gis for atmospheric sciences and hydrology

GIS for Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology By David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin National Center for Atmospheric Research, 6 July 2005

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GIS for Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology. By David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin. National Center for Atmospheric Research, 6 July 2005. GIS for Atmospheric Science and Hydrology. Space-time data models Hydrologic observations data Weather and climate data Common data model. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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GIS for Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology

By David R. Maidment

University of Texas at Austin

National Center for Atmospheric Research, 6 July 2005

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GIS for Atmospheric Science and Hydrology

• Space-time data models

• Hydrologic observations data

• Weather and climate data

• Common data model

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Atmospheric science – hydrology

• Weather and climate fields are the drivers – continuous in space and time across the nation

• Hydrologic flows in watersheds are the reactors – behaving according to watershed location and characteristics

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• Atmospheric science describes a fluid domain continuous in space and time, globally connected

• The earth’s surface is a static, highly spatially varied domain whose water properties vary continuously in time, where water is concentrated in flow paths (streams and rivers)

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• Atmospheric science data are spatially extensive (e.g. North America), involve many variables, are “thin” in time (one day, one forecast period, one month), and use UTC time coordinates

• Hydrologic data are spatially localized (e.g. my watershed), involve few variables (precipitation, evaporation, runoff), are “deep” in time (many decades), and use local time coordinates

This space-time recompositing problem Is not trivial!

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• Atmospheric science data are stored in vary large binary files with specialized formats (Grib, netCDF, XMRG, ….) whose georeferencing may not be strong

• Hydrologic data are stored in tables in GIS and relational databases, and accessed using GIS spatial and SQL queries

How do we connect these very different data worlds?

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Space, L

Time, T

Variables, V


Data Cube

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Continuous Space-Time Data Model -- NetCDF

Space, L

Time, T

Variables, V


Coordinate dimensions


Variable dimensions{Y}

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Space, FeatureID

Time, TSDateTime

Variables, TSTypeID


Discrete Space-Time Data Model-- Arc Hydro

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Geospatial Time Series




Time SeriesProperties

(Type)A Value-Time array

A time series that knows what geographic feature it describes and what type of time series it is

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GIS for Atmospheric Science and Hydrology

• Space-time data models

• Hydrologic observations data

• Weather and climate data

• Common data model

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Data Model for Hydrologic Observations


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USGS National Water Information System

Access is rapid enough that it is as if NWIS is a local disk on your computer

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CUAHSI Data Portal

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CUAHSI Data Portal

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Plot from the Hydrology Data PortalProduced using a CUAHSI Hydrology Web Service: getDailyStreamflowChart

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Applications and Services

Web ServicesLibrary

Web application: Data PortalYour application• Excel, ArcGIS, Matlab• Fortran, C/C++, Visual Basic• Hydrologic model• …………….

Your operating system• Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac


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GIS for Atmospheric Science and Hydrology

• Space-time data models

• Hydrologic observations data

• Weather and climate data

• Common data model

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A retrospective study of weather and climate made by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction’s (NCEP)

numerical weather prediction model and observations from 1979 to 2003 to make 3 hour forecasts. 3 hour, daily and

monthly data are available on a 32 km grid over North America.

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Using IDV and THREDDS to access NARR


Get NARR.xml from NARR home page

NARR at Asheville, NC

IDV in Austin, TX

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Precipitable Water and Specific Humidity over Gulf

0.005 0.020 Specific humidity (kg/kg)



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Precipitable Water and Specific Humidity over Texas

0.005 0.020 Specific humidity (kg/kg)



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July 2003, 1800Z

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Surface evaporation

July 2003, 1800Z

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GIS for Atmospheric Science and Hydrology

• Space-time data models

• Hydrologic observations data

• Weather and climate data

• Common data model

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NetCDF-Java version 2.2 Common Data Model

John Caron


Dec 10, 2004

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Scientific Datatypes

Grid Station Image

NetCDF-Java version 2.2 architecture


Catalog.xml NetCDF-3


I/O service provider






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File Format#N

File Format#2

File Format#1



Goal: N + M instead of N * M things on your TODO List

NetCDF file

Data Server

Web Service

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ArcGIS ModelBuilder Application for Automated Water Balancing

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• Data access through web services can mask the variations in data structure between relational databases and data file systems

• We need a “Common, common” data model to better integrate GIS and weather and climate information

• We need tools for space-time recompositing of weather and climate information to make it suitable for hydrology