globalshifts - where are we today - global christianity and the way forward -...

“GlobalShifts - Where are we today - Global Christianity and the way forward - [email protected]

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Page 1: GlobalShifts - Where are we today - Global Christianity and the way forward -

“GlobalShifts - Where are we today - Global Christianity and

the way forward

- [email protected]

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Page 3: GlobalShifts - Where are we today - Global Christianity and the way forward -

1.Be Sensitive -The World has changed.

2. Praise God to the change - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.

3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and new plans?

4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and


“Realities of the contemporary World”

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Post-Colonised world

Colonised world 1898

The New World

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“Realities of the contemporary World”

The unfavourable perception of Christianity by the non-

followers of Christ

Centuries of being colonized to become Independent sovereign Nations changed the dynamics of peoples, mindsets & Nations.

National pride;

Issues of Dignity;

Self-reliance;Revival of old roots, religion &

Cultural Identity.

Reaction to distance from Colonial Reminders.

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The world of 2100 - disturbed-dreamers – Decline of

traditional / Career Missionaries & tipping points!

Indigenous Missions Training


Overseas Missionaries Declined from 1950s

Indigenous Missions1970s

Quiet Period – Puzzled Church Leadership,

Introspection & Preparation for new mission ventures -


Sequence of missionary

ventures since 1950s.

1950 onwards - New World with new

independent Nations.

The newer contemporary missional efforts, New

movements, global partners & disturbed-dreamers

Free-world from 1950s

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The world has become globalised & Connected.



ia C


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The world powers

are changing.

European Financial Crisis

China is bailing out Europe in the economic crisis. News Nov 1 2011

BEIJING (AP) — The chief of Europe’s bailout fund visited Beijing on Friday to discuss possible terms for cash-rich China and other global investors to help finance a multibillion-dollar plan to resolve the continent’s debt crisis., Oct 28, 2011 11:30 AM 17:18:15 UTC+0530

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1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.

2. Praise God for the change in Christian Presence. - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.

3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and new plans?

4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and Innovators.

“Realities of the contemporary World”

The equation is changing

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% Percentage of Protestants

in Asia, Africa, andLatin America

Paul E. Pierson

1%1% in 1800in 1800 10%10%

in in 19001900 77%77%

in in 20102010

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Think! Think! Ponder! Ponder!• Number of Christians have tipped to Global South.

[Todd Johnson, Patrick Johnstone, Jason Mandryk & others]

• Much of the growth came by freak models. [Jenkins]

• Some growth came from the traditional Mission compound / denominational models & others from popular Christianity. [Jenkins]

• From now onwards, the theology will be interpreted more from the Global South. [Jenkins]

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• Missions continues to move from East and South: South Korea, Philippines, Latin America, India,

Africa, South Africa, China, Singapore • The Nigerian Church wants to send 50,000 missionaries back to Jerusalem covering the

nations along the way.• The Chinese church has a vision to send missionaries through Central Asia “back to


Globalization of Missions

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Church-based Missions• Some local churches forged

partnership with sending agencies to send their missionaries

• Some churches R sending missionaries directly

• Tent-making and volunteerism is on the rise

• Shorter length of service, frequent visits home

• Attrition rate is higher at this time for church-sent than agency-sent personnel

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Mutually affecting the world

Global South

Global NorthSending Countries

Receiving Countries





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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.

2. Praise God to the change - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.

3. Be Pragmatic with openness to experiment –There are diverse Evangelistic & Missional Challenges. We may need new tools and new plans. Continuously invite ideas.

4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and Innovators.

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Our Traditional understanding of Unreached peoples

Mostly Marginal and fringe groups who were neglected. Even though the missions served a great cause, yet it was in the fringes!

Mostly Marginal and fringe groups who were neglected. Even though the missions served a great cause, yet it was in the fringes!

Parallel Movement to Government initiatives

Parallel Movement to Government initiatives

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Cities To impact nations -

Our Challenges











Nations Populatio

n Growth







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10/40 window

Where is Europe and America?Why only Portugal and not the rest of Europe?

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? Why unreached peoples only in 10/40 windows in the poorer section [Developing nations!] of the world?

? Who said only the poor are the unreached?? How do we define the “felt-needs” of all peoples?

? Do the non-poor have any felt needs through which to share the Gospel?

? Is the Gospel only to those who respond to the message positively or for all?

? Should there be “extraction” Evangelism [in mission Compound styles]?

? When do we move people from -5 to -1 to +3? [Refer to Engle Scale!]

? What would influence people [nations] to move from hatred to Christianity to Respecting Christ and to following Christ? [Refer to Engle Scale!]

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Internally Displaced Persons / IDPs

Source: Global IDP Project. Norwegian Refugee Council, Geneva.Source: Joy Tira

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Source: UNHCR, 2003 Global Refugee Trends, 2004Source: Joy Tira

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International Students

Source: UNESCO, Global Education Digest 2004: Comparing Education Statistics Across the World, UNESCO, 2005, Montreal. Source: Joy Tira

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Countries with the Largest Number of Migrants

Source: United Nations, Trends in Total Migrant Stock: The 2003 RevisionSource: Joy Tira

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Today, the MISSION FIELD is on our door steps.

What does this mean to us planning on “sending” missionaries!

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• In the 1st decade of the 20th Century, 91.6% were European

The Neighborhoods Are Changing

The Neighborhoods Are Changing

The Change In Immigration [USA]

• By last decade of the 20th Century, 77.9% were Asian and Hispanic

• In 2000, ONE in FIVE spoke a language other than English at home

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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.2. Be thankful - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and

new plans?

4.Redefining Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.

5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and Innovators.

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Global South & North dialogues are beginning to take place in many conversations and thinktanks.

Global South

Global North

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Newer relationships have beganThese Relationships takes energy & genuineness to Preserve!

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Quote: The Traditional perception of the role of Western Christians [General Global North Perception]

•  The role of today’s western missionary is to equip the nationals [natives] for ministry among their nation.  Not to start a church.  Not just to equip them for pastoral ministry, but how to take the message of Christ cross-culturally that the Mission Dei is accomplished.

•Dr. Richard Lewis, Banana Missions Versus Mango Missions, Thursday, October 11 2012.

• Condescending…

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Quote: Global South North Issues – [General Global South Perception]

• "...this top down or conspiratorial view, which construes Christian history chiefly in terms of Western initiatives and colonial expansion, is fairly entrenched in the academy throughout the non-Western world. In the non-West, it directly contributes to an impoverished appreciation of the indigenous pre-Christian past as well as a neglect of the rich heritage of local stories and histories outside the direct influence of European missionary actions.“

• -- Jehu J. Hanciles, New Wine in Old Wineskins, 369.

Why do we only talk about Hudson Taylor & William Carey?

Where are the other nationals and contemporary local heroes?

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American funds for Global evangelisation [Conversation / Correspondence]

• From: Sas Conradie <[email protected]>• To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>Subject: Re: [Pearl] Pearl

Digest, Vol 43, Issue 10 Alliance for Vulnerable Mission Discussion

Hi Jim

I am trying to follow the different lines of conversation but with a busy schedule it is not always easy. Just one point - it is not just 'poorer' countries that have a dependency problem. I attended a major European evangelical event last week. I was shocked to hear how much European churches and ministries depend on US support. Even German ministries! My impression is that it is much easier for European ministries and churches to ask the US Christians for funding instead of encouraging giving from within their own countries. Somehow there is an underlying current that the US will bail European ministries out, as they did in the Second World War. This has to change.

•Greetings and blessings


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¥ What do we mean by “Partnership”? ¥ How do we contribute to each other? ¥ How do we feel dignified as equal contributors? ¥ Does partnership mean only contribution of funds or beyond?

₱ Who & how do we fund?

₱ Can we mutually set up ways for partners to generate

funds locally with dignity?

₱ Could we stop talking about dependency & Squirm?

₱ How do we handle emergency / Calamity needs?

₱ Could a “missionary / cross-cultural / international

personnel work under a local leader?

₱ How do we submit to the non-Western leader?

The Contemplative Questions on Partnership …The Contemplative Questions on Partnership …

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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.2. Be thankful - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and

new plans?4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.

5.Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing

6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.

7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and Innovators.

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“Realities of the contemporary World”• Our Traditional workers force is

Changing! [Koreans Vs. Philippinos]

• There is decline in the number of Classical missionaries both in India and elsewhere in the world!

• What could the Reasons be? …:• Are there other ways to mobilize newer

people into missions?

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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.2. Be thankful - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and

new plans?4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing

6.Become Global Leaders: The Leadership is changing.

7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for Missional Leaders and Innovators.

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“Realities of the contemporary World”• Indians / two Third world leaders are

becoming globalised. Corporate companies are training their leaders to be competitive in the globalised world.

• If the world is the playing field where are the 2/3rd world Christians in global roundtables and leadership?

• Where are the global Christian writers recognized in the common media such as V. S. Naipaul or Chetan Bhagat or Shoba De?

• What hinders Christians to become global leaders both in the mission and in the market places?

• What are the issues connected to it?

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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.2. Be thankful - The Christian World has tipped from Global North to Global South.3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges & communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and

new plans?4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.

7. Take Care as Leaders: People Care in this new Missonal scenario needs to be redesigned with new kinds of care.

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• 1. Care for Mission Leaders

• 2. Care for Missionaries

• 3. Care for missionaries Families

• 4. Care for Missionaries Children

• 5. Care for the welfare

of the missionaries

Out of which …

5 areas of MemberCare

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Critical for way forward is Care for missional Leaders and


Why CEO’s Care ?

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SYIS Workshop

Maintaining Margin


Margin (Pages 173-174)Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and earn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 .Over the long haul, one area that causes great pain and damage for crosscultural workers and their families is a failure to maintain margin. Margin is as essential as food, air and water. If we try to go without margin for too long, we begin to wither and die—emotionally, spiritually, and interpersonally. And so do our families and our ministries. Margin is a sufficient reserve of... U Time U Energy C Spiritual energy C Emotional energy C Interpersonal energy C Physical energy U Money provide for our needs ...and for the needs of others. Consider each aspect of this definition: 1. Sufficient reserve. This means having what we need to handle life’s unplanned and unexpected demands and opportunities. When we live with margin, we have something stored up to provide for ourselves and others when special needs arise. “Sufficient” doesn’t mean we will always have enough time, energy and money to meet the unexpected. Sometimes unplanned events will overwhelm our reserve and leave us depleted. But if our norm is to have margin, we will be able to replenish our reserve in good time, without damaging ourselves and/or others. A reserve is meant to be used in times of need. It isn’t for us to selfishly hoard. That means our reserve in each of these areas will normally fluctuate between “full” and “low.” When an area of margin begins to get low, we need to consciously plan on how to replenish it. Time spent on good activities that rob us from the best is gone forever. 2. Time. Time is probably the only resource we have that is not renewable. Lost or wasted time can never be recovered. Time spent on good activities that rob us from the best is gone forever. As precious as time is, it seems to be one of the most difficult resources to use wisely. In our modern culture, maintaining a reserve of time is rarely valued. We honor those who fill their schedules to the maximum. To build a sufficient reserve of time requires going against what many others value. It takes resolve, clearly defined priorities, selfdiscipline, and a willingness to say “no” to demands that constantly confront us. 174 3. Energy. Our energy levels are very important to margin. We need to have a reserve of energy to meet unplanned and unexpected demands and opportunities. Each person has different levels of each kind of energy, and we are unique in what charges our energy batteries and what depletes them. a. Spiritual energy. We who are in “full-time” Christian service are sometimes in greater danger of depleting our spiritual energy. We may give so much in our ministry to others that we have little left for ourselves and for our family. We must know what replenishes our spiritual energy, and give high priority to maintaining it. Jesus is our example in this. See Luke 5:15-16. If our interpersonal energy batteries are drained from being with others, it may be that the spiritual thing to do is to get alone, and recharge ourselves. b. Emotional energy. The stress and demands of our lifestyle tend to deplete us emotionally. We are deeply involved in our ministry, and the consequences of failing are often extremely serious. We face many of the same exhausting challenges Paul described in his second letter to the Corinthians. A few examples are, hardships and pressures (1:8), hard pressed (4:9), troubles (6:4), (hard work and sleepless nights (6:5). Therefore, we must give attention to engaging in whatever helps to renew our emotional energy. c. Interpersonal energy. We don’t often think of this, but we can be involved with people so much that we run out of the ability to be with them. Our ministry often puts us in the same relationships Paul described in 1 Thessalonians 2:8: “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives (RSV: “our very selves”) as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Introverts drain their batteries by being with people. Many extroverts have a difficult time understanding this, because they usually get energized by being with people, up to a point. If our interpersonal energy batteries are drained from being with others, it may be that the spiritual thing to do is to get alone, and recharge ourselves. d. Physical energy. This is easy for most of us to recognize, because we know what getting tired physically feels like. However, we also need to be aware of the difference between a healthy tiredness, and an unhealthy, destructive fatigue. If we work hard and get tired, but awake with new energy for the day, we have margin. But if we go through week after week and even month after month in constant exhaustion, and times of rest don’t seem to help much, we are living in a dangerous state of having no margin in this area. 4. Money. God may want us to live at times with no margin in finances. We can learn trust and dependence on Him in such times. And yet, it may be that He desires that we would normally live with a money margin. If we believe this is true for us, we need to faithfully ask Him to provide it in His way and His time. Just as with our time and energy, the purpose of having money margin 175 is not only to meet our unplanned needs. With money margin we can also help with the financial needs of others. 5. To provide for our needs and for the needs of others. Obviously, one purpose of having margin is so that we can meet our own needs in the unexpected demands of life. In fact, if we can’t meet our own needs, we have nothing to give to others. But having ma

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•The health of an organisation depends upon the well-being of the leader and his / her family Why CEO’s

Care ?

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• The movement will only grow as much as

the leader is able to manage &

handle.Why CEO’s Care ?

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To address these CARE issues a global MC Membercare network was formed and active

Many regional networks also came into being. WEA MC African Membercare Grouping to carry the vision forwardMany regional networks also came into being. WEA MC

African Membercare Grouping to carry the vision forward

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5. NETWORK CARECatalyze, Consult, Connect






t -




t All M












Team B




K Fina















MUTUAL CAREExpatriates & Nationals


© 2000

Kelly O’Donnell and Dave Pollock

MemberCare / Pastoral Care Paradigm


Catalyze, Consult, Connect


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•It is a continuing saga of thoughts

on the furtherance of the most felt

issue of membercare

across the world.•This has direct

effect in reaching the world

effectively with the Gospel.

Why CEO’s Care ?

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“Realities of the contemporary World”1. Be Sensitive -The World has changed.2. Adjust to the reality - The Christian World has tipped

from Global North to Global South.3. Be Correctly Informed - The diverse mission challenges

& communicating the Gospel. Do we need new tools and new plans?

4. Redefine Partnership - Our understanding of Partnership is changing.

5. Mobilise Missional Workers: Our workforce is changing6. Become a Global Leader: The Leadership is changing.7. Take Care as Leaders: Critical for way forward is Care for

Missional Leaders and Innovators.

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If we are oblivious to the above issues, we will continue to be …

Dreamers in a RUT

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