glossary of irregular plurals

MG I 2011-2012, 1st semester Module: Medical Terminology, part 2 GLOSSARY OF IRREGULAR PLURALS Alveolus – alveoli = small sac or cavity that in numbers forms the alveolar sacs Ampulla – ampullae = “reservoir” (e.g. in the breast) Antrum – antra = natural cavity or sinus, particularly in the bone Atrium – atria = upper chamber in the heart Bacillus – bacilli = kind of bacteria Bacterium – bacteria = single-cell organism Bronchus – bronchi = air passage supported by rings of cartilage Bursa – bursae = small fluid-filled fibrous sac Caecum – caeca = expanded, blind-ended sac at the start of the large intestine Cilium – cilia = fine hair-like projections which line the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract Cortex – cortices = outer part of an organ situated beneath its enclosing capsules or outer membrane Dialysis – dialyses = the use of a semipermeable membrane to separate large and small molecules by selective diffusion Diaphysis – diaphyses = central part or shaft of a long bone Diverticulum – diverticula = generally, a pouch extending from a main cavity Embolus – emboli = material carried by the blood which then lodges elsewhere in the body Epithelium – epithelia = tissue made up of cells packed closely together and bound by connective material Fibula – fibulae = the outer, thin, long bone that articulates with the tibia Fimbria – fimbriae = finger-like projections in the fallopian tubes Fossa – fossae = natural hollow or depression on the surface or within the body Fundus – fundi = enlarged base of an organ, farthest away from its opening (or point in the retina of the eye opposite the pupil) Fungus – fungi = mushroom Ganglion – ganglia = mass of nervous tissue containing nerve cells and synapses Gluteus – glutei = one of the three muscles of each buttock Ilium – ilia = largest bone forming each half of the pelvic girdle Ischium – Ischia = one of the three bones that comprise each half of the pelvis Lacuna – lacunae = small depression, cavity or pit, especially in compact bone Lamella – lamellae = thin plate, especially of bone Lamina – laminae = thin plate, such as of bone or muscle Lunula – lunulae = pale crescent in the nail Macula – maculae = small area or spot of tissue distinct from the surrounding region Maxilla – maxillae Meninx – meninges = connective tissue membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and brain (there are three)

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MG I 2011-2012, 1st semester

Module: Medical Terminology, part 2


Alveolus alveoli = small sac or cavity that in numbers forms the alveolar sacs

Ampulla ampullae = reservoir (e.g. in the breast)

Antrum antra = natural cavity or sinus, particularly in the bone

Atrium atria = upper chamber in the heartBacillus bacilli = kind of bacteria

Bacterium bacteria = single-cell organism

Bronchus bronchi = air passage supported by rings of cartilage

Bursa bursae = small fluid-filled fibrous sac

Caecum caeca = expanded, blind-ended sac at the start of the large intestine

Cilium cilia = fine hair-like projections which line the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract

Cortex cortices = outer part of an organ situated beneath its enclosing capsules or outer membrane

Dialysis dialyses = the use of a semipermeable membrane to separate large and small molecules by selective diffusion

Diaphysis diaphyses = central part or shaft of a long bone

Diverticulum diverticula = generally, a pouch extending from a main cavityEmbolus emboli = material carried by the blood which then lodges elsewhere in the body

Epithelium epithelia = tissue made up of cells packed closely together and bound by connective material

Fibula fibulae = the outer, thin, long bone that articulates with the tibia

Fimbria fimbriae = finger-like projections in the fallopian tubes

Fossa fossae = natural hollow or depression on the surface or within the body

Fundus fundi = enlarged base of an organ, farthest away from its opening (or point in the retina of the eye opposite the pupil)

Fungus fungi = mushroomGanglion ganglia = mass of nervous tissue containing nerve cells and synapses

Gluteus glutei = one of the three muscles of each buttock

Ilium ilia = largest bone forming each half of the pelvic girdle

Ischium Ischia = one of the three bones that comprise each half of the pelvis

Lacuna lacunae = small depression, cavity or pit, especially in compact bone

Lamella lamellae = thin plate, especially of bone

Lamina laminae = thin plate, such as of bone or muscle

Lunula lunulae = pale crescent in the nailMacula maculae = small area or spot of tissue distinct from the surrounding region

Maxilla maxillae

Meninx meninges = connective tissue membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and brain (there are three)

Mitochondrion mitochondria = tiny rodlike structure present in the cytoplasm of cells

Neurosis neuroses = mental disorder but one in which the patient retains a grasp of reality (unlike psychosis)

Operculum opercula = lid, plug or flap

Ovum ova = mature unfertilized female reproductive cell

Papilla papillae = any small protuberance, such as on the tongue

Papilloma papillomata = usually benign growth on the skin surface or mucous membrane

Patella patellae = kneecap

Phalanx phalanges = bone of the digit (14 in all)

Pilus pili = hair or structure like a hair

Pleura pleurae = serous membrane covering the lungs and the inside of the chest wall

Prognosis prognoses = forecast of likely outcome

Prosthesis prostheses = artificial device fitted into the body

Psychosis psychoses = very serious state of mental ill-health

Pubis pubes = one of the three bones that make up each half of the pelvic bone

Radius radii = shorter outer bone of the forearm

Scapula scapulae = shoulder blade

Septum septa = a planar dividing feature within a structure of the body, a partition

Spermatozoon spermatozoa = scientific name for sperm

Staphylococcus staphylococci = kind of gram-positive bacteria

Stenosis stenoses = abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel, heart valve or similar structure

Sternum sterna = breastbone

Stigma stigmata = mark or impression upon the skin, possibly typical of a particular disease

Stimulus stimuli = agent that arouses or provokes a response in a sense organ

Stoma stomata = opening made in the abdominal surface to accommodate a tube from the colon or ileum

Stratum strata = layer

Streptococcus streptococci = kind of bacteria

Talus tali = ankle boneTarsus tarsi = part of the foot

Thalamus thalami = one of a pair of masses of grey matter located within each side of the forebrain

Thrombosis thromboses = process of clotting within a blood vessel

Thrombus thrombi = blood clot within a vessel that partially or totally obstructs circulation

Tibia tibiae = shin bone

Ulna ulnae = one of the two bones making up the forearm

Vertebra vertebrae = bone making up the spinal column

Villus villi = finger-like projections in the small intestine which increase the surface area for absorption of digested food

Viscus viscera = organs within the body cavity, usually the abdomen

Zoonosis zoonoses = generic for infectious animal disease that can be transmitted to humans