global and south asia business development


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Page 1: Global and South Asia Business Development

industrial revolution means the phase of economic development in which the period of agricultural predominance gives way to industrial predominance. nowadays it means transition from under development to economic independence which should go together with political independence.marxism says that the term means transition from feudal to bourgeois to a proletarian classless society. this has been disproven.industrial revolution is a continuing pheno which is going on in front of our eyes in countries which have already in the past experience a profound industrial mutation. the indus rev is a rev of coal cotton and steel. but we can include other things in such a category like internal combus engine, electricity, atomic reactor and rockets.france is a case where there is ambigiuty about the phrase indust rev. this is because it was imported to france from england. however there were several french inventions such as Jacquard's loom, Thimonnier's sewing maching, Berthollet's chlorine bleacher or Philippe de Girard's flax spinner. the indus rev in france was not spontaneous because it came from uk. it was slower. the word indus rev was given to it by an american historian and limited to 1815-1848.historians always want to make indus revol younger i.e. bring it closer to the presnt time.rostow said that the take-off of the indus rev took place between 1830 and 1860 same as the american historian. rostow's work is quanti whereas dunham's work is qualit.marczewski says that there is no discernible beginning of the indus rev in france. rate of indus growth is lower in france than other countries.there has not been one dominant sector, but a succession of sectors depending on the different periods. cotton at the beginning of the 19th century, wool at the end of 19th century, silk bw 1800 and 1850, coal bw 1786 and 1810, metals bw 1830 and 1910. chemicals in the last 40 years of the 10th century.therefore rostow's hypothesis may be true or untrue.growth of french indus rev was v gradual and did not have a true take-off point. it was gradual because of political factors such as revolutionary wars, and english naval dominance deprived france of the supplies needed for technical advances.

the first stat appeared in the 18th century. statistics was institutionalized and a gov dept was formed. it was removed by the Restoration gov and later re established by Thiers who was the minister of the interior. in 1840, the general stat office of france was created which continued the census work.