glossary of cognates english / french y · 2019-11-02 · glossary of cognates english – french...

Glossary Glossary of Cognates English / French THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 The use of cognates allows English language learners to use their home language as a resource for learning new academic words in English. It is particularly helpful for students who speak Latin-based languages, including French. Cognates are words that have a similar spelling, pronunciation, and meaning across two languages. When students recognize words as cognates, they can access unfamiliar English words and better understand what they read.

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Glossary of Cognates English / French



The use of cognates allows English language learners to use their home language as a resource for learning new academic words in English. It is particularly helpful for students who speak Latin-based languages, including French. Cognates are words that have a similar spelling, pronunciation, and meaning across two languages. When students recognize words as cognates, they can access unfamiliar English words and better understand what they read.

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P-16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education

Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies


MERRYL H. TISCH, Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ........................................... New York

MILTON L. COFIELD, Vice Chancellor, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D. ............................. Rochester

ROBERT M. BENNETT, Chancellor Emeritus, B.A., M.S. ................................... Tonawanda

JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D. ................................................... Plattsburgh

ANTHONY S. BOTTAR, B.A., J.D. ...................................................................... Syracuse

GERALDINE D. CHAPEY, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ..................................................... Belle Harbor

HARRY PHILLIPS, 3rd, B.A., M.S.F.S. ............................................................... Hartsdale

JAMES R. TALLON, JR., B.A., M.A. ................................................................... Binghamton

ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D. .................................................................................... Great Neck

CHARLES R. BENDIT, B.A. ................................................................................. Manhattan

BETTY A. ROSA, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D. ....................... Bronx

LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed. D. ......................................................... Oakland Gardens

CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. .............................................................. Staten Island

WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A. ................................................................................. Rochester

JAMES O. JACKSON, B.S., M.A., PH.D ................................................................ Albany

KATHLEEN M. CASHIN, B.S., M.S., Ed.D. ......................................................... Brooklyn

JAMES E. COTTRELL, B.S., M.D. .......................................................................... New York

Commissioner of Education President of The University of the State of New York JOHN B. KING, JR.

Executive Deputy Commissioner VALERIE GREY

The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including Braille, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234. Requests for additional copies of this publication may be made by contacting the Publications Sales Desk, Room 319, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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Glossary of Cognates English to French

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

Page 2 Last Updated: May 18, 2012


English French

1 absolutely 1 absolument

2 abundance 2 abondance

3 abuse 3 abuser

4 accelerate (to) 4 accélérer

5 accentuate (to) 5 accentuer

6 accident 6 accident

7 accompany (to) 7 accompagner

8 accuse (to) 8 accuser

9 acrobatic 9 acrobatique

10 active 10 active

11 activities 11 activités

12 activity 12 activité

13 actor 13 acteur

14 actuary 14 actuaire

15 admirable 15 admirable

16 admire (to) 16 admirer

17 admire (to) 17 admirer

18 admit (to) 18 admettre

19 adopt (to) 19 adopter

20 adoption 20 adoption

21 adore 21 adorer

22 adult 22 adulte

23 adventure 23 aventure

24 African 24 Africain-e

25 agency 25 agence

26 agent 26 agent

27 aggregate 27 agrégat

28 agile 28 agile

29 agony 29 agonie

30 air 30 air

31 alarm 31 alarme

32 allergic 32 allergique

33 ambitious 33 ambitieux-euse

34 anaconda 34 anaconda

35 analyze (to) 35 analyser

36 animal 36 animal

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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A (continued)



37 announce (to) 37 annoncer

38 appear (to) 38 apparaître

39 appetite 39 appétit

40 arbitrary 40 arbitraire

41 area 41 aire

42 arithmetic 42 arithmétique

43 arrogance 43 arrogance

44 artist 44 artiste

45 artistic 45 artistique

46 associate (to) 46 associer

47 association 47 association

48 astronomer 48 astronome

49 atmosphere 49 atmosphère

50 attention 50 attention

51 August 51 août

52 authorize (to) 52 autoriser

53 autograph 53 autographe

54 automatic 54 automatique

55 automobile 55 automobile

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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1 banana 1 banane

2 banjo 2 banjo

3 battery 3 batterie

4 bicycle 4 bicyclette

5 biography 5 biographie

6 blouse 6 blouse

7 brilliant 7 brilliant-e

8 brutal 8 brutal

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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1 cabin 1 cabine

2 cable 2 cable

3 cafeteria 3 cafétéria

4 camera 4 caméra

5 camouflage 5 camouflage

6 candid 6 candide

7 canyon 7 canyon

8 captain 8 capitaine

9 capture (to) 9 capturer

10 catastrophe 10 catastrophe

11 cause 11 cause

12 celebrate (to) 12 célébrer

13 cement 13 ciment

14 center 14 centre

15 ceramic 15 céramique

16 cereal 16 céréale

17 ceremony 17 cérémonie

18 chimney 18 cheminée

19 chimpanzee 19 chimpanzé

20 cholera 20 choléra

21 circle 21 cercle

22 circular 22 circulaire

23 civilize 23 civiliser

24 class 24 classe

25 classify (to) 25 classifier

26 coast 26 côte

27 colony 27 colonie

28 color 28 couleur

29 combination 29 combinaison

30 comment 30 commentaire

31 committee 31 comité

32 common 32 commun

33 company 33 compagnie

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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C (continued)



34 compare (to) 34 comparer

35 complete (to) 35 compléter

36 comport 36 comporter

37 concert 37 concert

38 condition 38 condition

39 confetti 39 confetti

40 confusing 40 confus

41 confusion 41 confusion

42 constellation 42 constellation

43 construction 43 construction

44 consult 44 consulter

45 contagious 45 contagieux-euse

46 continent 46 continent

47 continue (to) 47 continuer

48 contract 48 contracter

49 contribution 49 contribution

50 convenient 50 convénient

51 converse (to) 51 converser

52 convert (to) 52 convertir

53 correctly 53 correctement

54 coyote 54 coyote

55 criminal 55 criminel

56 crocodile 56 crocodile

57 curiosity 57 curiosité

58 curious 58 curieux-euse

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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1 December 1 décembre

2 decide (to) 2 décider

3 decisive 3 décisive

4 declare (to) 4 déclarer

5 decoration 5 décoration

6 delicate 6 délicat-e

7 delicious 7 délicieux-euse

8 demonstrate(to) 8 démontrer

9 depend (to) 9 dépendre

10 deport (to) 10 déporter

11 describe (to) 11 décrire

12 desert 12 déserter

13 despotism 13 despotisme

14 destroy (to) 14 détruire

15 detain (to) 15 détenir

16 determine (to) 16 déterminer

17 diamond 17 diamant

18 dictator 18 dictateur

19 dictionary 19 dictionnaire

20 different 20 différent-e

21 difficultly 21 difficulté

22 dinosaur 22 dinosaure

23 direction 23 direction

25 directly 25 directement

26 director 26 directeur

27 disappear (to) 27 disparaître

28 disaster 28 désastre

29 discrimination 29 discrimination

30 discuss (to) 30 discuter

31 disgrace 31 disgrâce

32 distance 32 distance

33 distribute (to) 33 distribuer

34 doctor 34 docteur

35 dollar 35 dollar

36 double 36 double

37 dragon 37 dragon

38 dynamite 38 dynamite

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

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1 effective 1 effective

2 egoist 2 égoïste

3 electric 3 électrique

4 electricity 4 électricité

5 elephant 5 éléphant

6 energy 6 énergie

7 enormous 7 énorme

8 enter (to) 8 entrer

9 escape (to) 9 échapper

10 especially 10 spécialement

11 estimate (to) 11 estimer

12 evidently 12 évidemment

13 exactly 13 exactement

14 exaggerate 14 exagérer

15 exalt 15 exalter

16 examine (to) 16 examiner

17 exclaim 17 exclamer

18 excuse 18 excuser

19 exemption 19 exemption

20 exotic 20 exotique

21 experience 21 expérience

22 explosion 22 explosion

23 export (to) 23 exporter

24 extra 24 extra

25 extraordinary 25 extraordinaire

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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1 family 1 famille

2 famous 2 fameux-euse

3 fantastic 3 fantastique

4 fascinate (to) 4 fasciner

5 favorable 5 favorable

6 favorite 6 favori-te

7 ferment (to) 7 fermenter

8 ferocious 8 féroce

9 festive 9 festive

10 finally 10 finalement

11 firm 11 firme

12 flexible 12 flexible

13 flower 13 fleur

14 fragile 14 fragile

15 fruit 15 fruit

16 funeral 16 funérailles

17 furious 17 furieux-euse

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

NYS Statewide Language RBE-RN at NYU

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1 galaxy 1 galaxie

2 gallon 2 gallon

3 garden 3 jardin

4 gas 4 gaz

5 general 5 général-e

6 generous 6 généreux-euse

7 giraffe 7 girafe

8 glorious 8 glorieux-euse

9 golf 9 golf

10 gorilla 10 gorille

11 gracious 11 gracieux-euse

12 gratify (to) 12 gratifier

13 group 13 groupe

14 guide 14 guide

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

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1 helicopter 1 hélicoptère

2 hippopotamus 2 hippopotame

3 history 3 histoire

4 honor 4 honneur

5 hospital 5 hôpital

6 hotel 6 hôtel

7 hour 7 heure

8 human 8 humain-e

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

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1 idea 1 Idée

2 idealism 2 idéalisme

3 identification 3 identification

4 identity (to) 4 identifier

5 ignorant 5 ignorant-e

6 ignore (to) 6 ignorer

7 imaginary 7 imaginaire

8 imagine (to) 8 imaginer

9 immediately 9 immédiatement

10 immigrant 10 immigrant

11 implore (to) 11 implorer

12 import (to) 12 importer

13 important 13 important-e

14 impossible 14 impossible

15 impression 15 impression

16 incredible 16 incrédible

17 incurable 17 incurable

18 independence 18 indépendance

19 indicative 19 indicative

20 information 20 information

21 insect 21 insecte

22 inseparable 22 inséparable

23 insert (to) 23 insérer

24 insist (to) 24 insister

25 inspection 25 inspection

26 instruction 26 instruction

27 insult (to) 27 insulter

28 intelligence 28 intelligence

29 interesting 29 intéressant-e

30 interrupt (to) 30 interrompre

31 introduction 31 introduction

32 introduce (to) 32 introduire

33 invent (to) 33 inventer

34 investigate (to) 34 investiguer

35 invitation 35 invitation

36 invite (to) 36 inviter

37 island 37 île

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1 justify (to) 1 justifier

2 juvenile 2 juvénile

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

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1 lament (to) 1 lamenter

2 leader 2 leader

3 lemon 3 limon

4 lens 4 lentille

5 leopard 5 léopard

6 lesson 6 leçon

7 line 7 ligne

8 lion 8 lion

9 list 9 liste

10 local 10 local-e

11 locate (to) 11 localiser

12 lucid 12 lucide

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1 machine 1 machine

2 magic 2 magique

3 magician 3 magicien

4 magnetic 4 magnétique

5 magnificent 5 magnifique

6 manner 6 manière

7 manual 7 manuel-elle

8 March 8 mars

9 march (to) 9 marcher

10 marionette 10 marionnette

11 mechanism 11 mécanisme

12 medal 12 médaille

13 memory 13 mémoire

14 metal 14 métal

15 microscope 15 microscope

16 million 16 million

17 miniature 17 miniature

18 minute 18 minute

19 minutes 19 minutes

20 mobile 20 mobile

21 modify (to) 21 modifier

22 moment 22 moment

23 monument 23 monument

24 moral 24 moral-e

25 music 25 musique

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1 natural 1 naturel-le

2 naturally 2 naturellement

3 necessity 3 nécessité

4 nectar 4 néctar

5 negotiate (to) 5 négocier

6 nervous 6 nerveux-euse

7 normally 7 normalement

8 notable 8 notable

9 notice 9 notice 10 notify (to) 10 notifier

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1 obedience 1 obédience

2 object 2 objet

3 observatory 3 observatoire

4 occasion 4 occasion

5 ocean 5 océan

6 October 6 octobre

7 office 7 office

8 operate (to) 8 opérer

9 operation 9 opération

10 optimism 10 optimisme

11 ordinary 11 ordinaire

12 organism 12 organisme

13 organize (to) 13 organiser

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Glossary of Cognates English – French

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1 pacify (to) 1 pacifier

2 palace 2 palais

3 panic 3 panique

4 paper 4 papier

5 paralyze (to) 5 paraliser

6 park 6 parc

7 part 7 part

8 participate (to) 8 participer

9 patience 9 patience

10 penguin 10 pingouin

11 perfect 11 parfait

12 perfume 12 parfum

13 permanent 13 permanent-e

14 photograph 14 photographie

15 photographer 15 photographe

16 piano 16 piano

17 pioneer 17 pionnier

18 pirate 18 pirate

19 planet 19 planète

20 planetarium 20 planétarium

21 plan 21 plan

22 plant 22 plante

23 plate 23 plat

24 police 24 police

25 practice 25 pratique

26 practice (to) 26 pratiquer

27 prepare (to) 27 préparer

28 present (to) 28 présenter

29 problem 29 problème

30 professional 30 professionnel-lle

31 prudent 31 prudent-e

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1 radio 1 radio

2 really 2 réalité

3 remedy 3 remède

4 represent (to) 4 représenter

5 restaurant 5 restaurant

6 retire (to) 6 (se) retirer

7 reunion 7 réunion

8 rich 8 riche

9 rock 9 roche

10 route 10 route

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1 salary 1 salaire

2 secret 2 secret

3 September 3 septembre

4 series 4 série

5 simplify (to) 5 simplifier

6 socialist 6 socialiste

7 sofa 7 sofa

8 solid 8 solide

9 solidify 9 solidifier

10 special 10 spécial-e

12 splendid 12 splendide

13 statistics 13 statistique

14 stomach 14 estomac

15 study (to) 15 étudier

16 stupid 16 stupide

17 support 17 support

18 surprise 18 surprise

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1 telephone 1 téléphone

2 telescope 2 télescope

3 television 3 télévision

4 terminate (to) 4 terminer

5 terrible 5 terrible

6 testimony 6 témoignage

7 tomato 7 tomate

8 totally 8 totalement

9 tourist 9 touriste

10 traffic 10 trafic

11 trap (to) 11 attraper

12 triple 12 triple

13 triumphant 13 triumphant-e

14 trumpet 14 trompette

15 tube 15 tube

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1 uniform 1 uniforme

2 unify (to) 2 unifier

3 university 3 université

4 urgency 4 urgence

5 usual 5 usuel-le 6 utilize (to) 6 utiliser

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1 vegetables 1 végétales

2 venomous 2 venimeux

3 verify (to) 3 vérifier

4 version 4 version

5 visit (to) 5 visiter

6 volleyball 6 volley-ball

7 vote (to) 7 voter

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Glossary of Cognates French to English

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1 absolument 1 absolutely

2 abondance 2 abundance

3 abuser 3 abuse (to)

4 accident 4 accident

5 accélérer 5 accelerate (to)

6 accentuer 6 accentuate (to)

7 accompagner 7 accompany (to)

8 acrobatique 8 acrobatic

9 activité 9 activity

10 activités 10 activities

11 active 11 active

12 acteur 12 actor

13 actuaire 13 actuary

14 accuser 14 accuse (to)

15 admirable 15 admirable

16 admirer 16 admire (to)

17 admettre 17 admit (to)

18 adoption 18 adoption

19 adopter 19 adopt (to)

20 adorer 20 adore (to)

21 adulte 21 adult

22 adverbe 22 adverb

23 Africain-e 23 African

24 agence 24 agency

25 agent 25 agent

26 agile 26 agile

27 agonie 27 agony

28 août 28 August

29 aggrégat 29 aggregate

30 air 30 air

31 alarme 31 alarm

32 allergique 32 allergic

33 ambitieux-euse 33 ambitious

34 anaconda 34 anaconda

35 analyser 35 analyze (to)

36 animal 36 animal

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A (continued)



37 annoncer 37 announce (to)

38 apparaître 38 appear (to)

39 appétit 39 appetite

40 arbitraire 40 arbitrary

41 aire 41 area

42 arithmétique 42 arithmetic

43 arrogance 43 arrogance

44 artiste 44 artist

45 artístique 45 artistic

46 association 46 association

47 associer 47 associate (to)

48 astronome 48 astronomer

49 attention 49 attention

50 atmosphère 50 atmosphere

51 attraper 51 trap (to)

52 autographe 52 autograph

53 automatique 53 automatic

54 automobile 54 automobile

55 autoriser 55 authorize (to)

56 aventure 56 adventure

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1 banane 1 banana

2 banjo 2 banjo

3 batterie 3 battery

4 bicyclette 4 bicycle

5 biographie 5 biography

6 blouse 6 blouse

7 brilliant-e 7 brilliant

8 brutal 8 brutal

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1 cabine 1 cabin

2 cable 2 cable

3 cafétéria 3 cafeteria

4 caméra 4 camera

5 camouflage 5 camouflage

6 candide 6 candid

7 canyon 7 canyon

8 capitaine 8 captain

9 capturer 9 capture (to)

10 catastrophe 10 catastrophe

11 cause 11 cause

12 célébrer 12 celebrate (to)

13 ciment 13 cement

14 centre 14 center

15 céramique 15 ceramic

16 céréale 16 cereal

17 cérémonie 17 ceremony

18 cheminée 18 chimney

19 chimpanzé 19 chimpanzee

20 circulaire 20 circular

21 cercle 21 circle

22 civiliser 22 civilize

23 classe 23 class

24 classifier 24 classify (to)

25 crocodile 25 crocodile

26 choléra 26 cholera

27 colonie 27 colony

28 couleur 28 color

29 combinaison 29 combination

30 comentaire 30 comment

31 comité 31 committee

32 compagnie 32 company

33 comparer 33 compare (to)

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C (continued)



34 compléter 34 complete (to)

35 comporter 35 comport

36 commun 36 common

37 concert 37 concert

38 condition 38 condition

39 confetti 39 confetti

40 confusion 40 confusion

41 confus 41 confusing

42 constellation 42 constellation

43 construction 43 construction

44 consulter 44 consult (to)

45 contagieux-euse 45 contagious

46 continent 46 continent

47 continuer 47 continue (to)

48 contracter 48 contract (to)

49 contribution 49 contribution

50 convénient 50 convenient

51 converser 51 converse (to)

52 convertir 52 convert (to)

53 correctement 53 correctly

54 côte 54 coast

55 coyote 55 coyote

56 criminel 56 criminal

57 curiosité 57 curiosity

58 curieux-euse 58 curious

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1 décider 1 decide (to)

2 décisive 2 decisive

3 déclarer 3 declare (to)

4 décoration 4 decoration

5 délicat-e 5 delicate

6 délicieux-euse 6 delicious

7 démontrer 7 demonstrate (to)

8 dépendre 8 depend (to)

9 déporter 9 deport (to)

10 disparaître 10 disappear (to)

11 désastre 11 disaster

12 décrire 12 describe (to)

13 disgrâce 13 disgrace

14 déserter 14 desert (to)

15 despotisme 15 despotism

16 détruire 16 destroy (to)

17 détenir 17 detain (to)

18 déterminer 18 determine (to)

19 diamant 19 diamond

20 dictionnaire 20 dictionary

21 décembre 21 December

22 dictateur 22 dictator

23 Different-e 23 different

24 difficulté 24 difficultly

25 dynamite 25 dynamite

26 dinosaure 26 dinosaur

27 direction 27 direction

28 directement 28 directly

29 directeur 29 director

30 discrimination 30 discrimination

31 discuter 31 discuss (to)

32 distance 32 distance

33 distribuer 33 distribute (to)

34 double 34 double

35 docteur 35 doctor

36 dollar 36 dollar

37 dragon 37 dragon

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1 efective 1 effective

2 egoïste 2 egoist

3 électricité 3 electricity

4 électrique 4 electric

5 électrique 5 electric

6 éléphant 6 elephant

7 énergie 7 energy

8 énorme 8 enormous

9 entrer 9 enter (to)

10 échapper 10 escape (to)

11 estimer 11 estimate (to)

12 estomac 12 stomach

14 étudier 14 Study (to)

15 évidemment 15 evidently

16 exactement 16 exactly

17 exagérer 17 exaggerate

18 exalter 18 exalt (to)

19 examiner 19 examine (to)

20 exclamer 20 exclaim (to)

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1 famille 1 family

2 fameux-euse 2 famous

3 fantstique 3 fantastic

4 fasciner 4 fascinate (to)

5 favorable 5 favorable

6 favori-te 6 favorite

7 fermenter 7 ferment (to)

8 féroce 8 ferocious

9 festive 9 festive

10 finalement 10 finally

11 firme 11 firm

12 flexible 12 flexible

13 fleur 13 flower

14 fragile 14 fragile

15 fruit 15 fruit

16 funérailles 16 funeral

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1 galaxie 1 galaxy

2 gallon 2 gallon

3 gaz 3 gas

4 général-e 4 general

5 généreux-euse 5 generous

6 glorieux-euse 6 glorious

7 golf 7 golf

8 gorille 8 gorilla

9 gracieux-euse 9 gracious

10 gratifier 10 gratify (to)

11 groupe 11 group

12 guide 12 guide

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1 hélicoptère 1 helicopter

2 hippopotame 2 hippopotamus

3 histoire 3 history

4 honnneur 4 honor

5 heure 5 hour

6 horreur 6 horror

7 hôpital 7 hospital

8 hôtel 8 hotel

9 humain-e 9 human

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1 idèe 1 idea

2 idéalisme 2 idealism

3 identifier 3 identity (to)

4 identification 4 identification

5 ignorant-e 5 ignorant

6 ignorer 6 ignore (to)

7 imaginer 7 imagine (to)

8 imaginaire 8 imaginary

9 implorer 9 implore (to)

10 important-e 10 important

11 importer 11 import (to)

12 impossible 12 impossible

13 impression 13 impression

14 incrédíble 14 incredible

15 incurable 15 incurable

16 indépendance 16 independence

17 indicative 17 indicative

18 information 18 information

19 inmédiatement 19 immediately

20 immigrant 20 immigrant

21 insecte 21 insect

22 inséparable 22 inseparable

23 insérer 23 insert (to)

24 insister 24 insist (to)

25 inspection 25 inspection

26 instruction 26 instruction

27 insulter 27 insult (to)

28 intelligence 28 intelligence

29 intéressant-e 29 interesting

30 interrompre 30 interrupt (to)

31 introduire 31 introduce (to)

32 introduction 32 introduction

33 inventer 33 invent (to)

34 investiguer 34 investigate (to)

35 invitation 35 invitation

36 inviter 36 invite (to)

37 île 37 island

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1 justifier 1 justify (to)

2 Juvénile 2 juvenile

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1 lamenter 1 lament (to)

2 leçon 2 lesson

3 lentille 3 lens

4 lion 4 lion

5 léopard 5 leopard

6 leader 6 leader

7 limon 7 lemon

8 lígne 8 line

9 liste 9 list

10 local-e 10 local

11 localiser 11 locate (to)

12 lucide 12 lucid

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1 magique 1 magic

2 magnétique 2 magnetic

3 magnifique 3 magnificent

4 magicien 4 magician

5 manière 5 manner

6 manuel-elle 6 manual

7 machine 7 machine

8 marcher 8 march (to)

9 marionnette 9 marionette

10 mars 10 March

11 mécanisme 11 mechanism

12 medaille 12 medal

13 mémoire 13 memory

14 métal 14 metal

15 microscope 15 microscope

16 million 16 million

17 miniature 17 miniature

18 minute 18 minute

19 minutes 19 minutes

20 modifier 20 modify (to)

21 moment 21 moment

22 monument 22 monument

23 moral-e 23 moral

24 mobile 24 mobile

25 musique 25 musique

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1 naturel-le 1 natural

2 naturellement 2 naturally

3 nécessité 3 necessity

4 néctar 4 nectar

5 négocier 5 negotiate (to)

6 nerveux-euse 6 nervous

7 normalement 7 normally

8 notable 8 notable

9 notice 9 notice 10 notifier 10 notify (to)

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1 obédience 1 obedience

2 objèt 2 object

3 observatoire 3 observatory

4 occasion 4 occasion

5 océan 5 ocean

6 octobre 6 October

7 office 7 office

8 opération 8 operation

9 opérer 9 operate

10 optimisme 10 optimism

11 ordinaire 11 ordinary

12 organisme 12 organism

13 organiser 13 organize (to)

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1 patience 1 patience

2 pacifier 2 pacify (to)

3 palais 3 palace

4 panique 4 panic

5 papier 5 paper

6 paraliser 6 paralyze (to)

7 parc 7 park

8 part 8 part

9 participer 9 participate (to)

10 parfait 10 perfect

11 parfum 11 perfume

12 permanent-e 12 permanent

13 piano 13 piano

14 pingouin 14 penguin

15 pionnier 15 pioneer

16 pirate 16 pirate

17 plan 17 plan

18 planète 18 planet

19 planétarium 19 planetarium

20 plante 20 plant

21 plat 21 plate

22 police 22 police

23 pratique 23 practice

24 pratiquer 24 practice (to)

25 préparer 25 prepare (to)

26 présent 26 present

27 problème 27 problem

28 professionnel-le 28 professional

29 prudent-e 29 prudent

30 photographie 30 photograph

31 photographe 31 photographer

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1 radio 1 radio

2 réalité 2 really

3 reméde 3 remedy

4 représenter 4 represent (to)

5 restaurant 5 restaurant

6 (se) retirer 6 retire (to)

7 réunion 7 reunion

8 riche 8 rich

9 roche 9 rock

10 route 10 route

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1 salaire 1 salary

2 secret 2 secret

3 septembre 3 September

4 série 4 series

5 simplifier 5 simplify (to)

6 socialiste 6 socialist

7 sofa 7 sofa

8 solidifier 8 solidify

9 solide 9 solid

10 support 10 support

11 surprise 11 surprise

12 stupide 12 stupid

13 special-e 13 special

14 splendid 14 splendid

15 statistique 15 statistic

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1 téléphone 1 telephone

2 télescope 2 telescope

3 télévision 3 television

4 terminer 4 terminate (to)

5 terrible 5 terrible

6 témoignage 6 testimony

7 tomate 7 tomato

8 totalement 8 totally

9 trafic 9 traffic

10 triple 10 triple

11 triumphant-e 11 triumphant

12 trompette 12 trumpet

13 tube 13 tube

14 touriste 14 tourist

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1 unifier 1 unify (to)

2 uniforme 2 uniform

3 université 3 university

4 urgence 4 urgency

5 usuel-le 5 usual 6 utiliser 6 utilize (to)

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1 végétales 1 vegetables

2 venimeux 2 venomous

3 verifier 3 verify (to)

4 version 4 version

5 visiter 5 visit (to)

6 volleyball 6 volleyball

7 voter 7 vote (to)