˝giving you the edge! · you’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. step 8:...

My Note Taking Nerd Report “Giving You The Edge!” “What My Note Taking Nerd Learned In Ryan Deiss Video Sales Letters course”

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Page 1: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

My Note Taking Nerd Report“Giving You The Edge!”

“What My Note Taking Nerd Learned InRyan Deiss Video Sales Letters course”

Page 2: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

Ryan Deiss – Video Sales Formula NOTES

3 Essential Elements

1. Headline – Needs to make a promise and give a reason to keep watching

a. You need to call it a Presentation

2. Video Sales Letter Itself

3. Buy Button


1. Video Length: 12 to 24 Minutes (approximately a 6 to 12 page Sales Letter)

2. Ditch the Controls on the video player. Something you can leave is to give them the ability to

Pause (they do it by clicking the video).

3. Auto Play – Not Click To Play

Crafting Your Video Sales Letter Offer

The 12 Part Video Sales Letter Outline (Originated With David Frey)

1. Attention Grabbing Greeting

2. Identify Problem AND Promise to Solve It

3. Establish Video Scarcity – This message won’t be available for ever

4. Aggravate the Problem – Twist the knife so that it forces them to take action

5. Provide the Solution (Your Product)

6. Present the Features and Benefits of your Product

7. Call To Action #1 (Desire Based CTA)

8. Present Your Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc)

9. Give the Guarantee

10. Call To Action #2 (Logic Based CTA)

11. Give Warnings (Deadline, Scarcity, Guilt)

12. Call To Action #3 (Fear Based CTA)

Step 1: Grab Their Attention

Grab Their Attention

“You’re about to discover the one secret “trigger” that forces your body to shed all the ugly and

unwanted fat that has plagued you all your life.”

Step 2: Identify The Problem

“Why You Don’t Have a Big List

You don’t have a good lead magnet

You’re using OLD Squeeze Pages

Page 3: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

But here’s the biggie…

You Only Use Ordinary, Obvious Lead-Capture Methods

Step 3: Establish Video Scarcity

“I’m about to share one of my most closely guarded “Trade Secrets”..I will only have it online for a short

time (and for good reason as you’re about to see) so watch it now while you can

Step 4: Aggravate The Problem

“To put it another way, your current approach…

Is why you’re wrong more times than you’re right…

Is why you’re still nervous when it comes time to pull the trigger…

Is why you’re not profiting consistently and why you’re still looking for a better trading system…”

Step 5: Provide the Solution

Introducing the Undercover List Building System (Product Image)

Step 6: Features and Benefits

Undercover List Building System

How I get killer lead magnets for free

My no brainer 2 step lead gen process

Info squeezes for under %50

My entire webinar capture process

K.I.S.S. Sandwich and Proof pages

The “Y” method patch selection

My Highest Converting Offers Explained

Step 7: Call To Action #1 (Desire)

This CTA should be simple. You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here.

Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc)

Here’s what happened (proof image)

Step 9: Give Guarantees

“Metabolism Makeover Guaranteed

Page 4: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

To work no matter your age, genetics or current level of fitness. I’ve fully guaranteed this so as you can

see all the risk is on me. For only $97 I will be taking you by the hand for 4 weeks through the program.

You have another 4 weeks once the initial program is over to decide that you’re happy with the results.

So you have more than enough time to see if the program works for you.?

Step 10: Call To Action #2 (Logic)

I’ve shown you it works. I’ve shown you the value. I’ve shown you the guarantee. All you need to do now

is order.

Step 11: Give Warnings

“How will tomorrow be any different than today?”

“Like always, I’m only releasing 500 Copes of this training, and then it’s going back to the vault”

“Stop fooling yourself…the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results”

“Like my daddy used to say, The world needs ditch diggers too, son”

Don’t be timid here. If you have a good product, push it hard. Don’t sell from your heels.

Step 12: Call to Action #3 (Fear)

The Great Debate: Full Sentence vs. Bullet Points

With Full Sentence you’re just reading the words on the screen. This may seem like it’s boring but it


Bullets are bit more interesting and you may have pictures, etc.

According to Deiss, the ugly, full sentence videos pull better everytime so far in their testing.


Maybe it’s because you’re using multiple modalities

Maybe it’s because it’s hypnotic

Module 3: How to Record Your Video Sales Letter

Module 4: How to Host Your Video Sales Letter

Page 5: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t


Easy Video Player


Least Expensive (onetime payment)

Allows redirects after video finishes

Better Reporting

Lots of Players (including no controls)


Needs to be installed on your server

Requires Amazon S3

They Recommend Easy Video Player

Module 5: Architecting Your Page

There is no “one size fits all” solution

Pretty vs. Ugly

This not the best approach for most people. Works best for high ticket items.

Page 6: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

Another Clean Pretty Design

Page 7: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

This is an example of an ugly page. These usually work best for lower ticket items. Good for low cost

front end. These also don’t work very well in the tech market or business to business.

Ugly works better for Cold Traffic and also for consumer products because it can give the person

watching the sense that “this site was made by someone just like me”.

If every one of your website looks the same though you can start running into problems.

Which One Worked Better?


Short Form worked better with cold traffic.

Longer Form worked better with warm traffic (customers and current subscribers)

You’ll never know until you test!

Page 8: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

Border vs. No Border



Page 9: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

Borderless usually beat borders in the offers they’ve tested.

Sneaky Little Tricks

These might give you an extra little bump in conversions

The Magically Appearing Buy Button

Checkout www.metabolismmakeover.com

When you first arrive, you don’t see an order button. This way your visitors don’t think you’re going to

sell them immediately.

Page 10: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

This is done with a simple line of javascript. See document for implementation.

What about timing on this? You can adjust it with the seconds input. You want to start showing it after

CTA #1.

Some people don’t show it until the very end (Call To Action #3) – In their experience, this is not the best

way to do it. At Step 7 has always worked best.

Trick #2

Show the print sales letter on exit. Truth about abs.

Page 11: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

They get an exit pop and if they click cancel, it sends them here:

You can offer them an opt in bribe too. Offer a discount.

Trick #3

Dead Time Redirect

S3 Goes to a black screen by default (you can set it up to use an image and you should)

Page 12: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t

This idea came from the Post Office. If you don’t do anything on this page:

He starts talking and prodding you to fill it out.


After 1-2 minutes…

Redirect them to an even sweeter deal (trial, discount, payments)

Redirect them to Opt In

Redirect over to print version of Sales Letter

Poke them like the Post Office guy does

Page 13: ˝Giving You The Edge! · You’re trying to grab all of the low hanging fruit here. Step 8: Present Credentials (Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc) ... These also don’t


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