giants come down

THE BIGGER THEY ARE THE HARDER THEY FALL Genesis 6 Wickedness in the World 1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with[ a] humans forever, for they are mortal[ b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” Intro: talk about giants on the earth. angels, supernatural beings who came down from heaven and took beautiful human woman to be their wives. Their offsprings were giants. Giants come down. Apparently it became so wicked and ungodly, that GOD decided that none of them would live to be older than 120 years old. I always believed that GOD was capping how long someone could live or age. But upon closer examination and study, I believe that He is referring to the flood that was coming. The flood that would come in about 100 or so years that would wipe out all of the giants. There fathers were angels. Supernatural beings. Who because of them being spiritual beings, did not die in the flood. But instead these pre-flood supernatural beings became what we see today are demons on the earth. Giants use to dwell upon the earth. They were the children of angels from heaven and beautiful women on the earth. Much evidence through out the bible. Nephalim or Anak, Emites, etc. were all names to identify giants on the earth. The bible says supernatural beings from heaven saw how beautiful the daughters of man were and they came down to take them as their wives. They came down and walk the earth and through their offspring dwelled upon the earth as giants.

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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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A eulogy preached for France Pindell (Buck) at Mount Olive AME Church




Genesis 6

Wickedness in the World 1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3Then the LORD said, “My

Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

Intro: talk about giants on the earth. angels, supernatural beings who came down from heaven and took beautiful human woman to be their wives. Their offsprings were giants. Giants come down. Apparently it became so wicked and ungodly, that GOD decided that none of them would live to be older than 120 years old. I always believed that GOD was capping how long someone could live or age. But upon closer examination and study, I believe that He is referring to the flood that was coming. The flood that would come in about 100 or so years that would wipe out all of the giants. There fathers were angels. Supernatural beings. Who because of them being spiritual beings, did not die in the flood. But instead these pre-flood supernatural beings became what we see today are demons on the earth.

Giants use to dwell upon the earth. They were the children of angels from heaven and beautiful women on the earth. Much evidence through out the bible. Nephalim or Anak, Emites, etc. were all names to identify giants on the earth. The bible says supernatural beings from heaven saw how beautiful the daughters of man were and they came down to take them as their wives. They came down and walk the earth and through their offspring dwelled upon the earth as giants.


The 12 spies came back from their inspection of the Promised Land and returned with all but two afraid, because they had seen giants in the land. David has the most notable encounter with giants, when he faced the giant named Goliath. When David got through with Goliath, one thing was clear. Giants come down, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Some people are bigger than life. Giants. They’re just big. Big accomplishments. Big money. Big deals and big contracts. big congregations and big paydays. Some folk are big. Big salaries and big promotions, big folk downtown. Big. Some folks are giants. They don’t mind letting you know they’re big shots and big stuff. Giants. Some folk are big. Big and bad. Bigger than big. They are so big, that so often they don’t know how to deal with us little folk. They’re giants in one sense, their giants in stature, but midgets in other ways. Giants, but small all at the same time. Small thinkers and small minded. Too small to help somebody else, too small to share or too small to help lift others up. Some folk are giants, but they won’t come down. Giants, but at the same time little. Little thinkers and only have a little they can give or a little they can do. Too little time to participate, too little concern to get involved. Some folks are giants in the world, but small as far as GOD is concerned. They’re big. But let me tell you something. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Some folk are too big to look small. Too great to appear weak. Too important to look old or little. Giants come down, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall.


Buck was a giant. Not in stature. No Buck was a small, unassuming little man. Buck didn’t look like a giant. No he avoided standing out or looking like he wanted to be noticed. He was a giant of a man, but he chose to be When you’re big in this world, so big that you get put up on pedestals and above other plain old folk. Well you’ll be big, but the bigger you are the harder you fall. No Buck was a giant, but he wasn’t too big to be small, too rich to look poor, too connected to help someone make a connection. He was a giant of a man. Buck was big and the bigger you are, the harder you fall. Buck has fallen. He has given up the race and his robe has fallen off. But when you look around here, he may not have looked like it, but he was a giant. He was big and the bigger you are, the harder you fall. It’ll be hard to find men like Buck. Hard to accomplish the many things a man like Buck did. Hard to replace the commitment and the effort he gave up on this hill and in this community. The bigger you are the harder you fall. Giants come down. David showed that even though he was small in stature, he had a GOD with Him who was bigger than any giant. He was a little guy; but he did big things. Giants come down. Come down off their high horse. Come down off their lofty attitudes and high minded opinions. Giants like Buck come down. They come down and even though they don’t look big, they come down from having to prove themselves to others or earn others respect by looking big and being a big shot. No giants come. Giants like Buck could do giantesque things, but look like a little no body. Old clothes, little old truck. Selling old stuff out of his garage. He didn’t need to look like a big shot or flaunt what he had. He owned properties, and helped so many people and did so many things and was a big part of this community. But giants come down. Giants like David, giants like Buck, they come down. They come down and are able to speak to anybody. Not over them or


above them. But giants come down. Big enough to be small. Big enough to be kind. Big enough to not take himself too seriously. Big enough to laugh at himself and the complexities of life. Giants come down. They came down from heaven and made wives of pretty women. He came down and found a pretty woman whose name was Gwennie. And married her. This giant of a man came down. Came down here from and started a business men’s group and brought properties and opened businesses and he came down and helped to create a county wide black intermural athletic league for black youth. He came down. Came down and helped to build his church, purchase and pay for a parsonage. Build homes for our members to live in. Donated the largest offering that at that time, Mount Olive had ever received. Pledged $30,000 and then gave the church $10,000 as the first installment, which at that time, was the largest donation the church had ever received at one time. Giants come down. He came down here and led the effort to build a new community health center and raised the money to do it. Giants come down. Came down there every day and made sure they built it right. Giants come down. Buck was a man who was able to come down here and be a giant of a man in the community, a giant in this church, a giant in business, a giant. Giants come down. And I’m so glad Buck came down here and showed us what giants really look like. GIants come down.

1. Numbers 13:31

○ The Message

○ But the others said, "We can't attack those people; they're way stronger than we are." They spread scary rumors among the People


of Israel. They said, "We scouted out the land from one end to the other—it's a land that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge. Why, we even saw the Nephilim giants (the Anak giants come from the Nephilim). Alongside them we felt like grasshoppers. And they looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers."

○ Numbers 13:30-32 (in Context) Numbers 13 (Whole Chapter)2. Numbers 13:33

○ King James Version

○ And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.