global music project-prototype version

PROTOTYPE MODEL OF GLOBAL MUSIC PROJECT APP (iOS Version) SQADRONSOFT HB 769626-5284 C/o Fastighets AB Balder Vårby Alle 14 143 40 Vårby, Stockholm +46-764446962 E-post: [email protected] Document Data Date: 06.11.2013 References: Based upon the GMP Web version Version 1.0 Authors: Siddharth, Kaviraj Document History: Version Date Description Author Version 1.0 2013-11-06 Initial version created based upon the request Siddharth, Kaviraj Version 1.1 2013-12-03 Changes made on all section based upon the request from GMP. Siddharth, Kaviraj

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To create a simple and efficient app in iOS for a non- profitable organization called “Global Music Project” where the user’s using this app can be able to listen, stream, share and download the songs of their own interest of artist and genre. This specification is for the initial version and later if there is any changes in the specification or development, the changes will be updated in this documentation too


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(iOS Version)

SQADRONSOFT HB 769626-5284

C/o Fastighets AB Balder Vårby Alle 14

143 40 Vårby, Stockholm +46-764446962

E-post: [email protected]

Document Data

Date: 06.11.2013

References: Based upon the GMP Web version

Version 1.0

Authors: Siddharth, Kaviraj

Document History:

Version Date Description Author Version 1.0 2013-11-06 Initial version created based upon the

request Siddharth, Kaviraj

Version 1.1 2013-12-03 Changes made on all section based upon the request from GMP.

Siddharth, Kaviraj

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1.Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3

2. Scope of this App ................................................................................................................... 3

3.Preconditions .......................................................................................................................... 3

4.Specific Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4

4.1 Sign up Page ..................................................................................................................... 4

4.1.1 Signing in up with any one of the social networking sites ........................................ 4

4.1.2 Signing up without any Of The Social Networking Sites ............................................ 5

4.1.3 Logging with existing login details ............................................................................. 6

4.2 Menu Options ................................................................................................................. 10

4.4.1 Favourites: .............................................................................................................. 11

4.4.2 Discover: ................................................................................................................. 12

4.4.3 Search: ..................................................................................................................... 13

4.4.4 Donating to the Music: ............................................................................................ 16

4.4.4 Settings: ................................................................................................................... 21

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To create a simple and efficient app in iOS for a non- profitable organization called “Global

Music Project” where the user’s using this app can be able to listen, stream, share and

download the songs of their own interest of artist and genre.

This specification is for the initial version and later if there is any changes in the specification

or development, the changes will be updated in this documentation too.

2. Scope of this App

The high level solution description of this mobile app is,

1. Search and stream the music through this app from Global Music Project server

which contains their music composed by various artists all over the world

In this “SEARCH” option, a user should be able to search the music through

their own ‘Artist’, ‘Genre’ and through ‘Country’ the artist belong to.

The user should also be able to browse the music through ‘Most played’ and

‘New Release’ options.

This app should also enable the user to add the songs to their ‘Favourites’, so

they can stream or share it later.

2. An option to ‘DONATE’ from the app after the user finishes playing the song or later.

The ‘DONATE’ options can be embedded with ‘MENU’ option or can be

made as ‘PUSH’ option when a user listens to new song every time

The donation should be made through the Google Wallet or PayPal.

The app should also feature a functionality where the user can be also an

‘VIP Supporter’ by subscribing anyone of the donation apps. This payment

can be made through any credit/debit cards.

3. An option in the app to ‘SHARE’ the song in social networking sites such as

Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc.

4. A option ‘ABOUT’, where if possible a short description about the organization

‘GMP’ would be mentioned. An interactive video would also be included if possible.

5. An added feature by which a user can see the other users who are currently listening

to any song from this app and are located nearby (e.g., in the same city)


This app should be compatible with iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and 5s which should be having the iOS

version 7.x or later.

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4.Specific Requirements

4.1 Sign up Page

When a user clicks on the “Global Music Project” app for the first after downloading it from

iTunes store, the app should be having the login page as its described in the wireframes


(i) For first time, the user should be able to login into the app, by using anyone of the

social networking sites such as a Facebook, Google or with Twitter.

(ii) If a user doesn’t have any of these account means, they can select the last option

“Sign up with us through” which is a simple and easy one.

(iii) When a user already has ‘LOGIN’ details means they can use the option ‘Log In’.

(iv) When a user logins into an app for second time, this login is not needed, as it directly

goes to the ‘HOME’ page.

4.1.1 Signing in up with any one of the social networking sites

This section describes the whole process when a user chooses to login through anyone of

the social networking sites.

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The below wireframe tends to explain the login process when a user selects “Facebook”, If

needed, the process for Google+ and Twitter can also be added.

4.1.2 Signing up without any Of The Social Networking Sites

When the user doesn’t have any access to any of the mentioned social networking sites,

then a user can select the option “SIGN UP HERE” to get the access to this app.

The wireframe below attached represents the overall process flow of “ Sign up process”

The user has to enter their username they wish to have it in this app for future use.

Then the user has to select the password they want to keep.

They have to reconfirm the password. The information in both should encrypted

with ‘*’ symbols.

When the registration is successful, a message should be given as displayed in the

wireframe below.

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4.1.3 Logging with existing login details

This section describes when a user already has the login credentials.

So, the user just has to select the option “LOG IN” and once they press, they should

be able to enter their ‘Username/Email address’ along with the ‘Password’.

There is ‘tick mark’ symbol next to the ‘Username/Email address’ and ‘Password’

tabs to represent that the entered information is right.

When they press the button ‘Login’ and if it is successful, it enters into to the home

screen. The wireframe below represents the explained scenario,

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If there is a ‘Cross mark’ symbol, then it means, that the respective information is

wrong and the necessary information should be changed.

It checks the username/Email id in the server and if it’s not available, it throws up an

error message “Sorry, no such email address is on file. Sign up here”. If the ‘Sign up

here’ link is clicked, next it should take the user to the new user registration page.

The wireframe below presents the explained scenario,

Page 8: Global Music Project-Prototype Version Forgotten Password

When a user forgets the password and clicks on the ‘Forgot Password’ link to generate a

new password, it should take the user to a new page asking for the mail id.

The wireframe below explains the complete scenario of how each process flow should be


i. The first wireframe describes the user should be clicking on ‘Log In’ option to enter

into the app.

ii. Then, if the user is unables to recollect his password and if he wants to created a

new password, he/she should be able to click on the link ‘Forgot password’

iii. Third wireframe below represent the valid mail address to send the new password.

iv. Fourth wireframe descrives a message from GMP saying that the password has been

sent successfully.

v. A new passowrd should be sent to given mail ID and and the user should use that

mail ID to access further.

vi. The user can also provded with an option to change the password to their choce

after loggin in once. This can be done under the ‘Settings’ present inside the app.This

is explained in detail under the Section 4.4.4

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4.2 Menu Options

The GMP app should be consisting of the following menu

1. FAVOURITES – This is an option where the user can be able to see all the songs that

they have liked, commented or added to Favourites. This songs should also be able

to be stream and listen later

2. DISCOVER – This is an option in the app, where an user can be able to see other user

using this app and the song they are listening to and what songs they have listened

so far.

3. SEARCH – By this option, a user can search all the featured, most played,

recommended songs and their favorite songs too. Through this option the user also

can search a particular songs through artist, genre and country from where the artist

is from.

4. DONATE – This is an option where the user can see their donation history made so

far . In this option they also can see the donations that they have saved it for later.

5. SETTINGS – This is an option where an user can change their password, change their

profile picture, know about the organization etc. This is explained clearly under the

section 4.4.4

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The wireframe below explains the ‘MENU’ options of the GMP app,

4.4.1 Favourites:

In this option, a user should be able to see all the songs they have added to this ‘Favourites’

menu. The user should also be able to see the songs they have ‘LIKED’ while playing a

particular music.

These two options are selected in the ‘PLAY’ menu, which is present when a user is playing a

particular music. An user can ‘LIKE’ or add it to their ‘Favourites’ list once the song is over or

when the song is playing.

The wireframe below represents the explained scenario,

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i. The first wireframe describes when the ‘Favourites’ tab is selected. All the songs that

was added to ‘Favourites’ will be listed out here. User should be able to play the

selected songs.

ii. The second wireframe lists out the songs that have been ‘Liked’ by an user while

listening to that particular song.

4.4.2 Discover:

In this menu option, a user can be able to discover other user who are all using the GMP app

to listen to their songs. This is just rough design and this will be developed later based upon

the concrete discussion.

This menu generally consists of two option ‘All’ and ‘Nearby’ where

‘All’ indicate that the user would be able to see the users from all over the world,

and to what song they are listening.

‘Nearby’ option indicates the user would be able to see the users who are close to

their current location. The person around 2 to 3 Kms of radius will be displayed in

this ‘Discover’ option.

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This option currently contains the button ‘Listen’ where when the user clicks they

can listen and they can do the normal procedure after clicking it. The user can also

donate through this option.

It contains another button called as ‘Add to Favorites’ where the user can add the

other user’s song to their ‘Favourites’ basket and listen to it later.

The wireframe below represent all the explained scenario.

4.4.3 Search:

This option in the menu is to ‘ Search’ all the songs that are there in the GMP database.

The wireframe below represent the working of ‘ SEARCH’ option

1. The first wireframe represents the function of ‘FEATURED’ option when a use clicks

on the ‘Search’ option in the app menu

The ‘featured’ option is mainly to display all the latest sensational songs of


This featured option consists of ‘Most Played’, ‘Recommended songs’, ‘New


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The ‘Most played’ option should present in the top, followed by the

‘Recommended songs’ , ‘New Release’ and ‘ Favourite songs’

The ‘See All’ options enable the user to see all the songs in a listed manner.

The second wireframe describes when an user selects anyone of the songs.

When a user selects the ‘SEARCH’ option, they would be able to make searches through

genre, artist and country.

If a user chooses ‘Genres’, then all the related ´genre that are there with the GMP

will be listed out. In the similar way, ‘Artist’ and ‘Country’ can also be selected and

searched. The wireframe below represents the following scenario,

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Menu’s present in the ‘PLAY’ button

While user is playing a particular songs, there will be number of options present in the

menu. These menu options are explained in the below wireframe.

An option to ‘Download’ the song a user is listening to. This is right now an optional

choice, This can be changed later depending on the requirement.

‘Donate’ option where the user can just donate by clicking on that tab bar when they

are done listening to songs. When an user also clicks to ‘Donate’ while listening to

the song, it should open in a separate window and the song should be playing at the


‘Comment’ option where an user can comment to the particular song they are

listening to. This is right now an optional choice, This can be changed later

depending on the requirement.

An option to ‘Like’ the songs. Based upon this option, all the songs are selected for

the ‘Recommended songs from GMP’. The songs that has been liked will be listed

out in the ‘FAVOURITE’ menu.

An option for an user to add the ‘Favourites’ so that they can listen to it later. If a

user clicks on this button, the song will be added to their ‘Favourite’ menu options,

where an user can access it later also-

An option to ‘Pause’ the song and also to ‘Forward’ or ‘Rewind’ the songs of that

particular genre/artist/countries.

An added option to ‘SHARE’ the song to social networking sites such as ‘Facebook,

Twitter, Google Plus etc.

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4.4.4 Donating to the Music:

Donating to a particular music should be done in two ways.

1.One way to donate after finished listening to the song, where an user can click on the

‘Donate’ option and donate.

When the user chooses to donate and presses “YES”., it proceeds to the next page

where the payments channels are present.

The user will be allowed to make payments through two channels

1. Google Wallet

2. PayPal

3. Through credit/Debit cards

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If the user chooses “DONATE later”, then it gets stored in the “Donation History”,

where it will be there and the user can select it to donate later. It is explained in later

part in this section.

The wireframe below represent one example of donation made through ‘Google Wallet’

Through Google Wallet

In this wireframe, one example, of payment channel “Google Wallet” is explained

and for each channel the payment differs.

Through PayPal:

In this wireframe, one example, of payment channel “PayPal” is explained and for

each channel the payment differs.

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Becoming a VIP Supporter:

The user also has an option to become and ‘VIP supporter’ by subscribing to monthly

donation. For this monthly donation credit/debit cards should be connected and each a

specified amount will be deducted from the account.

The wireframe below represents the explained scenario,

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2. The second way is when a user clicks ‘Donate Later’ option, where it will be

featured in the ‘DONATE options in the main menu, so that an user can click on that

and make the necessary donations.

This option has two features ‘Saved’ and ‘History’. The ‘Saved’ feature shows

the songs that have been saved for donations later. From here, user can

donate. When the user clicks on the button ‘Donate’ normal procedure for

donation starts.

The second feature ‘History’ displays the list of donations made by a user.

The wireframe below represents the above explained scenario,

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4.4.4 Settings:

The settings menu should contain the following features,

The user should be able to edit and change to a new user name and save it. The user

just have to enter the desired name. When the user clicks the curser on username,

the keyboard options should pop-up, so that he/she can enter and save it.

The user should be able put a picture for their GMP profile. When the user clicks on

the image icon, an option should pop, asking the user to select the photo either from

‘Photo library’ or to take new photo from the ‘Camera’. When the photo is uploaded,

it should be able to be saved.

The user should be able to change the password to their desired option. SO when a

user clicks on, a new page should where they can change and save the password.

The new password should also be updated the GMP server.

‘About GMP’ will describe about the company in detail or it can be forwarded to

their homepage based upon the discussion.

'Contact us’ option where when an user clicks on the option, he/ she can be able to

send a quick message to GMP persons

An option to ‘Sign-out’, where when a user clicks on this option, the user should be

logged out.

The wireframe below represent all the scenario explained,

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