global glue: connect and grow rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 For More Info click on these links : Our Blog Other Book Rapper Offers News and Events Email the Author Other RAPs Page 1 RESOURCES : anything you use to generate wealth. ACTIONS : an act of will, a deed completed. PROFITS : to gain an advantage or benefit. The Book Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation: How connection determines our place in society and business. Speed RAP Forget which generation you were born into! Digital Media has connected us all into a new one. We’re the Connection Generation. Connection Technology has made it easier to stay in touch anytime, anywhere, anywho. The Big Idea Social Media is a vague description of what Digital Media has delivered. Connection Technology gets to the heart of the matter - it’s about who we are and how we live together. It’s the glue that binds us globally and it’s changing who, how, how often, why and when we interact. Subtly super significant! Your Challenge How rich do you want to be? Connect and grow rich is the promise of this issue... provided you go inline, create some HITS, enhance your Glue Score with the 3Rs, create a PLAN, build your GROUP and SCAN for business... Can you raise your profile in 30 days? Connect and Grow Rich Global Glue

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If you want to be rich, forget which generation you were born into! Digital Media has connected us all into a new one. We’re the Connection Generation. Connection Technology has made it easier to stay in touch anytime, anywhere, anywho.


Page 1: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 1

RESOURCES : anything you use to generate wealth.ACTIONS : an act of will, a deed completed.PROFITS : to gain an advantage or benefit.

The BookIggy Pintado; Connection Generation: How connection determines our place in society and business.

Speed RAP Forget which generation you were born into! Digital Media has connected us all into a new one. We’re the Connection Generation. Connection Technology has made it easier to stay in touch anytime, anywhere, anywho.

The Big Idea Social Media is a vague description of what Digital Media has delivered. Connection Technology gets to the heart of the matter - it’s about who we are and how we live together. It’s the glue that binds us globally and it’s changing who, how, how often, why and when we interact. Subtly super significant!

Your Challenge How rich do you want to be? Connect and grow rich is the promise of this issue... provided you go inline, create some HITS, enhance your Glue Score with the 3Rs, create a PLAN, build your GROUP and SCAN for business... Can you raise your profile in 30 days?

Connect and Grow RichGlobal Glue

Page 2: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 2

Contents : Global Glue

BR Review : Connection Generation

RAP1 : The Glue Gen

RAP2 : The Glue-volution

RAP3 : You Who Glue?

RAP4 : What’s Your Glue Score?

RAP5 : Basic Glue

RAP6 : Passive Glue

RAP7 : Selective Glue

RAP8 : Active Glue

RAP9 : Super Glue

Action : The Three Gluers

Action : Personal Glue-ing

Action : Group Glue-ing

Action : Business Glue-ing

BR Context : Reverse Evolution

Book Rapper Issues are not direct summaries of the books we review. We take what we consider to be the most important ideas from the book. We then re-package these key ideas so you can easily digest them in about 30 minutes. We also make it clear how you can take decisive action to benefit from these insights. In some parts we follow the book closely and in others we add our own models and interpretations. Given the Book Rapper Issue is much smaller than the book we may not cover each chapter. If you want more details than what’s in this issue then ‘buy the book’.

MoRe Glue!Disclosure: This book was a gift from the author.

Been reading this one whilst reading Iggy’s book.

Kirsty’s ‘been there and done that’ sales success story is filled with suggestions and strategies for you to profit from.

In particular, the big chapter on building and maintaining your relationships, mostly in the offline world, makes this a great companion piece to Iggy’s Connection Generation.

Kirsty Spraggon, Work As If You Own It, 2008.

Page 3: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 3

BR Review : Connection GenerationIggy Pintado; Connection Generation: How connection determines our place in society and business; 2009; ISBN 1-4392-2532-X

PRéCISForget when you were born. The most important generation right now is the one connected to digital media. Got a mobile phone? Email? Internet? We’re the Connected Generation. And Iggy let’s you find your place in the Global Glue and how to move through it. Are you Basic, Passive, Selective, Active or Super Glue? It’s important because being happy, healthy and wealthy depends on it.

FeATuReS• It’s filled with engaging personal vignettes• A wide range of acronyms to recall the key points• Profiles key actions and attitudes of typical connectors• Chapters on enhancing your Personal, Group, Business, Leadership and Learning Connections• A great case studies showing how Super connector Barack Obama became US president over Basic connector John McCain.

BeNeFITSThis book puts the social media, digital media conversation into context: it’s all about the connections we make. And, this is the key to your success in life.

Book WeBSITeTo buy a copy of this book:

WHo’S IT’S FoRAimed at business with enough examples to apply it to your personal life too!

R e C o M M e N D A T I o N

IGGY PINTADoIggy is Super Glue! And, a former manager and executive at Telstra and IBM, with stints in sales, marketing and online management. Smart, savvy, generous and best of all, Iggy loves his family - proving work and family easily connect in our digital era.

Book RAPPeR THINkS...Disclosure : This book was a gift from the author. I met Iggy last month for a coffee. He’s a likeable chap, we chatted for a couple of hours until some drumming made it impossible to hear anymore. Iggy gave me a copy of his book. I promised to read it but not necessarily RAP it. When I first looked at Iggy’s book I thought I’d heard it all before. There’s a bunch of other people spruiking about networking, connecting, social media, blah, blah...Despite my scepticism, Iggy lured me into his world. I could see how my connections, or lack of them, were shaping my life. The end result... I’m impressed and inspired. You know it’s good when you want to get into action. And since, I’ve started connecting afresh and upped my Glue Score!Warning: This may happen to you!Special Note : This is the first Australian book we’ve Rapped! And, the first Self-Published book too!

Check our website for the Iggy Interview.

Page 4: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 4

RAP1 : The Glue GenPRoFIT : When were you born? Which generation are you? Well, it no longer matters. Digital technology has united us all. We’re the Connection Generation. They say we’re now only six clicks away from anyone on the planet...

Digital media has grabbed Planet Earth and shaken it like a snow-globe - even the things we hold dear.

Traditional connection started with the family. It was the biological connection to your parents, your familial connection to your siblings and the pathway to your ancestors.

Next we had our local face-to-face connections. The neighbour over the back fence, the friends from school, the fat lady with the moustache at the corner shop.

Now we can have intimate connections with people we’ve never met face to face. Is that an Oxymoron?

Digital media is global, interactive, instant and it makes it very easy to search, find and connect.

Googled any old friends lately? I recently found one serving in the army in Iraq. Another found me from Sweden...

The inter-net result is it matters less when and where you were born. The boundaries have evolved and evaporated.


Digital Media • Digital Media

• Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital

Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital

Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media

• Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media •

Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media

• Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media

• Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital Media • Digital

Media • Digital Media


Baby BoomersGen Z

Gen XGen Y

Generations were traditionally defined by the interval between the birth of parents and the birth of their children. This no longer holds sway.

Even the marketing generations of the Pre-Boomers, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z are less relevant.

In a connected world age barely matters. Olive Riley was blogging until she passed away - at 108!

We all had a connection as humans on the same planet anyway. Now digital technology has exaggerated and accelerated this.

Generational rituals are changing too. Facebook is the new birthday party. Flickr is the new wedding photo album. Twittering is the new yack over the backyard fence.

The virtual world is a fresh source of global interaction. It goes beyond nationality, cultural practice and spirituality.

The connection generation is here. It’s now and it’s us!


Page 5: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 5

RAP2 : The Glue-volutionPRoFIT : We’ve always been connected... through family, location, schools, work. And now, it’s time for the Big ‘C’ as we explore where we’ve come from and where we’re heading in the Connection Revolution.

THe NeXT kIlleR APPlICATIoN IS...What’s the next big thing? The film camera has been replaced by digital video... radio is thriving and being challenged by iPods and internet radio. Email has overtaken snail mail and Twitter has internetted SMS. Blogging is challenging print and Wikipedia has out-thought Encyclopedia Britanica. YouTube has more eyeballs than TV. And, even the Blackberry has been iPhoned and this may be Googled by Android...

So, what’s next? What’s the next big killer application?

Drum roll please... The winner is... connection. That’s not one single application, it’s many and your job is to choose the best one for your situation.

The web is exploding, we don’t want to be advertised at, we want it now, we want to find and be found and we want to comment, compare and collaborate. Connecting with the right person in the right way was, and always will be, the number one game in life...

Face 2 Face

Small Groups Letters

Public Speaker

Town Hall meeting






Digital Camera


Mobile Phone


Instant Messaging

Video Camera


Web page

RadioInternet Radio












WHAT’S THe BeST WAY To DelIveR YouR MeSSAGe? Before the internet, we just had life. Then we had to distinguish between being online and offline. Nowadays with smart phones and 24/7 internet access where ever... there’s not really an on or an off. Now we’re all inline. And, that means it’s all about using the most effective tool to connect, online or off. There’s no one best way...


Page 6: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 6

RAP3 : You Who Glue?PRoFIT : Which type of glue are you? Here’s a Profiling Tool to let you find out your connection strengths, weaknesses and style. Simply write your responses in the circles and check your score over the page to unstick your profile.

Which image best represents your view of connection?A Two people talking face-to-faceB A jigsaw puzzleC Lips kissingD A bridgee A network diagram

How would you describe your adoption rate of new technology?A I’m conservativeB I wait for the technology to be establishedC Sometimes I jump in, sometimes notD I’m open to new technologye I must have the latest

Which strategy best describes the way you connect with other people?A I delegate - I let someone else do it for meB I sit back and let others driveC I select my connections carefullyD I’m driven depending upon what I neede I’m highly disciplined

How would you rate your effectiveness in using connection technology.A I stick to what I knowB I understand how to and choose not toC I’m open to new ways of to be more efficientD I quickly identify new applicationse I instinctively know what will work better

Which of the following best describes your attitude to connecting with others?A It’s not importantB It’s not a priorityC It’s about being efficient and effectiveD I initiate connection where I cane It’s my whole world!

How much direct time do you invest in managing your connections?A MinimalB Not a lotC Enough to get the job doneD Significante Maximum

How many people are in your total network both online and offline?A 0-50B 50-100C 100-150D 150-300e 300+

How do you manage your network of connections?A Randomly and adhocB In response to othersC When I need toD Regularly, practically and consistentlye I’m highly disciplined and very efficient

How do you use your mobile phone to manage your connections?A I rarely use my mobile (or don’t have one)B I’m a basic level mobile phone userC I’m an advanced mobile phone userD I need my smart phone, eg iPhone, e I always have my ‘Crackberry’ with me

Page 7: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

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RAP4 : What’s Your Glue Score?PRoFIT : How did you score? What did you learn? What will you do differently? Your challenge for this issue is to improve your Glue Score in the next 30 days. Are you up for it? Ready, set, go...

SCoRING YouR GlueStep 2: Score

Then write down your score in these

circles based on the following scale:

A =1B = 2C = 3D = 4E = 5

For example, if you responded with ‘B’,

score 2 points.

Step 1: Response

Write your responses from

the previous page in these circles.

Step 3: TotalAdd up your

total score and write it in this


Step 4: What’s your Glue Score?0-9 Basic Glue10-19 Passive Glue20-29 Selective Glue30-39 Active Glue40-50 Super Glue


H I T SHunt : How do you search for the information you need? With search technology like Google and collaborative encyclopedias like Wikipedia our job is much easier than it used to be. How do you use your connections to find out what is hot?

Interact : Once you’ve hunted down what you’re looking for, what then? The days of mere passive responses to information have been replaced by the two-way Web. Now we can watch video, click on slides, post comments, write blogs and interact with the whirl wide web. How are you info-teracting?

Test/Trial : Highly connected people value their connection methods and tools. They test new applications regularly, trial them, implement the ones that work and delete the ones that don’t.

Share : Highly connected people are more likely to share what they know and who they know. It’s all part of collaboration and adding value to their connections. Are you hoarding or applauding others?

Your behavioural profile is based upon four distinct HITS: Hunt, Interact, Test/Trial and Share. They also provide clues for Connected Learning. Change the way you Hunt, Interact, Test/Trial and/or Share and you’ll change your Glue Score too.

Step 5: What did you learn? What will you do differently?

Page 8: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 8

RAP5 : Basic GluePRoFIT : Basic Glue reflects a bygone era where having a yack over the back fence was enough connecting for one day. Your style reflects nature and you don’t make a lot of effort getting to know the locals. Beware: you may be left behind.

Image: Two people talking face-to-face. Reflects a classical or traditional view of connection. Their imagery reflects nature and creation.

Technology Adoption: I’m conservative. Typically called a laggard or a reluctant. Their preference for the natural way or perhaps the phone, shows they’re not overly keen on using technology to connect with others. They’re probably still using a rolodex, business card file or a handwritten address book. And, they’re unlikely to be involved in social networks online.

Strategy: I delegate - I let someone else do it for me. A Basic Connector will get someone else, typically a savvy connector, to do it for them where ever possible. This might be a friend, partner, sibling, PA or grandchild.

Technology Effectiveness: I stick to what I know. Their catchphrase is ‘If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it’. They have no desire to try out newer technology.

Attitude: It’s not important. Other things are more important in life. Perhaps keeping a very small close group of friends is enough.

Time Investment: Minimal. Connecting is not significant so why invest time into it.

Network Size: 0-50. Without the technology and without the attention, their networks are naturally small compared to others. They probably

know at least one connection agent so they can delegate their tasks to them.

Management Style: Randomly and adhoc. No planning here. They tend to ‘bump into people’ and call when ‘they’re thinking about you’.

Mobile Use: I rarely use my mobile (or don’t have one). A mobile is not really necessary as they can connect often enough via the home phone.

Danger: May be left out of conversations or left behind. Particularly in the commercial world, they’re unlikely to meet the right people to move themselves onward and upward.

Moving Forward: May need a confidence boost. This group may need a helping hand and some simple applications with few features to get them started.

Page 9: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

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RAP6 : Passive GluePRoFIT : Passive Glue is like being a passenger in a bus - you’re just sitting back enjoying the ride whilst letting someone do the driving. Connecting is not a priority and you respond to others without showing initiative. Manyana...

Image: A jigsaw puzzle. Reflects a conceptual or theoretical view of connecting. Their imagery may include puzzles, connect the dots or converging arrows.

Technology Adoption: I wait for the technology to be established. Typically called a Late Adopter or the Late Majority - they wait until the technology is entrenched before venturing forward.

Strategy: I sit back and let others drive. They’re like a passenger in a bus, letting others drive things forward. Their passive approach is casual, inconsistent and haphazard.

Technology Effectiveness: I understand how to and choose not to. It’s not because they can’t, they’re simply not that interested in participating. They may surf the web but are unlikely to post content or make comments on blogs.

Attitude: It’s not a priority. I guess they’ve just got other things in life that are more important.

Time Investment: Not a lot. Why spend time on it when it’s not that important.

Network Size: 50-100. Their modest network is often limited to friends, family and peer groups. They may

belong to one online social or business group and know at least one connection agent.

Management Style: In response to others. Not likely to initiate contact, they’ll wait for

you to make the move. They’ll also guard their network as if they’re members of an

exclusive club.

Mobile Use: I’m a basic level mobile phone user. They’ll happily answer their phone when

they want to. Otherwise they’ll screen your call by letting it go through to voice mail.

Danger: Challenged by the adoption rate. They may miss out on being part of things if their

connections stop inviting them. May regress to a basic connector if not stimulated by their friends.

Moving Forward: Open to being cajoled. This group may be convinced to connect if the need arises and

they can align with others who are connectors.

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RAP7 : Selective GluePRoFIT : Selective Glue is a take it or leave it phenomenon. You select your connections carefully, you enjoy being efficient and effective and you spend just enough time to get the job done. If you created the right reason you might connect more, or less.

Image: Lips. Reflects a relational view of connecting and favours a personable approach. Their imagery may include a handshake, a kiss or lightning bolt.

Technology Adoption: Sometimes I jump in, sometimes not. Typically called the Early Majority, they’re proficient and engaged - when they want to be.

Strategy: I select my connections carefully. Their planned approach is dependent upon their situation. They may get into action when a business need arises, a friend in need or a special occasion.

Technology Effectiveness: I’m open to new ways of to be more efficient. If a new tool can help them be more efficient then they’re interested, otherwise there’s no incentive to act.

Attitude: It’s about being efficient and effective. They tend to manage their connections like a storeman manages his stock: as efficiently and effectively as possible. They’ll use the right tool for the right message and that’s it.

Time Investment: Enough to get the job done. They can be proactive and planned, engaged and committed when their connecting is

on their own terms. They can also act decisively when the need arises.

Network Size: 100-150. They’re likely to be members of 2-3 online social or business groups and they’re discriminating about who they link to. No automatic Twitter followers here! They also know

who to connect to if they so desire.

Management Style: When I need to. They’ll manage their online connections efficiently so they can spend more time

with their offline friends and family face-to-face or by phone.

Mobile Use: I’m an advanced mobile phone user. Will use multiple devices to get the job done. This includes voice calling, texting,

bluetooth and they’ll screen their calls through Caller ID.

Danger: If pressed for time they’ll cut their connecting. Given their situational responsiveness they can cut their online activities to suit.

They can also be overly selective in connecting and miss out on hidden opportunities or get stuck in a particular social group.

Moving Forward: Give me a reason to. Selectives will step up to the plate if given the right incentive to do so. They’re capable and participate effectively, it’s just not

their main priority.

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RAP8 : Active GluePRoFIT : Active Glue is an initiator. You’re driven to connect, adopt new technology and identify new ways of being more effective. You’re consistent, practical and you need to be gainfully employed in connecting - otherwise you’ll lose interest.

Image: A bridge. Reflects a physical view of connecting. Their connection imagery may include bridges, chains, wires, switches, power points, phones and even sex!

Technology Adoption: I’m open to new technology. Typically described as an Early Adopter. They understand technology and they use it drive their connections.

Strategy: I’m driven depending upon what I need. They actively seek interaction with people, information, experiences and ideas. They perceive this to be a commercially and socially valuable activity. They drive their connections to suit their needs and as a means to creating opportunities.

Technology Effectiveness: I quickly identify new applications. They astutely identify how an application can benefit them. Once adopted they immerse themselves in it. They constantly review and experiment with new technologies to tweak out greater efficiency.

Attitude: I initiate connection where I can. They initiate connection by taking the lead. They’ll state what they want, comment on what others say and they’ll seek input, feedback and collaboration.

Time Investment: Significant. Connecting is a priority so they’ll invest heavily in it with time, energy and adopting new technology.

Network Size: 150-300. They’ll be part of 2-5 social or business groups and 1-2 online networks. They’re a powerful ally for a basic or passive

connector as they’ll lead and listen to build a loyal following.

Management Style: Regularly, practically and consistently. They plan, prioritize and practise communicating with their connections on a regular

basis. They’re happy to share with others because it builds a greater collective value.

Mobile Use: I need my smart phone, eg iPhone. They use multiple applications and devices. They embrace social media, are members of interest

groups and are likely to blog their thoughts. They’re available 24/7 and prefer text over voicemail because it’s more immediate.

Danger: Need to be gainfully employed in connecting. Their connections are important to them so being in a position to work with them is vital. Otherwise they’ll lose interest and

lower their output.

Moving Forward: Take on a bigger challenge. To move forward Actives need a bigger challenge where their network becomes their goal and not merely a means to achieving something.

Page 12: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

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RAP9 : Super GluePRoFIT : Super Glue is a life designed around connecting. You can’t survive without your ‘Crackberry’, you’re highly disciplined and super-efficient. You have a large network, you know what works and you’re driven to stay ahead at all costs.

Image: A network diagram. Reflects a structural approach to connecting. Their connection imagery may include family trees, network diagrams or organizational charts.

Technology Adoption: I must have the latest. Typically described as an innovator this group is a connection technology expert. They’re the first to try out a new technology. They’ll research it heavily before investing and with quick tests and short trials they’ll be able to prove it.

Strategy: I’m highly disciplined. These people are connection machines - they’re highly organized, disciplined, innovative and know how to execute and measure their connections. They demonstrate their expertise through their discipline.

Technology Effectiveness: Instinctively know what will work better. They just know what will work! They know which application will produce which result and they just do it!

Attitude: It’s my whole world! This group are not merely connecting, they’re building their world and shaping it through their network. Every connection is a potentially valuable opportunity. This is not a chore, it’s their life!

Time Investment: Maximum. Given their network is their world, then a maximum effort is to be expected. They spend as much time maintaining their network as they do adding to it.

Network Size: 300+ They’ll connect to anyone with a mutual interest and encourage inter-

connection and practice collaboration. A highly diverse network of friends, families, colleagues,

customers, prospects, suppliers and acquaintances potentially spread across the globe. They’re members of two or more networks and five or more interest groups.

They’re highly valued as mentors and role models.

Management Style: I’m highly disciplined and very efficient. Supers know how to retain and attract the right

connections. They do this through their discipline.

Mobile Use: I always have my ‘Crackberry’ with me. They must stay connected no matter what via their Blackberry, email, IM and online

networks on their phone. They breathe through their connections!

Danger: Staying ahead at all costs. Their drive to stay ahead can be an endless chase. They can also be seen as aggressive and intrusive in their all-consuming quest for connection.

Moving Forward: Make a difference! When you get to this point, the only thing left to do is change the world! Put your connections to work...

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PRoFIT : Now you know what type of Connector you currently are, the next question is: Who do you want to become? We start our expansive action plan with the 3R’s to enable you to connect and grow rich...

Action : The Three Gluers


ReASoNWhy do you want to

connect? For what purpose?

Do you want to meet people, stay in touch, find out the latest goss, keep up with the latest

ideas or simply for the love of humanity...

RelATIoNSHIPWhat type of connections do

you want to create?

Are you looking for potential clients, future husbands, old school friends or just wanting to

hang out with like minded soup lovers...

ReTuRNWhat do you want to get

out of connecting?

Do you want to be a micro-celebrity, be C’d with the rich and famous, visible in your expertise

or career space, or overcome your loneliness...

Page 14: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

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PRoFIT : Here’s the PlAN you need for glue-ing your personal connections. It’s a simple four step process to add meaning, balance and long-lasting value to your community.

Action : Personal Glue-ing

P l A N

PeRSoNAlIZeHow can you make

your connections more meaningful?

Online may not be as intimate as face to face and it’s the quality of connection that matters. How intimate do

you want to be?

lISTeNWho are you

listening to? What are you listening for? Web 2.0 is a two-way

conversation. That’s one part speaking and one listening. What are the preferences of

your network?

ACTIvATeWhat systems

will you put in place to generate and manage

your connections?To achieve your outcomes

you’ll need to manage, maintain and grow your

connections. Get organised!

NuRTuReWhat are the

different ways your connections can interact with you and each other?Play the long-term game and

nourish your connections with regular bites provided in a

variety of ways.

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PRoFIT : What happens when a few people glue together? They become a GRouP and the focus changes. Here’s how to keep your community on song, growing, learning and helping each other.

Action : Group Glue-ing

R o u PG

GATHeRWhen, Where

and How are we getting together as a

group? Purely face to face, online or

some combination of the two?

oRGANIZeHow are we going

to arrange connections and points of contact?

Online systems define the organization for you. In most cases, simply and


PARTICIPATeWhen and why are

we going to interact with each other?

When participation falls below a critical point the group

will fail. What will you do to keep people


ReGulATeWhat activities

and behaviours are we promoting and

discouraging?Is someone in charge - a moderator? Or, is it open


uNITeWhat’s the

common interest that binds us together?

People only come together for a specific reason, what’s the glue that’ll hold your group


Page 16: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

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PRoFIT : If you’re in the business of connecting then you need to SCAN your operation for ways to make your connections stick. You’ll need to be focussed, customer-oriented, available and quick to respond to the changing landscape.

RAP9 : Business Glue-ing


SMARTSMART goals are

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and

Time-framed. What’s your business game?

Design it to suit what will make the biggest impact with the

smallest effort.

CuSToMeRWhat’s the

preferred way your customers connect?

Design a connection strategy based upon your customers’

way of doing things. Is it phone calls, online or via


ACCeSSIBleWhen are you open

for business? 24/7 can be achieved in a variety

of ways. Provide layers of accessibility.

Your website is 24/7, email responses may be 9-9 and

phone calls may be business hours.


methods are moving quickly and you need to

also to stay in touch.What are you testing, trialling,

changing, improving, updating? How can you connect more


Page 17: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 17

BR Context : Reverse evolutionIs Facebook a time waster? Are my Twitter followers worth anything? Will my LinkedIn connections get me a job?

In the narrow world of social media, these are good questions to ask.

And, the answer to all these questions is: It depends. It depends on your context and your motivation. What do you want?

It’s seems that connecting with our fellow human beings is highly important at a number of levels.

Iggy Pintado tells the story that our success in life is shaped by our level of connection.

The better your connections the more resources you can tap into, the more opportunities you can create and the more value you can generate and share. Connect and grow rich!

We also define who we are by our connections. Or as Descartes might have said: I connect therefore I am.

At a happiness and healthiness level, connection is sustenance for survival. It’s vitamin C for your soul.

Studies show that social connection is a major factor in our level of satisfaction and wellbeing.

It even plays a role in diminishing the

level of depression one may experience.

Yet, there is something even more fundamental about connection. And, it all comes back to sex!

Doesn’t it always? Or is that just a bloke talking with his you-know-what? Iggy points out, sexual intercourse is the ultimate intimate physical connection.

And, it highlights the one potent reason to create connections... to find a partner to procreate with and further your bloodlines.

If you really want to know why you bother with Facebook then that’s it... we’re all driven to meet people to create potential future benefits.

That’s not a choice, that’s hard-wired. It’s a survival instinct to connect with our tribe.

There’s a great debate going on about the role of language. Did we acquire it or is it a built-in factory setting?

Language is the real glue that binds us. It allows us to share our minds so that we can collaborate, participate and procreate.

It allows us to connect deeper and more fully. And, now that we have our Connection Technology where do go from here?

Some might scoff that connection technology is more of the same. Yep, we’ve always been connected and it just makes it easier.

I hear ya! I can click on anyone on Twitter and follow them. They don’t even have to ask. I can stalk their tweets as much as I want. And, with a little generosity, they might even follow me back.

So what’s the big deal? That answer lies in movies and blogs.

You may recall our earlier Book Rapper issue We Blog. In it, we suggested that new effects emerge out of acceleration.

When we accelerate things to the right speed, we get a new and different effect.

At the right speed, still pictures became movies. And at the right speed, web pages became conversational blogs and microblogs.

Digital connection is following the same path.

At the right speed, the globe will be glued together like a single brain, buzzing and pulsing, moving, shaking and thinking.

Thinking? Maybe... remember your spell checker doesn’t really know how to spell, it just gives the impression it does. Likewise, get enough connections and

the planet could appear to think...

Is this the cure for global warming? May be, may be not. It could be weird, it could be wonderful.

At the least, global connections are shrinking

the world faster than Susan Boyle can say ‘viral storm’.

It shrinks the world into a global village. It connects people, information, objects and ideas. The connected world goes round and round. It unites us, it celebrates us. Humanity grows.

The new model of the world appears to be one of reverse evolution.

The evolutionary model of cell reproduction shows one cell splitting into two and so forth.

The connected world reverses this... two cells merging into one.

Is this our connected future? The world coming together...

Page 18: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

© Geoff McDonald 2008 • For More Info click on these links : Our Blog • Other Book Rapper Offers • News and Events • Email the Author • Other RAPs • Page 18

Want More?ABouT THe AuTHoRHi folks! Thanks for reading Book Rapper. I think we’ve all got our own special genius. Mine is to take a whole bunch of information and distil it into some simple yet co-ordinated pattern. I used to be an architect. And, for me, tracking trends and working out how they fit together is just like designing a building. Cheers, Geoff (McDonald)

eMAIl Me...Share your results, feedback, thoughts, questions, suggestions, etc. [email protected] Also, tweet with me at

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Delivery : This can be delivered in a variety of ways depending upon what you need. This might be one-on-one coaching

or mentoring, or group events such as keynote presentations, facilitating strategic

planning meetings or creating projects to achieve specific outcomes.

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we can virtually be anywhere.

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