globomass website presentation june16 website... · overview,of,the,biomass,market: as the...

Private and Confidential Globomass Company Overview 2016

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Page 1: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass

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Company  Overview


Page 2: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass

● Globomass is a renewable energy company responsible for the complete development processfrom project creation through to the long term operation of electricity and nutrient recoveryplants

● The Company produces electricity using proven Anaerobic Digestion (AD) biomass technology,alongside Nutrient Recovery (NR) technology

● Focused on developing biomass as an energy and nutrient source in the United States, Serbiaand South East Asia

● The company is currently developing a portfolio of projects in the US marketplace withMaryland as the first locationas part of a 600,000 ton rollout

● The current 6 MW project in Serbia will form part of a broader 20 MW roll out

● As a first step in the South East Asianmarket, Globomass will focus on AD projects in Malaysia

● Globomass was set up in 2011 to develop a biomass business converting agricultural and cropwaste into electricity and fertilizer with the aim to support developed and developingeconomies leaving a lasting positive financial and environmental legacy

● Globomass has a strong management team with a successful track record of developinginternational businesses and proven experience in the Renewable Energyand BiomassMarkets

● Management have invested€6 millionof own funds in developing projects to date



The Company


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The  Market

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The  Team


Page 3: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass


Organic  waste  

Energy  AD

Fertilizer  NRConcentrated  Compost

The Company  generates revenue  from  3  sources:


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Globomass  Sustainability  Initiatives

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Min  Net  Water  Use

Digestate  Replaces  Fertiliser  

Classified  Organic


GHG  Methane  Capture

Reduced  Transmission  Losses

Regional  Infra-­


Sustainable  Nutrient  Balance

Sanitation  Effect

Reduce  Eliminate  Sprays

The AD process andtechnology brings with itmany environmental benefits– some are upfront and clearto be seen, others are behindthe scenes, but verysignificant!

Did you know….Open loop cooling coal andnuclear power plants can useup to 250,000 litres ofwater/MWh.

AD/NR uses a net 20litres/MWh!

Page 5: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass

The  Market

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Page 6: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass

Overview  of  the  Biomass  market:

● As the advantages of using of AD and NR technologies become more apparent, the investment inbiomass technologies will increase, the US has targeted 11,000 plants over the next 3 yearsthrough the U.S. Governments “Biomass Roadmap” strategy

● In the U.S., Globomass chose to develop its initial facilities in the Delmarva* peninsula due toproximity to feedstock (sourced from the regions 1,700 poultry farmers), available workforce, anestablished transportation network with rail and road, as well as research collaboration with theUniversity of Maryland Eastern Shore. Government incentives are also available through state andfederal programs

● In Serbia, Globomass is focusing on the biomass sector derived from agricultural wastes and cropsfor electricity generation. The Balkan region is very well suited to the production of crops forenergy production due to climate, qualityof landand soil types with appropriate levels of rainfall

● Globomass has closen Malaysia as its first market is South East Asia due to extensive biomasssupply, vast open land parcels coupled with a regulatory and financial framework in favour of AD.Palm Oil Plantations are legally required to manage their waste and Malaysia’s Green TechnologyFinancing Scheme (GTFS) has anallocatedbudget of $550 Million to finance green energy projects

● The number of biogas plants in Europe exceeds 17,250 with an installed capacity of over 8,500MWe. Germany boasts over 10,000 of these plants alone. This technology is now been rolled outinto manyother countries worldwide

● Currently, bio-­‐energy accounts for around 10% of the total global primary energy supply

● Bio-­‐energy currently contributes only 3.7% of the total primary energy supply in the EU 27, whichcompares to 16% in Finlandand 20% in Sweden

● The Paris Agreement cements the market demand for the business model

*The  Demarva  peninsula  encompasses  most  of  Delaware  and  portions  of  Maryland  and  Virginia.5


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The  Market

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Anaerobic  Digestion Nutrient  RecoveryUtilities Industrial  Farms

Food  Processors Poultry  units

All  Animal  Farms   Local  Government

Palm  Oil  Plantations Agri-­‐supply   Industry

0.5  – 10  MW  electrical 75,000  tonnes   input

Target  Markets  for  the  Globomass  Technologies

● In Serbia, Globomass is developing a single 6 MW plant as part of a broader 20 MW rollout

utilizing inputs from agricultural production/waste, with the electricity exported into the grid

under a long term PPA

● In the United States, Globomass is developing 75,000 ton plants each generating 5 MW of

electrical output and 10 ton/day of Nutrient Recovery utilizing inputs from Chicken Farming, in

the Delmarva peninsula. Four sites are being developed

● In Malaysia, the Globomass focus is on developing AD projects, primarily utilizing readily availabl e

Palm Oil waste in order to export electricity into the grid under a long term PPA

The  Market


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A  View  of  the  European  Biogas  Market


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Europe  -­ A  Growing  Market


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A  View  of  the  U.S.  Biogas  Market

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The U.S. has over 2,000 sites producing biogas: 239 anaerobic digesters on farms,1,241 wastewater treatment plants using an anaerobic digester (860 currently use thebiogas they produce) and 636 landfill gas projects


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The  Projects  

The  Team


The  US  has  an  official   target  and  roadmap  to  install  11,000  biogas  plants  in  the  coming  years


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The  Investment  History  &  Opportunity


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The  world  requires  the  annual  spend  on  renewables  to  reach  $1  Trillion  to  reach  our  climate  control  targets.

This  is  known  as  the  ‘Clean  Trillion’

We  are  currently  on  $329  Billion!

We  have  come  a  long  way  in  a  short  time.  

From  $62  Billion  in  2004  up  to  $329  Billion  by  2015.

However  this  needs  to  increase  by  300%  in  the  years  ahead  to  $1  Trillion.

This  investment  gap  represent  a  significant  investment  opportunity  in  a  growing  sector.

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How Funds  Will  Divert  In  Future…


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Page 13: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass


• Technology   is  proven  &  has  potential  for  efficiency  gains

• Fantastic  market  growth  potential  world  wide  

• Permitting/planning/      licencing/grid  connection   is  faster,  easier,                  &  more  likely  than  other   renewables  due  to  the  design  of  the  plants  

• Power  consumed  locally

• Constant  power  production  &  does  not  require  any  backup  reserves  

• Completely  predictable  as  a  power  source  

• Locally  produced  fertilizer

• Cheaper   than  offshore  wind,  coal,  conventional  gas  turbine,  solar  PV  &  thermal  to  produce

• 20%  more  expensive  than  wind  but  offset  by  reliability  &  very  significant  fertilizer  sales

Cost Reliability

GrowthEase  ofPermitting

Advantages  of  Biomass  v  Solar  &  Wind


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U.S.  Projects

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Overview  of  the  U.S.  Biomass  market

● The U.S. has over 2,000 sites producing biogas: 239 anaerobic digesters on farms, 1,241 wastewatertreatment plants using an anaerobic digester (860 currently use the biogas they produce) and 636 landfillgas projects*

● As the advantages of using of Anaerobic Digestion and Nutriant Recovery technologies become moreapparent, the investment in biomass technologies is increasing, the US has targeted 11,000 plants over thenext 3 years

● This compares to over 17,000 plants currently operational in Europe

● Nutrients currently lost in waste damages the environment and represents lost revenue to industry


● Abundance of available feedstock from Delmarva’s 1,700 poultry farmers

● Hatchery waste has a tipping fee; poultry litter prices likely to fall (regulations)

● 10 hatcheries, 6 municipal solidwaste landfills, 2 composters within 50 miles


● Delmarva peninsula: proximity to feedstock, workforce, established transportation network with rail androad, University of Maryland Eastern Shore

● No direct cleantech competitors east of the Rockies

● Both Biomass Anaerobic Digestion combined with Nutrient Recovery is market competitive withoutgovernment subsidies

The  U.S.  Opportunity


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The  Team


*  American  Biogas  Council

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● Globomass’s U.S Subidiary, CleanBay Renewables uses Wet Anaerobic Digestion

(AD) and Struvite Nutrient Recovery technologies

● Heat generatedby the AD plant is used in the Nutrient recovery process

● The size of each project will be 75,000 tons of waste per year costing $24.5 million

● CleanBay has choosen a US company to provide the Anaerobic technology and a

Canadian firm for the Nutrient Recovery technology

● All of the generation output will be exported, less a small plant load factor

● The granular organic fertilizerwill be sold to the Agri-­‐Horticultural industries

● The feedstock can be agricultural wastes, animal wastes, crop residues, food

processing by-­‐products, or any such organic degradable biomassmaterial available

on site or close to the site

● The projects have additional revenue stream possible in the future


The  Market

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The  Team


Overview  of  Anaerobic  Digestion  &  Nutrient  Recovery  Projects

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● Modular design for two separate “unit operations” – electricity, nutrient recovery

● Use off-­‐the-­‐shelf systems fromqualified suppliers with warranties (bid and proposal process)

● Unique relationships and regulatory environment

● Federal, state, and local governments

● Feedstock suppliers and poultry integrators

● Maryland and Delaware are “net metering” states; require power purchase if eligible to

supply to grid (PJM forMid-­‐Atlantic)

● State regulations limiting use of poultry waste as a fertilizer (new as of 2014)

Barriers to entry for others

● Only 18 poultrywaste-­‐based AD systems in U.S. currently none with Nutrient Recovery

● Digestate (residue following AD conversion) handling and disposal to gain local zoning approval

● Biomass AD extracts organics into separable products such that digestate does not cause

environmental issues

Minimal  technology  risk  – all  mitigated


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EPC  Structure

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EPC  Contractor

•Civil•Mechanical•Electrical•Project  WRAP•All site  responsibilities•Subcontractors•Electrical  Connections•Permits•Project  Management•Schedule   Delivery


• Digesters• Design  &  Configuration• Installation   Supervision• Commissioning• Training• Struvite  Recovery  (NR)

CAT• Engines• Training


The  Market

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The  Team


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Serbia  Projects

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Overview  of  the  Serbian  Biomass  market

● Serbia currently has 5 Biogas plants inoperation

● There are clear and ambitious renewable energy targets. Biogas has been allocateda target of 50 MW

● A robust FiT regimewith a clearly defined regulatory process in existence

● Twelve year PPAs are available from a state utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS)

● Serbia has a target of 27% of energy from renewables by 2020, which currently sits at 16%, in excess of aEuropean Union target of 20%

● Serbia is an EU accession state


● Large blocks of highly productive land available combinedwith an advanced agriculture sector

● The majority of the required feedstock will be purpose grown on the purchased land, supplying over 80% ofthe energy requirements. Remainder from third parties in the locality

● Feedstock composition will include energy crops including Sorghum, Maize, Winter Rye, Wheat Straw aswell as Pig Slurry and Molasses sourced externally


● Location of the first 6MW Plant is in Bela Crkva in Eastern Serbia on the Romanianborder

● Vojvodina, the local region is known as an intensive and productive agricultural province

● Feedstock will be grown on an owned, arable and contiguous 1,200 ha property


The  Serbian  Opportunity


The  Market

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Globomass  Serbia  – The  Site

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Site  Characteristics• Flat  site• Gentle  slope   away  from  front  to  back  – approx.  4m  over  a  350m  distance• Soil  is  arable,  free  draining,  mix  of  clay  and  sandy   type• No  rock  close  to  surface• Deep  soil   profile• Ready  to  commence  Geotechnical  survey  • Approx.  110  meters  above  sea  level• Natural  drainage  into  nearby  canal  system  – 300  meters  distance• Green  field  site,  no  obstructions


The  Market

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The  Team


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Globomass  Serbia  – Feedstock

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The  majority  of  the  required  feedstock  will  be  purpose  grown  on  the  purchased  land,  supplying  over  80%  of  the  energy  requirements.  Remainder  from  third  parties  in  the  locality.

Breakdown  of  the  total  feedstock  is…..Crop Format Tonnage %  of  Energy Source

Sorghum Whole  Crop Silage 39,000 19.25% Own  non-­‐irrigated

Maize WC  Silage 33,000 33.17% Own  irrigated

Winter  Rye WC  Silage 32,750 28.1% Own irrigated

Wheat  Straw Chopped Bales 8,300 11.86% Third  party

Pig  Slurry Liquid 31,300 3.25% Third party

Molasses Desugared  54%  DM 2,000 3.46% Third  party

AD  Liquid Liquid 54,750 1% Own process


The  Market

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The  Team


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Globomass  Serbia  – Overall  Plant  Layout

Site  Highlights• 8  modules   x  750  kW  each• On-­‐site  storage  of  feedstock• Lagoon  storage  of  digestate• Solids   separation  increases  storage  

and  application  options• Site  is  central  to  biomass  

production   area• Centralized  storage  and  distribution  

of  liquid   slurry  &  molasses• Weighbridge   for  data  capture• Staff  facilities• Individual   and  central  monitoring  

and  control  of  each  module• One  export  connection  point

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Globomass  Serbia  -­ Operations

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Globomass  will  manage  all  ongoing  operations  within  the  project  – both  feedstock  production  and  the  biogas  energy  generation  plant.  

The  previous  owner/operator  remains  in  place  and  provides  the  feedstock  operations  through  a  service  contract  agreement.Much  of  the  existing  equipment  will  be  used  to  perform  the  required  operations.  Additional  equipment  is  purchased  as  part  of  the  project  capex.

The  biomass  crops  are  grown,  harvested  and  stored  in  the  same  manner  as  normal  forage  crops.

The  digestate  is  returned  to  the  soil  as  a  fertilizer,  reducing  the  chemical  fertilizer  requirements.

All  crop  operations  are  conducted   in  as  sustainable  a  manner  as  possible,  employing  modern  techniques  and  information  technology  systems  to  achieve  a  precision  agriculture  approach.  


The  Market

The  Projects

The  Team


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EPC  Structure

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•Civil•Mechanical•Electrical•Project  WRAP•All site  responsibilities•Subcontractors•Electrical  Connections•Commissioning  &  Start up


•Digesters•Engines•Design  &  Configuration•Installation   Supervision•Commissioning•Training

IEE•Permits•Schedule Delivery•Project  Management


The  Market

The  Projects

The  Team


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Page 27: Globomass Website Presentation June16 Website... · Overview,of,the,Biomass,market: As the advantagesof using of AD and NR technologies become moreapparent,the investmentin biomass

Overview  of  the  Malaysian  Biomass  market:

● The government of Malaysia has announced its plan to incorporate energy efficiency and renewable energyin addition to the country’s existing four fuel diversificationpolicy

● Renewable energy is endorsed to be the fifth fuel by the Malaysian government. Efforts are geared towardsthe promotion and development of renewable energy solutions

● The country has vast potential to exploit the ample natural resources that include timber waste, palm oilwaste, rice husk; coconut trunk fibre,municipal waste and sugar cane waste

● Generally palm oil mills treat the effluent discharged from plants manufacturing palm oil, an importantexport for Malaysia and Indonesia, into open lagoons. The diffusion into the atmosphere of global warminggas and water qualitypollution has become a significant problem

● The palm oil industry has come under strong pressure to adhere to water quality regulations for palm oileffluent, leading palmmills to take strong meaningful measures tomanage the environmental damage

● With the annual haze problem within South East-­‐Asia, The Palm industry is facing enormous regionalGovernment pressures to cut their traditional slash and burn process with the plantations


● The Malaysian Government have incorporated debt funding programmes for solution providers who candeliver technology to deliver meaningful impact to the Palm Oil Industry and to supplement the productionof power into the national supply grid

● The Government Green fund ( has a budget of US$550 Million, with a remainingbalance of GT Value for Financing:US$250 Million


The  Malaysia  Opportunity


The  Market

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Regulated  Sustainable  energy  industry:

● The Malaysian sustainable energy power regulator SEDA ( assess new potentialsustainable energy solutions to diversify and complement the existing portfolio of existing sustainableenergy solutions

● SEDA are also responsible to implement the laws related to sustainable energy

● The Malaysian Palm Oil Board ( provide impetus for the development of a highlydiversified, value-­‐added, globally competitive and sustainable oil palm industry

Globomass developing theopportunity :

● The availability of specific debt financing within a regulated and managed environment presents substantialopportunity for Globomass to deliver a proven business model into the organic waste sector and to providemuch needed supplementarypower into the national grid

● Globomass is already working closely with both the Government boards and plantation owners to sourcethe most dynamic opportunity is both sourced and delivered


The  Malaysia  Opportunity

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The  Market

The  Projects

The  Team


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Project  Risks  and  Mitigants

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Regulatory RiskThe  possibility  that  tariff  will  be  changed  arbitrarily  is  mitigated   by:• A  robust  and  stable  PPA  structures  • PPA’s  with  state  backed  and/or  investment   grade  

utilities• Well  defined  regulatory  process  steps• Established  incentive  programs  and  investment  

protection  measures

Feedstock  RiskThe  possibility  of  disruption  to  the  steady  supply  of  feedstock  is  mitigated  by:• Acquisition  of  land  for  feedstock  production  and/or  secure  

feedstock  contracts• The  ability  to  source  from  third  party  suppliers  • Variation  of  crops  and  techniques   can  be  utilized  • Various  sowing,  growing  and  harvesting  periods  and  dates  

spread  the  risk  of  crop  yield  performance• High  quality  farmland  with  irrigation  for  Serbian  project.

Execution  RiskThe  possibility  of  delay  or  in  the  developer ’s  plans  is  mitigated  by:• Off  the  shelf  technology  in  use  on  over  17,250  plants  in  

Europe  alone• Experienced  developer  with  a  track  record  in  project  

development  and  biomass  technology  • Simple  modular  process  of  installing  ready-­‐made  plants  

and  connecting  them   to  the  grid  • Support  by  top-­‐notch  EPC  contractors  and  law  firms  • Intimate   knowledge  with  regard  to  navigating  grid  

connection  processes  .  

Permitting  RiskThe  possibility  that  the  project  does  not  attain  all  necessary  permits   is  mitigated  by:•Relatively  rapid  permitting  period,  driven  by  Project  scale   and  technology  •Receipt  of  critical  permits  ahead  of  funding,  expected  as  condition  precedent  to  debt  drawdown•Clearly  defined  and  understood  process,  with  the  majority  of  permits  granted  at  a   local  municipality   level  

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Project  Risks  and  Mitigants

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Technology  RiskThe  possibility  that  technology  or  equipment  will  be  difficult  to  install  and/or  cause  delays  is  mitigated  by:•Off-­‐the-­‐shelf  technology  •Standard  and  easy  to  maintain  biogas  engines  are  the  central  component  driving  the  technology  •Proven  concept  •Reputable  technology  suppliers•Plant  Components  are  commonly  in  use  across  many  industries

Payment  RiskThe  possibility  of  the  offtaker  not  paying  regularly,  breaching  the  contractually  stipulated  timeline   or  interference  in  the  collection  efforts  is  mitigated   by:•Mechanisms   guaranteeing  the  Company  payment  from  the  offtaker•Government  backed  or  investment  grade  utility  as  offtaker  •Harmonization  of  international  regulations  and  standards

Operating  RiskThe  possibility  of  plant  and  process  operations  being  interrupted  at  any  point  in  the  value  chain  is  mitigated  by:•Proven  management   team  with  a  track  record  of  managing  operating  engineers  and  staff  •Simple  operating  processes  to  be  conducted  by  in-­‐house  engineers  and  operators•Use  of  standardized  monitoring  equipment  •Best  management   practices   and  techniques  from  other  industries  can  be  deployed  to  the  operation  of  an  AD  and  NR  plant  

Timing  RiskThe  possibility  of  being  delayed  outside  the  current  tariff  window  is  mitigated   by:•Experienced  contractors•Modular  and  mobile  AD  power  generation  units  •Off  the  shelf  technology  •Very  high  level  of  pre-­‐prepared  components  results  on  low  levels  of  on-­‐site  construction  delays

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● The  use  of  AD  and  NR  technology   combined   is  a  real  economic  opportunity

● Investment  in  the  sector  has  shown   straight  line  growth  over  the  past  15  years  and  continues   on  this  trajectory.  This  investment  is  underpinned   by  global  initiatives   such  as  COP21  

● The  biomass  market  is  positioned   to  grow  rapidly  in  the  US,  Serbia,  Malaysia  and  globally

● Demand  for  efficient  management  of  organic  waste  from  intensive   agriculture  is  growing

● Globomass   and  its  subsidiaries   can  manage  this  waste  in  a  profitable  manner

● Technology  is  proven,   efficient,  reliable  and  cost  effective

● The  Company  has  developed   a  considerable   pipeline   of  projects  with  advanced  projects  in  the  permitting  process

● The  management    team  has  a  proven  track  record  of  delivery  and  has  significantly  invested  in  this  venture  

● The  Globomass   integrated  approach  ensures   that  development,   technology,   security  of  supply,   operations,   project  finance  and  financial  performances  are  all  within  the  control  of  the  company  itself

● Reoccurring  sales  driven  by  a  demand  for  the  products  and  a  need  to  use  the  waste  materials  support   the  growth  story    



The  Market

The  Projects

The  Team


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The  Team

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Management Team


The Company’s management team has considerable experience from large corporate through

to developing small and medium sized businesses, as well as in the renewable energy sector.

The Management team comprises:

● Bruno Baillavoine Co-­‐Chairman

● Donal Buckley CEO & Co-­‐Chairman

● Alan Gilbert COO

● Bryan A. Train Chief of International Business Development

● Thomas Spangler Chairman – Biomass AD USA

● Jason Levine CEO – Biomass AS USA

● Ana Z. Karic Chief of Eastern Europe Development

● Carlo Merlo Babini Chief of Profit Improvement Programmes

● Dean Roberts CFO & Chief of Asia Development

● Shawn Freitas Chief Technology Officer

● Scott Young Special Adviser to the Board

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The  Market

The  Projects


The  Team


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Registered  Office: Globomass  Holdings  Limited,  77  Kingsway,  London,  WC2B  6SR,  UK

Project  Finance  Advisors Taylor-­‐DeJongh,  1101  17th  Street,  NW,  1220  Washington  DC,  USA

Attorneys  in  the  UK Bracher  Rawlins  LLP,  77  Kingsway,  London,  WC2B  6SR,  UK

Attorneys  in  Serbia Schoenherr  Serbia, 15  Dobracina,  11000  Belgrade,  Serbia

Tax  Advisers Crowe  Clark  Whitehill  LLP,  10  Salisbury  Square,  London  EC4Y  8EH,  UK

Corporate  Services HLB  T&M  Consulting,  19  Mlatisumina,  Belgrade-­‐Vracar,  Serbia

Bankers  (Ireland) Bank  Of  Ireland  Plc, Main  Street  Skibbereen,  Cork,  Ireland

Bankers  (Serbia) Erste Bank,  Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 11b,  11020  Novi  Beograd,  Serbia

Bankers  (UK) Clydesdale  Bank  PLC,  35  Regent  Street,   London  SW1Y  4ND,  UK

Bankers  (USA) Citibank,  1225  Connecticut  Ave  NW,  Washington  DC,  USA

Bankers  (Asia) OCBC,  63  Chulia  Street,  #11-­‐01,  OCBC  Centre  East  S,  Singapore

Operations  Company Globomass  Limited,  Fahouragh,  Castletownshend,   Co  Cork,  Ireland

Serbia  Project  Company Biomass  ADS,   Mlatisumina  Street  No.19,  Belgrade,  Serbia

USA  Project  Company CleanBay Biofuels, Somerset  Avenue,  Princess  Anne,  MD  21853  USA

Asian  Project  Company Globomass  PTE  LTD,   47  Hill  Street,  Singapore,  077903

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The  Market

The  Projects


The  Team


Registered  Office  &  Advisors

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Key  Team  Member  Biographies


Mr. Baillavoine, founder and Chairman of Globomass, is an entrepreneur and business turnaround expertwith an impressive record of creating strong profitability in a broad range of businesses. He has experience atsenior level from small companies to global multinationals. As Director for Prontaprint he grew shopnumbers to 500 locations in 4 years, leading to the successful flotation in 1985. Bruno was headhunted byBET plc as Director for the £250 million Initial-­‐UK business. Success led to promotion as MD for themanufacturing businesses.

The £2.3 billion turnaround of BET is one of the most successful turnarounds of a top 100 FTSE companyever. Previously invited to join Grand Metropolitan Plc (now Diageo Plc $74 billion Market Cap) – a FTSE 100drinks, food, hotels and leisure group as Director in the Special Operations Division to develop theCommercial Plan for the division’s trouble-­‐shooting arm for over 20,000 Grand Met retail outlets. Here heassessedpotential acquisitions and disposals and secured Boardapproval.

Donal  BuckleyFounder  and  CEO

Bruno  BaillavoineFounder  and  Chairman

Mr Buckley is a CEO with experience in all areas of project development in the clean-­‐tech biomass sector; hehas 12 years experience of biomass in countries worldwide including the U.K. Ireland, USA, Brazil, Ghana,Latvia, Bulgaria and Serbia. Donal was the founder and CEO of Kedco plc for 6 years where he developed thecompany into a successful leading project development company in the biomass, anaerobic digestion andgasification fields. He listed this company on the AIM market on the LSE in 2008 and guided it to signing verysignificant JV contracts with project values of over £80 million, with 4 times this amount of new projects inthe pipeline when he sold his stock to set up Globomass. Donal also set up an agricultural financial advisorybusiness in 2001 which later became part of the larger SWS group in 2003. SWS was an Irish companyspecialising inbiomass, wind energy and business services (sold for €600 million in 2010).

Donal has spoken to many worldwide audiences on the potential of biomass as a sustainable future energysource, in locations such as the London Stock Exchange, New York Clean-­‐tech events and for London basedpublic relations companies. In 2009 he was one of 27 CEO’s chosen by the Irish government to complete anexecutive education program in Stanford University, due to his ability to build global companies. Donal is a lifemember of Stanford alumina.

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Mr. Gilbert has over 10 years’ experience in the renewable energy sector, particularly in the area of biomass.From 2006 to 2011, he worked with an AIM listed plc company that specialized in the biomass sector,developing projects to generate electricity and heat. Of particular note was a Latvian biomass business whichhe restructured, increased turnover 5 fold, transforming it into a profit making business, while alsodeveloping an energy project ready to finance. While there he also established an anaerobic digestiondivision. He was directly involved in and responsible for a number of AD projects, bringing them through thesales process, into planning, permitting, establishing feedstock supplies and prepared for financing. Mr.Gilbert is very skilled in human resources, management structure, lines of reporting and communication,traceability and accountability within a company. He also spent over 9 years in the food industry, workingwith the global food giant Kerry Group plc (turn over €5.8bn 2014).

Alan is responsible for the mechanics of project development, planning and execution of the project buildouts, agricultural cropping operations, any third party raw biomass supplies and ultimately the dailyoperations of plants.

Mr. Train has extensive international experience within project finance, capital markets and industry. Priorto joining the Globomass team, he acted as an advisor on project finance and funding options to thecompany for both developed and emerging markets. He was a Managing Director of the Worsham Group, afamily office focused on private investments in real estate. He was a co-­‐founder and director of Asha ZuriParticipacoes, which funded the development of 3,500 low income units in South Eastern Brazil. Mr. Trainhas also held executive positions at Coloplast, a maker of healthcare products, and the InternationalBusiness Group at GMAC’s Rescap mortgage lending platform. He began his career in the accountingdepartment of DuPont’s subsidiary in Spain.

Bryan is directly responsible for the development of emerging markets and projects that will be key to theGlobomass growth strategy in territories such as USA and the broader EasternEuropean countries.

Alan  GilbertFounder  and  COO

Bryan  A.  TrainChief  – International  Business  Development

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Key  Team  Member  Biographies

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Mr. Spangler is a former senior Department of Defense official and electrical engineer. Tom is anentrepreneur, startup investor, and advisor to multiple defense, aerospace, and investment concerns. He isthe author of the article “A Pentagon Energy Plan” and was the founder of CleanBay Renewables prior to theGlobomass Investment. He is well versed in U.S. State and Federal Government Programs related to theRenewables Sector and continues to drive the firms expansion in the U.S. Market. Tom is also a principal ofOsprey View, a Game monitoring / land management geographical information service using multiple classesof unmanned aerial systems (UAS). He is also a principal of Spangler Strategic Advisors, a communitydevelopment venture capital fund that invests (debt and equity) and provides technical assistance to early-­‐and mid-­‐stage small businesses expecting triple-­‐bottom-­‐line returns (increased employment, positiveenvironmental impacts, and moderate return on investment). Tom holds a degree in Electrical Engineeringfrom John Hopkins University in Baltimore,Maryland.

Mr.  Levine is  a  growth  stage  veteran  with  operating  experience  includes  roles  of  Chief  Financial  Officer,  General  Counsel,  and  senior  corporate  development  executive.  Jason  also  has  extensive  venture  capital  and  investment  banking  experience  having  managed  Boston  University’s  Community  Technology  Fund  venture  capital  portfolio,  Friedman,  Billings,  Ramsey’s  merchant  banking  portfolio,  and  having  structured  over  a  billion  dollars  of  structured  finance  transactions  while  at  Tucker  Anthony  and  Merrill  Lynch.    Jason  holds  a  BA  in  Psychology  from  Wesleyan  University,  an  MBA  from  the  University  of  Virginia  – Darden  Graduate  School  of  Business  Administration  and  a  JD  (Law)  from  the  University  of  Virginia  School  Law  School.

Thomas  SpanglerCo-­‐Chairman  

Biomass  AD  USA

Jason  LevineCEO

Biomass  AD  USA

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Key  Team  Member  Biographies

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Prior to joining Globomass,Mrs. Karić was Managing Director of B&S Export-­‐Import based in Vienna buyingand selling various goods and services. Ana also worked as a Project Manager for Arthur D. Little in Belgradewhere she played a key role in performing due diligence and developing the international tender process forMobtel. Before this she was a Manager for strategy and planning at Mobtel, where she participated innegotiations and binding contracts between Mobtel and other telecommunications providers such asEricsson, Siemens and the two biggest Chinese telecommunications companies, Huawei and ZTE. Ana studiedat the European Business School London where she earned a BA honors degree in International Business withGerman and Italian, as well as an MA degree in Entrepreneurial Management. She speaks Serbian, English,German, Italian and basic Russian and was added to the “Who’s Who of Britain’s Youngest Directors” in 2009.

Ana is directly responsible for developing AD projects in greater EasternEurope, primarily Serbia.Ana  Z  Karić

Chief  of  Eastern  Europe  Development

Mr. Babini’s corporate background started with DuPont de Nemours in Switzerland where he worked as ananalyst. He went on to join the Bacardi Martini company where he worked in management reporting.Afterwards he joined ALCOA (Aluminum Company Of America) acting as a plant controller and then to IATA(International Air Transport Association) where he worked in the PMO and as program manager. Hisstrengths include business development, process improvement and project management. He also hassignificant experience in management practices for large multi-­‐nationals having implemented and managedsuch processes. Carlo is a graduate in International Business and Management from the European BusinessSchool in London.

Carlo’s focus is on driving continuous process and profit improvements within the organization and withinprojects. He is also researching innovative sustainability measures which can be applied to AD projects whenoperational.

Carlo  BabiniChief  Development  


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Key  Team  Member  Biographies

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Prior to joining Globomass,Mr. Roberts was Director within a Pan Asian Business Consultancy wherehe played a key role in performing due diligence, strategic analysis, operating model processimprovements, financial modeling, sourcing, executing and managing Capital markets mandates. Hehas operated actively within both project management and project finance appointments as well aswithin physical biomass markets. Dean holds an MBA within “Investment and Finance” and is also acertified PRINCE2 “ Projects in controlled environments “ specialist.

Dean has recently been appointed the Globomass CFO. He is also directly responsible for developingand managing the rolloutof the Globomass business model into the Asia Pacific region.Dean  Roberts

Group  CFO  &  Managing  Director  


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Key  Team  Member  Biographies

Mr. Freitas has professional experience with a variety of organizations related to petroleum andrenewable fuel/chemical production. In his most recent role he worked at TRI, owner of the largestFischer Tropsch biorefinery in North America and currently building the world’s first municipal solidwaste (MSW) to jet fuels plant. He has a doctorate focused on biomass chemistry and considerableexperience with both lab and commercial scale biomass & waste conversion technologies as well asthe associated methods & instrumentation required for their analysis. He is responsible for thedevelopment of a wide and growing selection of bioenergy & biofuels educational materials meant toimprove communication between the various stakeholders involved in these projects. Shawn also hasa background in project management and has demonstrated leadership and innovation in this field,expanding and improving earned value management methodologies for engineering & science andimplementing them on major EPC projects.

Shaun  FreitasChief  Technology  


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Mr. Young is an experienced investment banker with extensive cross-­‐border transaction experience in Europe,North America, the Middle East and Asia. He is founder and Managing Director of Gemini Capital in London.Gemini Capital is involved in providing strategic and commercial advice to a wide range of entities, includingprivate businesses, multinational companies, family offices, private equity groups and sovereign wealth funds.He was previously with Morgan Stanley & Company in New York in the International Capital Markets group.Earlier positions include corporate finance, fixed income and equity sales and syndication with LF Rothschild inNew York and the US offices of the OECD in New York. Scott was also a Partner of Dial Partners in London, acorporate finance advisory firm assisting companies in mergers and acquisitions, capital raisings and otherstrategic initiatives.

Scott is particularly involved in the following areas: Pioneering health care technologies (stem cell treatmentfor diabetes), Alternative energy, renewables and energy efficiency, Agriculture (biofuels, tree farming,irrigation technologies) and Infrastructure (power generation and transport). Scott received his Doctorate inLaw and MBA degrees with distinction at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and speaks fluentFrench and Portuguese.

Scott  YoungAdvisor  to  the  


Special  Advisors  to  the  Board

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Bruno  Baillavoine (Chairman) ( +44  77  852  32  343 * [email protected] Buckley   (CEO) ( +353  879  050  218   * [email protected]  Alan  Gilbert   (COO)   ( +353  86  38  22  186   * [email protected]  A.  Train   (C  IBD) ( +44  78  807  51  818 * [email protected]  Roberts (C  ABD)   ( +65  6631  8978 * [email protected]  Spangler   (Chairman  USA) ( +1  202  297  3364   * [email protected]  Levin   (CEO  USA) ( +1  301  254  8501   * [email protected]