glossary of tubes & pipes

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  • 7/28/2019 Glossary of Tubes & Pipes


    Tube and pipe glossary

    Air cushion foilThat means a special packaging foil of plastic consisting of a multitude of air-filled chambers, to notonly protect the wrapped (packaged) product against contamination, but also against impact load.

    Alloying surchargeSurcharge to the sales price for compensation of price fluctuations of the preliminary material betweenorder entry and delivery, based on changes of the nickel, chromium and molybdenum price.

    AnnealingThat is the designation for the thermal treatments, with which the material properties can be changed.First of all the steel is heated to certain temperatures, followed by a certain holding time andsubsequent cooling. The temperatures for the various annealing types depend on the chemicalcomposition and the desired properties.There is a differentiation between:

    1. Stress relief annealing. Internal stresses, which occur during cooling of a work-piece, are

    reduced with this annealing method.2. Re-crystallization annealing. Here the steel is heated beyond its re-crystallization temperatureto enable a deformation of the crystal lattice. This thermal treatment is predominantly appliedafter strong deformations (drawing, pilger milling, etc.).

    3. Soft annealing produces a soft condition - favorable for further treatment. Thus evencementite particles are globularly spheroidized.

    4. Normalizing annealing sets a uniform and fine-grained microstructure with shares of pearlite.5. Coarse grain annealing serves the achievement of a coarse grain. Thus the ability for rapid

    machining is improved.6. Diffusion annealing allows the elimination of local concentration differences (segregation).

    ApprovalsAn approval of a certain organization (TV, Loyd's, etc.) is granted due to a successful audit andcertifies the manufacturer/manufactured product that production was according to the provisions

    and/or guidelines of the approval authorities.

    ASME IIIThe American Society Of Mechanical Engineers rules for construction of nuclear facility components(=ASME) is a set of rules about the system requirements with regard to nuclear demand.

    ASTMAbbreviation for American Society for Testing and Materials. Among others, deals with issuing ofmaterial and testing standards.

    AuditMeans a documenting measure, which is executed to ensure by means of examination of the actualcircumstances, that the selected components of the approved quality management system weredeveloped and documented (implemented) in compliance with the determined (specified)

    requirements. An audit does not include monitoring and inspection for the purpose of process controland/or material acceptance.

    AusteniteCrystal of iron (non-magnetic), which is characterized by a cubic face centered lattice structure.
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    Bending testFor the bending test, a bending sample with rectangular, circular or polygonal cross section is bentquickly in a bending device, until either a certain bending angle is achieved or the formability isexhausted. The test is then positive, when a determined bending angle (compared with the unloadedsample) is achieved without occurrence of an incipient crack.

    BevelingBeveling means the chamfering of edges of plates, tube or steel bar ends by planing, milling, turning

    or flame-cutting. For bar ends it facilitates the entry into the tensioning tools, for plates and tubes itserves as welding edge preparation.

    BilletThe preliminary material for the production of seamless stainless steel tubes is delivered in bars with acertain diameter. Of these preliminary material bars, billets with a certain length are sawn off,according to dimension and length of the desired finished tubes, which are pressed to seamlessstainless steel tubes on the extruding press.

    Billet heatingBillet heating of billets is executed in a rotary hearth furnace, in which heating from room temperatureto forming temperature (approx. 1100 C) takes place.

    Billet preparation

    In billet preparation, the preliminary material bar is sawn up into billet length, a center bore is dril led,the frontal area of the billet is faced and the corners are chamfered. Following the billet greasing thereis one last visual check after which the billets are heated.

    BoilerToday, the preparation of warm water mostly takes place in combination boilers, in which the boilerwater is heated directly, the water for industrial use, however, is heated indirectly by the boiler waterby means of a heat exchanger (boiler). The heat energy of the boiler water is transferred to the waterfor industrial use by thermal conduction. While the boiler water circulates in a closed cycle andsupplies the water for industrial use with the energy won from combustion of coal and oil in theheating boiler, it is used for washing, bathing and drinking.

    BonderizingFor mandrel drawing, drawing soaps (stearates) are used as lubricant, which are applied to the tube

    surface by immersion into a soaping bath at approx. 70 C. Before soaping, the tubes are providedwith a substrate, the so-called drawing bonder, which is applied by immersion into a heated oxalic acidsolution (70 - 80 C). Neutralization has to be performed between bonderizing and soaping.

    BrandIn general, a brand is a medium used in business dealings for marking of goods or services of acertain company with the target to distinguish these products from those of others. E.g.: A200 is asteel brand of the company SBER, whose chemical composition corresponds various standardizedmaterials like DIN 1.4401/1.4404 as well as ASTM TP316/TP316L.

    Bright annealingIs annealing in an inert gas atmosphere (hydrogen, nitrogen, ...) without atmospheric oxygen, toavoid oxidation, so that no scale and/or oxidation layers can form on the work-piece.

    Bulged endsBulged ends are generated at hollows, which are manufactured by means of stretch reduction. Forstretch reduction, each hollow section is stretched between two roll stands respectively, because thespeed of the individual stands in the delivery direction increases permanently, except for start and endof the hollow. While at the start of the hollows there can be no tension by the subsequent (faster)stand, the retaining effect of the slower rotating stand is missing at the end of the hollow. The bulgedends are cut off of the hollows and disposed as rejects.

    Bursting pressureThis means that internal pressure of a tube, which makes it burst.

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    CalibrationFor measuring devices it means the adjustment of the display accuracy of an instrument by comparingit to a test device.

    CasingTube for lining the drill hole of deep wells, to protect it from collapsing. Casings belong to thesubsurface oil field tubes.

    CertificateInspection certificate.

    CertificateProof of a successful certification.

    Certificate of compliance with the orderIn the certificate of compliance with the order, the manufacturing or processing plant confirms bymeans of a text without expressly stated test results that the product delivered complies with the

    agreements of the order.

    CertificationCertification means to certify the product or a service the conformity with certain technical rules andprocess flows by an independent third person.

    Check analysisIs the examination of the chemical composition of the finished product.

    Chemical compositionInforms about the components of a matter, in a quantitative as well as in a qualitative manner. Thechemical composition of steel gives an insight into the content of its alloying and accompanyingelements. It is permanently monitored during the steel production process.

    Chemical testingAre examinations, which describe the chemical composition of the material to be examined.

    CHI-phaseUndesired, embrittling metallic phase, which can precipitate from stainless steels at temperaturesaround 475 C.

    CMTRThe Certified Material Test Report is a certificate for material required according to ASME-Code SectionIII, which confirms, that the material complies with the specified requirements, including the results ofall required analyses, tests and examinations.


    Coiled strip, steel tube or wire.

    Cold-formed tubeIs produced by cold drawing or cold pilger rolling of hot-formed tube hollows.

    Cold formingThat means a forming, which takes place below the re-crystallization temperature like e.g. colddrawing or cold pilger rolling.

    Continuous furnaceThe continuous furnace is a thermal facility, which allows a thermal treatment of step-wise or step-less

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    continuous hot material. Strips and wires are drawn through the furnace chamber of the drawingfurnaces; heavy semi finished products (slabs and billets) are slid one step across the hearth area ofthe pusher type furnace with the pushing-in of a new successive part. In the roller hearth furnace, theannealing material is transported by cooled hearth rollers, which are driven from outside. In thewalking beam furnace, there are two beam systems available, which in succession lift the annealingmaterial, carry it ahead, set it down and then swing back. The annular rotary hearth furnace ismounted on rollers and separated into individual chambers; they are charged from outside andemptied again after one complete rotation.

    CorrosionDestruction of materials by chemical or electrochemical attacks to the component surface. The surfacecan be protected from corrosion by utilizing very pure materials, by certain alloying additions or byspecial surface treatment (painting with a protective layer, coating with corrosion-resistant material).

    It is the task of corrosion tests, to determine the resistance of materials in certain media, to detecttheir susceptibility for corrosion types and to check the effectiveness of corrosion protection measures.The test conditions have to be adjusted to the practical circumstances as far as possible. That appliesto the state and the surface condition of the material as well as the composition and temperature ofthe electrolyte. Especially the duration of the test has to be aligned with the practical duration of useas far as possible, because the transfer of the results from short-term tests to the long-term behaviorcan result in misinterpretations.

    CPT valueThe critical pitting temperature is a measure for the resistance of a material against pitting (inchloride-containing media), i.e. that highest temperature, at which according to ASTM G48 there stillis no pitting corrosion at the sample after 24 hours in a 6 % iron chloride solution. The higher the CPTvalue, the better the pitting resistance.

    Crystal latticeIs the designation of the regular spatial arrangement of atoms in the crystal. The metal iron (Fe),which forms the basic microstructure in steel, can - depending on temperature - assume two differentlattice forms: cubic body centered and cubic face centered. In cubic crystal systems the smallestlattice component is cube-shaped and the atoms seem to be positioned on the corners of the cube. Inthe cubic body centered lattice, one further atom is positioned on the cube diagonal of the cube and inthe cubic face centered lattice there is one atom respectively on the face diagonals.

    Cubic body centeredIs the designation for a cube-shaped space lattice, for which in addition to the atoms at the eightcorners one further atom is positioned in the interior - i.e. on the cube diagonal.

    Cubic face centeredIs the designation for a cube-shaped space lattice, for which in addition of the eight atoms at thecorners one further atom is positioned in the middle of the cube faces respectively - i.e. on each facediagonal.

    Important technical terms

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    DeburringIn production engineering, a burr (= sharp-edged notch) is formed at edges and borders of work-pieces in most of the procedures: for cast components at the seam line of upper and lower part of themould, for die components at the seam line of upper and lower die, at the cutting edges of shears andsaw blanks, at welding seams, etc. These have to be removed for reasons of functional fulfillment orsafety, too. There are numerous possibilities for that: e.g. grinding, brushing as well as chemical,electrochemical and electric removing procedures or also combinations of these procedures.

    Deep etchingA chemical testing method applied for the verification of material in-homogeneities (e.g.:segregations, contaminations, ...). With stronger acid impact, the contaminated and therefore easierattackable areas are extracted and thus made visible.

    DegreasingThat means the removal of carbon containing boring oil, lubricating oil and/or grease residues fromthe surface in a degreasing plant, to avoid carbonizing of the seamless tubes in subsequent annealing.In case oil and grease residues are not removed completely, carbonizing will occur during annealingand thus decrease the corrosion resistance of the finished tube.

    Degree of purityThat means the quantification of inclusions in the steel by amount and chemical composition. Also the

    shape of the inclusions can be of importance.

    Delivered quantity toleranceThe delivered quantity tolerance describes the admissible deviation of the delivered quantity from theconfirmed nominal quantity of an order. An order is therefore considered executed and fulfilled in anorderly manner, when the delivery quantity does not undercut the admissible minimum quantity andnot exceed the admissible maximum quantity.

    Delivery loyaltyThe delivery loyalty in general describes the compliance with the quantity, the required quality and theagreed delivery deadline of ordered products and/or in the narrower sense the deviation from thepromised (confirmed) delivery deadline of the customer to the actual delivery deadline (delivery of thegoods) in days and/or weeks.

    Delivery standardA delivery standard is a uniform delivery specification for certain products, which defines thedesignation and the order, the requirements to the manufacturing process, the chemical composition,the mechanical and technological properties, the thermal treatment, the appearance of the surface,the number and type of tests, etc.

    Delta ferriteDepending on the alloying element content as well as the cooling conditions, small amounts of deltaferrite can occur in austenitic non-corrosive stainless steels. At higher temperatures (approx. 750 C),this delta ferrite disintegrates in various phases, which can deteriorate corrosion resistance, stabilityand/or formability.
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    DeoxidizationProcedure for the removal of excess oxygen (refining process) from steel melts. The oxygen content isto be decreased that far, that solidification takes place without blistering. Deoxidization is executed inthe ladle or in the electric arc furnace. There is a differentiation between deoxidization via the gasphase, precipitation deoxidization (by addition of elements, whose oxygen affinity is larger than that ofiron; this includes Mg, Mn, Si, AI, C, Ca) and diffusion deoxidization as well as their combination.

    Desalting plant

    Desalting plants serve the treatment of drinking water and/or feed water for machines and plants fromsaline water (seawater). The salt is removed from the water in various manners, among others bymeans of osmosis, evaporation + condensation, ion exchanger, ...

    Destructive testingGeneric term for all material tests, which result in destruction of the component. These test methodsinclude the mechanic-technologic tests as well as the corrosion test methods.

    DieA die is a tool, through which the hollow/billet is drawn/pressed for tube drawing/extrusion. Therefore,the die determines the outside diameter of the formed tube.

    Die scarsMore or less deep and visible scars, which result on the surface of the work-piece by the tools. For cold

    drawing, so-called die scratches can be produced outside (for tube also inside).

    Dimension testFor the dimension test of seamless stainless steel tubes, outside diameter, wall thickness and tubelength are examined for compliance with the customer requirements (standards). In case thecustomer requirements are exceeded or undercut, the respective tube has to be taken out of theproduction lot and scrapped.

    DocumentCertificate, document for the proof of a fact.

    DrawingDrawing includes four variants. For plug drawing, the hollow is drawn over an inner tool (plug), whichis set firmly to the drawing die. Thus outside and inner diameter as well as the wall thickness is

    reduced. Drawing with the drawing mandrel is characterized by the fact, that the hollow is drawnthrough the drawing die together with the inner tool, the so-called drawing mandrel. Because afterdrawing the tube sticks firmly to the mandrel, a detaching mill and a mandrel removal device arerequired. For plug drawing with flying plug, the inner tool is designed that way that it is supported bythe internal wall of the tube and is thus kept in the drawing position. Sinking, there is no inner tool.Basically only the outside and inner diameter is reduced, whereat the wall thickness can increase ordecrease slightly according to the reduction ratio. Reductions of the cross section of up to 50 % areachieved.

    Drawing mandrelIs the designation of the tool for mandrel drawing, which determines the inner diameter of the finishedtube.

    Drawing point

    Drawing point is the designation for the reduction of the diameter at the hollow end, so that it can bepassed through the die and held by the drawing dogs.

    Drawing soapServes as a lubricant for mandrel drawing. The soaping of the tube surface is executed by immersionin a soap (stearate) bath at 70 C. Before soaping of the tube surface, however, a substrate, the so-called "drawing bonder" (oxalic acid) has to be applied.

    Dressing and straightening(=finishing department) This includes all facilities and operations, which give the steel products thedesired finish after shaping. In the finishing department, essentially the following tasks are executed:

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    straightening, sampling for destructive testing methods, non-destructive testing, cutting, deburring,mix up testing, surface and dimension check, marking, determination of weight, length and/or numberof pieces, packaging.

    DuctilityThat means the ability of a material, to change its form without the occurrence of materialseparations.

    Duplex steelThis steel has a two-phase structure consisting of approx. 50 % ferrite and approx. 50 % austeniteand has a high corrosion resistance and stability. The ratio ferrite/austenite to a large extend dependson the content of the respective alloying element like chromium, nickel, carbon, molybdenum andnitrogen and the thermal treatment/cooling executed.

    Dye penetration testThe component is immersed into a special liquid or sprayed with it, whereat this penetrates deeplyinto cleavages, pores or cracks due to the capillary effect. A very low-viscosity, mostly red color isapplied for that most frequently. After immersion, the liquid adhering to the surface is rinsed off andthe component is cladded with a chalk film. Again due to the capillary effect, the dried chalk film ispenetrated by dye, which is still stored in the flaws. The flaws emerge clearly and strongly enlarged onthe white surface, so that even ultra-fine cracks become detectable. Naturally, only those flaws can bedetected with the capillary procedures, which are on the surface of the work-piece.

    EccentricityThe eccentricity is the measure for the deviation of the tube axis of the outside diameter from that ofthe inner diameter. Eccentricity results from the wall thickness deviation.

    Eddy current testIn the eddy current test, three coils surround the test unit: the primary coil and two secondary coils.In the surrounded part of the test tube, the primary coil generates a magnetic alternating field, which

    induces voltage in the secondary coils. In case the two secondary coils are connected against eachother, the value of the resulting alternating voltage becomes zero, when a completely homogeneoustube is passed. Should the tube, however, be defective, there will be difference voltage in thesecondary coils, which can be displayed and recorded.

    Electrolytic letteringThis type of lettering is executed by means of electrolytic oxidization and can be applied for nearlyeach metal. The lettering is permanent, abrasion-resistant, heat- and acid-resistant. The letteringimage is clearly readable and has, in contrast to laser or engraving methods, no negative influence onthe surface structure. The lettering of the metal surface is executed by means of an aqueouselectrolytic solution and an electrolytic current through a template. The lettering duration is approx. 3sec. at a voltage of about 12 - 25 V (direct / alternating current). The method can be applied manuallyby means of an electric stamp or automatically in a marking machine.

    Elephant skinThis term designates a tube surface, which due to its appearance is comparable to elephant skin. Thetube surface is very rough and has deep, irregularly distributed scars and/or grooves. The formation ofsuch a surface can have various causes, among others badly formable preliminary material, defectiveglass lubrication, but also too long heating in the rotary hearth furnace.

    Elevated temperature steelElevated temperature steel is austenitic steel with a very low carbon content, at least 13 % Cr, high Nicontents of always more than 10 % (up to 34 %). At temperatures of over about 550 C up to about600 C, this steel has good stability properties, even under long-term mechanical stress. Hightemperature steel is predominantly utilized in the construction of power plants, where the normal steelgrades (DIN 17175 and 17177) are not sufficient.

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    End protectionTubes with beveled ends as well as seamless stainless steel tubes with special internal cleaning areprotected from damages and/or against contamination during transportation/storage with an endprotection (plastic caps).

    Etched sliceIn the preliminary material reception test, a slice of approx. 10 mm is cut off of every bar deliveredand pickled in a pickling solution to verify center line flaws and cracks, which result in increased

    rejects in tube production.

    ExpandingFor expanding, a larger expanding mandrel is pressed into the smaller center bore of the billet,whereat the displaced material of the expanded bore results in a lengthening of the billet and thusimproves the yield (instead of chips when boring out the final billet diameter).

    Extraneous corrosionIn case corrosion particles reach the surface of non-corrosive steel - during storage, transportation orprocessing - these can "infect" the stainless steel and initiate corrosion.

    ExtrudingIs a hot-forming procedure, which extrudes special sections or tubes from solid or pre-punched billets.The glowing billet is pressed through the die taper, over the mandrel, by the ram. Thus the die

    determines the outside diameter and the mandrel the inner diameter of the finished tube. Glasspowder is utilized for lubrication. Surface and dimensional accuracy can be further improved by meansof consecutive drawing and/or pilger rolling.

    FerriteCrystal type of iron (magnetic), which is characterized by a cubic body centered lattice structure.

    Final cleaning

    The final cleaning of seamless stainless steel tubes comprises of the following steps: pickling, rinsingwith water as well as drying.

    FinishThe finish of a seamless stainless steel tube gives details about its production (cold manufactured/hotmanufactured) and surface condition (ground/polished/de-scaled/not de-scaled/etc.). The varioustypes of finish are stated in DIN [German Industrial Standard] 17456 and DIN 17458.

    FittingThis generic term is used for conduit elements, which are utilized for branching, change of direction orcross section or also for closing a line. Fittings are standard elements, which are generallymanufactured from the respective tubes by deforming or welding or in other cases are weldedtogether from plate segments.

    Fixed lengthA determined tube length for seamless stainless steel tubes, which may be delivered with anadmissible deviation of up to +/- 500 mm.

    Flaring testThe flaring test serves the verification of the formability of tubes by expanding on a mandrel up to adetermined amount without formation of incipient cracks.

    Flattening test on tubesThe flattening test on tubes is mainly utilized for the verification of macroscopic external and internaldefects as well as the assessment of deformability. During flattening of the tubes cross section up to a

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    certain limit value, no incipient cracks may occur and no internal and external defects may becomevisible.

    G 48 testThe G48 test is a corrosion test for the determination of resistance against pitting corrosion. First ofall, the sample is carefully weighed, a surface determination is executed and afterwards the sample isboiled in a test solution for 24 hours. Subsequently, the weight is determined and the removal rate iscalculated. Resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion is present, when the determined removal ratedoes not exceed a defined, critical limit value and the surface shows no pitting formation.

    Gas tankerGas tankers are used for the transportation of natural gas. First of all, the natural oil extracted on theoil platform is cleaned, liquefied and by means of a tanker transported to the respective unload station(refineries). Gas tankers have a capacity of more than 125.000 m of natural gas.

    Grain sizeThe grain size is either characterized by the mean diameter or the mean surface of the individualgrain. The mean diameter of the grain normally lies between few m and several mm. The grain size isinfluenced by solidification, forming and thermal treatment processes. In that it has to be considered,that a grain basically has the tendency to grow, because due to that the energy of the grainboundaries tends to a minimum value. The properties of fine-grained materials are generally morefavorable that those of coarse-grained ones.

    GrindingProcedure of the cutting shaping type for which the material removal (fine chips) is executed with thesharp edges of the grinding grains of the abrasive.

    Hardening testFor the hardening test, a standardized hardened or diamond indenter is pressed into the material tobe tested with a certain test force during a determined exposure time. The respective depth ofpenetration and/or indentation surface (impression) is referenced as measure for the hardness of thematerial/component.

    Heat exchangerA heat exchanger is a plant, which transfers the thermal energy from one medium to another. Heatexchangers are very often used to utilize idle energy, e.g. of an exhaust gas, for pre-heating ofcombustion air and thus achieve a higher efficiency. In other cases, a circulating (radioactive) mediumis not to leave the circuit and the energy is transferred to a medium harmless for further processing.Mostly tube or plate heat exchangers are used, whereat the heat transfer from one medium to theother takes place by means of heat conduction via the separating plate/tube walls.

    Heat-resistant steelIn case unalloyed steel is exposed to gaseous aggressive media (air or combustion gases) attemperatures of over 550 C, they scale at the surface and permanently offer new reactionpossibilities with the flaking of the scale. By adding chromium in contents of about 3 to 28 %, scalingis inhibited. This behavior is still enforced by addition of silicon and aluminum. In an oxidizingatmosphere, the three elements form tight and adherent coatings, which inhibit further scaling. Theselayers have to be elastic, so that they are not destroyed by the material expansion caused by heating.The upper limit of resistance is about 1,200 C. For an increase of the high-temperature strength andcontinuous stressability, Ni in graded contents of about 8 to 35 % is added, to make the steel capableto sustain simultaneous mechanical stresses.

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    High-pressure pipesHigh-pressure pipes means pipes, which are stressed with internal pressures of more than about 500bars (= 50 MPa).

    High temperature steelSteel, which has good mechanical properties (creep strain limit, rupture strength, etc.) under long-term load (> 1000 hours) at temperatures of up to about 540 C.

    Hold PointThat means a holding point marked on the route card during or after a certain activity, at which anexamination or investigation is required, before further processing is possible. Holding points have tobe confirmed by the signature of the person authorized for that or a person representing him/her.

    HollowHot- or cold-manufactured tube, which is used as starting tube for a subsequent forming step or atube, which is not finally dressed and straightened.

    Hollow barHollow bars are thick-walled, extruded, from case to case also cold manufactured tubes. Hollow barsserve as starting material for ring- and sleeve-shaped construction elements and offers substantialcost benefits compared to solid material.

    Hot-formed tubeIs a tube manufactured by billet extrusion. The forming temperatures of the extruding press liebetween 1050 C and 1250 C, depending on the material and finished tube dimensions.

    Hot tension testIn the hot tension test, a tension sample is stretched until fracture at a certain (constant)temperature; the drawing stress required for that is measured. The hot tension test serves thedetermination of characteristic material values like yield limit, tensile strength, fracture elongation,etc. at a certain temperature.

    Huey TestThe Huey Test is a corrosion test for the determination of resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion.First of all, the sample is carefully weighed, a surface determination is executed and afterwards it isboiled in a test solution for 5 periods of 48 hours each. After each period (48 h) the weight is

    determined and at the end the removal rate is calculated. There is resistance against inter-crystallinecorrosion, when the determined removal rate does not exceed a defined, critical limit value.

    Hydraulic pressure testThe hydraulic pressure test is used for the examination of tightness and resistance against highinternal pressures in seamless stainless pipes. The respectively required pressure and/or the requiredholding period are determined by the respective standard. In the internal pressure test executed forexamination of tightness according to DIN 50104, the test pressure is 50 bars and is to be maintainedfor at least 5 seconds.

    InclusionDuring solidification of the liquid steel, non-metallic particles, like e.g. slag residues, ceramic furnacelining particles, deoxidization products, etc. can be included and prevented from elevation.Predominantly, these are oxides or sulfides. Inclusions can segregate, i.e. they are irregularly spreadin the steel. In the forming process they are stretched to streaks and cause stability differenceslongitudinal and transverse to the direction of rolling. Inclusions (e.g.: titanium) in the tube surfacedisturb the surface finishing.

    IncotermsThe Incoterms contain uniform regulations of essential buyer and seller obligations for the mostimportant delivery contracts common in international trade. With the application of the Incoterms

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    (International Commercial Terms), the contractual parties achieve an internationally uniforminterpretation of certain obligations of buyer and seller. Independent of the industrial sector and cross-border, the required activities for the execution of an international sales contract are divided betweenbuyer and seller according to the selected clause. This contractual regulation is necessary, because thelaws of the various countries contain a comprehensive regulation in the least cases only and, aboveall, they differ substantially from country to country.

    Ink Jet

    Ink-jet printers are used for marking stainless steel products.

    Inspection certificateIn the inspection certificate, experts, who are independent of the production in the manufacturing orprocessing plant, confirm with numerical results from tests of the delivery itself or of the test unitsstated in standards, of which the delivery is one part that the delivered product corresponds to theagreements for the order. There is a distinction between:

    Inspection certificate A

    According to official regulations, issued by an official or officially accepted expert. Inspection certificate B

    According to terms of delivery of the customer or, in case provided, according to officialregulations, issued by an expert appointed by the plant (factory expert). The required tests haveto be executed by a test authority, which is independent of the production of the manufacturingor processing plant and disposes of the required equipment.

    Inspection certificate C

    According to the terms of delivery of the customer, issued by an expert authorized by thecustomer.

    Inspection reportInspection certificates A or C, which due to a special agreement are signed by an official or officiallyaccepted expert or an expert authorized by the customer as well as by a factory expert, are calledinspection reports.

    Instrumentation tubeThis term means seamless stainless steel tubes with an outside diameter smaller than 25 mm, whichcorrespond the following standards: DIN 2462, DIN 2391, ASTM A269, ASTM A450, ISO 1127.

    Inter-crystalline corrosionGrain disintegration, which can occur for non-corrosive steel in a critical temperature range (400 to800 C). Due to temperature increase (by welding, thermal treatment, etc.), chromium carbides ornitrides precipitate on the grain boundaries. The matrix becomes depleted in chromium and thecorrosion resistance is lost. Finally, the crystal structure is destroyed. Inter-crystalline corrosion can begoverned by adding stabilizing elements like Ti or Ta/Nb by alloying. Even better is the decrease of thecarbon content.

    ISO 9000/9001/9002/9003/9004

    (DIN) ISO 9000: contains instructions for the selection and application of the various quality

    management standards.

    (DIN) ISO 9001, 9002, 9003: contain 3 models for the presentation of quality assurance withrequirements, which e.g. have to be proved for a certification. DIN ISO 9001 is the mostcomprehensive verification step and includes, among others, development, production andcustomer service. DIN ISO 9002 describes structured layout, procedures and documentation in acompany, which beside an independent construction has each detail step of a company structure.

    (DIN) ISO 9004: contains a description of the most important elements of a quality management

    system and gives recommendations for its structure.

    Item numberThe item number is a 15-digit figure, which describes each product manufactured by SBER with regard

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    to product type (tube, hollow steel, blank), production (cold or hot manufactured, new or stockproduction), dimension (outside diameter, inner diameter or wall thickness), material, etc.

    Kolene pickling-plantExtruded and also stretch reduced tubes, pipes and hollows have to be liberated from glass and scale.This is achieved with a procedure of the Kolene Corporation, which is patented in the USA. The Kolenebath approximately consists of: 63 % NaOH, 15 % KOH, 12 % NaNO3, 10 % NaCl and works at 480 -500 C. The duration of the treatment is approx. 10 - 15 min. Then the tubes, pipes and hollows arequenched in water and afterwards pickled in mixed acid, rinsed in water and dried. The complete cyclehas to be repeated 2-3 times.

    LabelingSeamless stainless steel tubes are generally ordered according to delivery standard(s). The respectivedelivery standard defines the labeling text (e.g.: manufacturer - material number - dimension - cast -execution - ...), which is applied to the tube surface (complete tube length). In addition to thesestandard specifications, the customer can define further labeling data.

    Ladle analysisIn steel production, a sample is taken from each cast (ladle) and analyzed in the laboratory. Thus thecontent of the alloying elements, the oxygen activity, the degree of purity, etc., are determined.

    Lattice foilThat means a plastic sheet enforced with a texture, which protects the packaged product fromcontamination during transportation.

    MachinabilityThat means the property of a material, to be machinable by cutting under given circumstances. Eachmaterial has to be investigated with regard to its cutting behavior in various processing processes(drilling, turning, milling, etc.). Generally, there is good machinability, when:

    the machining force is low,

    the cutting edge stays sharp for a long time,

    a large machining volume is generated in a short time,

    the surface achieved is good and

    the chip shape is favorable.

    The cutting conditions have substantial influence on machinability: cutting edge geometry, cuttingmaterial, cutting speed, feed, etc. It is therefore impossible to express machinability by means of an

    index number. The operating time of the tool is often stated as feature for machinability of a material.

    MandrelA mandrel is an auxiliary device for the formation of cavities and is utilized in metal forming forindentation or forcing-through procedures. There is a differentiation between hollows and solidmandrels. For seamless tube production, mandrels are utilized for bar extrusion as well as for mandreldrawing as auxiliary devices, whereat the mandrel always determines the inner diameter of thedeformed tube.

    Mandrel drawingIn this procedure, the tube is drawn through the drawing die together with a mandrel, which

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    determines the internal diameter. Because the tube firmly sticks to the mandrel after drawing, adetaching mill and a mandrel removal device are required.

    MarkingMarking serves the identification of preliminary material as well as of the product within themanufacturing process, to be able to trace it back any time and to determine the production progress.


    Crystal type of iron (magnetic), which is characteried by a cubic body centered lattice structure. Theacicular and very hard or brittle microstructure is formed, when austenite is quenched at comparablyhigh cooling speeds, so that the carbon has no time for diffusion.

    MaterialA material is a matter with technically utilizable properties. There is a differentiation between variousmaterial groups, like e.g. iron and steel materials, non-ferrous metals, inorganic and finally organicmaterials.

    Material test reportThe Certified Material Test Report is a certificate required for materials according to ASME-CodeSection III, which confirms, that the material complies with the specified requirements, including theresults of all required analyses, examinations and investigations.

    Measuring mediaMeasuring media are measuring devices, which are used for quantitative determination of the value ofa physical quantity (e.g.: the measuring media thermocouple for the measurement of thetemperature).

    MeltA melt is the liquid aggregate state of metals and alloys. The term "melt" is often used as a synonymfor the determined chemical composition, i.e. for a preliminary material, which is produced in onecast.

    Metallographic specimenIs a flawless ground surface of a representative even area of the material to be examined, on whichthe real microstructure can be recognized. Therefore, no changes of the sample must occur duringpreparation. Except for exemptions, the preparation of a metallographic specimen comprises of the

    following working steps, which, according to the method applied, mostly can still be multiplysubdivided: sampling, bordering, marking, grinding, polishing, cleaning and etching.

    MicrostructureIs a joint of grains (crystallites) and must not be confused with the constitution structure (latticestructure - unit cell). There are two terms for the identification of the microstructure of a pure metal:grain size and grain shape. Pure metals have a homogeneous microstructure, because all crystalliteshave the same structure. The grains are completely equivalent to one another with regard to theirlattice structure and the type of atoms.

    Minimum wallThe term "minimum wall" means the wall thickness of a seamless stainless steel tube, which in nocase must be undercut.

    Mix up test (PMI - Positive Material Identification)By creation of an electrical arc, the surface of the specimen is partly vaporized. Each element has aspecific spectrum. Due to this spectrum, conclusions can be drawn to the material (chemicalcomposition). Alloying components (chromium, molybdenum, titanium, manganese, etc.) can bequalitatively determined with this method in just a few seconds.

    MonitoringMonitoring is a snapshot of the quality level in the production area, which is executed according to achecklist in a two-week interval.

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    MonitorsAre employees from all sectors of production, appointed by the quality manager, which perform themonitoring.

    MOVEXDesignation of a computer system for the efficient administration of the various resources of acompany (employees, machines, funds, ...) and enables the integration of several company units withdifferent languages, currencies as well as legal bases.

    Multiple lengthsIn case a customer orders tubes in multiple lengths of a certain length, the delivered tubes may bedelivered e.g.: in the double, triple, ..., x-fold length (within a certain length range). The requiredcutting allowance is to be agreed with the customer in any case.

    NCRThe NCR (=Non-Conformity Report) is a deviation report, which is issued due to a detected system

    deviation during an internal system audit.

    Neutral fiberDuring bending, the external fibers of the work-piece are stretched, the internal ones, however, areupset. Between them there is a fiber, which remains unstressed, whose length does not change duringbending. It is called neutral fiber.

    New production itemThat is an item, which is not stocked in the tube center store and therefore has a substantially longerdelivery time. Each item is clearly allocated a certain product (dimension/material).

    Non-destructive testingGeneric term for all material tests, which detect material irregularities without damaging the work-piece. Thus qualitative but no quantitative statements can be made about defects. For detection of

    surface defects, penetration methods (color penetration test) and magnetic powder testing methodsare applied. Defects in the interior of the work-piece are detected by means of irradiation methods (X-rays or gamma ray), through transmission methods (ultrasonic testing, eddy current test) as well asby means of electric methods (eddy current test).

    Notched bar impact bend testMethod for the qualitative determination of the fracture behavior of a work-piece. A notched bar with asquare cross section, which is placed on two supports, is smashed with a Charpy hammer. The impactenergy absorbed is measured and results in the notch impact energy. The samples utilized receive thedesignation Charpy-V or Charpy-U sample according to the shape of the notch - pointed or round.

    Oil field pipesPipes used appropriated in the petroleum industry or for the pipelines of petroleum and natural gas.There is a differentiation between two types:

    Subsurface pipes: casing, tubing, drill pipes.

    Surface pipes: line-pipes and line-pipes with increased test requirements.

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    Oil field pipes are standardized by the American Petroleum Institute (API). These specifications meetthe special requirements of the petroleum industry, represent the respective current state of the artand are based on the results of intensive tests in practice.

    OPP brand (SBER)The abbreviation OPP stands for "Out of Product Program" and marks all those brands of the SBERbrand database, which are not manufactured by SBER.

    Orange skinThis term designates a tube surface, which due to its appearance is comparable with orange peel. Thetube surface is rough and contains irregularly spread scars and grooves, which compared to the"elephant skin" are less deep. The formation of such a surface can have various causes, amongothers, badly formable preliminary material, defective glass lubrication, but also too long heating inthe rotary hearth furnace.

    OvalityOvality (out-of-roundness) means the deviation from circularity, which cannot always be completelyprevented during rolling as well as drawing, pressing, grinding, etc. of work-pieces with a circularcross section.

    PackagingThe packaging of stainless steel tubes may be executed in various ways; the most common packagingtypes are: cardboard tube, box, bundle and foil.

    Passive layerA few nm thick oxide layer, which separates the material and the corrosion medium from one anotherand thus protects from corrosion. The good corrosion behavior of most of all non-corrosive steel(chromium oxide), but also titanium, aluminum, etc. is based on this protective layer.


    A phase is homogeneous in itself and has the same composition, the same hardness, the samedensity, the same conductivity, etc. at each position.

    PicklingBy pickling, scale and glass layers are removed from the surface of stainless steel tubes with acid andsalt solutions - CLEANING - and/or samples are prepared (etched slices, micro-sections) for amacroscopic (with the naked eye) or microscopic examination, to make the microstructure (grain size,precipitation particles, etc.) visible - MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT.

    Piece analysisIn contrast to the ladle analysis, the piece analysis is executed at a sample of the finished tube. Itserves the determination of the chemical composition of steel in the solid state. Optionally, therespective sample can be examined chemically or by spectral analysis. The piece analysis can/maydeviate from the ladle analysis by values, which are mostly determined in the quality standards.

    Pilger rollingIn pilger rolling, the material deformation takes place by means of a pair of dies, which has a conicalroll pass design and reciprocates on the hollow. There is a mandrel in the interior of the hollow.Caused by the type of roll pass design, the hollow is released once for each stroke. In this moment,the hollow is fed forward and rotated. During cold pilger rolling, rolling oils are used as lubricant. Crosssection reductions of up to 85 % are achieved.

    PittingCorrosion type, for which the electrolytic metal removal extends only on small surface areas and

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    results in the formation of local cavities (crater-shaped, pinhole-type). Because the amount of theproduced corrosion products is only small, pitting is mostly recognized only when leakages occur.

    Pitting testFor the determination of the resistance against pitting, the G48 test is executed. First of all, thesample is carefully weighed, a surface determination is executed and then the sample is boiled in atest solution for 24 hours. Afterwards the weight is determined and the removal rate is calculated.There is resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion, when the determined removal rate does not

    exceed a defined, critical limit value and the surface shows no pitting formation.

    PlasticityThat means the ability of a material for plastic changes of the shape without material separations.

    Plug drawingIn this procedure, the tube is drawn over an internal tool, the plug, which is set firmly to the drawingdie, whereat the outside and inner diameter as well as the wall thickness are reduced.

    PMI - Positive Material Identification (Mix up test)By creation of an electrical arc, the surface of the specimen is partly vaporized. Each element has aspecific spectrum. Due to this spectrum, conclusions can be drawn to the material (chemicalcomposition). Alloying components (chromium, molybdenum, titanium, manganese, etc.) can bequalitatively determined with this method in just a few seconds.

    PolishingIn contrast to grinding with its cutting effect, in polishing there theoretically is no material removal atall, but unevenness, grooves and scratches are leveled and widely covered. The polishing process canbe imagined that way, that the metal surface becomes slightly plastic due to the pressure of thepolishing equipment and the substantial heat resulting from that. This crystalline film similar to aviscous substance slides into the scratches, grooves and small uneven areas of the metal surfaceduring the polishing process. Due to the effect of the surface forces, a displacement of the metalsurface in the finest layer in the mechanical polishing process takes place for that long, until anextensive planarization is achieved.

    Post-treatmentAdditional effort by means of working steps at a product, to meet the required properties.

    PRE valueThe "Pitting-Resistant-Equivalent" is a characteristic value for the description of the resistance of amaterial against pitting (in chloride-containing media), which calculates by the addition of thechromium content, the 3.3-fold molybdenum content and the 16-fold nitrogen content. The higher thePRE value, the higher the pitting resistance.

    Precise lengthsA precise length (fixed length) means an exactly defined tube length, which may be exceeded orundercut within a determined margin (according to delivery standard) of up to a few mm.

    Pressed-in particlesThat means glass and/or foreign inclusions (particles of the ceramic furnace lining, ...) in the surfaceof the finished tube, which are pressed in by the pressing of a surface contaminated billet and/or dueto a defective glass lubrication.

    Production lotDesignates that production quantity, which is processed at the same time, from the same cast andunder the same conditions. Each production lot is reported with an individual route card. The lotnumber is identical with the number of the route card and the test route card.

    Production orderAfter receipt of the customer order, this is introduced into production. For that, the provision ofpreliminary material and tools, the determination of the optimum production technology, thescheduling and the preparation of route cards have to take place. In addition, the respective orderregulations, standards, specifications, etc. have to be considered.

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    ProductivityIndex number for the efficiency of the production process as relation between quantitative output andthe utilization of production factors (energy, feed material, personnel, etc.) required for the productionof this output. Often partial productivity index numbers are determined for the production factors workand capital. A higher productivity can have various causes, like e.g. the utilization of new machinesand methods, larger individual efforts, transformation of production to products of higher quality, etc.

    QualityThat means the grade, state and/or value level of a product or service.

    Quality assuranceThe entirety of the organizational, technical and normative measures suitable to assure and, ifapplicable, to improve the quality of the manufactured products.

    Quality criteriaOn the one hand, these are quality guidelines, which have to be complied with at each workplace, toguarantee a certain product quality, and on the other hand, they are any important actuatingvariables, which influence the quality of a product.

    Quality managementEntirety of measures for planning, control and monitoring of the quality of the operationalperformance process and/or the process result. Quality management comprises quality planning,control and inspection.

    Quality management manualThis manual contains and describes the entirety of measures for planning, control and monitoring ofthe quality of the operational performance process and/or the process result.

    QuenchingRapid cooling of a work-piece/material from a higher forming/heat treatment temperature to RT [roomtemperature], to avoid detrimentaldetrimental precipitations, which negatively influence corrosion

    resistance, strength, etc.

    Random sampleA random sample is that part of a statistical entirety, which is achieved after a certain selectionprocedure (mostly after a strictly random selection), e.g.: in the examination of the chemicalcomposition of a tube from a tube bundle. From the results of the random sample, the entirety isinferred, i.e. when the chemical composition of the random sample is correct, it is assumed, that thisalso applies for all tubes of the tube bundle.

    RecipientThe billet pick up of the extruding press is called recipient. For extruding, the billet, which is lubricatedwith glass and heated to extrusion temperature, is loaded into the recipient and extruded through thedie, over the mandrel, to a seamless tube. The diameter of the respective recipient determines thepossible dimensions (outside diameter, wall thickness and tube length) of the extruded finished tubes.

    Re-crystallization annealingBy means of re-crystallization annealing, the hardness increase of the material resulting from thedeformation is eliminated by a new formation of the microstructure, with mechanical properties(stability, toughness, etc.), how they were approximately present before a deformation, so that furthersubsequent deformation processes are enabled.

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    Re-crystallization temperatureAbove a certain temperature, the re-crystallization temperature, the energy stored in the dislocationsis released. It becomes the driving force for the development of new, nearly dislocation-free crystalbodies. The higher the degree of deformation, the lower the re-crystallization temperature. Thus there-crystallization temperature is that temperature, at which a cold-formed material re-crystallizes inone hour, i.e. forms a new microstructure (grain).


    Heat exchanger in the exhaust gas flow for the recovery of waste heat. The hot exhaust gases are ledthrough channels or pipes, at whose heated wall those gases are warmed, which are directed to thefurnace. The wall, which transfers the heat, can consist of heat-resistant steel, cast iron or ceramicmasses. Recuperators are installed in line after the heating and annealing furnaces; they improve theirefficiency and increase the furnace temperature.

    Ring-expanding testThe ring-expanding test enables the verification of defects on the internal end external tube surface,the assessment of deformability, but also the verification of the material quality on the basis offracture appearance. The tube samples are rapidly expanded on a mandrel until fracture.

    Ring tension testThe ring tension test is mainly utilized for the verification of macroscopic external and internal defectsas well as the assessment of deformability. For that, a tube section of a certain length is slid over two

    tie bolts and stretched transverse to its axis until fracture.

    Roll pass designThat means the forming steps, which in tube manufacturing lead from the hollow to the finished tube.

    Rotary hearth furnaceIn a rotary hearth furnace, the preliminary material billets are charged in one or three rows, accordingto their dimensions, and heated to approx. 1050 C (expanding temperature, according to material) inapprox. 90 - 160 min. The furnace atmosphere is reduced, i.e. there is no oxygen, which would scalethe chromium and thus deteriorate the corrosion resistance of the finished tubes.

    RoughnessThat in general means the regular or irregular, slight geometrical deviation from a smooth surfacecondition.

    Route cardA route card is the working basis for tube production. All working steps and data required forproduction have to be contained on it, e.g. quantity, temperature of thermal treatment, etc.

    RZLAbbreviation for Rohrzentrallager [tube center store].

    Sand blasting

    Procedure for cleaning of metal surfaces, for which fine silica sand is blasted through a nozzle onto thesurface by means of compressed air to remove scale as well as other coverings.

    ScaleMostly fluffy iron oxide layer on steel, which forms on heating of the material in air or other oxidizingatmospheres.

    Scale-free thermal treatmentThat means a thermal treatment, which is executed under inert gas atmosphere (without atmosphericoxygen), to prevent the formation of a scale and/or oxidization layer.

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    Seamless stainless steel tubeA seamless stainless steel tube is a tube without seam, which is manufactured by, for example,extrusion, pilger milling, drawing, etc. In contrast to that, tubes can also be manufactured by weldingtogether of bent plates. These tubes have a welding seam and a bad corrosion resistance (lifetime)and/or cannot resist such large pressures as a seamless tube of the same dimension (OD, WT).

    SegregationSegregations are phase separations, which result in typical concentration differences in alloys. With

    the solidification of alloys, grains can be generated due to deviations from the equilibrium state, whichare formed by zones of different composition. The cause for this crystal or micro segregation is thedecreased diffusion within the grains following increased cooling speeds.

    Shaft protection ringsThese are wound around the tubes at several positions to protect the ground or polished tube surface,to prevent the tubes from colliding of the tube surfaces or rubbing against one another duringtransportation.

    SinkingIn this procedure, the tube is drawn through a die without inner tool, whereat essentially only outsideand inner diameter is reduced and the wall thickness can increase or decrease to a low extenddepending on the reduction ratio.

    SizingMeans to give a tube higher dimensional accuracy by special measures (e.g.: drawing, etc.).

    Solution annealingAn annealing treatment for the solution of precipitation particles in the material for an improvement ofthe material characteristics (e.g.: corrosion resistance, toughness, etc.).

    Special grade SBERThe special grades defined by SBER are characterized by the fact, that there is no stockpiling ofpreliminary material, and respective Movex items may be offered after consultation with the qualityauthority only (if inquiry criteria fulfilled). All inquiries of special brands have to be entered into adatabase for future analysis.

    Special section tubes

    Are tubes in seamless or welded finish, whose cross section is not round, but square, rectangular orshaped. They are utilized as construction element in shelf, scaffold, steel framework, vehicle, door andwindow construction and everywhere, where low weight and favorable static values are required inlight steel and metal construction.

    Specified lengthA specified length (fixed length) means an exactly defined tube length, which may be exceeded orundercut within a determined margin (according to delivery standard) of up to few mm.

    Specimen (metallographic)Is a flawless polished section of a representative even area of the material to be investigated, onwhich the real microstructure can be recognized. Thus during preparation, no changes may occur atthe sample. Except for exceptions, the production of metallographic specimens comprises of thefollowing working steps, which, however, mostly may be multiply subdivided depending on the method

    applied: sampling, bordering, marking, grinding, polishing, cleaning and pickling.

    Stabilized steelSteel is stabilized by addition of titanium, tantalum or niobium. These are elements, which have ahigher affinity to carbon than chromium, so that titanium-, tantalum- or niobium-carbides forminstead of chromium-carbides. The chromium dissolved (free) in the metal lattice, however, furtherprovides a good corrosion resistance of the steel, which it would loose with the formation ofchromium-carbides.

    Stainless steelIs a generic term for those steel grades, which were melted in a special procedure, have a high degree

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    of purity and react uniformly to the intended thermal treatment. According to the chemicalcomposition, a differentiation has to be made between unalloyed and alloyed stainless steel (DIN EN10 020). Corresponding their application purpose, there is a subdivision into structural, engineering,container, tool, high-speed and bearing steel, or they are characterized by their properties intochemical resistant, non-corrosive, heat-resistant, elevated-temperature, welding-suitable steel, steelwith specific physical or magnetic properties or a specific yield strength.


    Uniform specification for delivery, material, dimensions, tolerance, etc. of seamless stainless steeltubes.

    Standard brand SBERThe standard brands defined by SBER are characterized by the fact, that there is stockpiling ofpreliminary material, and respective Movex items may be offered without consultation with the qualitydepartment.

    Standard dimensionsFor seamless stainless steel tubes, these are all those outside diameter - wall-thickness -combinations, which are listed in the various standards (ANSI, ASTM, DIN EN ISO 1127, ASME, ...).

    Standard lengths producedIn case it is agreed for the order to deliver tubes in produced standard lengths, the individual tube

    lengths have to be within the length range provided by the respective delivery standard (e.g.: DIN17456: 2 - 7m).

    StandardizationSystematic standardization and/or determination of a possibly clear order by standards. Thus efficientmass production, substitutability of homogeneous products, facilitation of purchase and sale as well asunambiguous communication - nationally and internationally - become possible. Standards areaccepted engineering rules and generally to be considered as recommendations. They are approvedsolutions for frequently recurring tasks.

    Steam separatorSteam separators are utilized for the recovery of steam as a valuable liquid (condensate) and/or forthe precipitation of polluting as well as hazardous exhaust steams. Steam separators cool thecondensable steams under the saturation temperature, the dew point, and convert them into the liquid

    phase. Thus, e.g. steams can be condensed by indirect contact with a coolant via a cooling surface,which mostly consists of tubes.

    SteelAny forgeable iron alloy with a carbon content of up to 2 %. By alloying, e.g. with nickel, chromium,vanadium, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, by thermal treatment (annealing, hardening,tempering), by the type of deformation (e.g. cold-forming, etc.), the properties can vary in largeranges and be adapted to the respective utilization purpose.

    Stock itemsThat means an item, which is stocked in the tube center store and therefore has a comparatively shortdelivery time. Each item is clearly allocated a certain product (dimension/material).


    Straightening means the elimination of curvatures, which can result at tubes by deformation duringrolling, drawing, extrusion or due to irregular cooling. By application of external forces up to the yieldpoint of a material (permanent deformation), these curvatures can be eliminated to a large extend.

    Straightening linesStraightening lines are spiral-shaped patterns on the surface of the stainless steel tube, which areproduced during straightening by the plastic deformation of near-surface areas.

    StraightnessThe deviation from the straight line of a tube length in mm per meter applies as measure ofstraightness for tubes. Tubes should be aligned straight according to the eye; complete straightness

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    cannot be guaranteed. Special requirements have to be agreed, if applicable. For precision steel tubeswith a diameter over 15 mm, according to DIN 2391, 2393 and 2394, 0.25 % of the gage length andfor grades with yield stresses over 500 N/mm, 0.30 % of the gage length are valid. Requirements tostraightness are determined in the dimension standards or are agreed especially. Mostly they can befulfilled by special straightening only.

    StrainIs the natural logarithm of the quotient from deformed length and original length. It describes large

    plastic changes of the shape. For that it is better suitable than the expansion related to the originallength.

    Strain hardeningWith strain hardening, there is an increase of strength by straining of the microstructure. It occurs,when hot-formed steel products are re-drawn, re-rolled, etc. Before a further cold forming, suchproducts have to be (soft) annealed, unless strain hardening was the target of the cold forming.

    Strauss testThe Strauss test is a corrosion test for the determination of the resistance against inter-crystallinecorrosion. First of all the sample is sensitized (annealed at approx. 700 C) and then boiled in a testsolution for 15 hours. Then the samples are bent and examined for inter-crystalline cracks caused bygrain decay. There is resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion, when the bent tube sections showno cracks.

    Stress corrosion crackingAs indicated by the name, stress corrosion cracking is a crack initiation, which occurs as a result ofsimultaneous effects of mechanical tensile load and a corrosion attack. The crack extension alwaystakes place vertically to the tensile strength. Nearly all metallic materials are susceptible for stresscorrosion cracking in specific media. In operational practice, trans-crystalline stress corrosion crackingof austenitic Cr-Ni-steel in strong alkaline or chloride-containing solutions is of special importance,because nearly all natural waters contain chlorides. Crack susceptibility increases rising chloridecontent, higher tensile stress and increasing temperature.

    Stretch factorFor pilger rolling, drawing, etc., the outside and inner diameter as well as the wall thickness of theentry hollow is reduced, to receive the desired final dimensions. The thus occurring reduction of thecross section results in a lengthening (stretching) of the delivered hollow/finished tube due to the fact,that during the forming no material can be lost. A stretch factor (= ratio of delivery to entry length) of3 signifies, that the length of the delivery hollow/finished tube is three times as long as the entryhollow.

    Stretch reductionThe hollows delivered from the extruding press can be further hot-formed on the stretch reducing mill.With the number of roll stands and their permanently increasing speeds, certain diameter and wallreductions can be achieved. The hollow is stretched between two roll stands respectively, whereat thestand with the higher speed draws the blank and the slower rotating stand retains it.

    Super-heater tubeSteam generators for recovery of energy (for turbines and steam engines) work with super-heaters, inwhich steam (mostly water vapor) is heated to temperatures of about 600 C.

    Surface defectsGeneric term for: pinchers, scale scars, grooves, cracks, stretcher strains, pores and blisters. How farthey reduce the practical value of the component depends on various circumstances: cracks andnotches can result in fatigue fracture with dynamic stress; pores and blisters can make a coatingimpossible.

    Surface roughnessThe quality of technical surfaces is characterized by the terms "waviness" (larger deviations) and"roughness" (smaller irregularities). The following roughness measurement quantities are determinedaccording to DIN 4768: the centerline average height (Ra) is the arithmetic mean value of alldistances of the profile from the centerline. The averaged depth of roughness (Rz) represents thearithmetic mean from the individual depths of roughness of five subsequent individual lines. The

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    maximum roughness depth Rmax is the size of the individual roughness depth occurring on themeasurement line.

    Technological testWith the technological test procedures, predominantly characteristic values are determined, whichdepend on the type of sampling. Mostly it is their task to determine the suitability of preliminaryproducts, especially semi-finished products, for further processing. With one part of these testprocedures also the applicability of production procedures is examined. Beside the extension test, theflattening test on tubes, the ring tension test and the flaring test, which are executed at SBER, there isa large number of non-standardized tests to meet the requirements of special production procedures.The results of the tests are either numerically reportable characteristic values or simple Yes-No-statements.

    Tensile testFor the tensile test, a tension sample is expanded until fracture while the required tension force aswell as the sample elongation is measured. The tensile test serves the determination of characteristicmaterial values like yield limit, tensile strength, fracture elongation, etc.

    Tension test machineThe tensile test can be performed on a tension test machine. The most important components of thetension test machine are the straining facility (application of the tensile strength) and themeasurement facility (for the test force as well as sample extension). Due to the accuracy of the forcemeasurement facility, the tension test machines are classified in various classes.

    Test pressureThe respectively required test pressure and/or the required holding period for the execution of a waterpressure test, are predetermined by the respective standard. For the internal pressure test accordingto DIN 50104, executed for testing tightness, the test pressure is 50 bars and is to be maintained forat least 5 seconds.

    Test route cardIn the test route card all test steps, their execution (standard) as well as the test scope are listedexactly.

    TestingDetermination, whether a test object (e.g.: tube) has the required features, i.e. fulfills one or severalagreed, determined or expected conditions (e.g.: predetermined error limits, tolerance, etc.). Testingcan take place subjectively by sensory perception (visual inspection) or objectively with measuring ortest devices and take place at each individual component (test by the piece) or on a random basis.

    Thermal treatmentIs a procedure or the combination of procedures, in which a work-piece in the solid state is subject totemperature changes, to achieve certain material properties, like e.g.: improvement of machinability,increase or decrease of strength, elimination of residual stresses, etc.

    ToleranceIs the difference between the admissible maximum and the admissible minimum of a measurementquantity, i.e. margin, in which the finished dimension (actual dimension) of a work-piece may deviate.

    Tolerance standardTolerance standards define the difference between the admissible maximum and the admissibleminimum of a measurement quantity like e.g.: outside diameter and/or wall thickness. Importanttolerance standards for seamless stainless steel tubes: DIN EN ISO 1127, ASTM A450/A530, DIN2391.

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    TOP 2010Team-oriented process optimization with the target to improve the profit situation of SBER byinnovation and additionally develop a modern, employee-oriented company culture.

    Transition temperatureTemperature, at which in the notched bar impact test the transition from a ductile to a brittle fractureindicates. Above the transition temperature brittle fractures are not to be expected, below cleavagefractures have to be reckoned with.

    TVAbbreviation for "Technischer berwachungs-Verein" [German Technical Control Board]. The TV is aneutral self-help facility of the economy with the task to protect people, environment and goods fromadverse effects of technical plants or facilities. An examination of products, plants, etc. can bedetermined by law and regulation, but also by customer requirement.

    UHS steelAbbreviation for ultra high strength steel.

    ULC steel(Abbrev. for ultra low carbon) Is a generic term for all austenitic Cr-Ni steels with a low carboncontent, i.e. < 0.03 %. These classes are also suitable for difficult cold-deformations. Furthermore,the low C content results in a significantly better resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion, becausethe formation of the hazardous chromium-carbides is inhibited.

    Ultrasonic testWith the ultrasonic test, a sound beam with up to 10 MHz is generated and mostly introduced into thespecimen with water as coupling medium. In-homogeneities (defects) reflect a share of the soundenergy when they are hit by the sound beam. These reflected sound waves can be received anddisplayed and/or detect the prospective size and location of the defect. The ultrasonic test is notbound to a special work-piece thickness, versatile applicable, un-hazardous and simple in itsexecution, but it requires much experience in the interpretation of the display.

    UmbilicalsThese are hydraulic control lines, which are used in the erection and maintenance of oil platforms forthe control of tools and appliances under water (where divers can no longer work). Furthermore, it ispossible by umbilicals to control the individual boreholes in the vicinity of several platforms by meansof "remote control" from the shore with only one single control stand (e.g.: closing of the borehole inemergency) and thus to achieve substantial cost savings.

    US-Wall thickness measurementIn a flawless component, the sound waves induced are reflected at the component back-wall; bymeans of the measurement of the time of flight (sound velocity known), the distance passed by thesound wave and thus the wall thickness can be determined.


    Are manufactured from cold-produced seamless tubes on a tube bending machine and predominantlyapplied for the utilization in heat exchangers.

    Witness pointThat means a "witness point" indicated on the route card, which signalizes, that a person authorizedto do so wants to witness an operation and is to be informed in advance. The operation, however, canbe executed, when the authorized person or a person representing him/her is not present.

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    Working pressureIs the pressure which arises e.g. in a conduit pipe under operating conditions.

    Works certificateIn the works certificate, the manufacturing or processing plant confirms with test results from therunning operational test of products from the same material and the same manufacturing type as thedelivery itself that the delivered product complies with the agreements of the order.

    Works' test certificateIn the work's test certificate, the manufacturing or processing plant confirms with results from tests atthe delivery itself or at test units determined in the standards, of which the delivery is one part thatthe delivered product complies with the agreements of the order.

    X-ray fluorescence analysis (RFA)For the RFA, the characteristic X-radiation is used for determination of the chemical composition of thecomponent material. The characteristic X-radiation is generated at the transitions between thenearest-to-core quantum states of the atoms. If, for example, a fast electron knocks out an extra-nuclear electron from the innermost electron shell, an electron falls out of an external shell into thenow free gap. Thus a photon is emitted, whose energy corresponds the energy difference between thetwo shells. At these transitions no random but only certain energy differences are possible, so that an

    X-ray line spectrum is generated, which is characteristic for the emitting atom and therefore for thematerial.

    YieldRatio of the mass of the finished products to the mass applied of the preliminary material required forthat in percent [%].