giving alms


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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Giving alms. Love your neighbour. a s yourself. Matthew 22:39. What does it mean to give alms?. MOVIE. MOVIE. - Rich man had everything. - Lazarus was suffering. - Rich man didn’t help Lazarus. - Lazarus wanted to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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- Rich man had everything

- Lazarus was suffering

- Rich man didn’t help Lazarus

- Lazarus wanted to eat what fell from the rich man’s table

- Dogs came and licked Lazarus’ sores but the rich man still didn’t do anything

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Is this fair?

- Must be hard for Lazarus to see that this man is rich yet he does not love God?

God does not want to us to look at the rich people and say we want to be as rich as they are.

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- Lazarus dies

- Rich man dies

- It doesn’t matter now who was rich and who was poor

- You can take nothing with you when you die

- At death, the ungodly are separated from the godly

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Lazarus Rich man

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The rich man wanted to warn his brothers

Abraham then told him:

“They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to them”

What does this mean ?

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Abraham is saying to us that each one of us is responsible of their own soul

Everyone has God’s instructions for living - BibleIt’s up to us whether we listen to these warnings and instructions





11 Give. What I give is not mine but God’s hands. God uses you and me to give to others.

Be a good example to others !!

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Love your neighbour as your self

God will judge us on how we treat people

After we die the ungodly will be separated from the godlyEven if life on Earth is not the best, we will win when we live eternally in heaven with God





55 What we gain on earth is not important!

66 Bad people can be richer than you but what is most important is our eternal life!

77 Our life should be filled with God’s word. Our loved ones also need to know to follow God’s word while they are still here.

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