glenn o. hawbaker, inc. (goh) delivers sma to interstate 80€¦ · delivers sma to interstate 80...

Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is being used more and more by the Penn- sylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). Mostly used in the south- ern Engineering Districts on heavily trafficked highways, recently this mix has made its way northward. PennDOT District 1-0 let three projects this past winter that incorporated SMA for the wearing course. On January 11, 2007 Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) was the successful bidder on a project located in Venango County…on Interstate 80. Not only is this the first SMA mix to be utilized on Interstate 80, it was also GOH’s first opportunity to produce and place SMA. Right from the start, GOH knew they wanted to do it right, and needed to understand this “new mix”. In Febru- ary, a training seminar was held to get to know SMA. GOH paving leaders; roll- er operators; field technicians; asphalt plant personnel; plant QC technicians; supervisors, as well as representatives from PennDOT District 1-0 Materials and Construction staffs listened to Larry Michael from Maryland (the Godfather of “SMA in the USA”) speak about SMA. After Larry assured everyone there was nothing to be afraid of…as long as you do your homework, and do things right, Jim Head from BOMAG gave a talk about how to achieve proper density with this material. Mike Skarbek and his QC staff at the DuBois GOH lab located in District 2-0 were tasked with developing the needed Job Mix Formula (JMF). To be sure the JMF was developed correctly, numerous trial blends were made before selecting three to start the design effort. Once start- ed, it was determined that a normal # 8 graded stone would not fit the required gradation for the PG76-22 9.5mm SRL-E 100 gyration mix. GOH made some ad- justments to the crushing facility at their South Williamsport sandstone opera- tions in District 3-0, to accommodate the gradation. Once the JMF was completed, adaptations were needed at the produc- tion plant. Hawbaker’s Clarion Plant 14 located in District 10-0, was the closest facility to the project. Improvements to the mineral filler system were made to allow for the higher input needed. SMA specifications call for 8 to 13 percent mi- Volume 8 • Number 4 • October/November/December • 2007 3540 NORTH PROGRESS AVENUE, SUITE 206 • HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17110-9637 • 717-657-1881 • FAX 717-657-0687 WEBSITE: E–MAIL: [email protected] PENNSYLVANIA ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSOCIATION Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers SMA to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which is quite a bit higher than any other mix. Also, the drum needed modified to allow for the introduction of fibers. Fibers, and the machine to blow them into the mix, were obtained from Carlos Ushuda at Hi-Tech Asphalt Solu- tions. Hawbaker field, production and QC personnel took a tour of Reliable Contracting Company, Incorporat- ed’s Millersville, Maryland plant Continued on page 2 ... Venango Co. I-80 Overview. Fiber Machine.

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Page 1: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) isbeingusedmoreandmorebythePenn-sylvania Department of Transportation(PennDOT). Mostly used in the south-ern Engineering Districts on heavilytrafficked highways, recently this mixhasmade itswaynorthward.PennDOTDistrict 1-0 let three projects this pastwinter that incorporated SMA for thewearing course. On January 11, 2007GlennO.Hawbaker,Inc.(GOH)wasthesuccessful bidder on a project locatedin Venango County…on Interstate 80.NotonlyisthisthefirstSMAmixtobeutilized on Interstate 80, it was alsoGOH’s firstopportunity toproduceandplaceSMA. Right from the start, GOH knewtheywantedtodoitright,andneededtounderstand this “new mix”. In Febru-ary,atrainingseminarwasheldtogettoknow SMA.GOH paving leaders; roll-er operators; field technicians; asphaltplant personnel; plant QC technicians;supervisors, as well as representativesfrom PennDOT District 1-0 MaterialsandConstructionstaffslistenedtoLarryMichael fromMaryland (the Godfatherof“SMAintheUSA”)speakaboutSMA.AfterLarryassuredeveryone therewasnothing tobeafraidof…as longasyoudoyourhomework,anddothingsright,Jim Head from BOMAG gave a talkabouthowtoachieveproperdensitywiththismaterial.

MikeSkarbekandhisQCstaffattheDuBoisGOHlablocatedinDistrict2-0weretaskedwithdevelopingtheneededJobMixFormula(JMF).TobesuretheJMFwasdevelopedcorrectly,numeroustrial blendsweremade before selectingthreetostartthedesigneffort.Oncestart-ed, itwasdetermined thatanormal#8graded stonewould not fit the requiredgradationforthePG76-229.5mmSRL-E100gyrationmix.GOHmadesomead-justmentstothecrushingfacilityattheirSouth Williamsport sandstone opera-tionsinDistrict3-0,toaccommodatethegradation. Once the JMF was completed,adaptationswere needed at the produc-tionplant.Hawbaker’sClarionPlant14located inDistrict10-0,was theclosestfacility to the project. Improvements tothemineral filler systemweremade toallowforthehigherinputneeded.SMAspecificationscallfor8to13percentmi-

Volume 8 • Number 4 • October/November/December • 2007

3540 North Progress AveNue, suite 206 • hArrisburg, PeNNsylvANiA 17110-9637 • 717-657-1881 • FAX 717-657-0687Website: e–mAil: [email protected]

Pennsylvania asPhalt Pavement association

Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH)Delivers Sma to Interstate 80By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.

nus#200,whichisquiteabithigherthanany other mix. Also, the drum neededmodifiedtoallowfortheintroductionoffibers. Fibers, and themachine to blowthem into themix, were obtained fromCarlosUshudaatHi-TechAsphaltSolu-tions. Hawbaker field, production andQC personnel took a tour of ReliableContracting Company, Incorporat-ed’s Millersville, Maryland plant

Continued on page 2 ...

Venango Co. I-80 Overview.

Fiber Machine.

Page 2: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

thecompletionofconstructionontheremainingfourmilesoftheproject,eastboundandwestbound.Thesuccessionphasescouldnotbestarteduntiltheprecedingphasewascomplete100%.Theprojectwascompletedundertraffic,limitinglaneclosuresfromMondayat6:00amtoFridayat12:00pm.Thetimeframeforcompletionof theprojectwas fromApril2,2007 toOctober 19, 2007,with an asphaltwearing coursepavingdeadlineofSeptember30,2007. Theoriginalcontractconsistedofapproximately80,000tonsofasphaltpavingmixtureswhichconsistedofapproxi-mately41,700tonsof19mmbinderandapproximately24,800tonsofSMA,withtheplacementoftheSMAlimitedtoonlydaylighthoursaspertheContractrequirements.Theseasphaltquantities combinedwith the contact restrictions for trafficandphasingmadeforaveryaggressiveconstructionschedulewithnofloattime.Inordertomeettheschedule,GOHplacedthe19mmbinder24hoursadayduringthepermittedtimeconstraintsforlaneclosures.But,theSMAwasonlyplacedduringdaylighthours,aspertheContractrequirements.

All acceptancetestingforthe19mm(boxesandcores)andSMA(coresonly,NOBOXES) were donethrough local accep-tance at the Clarionlab.BillCarr,Inspec-tor fromDistrict 1-0performedallthedensityandignitiontestswitnessedbyKenKreibel,GOH’scertifiedtechnician.

whiletheywereproducingSMAtogeta“look-see”ofhowiswasproducedandplaced.MiltSimms, formerMarylandDOT HMA Team Leader, hosted the tour and shared hisexperiencesandopinionsforasuccessfulproject.GOHthendecided todo some trials through theplantbefore attempt-ing the Contract-required 100 ton test strip. To assure theasphalt pump and the fiber machine and the mineral fillersystem all worked properly, and the aggregate blend wascorrect, threeproduction runsweredone.Lab tests showedgoodresults, two100tonrunswereplacedneartheasphaltplantonatownshiproad.Again,allQCtests–fieldandplant–showedgoodresults.Theofficial teststripwasplacedonJuly13,2007.Coreswerecutanddensityandasphaltcon-tentandgradationweredeterminedatGOH’slab.Allcriteriaweremet,andmainlinepavingof theSMAcommencedonJuly 16, 2007.But the projectwasmore than just “SMA”.


C O N T E N T SGlenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. Delivers SMA to Interstate 80 ................................................. 1Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. Grove City Asphalt Plant ........................................................ 3HMA Plant: Energy Saving Tips ..................................................................................... 4PAPA Announces New PACA President ......................................................................... 5NAPA’s Diamond Achievement Commendations ............................................................ 5PAPA’s 48th Annual Conference Highlights ................................................................. 6-7NECEPT Certification Courses ...................................................................................... 8President’s Note ............................................................................................................ 9Welcome New Board Members ...................................................................................... 9PAPA’s Regional Technical Meetings ............................................................................11Price Index .................................................................................................................. 12

...Continued from page 1

Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • � � • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007



Fresh Mat.

Paving Train.

Page 3: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • � � • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007


• Planning–learning–followingthroughwithattentiontothesmallestdetailscanresultinsuccess.

•UtilizedaggregatefromDistrict3-0:developedaJMFin District 2-0: produced material in District 10-0;placedthematerialinDistrict1-0!

•Right from the start, established a relationship withDistrict1-0Materials,Constructionandfieldpeoplesoallwereinvolvedwithlearningandcompletionoftheproject.

Toomanyexcellentpeoplewereinvolvedinthesuccessofthejobtonamethemall.Fromownershiptotransportation;constructiontoPENNDOT;aggregateandasphaltproductionteams toqualitycontrol, alldida tremendous job.Myper-sonal thanks and congratulations are extended to everyone.SMA?Bringiton! In closing, this project was identified by the NationalAsphaltPavementAssociation(NAPA)asawinnerofa2007QualityConstructionAward.Recognitionwillbemadedur-ingNAPA’s53rdAnnualMeeting,January29,2008.u

Allrequiredacceptancetesting–density;asphaltcontentandgradationandIRImetorexceededspecifications.Aver-age density for the SMAwas 95.2 percentwith a standarddeviation(S.D.)of1.25.Forusing thesamecores todeter-mineasphaltandgradations, therewasnotasmuchchangeas feared, compared to production test results. The asphaltcontentwasonetenthhigherbycoreversusplant;theminus#200waseighttenthsofapercenthigherandthe#8was3.4percenthigherbycoreversusplantresults. Overall,GOHisverysatisfiedwiththisprojectespecially

Density Core 9.5 mm SMA.


toseparatetherap.Theplantoperationis controlled by aWEM automationsystem.Theburnerisa100MMBTUmulti-fuelburner fromAstec. Ithasthecapabilityofburninggas,oil(#2,#5,etc),propane,andcoal.Welookforward to completing stack testingbyJuneof2008 Upon completion and obtainingPennDOT approval of the site weshippedover20,000 tons inorder tocompletethe2007season. Withtheseassetsinplacetobe-gin the2008seasonGOH isexpect-ingtogrowallaspectsofouropera-tioninthisregion.Wehavebeguntoexpandwithequipmentandassetsintheregionandlookforwardtogrowthinpersonnelandcommunityinvolve-ment. GOH,as it hasdone inother


In September 2007, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH)completed construction and setup of 400 ton/hour asphaltplant justoff Interstate80atExit29.ThisplantwillallowGOHtocompeti-tivelydeliverymaterialandservicesontheI-80corridorfromtheOhiobordertoWilkes-Barre.The26acresitewillhost themaintenance shop, construc-tionoperationsfortheGOHfarwest-ern region and the asphalt plant. AllexistingregionaloperationsfromBut-ler,toCampbell’sAsphalt,andGroveCityPavingwillbeconsolidatedtothissite. The plant consists of 900 tonsof finished product storage with thecapability of readily expanding to1,800tons.Theplantisofadualdrumtypewitha9'6''x44'dryerandan8'x 20' mixer. Both were remanufac-turedbyAl-mixtoGOHrequirements.Thebaghousewasexpanded toallow72,000CFMof airwith an air-to-cloth ratio of 5.4:1. Thecoldfeedsystemcontainsseven10'x14'binsanda6'x16'Simplicitydoubledeckscreen.Therecycledsystemhastwo

Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.Grove City asphalt PlantBy Dan I. Bauman, Operations Manager - Asphalt, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.

Page 4: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

� • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007

Hma PLaNT: Energy Saving TipsBy Bill Garrett, Partner, Meeker Equipment Co., Inc.

PAPA is a great organization and is always developingideasandinformationtohelpuswithourHMABusinesses.Theintentofthisseriesofarticlesistohelpusbettercontrolour energy cost,with some “Back toBasics” concepts andinformation.

STOCKPILES: Thestockpilesarethefirstplaceweshouldlooktoreduceenergycosts.Weallhavepaversandearthmovingequipmentforpreparingourstockpileareas. 1. Paving under all the stockpilesreduceslossofma-terials,makesiteasierfortheloader(lessmaintenance&fuel$$)andequipment(reducingelectricandpower$$),preventsoversizedmaterialfromcontaminatingthemix(reducedseg-regation,&penalties$$),keepsmoisturefrommigratingintothestockpileandallowsslopedgradeforproperdraining,thusreducingtheoverallstockpilesmoisturecontent(reducesdry-ingcost$$).Moisture:Drain it out.

2. Configuring the stockpile so the loader is alwaysworkingonthesouthsideofthestockpile.Thesuncomesupintheeast,goesthroughthesouthernskyandsetsinthewestatallourplants.Thesunisamajorsourceofenergyandwhenweallowittoradiateitsenergyonthestockpileallday,that

areaofthepileisthendryer.Bysloppingthepavedgradetothenorth and the loader removingmaterial from the south,dryermaterialenterstheHMAfacility(reducingdryingcost$$).Forevery1%ofmoistureremovedfromtheaggregate,a12% fuel reduction occursorproductioncanincreaseby12%. 3. Proper stockpile size with dividers,reducessegrega-tionandimpropersizedmaterialfromcausingpoorqualityonthepavingsurface(lesspenalties$$).Dividersalsomaketheworkof the loaderoperatorspeedierand less likely tocon-taminate.

4. Testing of the material formoistureconfigurationinthepileandproperlysizedaggregate;willallowtheloadertoselecttheareaofthepilewiththeleastmoisture(reducingdryingcost$$),andalertthelabandplantmanagerofaggre-gatesizechanges(reducingpenalties$$). 5. Coveringthestockpilekeepsmoistureoutofthepile(Reducingdryingcostandincreasingproduction$$).Whentheseitemsoccur,pavingcostarealsoreducedasproductionincreasesandthesamecrewgetsmoredoneinlesstimewithlesscost.Moisture: Keep it out.

6. The loader operatorcarefullyworkingthestockpiletofeedtheplantwiththedriestmaterialisthesimplestcostsavingmeasureofall(reducedmoisturetothedryer$$).Pickhighonthepileandfromthesouthside.Nocleaningupbytakingthewetmaterialfromthebottomofthepileandpilingitonthetop(addsmoistureandcost,whilereducingproduc-tion). Wehopeyouhavefoundthesesimplecostsavingideaseasytoimplement,inyoureffortstoreduceenergyandoper-atingcostatourHMAfacilities.u

Page 5: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • �


Golden Eagle Construction Co. – Coolspring Plant II and Eighty Four Plant

IA Construction Corporation – Clarion Asphalt Plant, Homer City and Zelienople HMA Plants

Independence Construction Materials – Devault and Coatesville Asphalt Plants

The Lane Construction Corporation – McKees Rocks Plant


The association is Pleased to announce PaCa’s new President, Peter T. Vlahos Peter T. Vlahos is an experienced associationexecutivewithmore than22yearsof non-profit management. Peterhasworked for numerous industrytradegroups,includingtheNation-al ParkingAssociation (NPA), theInternational Council of ShoppingCenters (ICSC) and the NationalWoodenPalletandContainerAsso-ciation(NWPCA). He has served the aggregatesandconcreteindustriesfor15yearsthroughhisworkwiththeNationalAggregatesAssociation(NAA),theNationalReadyMixedConcreteAs-sociation (NRMCA)and the Inter-national Concrete and AggregatesGroup(ICAG).Mr.Vlahosbringsawealthofindus-

try knowledge and expertise in industry promotion,educational programming, coali-tion building, eventmanagement,non-dues revenue generation andfinancialmanagement. Most recently, Peter served asPresidentofICAG,SilverSpring,MD,andManagingDirectoroftheCONEXPO-CON/AGG events,including the World of AsphaltShow andConference.Under hisleadership,CONEXPO-CON/AGGbecame the global marketplacefor theconstructionandconstruc-tion materials industries and wasnamed the largest exhibition inNorthAmericain1999,2002and


Page 6: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

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PaPa Paving awards Presented at 48th annual Conference TheAsphaltPavingAwardsforthe2006ConstructionSeasonwerepresentedatPAPA’s48thAnnualAsphaltPavingConferenceheldattheHotelHersheyonWednesday,December12,2007.EachPennDOTDistrictOfficeandthePennsylvaniaTurnpikenominatedaqualityasphaltpavementthatbestmetthefollowingcriteria: •Ride(Smoothness) •MinimalSegregation •Compaction(PWL) •MixQuality(PWL) •JointConstruction(Longitudinal/Transverse) Congratulationstothefollowingawardrecipients.

Pennsylvania Department of TransportationDistrict Contractor AcceptingAward Project County 1-0 JosephMcCormickConstructionCo. JoeHosey,ArtFischer S.R.0020,Section13M Eric 2-0 GlennO.Hawbaker,Inc. KurtRoss S.R.0080,SectionB09 Centre

3-0 GlennO.Hawbaker,Inc EvanMumma S.R.6,Section98M Tioga 4-0 ReadingMaterials,Inc. JeffLawson S.R.706 Susquehanna 5-0 HansonAggregates,Inc. MarkKendrick S.R.4002 Monroe (LongPondRoad)&3003(KunkletownRoad) 6-0 AllanA.Myers,Inc. TimHendricks S.R.476,SectionPM8 Delaware

8-0 KinsleyMaterials ChrisKinsley S.R.83,Section025 York 9-0 NewEnterpriseStone&LimeCo.,Inc. RogerLanzendorfer S.R.22,Section014East Cambria

10-0 QuakerSalesCorporation DonaldC.Overdorff S.R.222,Section491 Indiana

11-0 LindyPaving,Inc. JoeyFortuna S.R.79,SectionA12 Allegheny

11-0 TheLaneConstructionCorporation CharlieAmes S.R.376,SectionA36 Allegheny

12-0 LindyPaving,Inc. DanGanoe S.R.0070,SectionF12 Washington

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Contractor AcceptingAward Project County IAConstructionCorporation DaveSimmons Mileposts19.43to24.96 Beaver/Butler


Page 7: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • � � • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007

Annual Luncheon


Incoming President Joe Zimmerman (right) presents plaque to Outgoing President Jack Kibblehouse (left)

ADE Breakfast

Associate Members’ Reception

PAPA President - Jack Kibblehouse Richard Schreck – Virginia AsphaltExecutive Director, Ron Cominsky

– Welcomes attendees

Frank Kempf, Chief Engineer – Pennsylvania Turnpike PennDOT, Secretary Biehler

Bob Meeker, Treasurer – Annual Business Meeting

Don Brock Greg Brouse – Eastern Industries Bill Smith – HRI

Vice President Joe Zimmerman George McCauley – PennDOT District 10-0

Page 8: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

8 • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007

The 2008 PennDOT Bituminous Certification schedule is now available on NECEPT’s website. The website address is: Please check out the training pages for the calendar, applications, agendas and general informa-tion. All information regarding locations, travel directions, etc. is posted.

Northeast Center of Excellence for Pavement Technology (NECEPT)

Certification Courses

PENNDOT Bituminous Plant and Field Technician Certification ProgramSUPERPaVE Volumetric Design Workshop – 2008 Schedule


Field Technician Annual Update/Refresher Jan. 22, 2008 Penn Stater

Field Technician Review & Certification Jan. 22-25, 2008 Penn Stater

Plant Technician Annual Update/Refresher (all levels) Jan. 29, 2008 Penn Stater

Level 1 Plant Technician Review & Certification Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2008 Penn Stater

Field Technician Annual Update/Refresher Jan. 29, 2008 Cranberry Township

The information for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 5-0 was incorrect in PaPa’s third quarter news-letter. We are sorry for the misprint.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDistrict5-01002HamiltonStreet Tel.: (610) 871-4100Allentown,PA18101ActingDistrictExecutive Tel.: (610) 871-4110TuckerFerguson,P.E. Fax: (610)871-4107

ActingADE-Construction Tel.: (610) 871-4433AlfrredPicca,P.E. Fax: (610)871-4118

MaterialsEngineer Tel.: (610) 871-4424KeithFink Fax: (610)871-4118ADE-Design Tel.: (610) 871-4533GeraldFry,P.E. Fax: (610)871-4122AssistantADE-Maintenance Tel.: (610) 871-4133MichaelW.Rebert,P.E. Fax: (610)871-4121

Page 9: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • 9

The 48th Annual Asphalt Paving Confer-ence of the Pennsylvania Asphalt Pavement Association was held with one of the larg-est attendance ever – over 430 registrants! There were many informative sessions at the conference which filled the Garden Ter-race Ballroom to capacity. Secretary of Transportation, Allen D. Biehler, P.E., gave his view on challeng-es that we face with transportation issues in Pennsylvania. The Deputy Secretary reviewed the 2008 program for mainte-nance budget and performance of hot-mix asphalt. Frank Kempf, Jr., Chief Engineer of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission reviewed the 2008 Turnpike program. He also provided information on their review of the Route 80 program. Other sessions included SUPERPAvE mix design, porous asphalt payments, ISO – 9000 asphalt pilot projects, warm mix technology with high percentage RAP, and many other informative sessions. We are all committed to working together with the Department of Transportation and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to continue improving quality and perfor-mance of hot-mix asphalt for all Pennsylvania highways. I would like to extend many thanks to Ronald Cominsky, Executive Director of PAPA and all of his staff. Under their watchful eyes, the 48th Annual Conference went off without a hitch. I would also like to thank all of you who helped support our committees in the years 2006 and 2007. Congratulations to J. Joseph Zimmerman who is our incoming president for the next two years. We have all missed vincent P. Angelo at the recent conference. I cannot forget the time and efforts vince gave to the PAPA organization over the years. Most of all, I cannot forget the great times we spent together. I also extend many congratulations to Jack Rath on his retirement. In closing, I trust all have had a happy holiday season and will have a healthy, prosperous new year. Thank you all, again. It has been my pleasure to serve PAPA as president and look forward to PAPA’s growth and activities in the future. u

Welcome – New Board members The Association is pleased to announce the addition of two new Board members: Vince Tutino, President, Lindy Paving, Inc. John B. Warden III, Warden Asphalt Company

John R. Kibblehouse, Sr.President


OFFICERSJ. Joseph ZimmermanPresident

Chris Kaminski Vice President

Robert MeekerTreasurer

Ronald J. Cominsky, P.E.Secretary/Executive Director

BOARD OF DIRECTORSTerm expires 2008Christopher A. Kinsley

Term expires 2009 Mark E. KendrickRichard A. Raffo

Term Expires 2010 Michael BallantinePatrick HawbakerChris KaminskiMichael J. Kolos

Term Expires 2011 Barry HarbonicSteve BrightDonald Overdorff

Term Expires 2012James B. BarleyOwen J. McCormickRobert G. MeekerVince TutinoJohn B. Warden IIIR. Wayne Willey, P.E.

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERSPaul I. Detwiler, Jr.Francis J. ColellaDonald E. EshlemanKim W. SnyderDaniel R. HawbakerJohn R. Kibblehouse, Sr.


Jeffrey Frantz

Page 10: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

By Steven Bright, Chairman, PAPA Environmental Committee Gary R. Brown, P.E., President, RT Environmental Services, Inc.

Environmental Update Seminars announced SteveBright,PAPAEnvironmentalCommitteeChairmanrecently announced that environmental update seminars willbe held throughout Pennsylvania, forAssociationMembers.Thereareanumberofimportantenvironmentaldevelopmentswhichwillbecoveredintheupdateseminars,including:

Federal updates to Spill Prevention Control andCountermeasure regulations on what equipment isand is not exempt from Federal Contingency Planrequirements.

Provisions formonitoring asphalt plant emissions aswell as other permit conditions under proposed newstatewideoperatingpermitGP-13.


Revised requirements for testing baghouse fines andscrubber pond residues under the renewal of PermitWMGR028, issued by the PennsylvaniaDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtection(PADEP).

Included in the program will be Contingency Plan up-datetrainingwhichqualifiesasupdatetrainingunderPADEP/Preparedness Prevention, Contingency Plan, EPA/SpillPreventionControlandCountermeasurePlantrainingrequire-ments.Allmemberswill receive certificates confirming thattraininghasbeencompleted. All members should have received an announcement oftraininglocationsanddatesfromtheAssociationOffice.Semi-narsarebeingheldinPittsburgh,StateCollege,andtheAllen-townareaduringthelastweekofFebruary2008.Asinthepasttheseminarswillbeonehalfdayinlength.Plentyoftimewillbeavailabletoanswerquestionsanddiscusskeyenvironmen-talissuesofimportancetotheindustry. For more information on seminar topics, please contactGaryBrownat800-725-0593,Ext.34,[email protected],calltheAssociationOfficeat717-657-1881,[email protected].

Porous Pavement Guide Being Prepared The Environmental Committee has identified a need tohelpcivilengineerstobeinformedaboutdesignpracticesforporouspavement,whichisseeingincreasedacceptancesince

thefinalizationofDEP’sfinalStormwaterManualinDecember2007.TheAssociation,atitsAnnualConference,willbehearingMr.LawrenceCahill speakon thesubjectofporouspavement. SomeAssociationMembershaveexpressedconcern thatdesigns being issued by engineers will not proved adequatesubbasedrainagetopreventfreeze/thaw,whichisnotaproblemwherepavementsubbasesareadequatelydesigned.Adequatedrainageofsubbaselayersiscriticaltolongtermperformanceofanyandallpavementmaterials,aswellaslandfillcaps. Earlyin2008,theAssociationwillbeworkingonaguidetoimprovetheengineeringunderstandoftheneedforproperpavement system design, taking into account all appropriateengineering factors, to ensure pavement longevity.MembersoftheEnvironmentalCommitteewillbeworkingwithPAPA’sTechnicalCommitteeMembers, taking into accountmemberproducerandpavementcontractorexperiencetoassurethatalldesignfactorsaretakenintoaccountwhenporouspavementisspecifiedandthatstormwaterinfiltrationopportunityaswellaspavementlongevitydesignconsiderationsismet.DEPwillbeconsultedpriortofinalizationoftheGuide,aswell.

User Guide Being Prepared For Those Operating Under General Beneficial Use Permit WmGR028 AtPaving the Waypresstime,aUserGuidewasbeingpre-paredforthosebeneficiallyusingbaghousefinesandscrubberpond residues fromhotmix asphalt plant production inPenn-sylvania.DEPaddedanumberoftestingoptionswhenrenew-ingBeneficialUsePermitstoincreaseflexibility.Mostoftheoptions for testingarenotwellunderstood,orarenot readilyusablemymembers.Inaddition,manylaboratoriesinPennsyl-vaniaarenotcapableofcompletingtheneededmethodologiesforTotalPertroleumHydrocarbontesting.TheEnvironmentalCommitteebelievedthatpreparingaUserGuideforproducerplantsoperatingunderthepermitisinorder. TheUserGuideisexpectedtobeissuedbytheendoftheyear.◆

10 • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007

Environmental Update

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Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007 • 11


SCHEDULEFollowing is the tentative Letting

Schedule for Construction Year 2008:

January ........................... 10 and 24

February ........................... 7 and 21

March ................................ 6 and 20

April .................................. 3 and 17

May .............................. 1, 15 and 29

June ................................... 5 and 19

July .............................. 3, 17 and 31

August ............................. 14 and 28

September ....................... 11 and 25

October .............................. 9 and 23

November .......................... 6 and 13

December .......................... 4 and 18


SCHEDULEFollowing is the tentative Letting

Schedule for Construction Year 2009:

January ............................. 8 and 22

February ......................... 12 and 26

March ................................ 5 and 19

April ............................ 2, 16 and 30

May .................................... 7 and 21

June ................................... 4 and 18

July .............................. 2, 16 and 30

August ............................... 6 and 20

September ......................... 3 and 17

October ........................ 1, 15 and 29

November .....................................12

December .......................... 3 and 17

Based on project types, projects will be advertised five (5) to seven (7) weeks prior to the letting date. All lettings will be held on Thursdays at 11:00 A.M. unless otherwise advertised.

PAPA’sRegionalTechnicalMeetings Pleasemarkyourcalendar!TheschedulefortheRegionalTechnicalMeetingshasbeenfinal-ized.Themeetingtimesandlocationsareasfollows:









For room reservations, please call (724) 463-3561 or (800) 477-3561.

Dates To... RemembeR!Executive Committee MeetingApril 10, 2008Carnegie House, State College, PA Board of Directors MeetingApril 11, 2008Carnegie House, State College, PA Executive Committee MeetingSeptember 18, 2008Carnegie House, State College, PA Board of Directors MeetingSeptember 19, 2008Carnegie House, State College, PA 49th Annual Asphalt Paving ConferenceDecember 9 - 11, 2008Hotel Hershey, Hershey, PA

Page 12: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (GOH) Delivers Sma to Interstate 80€¦ · Delivers Sma to Interstate 80 By Tom Abbey, Materials Quality Leader, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. nus # 200, which

Consolidated Procedure – Pennsylvania Department of Transportation/Department of General Services(Contract 5610-36)

(Be sure to check PAPA’s website - - for monthly Price Index)

Price Price PerTon PerTonneMaterialplacedinJuly2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $329.00 $363.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $328.50 $362.50Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $328.00 $362.00

MaterialplacedinAugust2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $349.00 $385.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $336.00 $370.50Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $323.00 $356.00

MaterialplacedinSeptember2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $348.00 $384.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $335.00 $369.50Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $322.00 $355.00

MaterialplacedinOctober2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $343.00 $378.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $323.00 $356.00Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $303.00 $334.00

MaterialplacedinNovember2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $340.00 $375.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $321.00 $354.00Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $302.00 $333.00

MaterialplacedinDecember2007Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $353.00 $389.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $327.50 $361.00Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $302.00 $333.00

MaterialplacedinJanuary2008Zone1–Districts3,4,5,6,8 $360.00 $397.00Zone2–Districts2,9 $341.00 $376.00Zone3–Districts1,10,11,12 $322.00 $355.00

1� • Paving the Way Oct./Nov./Dec. 2007