ggemem - clover bates, billy...

GEM GEM Magazine Missouri Free Will Baptist Volume 80 / Number 4 / April, 2009 Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Inside: Inside: World MIssions Offering World MIssions Offering ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Page 4 Page 4 Senior Adult Retreat Senior Adult Retreat .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Page 6 Page 6 Youth Camp 2009 Youth Camp 2009 .................................................................................. .................................................................................. Page 7 Page 7

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Page 1: GGEMEM - Clover Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport avid Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport ccustom

GEMGEMMagazineMissouri Free Will Baptist

Volume 80 / Number 4 / April, 2009

Happy Easter!Happy Easter!

Inside:Inside:World MIssions OfferingWorld MIssions Offering ........................................................................ ........................................................................Page 4Page 4Senior Adult RetreatSenior Adult Retreat .............................................................................. ..............................................................................Page 6Page 6Youth Camp 2009Youth Camp 2009 .................................................................................. ..................................................................................Page 7Page 7

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Page 2 /Gem Magazine/ April 2009

The Offi cial Publication of the Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists

the GEM Magazine Volume 80, Number 3March, 2009

In this issue:

From the Editor ................................................................... Page 3

Missouri Show-Me Missions:

World Missions Offering ................................................ Page 4

Impulse Magazine ......................................................... Page 4 Pastors Meet at Cross Pointe ............................................. Page 5

Senior Adult Retreat ........................................................... Page 6

Youth Camp! ....................................................................... Page 7

Missouri Life ..................................................................... Page 10

You Are Invited ................................................................. Page 11

SCM Bible and Arts Festival ............................................. Page 12 February Financial Report ................................................ Page 14

All items for publication must be in the hands of the editor no later than the 1st

day of the month preceding the month of issue.

Business Offi ce: 202 West Commercial,

P.O. Box 991, Lebanon, Missouri 65536,

1-866-532-6537 Gary Fry, Editor.

Address all correspondence relating to the GEM, including

subscription and mailing information, to the above


Articles and Photos may be submitted by e-mail to

[email protected]

The sermons and articles published in the GEM

respresent the personal views of the authors and

not necessarily the views or policies of the

Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists

or the Editor.

Subscription rates:

Single subscription, $6.50 per year

Church Plan, $6.00 per year,

consisting of ten subscriptions or more.

The Church Plan will con-tinue until it is canceled by

the church.

This magazine is published monthly

and has been in regular publication since 1929.

If you have tried to read the Gem on-line lately you know that our website is having problems. We

hope to have them corrected soon. We are offering a new service., however. If you would like to have the Gem e-mailed to you each month, please send

us an e-mail request at [email protected] and we will send you the latest issue in addition to your

subscription by mail.

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April 2009/ Gem Magazine/ Page 3

from the Editor

Easter is a glorious time of year.

I just fi nished reading an article by someone who took excep-tion to the modern celebration of Easter. They said that it is actually a heathen celebration for some god or the other that the Catholics usurped years ago and Christian-ized. They said that we should be celebrating Passover if we really wanted to be accurate. There would probably be nothing wrong with celebrating Passover. It’s a good Jewish holiday celebrat-ing God’s deliverance of the Jews from Egypt. We do nod to Passo-ver when we take communion and wash feet. It was Passover that Jesus and His disciples were celebrating when Communion and Feetwashing were instituted. But I like celebrating Easter. Thats when Jesus delivered me!

There is something about the sea-son. I like taking communion and washing feet on the Thursday be-fore Easter. I liked having an East-er Breakfast on Friday evening. (I know, that’s a little weird, but that is what we did at the Mtn. Grove church…it was just too much for us to have the breakfast on Easter morning and then expect everyone to be dressed in their fi nest and ready for service)

I liked practicing for months for the Easter Cantata. I really en-joyed waking on Easter morning and laying quietly, rehearsing in my mind what must have hap-pened on the fi rst Easter morning. I liked walking across the parking lot to the church and seeing all the new dresses and suits. Some guys

never wore a suit and tie except at Easter.

There was as sense of expectation as you entered the building that would grow until the opening strains of the pre-lude signaled that it was all about to begin. I reveled in the Easter hymns and special compositions designed to

draw us into worship. I thrilled to hear the choir and organ lift their voices higher and louder than usual in honor of such a special day. I loved the nervousness I felt as I approached the pulpit, secure in the knowledge that even if my delivery was not the best in the world, the message of the Resurrection could not be surpassed. No greater news could be delivered.

The greetings of “Happy Easter” as folks shook hands after the service along with their smiles told you there was something out of the ordinary about the day. I even

enjoyed the incessant hiding of the Easter eggs in the afternoon. We never just hid them once. It was an over and over process that oc-cupied the better part of the after-noon and into the evening. Often the eggs were hidden so many times we forgot where they were. It gave rise to the old joke about the guy who was so slow that he could hide his own Easter eggs.

I know, the eggs are supposed to be heathen too. You know, I often think we miss the fact that almost everything you do, someone has done before, somewhere else, in another age for some other rea-son. I am not really too concerned about what it used to be, I just like what it is now.

We are celebrating Jesus. His love for us that was so great that He died for our sins. My sins. I cannot celebrate that enough. All I have to do is look at the people of the world who have not accepted Christ and asked forgiveness to realize that their fate is not mine. I am not headed to hell. I have no need to worry about what happens after this life. My sins are forgiven and Jesus did it and Easter is when we celebrate it!

Now, if you fi nd it necessary to fret over the origins of Easter or the Easter egg or even the ham dinner, that’s your prerogative. If that is important to you, that’s fi ne. Just make sure that you do not loose sight of what it is all about. Christ trumps everything. He is redeemer and Lord and I intend to worship and celebrate come Easter. It is indeed a glorious time of year.

Happy Easter!Happy Easter!

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Missouri Show-Me Missions

April 26 is a very special day for world evangelism among Free Will Baptist Churches. It is the day desig-nated by our National Association for our churches to take a special offering for missions. Last year 27 churches in the state of Missouri gave a total offer-ing of $16,496.93. That was a great start. I know times are tough, but we cannot abandon those of our number who have given their lives to take the Gospel of Life to the regions beyond. They are counting on us for prayer and fi nancial support. International Missions is providing the coin banks and DVD’s explaining the usage of the coin banks. Please contact the Mission offi ce or me (417-209-0968) if you would like to have the banks and the DVD.

The WMO is to be used to help keep our missionaries on the fi eld once they have arrived. With the structure change that is taking place in International Mis-sion giving, along with the WMO, no mis-sionary should ever be called home again to raise funds for a defi cit account. Along with our missionaries Bible Institutes in 4 countries are being funded. The General fund also included in the WMO. Free Will Baptists can be confi dent that their missionaries are doing what they have been sent out to do. In 2007, we had 1,042 churches and mission works, 2,252 salvation decisions, 589 national pastors and evangelists, 349 Bible institute stu-dents and 36,457 average weekly church attendance.

Let’s stand behind our missionaries with the WMO offering on April 26. They are counting on you for help. -Jerry Pinkerton, FWBIM Ambassador to Missouri

The World Missions OfferingThe World Missions Offering

Looking for a great way to promote missions in your church? Our International Missions Department is offer-ing a wonderful tool to help your people see what is going on in our Free Will Baptist churches around the world. You and your church can visit places you have never been before and met Free Will Baptists you have never met. People who are believers in Christ because folks like you and your church gave to give them the gospel.

The current issue of Impulse video magazine is offered online at and features four videos segments, two from Bulgaria and two from Japan. These are downloadable for use in your church or home and are free! Or you may order a DVD copy as well. The previous four years of Impulse are available for a fee. Plans are under way to digitize the back issues as well.

One of the best ways to insure your church is mission minded is to keep the need and the successes before them. Check out this great resource today along with all the other video and print materials available from our International Missions Department. Go to

Changes in ImpulseChanges in Impulse


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April 2009/ Gem Magazine/ Page 5

The Cross Pointe Retreat Center on the shores of Lake of the Ozarks was the setting for the annual Ministers Retreat held March 9-11. Almost 60 folks from all across the state, including two missionaries from Panama, Eddie Bowerman and Stan Bunch, enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, good food and great fellowship. This year, the gathered benefi ted from the ministry of Joe Grizzle, Pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Norman Oklahoma. The program is arranged by the Christian Education Board.

Next year the retreat will be at the same location on March 8-10. We encour-age all pastors to attend. We encourage all churches to send your pastor. Pay his $100 fee. Your pastor needs time away from the pressures of the ministry. This is a great opportunity for him to get away and fellowship with other pastors, compare notes on what is happening in our churches and get some good instruction and inspiration from our guest speakers. He will come back refreshed and challenged to new heights of service for the Lord and your church. Who knows, you might even catch some of the enthusiasm and your church will take off like a rocket!

Pastors Meet at Cross PointePastors Meet at Cross Pointe

David Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport David Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport custom carved Billy McClintock walking stickscustom carved Billy McClintock walking sticks

Doug Earls and Stan Bunch conduct registrationDoug Earls and Stan Bunch conduct registrationCrowd of 58 listen to Pastor Joe GrizzleCrowd of 58 listen to Pastor Joe Grizzle

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2009 Senior Adult Retreat2009 Senior Adult Retreat May 11-13Clarion Hotel

Springfield, MO

Brother Wayne Phillips is the pastor of the Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church in Park Hills, MO He is a member of our MO Senior Adult Board. Bro. Wayne pastored several churches before making Missouri home. He is an excellent communicator and will be a blessing to our Sr. Adult Retreat


Music:The New Horizions are a family singing group from Lebanon, MO. The group consists of two brothers, Max and Danny Rhoades and one sister, Becky (Rhoades) Buttrey. We have been blessed to have the New Horizons at our retreat the past two years They have been well re-ceived. We look forward to their ministry again.

Cost:Double ........................$65.00 eachTriple ...........................$60.00 eachQuad ...........................$55.00 each

Please note, A $10.00 per personnon-refundable deposit is required

with your registration

Registration forms have been mailed to all our churches.

If you do not have access to one, Please call

Rev. Gene Howell at 1-765-1857

or the State Offi ce at 1-866-532-6537

The Senior Adult Retreat is sponsored by the Senior Adult Ministries Board and part of the cost of the retreat is provided by the board. This event is for those who are 55 years of age

and older. If a spouse is young-er than 55, they are eligible to

attend. All Pastors are invited.

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April 2009/ Gem Magazine/ Page 7

Youth Camp, A Special Place in Modern TimesYouth Camp, A Special Place in Modern Times

by Bob Thebeau, Board Member

You hear it often these days:“Times are changing”-“Things are differ-ent today”-“You can’t do things the same old ways and reach young people today.” I have to admit that I have seen my ministry change some over the years such as in the use of video equipment with Power Point and some other tools that help in getting the gospel out. But there are tools, vessels, methods and places that God has always used and still uses today in mighty ways and Camp Niangua is a good picture of this truth.

Let me give you three things to consider that with:

1. The Message: The mes-sage at Camp Niangua is still the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You will fi nd God’s Word going forth in full power during the morning class times into the evening services. Before kids go to sleep, they get a short devotion in their cabins to leave an imprint of truth in their minds. In fact, you will often see a counselor during the day talking with a child that is having problems; giving them guidance with Divine truth. It is truly amazing during the week to see that young people today still respond to the same message when delivered under a Divine anoint-ing.

2. The Laborers: Jesus said that “the harvest is truly great but the laborers are few…” Camp Niangua can always use more help because there is always something to do or fi x. This is one thing that will never change. On any given day you will see men, women and kids working to help the camp function properly. From clean-ups to fi x-ups, we use teachers, jani-tors, snack shop helpers, nurses, craft and sports helpers and altar

workers. They all help to make it run for a week in a smooth way so that the Holy Spirit is free to do his work. Especially the people who take vacation time to give the kids an opportunity of salvation that some of them will never have back home.

3. The Place: There is something special at this wooded, rocky, insect-fi lled place. You can see the joy on the kids faces when they arrive and see the tears in their eyes when they have to leave. During the week there are some complaints about,...about...about, well, you can take your pick! It’s not a perfect place, sleeping at time can be almost an impossibility. The heat can be tough, the rules are almost never liked. I am a camp board member and I don’t always like having to enforce the rules, but when it is all said and done, God has blessed, souls have been saved, prayers have been answered and the kids want to come back again. Praise the Lord! Just ask those who have been there, it is a special place.

The places on this earth that are good for a child to be in, where they can get fed God’s word, have someone love them for who they are, escape the fi lth of modern entertainment are few and far between. Make plans now to be there because Youth Camp 2009 is just around the corner. The fee is higher this year at $75.00.

Preregistration for both teen camps is May 17th and for the Pre-Teen it’s July 5th. You can register online at There is a $10.00 late fee for not preregistering.

Registration forms on next page

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DRESS CODECLASS & ACTIVITY TIME FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN: Dresses, skirts, or split skirts that cover the knees or full-length jeans or slacks. Blouses, shirts or sweaters must be full length covering the shoulder and midriff. No spaghetti straps, tank tops, etc.WORSHIP TIME FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN: Dresses or skirts that cover the knees. Blouses, shirts or sweaters must be full length coving the shoulder and midriff. No spaghetti straps, tank tops, etc.CLASS, ACTIVITY, & WORSHIP TIME FOR BOYS AND MEN: Full length jeans or slacks. Shirts are to be full length and cover the shoulders and midriff. No fi shnet, tank tops, or muscle shirts.EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO LOOK HIS/HER BEST FOR WORSHIP.SPECIAL NOTE – Sweat pants are not acceptable for anyone attending camp. All garments should be loose fi tting.Please read the rules and sign your name on the following line. By doing so, you agree to abide by all of the camp rules.

______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________Signature of Camper Signature of Parent / Guardian

SPECIAL NOTE CONCERNING CELL PHONES – Campers may bring cell phones to camp, however, they are not to be used for any purpose other than emergencies and only then under the supervision of their sponsor.Cost for tuition, food and housing will be as follows:All campers, if pre-registered by deadline $75.00A $10 late fee will be added for late registrationWorkers and sponsors $35.00Children under 7 yrs. (must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) $10.00

2009 Camp DatesTeens Group 1 June 7-12Teens Group 2 June 14-19Pre-teens Group 2 July 26-31Pre-teens Group 1 Aug. 2-7

Associations in Group 1Greater Springfi eld, Indian Creek, Central Western, Mission, cave Springs, Liberty, Mo-Ark, Niangua, LacledeAssociations in Group 2Greater Kansas City, South Central, Northeast, St. Louis, St. Francois, Mid-Rivers, Bootheel, NorthwestStatement from the Camp Board – We are looking forward to this camp session and to the best of our ability, we will seek to provide a safe Chris-tian atmosphere for all who attend. It is our prayer that many young people will come to the Lord and go forth to serve in their local churches and regions beyond.


Camp Niangua Free Will Baptist Youth Camp7627 State Hwy. M, Niangua, MO 65713417-473-6444


Please print legibly Date: ____________________

Name: _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________Age: ________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Gender: M F

City: ______________________________________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ___________

Church: _______________________________________________________________________________________ FWB? ____Yes ____ No

If not, what FWB church have you come with? _____________________________________________________________________________

Camp t-shirts will be available with this year’s theme: “TRUTH,” (based on John 14:6 and John 18:38) Price = $12.00 (in addition to the registra-tion fee). If you would like to purchase a shirt, please circle size:

ADULT: S M L XL XXL CHILD: S(6-8) M(10-12) L(14-16)

Have you been treated by a physician within the past 6 months? ________________

Brief nature of treatment ________________________________________________

Are you presently taking medication? _______ Do you have it with you? _________

Camp Niangua Registration Forms

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Are you allergic to any medication? _______ If so, please list ___________________________________________________________________________

Do you have allergies to weeds, pollen, insects, etc.? ______ If so, please list below____________________________________________________________________

Please Note – all medication of campers will be stored at the First Aid Center and dispensed by the camp nurse. This is done to insure the safety of your child and others.IMPORTANT MEDICAL NOTE: In the event of a medical emergency, a Youth Camp Representative will try to contact the parents/guardian of the camper. However, there are times when this is not possible. For this reason the parent/gardin is required to fi ll out the EMERGENCY MEDICAL STATEMENT on the next page. No camper will be admitted without this information.We are required by law to collect the following information regarding race/ethnic identifi cation. Please check one: American Indian or Alaskan native _____; Asian or Pacifi c Islander ______; Black _____; Hispanic _____; White _____


No child will be admitted to camp without the following information fi lled out and signed by parent/guardian.EMERGENCY MEDICAL STATEMENT: I, ______________________________ (parent/guardian), by my signature below, hereby authorize the Youth Camp Board, or representative(s) to secure emergency treatment necessary to maintain the life or health of my child whose name appears on this form. I am signing this statement in the presence of a witness, and by my signature, I authorize the attending physician and/or hospital staff to treat my child for any injury or condition that would threaten his/her life or well being.________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian of CamperWitness Information: I, _______________________________, do hereby promise that I have seen the parent/legal guardian read and sign the above EMERGENCY MEDICAL STATEMENT and that the signer is indeed the parent/legal guardian or the camper. I do further promise that I am an adult and of sound mind.Witness Signature: __________________________________________________Name of Family Physician ____________________________________________Phone number of Family Physician (including area code) ____________________Please list below numbers where you may be reached in case of emergency:_____________________________ ______________________________SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT CAMP INSURANCEThe Youth Camp insurance carrier is Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. The insurance coverage provided by the camp is called Excess Insur-ance. Here is a brief description of coverage:1. Coverage is ONLY for accidents. There is no coverage for sickness.2. Should an accident occur, all charges must fi rst be submitted to the camper’s personal/private insurance carrier.a. If the personal/private insurance carrier has a deductible, Camp Insurance will pay this deductible, not to exceed its limits.b. If a balance exists after the personal private insurance carrier has paid to its limit, Camp Insurance will pay unpaid balance, not to exceed limits set by Brotherhood Mutual.c. If there is no personal/private insurance, Camp Insurance shall serve as primary carrier and pay up to its limitsd. Brotherhood Mutual will not pay unless all necessary information is provided. Failure to do so will result in personal responsibility for unpaid balance.3. Since all claims must be fi rst submitted to personal/private insurance company, please give the following information:Name of personal/private insurance provider: _____________________________Address: __________________________________________________________City: _________________________________ State: ________ ZIP: __________Phone: ______________________ Policy #______________________________If you do not have personal/private insurance coverage, check here: ___________

CAMP RULES1. Anyone who spends the night at camp must fi rst register.2. Anyone who damages camp equipment of property shall pay for those damages.3. No one shall bring/use tobacco, narcotics or alcoholic beverages on campgrounds. Those who do so may be expelled from the camp and lose further privileges.4. Profanity will not be tolerated by anyone on the campgrounds.5. No one shall move camp items from one place to another without permission from the camp board. Items that are moved must be re turned before camp is over.6. No container or device shall be used to propel or project any substance on another person or property. This includes shaving cream, paint, water balloons, etc. Any damages will be paid for by those responsible. Some water games may be played under the supervision of the Camp Board.7. The following items are not allowed in the cabins: televisions, radios, CD players, tape players, mp3 players or any other device that shall receive or reproduce voice or music. Musical instruments may be accepted, but fi rst must be approved by the Camp Board.8. A person must be at least 20 years old before serving as a sponsor.9. Each church sending boys and girls to camp must provide a sponsor for them.10. Campers are required to attend all assemblies, classes and worship services. All sponsors and workers are expected to attend evening worship services.11. No mixed swimming will be allowed. When going to and from the pool, be fully clothed or wear a long bathrobe. A towel draped around the body is not acceptable.12. No one will be allowed in the swimming pool without a qualifi ed lifeguard.13. After registering, no one shall leave the campgrounds without notifying the camp director or board member and signing the checkout list.14. Health regulations require that no unauthorized persons shall be in the kitchen area. No unauthorized person shall take ice from the ice maker in the dining hall.

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Isaac Haney, six years old son, of Curtis and Tina Haney, preached his fi rst sermon Sunday Evening, January 4, 2009 at the United Free Will Baptist Church. It was an-nounced at the Morning Service that Isaac would be assisting his, Uncle Daryl Haney, at the Evening Worship.

The Evening Service began with the Youth Choir, (12 yrs. old and younger) singing several choruses and Bible Memorizations. Isaac then walked to the pulpit, which was adjusted to his size, read his Scripture and preached his mes-sage.

The Lord truly blessed. The congre-gation was blessed and expressed their approval. His uncle Daryl climaxed the service with a won-derful gospel message. Surely everyone could and did say, It was good to be in the House of the Lord, to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

The prayer of the United Free Will Baptist Church Family is that Isaac and all of the children will continue to grow in the grace and knowl-edge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. -Clarence Burton

Calvary Free Will Baptist church’s Christmas program was pre-sented on Dec 21 st 2008. We were amazed at how excited Bro. Roger and Sis. Barbara Harwell were about the program. We had about 20 children, teens and adults that had a part. The adults provided the costumes for all who participated. Ronald Dinwiddie narrated the program which in-cluded the manger scene, shep-herds, wise men with their gifts and of course the angels. Mike Jones played old King Herod. Sis. Barbara Harwell wrote and put the program together while recuperating after knee surgery. We at Calvary feel very fortunate to have them as our pastor and devoted wife. -Carlee Jones

Missouri Missouri LifeLife

Great Program at Calvary

First Sermon at United

What’s Happening in your Church?

We would like to know!Send your event reports and

photos to [email protected] or

Gem. PO Box 991,

Lebanon, MO 65536

I have been asked to be the “Im-pact Cincinnati” chairman for the 2009 convention. At the 2006 con-vention a new concept for FWB was introduced, then called “Im-pact Birmingham”. The concept is that we just don’t want to meet in a city, do our business, spend our money and go home, but to assist local FWB churches in doing things such as evangelism, service projects, small construc-tion/remodeling projects etc. This way we leave a spiritual impact and not just a fi nancial impact on our target area.

What we need are volunteers that would be willing to come on July 18, 2009 for 4 to 6 hours to partici-pate at various host churches (all within 60 minutes of Cincinnati) helping in the areas mentioned above. I will be coordinating teams to go to each host church. The majority of Impact will prob-ably focus on evangelism.

To help me better coordinate please contact me as soon as pos-sible:

Roland LuthyHome phone: 515-797-4859 Church phone: 513-752-4882 Cell phone: 513-238-2009 E-Mail: [email protected]

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April 2009/ Gem Magazine/ Page 11

You are cordially invited to

the 96th Annual Session of the

Missouri State Association


Free Will Baptists

May 31st through June 3rd


Missouri SCM Bible and Arts Festival

May 31-June 1

Annual meeting of the

Missouri Women Active for Christ

June 2

State Meeting

June 1-3

Speakers will Include:

Rev. Jim Williams

Rev. Cletus Nichols

Rev. Darren Alvis

Rev. Stan Bunch

Our Theme will be:

“Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life.”

All sessions will be held at the

Clarion Hotel

Springfield, MO.

For reservations, Call 1-800-756-7318

Cost is $70.00 per night,

including Full Breakfast Bar

Rev. Jim Williams

Rev. Cletus Nichols

Rev. Stan Bunch

Rev. Darin Alvis

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May 31 and June 1, 2009Clarion Hotel3333 S Glenstone AveSpringfi eld, MO417-883-6550The SCM (formerly CTS) Bible and Arts Festival is a program designed to encourage the learning of scripture and the using of gifts of young people in our Free Will Baptist Churches. The Missouri State Youth Board follows the guidelines of the National Youth Conference. All coaches should have a copy of the guidelines. The guidelines are avail-able at the Lebanon Bookstore (417-532-9516).

Registration and Fees: See the fee schedule on the attached offi cial registration form. The registration form must be postmarked by May 10, 2008. Send registration and fee to: Youth Ministries Board, 305 W Columbia, Farmington, MO 63640. Coaches will receive registration confi rmation by email or mail (if email is not available) prior to competi-tion.

Questions concerning competition, contact Board Chairman, Randy Rains at 573-756-8933 or at [email protected].

Projected Schedule: Sunday, May 31, 2009 Evening Service – 6:00 p.m. Competition – 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday, June 1 (Subject to change based on fi nal registration numbers) Competition - 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony – 3:00 p.m.

Final schedule and details will be based on actual entries and will be available at competition. The time in the schedule that will not change is the Sunday evening service that begins at 6:00 p.m. Andy Rains, Youth Pastor at Thayer FWB Church, will be preaching in the Sunday evening service.

The following hotel is blocking rooms for the SCM Bible and Arts Festival. You must request the special rate for Missouri Free Will Baptists and reserve by May 15.

Clarion Hotel3333 S. Glenstone Ave417-883-6550

In order to avoid state tax charges, the room must be charged to your church and a tax exempt letter must be presented to the motel. Make sure you let the motel know that your room is tax exempt upon registering. Check the NYC website at Randall House for 2009 rules changes.

Missouri SCM (CTS) Bible and Arts Festival

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Beacon .............................. $642.23Belton ................................ $175.00Bethel- Festus ..................... $90.00Black Oak .......................... $180.00Brown, Angela ..................... $15.00Financial Report

Coop DisbursementsFebruary 2009............ .. $54,368.70

19.00% St HM ..............$1o,330.1017.00% Exec. Offi ce.... ... $9,242.67 3.00% Gen. Fund......... $1,631.06 8.50% Youth Camp ....... $4,621.33 2.50% Youth Min........... $1,359.21 2.50% CE .................... $1,359.21 2.50% Senior Adult ....... $1,359.21 9.00% Mo Retirement. .. $4,893.18 3.00% ShowMe Plan .... $1,631.06

33.00% ....................... $17,941.67 National MinistriesHillsdale .......................... $2,011.26Total ............................. $54,368.70

Coop Receipts

Show Me Plan

State Home Missions

National Home Missions

International Missions

Amity .................................... $54.90Aulsbury Chapel ................ $197.38Bailey ................................. $157.40Bailey Chapel .................... $101.00Beacon ........................... $1,500.00Belton ................................ $273.11Berean ............................... $447.00Bethel ................................ $223.89Black Oak .......................... $540.00Bowers, David ..................... $50.00Byrd ................................... $366.48Cabool 1st ......................... $334.71Calvary Chapel .................. $863.11Calvary Fellowship ......... $3,000.00Central ............................... $692.75Christ Chapel ..................... $739.00Clifton .................................. $29.12Copper Mines .................... $412.64Cross Roads- Lebanon...... $680.89Crossroads-Wentzville ....... $951.00Cuba .................................. $390.00De Soto 1st ..................... $1,460.00Faith- Fair Grove ............... $348.73Farmington 1st................ $2,319.87Fellowship....................... $1,625.00Fordland ............................ $437.00Fourth ................................ $154.70Fredericktown 1st .............. $310.00Freeman Chapel ................ $453.00Gospel Light ...................... $200.00Grace .............................. $1,775.31Grant Avenue ..................... $921.15Hannibal ............................ $651.00Harmony ............................ $396.96Hartville........................... $1,118.00Hopewell ............................ $409.00Houston 1st ....................... $277.16Hurryville ............................ $509.22Jackson ............................. $250.96Journey Community............. $97.50Kings Way ......................... $435.73Koshkonong......................... $83.00Lead Hill............................. $259.78Leadington ......................... $665.00Lebanon Greenhills ........... $389.85

Macedonia- Niangua ......... $135.19Marshfi eld .......................... $287.81Merls Chapel ..................... $207.19Mill Creek ........................... $445.84Mine La Motte ...................... $71.12Monett 1st .......................... $699.15Mountain Grove 1st ........ $2,273.20Mt. Pisgah.......................... $493.00Myrtle ................................. $270.61Neosho 1st ........................ $504.45Nevada ............................. $129.20New Life- Licking ............... $552.60Niangua ............................. $328.23Number One ...................... $459.89Oak Grove- Mtn. Grove ..... $272.65Oak Hill .............................. $382.00O’Fallon 1st .................... $1,922.10Ozark 1st ........................ $1,795.54Palabras De Vida Eterna ..... $66.50Park Hills 1st...................... $695.95Parkview ............................ $304.00Pleasant Hill......................... $82.55Pleasant Ridge- Alton .......... $27.00Pleasant Ridge- Urbana .... $115.00Purdy 1st ........................ $1,900.00Rejoice............................... $667.36Republic............................. $546.53Rock Chapel ...................... $352.19Rolla 1st............................. $270.00Salem .................................. $30.00Seymour ............................ $646.00Smyrna .............................. $115.00Springbrook ....................... $145.00Springfi eld 1st ................. $1,412.36St. Francois Assoc ............... $71.50Stockton............................. $332.60Thayer ............................ $1,749.00Union Light ........................ $112.00United ............................. $1,360.54Unity .................................. $340.00Viburnum ........................... $467.00Victory- Alton ..................... $544.76Waynesville 1st .................. $489.77West Plains 1st ............... $1,707.00Willow Springs ................... $376.60Willow Springs 1st ............... $75.70Wolf Creek ......................... $584.72Total ............................. $54,368.70

Beacon .............................. $292.00Belton ................................ $165.00Berean ............................... $175.00Black Oak .......................... $180.00Bowers, David ................... $100.00Brown, Angela ..................... $15.00Burns, Jack .......................... $70.00Cabool 1st ......................... $105.00Calvary Chapel .................. $105.00Central ................................. $65.00Chrisman, Mona .................. $30.00Coon Creek ......................... $94.84Copper Mines .................... $185.00Cornerstone .................... $1,040.08Crossroads-Wentzville ......... $60.00Cuba .................................. $141.00

De Soto 1st ........................ $792.50Eastern Gate ....................... $30.00Farmington 1st................... $650.00Farmington 1st Mesg Class . $90.00Fellowship.......................... $746.00Fordland ............................ $250.00Fourth .................................. $90.00Fredericktown 1st .............. $180.00Freeman Chapel ................ $720.00Gospel Light ................... $1,000.00Grace .............................. $1,234.00Grant Avenue ..................... $252.50Greenfi eld .......................... $120.00Hannibal WAC ..................... $90.00Happy Hill .......................... $120.00Harmony .............................. $60.00Hartville.............................. $240.00Hopewell .............................. $30.00Houston 1st ....................... $164.00Hurryville ............................ $515.00Jackson ............................... $40.00Journey Community............. $97.50Leadington ......................... $230.00Lebanon Greenhills ............. $25.00Macedonia- Purdy .......... $1,000.00Maggart, Roxanne ............. $220.00Merls Chapel ....................... $30.00Mill Creek ........................... $140.00Mine La Motte ...................... $75.00MO CO-OP ........................ 1631.06MO WAC ........................ $1,062.44Monett 1st ............................ $35.00Mountain Grove 1st ........... $675.00Mt. Pisgah.......................... $165.00Mt. Zion- Thayer .................. $30.00Mtn Valley .......................... $250.00Myrtle ................................... $75.00Neosho 1st ........................ $150.00Nevada ............................. $129.25New Beginning .................. $134.10New Home- Hartville.......... $210.00New Life- Licking ............... $141.25Number One ...................... $180.00Oak Grove- Mtn. Grove ..... $127.00O’Fallon 1st ....................... $185.00Ozark 1st ............................. $34.00Palabras De Vida Eterna ..... $15.00Park Hills 1st........................ $45.00Parkview ............................ $240.00Pleasant Hill......................... $45.00Pleasant Ridge- Urbana ...... $50.00Porter Chapel .................... $911.35Purdy 1st ........................ $1,080.00Rejoice............................... $160.00Richwoods 1st ..................... $57.50Rock Chapel ...................... $240.00Rolla 1st............................... $30.00Springfi eld 1st .................... $170.00Stockton............................. $210.00Thayer ............................... $185.00Union Light ........................ $225.00United ................................ $450.00Unity .................................... $75.00Viburnum ............................. $85.00Waynesville 1st .................. $573.00Willow Springs ................... $136.00Willow Springs 1st ............... $45.00Total ............................. $22,296.37

Berean ................................. $15.00Book Store ......................... $540.00Crossroads-Wentzville ......... $60.00Farmington 1st................... $500.00

Fordland .............................. $10.00Gospel Light ........................ $80.00Grace ................................... $25.00Grant Avenue ....................... $77.06Lebanon Greenhills ............. $77.97Macedonia- Purdy ............. $100.00Mountain Grove 1st ............. $30.00Myrtle ................................... $85.00Neosho 1st .......................... $25.00O’Fallon 1st ....................... $170.00Ozark 1st ............................. $10.00Pleasant Ridge- Urbana ...... $20.00Republic............................... $25.00St. Francois Assoc. ......... $2,041.40Stockton............................. $100.00Thayer ............................... $390.00United .................................. $25.00Unity .................................... $70.00Waynesville 1st .................... $50.00Waynesville 1st WAC .......... $50.00Webster, Frank .................. $700.00Total ............................... $5,276.43

Beacon ................................ $15.00Copper Mines ...................... $50.00Cuba .................................... $84.60De Soto 1st ........................ $160.00Farmington 1st................... $500.00Fellowship.......................... $330.85Fordland .............................. $40.00Fourth .................................. $50.00Fredericktown 1st ................ $30.00Gospel Light ........................ $80.00Grace ................................. $123.00Grant Avenue ....................... $86.06Hannon .............................. $600.00Hartville................................ $30.00Houston 1st ......................... $30.00Hurryville ............................ $100.00Jackson ............................... $50.00Merls Chapel ....................... $50.00Mountain Grove 1st ............. $70.00Mt. Pisgah............................ $30.00Neosho 1st .......................... $50.00New Testament .................... $20.00O’Fallon 1st ....................... $170.00Ozark 1st ........................... $267.00Park Hills 1st........................ $20.00Rader, Jerry ......................... $20.00Richwoods 1st ..................... $61.00Rock Chapel ........................ $61.75Rolla 1st............................. $264.50St. Francois Assoc. ......... $2,041.40Thayer ............................... $130.00Union Light .......................... $96.00United .................................... $5.00Unity .................................. $100.00Waynesville 1st .................. $264.50West Plains 1st .................. $230.00Total ............................... $6,310.66

Beacon ................................ $78.89Central ................................. $40.00Copper Mines .................... $100.00Cuba .................................... $56.40De Soto 1st .......................... $55.00Farmington 1st................... $557.00Fellowship............................ $20.00Grant Avenue ....................... $30.00

Page 15: GGEMEM - Clover Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport avid Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport ccustom

April 2009/ Gem Magazine/ Page 15


Giving to date:Coop:




Calvary Fellowship FWB church was blessed to have been given choir robes several years ago. This year we are buying new robes, and would like to pass our blessings on to another church.

If your church choir has ever considered choir robes, we have 31 maroon robes and stoles, and around 50 gold robes with no stoles. We will be happy to give them on a fi rst come basis. Please contact: Jean Stephens636-343-9267 at home314-799-8320 on cell You may also contact the church offi ce at 636-225-4684, and they will be happy to forward your message to Jean.

Free Robes!Free Robes!Hartville................................ $45.00Hartville WNAC .................. $400.00Houston 1st ......................... $40.00Macedonia- Purdy ............. $100.00Merls Chapel ....................... $10.00Monett 1st .......................... $565.73Mountain Grove 1st ............. $10.00O’Fallon 1st ....................... $560.00Ozark 1st ............................. $50.00Purdy 1st ........................... $474.80Rolla 1st............................. $244.50Springfi eld 1st ...................... $85.00St. Francois Assoc. ......... $4,082.80Thayer ................................... $5.00Viburnum ............................. $25.00Waynesville 1st .................... $70.00Total ............................... $7,705.12

Berea Ministries Hartville................................150.00Jackson 15.00St. Francois Association 2,041.40Total .................................2,206.40

Victor Torrrez United ................................ $200.00Total ................................... $200.00 Trula Cronk Home Hartville.................................. 50.00Mountain Grove 1st ............... 20.00Myrtle ..................................... 25.00De Soto 1st ............................ 55.00Unity ...................................... 50.00Belton .................................... 25.00Union Light ............................ 50.00David Bowers ........................ 50.00Grace ..................................... 28.00Total ................................... $353.00 C. E. Board Book Store ......................... $140.00Total ................................... $140.00 FWBBC Hannon ................................ 300.00Mountain Grove 1st ............. 215.00De Soto 1st ............................ 40.00Fellowship.............................. 10.00Thayer ................................... 75.00Total ................................... $640.00 Hillsdale Mountain Grove 1st .............170.00Farmington 1st.....................100.00Grant Avenue .........................25.00Thayer ...................................75.00Fordland ................................15.00David Bowers ........................50.00Total ...................................$435.00 Senior Adult Board Book Store ......................... $140.00Total ................................... $140.00

Youth Camp Hartville.................................. 10.00Mountain Grove 1st ............... 50.00Niangua ................................. 25.00Willow Springs ....................... 50.00Cabool 1st ........................... 120.00De Soto 1st ............................ 55.00Rock Chapel .......................... 15.00Lebanon Bible & Book Store 540.00Mt. Pisgah.............................. 15.00Rolla 1st................................. 20.00Cornerstone ......................... 100.00Thayer ................................... 75.00United .................................... 25.00Berean ................................... 15.00Ozark 1st ............................... 10.00West Plains 1st ...................... 25.00David Bowers ........................ 50.00Niangua ................................. 25.00Total ................................ $1,225.00 Youth Camp Development

Hartville.................................. 20.00Mountain Grove 1st ............. 300.00Myrtle ..................................... 45.00United /Dorm fund ............ 1,075.00Total ................................ $1,440.00 Youth Ministries Board Book Store ......................... $140.00Total ................................... $140.00 YWAM Belton .................................... 20.00Total ..................................... $20.00 First Church

Cape Girardeau, MOContact:

Don Gregory573-339-0797

orDave Lane


Overland ChurchOverland, MO

Contact:Dot Asher

314-429-6752Ken Womack314-427-8327

Liberty ChurchGatewood. MO

Contact:Glen Gazaway

Rt 9 Box 516Gatewood, MO 63942


First ChurchHouston, Mo

Contact:Danny Carter417-967-4279

Parkview ChurchDesloge, MO

Contact:Lindal Richardson


Available Available ChurchesChurches

Don’t forget Don’t forget your your

Show-Me Show-Me Pledge!Pledge!

Beacon ChurchRaytown, MO

Contact:Howard Easley


Page 16: GGEMEM - Clover Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport avid Bates, Billy McClintock and Gary Fry sport ccustom

Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists202 West CommercialPO Box 991Lebanon, MO 65536

Non-Profi t Org.U.S.Postage

PAIDPermit #380Nashville, TN

Serving Missouri Free Will Baptists Since 1929

May 5 Palmer Leadership InstituteMay 5 Palmer Leadership Institute Buffalo, MO Buffalo, MOMay 11-13 Senior Adult RetreatMay 11-13 Senior Adult Retreat Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MO Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MOMay 31-June1 SCM Music & Arts FestivalMay 31-June1 SCM Music & Arts Festival Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MO Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MOJune 2 MOWAC State ConventionJune 2 MOWAC State Convention Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MO Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MOJune 1-3 MIssouri State Association MeetingJune 1-3 MIssouri State Association Meeting Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld Clarion Hotel, Springfi eldJune 7-12 Teen Camp--Group 1June 7-12 Teen Camp--Group 1 Camp Niangua Camp NianguaJune 14-19 Teen Camp--Group 2June 14-19 Teen Camp--Group 2 Camp Niangua Camp NianguaJuly 19-23 National Association of July 19-23 National Association of Free Will Baptists, Cincinnati, OH Free Will Baptists, Cincinnati, OH

July 26-31 Pre-Teen Camp--Group 2July 26-31 Pre-Teen Camp--Group 2 Camp Niangua Camp NianguaAugust 2-7 Pre-Teen Camp--Group 1August 2-7 Pre-Teen Camp--Group 1 Camp Niangua Camp NianguaSept 4-5 Men’s Retreat*Sept 4-5 Men’s Retreat* Camp Niangua Camp NianguaSept 25-26 MOWAC State RetreatSept 25-26 MOWAC State Retreat Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MO Clarion Hotel, Springfi eld, MONov 20-21 State Youth RetreatNov 20-21 State Youth Retreat Windermere, Roach, MO Windermere, Roach, MO

*Tentative Date*Tentative Date

Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists2009 State Calendar