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  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    Summer Training Report


    A Study Of Online Trading

    At Sharekhan

    Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

    Of Bachelor of Business Administration

    Training Superisor! Submitted By!

    "r# Surinder Singh $irish %egi

    &esignation! $"# Sales '()*(+'(,'-

    Submitted To!

    .Banarsidas /handi0ala Institute of Professional Studies1

    &0arka1 %e0 &elhi2

    .Affiliated to $uru $obind Singh Indraprastha 3niersity2


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    Success is an effort boundedactively, involvin t!e co"o#eration of all$

    To create andfor%ulate t!is #ro&ect re#ort, ' (ould be t!an)ful to t!e

    entire individual (!o Served %e as a true uide and e#ito%e of

    )no(lede$A *ro&ect usually falls s!ort of its e+#ectations unless uided by

    t!e ri!t #erson at t!e ri!t ti%e$

    ' (ould li)e to t!an) Mr$ d!a(al ,,A *ro&ect uide -'nternal. f o r

    anyti%e and every ti%e uidance and continuous su##ort$ /is

    e+#erience and %et!odoloy of #rovidin trainin !el#s % e not to

    #erfor% t!e desi red activity but to acco%#lis!creativity$ ' also li)e to

    t!an) %y #arents and %y fa%ily %e%bers (!o are al(ays a su##ort

    for %e$

    Above all, ' (ould li)e to t!an) t!e Al%i!ty God (it!out (!o%

    t!is (or) could never !ave been co%#leted$

    Giris! Nei


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    I hereby declare that this Project Report titled A STUDY

    OF ONLINE TRADIN AT S!ARE"!AN# s$b%itted by %e

    to &a'arsidas (ha'di)ala I'stit$te o* Pro*essio'al St$dies+

    D)ar,a is a bo'a*ide )or, $'derta,e' d$ri'- the period

    *ro% ./ 0$'e to /1 A$-$st by %e a'd has 'ot bee' s$b%itted

    to a'y other U'i2ersity or I'stit$tio' *or the a)ard o* a'y

    de-ree diplo%a 3 certi*icate or p$blished a'y ti%e be*ore4

    5Si-'at$re o* the St$de't6

    Na%e7 irish Ne-i

    E'roll4 No47 /8198./8:/;


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    This is to certi*y that as per best o* %y belie* the project

    e'titled A Study Of Online Tradin At S!are)!an2 is thebo'a*ide research )or, carried o$t byGiris! Neist$de't o*

    &&A+ &(IPS+ D)ar,a+ Ne) Delhi+ d$ri'- 0$ly

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    I take this oortunity to e)ress my gratitude* high regards and sincere

    thanks to these resected eoe who ha+e heed me throughout thisroject.

    %u$mitted $y:

    TAB67 OF /O%T7%TS

    P,&I#/,% P,G0 N.

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    0)ecuti+e %ummary 1

    $jecti+es o4 study 2

    #hater-1 Introduction! 3

    1.1 +er+iew o4 nine trading 3-131.2 Pro4ie o4 the #omany 1'

    - +er+iew o4 %H,05H,N /&". 1'

    - 6ision 7 8ission 1

    - 8arket share 19

    - ,wards 7 ,chie+ements 1

    - Product range 1;

    #hater-2 %ituation e+iew 32

    - %i$iograhy ';

    ,nne)ure . '?-2

    @uestionnaire. 2-3

    797/3TI:7 S3""AR;

    &his roject is $ased on A, %&"B = N/IN0 &,"INGC at %harekhan


    =urther* in this Project

    #hater-1 incudes re+iew o4 iterature 7 the introduction o4 the comany


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    wherein I tod a$out the ro4ie o4 %harekhan imited.

    #hater-2 incudes %ituation e+iew wherein I ha+e shown swot anaysis o4


    #hater-3 shows the 4inancia anaysis o4 comany.

    #hater-' incudes the /earningDs 7 =indings#


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    %H,05H,N and a$out its communication 4aciities. &hearoriate con4iguration to set the network* which woud ink the%H,05H,N to indi+idua F mem$ers.

    &o know a$out the atest and 4uture de+eoment in the stocke)change trading system.

    Stocks&he stock or caita stock o4 a $usiness entity reresents the origina caita aid into orin+ested in the $usiness $y its 4ounders. It ser+es as a security 4or the creditors o4 a$usiness since it cannot $e withdrawn to the detriment o4 the creditors. %tock is distinct4rom the roerty and the assets o4 a $usiness which may 4uctuate in uantity and +aue.>uying a stock 4or the ong term means that you want to own art o4 a comany and youthink that in the 4uture the comany wi $e ro4ita$e. I4 you $uy stock in a comany andthe comany er4orms we* the stocks rice shoud rise. I4 the comany 4ais* then thestock shoud 4ai you* too and go down. #omanies ist their stocks on the +arious stock

    e)changes ocated throughout the .%. &he stock e)changes actuay comete with eachother 4or these istings* since comanies that attract more trading make more money 4orthe stock e)change that isted it. #omany stocks are assigned a ticker* or tradingsym$o $y the isting e)change. Bou may notice some we-chosen tickers that are easy toremem$er* ike "N, 4or the comany Genentech* a $iotechnoogy 4irm. r somecomanies ticker is the same as its name* Nike 4or e)ame.

    Stock market

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    , stock market or euity market is a u$ic market (a oose network o4 economictransactions* not a hysica 4aciity or discrete entity! 4or the trading o4 comany stockand deri+ati+esat an agreed riceJ these aresecuritiesisted on a stock e)changeas weas those ony traded ri+atey. &he siEe o4 the word stock market was estimated at a$outK39.9 triion % at the $eginning o4 cto$er 2;. &he totalword deri+ati+es market

    has $een estimated at a$out K?1 triion 4ace or nomina +aue* 11 times the siEe o4 theentire word economy. &he +aue o4 the deri+ati+es market* $ecause it is stated in termso4 notiona +aues* cannot $e directy comared to a stock or a 4i)ed income security*which traditionay re4ers to an actua +aue. 8oreo+er* the +ast majority o4 deri+ati+escance each other out (i.e.* a deri+ati+e $et on an e+ent occurring is o44set $y acomara$e deri+ati+e $et on the e+ent 'otoccurring!. 8any such reati+ey iiuidsecurities are +aued as marked to mode*rather than an actua market rice. &he stocksare isted and traded on stock e)changes which are entities o4 a cororation or mutuaorganiEation seciaiEed in the $usiness o4 $ringing $uyers and seers o4 theorganiEations to a isting o4 stocks and securities together. &he argest stock market in thenited %tates* $y market ca is the New Bork %tock 0)change*NB%0*whie in #anada*

    it is the &oronto %tock 0)change.


    Historicay* stock marketswere hysica ocations where $uyers and seers met andnegotiated.

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    stock and a otentia seer asks a seci4ic rice 4or the stock. (>uying or seing atmarket means you wi accet any ask rice or $id rice 4or the stock* resecti+ey.!om$ay stock e)change(>%0!

    BS7!- ,t the end o4 the ,merican ci+i war* the $rokers who thri+ed out o4 this war in1;'* 4ound a ace in a street* where they woud easiy assem$e and transact $usiness.&his street is nowadays* ouary known as ",/,/ %&00&. In 1;;* they 4ormay

    esta$ished in >om$ay* and were known as ANati+e %hares and %tock >rokers,ssociationC. In 1;?* it acuired a remise in the same street and 4inay wasinaugurated in 1;?? with the name >om$ay %tock 0)change (>%0!.Indias remier stock e)change >om$ay %tock 0)change (>%0! can aso trace $ack itsorigin to as 4ar as 12 years when it started as a +ountary non-ro4it making association.Bou hear a$out it any time it reaches a new high or a new ow* and you aso hear a$out itdaiy in statements ike &he >%0 %ensiti+e Inde) rose L today. $+iousy* stocks andstock markets are imortant. %tocks o4u$ic imited comanies are $ought andsod at a stock e)change. >ut what reayare stock e)changesM 5nown aso asNews

    on the stock market aears in di44erentmedia e+ery day. &he stock market or$ourse* a stock e)change is an organiEedmarketace 4or securities(ike stocks*$onds* otions! 4eatured $y thecentraiEation o4 suy and demand 4or thetransaction o4 orders $y mem$er$rokers*4or institutiona and indi+idua in+estors.

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    &he e)change makes $uying and seing easy. &he need 4or stock e)changes de+eoedout o4 eary trading acti+ities in agricutura and other commodities. "uring the midde,ges* traders 4ound it easier to use credit that reuired suorting documentation o4dra4ts* notes and$is o4 e)change. (=igure-1!Indias other major stock e)changeNationa %tock 0)change(N%0!* romoted $y eading

    4inancia institutions* was esta$ished in ,ri 1??3. +er the years* se+era stocke)changes ha+e $een esta$ished in the major cities o4 India. &here are now 23recognised stock e)changes 8um$ai (>%0* N%0 and !* #acutta* "ehi* #hennai*,hmeda$ad* >angaore* >hu$haneswar* #oim$atore* Guwahati* Hydera$ad* Oaiur*5ochi* 5anur* /udhiana* 8angaore* Patna* Pune* ajkot* 6adodara* Indore and8eerut.

    %S7:-rugescommodity traders gathered inside the house o4 a man caed >a' der &e$r?e* and in 13?they $ecame the >rugse >eurse* institutionaiEing what had $een* unti then* anin4orma meeting* $ut actuay* the 4amiy 6an der >eurEe had a $uiding in ,ntwerwhere those gatherings occurredJ the 6an der >eurEe had ,ntwer* as most o4 the

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    merchants o4 that eriod* as their rimary ace 4or trading. &he idea uicky sreadaround =anders and neigh$oring counties and >eurEen soon oened in Ghent and,msterdam. In the midde o4 the 13th century* 6enetian $ankers $egan to trade ingo+ernment securities. In 131 the 6enetian go+ernment outawed sreading rumorsintended to ower the rice o4 go+ernment 4unds. >ankers in Pisa* 6erona* Genoa and

    =orenceaso $egan trading in go+ernment securities during the 1'th century. &his wasony ossi$e $ecause these were indeendent city states not rued $y a duke $ut a councio4 in4uentia citiEens. &he "utch ater started joint stock comanies* which etsharehodersin+est in $usiness +entures and get a share o4 their ro4its - or osses. In192* the "utch 0ast India #omany issued the 4irst share on the ,msterdam %tock0)change.It was the 4irst comany to issue stocks and$onds.

    Relation of the stock market to the modern

    financial system&he 4inancia systems in most western countries has undergone a remarka$etrans4ormation. ne 4eature o4 this de+eoment is disintermediation. , ortion o4 the4unds in+o+ed in sa+ing and 4inancing* 4ows directy to the 4inancia markets instead o4$eing routed +ia the traditiona $ank ending and deosit oerations. &he genera u$icsheightened interest in in+esting in the stock market* either directy or through mutua4unds* has $een an imortant comonent o4 this rocess. %tatisticsshow that in recentdecades shares ha+e made u an increasingy arge roortion o4 househods 4inanciaassets in many countries. In the 1?s* in %weden*deosit accountsand other +ery iuidassets with itte risk made u amost 9 ercent o4 househods 4inancia weath*

    comared to ess than 2 ercent in the 2s. &he major art o4 this adjustment in4inancia ort4oios has gone directy to shares $ut a good dea now takes the 4orm o4+arious kinds o4 institutiona in+estment 4or grous o4 indi+iduas* e.g.* ension 4unds*mutua 4unds* hedge 4unds* insurance in+estment o4 remiums* etc.

    &he trend towards 4orms o4 sa+ing with a higher risk has $een accentuated $y new rues4or most 4unds and insurance* ermitting a higher roortion o4 shares to $onds. %imiartendencies are to $e 4ound in other industriaiEed countries. In a de+eoed economicsystems* such as the 0uroean nion* the nited %tates* Oaan and other de+eoednations* the trend has $een the same: sa+ing has mo+ed away 4rom traditiona(go+ernment insured! $ank deosits to more risky securities o4 one sort or another.iskier

    ong-term sa+ing reuires that an indi+idua ossess the a$iity to manage the associatedincreased risks. %tock rices 4uctuate widey* in marked contrast to the sta$iity o4(go+ernment insured! $ank deosits or $onds. &his is something that coud a44ect not onythe indi+idua in+estor or househod* $ut aso the economy on a arge scae. &he4oowing deas with some o4 the risks o4 the 4inancia sector in genera and the stockmarket in articuar. &his is certainy more imortant now that so many newcomers ha+eentered the stock market* or ha+e acuired other risky in+estments (such as in+estmentroerty* i.e.* rea estate and coecta$es!.

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    stock market rises. &ee+ision commentators* 4inancia writers* anaysts* and marketstrategists are a o+ertaking each other to get in+estors attention. ,t the same time*indi+idua in+estors* immersed in chat rooms and message $oards* are e)changinguestiona$e and o4ten miseading tis. Bet* desite a this a+aia$e in4ormation*in+estors 4ind it increasingy di44icut to ro4it.

    The behaior of the stock trading

    =rom e)erience e+eryone know that in+estors may temorariy mo+e 4inancia ricesaway 4rom their ong term aggregate rice trends. (Positi+e or u trends are re4erred toas$u marketsJ negati+e or down trends are re4erred to as$ear markets.! +er-reactionsmay occurso that e)cessi+e otimism (euhoria! may dri+e rices unduy high ore)cessi+e essimism may dri+e rices unduy ow. 0conomists continue to de$atewhether 4inancia markets are generay e44icient. ,ccording to one interretation o4 thee44icient-market hyothesis(08H!* ony changes in 4undamenta 4actors* such as theoutook 4or margins* ro4its or di+idends* ought to a44ect share rices $eyond the shortterm* where random noise in the system may re+ai. (>ut this argey theoreticacademic +iewointknown as hard 08Haso redicts that itte or no trading shoudtake ace* contrary to 4act* since rices are aready at or near euii$rium* ha+ing ricedin a u$ic knowedge4! &he hard e44icient-market hyothesis is sorey tested $y suche+ents as the stock market crash in 1?;* when the "ow Oones inde)ummeted 22.9ercentthe argest-e+er one-day 4a in the nited %tates. &his e+ent demonstrated thatshare rices can 4a dramaticay e+en though* to this day* it is imossi$e to 4i) ageneray agreed uon de4inite cause: a thorough search 4aied to detect a'y reasona$ede+eoment that might ha+e accounted 4or the crash. (>ut note that such e+ents areredicted to occur stricty $y chance* athough +ery rarey.! It seems aso to $e the casemore generay that many rice mo+ements ($eyond that which are redicted to occurrandomy! are 'otoccasioned $y new in4ormationJ a study o4 the 4i4ty argest one-dayshare rice mo+ements in the nited %tates in the ost-war eriod seems to con4irm this.Howe+er* a so4t 08H has emerged which does not reuire that rices remain at or neareuii$rium* $ut ony that market articiants not $e a$e tosyste%atically ro4it 4romany momentary market ine44iciencies. 8oreo+er* whie 08H redicts that a ricemo+ement (in the a$sence o4 change in 4undamenta in4ormation! is random (i.e.* non-trending!* many studies ha+e shown a marked tendency 4or the stock market to trend o+ertime eriods o4 weeks or onger. 6arious e)anations 4or such arge and aarenty non-random rice mo+ements ha+e $een romugated. =or instance* some research has shown

    that changes in estimated risk* and the use o4 certain strategies* such as sto-oss imitsand 6aue at iskimits* theoreticay coud cause 4inancia markets to o+erreact. >ut the$est e)anation seems to $e that the distri$ution o4 stock market rices is non-Gaussian(in which case 08H* in any o4 its current 4orms* woud not $e stricty aica$e!. therresearch has shown that sychoogica 4actors may resut in e)aggerated stock ricemo+ements (contrary to 08H which assumes such $eha+iors cance out!. Psychoogicaresearch has demonstrated that eoe are redisosed to seeing atterns* and o4ten wiercei+e a attern in what is* in 4act* just 'oise. (%omething ike seeing 4amiiar shaes in

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    couds or ink $ots.! In the resent conte)t this means that a succession o4 good newsitems a$out a comany may ead in+estors to o+erreact ositi+ey (unjusti4ia$y dri+ingthe rice u!. , eriod o4 good returns aso $oosts the in+estors se4-con4idence*reducing his (sychoogica! risk threshod.

    ,nother henomenonaso 4rom sychoogythat works against an o$jecti+eassessment is grou thinking. ,s socia animas* it is not easy to stick to an oinion thatdi44ers markedy 4rom that o4 a majority o4 the grou. ,n e)ame with which one may$e 4amiiar is the reuctance to enter a restaurant that is emtyJ eoe generay re4er toha+e their oinion +aidated $y those o4 others in the grou. In one aer the authorsdraw an anaogy with gam$ing. In norma times the market $eha+es ike a game o4rouetteJ the ro$a$iities are known and argey indeendent o4 the in+estment decisionso4 the di44erent ayers. In times o4 market stress* howe+er* the game $ecomes more ikeoker (herding $eha+ior takes o+er!. &he ayers now must gi+e hea+y weight to the

    sychoogy o4 other in+estors and how they are ikey to react sychoogicay. &he stockmarket* as with any other $usiness* is uite un4orgi+ing o4 amateurs. Ine)eriencedin+estors rarey get the assistance and suort they need. In the eriod running u to the1?; crash* ess than 1 ercent o4 the anaysts recommendations had $een to se (ande+en during the 2 - 22 $ear market* the a+erage did not rise a$o+e L!. In the runu to 2* the media ami4ied the genera euhoria* with reorts o4 raidy rising sharerices and the notion that arge sums o4 money coud $e uicky earned in the so-caednew economystock market. (,nd ater ami4ied the goom which descended during the2 - 22 $ear market* so that $y summer o4 22* redictions o4 a "< a+erage$eow were uite common.!

    Investment strategies

    ne o4 the many things eoe aways want to know a$out the stock market is* How do Imake money in+estingM &here are many di44erent aroachesJ two $asic methods arecassi4ied as either 4undamenta anaysis ortechnica anaysis. =undamenta anaysisre4ers to anayEing comanies $y their 4inancia statements 4ound in %0# =iings*$usiness trends* genera economic conditions* etc. &echnica anaysis studies riceactions in markets through the use o4 charts and uantitati+e techniues to attemt to4orecast rice trends regardess o4 the comanys 4inancia rosects. ne e)ame o4 atechnica strategy is the &rend 4oowing method* used $y Oohn

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    Online trading

    nine stock trading is $ecoming a +ery ouar way in which to in+est in the stockmarket. rdinary e+eryday citiEens such as you and me can now trade stocks ike the roswithout aying the ridicuous $roker 4ees that are o4ten associated with trading on thestock market. &his doesnt mean there are no 4ees in+o+ed or that you wont $ediscouraged 4rom cariciousy trading stocks. usiness-to-$usiness(>2>! trading* o4ten conducted on e)changes* where arge

    in+estment $anks and$rokerstrade directy with one another* transacting argeamounts o4 securities* and

    >usiness-to-cient(>2#! trading* where retai (e.g. indi+iduas $uying and seing

    reati+ey sma amounts o4 stocks and shares! and institutiona cients (e.g. hedge4unds* 4und managers or insurance comanies* trading 4ar arger amounts o4securities! $uy and se 4rom $rokers or deaers* who act as midde-men $etweenthe cients and the >2> markets

    I4 one decides to go with some o4 the $igger names in the $usiness one shoudunderstand that he wi ay a itte more than he woud ay going with many o4the esser name 4irms and trading comanies. &he good news is that the $iggernames ha+e more to oose a4ter working 4or decades to esta$ish themse+es andde+eo a good reutation among traders. &his means that they are not going to $e4y $y night and are going to work to make sure you ha+e the $est ossi$eser+ice 4rom them 4or your 4uture in the stock market trade.

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    8any o4 these 4irms in addition to o44ering the a$iity to $uy* se* and trade onine wiaso o44er 4inancia anning 4or retirement* 4uture e)enses* and ad+ice on how to create

    a 4i)ed income 4rom your in+estments. &hey wi o44er many tis* hints* and ad+ice 4reeo4 charge on their we$site whie aso romoting the ser+ices they o44er through discountsin hoes o4 gaining your $usiness 4or some o4 the higher ticket transactions that reayay their $is. nine in+estment ser+ices o44er consumers the oortunity to in+est withower commissions and 4ees which means you $ring more o4 the money home when a issaid and done and send 4ar ess on 4ees and e)enses associated with in+esting. >ysa+ing these 4ees you may $e doing yourse4 a huge ser+ice $ut kee in mind that thein+aua$e ad+ice o4 a $roker can o4ten mean the di44erence $etween mid successes andwid successes. I4 you can manage the 4ees it is a good an to at east consut with a$roker or 4inancia ad+isor or anner once or twice a year in order to get the most out o4your in+estment money.

    ,ccording to #hiang-Nan #hao * o$ert O. 8ocker * "orothy "oogite :-&he marketdownturn since 8arch 2 has osed a serious threat to $rokerage 4irms* articuarythose that o44er onine trading =indings o4 this study suggest that $roke rage 4irms shoud4ocus on imro+ing customer ser+ices* whie at the same time ro+iding ser+ices inaddition to onine trading. nine $rokerage 4irms shoud mo+e into the areas that ha+e$een traditionay dominated $y 4u ser+ice $rokerage 4irms and $anks.Introduction nine trading has $ecome a 4ormida$e 4orce in todays in+estment market*thanks to recent de+eoments in in4ormation technoogy. ,though set$acks in thetechnoogy industry discouraged indi+idua in+estors 4rom acti+ey trading* the totanum$er o4 onine trading accounts continues to grow. ,s the N,%",@ has droed 4romits a time high o4 * in 8arch 2* and the economic situation is continuing to

    deteriorate* many in+estors ha+e withdrawn their 4unds 4rom the stock marketNe+ertheess* the interest in onine trading is e)ected to increase (12*1!.In ,ri 22* ,mericas third-argest discount $rokerage house* ,meritrade* agreed tourchase "atek nine Hodings #ororation* a ri+atey hed onine trading comany* inan a-stock transaction +aued at amost K1.2? $iion. &he mo+e woud trans4orm,meritrade o4 maha* Ne$raska* into the argest onine $rokerage 4irm in the .%. interms o4 euity trades er day* surassing industry eaders 0&rade Grou* Inc. and#hares %chwa$ #ororation. &he roosed com$ination comes as the onine tradingindustry aears to $e reco+ering graduay 4rom a se+ere recession that has romtedconsoidation. n the academic side* many recent studies ha+e shown that onine$rokerages ha+e mo+ed away 4rom o44ering ony onine trading* and are now addingmany other ser+ices (i.e.* $anking ser+ices! in order to sur+i+e in this +oatie market &hisstudy 4ocuses on how onine $rokerage 4irms can $etter ser+e the market 4rom the onineusers standoint. nine trading $ecame huge $usiness in the ate 1??s. &he ure o4reati+ey ow $rokerage costs 4or eectronic share trading* together with the caacity tomonitor rea-time market de+eoments 4rom a comuter screen* ha+e contri$uted to the4act that internet-$ased trading now comrises a$out 2L o4 a retai share trading.&he onine trading market has $ecome 4ooded with discount $rokers o44ering ow ricesand $etter transaction costs. %ome o4 the most nota$e onine discount $rokers are


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    ,meritrade* 0&rade* #hares %chwa$ and &"

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    out o4 e+ery ten trades that haens to $e a oser wi wie them out.

    %tock market trading onine is a tye o4 secuation where education and ski candramaticay imro+e your odds o4 winning. isk management is a ski. educing yourstock market trading risk dramaticay increases the odds that you wi win. %tay 4ocusedon what you need to know and what you need to do to $e success4u trading the stockmarket onine. emem$er that money is just a $y-roduct o4 wise trading methods andactions. ,ccording to 8ark #ris:-It is common now 4or eoe to undertake stocktrading onine. Historicay there ha+e $een ,merican stock markets 4rom the 1s. InPhiadehia an e)change 4or trading currency was esta$ished to ena$e $usiness ownersto suort their $usiness and to grow the economy. In the eary 1;s* the New Bork%tock 0)change reaced the Phiadehia e)change. Initiay New Bork %tock 0)change

    was a grou o4 $usiness eoe who met on a daiy $asis on

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    %harekhan is one o4 the to retai $rokerage houses in India with a strong onine tradingat4orm. &he comany ro+ides euity $ased roducts (research* euities* deri+ati+es*deository* margin 4unding* etc.!. It has one o4 the argest networks in the country with' share shos in 2; cities and IndiaDs remier onine trading

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    T=7 /O"PA%;

    Name o4 the comany: %harekhan td.

    Bear o4 0sta$ishment: 1?2

    Headuarter: %harekhan %%5I ,-29 Phoeni) House Phoeni) 8is #omound /ower Pare 8um$ai - 8aharashtra* IN"I,- '13

    Nature o4 >usiness: %er+ice Pro+ider

    %er+ices: "eository %er+ices* nine %er+ices and &echnica esearch.

    Num$er o4 0moyees: +er 3

    rand in the retai $usiness o4 stock market.

    "ission&o educate and emower the indi+idua in+estor to make $etter in+estmentdecisions through uaity ad+ice and suerior ser+ice.

    Sharekhan is infact-S ,mong the to 3 $randed retai ser+ice ro+idersS No. 1 ayer in onine $usinessS /argest network o4 $randed $roking outets in the country ser+ing more than * * cients.

    %harekhans management team is one o4 the strongest in the sector and has ositioned%harekhan to take ad+antage o4 the growing consumer demand 4or 4inancia ser+icesroducts in India through in+estments in research* an-Indian $ranch network and anoutstanding technoogy at4orm. =urther* %harekhans ineage and reationshi with%%5I Grou ro+ide it a uniue osition to understand and e+erage the growth o4 the4inancia ser+ices sector.%%5I #ororate =inance Pri+ate /imited (%%5I! is a eading India-$ased in+estment $ankwith strong research-dri+en 4ocus. &heir team mem$ers are widey resected 4or their

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    commitment to transactions and their seciaiEed knowedge in their areas o4 strength.

    A5AR&S A%& A/=I7:7"7%TS

    - %%5I has $een +oted as the &o "omestic >rokerage House in the researchcategory* twice $y 0uromoney %ur+ey and 4our times $y ,siamoney %ur+ey.

    - %harekhan /imited won the #N># ,

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    PRO&3/TS A%& S7R:I/7S OF S=AR74=A% 6I"IT7&



    &he data coection methods incude $oth rimary and secondary coection methods.Primary method: &his method incudes the data coected 4rom the uestionnaires andersona interaction with authoriEed mem$ers o4 %harekhan %ecurities imited.


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    %econdary method: &he secondary data coection method incudes:-&he ecturers dei+ered $y the suerintendent.-&he $rochures and materia ro+ided $y %harekhan %ecurities imited.-&he data coected 4rom the magaEines o4 the N%0* economic times and 4rom internet.

    &emat account!

    %harekhan is a deository articiant. &his means that we can kee the shares indemateriaiEed 4orm in %harekhan. >ut 4or this one has to the demat account in%harekhan. "emateriaiEation is the rocess $y which a cient can get hysica certi4icatescon+erted into eectronic $aances maintained in his account with the "P.

    In %harekhan* under demat account there are two tyes o4 terminas.

    &BP0 = "08,&,##N& &08IN,/

    "0P%I& (e4unda$e! #H,G0% (nonre4unda$e!

    #/,%%I# s. s.

    s.1 Ni

    &,"0&IG0 s. s.1

    s.1F2 Ni

    Account opening!

    ening a "P account with %harekhan-

    ne can oen a "eository Particiant ("P! account* either through a %harekhan $ranchor through a %harekhan =ranchisee center.

    &here is no 4ee 4or oening "P accounts with %harekhan. Howe+er a nomina deosit(re4unda$e! is charged towards ser+ices which wi $e adjusted against a 4uture $iings.

    , in+estors ha+e to su$mit their roo4 o4 identity and roo4 o4 address aong with therescri$ed account oening 4orm.


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    BRO47RA$7 STR3/T3R7 OF S=AR74=A%


    I%TRA&A; &76I:7R;

    /AS=8 7?3ITI7S .L .L

    FnO .L

    PR7PAI& S/=7"7 .2L .2L

    Sharekhan has tie up 0ith the follo0ing banks!


    ,)is >ank


    #iti >ank

    IndusInd >ank

    nion >ank

    I#I#I >ank.

    "I%I"3" I%:7ST"7%T I% "3T3A6 F3%&!

    IN60%&80N& 8INI88 ,8N&

    8utua =und (,ny #omany!

    %ystematic In+estment Pan (,ny #omany!


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    >usiness cass eoe (high cass!

    High Net worth Indi+iduas

    %er+ice cass eoe

    Go+ernment 0moyees

    Boung ,duts (1?-3 yrs.!

    ,duts (3- yrs.!

    H= (Hindu ndi+ided =amiy!

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    Its core serices are!

    0uities* and "eri+ati+es trading on the Nationa %tock 0)change o4 India /td.(N%0!* and >om$ay %tock 0)change /td. (>%0!*

    #ommodities trading on Nationa #ommodity and "eri+ati+es 0)change India(N#"0U! and 8uti #ommodity 0)change o4 India /td. (8#U!*

    "eository ser+ices*

    nine trading ser+ices*

    IP %er+ices*


    Port4oio management ser+ices* =undamenta and &echnica esearch ser+ices*

    In addition to this they aso ro+ide ad+isory ser+ices and distri$utions 4ormutua 4unds.

    %harekhan 6aue/ine (a monthy u$ication with re+iews o4 recommendations*stocks to watch out 4or etc.!

    "aiy research reorts and market re+iew (High Noon 7 0age 0ye!

    Pre-market eort

    "aiy trading cas $ased on &echnica ,naysis

    #oo trading roducts ("aring "eri+ati+es and 8arket %trategy!

    Sharekhan First Step

    &he %harekhan =irst%te is a $rand new rogram designed eseciay 4or those who arenew to in+esting in shares. , one ha+e to do is oen a %harekhan =irst%te accountandthey guide us through the in+esting rocess.

    Features of Trading 5ith Sharekhan!

    1. =reedom 4rom aerwork 2. Instant credit and money trans4er 3. &rade 4rom any net ena$ed P#'. ,4ter hour orders. nine orders on the hone9. &imey ad+ice and-research reorts. ea-time Port4oio tracking

    ;. In4ormation and Price aerts.


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    5774 %o# (!

    Had training 4or three days. In this training we were tod a$out %harekhan #omany*

    history o4 %harekhan* organiEation structure* roducts* %harekhan research reorts*trading techniues* cients* "emat accounts* "eri+ati+es* and nine trading accounts in$rie4 - %eed &rade and #assic account* earned how to $uy and se shares through theseonine terminas* %aes techniue* %harekhanVs $rokerage.,s this was my 4irst week and had training 4or 3 days I got +ery ess time to understandthe roducts* market and otentia customers.

    5774 %o# +!

    Gained detaied knowedge a$out cassica account.#assica account is a we$-$ased roduct o4 sharekhan and consists o4

    nine trading in 0uity 7 "eri+ati+e


    nine &rading W >ank W demat

    #ash trans4er

    rder and trade con4irmation through e-mais

    %inge screen inter4ace 4or cash and deri+ati+e


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    ,G0 %&0 = 0%PN"0N&%



    It can $e seen that most o4 the eoe who are $etween 1 to 3 od are most in+o+ed inonne trading whie there are 4our eoe who are $etween 31 to ' and ony two area$o+e '.


    ,G0 0%PN"0N&

    1-3 1'31-' '

    '-9 2

    Age Chart




    15 to 30

    31 to 45

    46 to 60

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd





    Income/Month!m"e# o$Mem"e#

    %e&o' 15000 1215001 to30000 530001 to45000 1

    ("o)e 45000 2

    Income Chart




    e&o' 15000

    15001 to 30000

    30001 to 45000

    ("o)e 45000

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    IN&0P0&,&IN-&his is cear 4rom the chart that eoe ha+ing income ess than 1 are more in+o+edin onine trading and eoe are ha+ing income more than 1 $ut ess than 3and 3 eoe are ha+ing income more than 3.

    0"#,&IN @,/I=I#,&IN




    0 2 4 6 * 10 12 14


    .o/t G#+,!+t-on


    Education Chart

    !m"e# o$ Mem"e#



  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    IN&0P0&,&IN-It can $e seen that most o4 the eoe who are in+o+ed in onine trading are graduatesand resondents are ost graduates and 2 eoe ha+e di44erent education uai4ication.

    ,##N& P0NING





    e#on+&+c!nt+nce 6e$e##+&-&ent *e$e##+&-on &ent 1

    +&& / +&&n 2e#on+oect)t 3

    (cco!nt e$ h+#t






    .e#on+& +c!nt+ncee$e##+&-&ent

    e$e##+&-on &ent

    +&& / +&& n

    .e#on+& .#oect )t

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    IN&0P0&,&IN-8any o4 the resondents oened their accounts through agent(cient! o4 the comany 7 9eoe oened $y ersona acuaintance whie 9 resondents used other mode o4 accountoening.

    =00/ %,=0..M


    (n'e#!m"e# o$Mem"e#

    Ye 14o 6

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd












    Ye o

    !m"e# o$ Mem"e#



    It is shown in the 4igure that L o4 resondents 4ee sa4e whie trading onine and 3Lare ha+ing 4ear o4 4raud.

    8%& &,"0" %


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd





    1 1










    E!-t M!t!+& !n,/ ommo,-t-e/ O E!-t-e/ Othe#

    Most Traded Stock

    !m"e# o$ Mem"e#




    E!t 7M.!n, *

    ommo,te 3O 1Othe# 1

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    IN&0P0&,&IN-It can $e seen that 'L resondents most trade in mutua 4und and eoe trade ineuity 7 3 in+est in commodities whie 1 erson trades in 4uture and otion and 1 inother stocks.


    e9e#ence !m"e# o$

    Mem"e#%e&o' 5 Ye+# 175 to 10 3


    0#0I60 P",&0" IN=8,&IN


    Online Trading Experience



    e&o' 5 Ye+#

    5 to 10

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd







    Ye o 11


    !m"e# o$Mem"e#


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd



    IN&0P0&,&IN- It can $e seen that most o4 resondents moderatey agree that their$roker is success4u in onine trading 7 3L just agree whie 1 erson is strongy agreeon the statement#

    S5OT A%A6;SIS


    It is a ioneer in onine trading with a turn o+er o4 s.' crores and more than; eoes working in the organiEation.

    %%5I the arent comany o4 %hare 5han has more than eight decades o4 trust andcredi$iity in the Indian stock market. In the ,sian 8oney >rokerDs o %%5Iwon the AIndiaDs $est $roking house 4or 2'C award.

    %hare 5han ro+ides muti-channe access to a its customers through a strongonine resence with* 2 share shos in 13 cities and aca-center $ased "ia-n-&rade 4aciity


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    %hare 5han has dedicated research teams 4or 4undamenta and technica research.

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    ,s interest on 4i)ed deosits with ost o44ice and $anks are a time ow* more and8ore sma in+estors are entering into stock market.

    ,$oition o4 ong term caita gain ta) on shares and reduction in short term

    caita gain is making stock market as hot destination 4or in+estment among smain+estors.

    Increasing usage o4 internet through $road$and connecti+ity may $oost a whoenew $reed o4 in+estors 4or trading in securities.


    ,ggressi+e romotiona strategies $y cose cometitors may hamer %hare5hanDs accetance $y new cients.

    /ack o4 su44icient $ranch-o44ices 4or seedy dei+ery o4 ser+ices.

    ther ayers are ro+iding margin 4unds to in+estors on easy terms where asthere is no such 4aciity in share khan.

    8ore and more ayers are +enturing into this domain which can 4urther reducethe earnings o4 %hare 5han.

    ,+aia$iity o4 nit /inked Insurance Poicies (/IPDs! and mutua 4unds in the market.


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    FI%A%/IA6 A%A6;SIS

    =inancia statement anaysis is a judgmenta rocess. ne o4 the rimary o$jecti+es is

    identi4ication o4 major changes in trends* and reationshis and the in+estigation o4 thereasons underying those changes. &he judgment rocess can $e imro+ed $y e)erienceand the use o4 anaytica toos. Pro$a$y the most widey used 4inancia anaysistechniue is ratio anaysis* the anaysis o4 reationshis $etween two or more ine itemson the 4inancia statement. =inancia ratios are usuay e)ressed in ercentage or times.Generay* 4inancia ratios are cacuated 4or the urose o4 e+auating asects o4 acomanys oerations and 4a into the 4oowing categories:

    /iuidity ratios measure a 4irms a$iity to meet its current o$igations. Pro4ita$iity ratios measure managements a$iity to contro e)enses and to earn a

    return on the resources committed to the $usiness. /e+erage ratios measure the degree o4 rotection o4 suiers o4 ong-term 4unds

    and can aso aid in judging a 4irms a$iity to raise additiona de$t and its caacityto ay its ia$iities on time.

    044iciency* acti+ity or turno+er ratios ro+ide in4ormation a$out managementsa$iity to contro e)enses and to earn a return on the resources committed to the$usiness.

    , ratio can $e comuted 4rom any air o4 num$ers. Gi+en the arge uantity o4 +aria$esincuded in 4inancia statements* a +ery ong ist o4 meaning4u ratios can $e deri+ed. ,standard ist o4 ratios or standard comutation o4 them does not e)ist. &he 4oowing ratioresentation incudes ratios that are most o4ten used when e+auating the credit


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    worthiness o4 a customer. atio anaysis $ecomes a +ery ersona or comany dri+enrocedure. ,naysts are drawn to and use the ones they are com4orta$e with andunderstand.

    6iquidity Ratios

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    #urrent /ia$iities

    Profitability Ratios

    Net Pro4it 8argin (eturn on %aes!, measure o4 net income doars generated $y each doar o4 saes.

    =ormuaNet Income

    Net %aes

    e4inements to the net income 4igure can make it more accurate than this ratiocomutation. &hey coud incude remo+a o4 euity earnings 4rom in+estments* otherincome and other e)ense items as we as minority share o4 earnings and nonrecuringitems.

    eturn on ,ssets8easures the comanys a$iity to utiiEe its assets to create ro4its.

    =ormuaNet Income

    (>eginning W 0nding &ota ,ssets! F 2

    erating Income 8argin, measure o4 the oerating income generated $y each doar o4 saes.


    erating IncomeNet %aes

    eturn on In+estment8easures the income earned on the in+ested caita.

    =ormuaNet Income

    /ong-term /ia$iities W 0uity

    eturn on 0uity8easures the income earned on the sharehoders in+estment in the $usiness.

    =ormuaNet Income


    Gross Pro4it 8arginIndicates the reationshi $etween net saes re+enue and the cost o4 goods sod. &his ratioshoud $e comared with industry data as it may indicate insu44icient +oume ande)cessi+e urchasing or a$or costs.


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    =ormuaGross Pro4itNet %aes

    Financial 6eerage Ratios

    &ota "e$ts to ,ssetsPro+ides in4ormation a$out the comanys a$iity to a$sor$ asset reductions arising 4romosses without jeoardiEing the interest o4 creditors.

    =ormua&ota /ia$iities

    &ota ,ssets

    #aitaiEation atioIndicates ong-term de$t usage.

    =ormua/ong-&erm "e$t

    /ong-&erm "e$t W wners 0uity

    "e$t to 0uityIndicates how we creditors are rotected in case o4 the comanys inso+ency.

    =ormua&ota "e$t

    &ota 0uity

    /ong-term "e$t to Net

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    whie a high e+e imies that the comanys working caita is working too hard.

    =ormuaNet %aes


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    Operating /ash Flo0Sales RatioT!is ratio, (!ic! is e+#ressed as a #ercentae, co%#ares a co%#any9s operating cashflo0to its net salesor reenues1 0hich gies inestors an idea of the companysability to turn sales into cash#

    Formula6 Operating cash flo0

    %et sales.reenues2

    /ash Turnoer RatioT!e cas! turnover ratio indicates t!e nu%ber of ti%es t!at cas! turns over in a year

    1or%ula Sales /ash

    /ash Flo0 to 6ong Term &ebt RatioT!e cas! flo( to lon ter% debt ratio a##raises t!e ade4uacy of available funds to #ay

    obliations$ 1or%ula

    Cas! flo(6ong term debt

    Operations /ash Flo0 to /urrent 6iabilities RatioIf the operations cash flo0 to current liabilities ratio keeps increasing1 it mayindicate that cash inflo0s are increasing and need to be inested#

    Formula/ash flo0 from operationsCurrent liabilities

    /ash Flo0 for Inesting to /ash Flo0s from Operating and FinancingThis ratio compares the funds needed for inestment to the funds obtained fromfinancing and operations#

    =ormua #ash 4ows 4rom in+esting .#ash 4ows 4rom oerations W cash 4ows 4rom 4inancing

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    SO6:I%$ C A%A6;SI%$ RATIOS!

    iD%et profit margin E ()+#'+ ('' E ++#G+H **)#--

    , higher ro4it margin indicates a more ro4ita$e comany that has $etter controo+er its costs comared to its cometitors. &his is comared with the ast yearDsro4it margin o4 comany.

    iiD?uick ratioX (*)*#') E (#@( (+)G#)+

    Idea @uick ratio is 1:1. #omany needs to imro+e this.

    iiiD /urrent ratio E (,'-#G( E (#@* (+)G#)+

    Idea @uick ratio is 2:1. #omany needs to increase its assets ordecrease its ia$iities#

    iD Operating profit marginE +>*#G)('' E @,#'* **)#--

    , heathy oerating margin is reuired 4or a comany to $e a$e to ay 4or its4i)ed costs* such as interest on de$t.

    D Total debtequity ratio E >-,#,)' E '#>)


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    &he normay acceta$e de$t-euity ratio is 2:1.atio ess than one means euityro+ides a majority o4 the 4inancing.

    iD Return on inestmentE ()+#'+('' E -#>, (*')#>*

    Higher ratio is $etter. In this case the ratio has increased as comared to theast yearDs ratio (;.23!.

    iiD $ross profit margin E +,(#(> ('' E >'#,+H


    Higher the ratio $etter it is.

    iiiD Return on equity E ()+#'+ E (@#,@ ((',#,(

    iD/apitaliation ratio E >-,#,) E '#@( or @(H

    (*')#>* /ow de$t and high euity e+es in the caitaiEation ratio indicate in+estment uaity.

    D6ong term debt to net 0orking capital E >-,#,) E (#(( >)(#+-

    iDFied assets turnoer ratio E **)#-- E '#), (()+#>+

    , high ratio means a high rate o4 e44iciency o4 utiiEation o4 4i)ed asset and owratio means imroer use o4 the assets.

    iiD&ebtor turnoer ratio E **)#-- E (#() ),,#)'

    Higher ratio is $etter. In this case comanyDs net sae is more than the a+erage


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    iiiD/apital gearing ratio E ((',#,( E +#+@ >-,#,)

    iDOperating cash flo0 ratio E )#(+' ('' E '#,*H **)#--

    &he greater the amount o4 oerating cash 4ow* the $etter.

    D/ash flo0 to long term debt E (@(#)- E '#+*

    >-,#,)&he higher the ercentage ratio* the $etter the comanys a$iity to carry its totade$t. In this case* their de$t oad is higher than their oerating cash 4ows* gi+ing it aratio o4 ess than one* howe+er the ercentage ($eing $eow 'L! is considered ow.

    iD/ash turnoer ratio E **)#-- E (#(G )*(#G>

    iiDOperations cash flo0 to current liabilities E )#(+'' ('' E '#>-H ('+*#+(

    ,ny resut ess than 1 indicates that the comany is not a$e to iuidate its currentia$iities 4rom oerating cash 4owJ the comany wi ro$a$y ha+e to se assets*$orrow money or issue stock in order to meet its short term de$t o$igations.

    iiiDRetained earnings to total assets E (,,#)> E '#(( (*')#>*

    etained earnings to tota assets ratio near 1:1 (1L! indicates that growth has$een 4inanced through ro4its* not increased de$t. &his ow ratio indicates that

    growth is not sustaina$e as it is 4inanced 4rom increasing de$t* instead o4rein+esting ro4its.

    iD7quity multiplier E (*')#>* E (#>> ((',#,(

    &he euity mutiier ratio discoses the amount o4 in+estment e+erage. , highereuity mutiier indicates higher 4inancia e+erage* which means the comany is


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    reying more on de$t to 4inance its assets.

    D/ash flo0 for inesting to cash flo0 from operating and financing

    E 8 +*)#*+'


    E 8+*)#*+


    E 8'#**

    /I8I&,&IN% = &H0 %&"B:

    "esite o4 the training my e+e $est* there were sti some imitation which I thinkremains there to draw 4ruit4u concusion. &here were some ractica ro$ems whichcome across and coud not $e roery death with

    &he ad+isory ser+ices $eing romised $y the $rokers woud $e o4 itte use

    to in+estors ooking 4or an insight into the market.

    ,s a cient one wi access the N%0 through a ser+er o4 the onine$rokerage and this may in+o+e ueuing deays

    &he comany does not ro+ide its 4inancia reort to anyone. %o the $aance

    sheet* cash-4ow-statement 7 ro4it and oss account shown in this roject are notaudited and are o4 some otherDs comany.

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    67AR%I%$S C FI%&I%$S

    /0,NING%:"uring my summer training* I ha+e earned:

    Imortance o4 in4ormation technoogy in the 4ied o4 stock $roking is immense.

    %tock $roking comanies run with the he o4 I&. &he termina through which the

    $rokers $uy and se shares is so4tware that cometey deends on the internet.

    =or %harekhan* this termina has $een designed $y the so4tware comany

    A%iderC. >uying and seing through internet is 4ast. ,s soon as the rices o4 the

    shares goes u or comes down then they can $e sod or urchased instanty within

    seconds. #ustomer eationshi is +ery necessary 4or the comany to retain the


    In %harekhan /td. I ha+e earned a ot reating to the 4inance* earned the meaning


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    o4 the words that are mosty used in the share market.

    /earned a$out +arious roducts o4 the %harekhan /imited* /earned +arious

    asects regarding %hare 8arket.

    /earned how to use onine trading termina.

    /earned the +arious oicies o4 the comany.

    /earned a$out +arious roducts used in the share market eseciay "emat

    accounts and "eri+ati+es.

    Got the ractica knowedge o4 the market.

    =IN"ING% ,N" >%06,&IN%:-

    =uctuations are more in secondary market than any other market.

    &here are more secuators than in+estors.

    In4ormation ays a +ita roe in the secondary market.

    Pre+iousy roing settement is &W days* now it changed to &W2 days and

    4urther it wi $e changing to &W1 day.

    It was aso o$ser+ed that many $roking houses o44ering internet trading aow

    cients to use their con+entiona system as we just ensure that they do not

    oose them and this instead o4 o44ering e-$roking ser+ices they $ecomes ser+ice


    &he num$er o4 ayers is increasing at a steady rate and today there are o+er a

    doEen o4 $rokerage houses who ha+e oted to o44er net trading to their customers

    and rominent among them are %H,0 5H,N* India $us* kotakstreet* I#I#I



  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    #N#/%IN ,N" 0#880N",&IN%

    &hings ha+e changed 4or the $etter with the %H,05H,N going on-ine coued

    with endea+or to stream ine the whoe trading system* things ha+e changed

    dramaticay o+er the ast 3 to ' years. New and ad+anced technoogies ha+e

    $reached geograhica and cutura $arriers* and ha+e $rought the countrywide

    market to doorste.

    &he introduction o4 on-ine trading woud in4uence the in+estors resuting in an

    increase in the $usiness o4 the e)change. It has heed the $rokers handing a +ast

    amount o4 transactions and this can $e an e44icient trading* dei+ering* settement

    system with adeuate rotection to in+estors. &he trading o4 %H,05H,N o4 the

    4irst day was s. 1.; crores.

    "ue to in+ention o4 onine trading there has $een greater $ene4it to the in+estors

    as they coud se F $uy shares as and when reuired and that to with onine


    &he $rokerDs has a greater scoe than comared to the earier times $ecause o4

    in+ention o4 onine trading.

    &he concet o4 $usiness has changed today* this is a ser+ice oriented industry

    hence the sur+i+a woud reuire them to ro+ide the $est ossi$e ser+ice to the



  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    The Economic Times


    Beri .!" #ar$eting %esearch

    &pta !.B" #ar$eting #anagement.


    Balance sheet





    0uity share caita .' 9.9;

    %hare aication money .' 11.3

    Pre4erence share caita - -

    eser+es 7 surus1*.9 ?;.13

    %ecured oans 1.1 1.

    nsecured oans '?9.; .1



    Gross $ock 1;.;3 1'3.9;

    /ess : re+auation reser+e - -

    /ess : accumuated dereciation 9.93 ''.?'

    Net $ock ';.2 ?;.3

    #aita work-in-rogress 1. '.1



    #urrent assets* oans 7 ad+ances1*?.;1


    /ess : current ia$iities 7 ro+isions1*2;.12


    &ota net current assets '1.9? .'3

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd






    8isceaneous e)enses not written - -



    >ook +aue o4 unuoted in+estments 1*11.'?


    8arket +aue o4 uoted in+estments 3.2 .3

    #ontingent ia$iities 2'.1 2.;

    Num$er o4 euity sharesoutstanding (/acs!2;2.1


    Cash flo# statement

    "ar ('

    "ar '-

    Pro4it $e4ore ta) 233.31 11.';

    Net cash4ow-oerating acti+ity .12 13.

    Net cash used in in+esting acti+ity-29.92


    Netcash used in 4in. acti+ity 3?2.;-2?.11

    Net incFdec in cash and eui+nt 131.? 21.;;

    #ash and eui+ant $egin o4 year '3.2 21'.3

    #ash and eui+ant end o4 year 91.;' '3.2


  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    Profit loss account


    , %&"B N N/IN0 &,"ING N %H,05H,N /&"

    &he urose o4 this uestionnaire is to know the $eha+ior o4 in+estors a$out onine trading






    erating income 99.?? '2.2


    8ateria consumed - -

    8anu4acturing e)enses 1'.2 ?3.32

    Personne e)enses 192.92 139.?1

    %eing e)enses 13.1; 9.3;

    ,dminstrati+e e)enses 1'.;3 ;.;1

    0)enses caitaised - -

    #ost o4 saes '1?.1' 3;3.'2

    erating ro4it 2'9.; 1;.;

    ther recurring income 2'.3 2?.3

    ,djusted P>"I& 21.1' 1;;.22

    =inancia e)enses 13.;; 11.1

    "ereciation 31.;9 2.9

    ther write o44s - -

    ,djusted P>& 22.' 11.1

    &a) charges .3' '.;;

    ,djusted P,& 1';. 13.93

    Non recurring items .? -.3

    ther non cash adjustments -3.?9 2.23

    eorted net ro4it 12.2 1.;3

    0arnigs $e4ore aroriation 2.22 22;.'

    0uity di+idend ;.2 ?.'

    Pre4erence di+idend - -

    "i+idend ta) 1'.'; 13.

    etained earnings 1.' 13.?
  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    and this is ony 4or academic urose.

    1. NameYYYYYYYYY

    2. ,ge

    Z 1 to 3 Z 31 to '

    Z '9 to 9 Z a$o+e 9

    3. Income er month

    Z >eow 1 Z 11 to 3

    Z 31 to ' Z a$o+e '

    '. 0ducation uai4ication

    Z Graduation Z ost graduation

    Z thers

    . "o you know a$out onine tradingM

    Z Bes Z No

    9. How was account oenedM

    Z Persona acuaintance Z e4erra-#ients

    Z e4erra-Non #ients Z #aF

  • 8/13/2019 GIRISH Sharekhan Ltd


    ?. In which stock you most trade onine

    Z 0uity Z 8utua =unds

    Z #ommodities Z =7 0uitie

    Z ther

    1. No. o4 years o4 onine trading e)erience in stocks at this 4irm

    Z $eow yrs Z to 1

    11. "o you recei+e udated onine in4ormation regarding the stock market 4rom your


    ZBes ZNo

    12. "o you $eie+e that your traderF$roker is +ery success4u in onine tradingM

    Z %trongy ,gree Z,gree Z8oderate

    Z"isagree Z%trongy "isagree