glimpses of grace · 19 - timothy copeland & bailey allen 26 - ryder parsons & julianna...

Glimpses of Grace January 2020 Friends of Grace, Peace be with you all as you begin the year 2020! We appreciate new beginnings. They allow us to see an end to one thing and the beginning of another. As you look down the corridor of the upcoming year, you probably have hopes and dreams of what it might include-I do too. As we move through this upcoming year - May we find faith growing as we take each step along the way. May we find hope resounding in each circumstance. May we find love expanding to include those whom God leads our way. “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 Embracing Grace with you, Pastor Randy Stearns Be strong and courageous. Do not be fearful and anxious, for I am with you every step of the way.” - Joshua 1:9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Grace Family News 1-4 Children’s News 5-6 Committee News 7-10 Our Hands 11 Church Calendar 12 Coloring Page 13 SPOTLIGHT OF GRACE “Come Let us ADORE” Christmas Cantata

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Page 1: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -

Glimpses of Grace

January 2020

Friends of Grace,

Peace be with you all as you begin the year 2020!

We appreciate new beginnings. They allow us to see an end to one thing and the beginning of another. As you look down the corridor of the upcoming year, you probably have hopes and dreams of what it might include-I do too.

As we move through this upcoming year -

May we find faith growing as we take each step along the way.

May we find hope resounding in each circumstance.

May we find love expanding to include those whom God leads our way.

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Embracing Grace with you, Pastor Randy Stearns

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be fearful and anxious, for I am

with you every step of the way.” - Joshua 1:9


Grace Family News


Children’s News 5-6

Committee News 7-10

Our Hands 11

Church Calendar 12

Coloring Page 13


“Come Let us ADORE” Christmas Cantata

Page 2: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


A message to Grace Church from Cub Scout Pack 926. “May you be blessed with nothing but joy! Thank you for your continued support and Merry Christmas!”

page 2 Jan. 2020

Floyd Baker 3rd

Joseph Gaynor 3rd

Frank Tonner 5th

William Caldwell 7th

Jackie Brown 12th

Jan Landreth 12th

Paula Copeland 14th

Cruz Silva 17th

Julianna Silva 20th

Addison Ward-Grimm 20th

Pam Morningstar 23rd

Ailey Justice 24th

Shirley Smith 24th

Pat Lipscomb 25th

Jonathan Roy 26th

Hunter Shaw 26th

Carson Ungerbuehler 27th

Sarah Silva 30th

Ginny Johnson 31st

Mary Lee Porter 31st

Keith & Jackie Brown 5th

Harold Boyd

went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Please remember his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Our thanks to the Cub Scouts for making Christmas drawings and cards for the church. They truly warmed hearts and brought smiles to many faces.

We are thankful for our newest members of Grace Church. On Sunday, November 24th, we welcomed Barbara Adams, Joseph & Aileen Gaynor, Mary Murray, Wayne & Robert Patterson-Moore, Shawna Snowden, and Debora Wise.

Page 3: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


page 3 Jan.2020

“Come Let us ADORE” Christmas Cantata

Page 4: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


page 4 Jan.2020

“Come Let us ADORE” Christmas Cantata

Page 5: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


Grace Kids News

UPCOMING EVENTS Wed., January 1st

Happy New Year’s Day

Wed., January 8th, 6:15pm - 7:45pm K.I.C.K. & C.O.D.E.

Wed., January 15th, 6:15pm - 7:45pm K.I.C.K. & C.O.D.E.

Wed., January 22nd, 6:15pm - 7:45pm K.I.C.K. & C.O.D.E.

Sun., January 26th, 10:30am Grace Notes sing during service

Wed., January 29th, 6:15pm - 7:45pm K.I.C.K. & C.O.D.E.

page 5 Jan. 2020

Cruz Silva 17th

Addison Ward-Grimm 20th

Ailey Justice 24th

Carson Ungerbuehler 27th

As we begin another year of planning and implementing our Children’s Ministry Program, we can’t help but reflect on all of you! I am amazed over and over again of the unconditional giving of time, funding, and loving support you provide to help us minister to our church children and neighborhood families. The number of volunteers we have for Sunday teaching, Graceful Steps, VBS, and Wednesday night activities is amazing! Your donations for Easter candy, supplies for Graceful Steps and VBS, and Christmas giving are always so generous and thoughtful. We can not begin to thank you enough for all you do to support our children. They feel your love!! Blessings, Jan Grimm and Children’s Council

C.O.D.E. is a Bible Study for youth 7th - 12th grades Grace Notes is a Children’s choir K.I.C.K. is a program for children Pre-school - 6th grades

Page 6: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -

Gilberto shares his Spanish heritage and Christmas customs with the kids at K.I.C.K.

page 6 Jan. 2020

Page 7: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


Trustee News

page 7 Jan. 2020

Thanks to your donations we have a new boiler!

Page 8: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -

Happy New Year Grace Family! Another beautiful Christmas season has flown by as we head into a new decade. We will take down the greens for another year on January 4th at 9:00am. Donuts, coffee, and orange juice will be provided by the Worship Committee. Remember the capital improvement projects in your prayers and donations. These projects are vital to the life of our beautiful church campus to spread the word of God to our community. If you haven’t noticed, attendance is soaring on Sunday morning and why you may ask? The answer is that the Holy Spirit is moving and it’s great to be a part of! Invite someone to church and let them experience the energy that’s alive at Grace United Methodist Church.

I sincerely hope 2020 is your best year to date!

Sincerely, Jeff Shaw

Worship News

Grace’s Financial Update Annual budget needed $229,002.00 General funds monthly needs $19,083.50 November income (Gen Funds) $16,380.99 November expenses (Gen Funds) $19,822.77 YTD income (Gen Funds) $222,746.32 YTD expenses (Gen Funds) $210,157.37 YTD income over/short +$12,588.95 Apportionments:

Ohio River Valley District Paid YTD $3,700.62 West Ohio Conference Paid YTD $16,520.00

Checking account for bills 11/30/19 $38,167.31

Respectfully submitted, Al Lipscomb, Finance Chair Kari Shaw, Grace Treasurer

CD recordings are available of Pastor Randy’s Sunday morning sermons.

See a sound tech after

service or contact Mary, in the church office, to

request a copy.

page 8 Jan. 2020

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page 9 Jan. 2020

Church Library Corner Happy New Year! This is a great time to curl up with some good books and we are featuring four recently donated non-fiction books called: The Shepherd Trilogy by Phillip Keller. Phillip was himself a shepherd. This volume includes: A Shepherd Looks at the Twenty-Third Psalm, A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd, and A Shepherd Looks at the Lamb of God. We also have Forgotten God by Frances Chan, who writes about reversing our tragic neglect of Holy Spirit. Understanding the Personality of the Holy Spirit by Dr. Fuchsia Pickett, which features the Holy Spirit's work in each of us. Last but not least, Billy Graham's final book, Where I Am, a New York Times best seller. In this volume, Billy describes how his earthly vision was dimming but heaven was illuminated to him as he shares from his past and present reality of eternity. Thanks for all of your wonderful donations and for using our library as an extra resource for your Christian reading and study. We are truly blessed to have such a generous and caring congregation so we can pass the good reading on to our fellow church members. Happy Reading! Arline Wenning The Library Committee

January already? Hello from the Choir Loft! By now the cantata is over (I hope you enjoyed it). We caroled to some of our members and had a party, but all things Christmas are over. I'm always sad when I come in and find the trees and wreaths are gone. The days are long and dark now but the Lenten season will soon be upon us and we'll be working on seasonal music for those special services. You may recall the choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus last Easter Sunday? Yes, that will be happening again!

Musical Blessings, Tami Thompson

Page 10: Glimpses of Grace · 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva ACOLYTES USHERS SOUND5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 -


Missions News

page 10 Jan. 2020

Kitchen/Community News Wednesday night family dinners and programs will resume from the holiday break on January 8th at 5:30pm. If you haven’t attended the Wednesday evening meals, the new year would be the perfect time to join us for a great meal and a wonderful time of fellowship. Meals are only $5 for adults, children 12 years and under are $3, and a family of four or more are $15. This is a slight increase in price that we found necessary due to the rising cost of food and supplies. Our church family is growing. This past year 10 people joined or transferred their membership. To celebrate, there will be a reception in the gymnasium immediately following the Worship Service Sunday morning, January, 19th. Please make plans to join our church family to welcome our newest members. “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7 Blessings, The Kitchen/Hospitality Committee

Blessings from the Missions Committee, Did you know you helped give 60 local families a Thanksgiving meal? Every family received a turkey, potatoes, dinner rolls, a loaf of bread, butter, eggs, plus all the food you generously donated. We had families with as few as 3 people up to families with over 12. Thank you for the donations of money, food, and labor in set-ting up and tearing down tables, packing, and getting boxes to cars. Thank You! In January, the Missions Committee reviews, plans, and disperses our funds. Our first meeting of the New Year will be Monday, January 13th at 7:00pm. We owe a HUGE “Thank You” to you, our congregation, for your help and generous donations in 2019. As always, we as a church, continue to do OUR part to help OUR neighbors!

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

Thank you and have a blessed New Year, Barbara Tolley The Little White Church Offering supports our outreach efforts.

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5 - Phil Chenoweth 12 - Don Weik 19 - Cliff Stearns 26 - Chad Chenoweth


3 years - Kindergarten

5 - Connie Shaw 12 - Sharon Hartman & Pam Morningstar 19 - Shelby & Cliff Stearns 26 - Pam Morningstar

1st - 6th Grades

5 - stay in Worship Service 12 - Kristin Sims 19 - Shelbie Shaw & Savannah Shaw 26 - Shelby & Cliff Stearns


5 - Shelly Green & Marilyn McGee 12 - Harry & Pat Pallant 19 - Bettie Braun & Shirley Smith 26 - Dick & Christy Giliberto


5 - Brayden Justice & Ailey Justice 12 - Asher Roy & Finn Chenoweth 19 - Timothy Copeland & Bailey Allen 26 - Ryder Parsons & Julianna Silva



5 - Richard Laubenstein, Ray Cook, Darius Bowling, Don Weik 12 - Steve Francis, Bill Steurer, George Marsh, Doug Tolley

19 - Bill Stearns, Dick Giliberto, Jeff Shaw, Doug Tolley

26 - Barb Curtis, Shirley Smith, Paula Hedgepeth, Nancy Zimmerman

5 - Kelli Chenoweth 12 - Jesse Moyer 19 - Mindy Chenoweth 26 - Ali Roy


5 - Robin Sims 12 - Jackie Brown 19 - Cathi Current 26 - Beth Stearns


5 - Dave Wolke 12 - Hunter & Jeff Shaw 19 - Darius Bowling 26 - Jackie Brown


page 11 Jan. 2020

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January 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 New Year’s Day Church Office CLOSED


3 4 Take down the Greens @ 9:00am

5 First Sunday Communion

Little White Church Offering

6 Knitting Club @10:30am

T.O.P.S. @ 5:30pm

Bible Study resumes @ 6:30pm

Cub Scouts @ 7:00pm/


8 Church Family Dinner @ 5:30pm

Grace Notes/C.O.D.E./ K.I.C.K. @ 6:15pm

Pastor’s Bible



Scouts @ 7:00pm

10 Church closed @ 5:00pm for water pipe replace-ment

11 Church closed for water pipe replacement

12 Covenant Bible Study @ 4:00pm

13 Glimpses deadline

Knitting Club @10:30am

T.O.P.S. @ 5:30pm

MISSIONS @ 7:00pm

Cub Scouts @ 7:00pm

14 NO Circle Day

15 Church Family Dinner @ 5:30pm

Grace Notes/C.O.D.E./ K.I.C.K. @ 6:15pm

Pastor’s Bible Study @ 6:45pm

16 Scouts @ 7:00pm



19 Covenant Bible Study @ 4:00pm New Member Reception

20 Knitting Club @ 10:30am

T.O.P.S. @ 5:30pm


Cub Scouts @ 7:00pm

21 Patchwork Quilt Guild @ 10:00am/Gym

22 Church Family Dinner @ 5:30pm

Grace Notes/C.O.D.E./ K.I.C.K. @ 6:15pm

Pastor’s Bible Study @ 6:45pm

23 Scouts @ 7:00pm

24 25

26 Covenant Bible Study @ 4:00pm

27 Knitting Club @ 10:30am

T.O.P.S. @ 5:30pm

Cub Scouts @ 7:00pm/ Gym or classroom


29 Church Family Dinner @ 5:30pm

Grace Notes/C.O.D.E./ K.I.C.K. @ 6:15pm

Pastor’s Bible Study @ 6:45pm

30 Scouts @ 7:00pm


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New Member Reception January 19, 2020

after the morning Worship Service in the Gym.