gluten free roti

Gluten-Free Basic Flour Mix We usually turn to Rice when confronted with wheat allergy or the need to stay away from Gluten. Rice flour is the base of most cake, cookie, bread and all purpose gluten free flour mixes. Rice, however, does not provide great nutrition and the dough can be quite crumbly, especially when made egg free. I have combined two amazingly nutritious gluten free flours—Amaranth and Sorghum, with a starch for binding, to produce fantastic puris, rotis and parathas. Amaranth, (the Indian Rajgira) and Sorghum (Jowar in India) are easily available, and not just in the Indian stores, but also in specialty food markets and increasingly in mainstream grocery stores in the US. Amaranth is an excellent source of protein which contains those amino acids that are usually found only in animal foods. It is loaded with fiber, iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals, and is significantly more nutritious than whole wheat. The name ‘Amaranth’ itself comes from the Latin root word ‘amar’, meaning long-lived. Relate it to the Sanskrit ‘amar’ which means ‘immortal’! Sorghum is one of the oldest known grains, very nutritious, and high in iron, calcium and potassium. Because the protein and starch in sorghum are digested more slowly than that of other cereals, it has a glycemic index that is among the lowest of all food grains. I combine Amaranth and Sorghum, with corn starch for binding (use Tapioca starch if corn is an issue) and I add a very small quantity of a type of gum—Xanthan gum. You could also use another gum called Guar gum. Both are available in specialty food stores. Gums are used frequently in gluten free foods, because they help to create the spongy, elastic texture which gluten provides. I do not use soy as it is an established allergenic food and I also stay away from chick pea and varied bean flours as they may not suit one and all.

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Post on 27-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Gluten Free Roti

Gluten-Free Basic Flour Mix

We usually turn to Rice when confronted with wheat allergy or the need to stay away from Gluten. Rice flour is the base of most cake, cookie, bread and all purpose gluten free flour mixes. Rice, however, does not provide great nutrition and the dough can be quite crumbly, especially when made egg free. I have combined two amazingly nutritious gluten free flours—Amaranth and Sorghum, with a starch for binding, to produce fantastic puris, rotis and parathas. Amaranth, (the Indian Rajgira) and Sorghum (Jowar in India) are easily available, and not just in the Indian stores, but also in specialty food markets and increasingly in mainstream grocery stores in the US.

Amaranth is an excellent source of protein which contains those amino acids that are usually found only in animal foods. It is loaded with fiber, iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals, and is significantly more nutritious than whole wheat. The name ‘Amaranth’ itself comes from the Latin root word ‘amar’, meaning long-lived. Relate it to the Sanskrit ‘amar’ which means ‘immortal’!

Sorghum is one of the oldest known grains, very nutritious, and high in iron, calcium and potassium. Because the protein and starch in sorghum are digested more slowly than that of other cereals, it has a glycemic index that is among the lowest of all food grains.

I combine Amaranth and Sorghum, with corn starch for binding (use Tapioca starch if corn is an issue) and I add a very small quantity of a type of gum—Xanthan gum. You could also use another gum called Guar gum. Both are available in specialty food stores. Gums are used frequently in gluten free foods, because they help to create the spongy, elastic texture which gluten provides. I do not use soy as it is an established allergenic food and I also stay away from chick pea and varied bean flours as they may not suit one and all.

Your chapattis will be easier to roll, the edges will not be uneven and even a thinly rolled chapatti will not tear. In fact, wheat eating family members will hardly be able to tell the difference. It does take a little bit of practice if you have not worked with gluten free flours before, but take it from me, it only gets better and soon enough you will want to make allergy free puris for everyone!


Amaranth Flour / Rajgira Atta – 1 cup (3.8 ounces)

Sorghum Flour / Jawar Atta – 1 cup (4.4 ounces)

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Cornstarch – ¾ cup (3.4 ounces)

Xanthan Gum – 1 tsp

Salt – ½ tsp


1. In a large bowl, mix all flours well taking care that bowl and mixing spoons are dry.

2. Mix in Salt and Xanthan Gum and mix both well into the flours.

3. Make double the quantity if you like and store in dry, airtight jars


To retain freshness, place jar/s in the fridge.

Gluten-free Chapati


Gluten-free Basic Flour Mix – 1 cup (see recipe here)

Potato – 1/4 cup, boiled and mashed

Oil – 2 tsp

Warm Water – 1/3 to 1/2 cup, as needed

Rice Flour – 1 heaped tablespoon, for dusting

Oil or Ghee – optional, for pan frying or coating


1. Place Flour Mix in a bowl and add Potato. Incorporate it into the flour.

2. Add Oil and rub it into the flour to incorporate well.

3. Add half the water and start to knead the dough.

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4. Slowly add the remaining water (as needed), kneading gently all the time.

5. Note: Gluten free flours usually require more kneading than wheat flour, to acquire a soft, smooth texture and the addition of the gum will make the dough a little sticky.

6. When dough has formed into a ball, smear your hand with a little oil and continue to knead and make a smooth dough. Place prepared dough in a bowl and allow it to rest for about 15 minutes.

7. Meanwhile, place the rice flour onto a plate and keep it handy nearby.

8. Tear off two large sheets of plastic wrap, about 10” long. Place one sheet on rolling surface, and the other one on any clean, dry surface nearby. Take care to ensure that plastic sheets are not close to the stove top.

9. Heat a tava/skillet on medium heat till it is nice and hot.

10. Divide dough into 7 equal sized balls.

11. Roll each ball smoothly with your hands, press and flatten to form a disc.

12. Take one flattened ball and dust it lightly with rice flour

13. Place on top of the first plastic sheet, in the center. Place the second sheet on top of the ball, in parallel with the bottom sheet.

14. Begin to roll gently. You will be able to roll out a fairly thin roti about 7” round.

15. Once rolled out, remove upper plastic sheet and set aside away from stove top.

16. With one hand, gently peel away the lower plastic sheet, while lifting the rolled roti onto the palm of the other hand.

17. Place roti on tava. Allow some bubbles to appear, flip the roti onto the other side and allow it to cook while gently pressing and moving it a little.

18. Flip once again and let the first side cook a little more. Roti will balloon a little, though not as much as a wheat roti

19. Take off the flame, smear with Ghee (optional) and serve hot, or keep in an insulated container till all rotis are made


Make your puris just like you would make wheat puris. Divide the dough into 10-12 small balls, flatten into discs and follow the above procedure. Since puris don’t have to be rolled out large or thin, you may be able to make them without using plastic wrap.

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One advantage of using the plastic wrap is that the dough does not directly come into contact with the rolling surface or the rolling pin. This is a safe practice as it completely prevents cross contamination, especially if the same equipment is being used to make other foods

In any case, ensure that everything is completely free of allergens before starting to prepare for kids and others with allergies.

Make parathas just as you would make wheat parathas. Make a hollow in the ball of dough, place your filling, then close the hollow so that filling is firmly enclosed within. Gently press, dust with rice flour, place on plastic wrap and roll out without pressing too hard with the rolling pin.

If you wish to make Hetal and Anuja’s fantastic kathi rolls, do add the potato. Imagine the delight of a wheat allergic child, when he/she can also hold a tasty chapatti roll and eat it!