gitflow - clouddictive

GIT FLOW Clouddictive https://blog.clouddicti [email protected]

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Page 2: Gitflow   - Clouddictive

Agenda❖ GIT Overview❖ GIT Flow❖ Master and Develop Branches❖ Feature, Release and Hotfix Branches❖ How it works❖ Other Workflows❖ Install and Demo

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GIT Overview❖ Version Control System - For the code we write!.❖ Distributed - Repo stored locally with history

and on centralized location.❖ Branching and Merging ❖ Fast - Written in C + Local Repo❖ FREE + Open Source

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GIT Overview


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GIT Overview - Branching and Merge


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GIT Flow❖ Blog from Vincent Driessen in 2010 (from

Netherlands) ❖

❖ First Structured Workflow ❖ Git extension called git-flow - by Jeff Kreeftmeijer❖

ou-using-git-flow/(Note: Image source for this presentation is

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GIT Flow - Branches❖ Master and Develop

Branches - They are there to stay

❖ Feature, Release and Hotfix - are temporary supporting branches. They support ❖ Parallel development ❖ Tracking features ❖ Bug fixes❖ Quickly fixing live

Production issues

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Master and Develop❖ Master - Reflects a

production ready state.❖ Develop - Reflects a

state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release.

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Feature Branch❖ Are used to develop new

features for the upcoming or a distant future release.

❖ Target release - Unknown❖ May branch off from:

develop ❖ Must merge back into:

develop ❖ Branch naming convention:

anything except master, develop, release-*, or hotfix-*

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Release Branch❖ Support PROD releases - Can consist of 1-

n features❖ Testing and Bug fixing❖ Develop branch is cleared to receive

features for the next big release - Take develop code and start creating more features (branches).

❖ May branch off from:

develop ❖ Must merge back into (Finish Stage):

develop and master ❖ Branch naming convention:


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Hotfix Branch❖ Like release branches❖ Fix bugs in PROD❖ May branch off from:

master ❖ Must merge back into:

develop and master ❖ Branch naming



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How it works - Feature

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How it works - Feature finished

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How it works - Release

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How it works - Release finished

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How it works - Hotfix

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Other Workflows❖ GitHub Flow - one off from master❖ Skullcandy’s flow- feature branch based on

story/deliverables , Merged to QA branch for testing and then PROD

❖ Master Only flow❖ Backcountry flow - Master , Feature and PROD


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curl -L -O

sudo bash

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Demo - Init❖ $ git-flow init

❖ git branch *developmaster

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Demo - Feature❖ git-flow feature start authentication

❖ git add src❖ git commit

❖ git feature finish authentication❖ git branch

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Demo - Release❖ git-flow release start 0.1.0

❖ git branch❖ git add (changes)❖ git commit

❖ git-flow release finish 0.1.0

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Demo - Hotfix❖ git-flow hotfix start asset

❖ git add❖ git commit

❖ git-flow hotfix finish asset