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© UPU 2015 – All rights reserved Slide 1 6 May 2016 Global situation of postal digital services Mr Daniel Nieto Universal Postal Union

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Global situation of postal digital servicesMr Daniel NietoUniversal Postal Union

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Postalelectronic services andsustainable development goals

Digital innovation can provide signifcant opportunities to transform thepostal industry into an instrument of sustainable development:

• Public administrations: Postal e-services can help governments go green andpromote effective natural resource management, as well as stimulate economicgrowth and promote social inclusion, particularly of disadvantaged and vulnerablegroups.

• Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs): With its widespreadgeographic reach and three-dimensional network of physical, nancial andelectronic services, the postal sector can help provide greater openness tointernational trade, especially in the e-commerce area.

• Citizens: As an information and technical assistance platform for the postalsector, the UPU is an ideal partner for lending institutions and donors in the effortto make postal nancial services accessible to the most disad- vantagedpopulations.

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Measuringpostale-servicesdevelopment. Aglobalperspective.Secondedition

• Benchmarkthedevelopmentofpostale-services inUPUmembercountries

• Identifyandevaluatetheimpactofpossiblebarriersandtrendsaffectingthedevelopmentofpostale-services

• Evaluatethedevelopmentandstrategicimportanceofpostale-servicesatagloballevelsincethe2012report.

• Developaframeworkofthestrategiesofpostale-services.

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E-postande-governmentservices Communication,businessandgovernmentservicesdeliveredtocustomersviaICTmeans.

E-commerceservices BuyingandsellingproductsandservicesusingICTswhichinvolvesprocessinganddeliveringpurchaseditemsphysicallyorelectronically.

E-financeandpaymentsolutions FinancialservicesprovidedbypoststocustomersusingICTs.

Supportservices ServicesinsupportofthepostalbusinessprovidedbypoststocustomersusingICTs.

TheUPU haswelldeveloped regulatory and legalframeworks forcrossborder e-postandpostalpayment servicesprovided amongPosts.

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Multiple competing models reflectingdifferent environments

Government-driven (Arab countries);

E-commerce-driven (Singpost);

Strictly supporting the core (USPS);

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1. Virtualcurrencies2. Big data3. Newgeneration ofhandheld

terminals4. Sensors applied tothepostal

infrastructure5. Newpayment technologies6. Newdevelopments ine-health7. Newdelivery technologiessuch as

drones8. Crowd shipping9. Cyberattacks andcybersecurity10. 3Dprintingtechnologies11. Adoptionof.POST

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Knowledge center

Capacity building

Framework for launching digital services
