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  • 7/29/2019 Global Hw


    1a. What were the general beliefs of socialists?Socialists wanted to offset the effects of industrialization. They used a new kind of of economic system called socialism. It used government central planning to bring about reform. This approach involved state or community ownership of property such a factories, railroads, and other key industries. Socialists hoped that this system would result in greater economic equality within society.b. How did Marxs and Owens beliefs differ?Owen sought out to develop a model for improving working condition for workers.He treated his workers well. He built houses near the factory and rented them tohis emplyees at low rates. He also did away with child labor, giving his workers' children free schooling instead. Marx on the other hand took a different approach. Instead of setting an example he wrote the Communist Manifesto that exploited all the struggles of workers. His work lead to small revolts that were put down quickly.2. Marx stressed the importance of work as the source of value. Explain what hemeant.According to Marx, the Industrial Revolution made the rich richer and the poor poorer. He stressed that the amount someone earns should be reasonable to the amount of value that person gave to a product. The upper classes, or the haves, control the means of producing goods and thus possess great wealth. They did minimal, easy work compared to the have-nots who did all of the backing breaking laborat low wages. They are the actual people who give value to a product. Instead owners give them low wages and profit off of the product.3a. According to Marx, how did bourgeois business owners take advantage of worke

    rs?They took advantage of the workers by only paying the workers a fraction of theactual value of a product. The owners got the wealth and power from the productinstead of the actual workers.b. What did he predict would happen?Marx predicted that the gap between the rich and the poor would widen over time.c. Why didnt these predicted events occur?The gap between the rich and the poor did not widen as he had expected. While the rich continued to prosper, the lives of the poor also improved. As you will see, the tremendous growth of trade and production brought benefits to almost everyone.The formation of labor unions also helped to raise wages and improve working conditions. Marx also underestimated the ability of the democracy to make peaceful reforms. As workers won the right to vote, they were eventually able to win

    the passage of reforms such as social security, minimum wages, and unemploymentinsurance.4. How did trade unions increase the power of working people?Trade unions did not try to remake society, as the socialists did. Instead, unions tried to raise wages and improve working conditions. By 1875, British trade unions had won the right to strike and picket peacefully and had built up a membership of 1 million people. In many other European countries, however, unions remained illegal.5a. Briefly describe how the right to vote grew broader in Europe and the UnitedStates.In the United States, nearly all adult white men had the right to vote by 1850.It would be many years before African Americans and women of any race could vote. In Great britain, the Reform Bill of 1832 gave the vote to most men in the mid

    dle class. In 1867 and 1884, further reform bills gave the vote to nearly all men. In France, Napoleon III broadened voting rights during the 1850's and 1860's.In 1871, France became the first European country to allow universal manhood suffrage.b. What groups were still denied the vote?Women were not permitted to vote in any country. African Americans were not allowed to vote in the United States.