give scientific reasons

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Give Scientific Reasons 1. Question: Why does your voice sound different to you on a recording? Answer: When you hear yourself speak regularly, the sound waves emanate through the tissue, bone, and other material, which changes its sound. 2. Question: Do you move faster when swimming under the water or half-submerged? Answer: You move faster under the water 3. Question: You are sitting in a baseball game in benches far from the field. You see the batter hit the ball and then you hear the crack of the bat. Why the delay? Answer: Light travels almost one million times faster than sound. 4. Question: What are mirages? Answer: Optical phenomenon due to temperature differences of the surface and air directly above the surface 5. Question: Why does one sometimes have red-eyes in photographs? Answer: The pupil doesn't have enough time to constrict and the picture records the reflection of the red retina in the back of the eye. 6. Question: It is estimated that there are about 100 occurrences of lightning throughout the world each second. How many of these strike ground? Answer: 25 7. Question: Why is the moon small when it is high overhead in the sky, and large when it is near the horizon? Answer: Near the horizon, the brain scales the size of the moon to trees and buildings. 8. Question: Which of the following has been known to curdle milk? Answer: Thunderstorms 9. Question: Can pearls be found within mussels? Answer: Yes 10. Question: What would happen if you soaked a raw egg in vinegar for 24 hours? Answer: The shell would turn rubbery 1# Why water boils quicker on mountains? ANS:- This is becoz the atmospheric pressure on mountains is less and as a result the boiling temperature of water or temp. at wch water boils is reduced.....e.g. from 100 degrees centigrade to 97 or 98 degrees centigrade. So it takes less time o reach this lower temp.

2# Why rainbow is produced in the sky after rainfall and sunlight? ANS: This is due to the splitting of sunlight into it's 7 basic colours: VIBGYOR.....after sunlight passes thru a raindrop and is a result of refraction. 3# Why water remains cool in Earthenware pitcher? ANS: This happens becoz when water evaporates from the surface of the pitcher a certain amount of energy or heat is required for evaporation or conversion of water droplets into water vapour so this heat is taken from the surface of the water in the pitcher and the water becomes cool. 4# Why milk is considered as an ideal food? ANS: Milk contains many of the nutrients and vitamins that are required for the body although the body can not survive on milke alone. 5# Why meat takes longer to cook on the mountains? ANS: As stated in answer to Q#1.....water boils at a lower temp. and a lower temp is reached by heating the cooking utensil so the meat only gets a lower temp. in wch it has to be cooked.....To solve this problem, the pressure cooker is used.....wch raises the tem of water above because of the increase in pressure on the water in the pressure cooker. 6# Why ice and salt mixture is used as a freezing agent in manual ice-cream maker? ANS: This is becoz salt reduces the temp. of the ice and stops the ice from melting and maintains the temp. and thus keeps the ice-cream cold. 7# Why greenhouse operators paint their glass roof white in summer? ANS: This is so that the white colour will reflect all the sunlight back and thus prevents the greenhouse from over-heating as white colour has the property of reflecting light and heat. Q. Color Blindness and Haemophilia are more common in men than in women.. ANS: Color blindness and Haemophilia are genetic diseases related to "Sex Chromosomes". For understanding the cause, first one must know the Basic of genetics. The following discussion will also contain some notes regarding basic information and finally the answer for the scientific reasons. CHROMOSOMES: In humans there are 46 chromosomes in the nucleas of the Cell. Each chromosomes out of 46 has a pair; therefore, there are 23 pair of chromosomes. SEX CHROMOSOMES: Out of 23 pair there is one pair of chromosome that is called "Sex Chromosome" pair. Male have "XY" chromosomes as a pair and females have "XX" chromosomes in a pair. The "Y" chromsome in "XY" Chromosome pair in male dummy and only "X" chromosome is functional in the "XY" pair. While in females, one of the "X" is fully functional just like in male, but the other "X" is partially functional.

AUTOSOMES: Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are called "AUTOSOMES". Therefore, there are 22 pair of "AUTOSOMES" and 1 pair of "SEX CHROMOSOMES": 22 Autusomes pair + 1 pair of sex chromosomes = total 23 pair of chromosomes TRAIT: Any characteristic in human body that is expressed by a single or a group of genes is called trait; for example, eye color, skin color, hair color, etc GENES: Each chromosome has several genes located on it. A single Gene is the unit of trait that our body have, for example, the eye color, blood group, etc. It is not necessary that one gene control a single "trait"; for example, there are different genes that control a single trait as Height, Skin color, etc. Just as a chromosome has a pair, in the say way, every gene has a pair in the other pairing chromosome. Recessive trait and Dominant Trait Take an example of eye color; there are various colors of eyes in human, some have black, some have blue, some have hazel, etc. The most common is black. Now consider the situation on genetic level; if in a pair of chromosome, one chromosome has a black eye color gene and the other has blue; then black will be prevalent and expressed in a human body. Therefore, the blue color is recessive and the black is dominant. Blue color of eyes will express itself when there will be both "blue" trait gene in both of pair of chromosomes.

Now, come to the point of HAEMOPHILIA AND COLOR BLINDNESS: If there happens to be a gene for "Color blindness" (that is "Recessive" in its nature like my above example for blue eyes color) in X choromosome in male as well as in female. Due to lack of one "X" chromosome in male "XY" sex chromosome, the recessive trait of "Color blindness" will express itself. However, in case of females, there are two "XX" chromsomes and one is partially functional, therefore, if a female have a "Color Blindness" trait on one "X" and absent in the other "X", then the female will not suffer from "Colorblindness "; to be "color-blind" the female needed to have "color-blind" gene on both of the pair of sex chromosomes. Therefore, due to lack of one "X" chromosome in male it is more prevalent or common in male, while in female both "XX" chromosomes decrease the prevalance of the "Color blindness". What is a color blind carrier? ANS: When a female has has one colorblind gene in one chromosomes in a pair of gene while the other chromosome is normal; then the female is said to be "Carrier" however, she is not diseased with "Colorblindness".

Diagramatic Expression: ====================== C = chromosome containing color blind Gene X = Normal Chromosome (A) WHEN A COLOR BLIND FEMALE MARRIES WITH A COLOR BLIND MALE -------------------------------------------------------------Color Blind Male (CY) Color Blind Female (CX) .. .. .. .. .. CC , CX , CY , XY CC = Color blind Female CX = Carrier Female YC = Color Blind Male XY = Normal Male (B) WHEN A COLOR BLIND MAN MARRIES WITH A NORMAL FEMALE ---------------------------------------------------------Color Blind Male (CY) Normal Female (XX) .. .. .. .. CX, CX, XY, XY CX = Color blind female CX = Color Blind female XY= Normal male XY = Normal male Lunar eclipse lasts much longer than solar eclipse? Lunar eclipse last longer than the solar eclipse because the length of the earths umbral shadow cone is more than three times the average distance between the moon and the earth, so the shadow is relatively wide at the point where the moon crosses it.

Goiter is common among people living in hilly areas ? Goiter is common in hilly areas because there is deficiency of Iodine in the water. Detergents are better cleaning agent as compared to soaps ? A detergent consists of hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends. In case of dirt the detergent pushes the dirt off the surface of the wet surface of the fabric. The washing machine provides the agitation.

Decomposers are imp for life and land and water ? An Ecosystem comprises of produces consumers and decomposers. The decomposers are bacteria and Fungi which degrade organic matter.

Places near the sea are cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places farther in-land ? Sea water keeps the temperature moderate. Because of high specific heat it takes longer for water to get heated up or to get cooled. During summer days the land near the sea gets heated up quickly but the sea water remains cool and thus cool breeze blowing from the sea reduces the heat in the adjoining land area. the land gets cooled quicker but the sea water remains warm and thus the land gets warm breeze from the sea. But the land farther inside does not have this advantage. This accounts for the difference in the climatic conditions. A 25 watts incandescent bulb provides much less light than a 25 watts fluorescent tube light ? When electric current passes through the fluorescent lamp, the mercury gets very hot and changes to a gas. A short of rays is given off by the gas. The rays when strike against a coating of special material inside the glass tube, it makes the special material glow. More stirring is needed when sugar is dissolved in cold coffee than in hot coffee ? In hot coffee, the kinetic energy of the molecules is greater because of the high temperature range in it. According to kinetic molecular theory this is not possible in cold coffee. So it is difficult to dissolve sugar in it.

A ball dropped vertically on the ground does not rise to its original height ? All the energy is converted from potential energy to kinetic energy. why is it easier to push a heavy grass mover than to lift it ? The principle of lever works in pushing a heavy grass mover. With the help of lever we can push the heavy things and even lift them. Moreover the gravity of the earth is 9.8 that attract each object. With this force while lifting the grass mover more force is required then pushing it. why a bomber does not drop bomb when it is vertically above the target ? Any particle or body which has horizontal motion and at the same time acts like a falling body can be classified as a projectile. It may seem a bit odd that the horizontal motion has no effect on the vertical motion or vice versa, but nevertheless this is true if air resistance is neglected. If a projectile is fired horizontally, it will have a velocity in that direction equal to that given it initially. At the same time it is travelling horizontally, it will fall toward earth, due to gravitational forces exerted on it. While the horizontal motion is at constant velocity the vertical motion is accelerated. This is the reason that a bomber does not drop a bomb when it is vertically above the target.

The works output of a machine is always equal to the work input ? The work done on a machine or the energy provided to the machine is called input. Let effort P acts through a distance d then work done on machine is Pd.

Input = Effort x Distance through which the efforts acts i.e. Input = P x d The work done by the machine is called output. If a machine overcomes a force W through distance D, then the useful work done by the machine is W x D. Thus: Output = Weight x Distance through which the weight acts i.e. Output = W x D If we think of an ideal machine which has output equal to the input, the efficiency of an ideal machine is thus one or 100. Thus for an ideal machine: Output = Input Pxd=Wxd Gravity of all the objects is same, regardless of their mass of at a give point on the earth's surface? If we drop a body from a certain height, it falls to the ground and its velocity continues to increase till it strikes the ground. The body, therefore, gets accelerated as it falls freely, whether light or heavy objects are dropped, they will reach the ground at the same time and the acceleration will reach the ground at the same time and the acceleration will be the same. A ball dropped vertically on the ground does not rise to its original height ? When the ball is hit on the ground, this work (called potential energy) goes to accelerate the ball (and now is called kinetic energy). When the ball hits the floor this kinetic energy is converted into heat and sound by the impact. During the bounce, it squashes and comes to a complete stop. As it springs back to its original shape it pushes itself back up off the surface and jumps off the surface like a person doing a standing jump. It cant bounce back to its original drop height since energy is lost in the ball when it squashes. Most of the energy loss is due to friction inside the ball and it goes into heating the ball. The ball temperature increases slightly every bounce. Why do you hear thunder after and see flash of light first? A flash of lightning heats the air around it. Then the air moves outward quickly, making the sound of thunder. We see lightning the instant it lights up the sky. But the sound of thunder moves more slowly through the air. So it always comes after we see the lightning. Sometimes, especially at night, we may see lightning, but not hear the thunder because it is too far away. More stirring is needed when sugar is dissolved in cold coffee than in hot coffee ? In hot coffee, the kinetic energy of the molecules is greater because of the high temperature range in it. According to kinetic molecular theory this is not possible in cold coffee. So it is difficult to dissolve sugar in it. The saturation capacity of any liquid is low during low level of kinetic energy of its molecules. When we increase the kinetic energy by heating or stirring the solute content holding capacity of liquid molecules is increased likewise its saturation level also increased and it can hold more sugar contents.

A ball dropped vertically on the ground does not rise to its original height ? The ball pushes itself back as per Newton's third law of motion every action has reaction in same amount but in opposite direction. When ball hit on the ground, its kinetic energy is converted into heat and sound. During bounce, it has to pass through the surrounding air and move with the force of gravity. During its way to ground gravitation force help it while during its way back gravitation force hinder its movement. the friction from surrounding air and also consumes its kinetic energy so with the efforts of heat, sound, gravitational force and friction of surrounding air the ball cannot reach upto the level of its drop. 5. How does the pouring of kerosene oil on stagnant on stagnant water contribute to the eradication of malaria ? malaria is caused by a micro organism 'plasmodium' which lives in Anophelas mosquitoes (perhaps there are two main types of mosquitos perhaps first is cules and anophelas- culex infect birds while anophelas to animals). mosquito goes through different stages during its development/growth i.e. egg, larvae, pupae and flying mosquito. first three stages are completed in water. mosquito lay eggs on stagnant water. when keronsene oil is poured in small ponds of stagnant water it covers its upper layer and do not allow air to move inside layers of the water pond. the larvae of mosquito needs air/oxygen to breath, and it come from time to time on water layer to breath, in absence of oxygen mosquito larvae die out. the same process is related with other water animals like fish, if oil is poured into water then animal life inside that water is disturbed badly. other forms of oil can also be utilized but kerosene oil is a bit cheap thats why it is favoured. i rememberd four five years back that in front plot of my home there was stangnant water, we got petrol from the vehicle and poured on the water and after some time we lit it and with a flash of fire all petrol burnt down and many mosquito larvae-which came near layer of water died out and we witnessed their dead bodies flowing in water... 6. Why is it dangerous to have charcoal fire burning in a badly ventilated room ? charcoal require oxygen to burn and to produce carbon dioxide, if it is burnt in badly vetilated room tu it can utilize al of its oxygen and producing much carbon dioxide and life can be fatal in such room. further the fume badly detriot the lungs and respiratory passage.... 1. Why the front wheels of vehicle lean outwards slightly ? Answer: As viewed from the front or rear of the vehicle, camber refers to the "lean" of the wheel from top to bottom. A wheel that leans outward at the top (compared to true vertical) has positive camber. One that leans inward at the top has negative camber. If the wheel is oriented in a true vertical, it's called zero camber.

Camber must always be adjusted to maximize the tread contact patch based on the driving requirements. In most cases, OE specifications will recommend a slightly positive or zero camber to maximize tire wear and traction, and to provide easier steering and greater resistance to directional darting in a straight line. If the wheel features a static negative camber angle (vehicle sitting idle), this places more tread load at the road surface on the inner shoulder and tread area. Negative camber is regularly employed on performance vehicles (especially race cars on road courses) in order to increase the tire contact patch during hard turns. Since lateral loading (when a car goes into a hard turn) will try to push the top of the inside tire outward, an adequate negative camber angle may compensate for this. So, while the front wheels may display negative camber as the vehicle rolls light, when it goes into a hard turn, ie wheel facing the direction of the turn will try to "straighten up," achieving maximum tread contact with the road. If camber isn't sufficiently negative, this tire would lean too far, causing the inside of the tread to lift and placing excess stress and load only on the outside of the tread and outer shoulder. Sound is generated in the larynx, and that is where pitch and volume are manipulated. The strength of expiration from the lungs also contributes to loudness, and is necessary for the vocal folds to produce speech. Fine manipulation of the larynx is used in a great way to generate a source sound with a particular fundamental frequency, or pitch. This source sound is altered as it travels through the vocal tract, configured differently based on the position of the tongue, lips, mouth, and pharynx. The process of altering a source sound as it passes through the filter of the vocal tract creates the many different sounds. The vocal folds can be held close together (by adducting the arytenoid cartilages), so that they vibrate (see phonation). The muscles attached to the arytenoid cartilages control the degree of opening. Vocal fold length and tension can be controlled by rocking the thyroid cartilage forward and backward on the cricoid cartilage, and by manipulating the tension of the muscles within the vocal folds. This causes the pitch produced during phonation to rise or fall. It is highly unlikey to find all these voluntary and involuntry movements taking place to produce sound similar in all individuals. That is why, people voices sound differently. 4. Why is an electric bulb less efficient than a fluorescent tube ? Answer: My dear, in ordinary electric bulb, electic energy is being converted into light energy and heat energy as the tungston filament resists to the flow of electricity and gets hoter and glows. A fluorescent lamp is a gas-discharge lamp that uses electricity to excite mercury vapor in argon or neon gas, resulting in a plasma that produces short-wave ultraviolet light. This light then causes a phosphor to fluoresce, producing visible light. The main principle of fluorescent tube operation is based around inelastic scattering of electrons. An incident electron (emitted from the coils of wire forming the cathode electrode) collides with an atom in the gas (such as mercury, argon or krypton) used as the ultraviolet emitter. This causes an electron in the atom to temporarily jump up to a higher energy level to absorb some, or all, of the kinetic energy delivered by the colliding electron. This is why the collision is called 'inelastic'

as some of the energy is absorbed. This higher energy state is unstable, and the atom will emit an ultraviolet photon as the atom's electron reverts to a lower, more stable, energy level. The photons that are released from the chosen gas mixtures tend to have a wavelength in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. This is not visible to the human eye, so must be converted into visible light. This is done by making use of fluorescence. This fluorescent conversion occurs in the phosphor coating on the inner surface of the fluorescent tube, where the ultraviolet photons are absorbed by electrons in the phosphor's atoms, causing a similar energy jump, then drop, with emission of a further photon. The photon that is emitted from this second interaction has a lower energy than the one that caused it. The chemicals that make up the phosphor are specially chosen so that these emitted photons are at wavelengths visible to the human eye. The difference in energy between the absorbed ultra-violet photon and the emitted visible light photon goes to heat up the phosphor coating. The principle working in fluroescent tube is more efficient and this is the answer to your question. Question 5. All motions are relative to one another? Answer: This belongs to the theory of relativity. Whenever you observe the motion of an object, your observations are relative to your own frame of reference. Let me give you an example. You are traveling in your car and your mobile phone is lying on the dash board. Movement is defined by the change in displacement. The distance between you and your mobile phone is not changing and hence you will observe that the mobile is not moving. Now you pass by a pedestrian walking on the footpath. The distance between him and your mobile phone is changing. So according to him, your mobile phone is moving. So the movement is always relative to the frame of reference. Since your frame of reference and that of the pedestrian were different, so the observations were different. 6. Transmission lines carry very high voltages? Voltage is simply the potential difference. At higher potential difference, electricity can be transferred more efficiently. That is why, the potential difference is kept higher when electricity is to be transferred to remote areas.