gina’s interventionist idea

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Gina’s Interventionist Idea. Gina El-Reedy. My Sketch. SOURCES: http:// lgUDxO76cVw/TrQ9zVqXiiI/AAAAAAAAAd4/btdxieAAo5M/s1600/388559_272520562786050_153592064678901_793468_976333633_n.jpg. SOURCE: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ginas Interventionist Idea

Gina El-ReedyGinas Interventionist IdeaMy SketchSOURCES:


Area InfoI am planning on posting it outside of a, hopefully popular, plastic surgeon in my area. It will probably be a suburban areaPeople will typically want to drive thereI will try to post it on the wall of the building near the text plastic surgery office, or something similar, to make sure that people know what I am referring toReasoning Part 1I wanted an image of women in lots of different body types portraying them all as beautiful women This is because I want women going to a plastic surgeons office to know that they ARE beautiful and dont need any of thatI also wanted to imply the way we are is fine! We can workout and take care of our health and we are fine just as we are.Reasoning Part 2I tried to make the colors bright so that it would stand out and be obvious to passerbys I also tried to make the text and image relatively large for the same reasonsReasoning Part 3I wanted people to read the text quickly so it is literally one sentence I also wanted to make sure they had a reason to think about it so I crossed out a word in the sentence to make the reasoning more obviousTarget AudienceAny woman who is planning on going to a plastic surgeon for reasons not related to health or serious bodily issues (i.e. missing fingers etc.)Race would probably be mostly african american and white women but I think all women work well for this campaignClass is obviously the typical middle/upper class woman due to the heavy cost of the surgery (in general)Age would be anyone who is legally able to get plastic surgery done which I assume is 18+How Will They View It?I am hoping that women will reconsider surgery upon seeing my interventionist pieceI assume that many will scoff at this idea due to the deeply ingrained beliefs that we as women are imperfect and need to changeI also think that some may reconsider their surgery and hopefully take more natural and healthy methods at looking their OWN best THANK YOU!