratic nomineft without regard tn whathftr or nnt thay tavnra^ ^ j , p} t_ form. We herewith give the preamble of the Republican Plat­form4which^4;>lat£oEm^^aa4»MiH;H>btislwd4B~^eee^elumtts-dttnttr the paat weeks);- "The Sepublicana of Virginia in state conv«i tion assemUed do hereby declare to the voters of this state that the.Democratic party in control of our stste government, by means of a restricted electorate dominated by an officeholding oligarchy, has Inst all sense of responsibility to the votsrs e< tha state, -ft-adopts no platform, professes n^ principles, makes no pledges. Its policy is determined by the cmmce election of a particular can­didate, lits administratioh of the affairs of Virginia is chsxac-terized by an alarming increase in the expenses of the state gov­ernment, in countless increase in the officers of th« state, con-sequCTt^irdcns upon the taxpayers, and the total absence of any


Republican Ticket-FOR GOVERNOR:

T. J. MBBCy. of

FOR lilBUt. GOVERNOR: Beveriy A. Davfa. of Franklfai.


J-OK 8E0Ri!ri<AR¥<>F COBIHONWEALin: H. S. Reid, ^f Boteteurt.

FOBSUPT. OF PUBUC INSTRUCTION: J. H.^adbiHdi, of Bdddtai^ua.

-POBrCOfl OF AGRICmamiB AN1> nOgGRAHOWi ''Bvwmtm,- ofTSKinaiiiaali.

§1 HiglieBt Quit Hariut Price Paid for


y a r Bggi and^FgwIa far Cash and aavc express and dmyage, eovniaaien, k>as of weight and de­lays in getting returns. -.,

lyhen you deal with us the transaction is aided. You deliver your goods and we hand you the ca^h.



^Jewefey^^portin, Good. When yoli think of purchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf

or brooch pin, or other jewelry, remember we can supply your wants Most anything in the

spbrtiiig goods Ime wiH be foupd at an attractive price

g m tl here—

^j£: Jeweler ana Optician Mananaa, Vbginis

•»1ri« j .-w>^ftf^«*^WfV-

,iime JL aw ggjijigp^^aBar yon so hard yoa axe goinir to boimee «p off the grooocL

I ha've it. £r«ik~ a most idiable som«e that Mr. S. A. Hotchiaon, who has takm soeh aa active, part against me in this fij^ got in his car ifoo-^sy WTittiy B fl want )n TtHf ffy>r*f1fc

Msstwi had wtthdiawa. aroBt taa race. And Mr. W. D. Green ia «ae of tbe

m have Did ywi sMha tiua ^«t»MBtf told:

PToamt uuatiMr g i *^ .^* all '


TIEAL E S T A T E ; =M1 INSURANCE Having determined to devote oat «M»tiaiefio the RealSBtateaMff

businesB, we soBeit an property for sal* raqnest tMaa haviBff-i QpMrt tOi Hit the same with JBI

W a i

A C O .

^eo. D. Baker "Undertaker An<f Licensed Emhahner

Lex A<^ . KCAi C o r m o m s . UtHiMAa. V i Proaapt aUastioB IpiMB all nm«r* Pnerm

tr low aa good aaroaa *a<i oiatenjii will joa ! iF.r. METAUC CASKETS CARRIED IX (SrfocK.


:wm vuKtMt as aa ia attdKiftad ma la t ^


Waaairter 1, 1117. TUa ia to cecttTr titti Mr. Safct. A.

HrtaMai* haa artar taid •^•fc .* w , fel>Mi f ^ialitlai Ight


JajiaaaL War ^ Mr. wmrMsia say aartUi« ta lead^aw to Mfara Mr.



DOURIllAlmNOI). m s F St. an 12U-U 6 St..


Protect Yoisr Farm Products

Live Siock i^rom ^ Weatlier All kinds of,food and live stock are, going'

to be worth. in«iey ne»t -winter and the time y ia fight heti. to tttaUas .x^"^^"n>'"atHju8 loi

D6a<a: d_elay bmlding.aitd improving until ---diexymx& will want material and labor for "Tfita same pnrposef BUT DO IT NO?I^

"consider' tHc vaTuc of other When anjcifs you

^*ML [NG


-i£Sib~WOSK so bigh thgt -yon-xaaaet-afford to do y<mr building' and improviacT

• teaa good Itdvantagg as tisual. Ota stocks are very complete and we can

give good values in both' the higli and low grades.


tT>aw. If ya« TBte ftr Ifr.

Davis at t yaa oaaUfr jravaalaaa ta ia any fatsra •!•»•{»•

that Maetaa is OM of progressiTa dcaaocimts ia

Viigiaia, atway* ready -ia talia the lead. B i i a a h w that a voto for Maetsa is a T«te for progress, the schools tha famera, the laborer, the adtance- W. S. ATHEY. Proprietor, aaad of aodal and etrie im]>roT«meot.' B a g g i e , Purniture and aB kinds And remember Meetae has done all. of marrhandiafi or otlier coaunoditiaa be eonld in the past and will try to {H^aunitli tnowfarrad or dettverad. do more m the fntnre. And lastly, re-' '—;_^ • • ' . , ' ' . ^ member that Mects« always know. Tb« Joumal, $1 a year in ad-y«>Q whether in or out of s csmpaijrn, Vance.

: Manassas Transfer{^.,

your (arm macJimarya See J our fine an<Mo<^ for furth- | er annouiiceii^nt » diese

X Gumwell Supply Company | { MANASSAS, VIRGINIA • • •ff aa aaas saaaaaaaaaasaa*




Mb e{ l b . ABd 1 | ^ Cadi & a m i ^ dMd Sfttarday n^M at the Smith

tmx -N.

PijiH^-r^i P»M wert eu«Btf »t the of MM. a J. HoidMi Tnewiajr

Poaend eeinkiee were heU Tuea <Ur at the Methodkt Chkreh at Cat-lett. B«v. W. H. Manh oariatiiig. The pallfaearera ««re Qaade Har-rinc of NokcsrUk, and Eimtr Stepb-«aa, Charles WIDia^ir^aaea Pjrtew, Raymond SmHh and Joieph TUSi, all of Catlatt

SurriTinf member* of the family are hi* paienta, foar_jiuiter«^_|iiia Edith Smith, yj WaaMngton, and

or Smith, of NolceeviUc, and flT* brothers, Harold, Victor, Creishton, Horace and Simon Smith.

Mn. J. B. MA&iwI, who had been ill for eereral days, was taken to Emersreaey Hoapital, WashiaftoR, Wednesday, to be <q>«ated on for appftidiritia, '.

Mr S S RtiilfT, who undprwcpt an o peratioir^ ftar two wee^^ sgo, Stoltz sfent Sunday band at .the hcrspital.

•ppendtEttti HMurly is-raeoxaadnc Mrs

with hw hoa-

Mrs. Francis Wilkins, of Mathias, W. Va., recently Tisited at the home of her brother, Mr. R. B. Fitcwstar.

Mr. WDUam Ficklinc and family and Mrs. S. B. LawA motored to Washington Saturday.

Mr. John Walters spent the week-end in Washwigtow

her hone Saturday

at GMMB-Miss Carrie Lee

and Sunday at wich.

Mrs. W. E. Fne has been Tiaitnc in Washington imd Atoandria. \

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and family motored to Loray tills-week to spend a fei> days with lelaUws and friends. [ 7^ 7" .

Miss Margaret WiOiama, of Cat-lett, spent several days hmjraoently with her aiatier, VxM. Psiuy King.—

Mrs. S. B. laws entcttaiaed a jinm=. ber of the yonns petite at^M neicb-borhood at her hooM last Fridays evening.

Miss- Edith Laws'haa bees viiritHig I n Petersburg.. - . ,— .

The people of the NolniTQIe neig-hborhood are logld|Bg fivwaid to a joint debate Iwlaiiiu Mr. J t o t » i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L and Mf. SteeUlf at the aawrt Iwn"' '~'«« -gs«Haii. Monday night. ,

mtOfT uaxk

A very gram was preaentod iat Saithfieid school house last Friday evcung. The progranLlBaa aa foBgws:

racNTKEW '"'

at 11 a. m. ui(l^;9e p. MiB. Trae i i at the

Uy autwiuuMte-te TisiMfav r ^ ^ ^ — / f l " - . ^ ^ ^ WaBMr's fhtheT at Manassas, and the

jtimyimim lV\nmi the ran Tuesday eveninc to' cet i«'

W- John T. DeBeU and Mies Tiitie D4Bell have returned from Waahiac-tost where th«y paid a shsK visit to thefar brether, Lient Arthur W. De-B IL atedieal corps, U. A. A., who has boM transferred from Fofi Ofle-tlMipe, Ga., to Long Island, beCore leaving for Fraaoe.

Mrs. B. J. Holden is visiting her dai^hters, Mrs. A S. HarHson 121 Mti. Baymwd N Wrmn. rt H«T>te».


A very intaresUug entertainment was held at Crroveton school last 'Fri-dsy afternoon. A'shMt program by the school came first. In which all the rhilArfn regeeted great credit -«poi» their teaeher, Mies Irene Ledmanr-Mvr C. 3. Meetse remiaisceneer-

gave some of his life

interesting Ime as •

scho^ boy. He was fnllnwad J»y-4Ir. G. A Sinclair who brought to the at-tcntian of his listeners the things for ^hieh the pnUic adiools should stand.

Earl Mcrrin, tnt of oar tcA^iBt boys from Camp Leie, came next. How proud we are of these manly young fellows in their khaki who have left the plow, the. desk, .the school, every path nf liff, trt respond to their na-ttsa't cry for h ^ . - Frtvate MerrBl siioke chiefly on'Liberty Bonds—wid sold five or six then and there.

The next speaker was David Bar-rover, one e< Hie buys f i w Oi'utelun;-

has drenmnavigated the earth sbcwt eight times, tmveling |yob»biy

t£lan a million. miles. just leluiiied from a passing throogh the •*•< sewing ^wo- anhmsrinea.

'VpSamSf this the r e a ^ im-of th9 meeting. The pertant part

Bull Bun Covidl, Order Fraternal Amoieans, rtiiraogh Mr. Jofan H. Trimyer, of^hexawiria, presented to Groveton sgho^ a most.beantiful Bible _^ and bnnt^gfiag. In Iris t«&- Mr i y^ij^y Trimyer Uid atrcas on the ia^arfaaee Of the dahy aae of the Bade » t i M

Ht!HiW».UKifaitia to bs h«Jd_-*«iW-row.

B«v. W. W services at the Baptist 6hiuch ^mday home.

, noighborheed, vriio has been viattinff * .* 'r'"'''~-''"-h«ajri4iuiad toter

1 r Wemaa^ Missiowsry Union «f hoBte «f bar-,

Mtn.K.B. at the

Rev. 1 ^ Mrs. Frey are viaitinciat tlnjuMiewfMss.Fiye^ father,^fr. V^ .-^f?^^4arman ^netair.

Weaver. Mr. Ernest Ayre, of Washington, is

visitiag his brother, Mr. T. A. Ayre. Mr. George C. Morgan, of ^orria-

towB. Pa., recently visited telativee here. Mr. Morgan has been in sonth-txn Mississippi ttft the past two jeais and wIM WWmtnt to Norxistown tor the winter.

Miss Moneure left Wednesday for her home in Bealeton. Mrs. Eari

m tSe' flf£h aad'sixQi gradss ef the Il^Ebn schboE

Wanted—^,000 white JcTOMti^. SefTBOratietBTOWL i L LjTich Ic Co. ^^tfT'

Three German hunters ftom the city were searelied and fined one night this week. It was said they threw their game oat of the windew aftor getting on the train and R is posed that they were afraid o< fined again (Hi reaching their iliistiiia taon.


A very entertaining program waa ^ven at Beth}«b«m PoUic Sehoal laa» Friday afternoon, the occaaion being a flag raising and' food eonservatioa meeting in compliance with the wishes of the Food Administrataon. The cou«-vati<« of food was freely disenssed, the patrons of the school pledging themarives to sopprnt any tMwwiaii-al piau ftii u iusmim ~tiw food sui^ly at t U s tm|»ttant pertod in the life of flie nation.

A card from Mr. Charles H. Mc Donald, f viaJMi snperinteadert of schools, iras read. Supt MeOwtald expressed his regret that owing to-Ql-

was nnabla to^ A 'Aa the flag vraa aararied qr Master

Lociaa .Larkin. ^My Comrtxy, 'pm of n e e " was song by the following mgi

Biertha Bradford, Loey, NataUa and Laeretia Larldnr NeBie King, Myrtle Tjrlcr, MoBie anij fi&aheth Beeves, Ma»giawt"'«Bi! twCeUn Jefties and Matie Vetter. GiOert Kmg. Bddie Ty­ler, ^iry and Endn JcSiies and

Tne jirogfam *wa8 'piepaved ondar the dkeetien of the testJisir. Mips

Liei^ Geoi«e C. Bbohdaeecvted the Bible and flair im behalf of tite a^vd^l giving r ihwl rtMili of the sefcsslf


MirUJ- l lSL»- f Then enme the flag rawing. «^'piaU»cted meeting rt Fair View tt^ there was a prood and thnaBid fici-t _ _ j _ .. ^ , m | | , j . niiiirtaj '

cnjoyahle galtowe'en pio-! ing in ench-=torirt when : <Md Gtey floated m the braene tifnl uew bmlding.

br a largt and attentive

Opening Adtoias E a d ^ ine

J Cot T r ^ e . a Cerfaderate soldia-, , M * ^ l f c O „ ^ , « i 9t the Hard Maryland reganent, wfio

Recitation, "TSe . IWnd*--; Barbee. ^,^.

Song and lactam—"Sdmol DKys." Recitation, "Wh* Awf Yen"—

Mary Cheslock. ^ Recitation, "Little Elf GhBd"—

Mae Keys. 'Pii.»!;i.y TVin" hy Pi,;»..i>y C9mm.

OH GIsry Seated en the night when Francis Seott Kti$\ wrote>T1w StM-' ~ - - - -gave seveilal BMadoHBcenBeesafr w m ; Last, bat the wiitiiqr of ti>e nntrnwi anflasm. {{,d

Other important featares of the day vrhieh were enjoyed by J l wera the] charlie Matthe^. the Pig CW> b^,

^ a»li iiwX>;F. Aband; V. X

v«Be, is the guest «f MzB. Win Gossom, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaddia. of Wash­ington, were guests on Soodur tf Mr. and Mrs. Howard BelL

Mr. Green Smith, ofSavagc, Md.. spent th« week tiad at Us home near Wnalaey.

This section was visited the first ef the wedc by a severe storm—rain, wind and hail—^whicfa was followed by aaanmna%«oU speU 4< woathw tor saaarly in the saasea. leea half-htch Xtigk wiia noQeed Si aeveral p&eci an Wednesday Baomiag. S.

Tor over pool fice or buife«8S pJbr to E. B. Connw.

afraid of Mutual Assessments, i i l r ' cvijo. v iH ijivp rojnpanies. If

tffyou don't like the -mcreasing old line ratea, try our Mutual. Take

_-1J I your choice. We represent both kinds. Austin Corporation. 53

i—House for rent — C-rooni ' -""^ I dwdling with modem improve-F<M-Sale—^DweUin^ house andimenta. G. Raymond Kattlifff,



Haligwe'c party was a grand 1 from rtart to finiaii. The dee-

onMions were attractive and original and the trip to Hadea terrifying and reniwsc.

finarythiag from "Hie Strange Little Pin Headed Cannibal Girl.''' who as the baifcera aflbrmed was 2,000 years older than Eve, to realistic aeenea of 'K>Mn-menftoter^ on the Aeto" (cemnxm potatoes en the axe.)

Mosic was furnished by the college orebeatra;and individual members, and HMMij. oif an kinds iiM>ln<iing classic dsnriwg my Miss Hilda Titos, of Oinnge, view Jersey, were mdnlgcd m." ' " ~"

tlie party (not forgrtting the re-. frMlunento, of eeorae), waa greatly augywL — _J

TfeJa wed^ finds- every one hard again. .' •

of Baiboads wiU be intzodneed the joint meeting of the literary aodetaea, F tSday, November 9.

store room combined, with one acre of Ivtd at Bristow, Va.r house in good condition, 8 rooms. Nerly new 6-room house with 2 large halls, 2 large porches, 2 acres good laad. located ^ mile from Manassas C. H. on Manas­sas and Bristow road- Well ligHled with electnciW Both properties wttt-be acid efaeap aad on easy terms. 150 acres cut-oveFtTmberTSo^Toeatea about 2 miles south of Brentsville, Va., on the county road leading from Brentsville to Indepoident Hill. E. L. Hombaker, Manassas, Va.


Manassas, Va.

For Sale—^My residence on Grant Avenue, Manassas; vt-ry chei^. Address Mrs. F. S: Brand, 1837 Califomia Street, Washington, D. C. 22-tf

- f o r 8»te Tjr etaSange-^ihirant-Dort 0 pMSongiT canUga; good as new. W. A- Henry, R. F. D. ^ 28-3*

Rose<comb Rhode Island Red cockereb for aiile; 250-egg strain. E. E. Bloog^ R. 1, Man-


I will adi at P u l ^ Auctfon at my idace 2Vi miieB soutA of Cliftoo, neia-Elgbt School-^uuiie, on

Monday, Nov. ^th, 1917 commencing at 10:30 o'dock a. m., my personal property am-

sistins of

7 high gH "5oe~regtBta«rr

—Prfvato Francis Norvril Larkm, Company E, 419th Infantry. Camp Lee, has been transferred j to Head-qoaiters Cooppity, aa regnn^dal-eh-gineer ndth the rank <rf aergennt. He

W ^ f t o the J ^ -aem of Ut, «~i Hrt. Ja^see & I^zidn. ef Mawsssas. ffis wipe and baby daughftor' are i^end^ i l^t iw wi^cr at .FMt C swcB, V.

: BUfitfUiS U}Ettlfc4eARIJN^pfL^H COMPANY. glCe " T

WWE C « l

Beagle huimd tor sate; gooct rabbit dog. Apply to W. IL Jef*

Insure your grun In stack against fiie and lightning. See Aastm.- Low cost.

C Jersey heifers; 4-year <*r gelding; Z- . ~ year <M gdding; 2 fat hogBriXyphera in-

- cuhator; 2 Cyi^era brooders; 1 s^iarator. - neartymew; dian»-and qfr»-dai iy atea-

sila; one-hrarse wagon and hameM; larm harness; tkxm im^emeais of all kiada; iMMMKiiflU fjoadfr «Bd kitctai furniture.

TERMS:-^A credit of 6 months will be given on sums o v w ^ 0 , purchaser 1» execute negotiable note with ai^noved security. Ufader jflO. c a A will be lequiied. Si« per-ceal fatereat on time-paymeata.' . r"

I wtiTafSe'same time (^er for sale the farm, consisting of 56 acres, modem improvements, bath and ninning filter, fur­nished b j ram. AS teobeA, 16 acres aider cultivation, balaBee ki pastore and woodls; Fruit of all Idada. T«rms on t a r a m a ^ known <» day 9t aafe. „ . • _ _ ^





Rec i tati on—Miss Song and Pictnre, "Slver

Among the Gold." Solo, "There's

a Tramp"—Mr. J. A. .A.fter the piiigram

BTid a goodly sum war renlbed. Mrs. Charler

' Bindk CUa by Mr. Dsniel Poeev rati f ' -^T wgl am^^t*" ^

r^o'^t to Wiiissaas in a~fcw diy*.' - | ••Ghent" to^

^ ^ . f j l . ' ^ J * * ' . ; * • ? ? * . ^ 1 - W * A « C«e»y l i a » ;vi-o children, Henry and John, relumed hosse altar a M<«it among rulatlw aad fMsads Alexandria and rounty.

Miss E3sie truest week.

Miss Maria Vangbn Ir-voy ak^ Mr. E. S. FVrenee

a fine Loey. Belle,

Mary ymphehw and Mr. and Mrs.* Kli Kineheloe were guests of Mr. ^ and Mrs. Rosier Payne Sunday,

Mr. ^oiia t BSCern spent -in Dnmfries as the gnest ef his brother, Mr. Sichard Lnnsfard.


Subscribe for the Journal, year in advance..^.

Ouags to vrhieh r eaka vras awardad

pepolar yonag lady. «f tt»4

1 ers. Miss Hobnts and Mlsa Crewe finally won the cake,' Miss H<^mes a cloee second •cake breogfct neariy f 14, at fiva a vote. The proceeds frsai tke party

to sbo<it$50. The school lea^e will m«et in the

inctngriiim this afiezaoan and the sttendini;