giahs prospects in the latin america and caribbean region

GIAHS in Latin America and the Caribbean A region of unsurpassed cultural and natural diversity The Future of GIAHS GIAHS Steering and Scientific Committee Meeting 28-29 April 2014

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GIAHS in Latin America and the Caribbean

A region of unsurpassed cultural and natural diversity

The Future of GIAHS

GIAHS Steering and Scientific Committee Meeting

28-29 April 2014

GIAHS Regional Strategic Framework in

Latin America and the Caribbean

•Focal Points in every FAO National Office

•Governmental Focal Points and National Committees in each country

•Identification of potential GIAHS Sites

•Establishment of GIAHS National Networks

•Advocacy and Policy and Institutional Frameworks. Including GIAHS in revised CSFs.

•Regional Academic Network on Natural/Cultural Diversity and Knowledge Systems Dialogue

•Global, Regional and National Financial Strategies

Existing GIAHS Sites in Latin America

•Andean Agriculture (Peru)

•Chiloe Agriculture (Chile)

Pre-Identified Potential Sites

•Terra Preta (Brazil)

•Agrarian System of the Wayana (French Guyana)

•Chinampa Agricultural System (Mexico)

•Milpa Solar Systems (Mexico)

New Potential Sites

•More than 30 sites proposed through FAORs’ Focal Points


GIAHS Chiloe

Proposed Tasks for GIAHS Regional and National Committees

• Awareness raising

• Multiactor Partnership (Government, Academia, Local Communities, NGOs, etc.)

• Identification of local GIAHS. Establishment of GIAHS National Networks

• Strengthening Policy and Institutional frameworks

• Promotion of women and youth participation / Intergeneration Dialogue

• Regional GIAHS Initiatives / Twin Sites

International Seminar on Cultural Diversity, Food Sovereignty and

Traditional Livelihoods

•Global platform for re-launching GIAHS

•Cases from the seven regions of PFII

•Strengthening LAC Governments commitment already outlined in CELAC

•Deliver Seminar recommendations to World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

•Strengthening a FAO – GIAHS programmatic framework within SO2

•Motivating other regional offices to adopt a GIAHS regional approach

Place: CUSCO, Perú

Date: 11-12 September, 2014


Alfonso Alem Rojo

GIAHS Focal Point

Regional Office FAO RLC Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3241, Vitacura

Santiago – Chile

Phone: (56-2) 9232177 E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: alfonso.alem