global warming and its effects by olie, alex, adam, sam, and tyler

Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

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Page 1: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Global Warmingand its effects

By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Page 2: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

The Problem With Global Warming

• The problem with global warming is that it is steadily increasing the climate of the Earth as the name suggests

• As you can see in a graph from the National Climatic Data Center/NESDIS/NOAA , our climate is indeed increasing. 

• According to an article in Scientific American, "most scientists are convinced that global warming is very real" 

Page 3: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Problem With Global Warming (continued)

o Other evidence that the Earth is getting hotter is the melting of the ice in the arctic sea. The New York Times reported on how the amount of ice each summer is decreasing

o This evidence and more all show that global warming is real and is a problem that will have impact on the Earth and therefore, human society.

Page 4: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

DataThe graph below shows the changes of atmospheric CO2 concentration and global surface temperature from 1850-2005. The graph shows that at around 1965 was where atmospheric CO2 concentration along with the global surface temperature started to rise drastically. This was mainly due to the massive increase of fossils fuels that humans started burning.

Page 5: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

DATA (continued)The graph bellow shows the counties that contribute the most to CO2 emmisions. It is clear that U.S.A and China were the largest contributors in 2008.      

Page 6: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Causes of Global Warming

• Before the Industrial Revolution a natural amount of greenhouse gasses were in the atmosphere

• Greenhouse gasses (CO2, Water Vapor, Methane, etc.) Trap heat and release it into the earth.

• Without greenhouse gases, earth would be a cold, barren wasteland. 

• In 2007, scientists concluded that there is a greater than 90% chance that humans are causing global climate change. (

Page 7: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Causes of Global Warming (continued)


Page 8: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Impact of Global Warming

• According to Scientific American, global warming leads to "speeding the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever; creating conditions that lead to potentially fatal malnutrition and diarrhea; and increasing the frequency and severity of heat waves, floods and other weather-related disasters."

• An article in The New York Times shows how the heat is affecting underwater life such as coral. The coral is being bleached and is dying. Scientists said that coral would be an early sign of global warming to due it's sensitivity towards heat

• Also, many animals in the arctic regions are losing their habitats, which may lead to the extinction of many species

Page 9: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler


Look at the damage that global warming has caused!

Impact of Global Warming (continued)

Page 10: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Global Warming's Effect On Humans

•  Since so much ice is melting, humans will have to deal with many more floods. Floods could completely destroy homes and leave people with nothing. Floods could also cause many deaths.

• Because the temperature of oceans are getting higher, oceans can't absorb as much carbon dioxide as before. This means that there will be much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

• The food supply for humans will decrease because less crops will grow. This is because the overall climate will change.

Page 11: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler

Strategies for Addressing Global WarmingGeothermal energy-Good for heating and electricity, but may cause earthquakes. Solar Energy-Great for all energy needs, but very expensive.Wind Energy-Good energy source, but wind generators are huge.Biodiesel-A good way to slow down the problem, but not a permanent solution.(

Page 12: Global Warming and its effects By Olie, Alex, Adam, Sam, and Tyler


NOAA Satellite and Information Service - American - New York Times - 1. Environmental Protection Agency - Energy Kids - of Concerned Scientists