global warming ch. 13 section 3. sunlight enters earth’s atmosphere earth’s surface radiates...

Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3

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Page 1: Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3. Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere – Some heat escapes – Some heat

Global Warming

Ch. 13 Section 3

Page 2: Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3. Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere – Some heat escapes – Some heat

• Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere• Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the

atmosphere– Some heat escapes– Some heat is trapped by Greenhouse Gases

• Ex: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide

• Trapped heat radiated back to Earth’s surface, warming the air.

• Without this Earth would be too cold to live on• However, too many greenhouse gases can trap

too much heat.

Greenhouse Effect

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Greenhouse Effect

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Greenhouse Effect

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Greenhouse Gases - gases that absorb and radiate heat

• Water vapor• Carbon Dioxide • CFC’s• Methane• Nitrous oxide

• Water vapor and CO2 absorb the most heat in the atmosphere

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• Most is absorbed by the ocean or used by plants during Photosynthesis

• Therefore, CO2 levels fluctuate with the season– Summer = less CO2 ----------------------------------------------

– Winter = more CO2 ------------------------------------------------

• WHY???

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CO2 Levels

There has been a significant rise in CO2 in the atmosphere in the last 50 years due to burning fossil fuels

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Ice Core Samples

• Can determine the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere thousands of years ago

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CO2 and Temperature

• Because CO2 holds more heat than other gases in the atmosphere, scientists think that more CO2 means greater global temperatures

• Therefore…• Burning = more CO2 = Higher temps.

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Page 11: Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3. Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere – Some heat escapes – Some heat

Temp. and CO2 Levels

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Page 14: Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3. Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere – Some heat escapes – Some heat

Consequences of Global Warming• Birds nesting earlier• Flowering earlier – more allergies• Change weather patters– Droughts and flooding– More hurricanes and typhoons

• Rising sea level– Flooding of coastal areas– Erosion of beaches– Increase in salinity in aquifers

• More mosquitoes that carry diseases

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• Agriculture– Most severely effected– Decreased crop yield– Could need more irrigation

• Animals– Shift their geographical range– Reduce the number of zooplankton

Consequences of Global Warming

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• International Panel on Climate Change– Average global temp. increased by 0.6oC last century– Snow cover and ice have decreased– Global sea level has risen

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Kyoto Protocol

• 1997, 160 countries

• Requires countries to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions by 5% by 2012

• We did sign, then Bush unsigned us

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Ch. 13

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Section 1 Objectives

• Explain the difference between weather and climate.

• Identify four factors that determine climate.• Explain why different parts of the Earth have

different climates.• Explain what causes the seasons

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Weather vs. Climate

• Weather – what is happening right at that moment– It is cloudy and raining outside

• Climate – the average weather over a long period of time– We live in a hot, dry area

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Latitude- distance north or south from the equator

• Determines what type of climate an area has

• The further from the equator the ________ the temperature.

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• Daylight hours depend on your latitude– Equator = 12 day and 12 night– Close to the poles = all day or all night part of the year

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Atmospheric Circulation

• Warm air rises• Cold air sinks• Warm air hold more water vapor• When it cools the water vapor condenses into


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El Nino

• When warm and cold water masses change location in the Pacific Ocean for a short time

• Causes increased rainfall in the southern US, but causes droughts in Indonesia and Australia

• La Nina – exact opposite• Pacific Decadal Oscillation – a long term El Nino

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Topography influences on climate

• Topography is the shape of the earth’s surface

• As elevation increases temperature drops

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Solar Maximum and Volcanoes

• Solar Maximum – sun emits more ultraviolet radiation, warming the earth

• Vocanoes – dust and such can block out some of the sun cooling the earth

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Seasonal Climate Change

• Seasons change due to the tilting of earth as it goes around the sun.

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Section 2 Objectives

• Explain why Earth’s atmosphere is like the glass in a greenhouse.

• Explain why carbon dioxide in the atmosphere appears to be increasing.

• Explain why many scientists think that the Earth’s climate may be becoming increasingly warmer.

• Describe what a warmer Earth might be like.

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Ozone layer- are where ozone (three oxygen atoms) is concentrated in the


• Act like sunscreen for the earth

• Block out UV rays that harm genetic material

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Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)

• The miracle chemical• 1970’s they were used for– Coolants– Deodarants– Hairspray, etc.

• However, at high elevations CFC’s break apart and the parts destroy and combine with ozone molecules

• 1 CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules

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Page 32: Global Warming Ch. 13 Section 3. Sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere Earth’s surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere – Some heat escapes – Some heat

The Hole

• First reported in 1985 over the South pole– Ozone had shrunk by 50 – 98%– Why over south pole?

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How it effects humans

• Worse sunburns• More eye cataracts• Immune system repression (UV-B)• More skin cancer

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Montreal Protocol - 1987

• Representative of 36 Nations

• Reduce CFC emissions (only) by 35% between 1989 – 2000

• Now signed by 177 countries

• Global Cooperation Does Work!!!

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Differences between Global Warming and Ozone depletion

• Different type of radiation:

–Infrared vs. Ultraviolet

• Different effect: –earth warming vs. health problems

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• Ozone depletion does not cause global warming directly

• But, it can effect oceans uptake of CO2

Do not confuse them

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Skin Cancer

Let’s take a skin cancer quiz!!!

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Skin cancer comes in many shapes and sizes

• Things to watch for– Shiny or waxy lump– Firm red lumps– Lump that bleeds and does not heal– Itchy red spot that might be tender (not


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Overt eyes if squeamish

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Squamous cell

• upper skin layer, caused by sunlight and tanning beds, usually curable if treated early, but it can metastasize

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Basal cell

• deeper layer of skin, most common form, usually caused by sun and tanning lamps,

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Malignant melanoma Worst kind!

• ABCDE rule – A = asymmetry – B = borders – C = color– D = diameter, over 5mm – E = elevation

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Risk factors

• Skin type• Sun/tanning exposure

• Freckles

• Family History

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How to prevent it

• Sunscreen• Wear hats• Take vitamins (folic acid)• Eat vegetables• Drink Green Tea• Eat Fish• Eat whole grains