glowing skin

Does your skin feel dry, dull and worn out? Our skin bears the burden of today’s world made up of air pollutants, a fast paced lifestyle, lack of exercise and fast food diets. All of these contribute to leaving your skin feeling lack luster and could be the cause of a diminishing glow. A glowing skin is an indication of good health. It makes you feel confident and beautiful. There are loads of cosmetic products and spa treatments available that can give the skin a ‘pick-me-up’ but they all come at a price. Some cosmetic products might also cause skin rashes. To give your skin that instant glow naturally, you don’t have to venture out too far; your kitchen might just be the place to start! The Fast Lane To Glowing Skin You can make your own beauty masks and scrubs with readily available ingredients. Depending on the nature of your skin, you can choose from various natural prducts to make special treats for your face that will nourish, moisturize and give it that extra sparkle. Different vegetable and fruits contain different vitamins, hydrants and minerals that can rejuvenate your skin. All you need is a well-stocked kitchen to give your face that quick glow before you leave for a party, a date or simply because you want to look great. Consult your dermatologist if your skin is hypersensitive or allergic to certain

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Post on 02-May-2017




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Page 1: Glowing Skin

Does your skin feel dry, dull and worn out? Our skin bears the burden of today’s world made up of air pollutants, a fast paced lifestyle, lack of exercise and fast food diets. All of these contribute to leaving your skin feeling lack luster and could be the cause of a diminishing glow. A glowing skin is an indication of good health. It makes you feel confident and beautiful. There are loads of cosmetic products and spa treatments available that can give the skin a ‘pick-me-up’ but they all come at a price. Some cosmetic products might also cause skin rashes. To give your skin that instant glow naturally, you don’t have to venture out too far; your kitchen might just be the place to start!

The Fast Lane To Glowing SkinYou can make your own beauty masks and scrubs with readily available ingredients. Depending on the nature of your skin, you can choose from various natural prducts to make special treats for your face that will nourish, moisturize and give it that extra sparkle. Different vegetable and fruits contain different vitamins, hydrants and minerals that can rejuvenate your skin. All you need is a well-stocked kitchen to give your face that quick glow before you leave for a party, a date or simply because you want to look great. Consult your dermatologist if your skin is hypersensitive or allergic to certain products, before the use of any home-made skin treatments. Some great home remedies for that instant glow you always wanted, are -

Instant Skin Glow Tips

Use the juice of half an orange or tomato along with two teaspoons of yoghurt which is unsweetened. Massage the face lightly with the

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mixture in an upward motion and let it dry on the face. After which, wash your face using normal or cool water and pat it dry.

Cut a papaya into half (if big, then in quarter sized pieces), scoop the pulp out into a bowl. Mash it with a spoon and apply this mixture on the face. Leave it on till it dries. Wash the face off with cool water and pat it dry.

In a bowl, take 2 tablespoons of oats, 2 tablespoons of honey and some powdered almonds. Use all of this and grind it into a paste and apply it on the face. Leave it on for around 15 minutes, till it dries. After which, wash the face with cool water and pat it dry.

Take 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix it till it becomes a fine paste and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash the face with cool water and pat it dry.

Instant Glow Masks

Honey and Banana Face Mask: Take one banana and 2 tablespoons of honey, mix it well, making it a paste. Apply this mixture on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash the face with cool water and pat it dry. This helps tighten the skin while adding moisture to it.

Potato Mask: Grate half a potato and apply this on the face. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash the face with cool water and pat it dry. This mask works well for oily skin.

Cucumber Mask: Take 1 cucumber, grind it and extract its juice. Take one tablespoon of powdered and mix it into the cucumber juice. Apply this on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Use some cold water to wash the face and pat it dry.

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Apart from these home remedies, you should follow a good diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and make certain lifestyle changes to have healthy and glowing skin.

 Do you want your face to get an instant glow without spending any money? If yes, then this article can help you immensely. This article brings you the recipes of 10 homemade facial masks to get a glowing face instantly, right from your kitchen shelf. Your kitchen is a storehouse of many magical ingredients which can make an effective facial mask to get a radiant complexion over a short span of time. Read on to know how to get a glowing skin instantly.

Facial masks to get a glowing face instantly


Do you want your face to get an instant glow without spending any money? If yes, then this article can help you immensely. This article brings you the recipes of 10 homemade facial masks to get a glowing face instantly, right from your kitchen shelf. Your kitchen is a storehouse of many magical ingredients which can make an effective facial mask to get a radiant complexion over a short span of time. Read on to know how to get a glowing skin instantly.

Facial masks to get a glowing face instantly

1. Egg and Almonds mask Beat an egg and mix it with ground almonds. Apply this mix on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes. Use this home remedy at bedtime for best results. This homemade face mask is suitable for dry skin. 

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2. Peach and Brandy mask Mash a peach and mix it with a teaspoon of brandy. Apply this mix on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes. You will get visibly luminous skin instantly.

3. Carrot and Honey maskCook 2-3 carrots and mash them completely. Add 2-3 teaspoons of honey to them. Slather this mix on your face. Leave his mix on for 10 minutes. This natural facial mask suits all skin types. You can try this natural face pack for getting instant glow if you have sensitive skin.

4. Banana, Oatmeal, Raw milk, Nutmeg and Wheat Flour mask 


Peel a banana and mash it completely. Mix it with 2 teaspoons of ground oatmeal, 4 teaspoons of raw milk, a pinch of nutmeg and 2 teaspoons of wheat flour. Blend all ingredients well and apply this mix on your face to get that extra glow your want before going to a party. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes. This amazing homemade facial mask reinvigorates your face instantly.

5. Pumpkin, Honey and Raw milk mask

Cook a pumpkin and mash it completely. Then mix it with 2 teaspoons of honey and ¼ spoon of raw milk. Apply this mix on your face. Leave this wonderful preparation on your skin for 10-15 minutes. Pumpkin is packed with the goodness of vitamin A, vitamin C and Zinc, which grant luster to your skin instantly.

6. Aloe Vera and Glycerin mask

Take few leaves of aloe vera and mix them with 2 teaspoons of glycerin. Dab this mixture on your face evenly. Wash off after 15

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minutes. You can rub the leaves of aloe vera directly on the face to get a healthy and flawless skin.

7. Papaya mask

Mash a ripe papaya and apply this on your face and neck. Massage your skin with mashed papaya for 15 minutes in a circular motion. Wash off and be ready to experience a luminous complexion in an instant! Papaya is an excellent skin lightening agent that helps to grant an instant sheen to the skin. You can rub the skin of papaya also to get a radiant skin instantly.

8. Orange and Curd/Milk mask

Massage your face with the mix of a teaspoon of orange juice and 2 teaspoons of either curd or milk. Massage this preparation on your face in a circular motion. Afterwards, wash your face with cold water. This homemade face pack can be used as a pre-party glow pack also.

9. Cucumber mask

Grate a cucumber and squeeze to take out the juice. Slather this juice on your face. Let your skin absorb the natural goodness of cucumber juice for 15 minutes. Wash off to reveal clear and resplendent complexion in a jiffy. Cucumber is an excellent skin lightening agent and it helps in easing off dark circles naturally.

10. Milk and Honey mask

Mix a teaspoon of milk and half a teaspoon of warm honey in a bowl. Apply this powerful preparation on your face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes to experience a glowing skin instantly. Milk

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contains lactic acid that helps to remove the dead skin cells and honey hydrates the skin to make it velvety soft.You can try natural face for getting instant glow. By now you know how to get a glowing skin instantly.Try out these 10 homemade facial masks to get a glowing face instantly. So from now on, give your skin the gentle and loving care it deserves and pamper your skin with these aforementioned natural face packs religiously! And be all set to flaunt the skin that radiates with a natural glow!   Check out. Lemon:

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Daniella Segura

Lemon is the best natural remedy for skin lightening. It helps to reduce

the blemishes and dark spots. Rub fresh lemon juice over the

darkened skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Remember not to expose yourself to the sun, while doing this

treatment. There is no way that you look for skin lightening tips and

not find lemon on the list. You should be careful as lemon can cause

irritation on the wounds and cuts.2. Milk:

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Prepare a face pack by mixing 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of

honey. Make a smooth paste and apply all over your face. Rub gently

in circular motions and keep for 15 minutes. Use low fat milk if you

have oily skin and full cream milk if you have dry skin.

3. Turmeric:

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Steven Jackson

This is an ingredient used by our ancestors and is still considered one

of the best skin lightening agents. Prepare the mask by combining 1

teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons of fresh lime juice.

Apply over the exposed skin and keep for 15 minutes. You should be

careful while using this pack, as turmeric can stain your clothes.

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People with sensitive skin can dilute the pack with a little amount of


4.  Egg pack:Beat an egg till it’s fluffy and frothy. Apply on the face and keep it on

till it dries off completely. Wash off with cool water. You can also add

lemon juice or 2 drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil, to reduce the

smell of the egg.

5. Tomato:

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by photon_de

Tomato contains lycopene, which helps to reduce tan instantly. A

perfect choice of the home remedies for skin lightening. This face

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pack will lighten the skin tone, reduce tan and eliminate the dead cells

on the face. In a blender, add 1-2 tomatoes and 2 teaspoons of lemon

juice. You can also add gram flour (besan) into it. Blend well to make

a smooth paste. Apply this all over the face and keep for 20 minutes.

Wash off with cool water and repeat this procedure daily before bath.

6.  Hot Oil Body Massage:Enjoying your weekends? Indulge in the hot oil body massage for

relaxation and also to get fairer skin. Choose base oil such as almond

oil, coconut oil or olive oil. To this, add crushed neem and tusli leaves

and warm gently. Apply this all over your body and massage well.

Keep for 30 minutes and get into the shower. Hot oil massage

increases the blood circulation all over the body and thus reduces tan.

7. Yogurt Pack:In 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well

to form a smooth paste. Apply on your face and keep for 15 minutes.

Wash off with cool water. Repeat this procedure daily for best results.

8. Fruit Pack:Fruits can work wonders for your skin and also provide you with

naturally glowing skin. Prepare a fruit pack by combining the pulp of

an avocado, papaya and cucumber. Then add 2 teaspoons of cream

or malai. Mix well to form a paste and apply all over the face. Leave it

for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. People with oily or

combination skin can avoid adding cream, they can add multani mitti

instead into the pack.

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A good beauty regime, healthy diet and proper exercise are the keys

for getting healthy and glowing skin.

Till then take care and keep it stylish!

Try any or some: 1. Scrub a half of lemon on your face daily to lighten your skin tone.Lemon is an excellent bleaching agent, and it is very helpful in ironing out the blemishes of the face. Try this home remedy for getting fair skin at home. 2. Squeeze a juice of potato in a bowl, and apply this on your skin to bleach your face. Your skin's will get fair gradually after using this home remedy . 3. Use tomato mashed tomato pulp on your skin to give a pinkish glow to your skin. Tomato is very good for giving you fair skin tone .Home remedy of tomato also absorbs excess oil of your face to treat open pores of your face. 4. Home remedy of lemon juice and honey in equal quantity and apply on the skin to get fair skin. 5. Take half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon; apply on your face to get fair skin at home. 6. Apply cucumber juice with lemon juice to lighten your skin. This home remedy is very useful for making oily skin fair. 7. Apply plain curd on your skin to get fair and soft skin. Curd is a good source of zinc and lactic acid, both aid in lightening the skin tone.Curd is an excellent home remedy for getting fair skin. 8. Apply coconut water to get fair and flawless skin at home . This home remedy is helpful in lightening the scar of chicken pox also. 9. Massage your skin with almond oil or olive oil to get fair and soft skin, you can add a pinch of saffron to get better results. You can use this home remedy for your small babies at home also. 10. Mix 1 spoon of milk powder, 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of almond oil. Apply this concoction on your skin; leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off. This is an effective skin lightening mask. This home remedy gives excellent results in getting fair skin at home. 11. Home remedy of Cucumber juice mixed with honey is very useful for making dry skin fairer. 

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12. Apply egg white on face twice a week to get fairer skin. Use this home remedy if you have to make your oily skin fair at home. 13. Mix oatmeal, curd with tomato to make a face pack for getting fair skin at home. 14. Mash a tomato and pour 4-5 drops of lemon juice, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fair skin. 15. Mix papaya, honey, milk and milk power, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fairer face instantly. This remedy is good for oily skin. 16. Apply sandalwood paste mixed with almond oil to get fair skin. This home remedy is a good home facial for getting fair skin at home. 17. Soak up almonds in the raw milk overnight, and grind it to apply on your skin. It is an excellent home remedy in giving you fairer skin tone. 18. Using raw milk on your skin lightens your skin tone. You can use this remedy on your babies also to get fair skin. 19. Clean your face with raw milk in which a pinch of saffron is added. Use this home remedywith cotton pads daily to get fairer and clearer skin at home daily. 20. Use home remedy of fuller's earth (multani mitti) with sandal wood paste to get fair and glowing skin at home.Check out21 Best foods for glowing skin 21. Take 2 table spoon gram flour(besan) , 1 spoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lime juice with few drops of olive oil to make face pack to get fair skin. 22. Boil cumin seeds in water, and rinse your face with this water to reveal fair and radiant skin. Use this home remedy for getting fair and radiant skin at home. 23. Apply lentil (masoor daal) with milk or curd. This home remedy is very good face pack for getting fair face ,and body. Use it daily to get results in 15 days. 24. Grind the dried orange peel and mix it with milk or curd to l get fair skin tone. 25. Boil radish in the water and apply this water on the face to get fair skin at home. 26. Soak black gram (urad) with 4 almonds in the raw milk and grind it in the morning Apply this pack on your skin to get excellent results to lighten your skin in few days if used daily. This home remedy is excellent in getting fair skin at home. 27. Mix 2 spoon of mint juice with half spoon of lemon juice. this pack

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knocks out the whiteheads as well as exfoliates the skin. 28. Apply the juice of ripe pineapple to get fair skin naturally at home. 29. Mix cucumber pulp (grated) with curd to apply on your skin, and see your skin gets fairer in few days.Try this home remedy for sure. 30. Home remedy of Fuller's earth (multani mitti) mixed with rose water to make it skin lightener for oily skin. Drink Safi from Hamdard Dawakhana. God bless you and Good luck !

