giving good talks

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  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Giving Good Talks I snt

    as Hard as it Looks

    Juan Meza

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    What is a t alk?

    A t alk

    is r eally not hing mor e t han a


  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Caveat s

    ?This t alk may not make you agif t ed speaker

    ?None of t he r ules t hat I give youare iron clad

    ?You will need t o modif y t hese rulest o suit your personal speaking st yle

    Your mileage may var y!

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Some reasons f or shar pening yourcommunicat ion skills

    ?Pr obably t he single most impor t ant aspectin j ob hunt ing is your int er view t alk. Theint er view t alk can make or br eak t heint er view

    ?Giving t alks is expect ed in many j obs andcan be a cr it ical f act or in j ob success

    ?I f your e heading int o academia t henyoull be giving t alks almost every day!

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    What t ypes of t alks ar e t her e?

    ?J ob int er view

    ?Pr esent a new r esult , e. g. at aconf er ence

    ?St at us r epor t f or a pr oj ect

    ?Ar gue f or / against somet hing

    Each of t hese t alks will be dif f er entbut t he basic st r uct ur e will be t he

    same !

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Ther e ar e t hree key element s

    ?What is your message?

    ?Whos t he audience??How are t he pieces connect ed?

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    The Message

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Ever yt hing in your t alk shouldsuppor t your message

    ?St ar t wit h t he message and wor kbackwards in developing your t alk

    ?I t s incr edibly easy t o f all int o t het r ap of t hinking t hat?____ is j ust t oo int er est ing t o let t he

    audience miss


    I f your e not sur e, ask your selfonce again What s your point ?

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    The Audience

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Whos t he audience ?

    ?Would you give a t alk in Spanish t oan English speaking audience?

    ?Would you give a t alk on QCD t okids in element ary school?

    ?Would you give a t alk on t hewonder s of opt imizat ion t heor y t o


  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    You need t o t une t he t alk t ot he audience

    ?Need t o be able t o answer t hequest ion Why should I car e?

    ?Find out t he demogr aphics of anaudience and why t hey ar e t her e

    ?Emphasize or de- emphasize par t sof your argument

    Second most common mist ake is usingt he same t alk f or all audiences

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Put t ing it t oget her

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    How t o st r uct ur e your t alk

    ?I t s not enough t o lay out t he keyelement s you need t o show howt hey f it t oget her

    ?Walk t he audience t hrough your keypoint s

    ?Most t alks suf f er f r om t oo much

    det ail and not enough overview

    Thir d most common mist ake is t o givedet ails rat her t han showing t he connect ions

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Fit t ing t he pieces t oget her Sample 30 minut e t alk

    ?Set t he st age (5- 10 minut es)?Tell t he audience what t he main issues are

    ?Lay out your pr oblem/ issue

    ?Descr ibe why it s impor t ant !?What happened (10- 15 minut es)?How was t he pr oblem r esolved

    ?Only need t he key ideas here


    Dont necessar ily need chronological or der?Summar ize (5 minut es)

    ?Quest ions?

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Some Tips and Tricks

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Tr y t o keep your point s simple

    ?Use at most 3 point s at any givent ime

    ?Most people/ societ ies/ cult ur eshave a har d t ime dealing wit hmor e t han 3 t hings at one t ime

    ?Remember t hat f or a lar ge par t

    of your audience t he mat er ial isnew

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Give specif ic exampleswherever possible

    ?Examples can be used t o clar if y a

    given point?Examples can be used t o creat e a

    big impact

    ?Most audiences r elat e t o visualexamples bet t er t han t o wr it t enexamples

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Model- based Saf et y Assessment s CanBe Used t o Simulat e Accident

    Scenarios (Take 1)

    ?The goal is t o det er mine t he wor st - caser esponse in an accident


    This problem is described by a coupled setof nonlinear par t ial dif f er ent ial equat ionst hat include Navier - St okes, t her mal, andst r uct ur al dynamics equat ions

    ?The simulat ion of coupled sub- syst ems

    r equir es new met hods?The geomet r ies and complex physics

    r equir ed make t his a ver y dif f icultproblem

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Model- based Saf et y Assessment s CanBe Used t o Simulat e Accident

    Scenarios (Take 2)?Goal is t o

    det er mine t hewor st - case

    r esponse?Simulat ion of

    coupled sub-syst ems r equir esnew met hods

    ?Complex physicsand 3D geomet r iesmake t his adif f icult pr oblem

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Drug design is an energyminimizat ion pr oblem

    ? A single new dr ug maycost over $200 million t odevelop and t he designpr ocess t ypically t akesover 10 years

    ? There can be t housandsof par amet ers and

    const r aint s? There ar e t housands of

    local minimaHIV-1 Protease Complexed with

    Vertex drug VX-478

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Some essent ial element s t hat shouldbe included in a seminar t alk

    ?Why is t his pr oblem impor t ant ?

    ?Why should I car e?

    ?What was t he out come/ pr oduct / .?I s t her e a t angible r esult ?

    ?What was your cont r ibut ion?

    ?Use words like, This is my mainr esult

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Handling quest ions

    ?Make sur e you underst and t hequest ion


    Pr epar e f or t he obvious quest ions?Tr y t o answer all quest ions, but

    some quest ions can/ should bedef er r ed

    Dont Panic !

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Top 10

    1) Have a clear message you want t o deliver

    2) Pr epare f or your audience

    3) Tie t he pieces t oget her int o a st or y

    4) Only use mat er ial t hat suppor t s your message

    5) Avoid unnecessary det ails

    6) Use (visual) examples t o clar if y your point s

    7) Out line t he impor t ance of your pr oblem

    8) Pr esent your cont r ibut ion

    9) Pr epar e f or quest ions

    10)Pr act ice

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    Some ref er ences

    ? J. Asher , Even a Geek Can Speak

    ?N. Higham, Handbook of Wr it ing f or t heMat hemat ical Sciences, SI AM.

    ? T. Kolda, How t o Give a Talk,ht t p: / / csmr . ca.sandia. gov/ ~tgkolda/ abst ract s/ giving- a- t alk- snl- ml

    ?G. Spence, How t o Ar gue and Win Ever yt ime

    ? J . Wet her be and B. Wet her be, So, What s YourPoint ?

  • 7/31/2019 Giving Good Talks


    The End