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Post on 21-Dec-2014




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• Name: Joseph-Armand Bombardier• Province:Québec• Town,Village: Valcourt• Professsion: Mechanic• April 16 1907

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• Year of the invention: Was in 1937• History of the invention: His father was a famous mechanic and by

the age of 8 he builded is own bicycle. And in 1926 he became a real garage mechanic. In his spare time he devoted himself to research for he had one obsession: to built a vehicle that could conquer winter storms so instead of people hating winter that they would love it. And in 1937 is when he built his (B-7) in 1940 the milatary and police where interested in is (B-7) SnowMobile, witch was capable of moving troops in the ice and on snow ,even sand and swamps and the police where interested in it because they could patrol in more places then just in there vehicles. The name of a vehicle in 1942 witch was called Ski-Dog he got the name of naming it Ski-Doo.

• Description of the invention: It is a pretty large machine that was capable of holding 6 people and had tracks kinda like tanks and ski’s in front of it for it to clide on the snow and not sink.

• Functionality: The Snow-Mobile was for people to enjoy the winter and to ride on snow. Behind the Snow-mobile it has like tank tracks like racket shoes so it wont sink and in front there are 2 ski’s to turn soft and to slide on snow like if you where skieng.

• Utility: Today the Snow-Mobile is not used for the army has much but mostly for people who go on trips in trails to have a great time with there family and do jumps and ride all day with it.

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• Did the inventor obtained a prize for that invention?: Yes he did he wished for his own Snow-Mobile Company named Bombardier Corporation. In the 1950s+ about 47,000 people bought his Snow-Mobile creation. And yes his invention changed, he changed a new model for his snow-mobile for lighter weight (couldn’t find a photo of it). 10years later he passed away from a lung cancer. And the Company fell into his children.

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