
Glaucoma Studies of Scleral Biomechanical Behavior Related to Susceptibility for Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss in Experimental Mouse Glaucoma Cathy Nguyen, 1,3 Frances E. Cone, 1,3 Thao D. Nguyen, 2 Baptiste Coudrillier, 2 Mary E. Pease, 1 Matthew R. Steinhart, 1 Ericka N. Oglesby, 1 Joan L. Jefferys, 1 and Harry A. Quigley 1 PURPOSE. To study anatomical changes and mechanical behavior of the sclera in mice with experimental glaucoma by comparing CD1 to B6 mice. METHODS. Chronic experimental glaucoma for 6 weeks was produced in 2- to 4-month-old CD1 (43 eyes) and B6 mice (42 eyes) using polystyrene bead injection into the anterior chamber with 126 control CD1 and 128 control B6 eyes. Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements were made with the TonoLab at baseline and after bead injection. Axial length and scleral thickness were measured after sacrifice in the CD1 and B6 animals and compared to length data from 78 eyes of DBA/ 2J mice. Inflation testing of posterior sclera was conducted, and circumferential and meridional strain components were determined from the displacement response. RESULTS. Experimental glaucoma led to increases in axial length and width by comparison to fellow eyes (6% in CD1 and 10% in B6; all P < 0.03). While the peripapillary sclera became thinner in both mouse types with glaucoma, the remainder of the sclera uniformly thinned in CD1, but thickened in B6. Peripapillary sclera in CD1 controls had significantly greater temporal meridional strain than B6 and had differences in the ratios of meridional to effective circumferential strain from B6 mice. In both CD1 and B6 mice, exposure to chronic IOP elevation resulted in stiffer pressure–strain responses for both the effective circumferential and meridional strains (multivar- iable regression model, P ¼ 0.01–0.03). CONCLUSIONS. Longer eyes, greater scleral strain in some directions at baseline, and generalized scleral thinning after glaucoma were characteristic of CD1 mice that have greater tendency to retinal ganglion cell damage than B6 mice. Increased scleral stiffness after glaucoma exposure in mice mimics findings in monkey and human glaucoma eyes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:1767–1780) DOI:10.1167/ iovs.12-10952 B oth mean intraocular pressure (IOP) level, 1 IOP fluctua- tion, 2 and peak IOP 3 are closely associated with incident human glaucoma and its progressive worsening. IOP mechan- ically deforms the optic nerve head (ONH) through a pressure differential across the ONH that causes posterior bowing of the lamina cribrosa and through tensile stresses generated in the adjacent scleral tissues that cause expansion of the scleral canal. These stresses contribute to permanent excavation of ONH tissues, a defining clinical feature of human glaucoma. 4,5 ONH deformation affects retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons, astrocytes, blood vessels, and (in human and nonhuman primates) ONH connective tissues. Anterograde and retrograde RGC axonal transport are interrupted at the ONH leading to axon degeneration and RGC somal death by apoptosis 6,7 in human glaucoma, as well as in experimental monkey and rodent eyes. While vascular, glial, and immune factors contribute to RGC death in glaucoma, the contribution of IOP-generated stress is supported by abundant evidence and is potentially amenable to therapeutic intervention. Ocular connective tissues are potential mediators of human glaucoma damage. First, the ONH zones that suffer more RGC axon injury, the superior and inferior poles, have a lower density of connective tissue support. This has led to a hypothesis that links connective tissue structure to the typical pattern of visual field defects seen in glaucoma. 8–12 Second, persons with axial myopia are more susceptible to open-angle glaucoma (OAG). 13 This may relate in part to the greater stress in the sclera and ONH that is likely to result from their larger globe diameter and thinner sclera. Third, corneal hysteresis measured by an ocular response analyzer has been suggested as a risk factor for OAG progression. 14 Fourth, two reports in human OAG patients have estimated that scleral rigidity is greater than in control eyes by indirect in vivo measure- ments. 15,16 Because the ONH is a complex and relatively small structure, testing its specific mechanical behavior is only feasible indirectly. 17 By contrast, studies of scleral anatomy and physiology are possible and are highly relevant to what occurs at the ONH. Biomechanical models 18,19 show that the IOP- generated stresses in the sclera are critical in producing strain at the ONH. 20 A recent report 21 stated, ‘‘The sclera is an important factor in ONH biomechanics, and recent work strongly suggests that the biomechanics of the posterior sclera and lamina cribrosa are tightly coupled.’’ Variations in scleral From the 1 Glaucoma Center of Excellence, Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; and 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. 3 These authors contributed equally to the work presented here and should therefore be regarded as equivalent authors. Supported in part by PHS research Grants EY 02120 and EY 01765 (HAQ and Wilmer Institute Core grant), by the research grant G2010042 from the American Health Assistance Foundation (TDN), and by unrestricted support from Saranne and Livingston Kosberg and from William T. Forrester. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. Submitted for publication September 12, 2012; revised Decem- ber 3, 2012 and January 16 and January 29, 2013; accepted January 30, 2013. Disclosure: C. Nguyen, None; F.E. Cone, None; T.D. Nguyen, None; B. Coudrillier, None; M.E. Pease, None; M.R. Steinhart, None; E.N. Oglesby , None; J.L. Jefferys, None; H.A. Quigley , None Corresponding author: Harry A. Quigley, Wilmer 122, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 600 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21287; [email protected]. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3 Copyright 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc. 1767

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  • Glaucoma

    Studies of Scleral Biomechanical Behavior Related toSusceptibility for Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss inExperimental Mouse Glaucoma

    Cathy Nguyen,1,3 Frances E. Cone,1,3 Thao D. Nguyen,2 Baptiste Coudrillier,2 Mary E. Pease,1

    Matthew R. Steinhart,1 Ericka N. Oglesby,1 Joan L. Jefferys,1 and Harry A. Quigley1

    PURPOSE. To study anatomical changes and mechanical behaviorof the sclera in mice with experimental glaucoma bycomparing CD1 to B6 mice.

    METHODS. Chronic experimental glaucoma for 6 weeks wasproduced in 2- to 4-month-old CD1 (43 eyes) and B6 mice (42eyes) using polystyrene bead injection into the anteriorchamber with 126 control CD1 and 128 control B6 eyes.Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements were made with theTonoLab at baseline and after bead injection. Axial length andscleral thickness were measured after sacrifice in the CD1 andB6 animals and compared to length data from 78 eyes of DBA/2J mice. Inflation testing of posterior sclera was conducted,and circumferential and meridional strain components weredetermined from the displacement response.

    RESULTS. Experimental glaucoma led to increases in axial lengthand width by comparison to fellow eyes (6% in CD1 and 10% inB6; all P < 0.03). While the peripapillary sclera became thinnerin both mouse types with glaucoma, the remainder of thesclera uniformly thinned in CD1, but thickened in B6.Peripapillary sclera in CD1 controls had significantly greatertemporal meridional strain than B6 and had differences in theratios of meridional to effective circumferential strain from B6mice. In both CD1 and B6 mice, exposure to chronic IOPelevation resulted in stiffer pressurestrain responses for boththe effective circumferential and meridional strains (multivar-iable regression model, P 0.010.03).CONCLUSIONS. Longer eyes, greater scleral strain in somedirections at baseline, and generalized scleral thinning after

    glaucoma were characteristic of CD1 mice that have greatertendency to retinal ganglion cell damage than B6 mice.Increased scleral stiffness after glaucoma exposure in micemimics findings in monkey and human glaucoma eyes. (InvestOphthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:17671780) DOI:10.1167/iovs.12-10952

    Both mean intraocular pressure (IOP) level,1 IOP fluctua-

    tion,2 and peak IOP3 are closely associated with incidenthuman glaucoma and its progressive worsening. IOP mechan-ically deforms the optic nerve head (ONH) through a pressuredifferential across the ONH that causes posterior bowing of thelamina cribrosa and through tensile stresses generated in theadjacent scleral tissues that cause expansion of the scleralcanal. These stresses contribute to permanent excavation ofONH tissues, a defining clinical feature of human glaucoma.4,5

    ONH deformation affects retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons,astrocytes, blood vessels, and (in human and nonhumanprimates) ONH connective tissues. Anterograde and retrogradeRGC axonal transport are interrupted at the ONH leading toaxon degeneration and RGC somal death by apoptosis6,7 inhuman glaucoma, as well as in experimental monkey androdent eyes. While vascular, glial, and immune factorscontribute to RGC death in glaucoma, the contribution ofIOP-generated stress is supported by abundant evidence and ispotentially amenable to therapeutic intervention.

    Ocular connective tissues are potential mediators of humanglaucoma damage. First, the ONH zones that suffer more RGCaxon injury, the superior and inferior poles, have a lowerdensity of connective tissue support. This has led to ahypothesis that links connective tissue structure to the typicalpattern of visual field defects seen in glaucoma.812 Second,persons with axial myopia are more susceptible to open-angleglaucoma (OAG).13 This may relate in part to the greater stressin the sclera and ONH that is likely to result from their largerglobe diameter and thinner sclera. Third, corneal hysteresismeasured by an ocular response analyzer has been suggested asa risk factor for OAG progression.14 Fourth, two reports inhuman OAG patients have estimated that scleral rigidity isgreater than in control eyes by indirect in vivo measure-ments.15,16

    Because the ONH is a complex and relatively smallstructure, testing its specific mechanical behavior is onlyfeasible indirectly.17 By contrast, studies of scleral anatomy andphysiology are possible and are highly relevant to what occursat the ONH. Biomechanical models18,19 show that the IOP-generated stresses in the sclera are critical in producing strainat the ONH.20 A recent report21 stated, The sclera is animportant factor in ONH biomechanics, and recent workstrongly suggests that the biomechanics of the posterior scleraand lamina cribrosa are tightly coupled. Variations in scleral

    From the 1Glaucoma Center of Excellence, Wilmer Eye Instituteat Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; and 2Departmentof Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,Maryland.

    3These authors contributed equally to the work presented hereand should therefore be regarded as equivalent authors.

    Supported in part by PHS research Grants EY 02120 and EY01765 (HAQ and Wilmer Institute Core grant), by the research grantG2010042 from the American Health Assistance Foundation (TDN),and by unrestricted support from Saranne and Livingston Kosbergand from William T. Forrester. The authors alone are responsible forthe content and writing of the paper.

    Submitted for publication September 12, 2012; revised Decem-ber 3, 2012 and January 16 and January 29, 2013; accepted January30, 2013.

    Disclosure: C. Nguyen, None; F.E. Cone, None; T.D. Nguyen,None; B. Coudrillier, None; M.E. Pease, None; M.R. Steinhart,None; E.N. Oglesby, None; J.L. Jefferys, None; H.A. Quigley,None

    Corresponding author: Harry A. Quigley, Wilmer 122, JohnsHopkins Hospital, 600 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21287;[email protected].

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3

    Copyright 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc. 1767

  • mechanical properties could be one explanation for the factthat half of the patients with OAG suffer injury in the normalIOP range.22 The mechanical behavior of the sclera, initiallystudied by uniaxial strip testing,2325 has been more realisti-cally modeled using in vitro inflation testing with two- andthree-dimensional analysis of intact posterior sclera in human,bovine, monkey, tree shrew, and mouse eyes, including thosesubjected to experimental glaucoma or induced myo-pia.21,2631 These reports have generally found increases inscleral stiffness with glaucoma.

    Mouse IOP elevation models provide data relevant tohuman glaucoma and offer research avenues not possible inmonkey or human eyes, including but not limited to thepractical applicability of genetic alteration of mouse subtypesand the use of large sample sizes in experimental studies.Mammalian eyes that are subjected to experimental increasesin IOP have neuronal, glial, and associated tissue alterationsthat are phenotypically similar to human glaucoma.32,33

    Furthermore, lowering of IOP slows the progressive loss ofRGC in both animal and human glaucoma.34,35 While mouseeyes differ in details of ONH anatomy from primates, theyshare the site of glaucoma injury and the selective death ofRGC. Sun et al.36 demonstrated that astrocytes in the mouseONH simulate the structure of the collagenous lamina cribrosain primate eyes. The mouse sclera has collagens, elastin, andother molecules, as in human sclera,37 though its thickness anddiameter are a tenth of the size of the thickness and diameter inhuman eyes.38 While mouse eyes increase their axial lengthwith chronic IOP increase, so do rat, monkey, and humaninfants with chronic glaucoma. Experimental mouse glaucomadata can relevantly validate the role of scleral structure and itsresponse to chronic IOP elevation in ways not possible withother approaches.

    We previously determined that CD1 mice are moresusceptible to RGC death than B6 mice in experimentalglaucoma.39,40 We produced experimental glaucoma in thesetwo types of mice and report both baseline scleral data andchanges induced after chronic experimental glaucoma in theanatomy and biomechanical behavior of the sclera. A betterunderstanding of scleral biomechanics in glaucoma canimprove our ability to predict which eyes will worsen morerapidly and may lead to new therapeutic approaches.



    All animals were treated in accordance with the ARVO Statement for

    the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research, using protocol

    MO10M159 approved and monitored by the Johns Hopkins University

    School of Medicine Animal Care and Use Committee. CD1 albino mice

    (Charles River Laboratories, Wilmington, MA) and B6 pigmented mice

    (Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME) were used. There were 128

    control or fellow eyes and 42 glaucoma eyes from B6 mice and 126

    control or fellow eyes and 43 glaucoma eyes from CD1 mice. For

    comparison with these two mouse types and their experimental

    glaucoma changes, we studied DBA/2J mice that develop spontaneous

    glaucoma by 1 year of age (Jackson Laboratories), measuring axial

    length and scleral thickness in 51 eyes at 2 to 4 months of age (prior to

    development of glaucoma), 20 eyes at 10 to 12 months, and 7 eyes

    from 15- to 26-month-old mice.

    Bead Injections for Glaucoma

    For anterior chamber injections to produce glaucoma, mice were

    anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg/kg of ketamine,

    10 mg/kg of xylazine, and 2 mg/kg of acepromazine and received

    topical anesthesia of 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride eye drops

    (Akorn, Inc., Buffalo Grove, IL). Two bead injection protocols were

    used, as recently reported.39 In one protocol, the 4 1 method, weinjected 2 lL of 6-lm diameter beads, then 2 lL of 1-lm diameter beads(Polybead Microspheres; Polysciences, Inc., Warrington, PA), followed

    by 1 lL of viscoelastic compound (10 mg/mL sodium hyaluronate,Healon; Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA) through a glass

    cannula pulled to a tip diameter of 50 lm connected by polyethylenetubing to a Hamilton syringe (Hamilton, Inc., Reno, NV). The 4 1protocol was used in 34 eyes each of B6 and CD1 mice (24 months of

    age at injection). In the other protocol, the 2 3 protocol, we injecteda total of 2 lL of the 6-lm beads followed by 3 lL of viscoelasticcompound. The 2 3 protocol was used in eight B6 and nine CD1mouse eyes (1219 months of age). We estimated that the final

    concentration in the 4 1 protocol was 3 3 106 beads/lL for 6-lmbeads and 1.5 3 107 beads/lL for 1-lm beads. The two differentprotocols did not induce differences that were relevant to the analyses

    presented here, since groups were being compared with regard to a

    property or measurement only when the same method was used in

    both groups.

    Intraocular Pressure Measurement

    Prior to IOP measurement, animals were anesthetized by inhalation of

    isoflurane, using the RC2-Rodent Circuit Controller (VetEquip, Inc.,

    Pleasanton, CA). This instrument supplies oxygen from an attached

    tank at 50 to 55 pounds per square inch. Oxygen is mixed with

    isoflurane and sent at a speed of 500 mL/min, delivering 2.5% of

    isoflurane in oxygen to the animal. Two minutes after the animal was

    sedated, IOP measurements were made using the TonoLab tonometer

    (TioLat, Inc., Helsinki, Finland), recording the mean of six readings

    with optimal variability grade. We measured baseline IOP prior to

    injection, at 10 minutes after injection, and weekly to sacrifice at 6

    weeks after injection.

    Axial Length and Width Measurement

    Animals with induced glaucoma that did not undergo inflation testing

    received intraperitoneal injection of general anesthesia before sacrifice

    by exsanguination, followed by intracardiac perfusion with 4%

    paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). IOPwas set at 15 mm Hg with a needle connected to a fluid-filled reservoir

    to produce standard conditions for axial length and width measure-

    ment. The measurements were performed with a digital caliper (Instant

    Read Out Digital Caliper; Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA).

    The length was measured from the center of the cornea to a position

    just temporal to the optic nerve, and both nasaltemporal width and

    superiorinferior width were measured at the largest dimension at the

    equator, midway between the cornea and optic nerve. Eyes that

    underwent biomechanical inflation testing were first enucleated after

    sacrifice, were not treated with aldehyde fixation, and were measured

    before inflation testing for axial length and width using a digital caliper

    (Instant Read Out Digital Caliper; Electron Microscopy Sciences), as

    previously described.

    Inflation Test Methods and Analysis

    The inflation test method has been previously described in detail.26 In

    brief, the eye was glued to a fixture at the limbus and inflated through

    pressure-controlled injection of a saline solution. Digital image

    correlation (DIC) was used to locate the scleral edge as seen from a

    superior view, extending from the fixture to the optic nerve both

    nasally and temporally (Fig. 1A). The coordinates for a series of

    locations along the sclera were obtained from DIC at the baseline

    pressure (undeformed configuration) and after displacement produced

    by inflation (deformed configuration). The strains were calculated

    directly from the DIC displacements. In this analysis, the term

    1768 Nguyen et al. IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3

  • meridional referred to the direction along the scleral edge, while

    circumferential referred to the direction parallel to the equator.

    Experimental Method. Inflation testing used enucleated, unfixed

    whole mouse eyes glued with cyanoacrylate to a fixture. The anterior

    chamber was connected through a 30-gauge needle and tubing to a

    programmable transducer-pump manifold and immersed in phosphate-

    buffered saline at 228C. The preparation permitted analysis of theposterior 2/3 of the globe. A CCD video camera (Grasshopper, model

    Gras-20S4M-C; Point Grey Research, Inc., Richmond, BC, Canada)

    attached to a dissecting microscope (Stereomicroscope Stemi 2000-CS;

    Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC, Thornwood, NY) viewed the eye from

    superiorly, recording scleral edge images every 2 seconds, which were

    processed by DIC software41 to extract the two-dimensional (2D)

    displacement field of selected points along the scleral edge. The error

    in the displacement measurement was calculated previously as 60.46lm. This included contributions from the uncertainty in the pixel-distance calibration, 60.36 lm, and the inherent error of the DICcorrelation, 60.1 lm.26 To characterize the nonlinear, time-dependentmaterial behavior, testing began at a reference pressure, P0, determined

    for each eye as the minimum pressure at which the sclera was no

    longer wrinkled, typically 6 to 8 mm Hg. The specimen was first

    subjected to two loadunload cycles from P0 to 30 mm Hg at a rate of

    0.25 mm Hg/s. The pressure was returned to P0 and held for 10

    minutes after each unloading to ensure full recovery of the

    displacements. A ramp hold test was then conducted, at a rate of

    0.25 mm Hg/s, from P0 to 30 mm Hg. The specimen was held at 30 mm

    Hg for 30 minutes before the pressure was brought back to P0 for a

    recovery period of 20 minutes. The present analysis was applied to the

    loading portion of the first loadunload cycle. We successfully carried

    out inflation tests on 23 glaucoma CD1 eyes, 20 CD1 control eyes, 17

    glaucoma B6 eyes, and 21 B6 control eyes. Unsuccessful inflation tests

    had obvious leakage from cannulation, eyes that detached from the

    fixture, or technical failure to complete the protocol. Among the

    successful inflations, we were able to apply the analytical model to 20

    glaucoma CD1 eyes, 20 CD1 control eyes, 12 glaucoma B6 eyes, and 20

    B6 control eyes.

    Strain Analysis. The following describes the analytical method

    developed to calculate the meridional and circumferential strains of the

    mouse sclera from the data of the inflation experiments. At any given

    pressure step, the DIC algorithm provided the 2D reference

    (undeformed) coordinates of select points along the nasal and temporal

    edge at the reference pressure, as well as the 2D displacement vectors.

    The points were chosen by first identifying the location of the ONH

    then defining a series of subsequent points every 0.1 mm along the

    scleral edge toward the fixture. We defined for each point a rectangular

    subset (35 3 35 pixels) in the reference image that contained part ofthe dark sclera and part of the whiter background to create a natural

    speckle pattern (see Supplementary Material and Supplementary Fig.


    DCSupplemental). Each pixel corresponded to a real area of 13.9 313.9 lm2. The DIC algorithm used the distribution of gray values in thesubset to determine the position of the point in subsequent images of

    the deforming specimens to calculate the in-plane displacements.

    The displacements and reference coordinates were used to

    calculate the meridional and effective circumferential strains (defined

    in following text). In developing the analysis, we assumed that the

    scleral edge deforms within the plane. We did not assume that the

    scleral shell is axisymmetric; thus the configuration and displacements

    of the nasal and temporal edge were allowed to differ. To calculate the

    pressurestrain response, we defined two different coordinate systems:

    (1) a Cartesian coordinate system (e1, e2), in which e1 was parallel to

    the fixture (Fig. 1A), and (2) a curvilinear coordinate system following

    the scleral edge as shown in Figures 1B and 1C. The coordinate s

    denotes the arc length measured from the apex. Because the scleral

    shell was not assumed to be axisymmetric, different arc length

    coordinates s were used to parameterize the undeformed nasal and

    temporal edges. For both, s 0 indicates the position of the ONH. Thislocation could be determined consistently between specimens and

    FIGURE 1. Schematic for scleral strain analysis. Schematics for strain analysis indicate the meridional and circumferential orientations with U and h,respectively. (A) Representative schematic of an inflation-tested right eye, where Rk indicates the regions for scleral analysis. (B) Representativesuperior view of the sclera with curvilinear coordinate s, which is used to locate a point along the scleral edge. (C) Representative posterior view ofthe sclera indicating the two material directions used for strain calculations. (D) Representative superior view of the undeformed (solid line) anddeformed (dashed line) scleral edge, indicating the undeformed position, X(s), the deformed position, x(s), the displacement vector, u(s), and thediameter D of the undeformed cross-section at s.

    IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3 Scleral Biomechanical Behavior in Mouse Glaucoma 1769

  • enabled regional comparisons among specimens. The meridional

    strains for the nasal and temporal halves of the sclera were analyzed


    To determine the e2 axis of the Cartesian coordinate system, a line

    was drawn to connect the two apex points on the nasal and temporal

    edges, where the optic nerve margins joined the sclera. The e2 axis was

    defined as the line bisecting the two apex points extending to the

    fixture. The e1 axis was defined as being perpendicular to the e2 axis

    and passing through a point where the scleral edge met the fixture.

    Once the Cartesian coordinate system was constructed, DIC reference

    positions and displacements were determined for the Cartesian

    coordinate system at each pressure step, using a dense grid along

    both scleral edges. From the reference positions, we defined for the

    temporal and nasal edges the referenced arc length coordinates s along

    the scleral edge and four scleral regions starting from the peripapillary

    sclera (Fig. 1A).

    To calculate the strain of the scleral edge, we model each scleral

    edge as a deforming one-dimensional continuum curve. The coordi-

    nates of the deformed positions for the curvilinear coordinate system

    are given by

    xs Xs us; 1

    where x(s) and X(s) are the coordinates of the deformed and

    undeformed positions, respectively, and u(s) is the displacement

    vector (Fig. 1D). The tangent of the deformed meridian is defined as

    ts dxds



    ; 2

    where T(s)dX/dS is the unit tangent vector of the undeformed curve,and ds

    dX21 dX22p

    . The stretch of the meridian at the point s can

    be calculated from the magnitude of the deformed tangent vector, kU(s) jjtjj. The GreenLagrange strain of the curve, defined as themeridional strain, can be calculated from the stretch as

    EUUs 12

    k2Us 1





    ds du

    ds: 3

    To evaluate Equation 3 for the meridional strain, we first obtained an

    analytical description of the nasal and temporal scleral edges by fitting

    the reference coordinates for X of each edge to a generalized ellipse of

    the form:

    X1v a sin v cos c b cos v sin y Xc1

    X2v a sin v sin c b cos v cos y Xc2 : 4

    The parameters a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse, c isthe counterclockwise rotation angle of the principal axis of the rotated

    ellipse, (Xc1, Xc2) are the coordinates of its center, and v is a free

    parameter representing a counterclockwise angle from the major axis.

    Applying the chain rule, the tangent vector of the undeformed curve

    can be evaluated as T(s) dX/dS (dX/dv) (dv/dS), where dS

    dX21 dX22p

    X 012 X 022q

    dv, X10 dX1/dv, and X20 dX2/dv.

    This allows the components of the tangent vector to be evaluated as

    T1s X01

    X 012 X 022q ; T2s X


    X 012 X 022q : 5

    At each pressure step, the DIC method determines the Cartesian

    displacement components u1 and u2 at each point X. The

    displacement components were fitted to a sixth order polynomial

    as a function of the free parameter v in Equation 4, using the Matlab

    (Matlab R2010b; Mathworks, Natick, MA) function polyfit, to obtain

    an analytical expression for u1(v) and u2(v). Applying the analytical

    displacements and reference coordinates in Equations 4 to Equation 3

    and carrying out the chain-rule, the meridional strain (EUU) can be

    evaluated as

    EUUs 1X 012 X 022X 01u

    02 X 01u01



    u012 u022

    ; 6

    where u10 du1/dv and u20 du2/dv. The method was applied

    separately to calculate the meridional strain for each scleral edge. To

    validate this method for select specimens, the scleral edge was

    discretized into line segments connecting the reference positions X.

    The meridional stretch was calculated discretely using central

    difference as kU(si) jjxi1 xi1jj/jjxi1 xi1jj, and applied tocalculate the strain as EUU(si) 3 (k2U(si) 1) (Fig. 2). Theanalytical and discrete strain calculations yielded similar results. The

    analytical method provided a smoother strain field, while the discrete

    method was more susceptible to experimental noise.

    The 2D DIC system was unable to image the out-of-plane

    displacement component. This prevented rigorous calculation of the

    circumferential strain in the same manner as for the meridional strain.

    However, an estimate for the circumferential strain was calculated from

    the change in the distance, d, between a point on the nasal edge and a

    corresponding point on the temporal edge with the same coordinate s.

    The result is referred to here as the effective circumferential strain. The

    effective circumferential strains (Ehh) were calculated from the ratio of

    the deformed diameter d to the undeformed diameter D as follows (Fig.


    Ehhs 12



    1" #

    ; 7

    The nasal and temporal edges of each specimen were not significantly

    different from each other (Fig. 3). Thus, the definition for D provides a

    reasonable approximation for the diameter. The effective circumferen-

    tial strain would equal the local circumferential strain for an

    axisymmetric scleral shell.

    For statistical comparisons, we defined four regions, R1 to R4, as

    consisting of four consecutive points along the scleral edge, excluding

    the first two points closest to the ONH and the last two points closest

    to the fixture (Fig. 2). The strains within a region were then averaged to

    provide a single pressurestrain curve for each region for each of three

    strain measures: the effective circumferential strain, the temporal

    meridional strain, and the nasal meridional strain. The three averaged

    FIGURE 2. Analytical versus discrete strain calculations. Comparing asmoothed (blue) and discrete (black) method of strain calculation forthe temporal edge of a representative CD1 specimen. The discretemethod discretized the scleral edge into line segments and used centraldifference to calculate the stretch of each line segment, while thesmoothed method modeled the scleral edge as an elliptical curveundergoing 2D displacements in the plane. Rk indicates the regions,which are defined as every four points along the scleral edge.

    1770 Nguyen et al. IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3

  • strain measures were compared regionally for each specimen at each

    pressure step of interest. Region 1 was that closest to the ONH

    (peripapillary), and regions 2, 3, and 4 were sequentially in the

    direction of the anterior eye (Fig. 1A).

    Scleral Thickness Measurements

    For measurement of scleral thickness, the superior quadrant of fresh

    unfixed sclera was cut from the limbus to the peripapillary area and

    placed in buffer. Three strips from this quadrant, measuring 0.33 mm

    wide and 2.5 mm long, were cut from the peripapillary area to the

    limbus with a sharp blade. Each strip was further divided into six

    portions, every 0.4 to 0.5 mm, designated as section 1 (peripapillary)

    to section 6 (limbal area; Fig. 4). Using an eyepiece micrometer, three

    measurements of sclera thickness were then made in each of the six

    sections of the three strips from an eye, with the mean for each section

    reported here. Parallel measurements done on fresh, unfixed scleral

    segments by confocal microscopy showed that the thickness obtained

    was consistent between the two methods (data not shown). Some eyes

    had scleral thickness measured without prior inflation testing, while

    others were measured after inflation testing. The potential effect of

    such prior testing was measured in the biostatistical analysis and taken

    into account as a potential confounder in regression models.

    Tissue Fixation and RGC Axon Loss Quantification

    Tissues were fixed after inflation testing by immersion in 4%

    paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). Toassess RGC damage, we estimated axon loss in optic nerve cross-

    sections by a quantitative sampling technique.42,43 After initial

    paraformaldehyde fixation, the optic nerve was removed and postfixed

    in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol, and stained with 1%

    uranyl acetate in 100% ethanol for 1 hour. Nerves were embedded in

    epoxy resin and 1-lm cross-sections were digitally imaged to measureeach optic nerve area. Then, five 403 40 lm, randomly selected3100images were made (Cool Snap camera, Metamorph Image Analysis

    software; Molecular Devices, Downington, PA), comprising 9% of the

    overall nerve area. Masked observers edited nonaxonal elements from

    each image to estimate true axon density. The average axon density per

    square millimeter was multiplied by the individual nerve area to

    estimate the axon number. Experimental eyes were compared to the

    mean axon number in pooled fellow eye nerves to yield percent axon


    Statistical Analysis

    The following data were tabulated and compared statistically between

    treated and control eyes: IOP average level, IOP exposure over time

    (positive integral area under the IOP versus time curve in the treatedeye that exceeded the area under the IOP versus time curve in the

    control eye), axial length and widths, axon count, and strains from

    inflation testing. Mean values were compared with parametric

    statistical tests for data that were normally distributed and median

    values with nonparametric testing for those whose distributions failed

    normality testing. Multivariable regression models, using a generalized

    estimating equation (GEE) approach when multiple measurements on

    each mouse were included, were used to compare pressurestrain

    behavior between the two types of mice and between glaucoma and

    FIGURE 3. Temporal versus nasal scleral edge. This figure shows the superimposed temporal and nasal scleral edges for (A) a CD1 mouse and (B) aB6 mouse. The nasal and temporal edges of each specimen were not significantly different from each other. Thus, the definition for D provides areasonable approximation for the diameter.

    FIGURE 4. Schematic of locations for scleral thickness measurements.This figure shows the schematic of an inflation tested right eye, whereSk indicates the sections delineated by the six locations of scleralthickness measurements. The first four scleral thickness measurementsections (S1S4) approximately correspond to the position of the fourregions analyzed during inflation testing Figure 1A (R1R4). Theregions corresponding to sections 5 and 6 were not measured duringinflation testing as the fixture and glue obstruct the view of these areas.The bold dashed line indicates the typical position of the fixture andthe dotted line indicates the limbal margin.

    IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3 Scleral Biomechanical Behavior in Mouse Glaucoma 1771

  • control data, and to compare outcome parameters such as axial length/

    width and axon count (GraphPad InStat; GraphPad Software, Inc.,

    LaJolla, CA; and SAS 9.2; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Strain curves for each

    region and each measure of strain were estimated using three separate

    GEE models The first model (control eyes only) estimated the curve for

    CD1 control eyes and B6 control eyes and the difference between B6

    and CD1 control eyes. The second model (glaucoma eyes only)

    estimated the curve for CD1 glaucoma eyes and B6 glaucoma eyes. For

    the third model, the difference in strain between the control eye and

    the glaucoma eye for a mouse was used as the independent variable in

    order to estimate the difference between glaucoma eyes and control

    eyes for each strain measurement and to compare the B6 difference

    and the CD1 difference. The working correlation matrix for the repeat

    measurements at seven pressures was assumed to have an autore-

    gressive structure, in which measurements taken closer in time have

    higher correlation. For each strain ratio, separate GEE models were

    used to obtain estimates for control eyes and glaucoma eyes. The

    working correlation matrix for the repeat measurements at seven

    pressures for each of four regions was assumed to have an

    exchangeable structure, in which any two repeat measurements had

    the same correlation.


    Normal Axial Length/Width

    Control CD1 mice had significantly longer and wider eyes thandid B6 mice (P < 0.0001, multivariable model adjusting for ageand previous inflation testing; Table 1). The CD1 controlsoverall were 4.6% longer than control B6. In multivariableregression models, for both CD1 and B6 combined, older eyesand eyes that were measured without aldehyde fixation weresignificantly longer (multivariable regression R2 0.37, P 0.05). A similarpattern occurred in the limbal area (section 6), in which the15- to 26-month sclera was significantly thinner than theyoungest 2- to 4-month-old or the 10- to 12-month-old mice (P< 0.01, P < 0.001, respectively). This pattern of scleralthickening from young to adult animals with subsequentthinning in elderly animals has been reported by Girard andcoworkers in monkeys.27 Coudrillier et al.30 also reported thatolder age was predictive of a thinner sclera in human donoreyes, with the average scleral thickness decreasing 15%between 40 and 90 years of age in normal human eyes. Adifferent pattern was seen in the midsclera (sections 25); theyoungest mice, 2 to 4 months of age, had significantly thickersclera than any of the older three groups, but from 5 monthsonward the groups did not differ (e.g., section 2, nonparamet-ric ANOVA, P < 0.001 for 24 months compared with 57months, other differences P > 0.05).

    IOP and Axon Data for Bead-Induced GlaucomaEyes

    The IOPs in bead-injected glaucoma eyes from both types ofmice were significantly higher than in control eyes. Thepositive integral IOP difference between bead-injected andcontrol fellow eyes was not significantly different between thetwo types of mice. The median for CD1 was 118 mm Hgdaysand for B6 it was 104 mm Hgdays (means: 134 6 149 and 1746 113, respectively, P 0.3, t-test).

    For the inflation studies included here, in the protocolutilized, the globes were removed, the optic nerve excised, andinflation tests performed. Then, the tissues were immersed infixative. Previously, we showed that immersion fixation is notideal for counting optic nerve axon loss compared withfixation by perfusion of fixative through the vasculatureimmediate after sacrifice by exsanguination under anesthesia.39

    In fact, delayed immersion fixation leads to significantly highervariability in axon counts, which makes the determination ofdifferences in axon loss between groups much more difficult.Therefore, it was not surprising that the variance in axonnumbers in the B6 and CD1 nerves that were evaluated herewas twice as high as in perfusion-fixed specimens. The meanaxon loss for the study nerves was 25 6 23% compared to theirfellow eye nerves (median loss 20%; P < 0.0001, Wilcoxonrank sum test), showing that the glaucoma model producedsignificant damage. However, due to the higher variance inaxon counts compared to ideal fixation, we did not detect asignificant difference between CD1 and B6 nerves with thepresent sample, which had only 50% power, to havedetermined a difference between the mouse types as large asthat seen in our prior work with much larger numbers ofanimals and more ideal perfusion fixation.

    Effect of Experimental Glaucoma on Axial Length/Width

    There was a significant increase in axial length and in both widthmeasurements in CD1 and B6 mice after 6 weeks of glaucoma.Likewise, axial length significantly increased in DBA/2J mice by10 months of age or older (P < 0.0001 for all, t-test; Tables 1, 3,and 4). The length increase was 8.8% for CD1 and 9.2% for B6,while in 10- to 12-month-old DBA/2J, length was 13.7% greaterthan in 2- to 4-month-old mice. The width increase in the nasaltemporal meridian was 6.2% (CD1) and 6.8% (B6), but only 3.8%(CD1) and 5.1% (B6) in the superiorinferior meridian.Regression models adjusting for age, prior aldehyde fixation,and IOP exposure showed no significant difference between theCD1 and B6 mice in the changes induced by bead glaucoma inaxial length or width (P > 0.05 for all).

    Effect of Experimental Glaucoma on ScleralThickness

    After chronic IOP elevation, the changes in scleral thicknessdiffered in the two mouse types with induced bead glaucoma.

    TABLE 3. Mean Axial Length/Width and Scleral Thickness: DBA/2J Mice by Age

    n Age* Length Width S-I Width N-T Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6

    51 2 to 4 3.37 3.27 3.29 56.9 44.3 38.8 36.9 38.0 51.9

    20 10 to 12 3.83 3.69 3.71 55.6 42.3 37.2 34.9 37.2 54.2

    7 15 to 26 3.9 3.57 3.6 56.5 43.0 37.2 37.2 38.3 48.7

    * Age is given in months. Length and width measurements are given in millimeters. Scleral thickness measurements from sections 1 through 6 are given in micrometers.

    FIGURE 5. Normal scleral thickness: B6, CD1. Blue (CD1 control) andred (B6 control) indicate the mean scleral thickness from sections 1(peripapillary) through 6 (limbus) and corresponding standarddeviations (flagged vertical bars).

    IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3 Scleral Biomechanical Behavior in Mouse Glaucoma 1773

  • In both types of mice, peripapillary scleral thickness becamesignificantly thinner and the limbal sclera did not changesignificantly (Table 4; differences were not significantly relatedto positive integral IOP). However, in CD1 mice, every area ofthe sclera became thinner, and for all but the limbal measurethe thinning was statistically significant (Fig. 6; Table 4; P 0.008 for significance due to multiple comparisons). Bycontrast, the B6 mice actually developed thicker sclerasignificantly so in sections 4 and 5 (t-tests, adjusted for positiveintegral IOP exposure, Table 4; Fig. 6). By contrast, the DBA/2Jmice did not develop either thicker or thinner sclera (data notshown).

    Mechanical Behavior

    The averaged pressurestrain curves measured for control CD1and B6 eyes for nasal meridional strain, temporal meridionalstrain, and the effective circumferential strain exhibited anonlinear, strain-stiffening response typical of collagenoustissues (Fig. 7). In the statistical models that compared thepressurestrain response by region across mouse types, weused the slope of the pressure/strain relation denoted as thechange in strain per unit change in pressure, with the pressuredata converted to a log scale to produce assumptions oflinearity for comparisons (Tables 5, 6). In this metric, a largerratio of strain to log pressure indicates a more compliantresponse. In control eyes, CD1 showed significantly greatertemporal meridional strain than B6 in three of the four regions(multivariable regression with GEE approach, Table 5; typicaldata shown for region 1, peripapillary area; Fig. 7). In bothtypes of mice, the glaucoma eyes were stiffer than controls,with statistically significant stiffening in the majority ofregional data for the three parameters of strain, nasalmeridional, and temporal meridional (EUU), and effectivecircumferential (Ehh) (Table 6, representative data from Region1; Fig. 8). The degree of stiffening did not differ significantly

    between CD1 and B6 eyes in any region, and in each of thethree strain measures, the B6 eyes remained numerically stifferthan CD1 after exposure to IOP increase.

    We compared the pressurestrain response of each type ofmouse as a ratio of each of the two meridional strains to theeffective circumferential strain, using GEE multivariablemodels (Table 7). At baseline, both types of mice hadsignificant differences in a comparison of meridional temporalto effective circumferential strain, but in the opposite direction(i.e., meridional temporal greater than circumferential for CD1and the reverse for B6). With glaucoma, the strain ratio for CD1sclera changed to be not different from 1 in the temporalmeridional to circumferential value, while the B6 eyes retaineda ratio significantly less than 1.

    For the nasal meridional to circumferential ratio, CD1 sclerahad a value not different from 1 at baseline, which significantlyincreased in the glaucoma eyes (Table 7). For B6, the nasal/circumferential ratio was not significantly different from 1 incontrol or glaucoma eyes.


    CD1 mice are more susceptible than B6 mice to death of RGCin experimental glaucoma induced by bead injection, as shownin two prior reports39,40 by both RGC cell body and axon lossin hundreds of eyes. This difference provides the opportunityto explore possible factors that determine susceptibility. Inprevious research, we found that young DBA/2J mice (prior todeveloping spontaneous glaucoma) have RGC damage in theexperimental bead model that falls between that of CD1 and B6mice. We explored the hypotheses that either the baseline stateof the sclera or the scleral response to chronically elevated IOP,or both, are associated with this variability in susceptibility toglaucoma injury.

    The greater susceptibility in CD1 mice was associated withthe following baseline features compared with B6: longer eyes,thinner sclera in the critical peripapillary area, greater baselinetemporal meridional strain, and greater temporal meridionalthan effective circumferential strain. For both theoretical andempirical reasons, a larger eye would be expected to be atgreater risk for IOP-related damage. The larger the diameter ofa spherical shell, the greater the stresses are in its wall, all otherfactors equal. Consistent with this concept, persons withmyopia, who generally have longer eyes, are known to be atgreater risk for OAG.13 However, it is clearly too simplistic toconsider that axial length/width is the sole factor involved inglaucoma susceptibility. Scleral tissues can also vary inthickness, composition, and biomechanical behavior, leadingto greater or lesser strain. To illustrate how axial length alonemay not be the dominant factor, we found that older B6 micehave longer eyes with similar scleral thickness, yet are lesssusceptible to RGC death than younger B6.40 In addition, micewith an induced mutation in collagen 8, which have longereyes than control B6, also have less susceptibility to RGC lossthan wild type.44 We are now carrying out further studies ofthe changes in scleral anatomy and their relationship to the

    TABLE 4. Percent Change in Scleral Anatomy with Glaucoma

    Length Width S-I Width N-T Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6

    CD1 8.8* 3.8* 6.2* 11.7* 10.7* 9.0 9.3 7.2 4.1B6 9.2* 5.1* 6.8* 9.0 1.6 5.8 9.5 16.7* 0.3

    n 34 pairs of eyes from each strain of mice.* P < 0.0001. P < 0.001. P 0.003.

    FIGURE 6. Change in scleral thickness with experimental glaucoma.Blue (CD1) and red (B6) bar graphs indicate the change in scleralthickness after glaucoma.

    1774 Nguyen et al. IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3

  • inflation responses of mouse eyes with experimental glauco-ma. The peripapillary sclera is a site of great interest inglaucoma pathogenetic research, so it is intriguing that themore susceptible CD1 mice have a thinner sclera and greatertemporal meridional strain at baseline at this site prior toinduction of glaucoma. Human scleral thickness varies bylocation in a manner similar to that seen in mice.38,45 Theperipapillary area has been studied histologically and found tohave collagen and elastin fibers oriented in a circumferentialring around the ONH in human,4648 rat,49 and mouse eyes.47

    The increased stiffness from these circumferential fiberreinforcements may partially protect the tissues of the ONHfrom the stress concentrations caused by the presence of themore compliant ONH by reducing the scleral canal expansionin response to IOP elevation.50 At the same time, the fiberreinforcements may cause the tissues of the ONH to be moresusceptible to damage from posterior bowing in response toIOP elevation. The degree of circumferential fiber alignmentdecreases significantly away from the ONH in mice and inhuman eyes.5153 Models of scleral behavior in human eyesconsistently indicate that the peripapillary area is an importantelement determining stress on the ONH and is tightly coupledto effects in the lamina cribrosa.20,54 Unless a thinnerperipapillary sclera was somehow compensated by a greaterresistance to deformation, it would represent a second factorincreasing strain at the ONH.

    It is equally likely that the response of the sclera to IOPduring and after exposure to higher IOP in experimentalglaucoma is an additional factor in glaucoma damage. In thatregard, we found some responses that were consistentbetween mouse types and some that were different. Thefindings that were similar were increase in length and width ofthe eyes, thinning of the peripapillary sclera, and increase instiffness in both material orientations (circumferential andmeridional). The most apparent differences were that the CD1mice developed uniformly thinner sclera than B6 mice after

    glaucoma induction and relative changes of the meridional andeffective circumferential strain response that were differentfrom those of B6.

    In both CD1 and B6 mice, extended IOP elevation led tothinner sclera in the peripapillary area and to larger axiallength and width. These irreversible deformations of thenormal scleral and ONH anatomy illustrate a behavior that isobserved in infant human eyes with glaucoma,55 and in otheranimal models, but not in adult human eyes. As we previouslyreported40 in these two types of mice, as well as in DBA/2Jmice, IOP length increase is similar among mouse types withexperimental bead glaucoma, despite substantial differences inRGC damage. Therefore, neither peripapillary thinning norelongation of the eye per se was closely correlated withdifferential susceptibility. Thinning in the peripapillary areacould distort or alter the choroid near the ONH, leading tochanges in the crescent zones observed to be more commonor to enlarge with glaucoma.56 Widening of the peripapillaryopening for the ONH in human glaucoma has been document-ed.11 Studies of blind secondary glaucoma human eyes foundno definite thinning of the peripapillary sclera compared tonormal.57

    The response to glaucoma did differ in scleral thicknessaway from the peripapillary sclera, with CD1 mice uniformlybecoming thinner, while DBA/2J remained relatively constantin thickness, and the B6 mice actually developed thicker sclera.This matches the relative susceptibilities to RGC loss amongthe three mouse types in axon loss after 12 weeks ofexperimental bead glaucoma.39,40 Girard et al.21 found noscleral thickness changes in a small number of glaucomamonkey eyes, and though that research group58 found that theequatorial sclera was thinner in some monkey glaucoma eyes,the peripapillary sclera was not found to thin with glaucoma inmonkeys.17 Coudrillier et al.30 studied human glaucoma eyes,finding that glaucoma specimens that exhibited optic nervedamage had a significantly thicker sclera than either age-

    FIGURE 7. Pressure versus strain, region 1: CD1 control versus B6 control. Blue (CD1 control) and red (B6 control) curves illustrate the meanpressure-strain (solid line) and corresponding standard deviation (flagged horizontal line) for (A) the temporal meridional strain, (B) the nasalmeridional strain, and (C) the effective circumferential strain.

    TABLE 5. Pressure Strain Data, Region 1: B6 Control versus CD1 Control

    Measure of Strain Group

    No. of


    Change in Strain per Unit Change

    in Log Pressure Estimate (95% CI)

    Difference between Groups

    Estimate (95% CI) P Value

    Temporal EUU B6 control 20 0.010 (0.004, 0.016) 0.022 (0.036, 0.008) 0.002CD1 control 20 0.032 (0.019, 0.045)

    Nasal EUU B6 control 20 0.031 (0.022, 0.041) 0.001 (0.02, 0.018) 0.91CD1 control 20 0.032 (0.016, 0.048)

    Ehh B6 control 20 0.017 (0.014, 0.019) 0.003 (0.008, 0.001) 0.16CD1 control 20 0.02 (0.016, 0.024)

    CI, confidence interval.

    IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3 Scleral Biomechanical Behavior in Mouse Glaucoma 1775

  • matched normal controls or undamaged glaucoma specimens.These findings and the present data make it possible thatremodeling of the sclera is a contributing feature to suscep-tibility to glaucoma damage.59

    The strain response of both CD1 and B6 were stiffer afterglaucoma, despite the differences in scleral thickness change.The relative increase in stiffness was similar in both types ofmice, suggesting that this was not the explanation fordifferential susceptibility. It is unclear whether the stiffeningafter glaucoma is beneficial or detrimental. In a previousreport,26 we inflation tested seven 2-month-old B6 mice and six11-month-old B6 mice, determining the stiffness by pressure-induced displacement in the peripapillary sclera. The load

    unload tests of younger specimens were significantly morecompliant than for the older specimens, while the axial lengthsand widths of the older specimens were also significantly largerthan the younger specimens without a difference in scleralthickness. Clearly, the behavior of the sclera is complex,meriting detailed study, not only of inflation behavior andmacroscopic anatomy, but of fibril orientation, composition,and other molecular rearrangements with age and duringdisease. We are presently engaged in such studies.

    Stiffening of the ONH and sclera has been reported in othermodels and in living and postmortem human glaucoma eyes.Zeimer and Ogura60 used an inflation method with postmor-tem glaucoma eyes and found that the ONH was stiffer and that

    FIGURE 8. Pressure versus strain, region 1: CD1 control versus CD1 glaucoma, B6 control versus B6 glaucoma. Blue (CD1 control) and green (CD1glaucoma) curves illustrate the mean pressurestrain (solid line) and corresponding standard deviation (flagged horizontal line) for (A) thetemporal meridional strain, (B) the nasal meridional strain, and (C) the effective circumferential strain. Red (B6 control) and black (B6 glaucoma)curves illustrate the mean pressure-strain (solid line) and corresponding standard deviation (flagged horizontal line) for (D) the temporalmeridional strain, (E) the nasal meridional strain, and (F) the effective circumferential strain.

    TABLE 6. Pressure Strain Data, Region 1: Control versus Glaucoma

    Measure of Strain Group

    No. of


    Change in Strain

    per Unit Change

    in Log Pressure


    (95% CI)

    Difference between Glaucoma

    and Control for Each Strain P Value

    Comparing B6

    Difference with

    CD1 DifferenceNo. of Mice Estimate (95% CI) P Value

    Temporal EUU B6 glaucoma 12 0.007 (0.002, 0.012) 9 0.001 (0.01, 0.012) 0.87 0.004B6 control 20 0.010 (0.004, 0.016)

    CD1 glaucoma 20 0.012 (0.005, 0.02) 13 0.026 (0.040, 0.011) 0.001CD1 control 20 0.032 (0.019, 0.045)

    Nasal EUU B6 glaucoma 12 0.013 (0.005, 0.021) 9 0.008 (0.019, 0.003) 0.17 0.57B6 control 20 0.031 (0.022, 0.041)

    CD1 glaucoma 20 0.018 (0.007, 0.028) 13 0.014 (0.033, 0.004) 0.13CD1 control 20 0.032 (0.016, 0.048)

    Ehh B6 glaucoma 12 0.011 (0.007, 0.015) 9 0.005 (0.01, 0.001) 0.10 0.70B6 control 20 0.017 (0.014, 0.019)

    CD1 glaucoma 20 0.012 (0.008, 0.016) 13 0.006 (0.013, 0.001) 0.09CD1 control 20 0.02 (0.016, 0.024)

    1776 Nguyen et al. IOVS, March 2013, Vol. 54, No. 3

  • stiffness was greater with greater RGC damage. Testing ofliving human eyes by indirect methods also suggests thatglaucoma eyes have stiffer responses.15,16 Coudrillier et al.30

    compared 24 normal and 11 glaucoma pairs of postmortemeyes, finding that the glaucoma scleras had a different strainresponse in the peripapillary sclera characterized by a stiffermeridional response and slower circumferential creep ratesthan normal. Glaucoma eyes were not significantly differentfrom normal eyes in stresses and strains in the midposteriorsclera. Girard et al.21 studied eight monkey glaucoma eyes,determining that stiffness increased with moderate glaucomadamage, though the response was variable. They caution,reporting a single stiffness value for the sclera does notrepresent its biomechanical response well. Scleral stiffness is afunction of IOP (nonlinearity), orientation (anisotropy), andlocation (heterogeneity). This complexity should be taken intoaccount when evaluating the contribution of scleral biome-chanics to glaucoma pathogenesis. Roberts et al.61 modeledbehavior of the ONH in three early glaucoma monkey eyesfrom connective tissue volume fractions. They hypothesizedthat scleral stiffening in glaucoma may shield the ONHsomewhat by an increased load carried in the sclera. Fromthe human data suggesting increased stiffness, we could notdistinguish between two alternative hypotheses. One hypoth-esis is that compliant sclera increases susceptibility toglaucoma, and as damage occurs, the sclera becomes stifferthan normal. In this scenario, a compliant response at baselinewould increase strain at the ONH and make damage morelikely. The stiffness found in damaged glaucoma eyes would beexplained as a response occurring during the chronicglaucoma process in the sclera. An alternative hypothesis isthat stiffer eyes at baseline are more susceptible and becomeeven stiffer during disease. This scenario would result ifstiffness of the sclera increased strain within the ONH. Bothhypotheses are compatible with existing human data. If themonkey and mouse experimental glaucoma data are relevant tothe human disease, then greater stiffness is at least an effect ofglaucoma. Whether eyes that are more compliant at baselineare more or less susceptible is as yet unsettled. In part, this isdue to our inability at present to directly measure changes inthe ONH tissues before and after induced glaucoma. Scleralcanal expansion is determined more by scleral properties andresponses, but outward bowing of the ONH is also influencedby properties of the ONH itself, and the two are bothcontributors to damage.

    It will be vital to determine what molecular changesunderlie alterations in scleral biomechanics in glaucoma. Weand others have studied scleral fibrillar collagens andelastin,62,63 particularly in the peripapillary area,4,64 innormal and glaucomatous human eyes. The diameterdistribution and orientation of fibrillar collagens in theONH is unchanged in human OAG eyes, though elastin is

    either normal65 or possibly somewhat degraded66 anddefinitely has an altered appearance.67,68 Collagen densitydecreased by 17% in both the ONH and peripapillary sclera asmeasured in seven human and three monkey glaucoma eyes,but collagen fibril diameter distribution was not differentfrom controls. The orientation and response of connectivetissue molecules in sclera and ONH in glaucoma have beenstudied in monkeys with experimental glaucoma.21 Substan-tial reorganization and new synthesis of collagens are seen inthe monkey glaucoma ONH, but not with simple opticatrophy, suggesting that they are IOP mediated.32 We havemeasured the orientation of fibrillar elements in humannormal and glaucoma eyes using wide-angle x-ray scatter-ing.69 ONH and peripapillary scleral elastin differs inindividuals of African and European descent, perhapsrepresenting a risk factor for higher OAG prevalence inindividuals of African descent.70 Mutations in the lysyloxidase-like protein 1 (LOXL1) gene are associated withexfoliation glaucoma,71 providing impetus to study theconnective tissue molecules that may be altered in thissyndrome.72,73 Further research is needed into the micro-structure of scleral connective tissues.

    It will be useful to measure the biomechanical behavior ofhuman eyes in vivo, both to monitor the baseline state of theeye as a risk factor for future development of glaucoma and toassess progression of disease. Some methods to assess cornealbiomechanics have been recently developed14,74,75 that couldbe applied to these questions. Of even greater relevance wouldbe methods to measure scleral compliance in vivo.

    The present research should be assessed in light of severalweaknesses. The mouse model of glaucoma utilized here,while having similarities to the human disease, is short termcompared with the chronicity of human glaucoma. Studies ofthe behavior of eyes ex vivo may not duplicate precisely thebehavior in life. A key assumption of the strain calculation isthat points on the scleral edge deform within a plane.Significant local twisting or rotation can occur with unevengluing and in the presence of material anisotropy characterizedby preferential collagen alignment in orientations other thanthe circumferential and meridional directions. Wide angle x-rayscattering (WAXS) measurements of the human posteriorsclera53 show that the degree of collagen alignment is thestrongest in the peripapillarly sclera and occurs along thecircumferential orientation. The degree of collagen alignmentdecays rapidly away from the peripapillary region. Ourpreliminary transmission electron microscopy measurementsof collagen orientation show similar results for the mouseposterior sclera. It is likely that the out-of-plane displacementscaused by local twisting or rotation are small. The scleralthickness and specimen surface are nonuniform. The latter isbecause it is nearly impossible to uniformly remove theextraocular tissues from the surface of the small mouse sclera.

    TABLE 7. Strain Ratios of Meridional to Effective Circumferential Inflation Behavior

    Strain Ratio* Mouse Strain Treatment No. of Eyes Estimate (95% CI) P Value, H0: Ratio 1

    Temporal EUU/Ehh CD1 Control 20 1.36 (1.15, 1.61) 0.0004

    Glaucoma 20 0.86 (0.62, 1.19) 0.35

    B6 Control 20 0.76 (0.68, 0.84)

  • This results in a unique natural speckle pattern for the scleraledge. Large local rotation or twisting would have changedsignificantly the local speckle pattern of the scleral edge andcaused the DIC algorithm to lose correlation. Our method formodeling mouse eye inflation behavior would benefit from afully three-dimensional view of the sclera to provide morecomprehensive regional data for strains and stresses. We arepresently developing a method by which to do this.Furthermore, there can never be a perfect model of connectivetissue behavior and that used here may not ideally approximatethe true state of the tissues. We are engaged in detailed study ofthe ultrastructure and proteomic content of sclera to extendthe features of the model. Finally, differences between types ofmice may be related to features other than or in addition to thebiomechanical behavior of sclera.

    In summary, we identified differences between CD1 and B6mice in the baseline anatomy and inflation behavior of theirsclera and in scleral response to chronic IOP elevation. Thesedifferences between mouse types may underlie the differentialsusceptibility to RGC death from experimental glaucoma in thetwo types of mice. With further detailed study of the molecularbases of these differences, it is feasible that therapeuticapproaches to decreasing neuronal loss in glaucoma can bedeveloped.


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