given that we are all god’s children, everyone is welcome ... · they say actions speak louder...

Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome at our parishes regardless of status in the Church, regardless of marital status, regardless of prior religious experience, personal history, background, or orientation. Everyone is invited, accepted, and respected at both Saint Margaret and Blessed Sacrament Parishes of Saugus. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT– MARCH 15, 2020 WWW.SAUGUSCATHOLICS.ORG

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Page 1: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome at our parishes regardless of status in the Church,

regardless of marital status, regardless of prior religious experience, personal history, background, or orientation. Everyone is invited, accepted,

and respected at both Saint Margaret and Blessed Sacrament Parishes of Saugus.


Page 2: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,




It is interesting when you read something that you are quite familiar with and something different stands out. Today it is the word “was”. Matthew states that Jesus was transfigured before them. Similar to the statement that Jesus was raised from the dead. We know that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Can we draw the same conclusion that God the Father transfigured Jesus? Could that mean that the transfiguration was as much a surprise to Jesus as to Peter, James and John? When you think about it, it furthers the theme of last week’s gospel and the temptations. Remember that as Jesus was emerging from the desert the Devil said to him, “if you are the Son of God then turn this stone into a loaf of bread.” In hearing that; recall that our faith dictates that Jesus was fully human as well as fully divine. Nothing that we totally grasp but that is faith. This temptation follows his baptism experience at which the skies opened and dove flew over him and there was a voice that said, “You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased.” That experience was followed by his forty days in the desert during which he must have encountered God on many levels. Also noting that his first temptation is the same as his last, “if you are the Son of God then save yourself.’ Again of itself there is nothing wrong with saving yourself but it is not what the Father is asking If we can, let’s ponder this together for a moment. Why does Jesus usually go off by himself or with others? We often times see Jesus go off by himself or with others when things get somewhat out of control, when he is tired, looses perspective or acts in ways that we do not think of Jesus as acting. So if this is the case and Jesus decides to go off with Peter, James and John, to pray, to spend time together. I have come to suspect, for myself, that the question of Jesus’s identity was always a stumbling block for him. We see that at the beginning of his ministry after coming out of the desert and we see it at the end when he is on the cross. So if Jesus is tired, losing focus he would be an open target for the Evil One. Jesus knows this and takes the time away. Seemingly in this case the Father decides to address it head on and give him another experience to enable him to not only draw on the experience, to enable him to do what is being asked of him but also to reaffirm who he is. One can only imagine the impact that this experience had on Jesus as well as the apostles. I imagine that it was these experiences as well as others like them that enable Jesus and the apostles to do what was asked of them. We are encouraged in other passages to learn from him. In today’s we are encouraged to listen to him. They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions what are we to hear. God the Father has compassion on his Son and reaffirmed for him that he is his Son. Jesus in turn reached out to his apostles who are concerned about what is hap-pening and going to happen. Jesus touches them and reassures them and tells them not to be afraid. Maybe in our prayer today we could recall in thanksgiving those who have reached out to us in compassion and have been a great source of comfort and peace. In gratitude for the grace recall those to whom you have reached out to as did Jesus. Pray for the grace not to be judgmental but to be compassionate to all as Jesus was in his life.

Fr. Tim

Page 3: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

Please pray for... Let us remember in our prayers our beloved dead and also our friends, relatives, and fellow parishioners who have died, let us pray: Mary Ellen Petrucci, Alfred Lanney, Arthur Hughes

Let us also pray for our sick. The names will appear in the prayer list as long as you want, but

we must be notified every two weeks to keep this list accurate. Barbara Lewis, Marianne Supino, Gilda Alimonti, Patrick Colbert, Tuan Vu, Tina Swain, Julia Swanson, Barbara Harrison, Brian Gannon, Vanessa Pellegrini, Patricia Brennick, Ethel Benoit, Jeff Carroll, Phil Callahan, Karen DelloRusso, Josilyn Gaudet, Betty D’Eon, Barbara Rawcliffe, Rose Marino, Joe Marino, Grace Gaffney, Melissa Murphy, Paul Bourque, Lillian Surette, Judith Tremblay,Carol Fendone, Norma D’Eon Knowlton, Ralph Knowlton, Steve DePietro, Judith DiBonis, Patricia Fuller, Robert Roche, Kim Smith, Kristy Smith, Margaret Gifford, Brian Barrett, Kristylynn Culpepper, Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette, Robyn MacArthur, Cheryl Barends, Virginia Atwood, Vincent Ciampa, Very Rev. Monsignor Kevin J. O’Leary, Evan Bomgren, Charles Bomgren, Ann Marie Mancini, Heather Sullivan, Jody Barends, Thomas Rogers, John Leone, Daniel Colanton, Cathy Savage, Francis Manning, Mary Lou Manning, Matthew McManus, Maurilia Tedeschi, Elaine Manzi, Jill O’Brien, Gianna, Teresa, Jenn, William Gregory, Louise DePlacido, Andrea Fonte, Rita Delaney, Kim Moore, Sr. Nanci Sheridan, Emily McCarthy, John Kent, Dan, Jeanne Dunn, Justin Brown, Fr. Tim Kelleher, Fr. Philip Desrosier, Paul Cacciola, Arthur Gustafson


The sacrament is conferred on the third Sunday of the month at alternating

churches. Contact the Collaborative Office in advance in order that an information packet may be sent to you.

Anointing of the Sick

The sacrament is offered at each church on a monthly basis: Saint Margaret: First Saturday after the 4:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass: January, March, May, July, September, November.

Blessed Sacrament: First Sunday after the 11:00 AM Mass: February, April, June, August, October, December.

Please avail yourself of this chance to receive the grace of this sacrament, especially if you suffer from chronic illness, or will be undergoing tests, surgery, or other medical procedures.

We ask for your prayers for all of the men and women (and their families) serving in our armed forces, among them our own parishioners, townspeople, and family members.


Sanctuary Lamp Bread and Wine Donations

If you would like to donate the Sanctuary Lamp ($25.) and or the Bread and Wine ($45.) in memory of a loved one, please contact the Collaborative Office at 781-233-2497.


The 2020 Catholic Appeal response from St. Margaret’s and Blessed Sacrament is off to a good start as both parishes are well on their way to their goals.

At Saint Margaret the financial goal is $15,814. of which $9,065. have been pledged and Blessed Sacrament financial goal is $32,259 and $6,650. have been pledged as of 3/10/20 . These donations are used to support more than 50 ministries, which serve the needs of all parishes within our Archdiocese, including both parishes of our Saugus Collaborative. If you did not receive a pledge form in the mail, please pick one up at the church or the Collaborative Office. Thank you in advance for your support of this year’s Catholic Appeal.

Page 4: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

Sunday, March 15 Sunday, March 15 Monday, March 16 Tuesday, March 17 Tuesday, March 17 Wednesday, March 18 Thursday, March 19 Friday, March 20 Friday, March 20 Saturday, March 21 Saturday, March 21 Sunday, March 22

3:00 PM Adoration 5:30 PM Meager Meals 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 9:00 AM First Communion Retreat lower hall 10:30 AM First Communion Retreat Church


Sacramental Giving

BLESSED SACRAMENT Weekly Collection…….……………… $ 5,245.00 Weekly Collection Budget……. $ 6,580.00 Monthly Collection Budget…… $ 3,000.00 Monthly Collection…..……….………… $ 2,208.00 Attendance: 534

SAINT MARGARET Weekly Collection…………………….. $ 2,387.00 Weekly Collection Budget…….. $ 3,100.00 Monthly Collection Budget...…. $ 894.00 Monthly Collection…..……..…………….$ 829.00 Attendance: 208

Monthly Collections: March 15th Snow Removal



Operation Troop Support

Operation Troop Support serves our deployed men and women in uniform from across the country. In the month of March items needed: DVDs, videos, microwave popcorn. The pick-up dates for these items at the entrance to both churches are March 14-15

2:00 PM Catholic Book Club 4:00 PM RCIA Meeting 9:30 AM Cursillo Meeting 6:00 PM Confession 5:30 PM Cancer Support Group 7:00 PM Praying the Scriptures 7:00 PM Lenten Mission

Our Cancer Support Group is Now Supporting Those Coping with Cancer and Other Illnesses

As you know, we’ve had a Cancer Support Group for several years now. Last year, we opened the group to anyone who is suffering from any long-term illness. Come and join this group for an evening of prayer, dinner, and support from people who’ve been where you are. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 18th, at 5:30PM, in Saint Margaret Church. If you are interested, call Linda Riley at 781-233-2497.

Saugus Catholics Book Club is Back! Join us Sunday, March 15st at 2PM, for our Book Club at Saint Margaret (lower hall). Call Linda for more information 781-233-2497 Thanks, Linda Riley

Bread and Wine Memorial This week the Bread and Wine at Blessed Sacrament are donated in loving memory of Michael Murphy

Military Thank You

Blessed Sacrament Church, my name is Clint, I am currently serving with area Sup-port Group Afghanistan, I was the receipi-ent of one of your care packages. It was a wonderful gesture and gift, that was shared amongst all those here at area Support command.

We appreciate the time, effort, and expense that was put in to sending this package. We wanted you to know it was received and much appreciated by all.

Thank You,


Coffee Hour

This week the Coffee Hour will be sponsored by the renown Saugus Catholic Women’s Guild after the 11AM Mass.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. Come join us!!

Page 5: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,



Faith Formation Schedules March 15, 2020 Grade 2 –Mass @ 8:00 AM and classes 8:50-9:50AM Blessed Sacrament Grade 1 & 3 –10:00-10:50 AM and Mass @11:00AM at Blessed Sacrament March 17, 2020 Grade 4 & 5 –3:15-4:15PM Blessed March 22, 2020 Grade 2 –Mass @ 8:00 AM and classes 8:50-9:50AM Blessed Sacrament Grade 1 –10:00-10:50 AM and Mass @11:00AM at Blessed Sacrament Grade 3– 10:30AM Saint Margaret Grade 4 & 5 –3:15-4:15PM Blessed Sacrament March 24, 2020 Grade 4 & 5 –3:15-4:15PM Blessed March 29, 2020 Grade 2 –Mass @ 8:00 AM and classes 8:50-9:50AM Blessed Sacrament Grade 1 –10:00-10:50 AM and Mass @11:00AM at Blessed Sacrament Grade 3– 10:30AM Saint Margaret

Grand Annual Update Fiscal Year Total Our Annual Goal as of 02/24/2020 $ % Blessed Sacrament $39,285. $41,000. 96%

Saint Margaret $23,988. $23,000. 105%

Please help us reach our goal

RCIA Candidates We are pleased to announce our catechumen candidates for 2020, Emily Curley, Donna Hartigan and Nicholas Sherwood. These candidates will be welcomed into the Church at the Easter Vigil and will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Altar Servers Needed

Any boy or girl in the third grade or older and has received their first communion can become an Altar Server. Regular attendance at Mass, an ability to make a commitment, and family that values worshipping together in the community are all required elements of a successful server.

Adults are also welcome to serve in this ministry. Contact Fr. Tim for more information

Up-to-Date Church News When we have severe weather, for the latest updates/schedule changes for the Collaborative activities, please check out our website,

Also- No School, No Mass

Monthly Flag Memorials

If you would like to have a flag of your own or our flag flown at Blessed Sacrament Church for a month in memory of a loved one, the donation is $75.

Please contact Dottie Hensley at 781-233-2497.

Catholic Appeal Pew Envelopes Please take a moment and fill out one of the Catholic Appeal envelopes in the pews even if you sent your pledge in. We need to have these envelopes filled out and we will send them in. It is one of the requirements to receive credit when the goal is met.

Thank You The Saint Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank everyone who do-nated clothing in the bins located in the

parking lot at Blessed Sacrament..

Military Appreciation Note

Greetings, Just a note to let you know how much your box of toilet-ries is appreciated. My fellow team mates and I were delighted to get the much needed items you provided.

Thank you and God Bless each and everyone of you.

Melissa Blacklarn

Page 6: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,


Life Teen is our Collaborative’s exciting new Youth Ministry Program!

Our next Life Night is on Sunday, March 15th at 6:30 PM in the

Blessed Sacrament Church Hall Come and join us! All high school

students are welcome!

EDGE is our Faith Formation program for grades 6-8 Our next Edge Night is

March 19th, at 6:30 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall

Come and join us this Thursday!


FREE Communion Dresses and Suits We have several size 8 girls Communion Dresses and boys suits size 8.

If you are interested, please contact Carol Nadeau or Dottie Hensley at 781-233-2497

Spring Calendar Raffle Coming

At the end of March, we will be mailing out Spring Calendars to every registered household. The calendars are $10. each and all monies raised stay in the individual parishes. Every day, from April 20th up to May 3rd, a ticket will be pulled at each parish. The prize will be awarded to the winner and that ticket goes back in the drum so winners have a chance to win again.

If you need additional calendars, please call the collaborative office you are registered at or pick them up at the Collaborative office 14 Summer Street.

St. Margaret 781-233-1040 Blessed Sacrament 781-233-2497

Landscaper Wanted for Saint Margaret

We are looking for a landscape company to keep Saint Margaret’s grounds looking beautiful this year.

If you are a fully insured landscape company and would like to bid for the job: please contact Linda Riley at 781-233-2497 or email [email protected]. for more details.

Saint Margaret Penny Sale This year the Annual Penny Sale at St. Margaret’s will be held on Saturday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the lower Church hall. If you wish to donate something to the 200 items we need, please drop it off at St. Margaret’s rectory.

All items must be new and have a value of at least $5.00. All proceeds from this event stay at St. Margaret’s for upkeep and maintenance of our building and grounds. Join us for a fun night. Your $1.00 ticket might win you more than one prize. Don’t forget we will also have free ice cream sundaes. See you at the Penny Sale.

Thank you to all who brought

baked goods and came to view the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the Blessed Mother’s message will stir many souls.

A special thank you to Fr. Tom for leading the recitation of the rosary.

Page 7: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

Confessions Saturday: 3:15-3:45 at both parishes





9:00 AM

Daily Mass- both churches are handicap accessible



SAINT MARGARET Mass Intentions

Richard Fama Janet Burke For all Deceased Anna & Dominic Nguyen Rita Benson Richard P. Oxley For all Deceased

Memorial 4th Anniversary Memorial Memorial Memorial

4:00 PM 9:30 AM 9.00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:30 AM

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday

03/14/20 03/15/20 03/16/20 03/17/20 03/18/20 03/21/20 03/22/20

Catherine Struzziero Olga & Nicola Pellino Angelo & Giovanna Santostefano For all Deceased Edward McHugh Joseph E. Kelleher Richard Reid The Burns Family Gennaro & Paul DiCarlo

Memorial Memorial Memorial 3rd Anniversary 30th Anniversary 9th Anniversary Memorial Memorial

4:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM

Saturday Sunday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday

03/14/20 03/15/20 03/15/20 03/19/20 03/20/20 03/21/20 03/21/20 03/22/20 03/22/20




March 21-22 Saturday, 4:00 PM– Blessed Sacrament-Fr. Tim Saturday, 4:00 PM – Saint Margaret - Fr. Tom Sunday, 8:00 AM– Blessed Sacrament- Fr. Tim Sunday, 9:30 AM – Saint Margaret - Fr. Tom

Sunday, 11:00 AM – Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Frank March 28-29 Saturday, 4:00 PM– Blessed Sacrament-Fr. Tom Saturday, 4:00 PM – Saint Margaret - Fr. Tim Sunday, 8:00 AM– Blessed Sacrament- Fr. Tom Sunday, 9:30 AM – Saint Margaret - Fr. Tim

Sunday, 11:00 AM – Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Tom

Weekend Mass Celebrants

Page 8: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

Lenten Opportunities Sundays:

Book Club 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM at St. Margaret March 15th & March 29th and April 5th.

Wednesdays: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 PM-4:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament

Confessions 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Tuesdays, and March 17th at Saint Margaret and on Wednesdays, April 1st and April 8th at Blessed Sacrament.

Thursdays: Praying the Scriptures 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Saint Margaret Thursday, March 19th, and April 2nd Note: No meeting on March 26th. Fridays:

Meager Meals 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd at Blessed Sacrament Parish (lower hall). Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament.

Lenten Mission: March 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 7:00 PM and after daily Mass at Saint Margaret with Ginny Blass. The Monday and Tuesday morning presentations will be the same as the evening.

Easter Triduum Services: Holy Thursday 9:00 AM Morning Prayer at Blessed Sacrament April 9th, 10th & 11th Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, 7:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament Reposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10:00 PM Night Prayer 10:00 PM Good Friday: 9:00 AM Morning Prayer at Blessed Sacrament

Mary’s Way of the Cross at Blessed Sacrament at 12 Noon. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 7:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament

Holy Saturday: 9:00 AM Morning Prayer at Blessed Sacrament Celebration of the Easter Vigil at 7:30 PM at Blessed Sacrament

Guidelines for Fasting and Abstinence: Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. In addition, all Catholics 14 years old and older must abstain from meat on those two days as well as all Fridays during Lent. Fasting means partaking of only one full meal. Some food, not equaling another full meal, is permitted at the other two meal times. Abstinence forbids eating of meat, not eggs, milk products and condiments made of animal fat. Abstinence does not include meat juices, and liquid food made from meat. Thus, such foods as chicken broth, consom-mé, soups cooked or flavored with meat gravies, as well as seasoning or condiments made from animal fat are not for-bidden.


Social Justice Corner

“His (Christ’s) appearance in our midst has made it undeniably clear that changing the human heart and changing human society are not separate tasks, but are as interconnected as the two beams of the cross” -Henri J.M. Nouwen

Easter Flower Envelopes Easter flower memorials must be sent in by March 31st to be in our Easter bulletin.

Page 9: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,


5:30PM-7:00PM At Blessed Sacrament Church (lower hall)

This week’s Menu:

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Tomato Soup

Sponsored by: Knight of Columbus

All are Welcome

Free will offering a suggested donation is what you would have spent for a meal at home.

Proceeds to Benefit Saugus Food Pantry

Every Friday during Lent, join us for a Meager Meal to remind ourselves of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

7:00 PM Stations of the Cross in the Church


Page 10: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,


Rev. Timothy J. Kelleher Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Thomas Corcoran Parochial Vicar [email protected].

Rev. Mr. Francis M. Gaffney Permanent Deacon [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Jorge Patino Permanent Deacon [email protected]

SAINT MARGARET CHURCH 431 Lincoln Avenue Saugus, MA 01906

Office: 781-233-1040


14 Summer Street Saugus, MA 01906 Office: 781-233-2497


Linda Riley Collaborative Facilities + Operations Manager & Ministry Manager [email protected]

Ben DiScipio Collaborative Music Director [email protected]

Dottie Hensley Blessed Sacrament Parish Secretary [email protected]

Carol Nadeau Secretary of Saint Margaret Parish and Collaborative Religious Education Program [email protected]

Dawn Hunt Collaborative Coordinator of Faith Formation [email protected] Rebecca Hart Collaborative Youth Minister [email protected]


Mission Statement We are a Roman Catholic faith community. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we worship God the Father by imitating Jesus His son. Strengthened by the Eucharist and the proclamation of the Gospel, we strive to bring all people closer to God by evangelizing through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and lifelong faith formation.


COLLABORATIVE OFFICES 14 Summer Street P: 781-233-2497 F: 781-231-5569

Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Friday

Other times by appointment.

Joe Johnson [email protected]

Donna Zinna [email protected] Marjorie Quinn [email protected]

Paul Pantano [email protected] Blanca Menendez-Rosa [email protected]

Paul R. Berthiaume [email protected] Christian Trevisan [email protected]

Paul Cacciola [email protected] Pat MacGibbon [email protected]

Gloria Johnson [email protected] Tom Colbert [email protected]

Linda Riley [email protected] Simone Sarnie [email protected]

Kim Desantis [email protected] Bernadette Wilkinson [email protected]

Ann Doucette [email protected] Karen Shiverdecker [email protected]


Saint Margaret - 617-909-7429 Blessed Sacrament –781-233-2497 Need Help– Call church in your area.

Page 11: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Margaret & Blessed Sacrament, Saugus, MA 4748/4746

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Page 12: Given that we are all God’s children, everyone is welcome ... · They say actions speak louder than words. With that being said; In his actions ... Jeanette Doucette, Robert Doucette,

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Margaret & Blessed Sacrament, Saugus, MA 4748/4746

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