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Sometime in March, 2011 a bunch of people were celebrating getting an admission to XLRI for the one year

General Management Program (GMP). They were celebrating ‘success’, their efforts had been rewarded and the

ordeal was behind them; though in part they all know, that this was just the beginning….

That group now identifies itself as the GMP class of 2011-12.

A commonly shared experience is what makes people into a collective. Small and big, ordinary and special, joy-

ous and sad; our common memories start with the one week long intensive induction at the Father Prabhu Hall

and are strengthened by the adventure trip, village exposure program, elections, classes, surprise and not so sur-

prise quizzes, placements, international immersion, group study, free riders, TT, notes, late nights, exams,

booze, assignments, and so much more. Most of us can easily see a technicolor film of the life and times of

GMP 2011-12 in our minds eye.

Just to take a trip down memory lane; I can easily see the first time Professor Sengupta asked us to look at the

time on the classroom wall clock in his quintessential style, the awe his teaching inspired and the dread his “M/

s Pain begins” infused. Some might be seeing the fluttering Prarambh banner in that hot and humid evening in

July, 2011, one of the first things we organized as a batch. One cannot go through our collective memories

without mentioning the Father Jesurajan experience; we have all been at the receiving end of his special brand

of humor and the first formal dinner that many of us had ever experienced! Each professor brought his style

along with his subject to class.

Our adventure trip experiences are probably the richest ones for some, storms that lasted the entire weekend

and friendships that will last a life time. Some of us realized that we were no longer as fit as we used to be and

some of us discovered the joys of a simple life. The village exposure is a critical component of the XLRI-GMP

experience, it reminded us that despite all the progress we had made, a vast majority of Indians can barely make

ends meet. It also reminded us that of how fortunate we were to be included in the India growth story.

Who can forget the surprise and not so surprise quizzes of Strategy and OB? The sleepless nights of Term II,

the sprint to the Learning Center, the quick trips to Daddu’s between and during lectures! The late night

“quick cups of tea” to the dhaba sometimes culminated into a very early morning tea. We learnt to squeeze in

some shut eye whenever the opportunity arose.

The CR elections, placecomm bloodbaths (as they are affectionately referred to) and asking “Aaj khane mein

kya hai?” and then finally deciding to go to Bishuda’s for a parantha are vivid memories for most of us.

So many of us picked up a racquet, a sprain and accidents after years of picking up paychecks; Some of us re-

discovered alcohol and brushed up on the beautiful art of sleeping in class. There were many firsts along the

way - for some it was the first visa stamping on their passport and for some others, it was the joy of fatherhood


Looking beyond the embers of the bridges glowing behind us,

To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side,

Steps taken forward but sleepwalking back again,

Dragged by the force of some inner tide. . .

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and marriage, and for some it was finding love.

The international immersion was a much needed and memorable time for many of us. Not only were we going

to a foreign country, we were also going to relax and enjoy a break from our crazy schedules. Some choose Aus-

tralia for the opportunity to visit the MCG, others chose France so they could see Europe. Some chose Manila

for the cheap alcohol and some chose USA to meet up with friends. The international projects gave us confi-

dence as well as exposure above and beyond our work experiences.

Almost in the blink of an eye, half the course was over and it was time to select electives. Some of us choose

electives based on the area of interest and some electives were selected because of the professors. Some chose

easy electives to concentrate on placements and others chose tough ones to learn from. Some were disappointed

with their choice and others attended electives they had not selected for extra gyaan.

Before we knew it or were ready, we hit placement season. Placement fever saw the mercury soaring in Decem-

ber and January and resume making and mock interviews were in full swing. For some it was a time of stress

and for others, it was a learning experience. For some, the career track changes came at a much needed time.

Life became a bit relaxed and we found time to use our newly purchased ipads and cameras purchased at duty

free shops of the Dubai and Singapore Airports. Trips to Sonnet and Hong Kong went up as placement treats

piled and the load lightened considerably. Now we played TT and badminton for hours. Some of us started our

weight loss programs and discovered the inside of the XLRI gym.

Sports tournaments and visits to Bistupur went up and time spent in preparing assignments reduced by half.

Fun times went up considerably. We had studied hard and now it was time to party hard. We had found

friends we wanted to keep for life and made efforts to create and capture our time there. We could see the finish

line and we had to make the best of the time we had with us. Now we stayed up nights to chat with friends and

before we knew it, it was time for a new beginning.

We wonder about how much we had changed from that day when we first got here. We came in with flighty

dreams, with glittering hopes for what XLRI was supposed to offer. Through the year, we had explored our-

selves, interacted with many people, and faced many challenges, both academic and personal. But the bottom

line is that we have changed and for the better; that XLRI has changed us.

The credits are rolled and we packed our bags off to our homes and promised each other that we would keep in

touch and hoped with all our hearts that this was in fact true. With suitcases in tow, we departed through the

campus gates. In the silence of the morning, unnoticed, we had left a part of us behind.

This one year at GMP has indeed been special, each for a unique reason. And the year at b-

school is always worth a flashback!! Flashback in real life is possible only by means of a refresher

of treasured memories. And the Yearbook, an earnest endeavor was envisaged to serve this very

purpose - offer nostalgic, lighthearted/humorous sentiments in the form of individual student

profile write-ups, as a display of the warm feelings of classmates and sweet memories of your

friends from b-school.

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”A B Baby” or “Arjun” (from the movie Karan Arjun, and you should be able to guess who Karan is) is an ardent party lover

who loves his food and his booze. He can electrify a party with his witty jokes (of course double entendre). With his gentle

word, he can perk up any depressed soul. He has worked in different committees (Placement, Branding, Mess committee); has

talents (sings, plays every other sport – but we are not discussing how well here); and has the attitude. What belies a casual, un-

assuming guy is a determined persona.

Abhay does not believe in missing classes whatever commitments he might have. He is one of the most eloquent speakers in the

class. In one dreaded lecture, Abhay was suddenly called upon to speak on a topic which his team-member was supposed to

present. He managed the show really well without giving anyone the feel that he was actually reading out from the footnotes of

the presentation. Eventually, Abhay wants to apply his MBA knowledge to run a successful restaurant business. His motto in

life: Live every moment and enjoy life to the fullest.

Abhishek fondly known as “Netaji” is fun loving, aggressive and hard-working. Netaji managed to build up quite a fan club after his sterling performances with 'grammatically correct Hindi' speech-es during the village trip and the OB project. Most likely to be ready with the camera wherever he goes, he can cheer anyone with his amiable manner and sense of humor. He can speak for hours on any topic and his gift of gab can silence anyone. He can use Hindi with ease, but his real skill lies in attempting to explain those things to people which don’t really matter to them. With interests in Finance and Marketing, he is sure to make it big in life and his experience and acumen provide a perfect platform for his managerial career. Most important value you can learn from him “Never give up and always put your best foot forward”

The smart, relaxed, determined and confident personality of Achin, lights up any room as he walks in. His love for parties and delivering “gyaan”, coupled with his natural hand gestures have earned him the nickname, “The Handmover”. His insatiable appetite for learning made him probably the first in GMP history to write a case study under the guidance of a professor. Not afraid to express himself and with excellent communication skills, he is inquisitive, and is always ready to take everything in his stride. An active sportsman and an excellent volleyball player he represented XL with his bag of tricks on ample display, and is capable of elastic and vigorous movements (if and when he does move). His never say die attitude, determination and strong will, reflect only when the submission deadline approaches, while rest of the time he just “chills”. His motto in life is “Why do it today, if you can do it faster a day before it is to be done”. He aspires to carry his parents lega-cy and business to newer heights.

Abhay Bhasin

B’Day: 29-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Abhishek Singh B’Day: 09-Aug Email: [email protected]

Achin Kishore B’Day: 15-Mar Email: [email protected]

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Well known for his outspoken, unusual and witty personality, Ajit is one of the tough cookies on

campus, earning him the nickname “Roadie”. He has a keen sense of understanding for subjects

of all kinds and pursues answers for the things he wants to learn. Grossly misunderstood by

people not familiar with him, he is one of the most reliable people to have around in times of fun or strife. He's always there

for folks who need help but seldom seeks assistance for himself.

He values honest and straightforward people and makes sure he’s heard when something needs to be said. Never backing down

to an argument, he brings his will power and zeal to the table. Believing in the code ”Live in the present, savor the moment”,

he barely thinks about the next day leave alone planning his life. His other interests are cricket and Bollywood movies. Ajit is a

die-hard fan of Indian National heroes and we commend his oath to fast three times a year to commemorate the sacrifice given

by our martyrs. Jai Hind Mr. Yadav!!

Akkii the "Owsome", is a calm, talented, hardworking and intelligent individual. He does study

fairly seriously, but no night-outs mind you for him! He loves his sleep more than anything else.

He says “ke aaj mai 12 hours soya" and he still seems to be in a hibernate mode. He went to buy a

strategy book at the Singapore Airport while the others were busy in the duty free shop and we all

know how big a strategist he is.

Almost all the class presentations that he did were fun. He had a bike accident during term 1 and

as per the sources at the scene; Akkii started calling his home and made a mockery of a small

wound. Being detail oriented, he pestered the doctor so much that the doctor finally came up with

a book to explain him the problem.

Most important value you can learn from him is his punctuality and his objective approach to things. He is a great friend, very

helpful and methodical and his awesomeness will be missed in times to come.

Energetic and confident Amarpreet has been one of the most colorful personalities of our

GMP batch. He was extremely enthusiastic and took the initiative for GMP participation in

the ‘Sher-e-Punjab’ event which was a great success and was commended by one and all. Pop-

ularly known as ‘born leader’ because of his much-discussed comment during a managerial

communications class mock interview, he has never allowed hesitation or shyness to stand in

the way of expressing his opinions.

Amar would definitely be a strong contestant, if we had a prize for least number of classes

attended in the entire academic year. Particularly, the 9.00 am classes have rarely been graced

by his presence. But when he did make it to the classes, his interesting interactions with the

professors added color to a number of otherwise mundane classroom discussions. As GMP

lore goes, Amar had actually responded to Prof Indrajit saying “ Sir, I am not asking. I am

telling you”. A keen strategy enthusiast, he would most likely end up devising intricate strate-

gies for top corporates in years to come.

Ajit Yadav

B’Day: 19-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Akshay Jain B’Day: 07-Jan Email: [email protected]

Amarpreet Singh B’Day: 26-Nov Email: [email protected]

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Sincere, no-nonsense, hardworking and disciplined, Amit would always be the first guy to finish

his part - be it submissions, assignments or presentations. In one of the managerial communica-

tions classes, when Father Jesurajan was in one of his moods; while reading a submission from a

group with Amit’s name in the addressee of the letter scolded our senior CR, asking who is AMIT RUNGTA? Amit being the

soft spoken and innocent looking guy that he is (beware: appearances can be deceptive) did not dare to claim his stake in the


He firmly believes that sincerity pays sooner or later but it definitely does pay. And whatever he does should be of best quality

and in least time… No tradeoffs here. In the long term, he sees himself switching almost 10 companies in his career and earn-

ing as much as the CEO of the company. He is most likely to be voted as the most sincere student of the GMP Batch of 2012.

Prabhuuu has an amazing sense of humor and loves irritating others, especially in lectures. He is

impatient and constantly keeps shaking his legs in every lecture. Does not listen to any lecture,

but yet remembers everything that is being taught. When Prabhuuu was playing some game on

his cellphone in the class (as usual), a professor caught him and Prabhuuu came out of the em-

barrassing situation by asking a wonderful question which left the professor amazed - typical

prabhuuu. Kuch nahi sunega class mei fir bhi sab aaata hai usko.

Prabhuuu digs any finance courses and is a champ at adding, subtracting, dividing and

multiplying. A true consultant, we can only hope that any company he works for would let him

do just that. He is a true companion for his friends in frustrations, anger and happiness. Prab-

huuuuu tussi great ho...

Arguably the most famous lady on campus, Ankana’s super smart, enthusiastic and witty per-

sonality does not go unnoticed in any setting, be it the campus wet nights or the mundane law

classes. Her ability to put forth her argument was rewarded not only by the professors but also

revered by the batch mates, who affectionately call her ‘Lady Bheem’. A six sigma black belt

by profession, she optimizes all her daily chores to the last detail, thus able to study hard and

party even harder. Loves to party and is always a good host, she is one of the most helpful peo-

ple around and does not fret even when you pull her leg.

One of the most focused people around, a definite achiever, she worries about academics over

innumerable cups of coffee (or whatever else it might be), all in futility though, because she is

almost always right there at the top. A fantastic TT player, she has made XL and GMP proud

in many tournaments. Ankana’s strong will and determination towards everything she does

has been commendable and she is most likely to be replacing Tiger as Genpact's CEO in the


Amit Rungta

B’Day: 17-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Ananth Prabhu B’Day: 24-Jul Email:

[email protected]

Ankana Mehra B’Day: 21-Sep Email: [email protected]

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Arun, the serious looking guy is composed, matured and focused. Arun and the XLRI library

have been inseparable and he is probably the only one who spent a lot more time in the library

than his room. A lot of people initially believed that he worked part time in the library maybe as a student-instructor. Hardly

gets angry or nervous, he finds solace in books.

Soft spoken but direct and to the point (whenever he speaks), this guy knows how to deal with people. He believes in doing

what he likes come what may and this is what sets him apart from the rest of the crowd. Connoisseur of art, culture and food –

during the international immersion, he went about appreciating Philippines all by himself on numerous occasions. Interested

in exploring a career in Human Resources, he created an individualized program for himself and buried himself in continuous-

ly improving basic skills in the HR area. Hope to see him heading a HR function in the years to come.

Pattu would easily be in the top 3 in GMP for the maximum amount of talk time spent /

sms's sent in the last year, maximum number of visits to one's home town or for the

amount of time spent in the Gym, lowest number of class meetings or extra classes attended

(obviously due to the time spent on the phone) and for having dinner for the reason, 'Bore

ho raha hoon!'.

One of the favorite memories of Pattu is him running behind a train at the Tatanagar

station in DDLJ style in an effort to get to Mumbai. Our very own Jockey brand ambassa-

dor is a fitness freak and some of his friends were worried that his bulging muscles might rip

-off his t-shirts. Never cares too much about paying attention in classes or studying, but

somehow manages to do fairly well. Guess there are times when you have to be like a sponge

and soak it all in. Motto in life: Jiyo aur Jeene do!!

otunu' is a fun loving dude and as a friend always the stable stalker to watch your back. A kick

-ass drinker, don’t ever try to count up the boozes with him. He is consistency and stability

personified conjured with dependability and trustworthiness, but he sometimes comes off as

too serious and sincere.

An active class participant (not of the disruptive kind) offering remarkable insights and fa-

mous for his distinctive style of putting his point across with supple wrists and fingers twirling

as if he is a master off-spinner bowling the carrom ball. He did have quite an embarrassing

experience in one of the MIS classes, but he managed to redeem himself and eventually bond-

ed very well with Prof Rajeev Sharma.

Most important thing in life for him is to be steady yet paced up and be well read and have

the ability to connect the dots. He aspires to become an astute product manager handling a

niche product line in the IT industry. A global leader for sure!!!

Arun Kumar C P

B’Day: 16-Feb

Email: [email protected]

Ashish Patwardhan B’Day: 06-Dec Email: [email protected]

Atanu Dhar B’Day: 07-Apr Email: [email protected]

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Bala is humble, inquisitive, fair and reliable. You can't help liking him, a down-to-earth person,

he's disarmingly soft-spoken. He can be as reassuring in class as he is outside when you speak to

him in person on life and career options. The Investments classes are a classic example, the Pro-

fessor has moved ahead with his explanation on Markowitz model, Gordon model and other so called models and you can de-

rive more happiness, by looking at Bala’s face rather than from understanding the lecture. That blank but very telepathic com-

munication will sure be very encouraging.

On a serious note, Bala's persona of always aiming higher, continuously learning, unconditional friendship and being humble

is exemplary and worth emulating. Hope to see him as a management leader in the technology sector and his tireless quest

would help him reach this pinnacle very soon.

The diminutive mess representative of the batch, with always a smile on his face, Bhaskar da is

one of the nuclear power guys in the class. Wow, isn’t that awesome and he recounting his plant

experiences at Kaiga are a revelation. And, wait till you get to interact closely with this otherwise

shy guy and his wit will literally have you in splits. Some of that comes out from his rare FB

posts. If you been a part of any of the “Bhosky Chats”, he can charm you with his PJ’s and can

also offer you some philosophical advice. And makes you wonder if he has been officially ap-

pointed by Eros to spread light on earth.

But do you know an unknown side of him -- he knows exactly how a FN FAL differs from an

AK or how a bullpup like Steyr works. Go figure that. A person with a carefree attitude towards

life and a particular interest in people he is a thoroughly charming person. With a ready smile and a pleasing personality, he

can make friends with anyone.

Bishwa is the most highly organized bachelor (family wala aadmi) of the batch. The way he

shows respect for people is really commendable and free from banality. He always calls Rajat,

his engineering college senior - “Rajat Sir” without feeling awkward and shy in front of other

batch mates. On many occasions during international immersion, we had fun because of the

concerts (braying!!) of this excellent and enthusiastic singer.

He is content with whatever he gets. An extrovert (nothing to do with his MBTI assessment

score) he believes in simplicity and maintaining healthy relationships with others. By nature

he is very amicable and gregarious, and he is more than willing to walk the extra mile and steal

a march ahead of others. If he does not opt for the entrepreneurial route a few years down the

line, he sure should be leading marketing and sales for any organization that he chooses to

associate himself with.

Balasubramanian K

B’Day: 05-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Bhaskar Chatterjee B’Day: 16-Oct Email: [email protected]

Bishwajeet Pratap Singh B’Day: 21-Dec Email: [email protected]

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A confident, reticent, and a pleasant personality, Charul is also affectionately referred to as

“Mini Porter/Mini Thakur” for his interest in Strategic Management. Indefatigable, that's

the only word to describe Charuls’ appetite to master “Strategy”. This guy simply amazes

everyone with his sincerity and enthusiasm, and before any test he would take photocopies of at least 5 different class notes to

compare and comprehend.

Systematic, disciplined, hard-working and an early riser, he probably is up and active by the time most folks get to sleep. He

aspires to get into the Big 4 consulting firms and is most likely to become a partner in a management consulting firm. He likes

to be surrounded by focused people and his motto in life “Be Original – because world bows down to the Original”.

Deepak Khandelwal aka “Raja Babu” or "lady killer" is indeed a versatile personality who has lots

of talents like writing, photography, cooking, playing football and "singing". Extremely well

groomed and always measured in his approach, he comes off as a little serious and almost like an

obedient kid. He hid away an apple that he was nibbling at just because a Professors secretary was

passing by. Heights of discipline. But beware of his mischievous side, which he revealed to the

group that went to IESEG, Lille. He managed to impress quite a few French women by speaking

French and made many batch mates jealous.

He is very well read and has a tremendous sense of judgment of situations, and you can discuss

and argue on most aspects of human existence with him. He has a definite admiration for beauty

which clearly shows up in his photography skills and his poetic compositions. A Dharmraaj in the

true sense, there are loads of things you can learn from him - integrity, discipline, creativity and


“Dippu” or “Keetnasu” is the most popular guy in the batch and is consistent with his atti-

tude towards living life on the edge. We can say with 99% confidence interval that he has

always entered the class after the Professor. He is famous for his forgetfulness and absent-

mindedness and once he even forgot to submit the additional answer sheet after the test and

carried a copy with him.

Working on projects/assignments with him is a roller-coaster ride and can also be fun. They

never take-off till the last minute, and he believes when you procrastinate, you take the chance

that nothing will go wrong at the last minute. He is a proponent of national integration and

his single-minded devotion extends also to watching movies in his room across all Indian lan-


Most important value you can learn from him is - always remain truthful about your emo-

tions. This creative and imaginative dude is all set for a big career in Finance.

Charul Bhan

B’Day: 15-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Deepak Khandelwal B’Day: 21-Jun Email: [email protected]

Dipanshu Shekhar B’Day: 23-Dec Email: [email protected]

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This self-proclaimed Dharmraj (Adhunik samaj mein dharm ka pratik) has a split personality

disorder – he is materialistic but spiritual, ambitious but simple, calm but irascible. Interested

in any subject that has 'Finance' in its title and is well-known for his consistency in maintaining

a seat location in class - “Row 2, Column 3”. One of the thinnest of guys around, he would keep teasing the “fattest” of girls

without dreading the consequences and suffered an embarrassment of sorts when Prof. Rajkumar asked him in class “what will

you do If I make a pass at you”?

The simple guy that he is just did not like the attention when he topped the POM Final exam. One of the most eligible bache-

lors, he is most likely to reject the most number of girls before he gets married. But we do hope he settles down in life and ends

up sitting on a pile of cash somewhere in the Himalayas. His motto in life “Being at the top of whatever matters to you….

Mediocrity is no good”

In his self-devised “mba lingo”, Rishi (Broadman) is a politically correct, strategically diplo-

matic, sarcastically funny young lad, who is equipped with a keen intellect which only few can

truly appreciate. While he gets extremely involved in certain discussions around cricket, mov-

ies and life (dare you say anything against RGV or RV!!), he keeps lectures and assignments at

the fringes. Not very fond of numbers, he’s capable of churning out perfectly worded write-

ups for the toughest assignments within a few minutes.

He has the ability to connect with anyone with ease (all 120 of us have spoken to him), but his

close friends are wary of his jocular tactics. Perennially ready to party (read booze), he can turn

any evening into a fun-filled memorable sitting (read leg-pulling sessions). All social-connects

aside, he loves his lone time and one can very often find him hibernating in his room. He’s

acclaimed for taking the lead for various initiatives such as this Yearbook , which is his brainchild! Kudos Rishi!

Extremely polite and soft-spoken, Ipshita is an epitome of calmness & composure. One word

description that strikes one and everyone is “Sweet”. While she doesn’t need to try and be

sweet, she tries to control her appetite for sweets. She has a sweet tooth and could have meals

constituting just confectioneries.

But come what may, no amount of pleasing can make her compromise with ethical values.

This was well exhibited when Samar (her hubby) asked for help to answer one MCQ during

an exam, and to his dismay, he was snubbed back with a terse response. No, she won’t help

during an exam, but half of GMPians know that they wouldn’t have scored half the grades

had it not been for her well-written notes (Phew…Thanks!). She is extremely patient and

doesn’t get irked easily, is organized and a good planner. No matter which bunch of batch-

mates she is grouped with, her sincerity and dedication make even the laziest free riders work.

Her ambitious outlook will surely take her places.

Harsh Shekhar

B’Day: 07-Aug

Email: [email protected]

Hrishikesh Chennakesavula B’Day: 02-Jun Email: [email protected]

Ipshita Ghosh B’Day: 16-Dec Email: [email protected]

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Jack of all trades, and master of ALL! Jagadeesh amazes everyone with his composed temper-

ament, focused approach, excellent time-management, and intelligence par excellence. As a

team captain for multiple sports, as a mentor for many, as an intellectual coach, Jagadeesh exemplifies leadership in any and

every task at hand. He is applauded for getting into valid arguments with certain profs., and yes proving them wrong!

But don’t be fooled with his serious avataars; his ingenuity at evoking laughter is witnessed best when he’s couple of beers

down (strictly, only beer!). Seen as a future “Governor” by his pals, he accomplishes aggressively but is never in favor of bend-

ing the rules. No Machiavellianism please! He is a perfectionist, super-achiever, hard-working, and is capable of soaring to new


Motto in life: “There are no shortcuts, if you want to achieve something, then better work towards it”.

Sid is the darling of Charlie 4 for his antics and funny pranks. Although some folks in Charlie 3 also

took a liking to him, as was clearly evident from the unholy incident on Holi day. He is funny and

can be unusual at times. Those who went on the village trip with Sidharth will never forget the sha-

yari and songs night at the XITE hostel. You can't stop laughing once he starts. At times he is very

rigid with his views and does not bother to listen to anybody once he starts talking. One would need

special skills to convince him.

He loves travelling and I am sure his antique Maruti 800 would be feeling the heat of his driving and

must be praying to god for liberation. Very passionate about getting involved with social work, he

already does his bit for young students back in his native village and hopes to make much bigger

contributions to society.

Motto in life: Live life king size

MP has very a simple ambition in life – find a job and settle down in his dear hometown,

Jamshedpur. He aspires to work for a company and in parallel setup his own business, so he

keeps coming up with new and imaginative business plans that will work in Jampot.

He keeps a very low profile in class (you won't even know whether he is in class) and if you

have seen it, you will never forget his facial expressions at the end of every investment lecture

which reads "Why did I take this subject? Wish better sense prevailed and my finger stopped

the moment I was selecting this". He is a very active organizer of the GMP parties and is

always willing to help out. If you can't find something in Jampot, talk to Manish and he is

sure to have an answer. Hope that this good natured and helpful guy makes it big in his


Jagadeesh Reddy

B’Day: 10-Jun

Email: [email protected]

Kumar Sidharth B’Day: 01-Mar Email: [email protected]

Manish Prasad B’Day: 07-Feb Email: [email protected]

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It has taken most of his friends a good part of the first two terms to properly pronounce his

first name. Better known as Mishraji, Mrinamya is the walking question bank of GMP and has

confounded many a professor with his page long questions which fall nothing short of minia-

ture case-studies. An active proponent of the theory ‘If you cannot convince, confuse’, his enthusiasm was somewhat reduced

by the end of the second term due to the vehement protests of his batch-mates who actively discouraged his monologues with

the professors.

On a serious note, he is one person who can continue to speak at length on any given topic without any prior preparation

whatsoever. He is a storehouse of information and manages to recollect facts with amazing precision. His insatiable thirst for

knowledge, in every field from management to mythology drives him towards perfection. He constantly seems to be striving

for the higher purpose of life, i.e understanding the supreme controller beyond the whole cosmic manifestation, as a human


Neeraj is the perfect gentleman. A nice, simple, dignified and sincere guy, he defies the myth that

chaps hailing from the Manufacturing sector are rough and tough. He is somebody whom you

would like to have in your project team. A good listener, a clear thinker and a guy whom you can

always rely on.

Neeraj’s favourite hangout was undoubtedly the Sir Jehangir Ghandy Library (just check the library

records) and he must be amongst those select few who have clocked more hours in the library than

their rooms. Hope he studied there and not utilized the library for some other purpose. His interests

are in finance and economics. Neeraj is of the type that would prefer to spend time with family than

to freak out at parties. Nevertheless he is a fun loving guy who would participate in most events and

festivals. He is an ardent believer in the Simple Living and High Thinking philosophy.

Energetic and chirpy, Neha is full of life and always wears a smile. Her pleasant and positive

persona is infectious which doesn’t let anyone around her stay glum. She has an innate talent

of adding humor to any lame incident, which leaves one and many rolling on the floor laugh-


Neha has a distinct style of presentation and can make even the dullest topics seem extremely

interesting and entertaining. In one presentation, she strongly advocated the idea that Baba

Ramdev would be India's face to the global world. However, she went beyond everyone’s

expectations when she selected a clip of 'Kamolika' from an Ektaa Kapoor serial for explaining

non-verbal communication in Fr. Jesurajan's class. Not sure about Komolika, but the expres-

sion of Father was definitely an ideal example of non-verbal communication.

While many of us have only talked about environment preservation, she is the first person,

across the past and present GMP batches, to own and actually use a bicycle on campus. Her

level-headed, sound personality and fearless, confident attitude will always get her noticed and

make her stand out.

Mrinamya Ranjan Mishra

B’Day: 01-Mar

Email: [email protected]

Neeraj Mohan B’Day: 10-Feb Email: [email protected]

Neha Arora B’Day: 30-Dec Email: [email protected]

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There is Super Man, He Man and then there is Wooman oops Oommen! Extremely soft-

spoken, pious and sincere, with a penchant for photography, he is understanding and comforta-

ble to move with. Reserved, though he may be, Oommen is always available in times of need

Rajdeep Sardesai of IBN Live would have been happy to meet his look alike and more than happy to know that he moves

much faster than his own news channel. He always seems to have 2 questions in his mind. Wonder why? His favorite hangout

places include Mess at sharp 8 AM,12:30 PM and 8:30 PM. Library at sharp 10:30 am and his bed at 11 PM. Time Manage-

ment is something many of us would want to learn from him. There is time allocated for every thing big or small - and no one

dare change it ! His clear thinking, dedication and planned approach will surely help him reach new heights in the future.

Pankaj is a very amicable and cheerful guy. Also a man of his word and extremely reliable, you can

always count on him. He is someone whom you would like to have in your team. He is an avid

reader and likes to learn about the latest happenings in the world; a trait you will notice from his

posts on facebook and the points he raises in class discussions. His pastime activities include listen-

ing to music, day dreaming, making others laugh through his pondy jokes, etc. He has a good great

ability to come up with one-liners that are eventually picked up by others.

Thanks to his beefy structure and the burly moustache, If you didn’t know him you could easily

mistake him as a policeman. This chap does every thing at the last minute and comes off as very

chilled-out, but can be very articulate when he wishes to be and he would have surely done fairly

well on class participation marks. His general knowledge is remarkable and so is his ability to get

along with people. Pankaj is also a keen photographer. Pankaj babu aspires to be the head honcho of a MNC someday or put

up his own business.

Thakur is one of the funniest guys around. Always wearing a tensed smile (even though hardly

anything ever seems to bother him), he behaves like the sensex, jumping around like a cat on a

hot tin roof (you should see him play TT). Nothing comforts him more than his own room

and the most important thing you can learn from him is how to chill and stay relaxed when

you are tensed.

During the International Immersion Program in Paris, he had developed a short term memory

loss. Whenever he would see the instructor he would forget everything. He was at his smiling

best, when he got a Bulgarian kiss (of course on the CHEEK) from the instructor. He had one

more reason not to wash his face for a few days. His favourite courses vary during the week

from B2B, PBM, RBS, SDM, Investments, and CBMR but on a Sunday he is at his philo-

sophical best “Sab bekar hai, padhne se kuch nahi hota”.

With a large heart, he accepts life the way it comes and his immediate priority is to get mar-

ried in the next six months.

Oommen Mammoottil

B’Day: 20-Jan

Email: [email protected]

Pankaj Prasad B’Day: 28-Apr Email: [email protected]

Pranab Kumar B’Day: 30-Sep Email: [email protected]

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The one and only living spam machine. He would easily win the record for most facebook posts in

an hour, day, month and year. A multi tasking wizard – be it fulfilling the class representative’s

duties, completing an assignment, or playing with his son – Aditya; Prasanna manages it all with pace and grace. He owns the

distinction of being the only student in the history of time who compelled Fr. Jesurajan to say, ‘I’m Sorry!”.

His pals claim Prasanna has diverse personality traits; he can be anything from a bit aggressive, aggressive and very aggressive.

The quintessential sales guy, was the most active GMPian of the batch of 2011-12 even before the course had begun. He knew

everyone who was admitted, who was on the waitlist , who had applied for the course and everybody knew him. Prasanna loves

Marketing in all its forms B2B, B2C, Online, Offline, Social, etc. etc. He aims to be the TOP guy in channel management in

some Big MNC and we are sure he would be the first guy to become ‘Country Head’ of some great MNC.

Calm, composed and confident, Dr. Prashant was one of the coolest brains of the GMP batch who

always knew the right questions to ask in any lecture whatsoever. No one in the past one year has

been able to ruffle his composure and he was unanimously voted as the “most respected person of

the group” in the OB assignment from term 1. Dr saab was always ready to lend a helping hand to

his friends and colleagues and was a pleasure to hang out with. As an active member of the mess

committee, he ensured that all feedback was given proper attention.

An entrepreneur who ran his own medical diagnostic center for 8 yrs, Prashant wishes to contribute

more to the medical profession and in the process learn from it too. He plans to join as clinical

resource consultant in a leading pharmaceutical giant and act as a bridge between the healthcare

professionals and the expert healthcare consultancy. He also has a deep interest in understanding the human psychology be-

hind patient sickness and wishes to focus on “appreciative enquiry" as an improvement tool. We are sure that his focus and

determination will take him a long way in years to come.

Amar “Prem” or Tooti Frooti is the cool baccha of the batch. This blue eyed boy is claimed to

be the favorite GMPian among the BM and PMIR girls. The brand ambassador of Kellogg’s

in GMP, he has inspired at least half a dozen folks to follow his route, get your own pack and

enjoy your breakfast of Chocos. Famous for his sidesaddle pillion riding with his driver Ka-

math with no embarrassment of sorts, he remained indifferent to any comments that the

"world" made.

A National level badminton player with great ability to play deft and masterful strokes, a few

have had the privilege of watching the champ in him in action despite his broken back. He

would have put many of the XL "Titans" to shame, unfortunate to have missed seeing the

champ play and win at XL. His greatest strengths are perseverance and not showing the pain

in spite of his ordeal with a bad back. Hope to see him come back stronger in the years to


Prasanna Chandran R

B’Day: 14-Jun

Email: [email protected]

Prashant Karajgi B’Day: 11-Jul Email: [email protected]

Prem Sukh Chharang B’Day: 5-Jul Email: [email protected]

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Purushotham is the “Thought for the Day” man of the batch, famous for sending quotes every

morning for his selected subscribers. If on an odd day one would wander into a class 10 minutes

before the start, you would find “Puru”, as we have affectionately known him, sitting tight and waiting for the professor. We all

know, “Puru never comes late to the class”. A humble, determined personality, he is the perfect gentleman and an honest hu-

man being. He is revered by his friends and batch mates, simply because he is there to help everyone, be it studies or in general.

A man of purpose, with his calmness and steadfastness, he is sometimes mistaken as a boring person, but only by the people

who haven't seen him party!! His favorite subjects are Marketing and Total Quality management, probably the reason behind

how he optimizes his daily routine to be on time for every class. His motto in life is to “Stay on the course of life, success will

follow sooner or later”. Looking down the line, he is most likely to be heading the consulting arm of an MNC, settled with

tonnes of kids telling stories of his days in GMP. Here is wishing luck to the most ethical man in GMP 2011-12.

GMP ka Sallu Bhai and the Statistics Guru, is a serious yet good-humored person. You have to see

him with his gang of merry makers, to understand his soft and jovial side. A very hard person to

please, most courses at GMP have been very elementary to him and he means business in class (if and

when he does attend, no fun please).

When it comes to solving quant problems, he would have come up with an answer while majority of

the class are still busy punching away at their calculators. You always wonder which version of Penti-

um is embedded in this guy. A versatile sportsman he is skilled at many sports like badminton, cricket

and table tennis. He started playing table tennis only after joining GMP and by the end developed

some exceptional skills and could beat the best (at least one thing he learnt and mastered here).

A man of his words, “Ek Baar usne commitment di, toh woh khudki bhi nahi suntha hai” (remember his placecom election

presentation) he is most likely to meet commitments better than anyone else.

The ever dependable and pragmatic “RV” is a legend in his own right for his renowned class

participation – there is no excessive jargon dumping, ONLY questions/thoughts that are ex-

tremely insightful and thought provoking, or has everyone in splits sparing them of the bore-

dom with his great sense of humor. Always well behaved, requesting for permission to speak

with a customary outstretched hand at 90 degrees. GMP Section A classes wouldn’t have been

the same if RV hadn't been around.

He has an opinion on everything and contributes to a wide range of discussions from politics,

economics, movies, sports, life and booze sessions with him are always fun and satisfying. His

pathetic telugu and bengali language learning efforts ("kee bolchii") will always be memora-


He is always willing to accept his mistakes openly and work on them. A very down to earth

person, hope he gets everything he deserves in life.

Purushotham Kamath

B’Day: 06-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Rajat Ranjan B’Day: 24-Feb Email: [email protected]

Rajendra Vijay B’Day: 21-Jul Email: [email protected]

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Meet IR Ramesh i.e. Industrial Relations Ramesh as his friends affectionately call him. Sup-

posedly Ramesh has hundreds of examples in his repertoire to explain Industrial Relations

fundas. Are we seeing a future XLRI IR faculty? Ramesh is a very friendly, down to earth

and well-disposed guy. He is a terrific mimic and has the knack of imitating professors' teaching styles and actions in the class,

that is unmatched and enjoyed by everyone around. His mimicry of Professor Bose is legendary.

Ramesh is the perfect family man, who puts his family before everything else. He is admired for his can do spirit and never say

die attitude. You will always find him positive even when the task before him is daunting. He also seems to have limitless bun-

dles of energy and he would never shed off a task with the excuse of being tired. Ramesh aspires to be a consultant in the Aero-

space division of multi national company. A simple and affable guy; Ramesh has a simple motto - Be cheerful and make others

around you happy.

Discussion on Tatas is inevitable when you are at XLRI or around Ravi. His industry experience

with Tata’s not only earned him tonnes of knowledge but also an affectionate nick name on cam-

pus, “Tata Son”. One of the most humble people around, Ravi was always there to help and guide

his batch mates. One would run short of complimentary adjectives in describing him. Ever a per-

son to help out be it rain or shine, anytime of the day?)

An avid reader, he is often caught reading up current affair magazines and news. Being the first

candidate to be placed in GMP 2011-12, he played the mentor role to his friends, helping them

prepare for interviews. By deeds or words, his down to earth attitude is reflected in his commit-

ment towards group projects or last minute assignments. A master at character assessment and counseling, his jovial and down

to earth manners have made him dear to many. His areas of interests include Marketing and Finance, making him most likely

to become the Chief Operating office of Tata Sons in the future.

Dr Rishikesh is an extremely calm and composed guy. If there were an award for the person

who has spoken the fewest words in class, surely Dr Rishikesh would win it. He seems serious

but those who know him well will vouch that he has a great sense of humor. Dr Sahab is the

coolest guy you will find. He would hardly ever be fazed, no matter what the situation; be it

the walk to the class to appear for the most difficult exam or the night before the deadline to

submit a long and complex project or assignment. You would never see him tense.

His friends claim that he is a master in making the best use of time; although he is very studi-

ous he doesn’t like wasting time on studying unnecessary subjects and so he would prefer

reading most cases in the class, as in his own words, that was the best he could do in those

classes. Don’t go by his homely demeanor , Dr. Rishikesh loves adventure. If not relaxing at

home, he would prefer chilling out at the chaupal.

Motto in Life: Dont take life seriously! Enjoy whenever you can.

Ramesh Babu Vanagundi

B’Day: 22-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Ravi Kumar Singh B’Day: 30-Mar Email: [email protected]

Rishikesh Prabhavale B’Day: 01-Dec Email: [email protected]

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Sachin will always be known as the brave, bold and courageous guy who decided to step out

of the rat race to start his own venture. Meet the first entrepreneur from our batch; the

Founder & CEO of Sage Fashions.

Sachin knows the apparel industry inside out; rather he knew it so well that once he managed to deftly rebuff a professor trying

to push across flimsy fundas while discussing a case study on the apparel industry. This guy is a walking talking calculator – n

digit multiplications and divisions, nth roots of numbers come so easily to him. A focused, disciplined and no nonsense guy

that he is, he can scold anybody, be it a French restaurant waiter or a B-school professor. Bansal sahab is also an avid trader with

the courage to invest tonnes in small & midcap stocks, hoping to hit a jackpot someday. His personality is that of a typical tra-

ditional Indian Baniya who knows the difference between a good deal and a bad one.

We hope he becomes a big global businessman someday and gives us great discounts on his merchandise.

Sandy, the shaukin CR of our batch, is the most optimistic guy that you will ever come across. An

avid photographer, a terrific singer, a skilled mimic, a connoisseur of arts…Issse Shaukin aur koi

nahi. Sandeep is the epitome of diplomacy; no one knows the art of conflict management better

than him, his words.. ‘Yeh sahi hai aur woh bhi sahi hai’…always seem to work.

A man who can give a speech on any subject in the world even if you wake him up in the middle of

the night, Sandeep is a great man to have in your team, if you would be graded for your presenta-

tions. His Royal Enfield befits the grandeur of this guy. This guy is always positive about every-

thing… so much that you doubt whether he is trying to fool you. An extremely ambitious guy who

wants to earn loads and loads of money so that he can enjoy every luxury on the face of the earth. Hope to see him launch his

business someday, only thing that remains to be seen , how long do we have to wait. Sandeep’s Motto: Live for Greatness

The lovable "DADA" of the batch, always seen in his "toe" length kurtas generously blessing

us with his fundas left, right, center, above and below -- this guy never ceases to amaze us.

Sample this -- How he invariably hitches a ride to and fro, be it morning, afternoon or late in

the night, can someone explain that..."Eii Niteeeen, can you?"

Dada is often seen smoking a cigarette, but as he smokes holding the cigarette in his own

characteristic way, he observes the surroundings very keenly. And he makes it a point that he

has an opinion on all important matters around him. Legendary for his “case” like questions

in class, always peppered with his customary “having said that?”, sometimes he has an answer

to the questions he himself asks.

He is extremely well connected with even the CXOs of the world and was the main man be-

hind arranging some sessions for the XLRI Leadership series. He usually is very friendly with

the XL faculty and prefers to call them by their first name. Always a dynamic person, with no

qualms in speaking to the dean or director on issues that matter, he exudes confidence. He

never speaks at the mundane level where most of us try to communicate.

Sachin Bansal

B’Day: 06-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Sandeep Kashyap B’Day: 22-Jan Email: [email protected]

Sandip Kumar Biswas B’Day: 09-Mar Email: [email protected]

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Our very own “Rockstar” is a maverick and emotional to the core. A RKM product trained

in the Calcutta School of Music, his dream presumably was to join the New York Philhar-

monic. No joke, he is a serious keyboard player (Yamaha is not his bike's brand) and also an

accomplished DJ(ask that to DJ Shonku). He creates the atmosphere in a party out of thin

air. Mostee korbe toh!!

A quintessential proponent of his pet theory of building "positive energy" which includes Yoga (he can do a head-stand 10

minutes flat!) and hitting the gym. And no one can miss noticing his glistening red "hapu" and his umbrella to save himself

from the sun -- he sure stands out in the batch. Of course, he dislikes "jaank" food like coke and "oowaax" laden maggi noo-

dles. And he is the one most likely in the batch to waltz his way up the convocation podium.

Shreya fondly known as Shera can easily get bored with almost anything in GMP - it may be the

mess food, the lectures, the silly assignments and the "arghh-dont-ever-mention" the Exams! Num-

bers love her or she love numbers, but her lateral, horizontal, short multidirectional

thinking can make u say the marathi mulgi is a beauty with brains. Extremely helpful, simple and

caring, Shreya may appear to be a reserved person at first interaction but she's absolute fun to be


Her favorite professor would be the one who does not take attendance and favorite course the one

that gives her comfortable time to sleep, chat and indulge in other "non-boring" activities. Shreya

for you -

"A little naughty but very sweet

Her presence is like a surprise treat

She gave us memories to cherish for

A friend we shall always adore"

Agarwal da – as we all call him fondly, is someone who is always young at heart. Out there to

conquer the world – after all “muh mein Rajnigandha!!!” is not sans any intention, is it? Pio-

neering, competitive and bold, the world is his oyster and he is totally absorbed in the role he

plays in it.

An entrepreneur in the truest sense, and having seen the world a lot more than all of us, his

practical wisdom never ceases to amaze. Dealing with auto-wallahs to the COO of a lala com-

pany, he does both with a flourish. A member of the placement and the finance committees,

he will always be remembered for his placement committee election speech where he took the

Bheeshm pitamah type oath – “I will not step out off the campus of the college unless the last

one of us is placed!”

Most important value you can learn from him: Never let emotions to dictate terms to you. Be


Santanu Roy

B’Day: 12-Mar

Email: [email protected]

Shreya Kohojkar B’Day: 13-Jan Email: [email protected]

Siddhartha Agarwal B’Day: 24-Oct Email: [email protected]

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Will the RV fan club please stand up for our very own “Shomu” – the one who rarely stays in

the hostel, yet runs up tons of electricity bills. Somdeep is the quintessential Bangali – not

the Kolkata bred one, but one from the Poschim Bongo’s steel city. Traditional dresses are

his forte and when it comes to festive occasions – he is often the best-dressed guy around. But

don’t be fooled by this bhadrolok façade, ask him about his St. Xaviers and Gurgaon days, and he will sing like a canary.

Super-confident in his speech, what still rings in many an ear is his intro of “Bhusaain” Raina in Fr Jesurajan’s class. Lest every-

one forget, he is also the Table Tennis champion of the class, but yet jogs in super-slo-mo in a soccer game.

A stickler to time, commitments and deadlines – hallmark of his Officer like qualities, which he has proved in an earlier avatar

of his. Intrigued by this general who commanded a 500+ ‘army’ in Jamshedpur? You should know what is being talked about


The banker of the class – CA sahib is an epitome of seriousness yet a very “suljha hua” person. No-

body can take-up and win the challenge of having him in splits. A chief manager of a nationalized

bank in the truest sense, an MBA is sure to do a world of good to him.

He is awesome when it comes to finance concepts. One will always remember the 10-minute grill-

ing he withstood by who else than the God of Finance in XL during a project presentation and

came out with his held high and immediately won the admiration of all his class mates. Phew, less-

er mortals would have soiled themselves then and there.

Responsible with his head firmly on his shoulders, he takes life in the right spirit and with a heart

bigger than his size he is truly one of the gems of the batch. His determination and zeal is sure to help him attain all his dreams.

Sujoy Saha is the undisputed leader of the smokers gang of the GMP batch of 2011-12. If he

were to stop smoking ITC would fall off the Sensex. He is an intelligent and straightforward

guy who does not believe in pretense and doesn’t mind calling a spade a spade. His thoughts

are clearly visible in his words and actions except that he admires punctuality, but doesn’t

believe in reaching classes on time.

Sujoy is regarded one of our best table tennis players who can spin the ball and the game at

will like a wizard. His favorite hangout is the area around the D Block 4th Floor water cooler

where people find him strolling with a cigarette at odd times of the night. His gift to the

GMP batch was his car that he brought to campus but hardly ever used. Everyone made bet-

ter use of the car by writing obnoxious comments on the car’s window panes that were embel-

lished with accumulated dust.

An intellectual guy with a thing for complex problems, he impressed quite a few clients with

his data mining skills during the international immersion programme. He aspires to make it

big in the finance domain and with his cerebral capacities and focus we are sure he will.

Somdeep Deb

B’Day: 03-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Subodh Suman B’Day: 11-Sep Email: [email protected]

Sujoy Saha B’Day: 17-Dec Email: [email protected]

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Fondly known as the ‘Sleeping Beauty’, Sumit is warm and witty at the same time - he first pulls

your leg ‘wittily’ and then tells you very ‘warmly’ that you have been fooled. One should take les-

sons from him on how to keep your eyes open while sleeping. And perhaps that’s the reason why he just loves the Merger and

Acquisitions class.

There could be many firsts in his list such as the first one to come late to class, first one to fall asleep in class etc., but one first

which is remarkable is that he was the first and the youngest GMPian who got married during the course and that too during

the breath-taking first term. You often find Sumit near the tree in front of D-Block talking to himself with weird hand ges-

tures. Not to worry, he is just talking to his twin-brother, and not that he has gone insane again.

Never be fooled by his naughty smile, Sumit has dreams of making it big in Bollywood by directing a film or owning a mobile

service providing company.

Also known as ‘Das babu’, he is interested in anything that has to do with ‘Finance’. He practically

thinks, eats and sleeps finance. No wonder, when most of his batch mates had nightmares while

thinking about FRM, it turned out to be his favourite course.

A funny incident that happened to him was also during a FRM test. He requested Sumit to lend his

calculator which was already shared between Sumit and someone else. For a guy like Supriyo, it is

rare to forget something as important as calculator for the exam. After the exam, to his dismay, he

realized that it was not actually the calculator that he had forgotten but the fact that he had brought

it to the exam. Well that’s what is called as ‘Blinded by the Love’! Touché.

One of the most sincere and decent chaps around, his dream is to be an ‘Authority in finance’. Life’s motto: Family First!

A happy go lucky person, Sushil is very resourceful when it comes to chocolates. He always

has one with him no matter when, where, and under what circumstances. He is equally seri-

ous in his studies particularly with any courses that deal with numbers.

He is extremely fond of sweets, he loves gulab jamun, but surprisingly remained of a phenom-

enally light weight. Maybe because of his sweet tooth, but you will always find a mysterious

smile on Sushil’s face. Even when he tells you that exam was very difficult you will find that

smile, and then you start wondering if he is just pulling your leg.

He is simple yet quite witty. A soft spoken person whom you can trust in times of need (read

assignment completion). He dreams of either toppling Carlos Slim or winning Magsaysay


Sumit Mittal

B’Day: 19-Jan

Email: [email protected]

Supriyo Das B’Day: 17-Apr Email: [email protected]

Sushil Kumar Verma B’Day: 15-Jun Email: [email protected]

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Sweet spoken and plump “Tammy” is fun loving and playful who always carries herself with a distinct

style. Her class notes are legendary, sought after by one and all. Nobody knows about the little secret

as to how she keeps her notes so immaculate. Her hobbies include gossiping, chatting and of course cracking tests/quizzes.

You can always approach her for any help you want. Her habit of reaching the classroom 15 minutes prior to class was inspira-

tional and influenced a lot of people to be punctual. Tammy's SMS’s were quite popular in first two terms among all the girls

in the batch, which she managed to send while writing her notes and concentrating on the lectures.

Her natural flair for singing and enthusiastic participation in all the events that we have had so far needs a very special men-

tion. She is always bubbling with enthusiasm and with an infectious smile, she is most likely to be voted as the sweetest person

in the batch.

Popularly known as “Teja”, she is known to be bold, belligerent, brave, boisterous and brash. Her

ability to scold people is mind-blowing and the poor victims would not even get a chance to utter a

word. Teja quieted an entire class, when she seemingly reprimanded a Professor for extending the

class way beyond the stipulated time, before realizing to her own chagrin that she is a student albeit a

7 years experienced one. She is comfortable and is in the driver’s seat with any course that does not

require number crunching, like she is with her antique Maruti 800.

Teja likes food(her childlike joy at the sight of chicken is to be seen to be believed), music and aspires

to embellish her wardrobe with every luxury brand in the world. Likely to be voted as the most dread-

ed student of the GMP Batch of 2012, her maxim in life is “Fortune favors the bold”. This lady will always be in the lead wher-

ever she goes, and her cheerful attitude and caring nature would always hold her in good stead.

Kesav is a very disciplined and friendly guy with simple tastes. He is usually sedate and seri-

ous, but comes into his elements and is adept at delivering long lectures with great expressions

and such a loud voice that people around you would think that he is having a fight with you.

He is one person who can really drive home the true meaning of friendship through rough

and smooth, just by the fact that he's there. He always has many a story about his undergrad-

uate college days, TCS days, Vizag, home, in his usual animated 'loudspeaker' voice. He is

great with kids and does funny mimicry while chatting with them.

He feels for the plight of the common man and wants to give back to society and in the long

term aspires to enter into politics and serving the nation, but he wouldn’t mind being an en-

trepreneur in the real estate sector either(!!). Straightforward, bright and effervescent he is all

set to give people a run for their money.

Tamanna Routray

B’Day: 04-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Tejswita Shrestha B’Day: 14-Nov Email: [email protected]

Venkata Sesha Kesav Kilambi B’Day: 14-May Email: [email protected]

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Vijay Pitchai is one of the calmest souls you will come across. He considers silence to be a great

virtue. Instead of indulging in the rigmarole of B-school trivia and gossip he would prefer to relax

in the cozy seats of the last few rows in the class or the confines of his snug hostel room. Vijay is a great thinker, what we mean

is, he likes to consider the pros and cons of everything that he is supposed to do before actually doing it, be it deciding whether

he should go for a walk tonight or when should he go for dinner.

Vijay revels in the student syndrome of keeping everything pending till the last moment; what’s the fun in doing things well

before the deadline. He is the quintessential family guy whose favorite pastime is to chat with his two little daughters. He is a

very hardworking and persevering guy who is renowned for slogging out entire nights before the exams.

A mechanical engineer, who worked in the IT Industry, Vijay is one of the chaps who liked his job and would like to grow

further in the same domain. Another example of the simple, benevolent Indian who believes in the eternally relevant adage of

Live and Let Live.

The lazy, chilled out, sleeping giant “Muddi” has great ability to deal with procrastination (and

hence the laid back attitude). He hates all courses equally (no course is his favorite) and once while

he was on his way to check his HR(Prof Ray’s) end-term scores, he heard from somebody that the

lowest marks were 7 and confidently said 'mere isse toh jyada hi honge'. Fifteen minutes later to his

discomfiture, Muddi turned out to be the owner of those precious 7 marks.

Most likely to sleep in the class, he likes movies, TT, Daddu's, long walks and bike rides. He is a

great friend and a selfless character to whom the subtle things in life don’t appeal much. A jovial,

”hand-some” and a very affectionate chap is a bundle of energy with a never say ‘Die’ attitude.

Vinay’s motto in life “f**k duniya. mein toh ye hi karunga.”

Dr Vinod is one of the most interesting personalities you’ll find on campus. He is vivacious,

easy going and jovial and some one who cannot go unnoticed. He often doesn’t go unnoticed

because he is one of the celebrities who loves to arrive on the scene after the proceedings have

begun. Agent Vinod… oops…we mean Dr Vinod is a doctor with a heart who has been a

part of numerous social service campaigns and is ever ready to contribute to the weaker sec-

tions of the society.

On the academic front, his presentations are legendary; he may break all records of cramming

in the most number of words in a single slide of a ppt. He once shared his envious daily rou-

tine which includes 8 hours of sleep (wow… that too @ XL), 1 hour of jogging and a slew of

other healthy activities. It’s a mystery how he manages all that. Well… may be he does all his

assignments at supersonic speed just like the way he drives. We bet, In a race, no biker in XL

can beat Dr Vinod on his moped. He just flies. The public face of our XLRI Leadership Se-

ries, he aspires to be a renowned business leader and we wish him luck for it.

Vijay Pitchai

B’Day: 02-Oct

Email: [email protected]

Vinay Mudgil B’Day: 21-Aug Email: [email protected]

Vinod IVRS B’Day: 13-Mar Email: [email protected]

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Our very own telecom sector expert and marketing guru, Vishal has interesting views on

almost everything under the sun. And yes as soon as “Airtel” pops-up during any case-

study or classroom discussions, he is all set with loads of examples.

An early riser , he just loves to go for morning walk. A very enthusiastic person, he is fond of reading books and apparently

very early in the first term he told Prof Jomon that he planned to catch-up on his reading habit in GMP. He did get a lot to

read in the next two terms, but not really the reading he was looking for. As they say be careful what you wish for!!

Vishal is always ready to talk at the slightest opportunity. Maybe marketing just runs in his veins. One day he dreams of be-

coming Marketing Head and surely that day is not far away. And if in case you don’t know, Vishal is a basketball champ. He

has been part of National Level basketball team. Way to go Vishal!

Cheetaah is always cheerful and has a wonderful smile – which becomes even more evident after

few rounds of "drinks". Though the man looks simple, his aims are high. He likes to go along with

his friends but doesn't like taking things simple. He always strives to achieve perfection in life.

His favourite one liner is "Tum Aadmi ho yaa Pyjaama!!!" Folks will always remember chatting

with him after a few rounds of drinks during the parties in XL. There was this particular incident,

where he asked one person 7-8 times whether he had food/drinks.

A guy with constant effort and determination, he shows complete dedication towards gym and

work. He firmly believes that a fit and healthy body leads to a healthy mind and happy person. He

is a man with strong zeal to succeed in the world of finance – either heading the finance function of a company or as a success-

ful investor.

Vishal Chandra Sinha

DOB: 24-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Vivek Sharma DOB: 29-Jul Email: [email protected]

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The saying goes, good things come in small packages. Abhijeet defies that saying by being 6 ft

something and a perfect gentleman. Serious about minding his business, one would rarely see

him loitering around the campus except when he is gossiping about movies or talking about

fitness. Loves to visit the library and never even frets when you pull his leg about it.

He is known for his wagish humor, hard work & enthusiasm. One who always thinks about what would happen in future, he

never takes the risk of advising people. An avid reader of all kinds of topics, he is often found discussing on umpteen topics

with fellow batch mates. His favorite hangout, other than library, is Bishuda, where he is often found sipping a quiet cup of

tea, his mind building ideas only he can fathom. His believes that you should never make a decision when you are very angry

or when you are too happy. Wish him all the best as he gets ready to take on the world.

Probably the most (in)famous man on Campus, Abhishek is called many names – motu, petu, gap-

pu and of course Chairman, Placecom. Known for his oratory skills, he is envied for his ability to go

on stage and gas his way through any presentation with minimal preparation.

A Delhiite down to his very bones, Abhishek can compliment a corpse for dying and make it look

good. His love for food or any kind of meat really is the stuff of legends. There are stories whispered

behind his back that he can go though an entire chicken without breaking a sweat. His sweet tooth

is bigger than him and he brought more chocolates than luggage back from USA.

He is the first one on campus to buy a bicycle and abandon it. Abhishek loves numbers and all

things mathematical with the same enthusiasm that he hates mornings, theory and any kind of dis-

cipline. Arguable, but his idealism has made him more enemies and more respected than anyone in GMP. We will shortly see

him on Television as he is most likely to get into politics, albeit through routes other than fasting for his cause!

Nicknamed “Machhli”, “Michael Schumacher”, he is undoubtedly the fastest and the safest

driver @ XLRI. He is extremely sharp, witty, sporting but sometimes he is also the angry

young man. While folks were traveling to Bangalore for the placement week, somebody sug-

gested - "Ask Ajit to drop you in Bangalore in his car, it will reach in 1.5 hrs while the flight

will take 2 hrs."

Aggressive and passionate about everything he likes, Ajit always played a dolphin game on his

Samsung mobile in classes, without getting caught and hence the name Macchli. He once

took a bio break in the middle of the MIS class and came back late, and since there were way

too many folks using this as an excuse to leave the class, the professor blasted him big time

along with Nitin and he had to finish the assignment on behalf of the entire class.

On a serious note, he owns a website business and operates the business from Ireland and has

hired workers from Nigeria, India, etc. He has this zeal and substance to own and lead a busi-

ness, and no one would be surprised to see him running his own business successfully in few

years. Wishing him all the very best - take part in car races, smile more and accept others.

Abhijeet Gavi

B’Day: 07-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Abhishek Saraf B’Day: 09-Jan Email: [email protected]

Ajit Anand B’Day: 19-Feb Email: [email protected]

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Ravi is the original Dabaang Bhaiya of our batch, with his characteristic walk and his pet

word ***** included in every sentence. There are certain high demand pictures which por-

tray our own Dabaang Bhaiya on the streets of Vegas. A firm believer in the dictum

"Attitude is everything", this guy's high spirits have been the life of many an occasion.

In MIS classes, he used to get caught on various occasions dreaming in some other world, but always found a way out.

Adept at creating clouds of smoke, he is a very popular, generous and helpful person. Always unbiased in his views and

straight forward in his responses, he believes in defying norms and making his own path in life. He sees himself as the

“Chief of ITS”(!!) a few years down the line.

Aloke popularly known as “CA Saheb” or “Shaktimaan” is lively and blunt. He is dashing in

his approach with a positive attitude towards life. Mentally strong, soft at heart, assiduous and

industrious; his untiring and enthusiastic commitment to the placement committee was well


With him around there are bound to be lots of fun moments, but the best has to be his Place-

Comm election speech. "There could be better candidates than me but currently I am your on-

ly choice". With his never give up attitude, even in tough times, he keeps himself motivated

and tries to boost people around him. He will make a great CFO in future, possessing a broad

range of skills beyond knowing the ABCs of accounting.

Amit, the non-controversial CR of our batch is adored for being a perfect all-rounder.

With his ever smiling face, he is a loving and lovable character, and is loyal to anyone loy-

al to him. A diehard sports fan and biker, and a major enthusiast for any type of physical

activity, he participates in just about any sport.

Dedicated, determined and efficient, he has taken quite a few bashings from the dean

while fighting for the GMP cause. During our initial placement committee discussion

days, in a minor scuffle, Amit got a minor scratch on his hand by accident and he famous-

ly said, "Saala iss placecom ke liye maine apna khoon bahaya hai" :-). His efforts as the

CR and with placement will not be forgotten easily.

Most important value you can learn from him “Jeeyo aur Jeene do ... Ache se!!! Jyada

Pachde mein mat pado warna "Bhasad" ho jayega.” With serious interest in Finance, he

wants to pursue a career in the wealth management area and he is on his way to make it

big ..Very BIG.

Akhouri Ravi Ranjan Sinha

B’Day: 06-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Aloke Kumar Halwai B’Day: 02-Apr Email: [email protected]

Amit Raj Singh B’Day: 26-May Email: [email protected]

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Nicknamed “JCB”, he likes to spend time on arguments on everything and anything. If you are

discussing with him on some topic, it would seem as if he is fighting with you, though he does

not really intend to do so. He had the audacity to question one of the speakers during the

Leadership series on the quality of the products that his firm makes. Again he wasn’t trying to

debate or be rude, he was just making him aware of the realities.

His motto in life is to learn everything and he is very fond of marketing. His favorite professor is Prof. Venugopal. He won't

leave an extra gyaan session or other subject classes unattended, he believes that knowledge is everywhere and he wants to fill

his bucket and not be left behind. He cracks courses selectively out of shape and he believes in improving himself every day.

His clear thinking and planned approach will go a long way in helping him reach his goal of becoming the marketing head of

construction equipment company.

The cool and modest Arindam believes in committing to whatever he does without pondering too

much over the results. His calm appearance hides his mischievous side and his one-liners are enough

to embarrass the smartest of GMPians around. He is probably one of the few who continued to

work diligently on assignments even in the last lap of the fourth term. His commitment to perfec-

tion showed up in an incident when he, apparently dissatisfied with the inputs of his team on the

strategy assignment, replied back to the group mentioning pointedly that the submission did not

cover the most essential parts of the analysis. Only, he forgot to remove Munish Sir’s name from the

CC list. Well you can only imagine what happened to his strategy grades thereafter!!

He is also a source of awe and inspiration to a number of his fellow-mates as he carefully guards the

secret of his enviable physique. A decade down the line, his friends wouldn’t be surprised to see him complete his PhD and

make a career switch to settle down as a teacher.

Pandeyji, as he is affectionately called, is a calm and composed person. A great listener, he is

usually quiet but observes everything. He is equally serious in his studies, particularly while

dealing with Finance courses. He gets up early in the morning round the year and is one of

the very few who go for morning walks. He is also undoubtedly a good player of badminton

and table tennis.

After a finding a job on his own with the RBI, all of his friends started referring to him as the

“RBI Governor” and apparently Prof H K Pradhan took a picture with him in anticipation

that he would have something to show when Pandeyji makes it big and would be making de-

cisions on the nation's monetary policy

He is simple, traditional but difficult to understand. Desperately waiting for his education to

complete, he wishes to make a good career with the RBI.

Anand Kumar

B’Day: 01-Mar

Email: [email protected]

Arindam Bhattacharya B’Day: 22-Nov Email: [email protected]

Ashish Pandey B’Day: 18-Jan Email: [email protected]

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Ashutosh is the only guy around who seems to have 28 hours in a day. He can do so many

things in a day that most can only dream of. He wakes up early, goes jogging, does a larger than

normal share of assignments for his group and yet manages to get the highest marks in a lot of

courses. By the way he also plays Farmville with his dog snoopy who also has a facebook ac-

count etc. Well, that’s something really unique.

Ashutosh is a sincere, composed, and a very polite guy. No wonder some of his friends call him the Nawab of Lucknow. But

then he has a mischievous side too, in RBS sessions he would be playing Angry Birds on his laptop and soon half of the class

would be trying to beat his score. He is passionate about food, travelling and sports. He is supposed to have a SMART goal - if

he remains in Tata Steel he would become the Vice President of Long Products division of Tata Steel within the next ten years.

In the long term, he sees himself right at the top leading Tata Steel into the future. Now this is what we call being focused.

Dr Cool is really indifferent to frivolities like worrying about grades, project submissions like most

people here. Starting from arranging the Prarambh night, to the end of the term party, teachers day

celebration and holi celebrations, Ashwani has always been the brains behind a party. He is not fond

of attending classes or project meetings, and his continued absence prompted Prof Mangaraj to ask

"Is Ashwani still there or left the program?"

A great friend, completely trustworthy and a gem of a person, most GMP’ians have enjoyed his

company. He has the knack of making everyone feel comfortable around him. This uncomplicated,

simple person only aspires to marry as per his parents wish and have tons of babies. “Bas thoda aalsi

hai, sota bahot hai aur khoob saara pizza khata hai”, but simply one of the best folks around.

ASIMO(the humanoid robot) is a baby-faced, high-spirited guy. His stern exterior betrays a

very soft character within. Being very straight-forward, he never lets his mind cross the path of

his tongue. His interests include listening to music and singing, and with his melodious voice

you can find him crooning his favorite lines- Tere mere sapne (GUIDE) and kuch is tarah

(Atif Aslam).

He is famous for napping in classes, and in one Operations Strategy class, the Professor caught

him and after that he was behind him either in the matter of changing his seat in class or for

reading cases.

He is very passionate and accomplished all responsibilities very effectively, whether in the role

of SPOC during our international immersion programme, or as a member of the events &

logistic committee, or as a group member for projects or group assignments. He is one person

who can really drive home the true meaning of friendship through rough and smooth, just by

the fact that he's there.

Ashutosh Kumar

B’Day: 24-Mar

Email: [email protected]

Ashwani Aggarwal B’Day: 12-Aug Email: [email protected]

Asim Kumar B’Day: 31-Jan Email: [email protected]

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It is a little ball of energy with a small nickname and a big surname. It is a good girl. It runs around people, it squeaks, it walks slow and talks fast. It paints, dances, photographs, writes, listens to crappy music and shops. It is jumpy and animated, but also effervescent and insightful. Speaks a lot in class and eve-

rywhere else too. It is the girl who likes shayari that no one else understands. It is always smiling, sometimes freakishly. But why are we referring to a lady in third person neutral singular, she is so awesome and such a freak of nature, that people

refuse to accept that she can be an actual person. On a serious note, the girl with functional grey matter has been the favorite

punching bag for many a soul in GMP. An ally in crisis, for any project submission, she is a thermostat and not a thermome-

ter. Out and out HR material, she loves it to the core and lives with it. A lethal combo all in all.

B R P is of the inquisitive kind and never accepts even the simplest of facts. Always asks

"why ??"and is always the most likely to disagree. His mails to the entire batch during our initial

days were his "Claim to Fame".

Always the ever Mr. Smart, during international immersion despite having AC chair car tickets

from Tata to Howrah, he booked sleeper tickets so that he can easily carry the luggage. But that

turned out to be one of the worst experiences as his seats were already occupied by people who had

much more luggage than him. And in this part of the country, he should know better that there is

no scope of arguing in train in sleeper class.

Jokes apart, people who know him closely will agree that he is a GEM of a person and wants every-

body to be happy. He aspires to become the marketing head of a big company. Most important value you can learn from him

is keep your focus and don't be afraid to tell the truth.

Kemkar is funny, witty, confident, prompt and smart. Always with a subdued, unchangeable,

skeptical smile; an untranslatable coolness and impersonal sweetness, he betrays a giddy and

intoxicated love of life. He is a fantastic listener with great analytical skills, and anyone who

has spent time with him sitting all night solving cases, or burning midnight oil in the library

would vouch for that.

The man behind organizing all Puja celebrations in GMP, he is very clear about what he

speaks, what he wants, his priorities and targets, where he wants to place himself and how to

talk with others. His calmness in any situation and his simplicity are endearing and will surely

take him places.

Most important thing for him right now - “Bade hoke kuch banna hi. Shadi karna hi.”

Asmita Dhopeshwarkar

B’Day: 04-Oct

Email: [email protected]

Bala Raghavendra Prasad B’Day: 16-Feb Email: [email protected]

Balchandra Kemkar B’Day: 12-Oct Email: [email protected]

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The good doctor with a sense of humor that has everyone in splits, ‘Paaji’ is a surprise package.

His presentations and class room activities are legendary.

Paaji is fun loving and enjoys his walks around campus with his select group of friends. Not to

be fooled by his pretend buffoonery, his one liners and tongue in cheek humor are popular all over the campus. Never in bad

taste, but always sharp, his special spin on a story or anecdote is enjoyed by one and all.

His general knowledge and understanding along with his FB posts tell a story that is very different from what he likes to pro-

ject in person. Known to suddenly go missing in the middle of a boring class as well as have one in it, Paaji is afraid of no one

and nothing. He is known for his ability to take in large quantities of alcohol without much of a hitch and can hold a conver-

sation on any subject.

Calm, composed and a true gentleman, Chander or Chandu as he is often called has never been

seen disturbed over a grade, an assignment or an exam. Deceptively quiet, once he warms up,

Chander can talk for hours and hours. His perspective is often contrary to the rest of the world and

he prides himself on his ability to be honest with himself. He is known for challenging himself, but

only in the mental space – physical hardship is not his cup of tea. He rarely ever bunked classes, if at

all and never slept for less than 6 hours even in the gallows of Term I and II.

His is the perfect combination of confidence, intelligence and sincerity. His quips and ability to

unabashedly compliment his own self is something not many of us will believe till experienced for

ourselves. Chandu is like the rock of Gibraltar in tough times and easygoing all the time. He is most

likely to become a spiritual guru or a happiness consultant!

The man with a tongue sharp enough to cut diamonds, Chirag Sharma’s sense of humour is

legendary. His jokes, one liners and messages have left many of us exasperated and speechless.

A vegetarian haryanvi, his happy go lucky attitude and ability to crack tests/exams with no

preparation has the entire class green with envy. His ability to cut through the noise and catch

the heart of an argument along with his easy going nature makes him a desired group mem-

ber. His innovative “Least pain principle” in studying for tests and completing assignments

eventually became the norm for most of us.

Chirag is a softie when it comes to children, and Jash (Aloke Halwai’s son) is often seen run-

ning all over trying to catch him. His love for butter is the most popular story at breakfast and

this 6 ft 1’’ father of a son can be easily brought to tears if deprived of his daily gallons of but-

ter. Fit and athletically inclined in spite of his obsession with butter, pizza and all things

sweet, Chirag is most likely to get beaten up!

Birendera Jit Singh

B’Day: 28-Jun

Email: [email protected]

Chandershekhar Joshi B’Day: 05-Jul Email: [email protected]

Chirag Sharma B’Day: 01-Oct Email: [email protected]

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Nicknamed the Polar Bear because of his build, and also because during International Im-

mersion in France, he could roam around in a T-shirt while everyone needed at least a jacket. A

tanker, he drinks like a fish and starts from the point when everyone else is pretty much done.

A huge fan of hard rock especially Metallica, he has an awesome collection of rock music. He is an excellent storyteller enter-

taining one and all with very interesting anecdotes and experiences. He was the first one to wear a tie in Fr Jesurajan's class and

everyone was quite angry with him, because it forced them also to wear a tie during those hot summer days, as they waited to

get bashed by beloved father.

He has tremendous knowledge about cars and the auto sector and is also an avid traveler. He spends a lot of time on the inter-

net (even during class hours) looking for better travel deals and utilizes his points always planning the least cost trip. He is sure

to come out with flying colors wherever he goes.

Gaurav aka “Gollu” is a question bank (subject agnostic) and a professor’s nightmare. Gaurav has

quieted many a class with his "Excuse me Sir...?" questions and he even managed to earn compli-

ments from Prof Sengupta on his questions. His way of deducing things is appreciable, and that

prompted Prof Sarin to reproach Gollu on the difference between listening and hearing.

Be it anytime, Gollu is ready for “nashta” and you would find him wherever you can find food and

tea. He is a lover of food (veg-food mind it), especially using both his hands to sometimes eat fast

and grab another plate. He corroborates the law of conservation of energy in his own right i.e., ener-

gy gained from food = energy lost due to incessant blabber. Jokes apart, with his strong analytical

skills, perceptive nature and ability to grasp business relationships he will make a great consultant.

Hemant is a deadly combination of superior analytical skills and a balanced head on his shoul-

ders. He can put life into a gathering and many a party with his presence or more precisely

with his laughter. But he is serious when the situation demands. A sensitive, helpful and fun-

loving person, he concentrates more on long-term planning than immediate ones.

He graces the back benches with his presence almost daily, yet shows no airs about it. A soft-

hearted bong, he manages more than 10 fags a day and boozes pretty much whenever an op-

portunity presents itself. For all you non-believers in God, ride behind him on his bike and

find your lost faith resurfacing through prayers. An energetic TT player, on his day he can

beat anyone.

As per some sources, Chanda Kochhar mentioned him as one of the future challenges for ICI-

CI in the next 5 years.

Dhruv Tandon

B’Day: 14-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Gaurav Agarwal B’Day: 17-May Email: [email protected]

Hemanta Mondal B’Day: 16-Jul Email: [email protected]

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The original “His Awesomeness” is our very own Barney Stinson (albeit a married one) who

lives by his own “Bro Code” and is a great wingman. He is a man of refreshing energy, who

would look at everything with a positive angle. One you start a conversation with this guy the

first thing that you would notice would be his sense of humor. He can even make a ‘stone’

laugh (!!!)

An enthusiastic TT player (with no backhand), he is famous for his shoulder twirling, whippy “Parotta” shot and an excellent

volleyball player (represented XLRI) and the only one around who could spike. The entire class had a wow moment when Ja-

cob walked up to draw a business model in an RBS class, not even one had the faintest clue and his awesomeness stole the day

with a "good job" out of the professor. His notes writing skills are well known and were as legendary as the other note taking

legends of GMP. He was destined to be an army man (schooling at Sainik School & SSB select), but god had other plans for

’His Awesomeness’ – to be with us. People aspire to be him!!!

Jalaaj thinks only in frameworks. He is very good at Microsoft excel, creating presentations, strate-

gizing and creating models. Good in analytics and analysis, he quickly became the key player for

many projects. Sometimes his arguments and reasoning in the class have a wide spectrum expanding

in all dimensions, leaving the professor, the class and even himself lost. It takes him a while, but

when he does realize that, he decides to take them offline, but the class would have usually slept by

that time.

Well known for his talkative nature and always anxious to prove himself, during a presentation in

the strategy class when everyone in his group were done with the presentation, he came up with one

value chain slide and spoke on it for 30-35 minutes. He aspires to set up something of his own and

he has got himself an entrepreneurial job. He tries to put his heart and soul in the work that he does

(if and when he does!!), and this trait coupled with an ever helping hand and a good nature makes him stand apart from the


Sagacious, scholarly, Quant and Analytics Guru “Kaushik Da” has probably missed the

fewest lectures in GMP. The count might be less than 10 out of the 580+ lectures. He is

sincere and hardworking and is known for his soliloquies and whining. A silent and dili-

gent worker, nothing makes him come out of his room when tests are ahead. Loves his

solitude and aims to take the analytics world by storm.

Most important thing you can learn from him is to “speak each sentence after careful

thought.” If he ever chooses teaching as a profession, he will become the next Prof


Jacob Zacharia

B’Day: 14-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Jalaj Chhalotre B’Day: 17-Apr Email: [email protected]

Kaushik Agarwala B’Day: 27-Mar Email: [email protected]

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Fondly known as Shreshthaji, he is smart, sweet and simple. With his sense of humor and bois-

terous laughter, he makes even the most humorless guy (or even gal) laugh their hearts out. His

life is normal except for this uncharacteristic instance where he apparently attended an inter-

view without a shave and eventually got delayed.

A proud owner of a sweet voice, he is one hell of a singer. Just ask the group of people who went to AIM, Manila for Interna-

tional Immersion and they will vouch for it. Once he starts singing there is no stopping him. While he might not have opted

for the Cross Cultural Management elective, he is extremely fond of that subject and hence made it a point to observe

"German" culture from close quarters.

An avid TT & Chess player, he can beat anyone on his day, but he was instrumental in the GMP teams defeat in chess. Armed

with his management experience, and with guts and passion to be successful, he is all set to face and win the world.

Dubeyji is a serious looking guy with a sweet heart and by nature he is imperious and immutable.

He tries to look diplomatic, but always tells only facts and nothing other than facts. Mentally

strong, soft at heart, assiduous and industrious, he is a shayar and is bestowed with the special gift of


He brings with himself tonnes of experience working in a PSU in the Aviation sector and he aspires

to go back into some big positions in the same sector. Most important thing you can learn from

him is to keep calm and the storms of life will get over. His real ambition in life is to serve his coun-

try and to work for society in each and every possible way he can.

May he find happiness where he goes, and time to enjoy the finer and subtle details of life and it has

been a pleasure to have him around.

Manohar is a sincere, hardworking and focused guy who believes in giving 100% to whatever

he does. His self-confidence is always beside him through thick and thin. He is a helpful, ad-

justing and a caring person, but he does get irritated when people sometimes don’t live up to

his expectations.

He is famous for his classroom discussions revolving around examples from his past experienc-

es with Mahindra & Mahindra, prompting Prof Munish Thakur once to preempt him and

plead with him, to not mention Mahindra in any further class room discussions. He is also an

expert in concluding any arguments (especially the ones with the professors) in his favor.

He believes in making the impossible possible with his perseverance and strong-will. He in-

tends to capitalize on his management education and significant experience in the automotive

sector, and reach the top of the ladder in management, process and quality management roles.

Kumar Shreshtha

B’Day: 09-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Laxman Prasad Dubey B’Day: 13-May Email: [email protected]

Manohar Sethpalani B’Day: 07-Jun Email: [email protected]

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One of the most consistent people in our batch Meenal always makes an entrance. No class, no

elective and no professor has escaped her entrance. Fit, bold and unassuming, ‘Babe’ as she is

popularly called, rarely ever takes stress and takes life easy. She is a good TT and Badminton

player and is sporty in more ways than one!

An ideal GMPian, she truly lived the XLRI experience and rarely ever let studies, submission, classes and other pesky interrup-

tions distract her from her the main purpose of being here – to have fun! Though nocturnal by nature, going to sleep early

means sleeping at 2:00 am for her; she rarely missed the 9:00 am lectures. In fact she has been known to be seen ‘jogging’ at

5:00 am by many professors and staff, after staying up the entire night. She is famous for her ‘quick’ chai trips to Bishuda and

the XL Dhaba that have been known to last for hours. Her hyena act has a place in the GMP 2012 hall of fame along with her

ability to own a dance floor and hold her own.

Naga aka Snakey is a very friendly, down to earth person and extremely fun to get along with. The

only guy in the batch to have completed his MS in the US and after working for organizations such

as Nike and SAP America, he decided to discover himself in India and make XLRI his MBA desti-


A cool customer in any situation, he has an infectious spirit (let’s not talk about his transformation

after a few drinks) and has won over everyone with his big smile and monk walk (??). Always open

to new ideas, he is forever widening his outlook and discovering his own talents. A health and fit-

ness enthusiast, he has interests in Tennis and Yoga. He has tried many a times to arrange Yoga ses-

sion for the batch with Prof Sarin with no great success, but his attempts prompted Prof Sarin to

comment in class, “Naga tune yoga to sikha par COG bhi pad liya hota". Most important trait you

can learn from him is maintaining calm and composure in difficult situations. Now that he has discovered himself and his in-

terests in HR, he wants to work as a HR consultant abroad(!!).

Known as "Don", "Ladaku", she is so soft spoken that you actually need seismographs to

measure her decibel levels. She has great reflexes and can swing at and miss a person standing

two feet away by a mile. Neha probably sees herself in the position of Queen Mother in Buck-

ingham palace. But jokes apart, landing a job in the hospitality sector is her dream. And we do

hope that she knows by now that acting as a parking attendant outside a highway dhaba

doesn’t count as a hospitality sector job.

Her favorite campus hangout is Bishuda’s and Bishuda can now identify her even by the back

of her shoes. Most likely to be found yelling and running behind someone, Neha is an ex-

tremely determined soul who is never hesitant to strive for what she wants. She is also a very

transparent person and it makes her very easy to talk to. She is affection personified and life

will surely bestow on her the best of everything.

Meenal Jain

B’Day: 31-Jan

Email: [email protected]

Naga Abhishek Godavarthy B’Day: 11-Jan Email: [email protected]

Neha Patni B’Day: 02-Sep Email: [email protected]

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The master of ‘Jugaad’, ‘Niteen’ will be remembered as the most resourceful student of the batch.

His ‘promotional tactics’ of distributing smileys to the batch and arranging for snacks after ses-

sions in the academic block during the orientation days won him the much deserved position of

‘CR’ handsomely. Since then there has been no looking back, from arranging Extra Gyaan Sess-

sions to pushing for accreditation of GMP, he did it all. He had the uncanny knack of being able to ask questions in class without

listening to even a word of what had been discussed and sometimes would even fall asleep immediately after asking the question. A

lot many classes would have seemed drab without his interactions with the profs – but his performance definitely peaked when he

answered Rajkumar Sir’s question on what kind of relationship would be required in services marketing with a solemn ‘Physical

Relationship, sir’.

Nitin with his skills in the art of story-making, can also become the scriptwriter for Ekta Kapoor’s next mega-serial. But all said

and done, his sincerity showed in his deeds and he always put the interest of the batch ahead of everything else.

Known as ‘Panku’ among his inner circle, he is one of the seniors in the batch and has spent over

four years in the US before joining GMP. Pankaj owns a home in all the metros (Too bad the place-

ment committee didn’t know about this earlier, or they needn't have rented Hotel IBIS every-

where). Ever smiling and good mannered, he could handle any tough situation in GMP calmly,

except of course the extreme 'ripleys believe it or not' kind of situations like thunder shower by Fr


Believes in simplicity and respects Gandhian thoughts. A sincere person, he trusts everyone without

any discrimination. His interests span across strategy and finance. Known as the ‘eternal project

manager, he takes lead in all of the project teams and is planning for communications, scope man-

agement, identifying roles and responsibilities etc(!!). Post MBA, he intends to be in strategic roles.

He believes in leaving a mark wherever he goes and in whatever he does.

Paulettan or “Supply Chain” Paul is the greatest challenge Professor TASVji has faced in his

teaching career. His hobbies include attending supply chain classes of BM, PMIR, FPM, Exec

-FPM, PGCHRM. Legend has it that he even scouts MDP schedule for supply chain classes.

Paulettan just missed the top slot in the library hall of fame, losing by the minisculest of a

margin to another GMP star. Again legend has it that the Librarian was confused between

himself and Paul, because each one thought that they were spending the maximum time in

the library. Eventually the library staff decided to name one corner of the Sir Jahangir Ghandy

library as the 'Paul Sunny' corner of book reading. A die hard football enthusiast, he played a

major role in the GMP teams' defeat against Faculty. An eligible bachelor, he has secret ad-

mirers in both the BM Class and the library(The secret admirer in the library was none other

than a GMP tennis stud, who later apologized, blaming his behavior on yoga induced halluci-


Armed with a CSCP certification, an epitome of sincerity, amiability, and with an infectious

enthusiasm and dedication towards whatever he undertakes, he is all set to take the supply

chain world by storm.

Nitin Rai

B’Day: 01-Sep

Email: [email protected]

Pankaj Sinha B’Day: 15-Feb Email: [email protected]

Paul Sunny B’Day: 08-Sep Email: [email protected]

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PAK or the Don has high IQ, a terrific sense of humor and is a finance whiz kid. Well-read and

well informed he has what it takes to make it in life. He is the ultimate go-to man in the batch

for any finance doubt. If you see him a day before test you will find him busy not solving his

problems but in clearing others’ doubts.

He had a tough time explaining that he didn't spend the entire previous night studying, when at one point he broke the 25

mark barrier in the OB quiz. God only knows how many tests he has cracked. He would probably end up as a well-known face

on Dalal Street either as a CFO of an MNC or as a boffin in the finance area.

The “Chhota Bheem” of our batch, is very inquisitive and has a never ending thirst for knowledge.

A multi-tasker, earthly fellow, extremely level-headed, he is probably the only guy who has attended

all the electives in the last two terms at least once and has in all likelihood gathered knowledge

worth 15 * 2 = 30 lakhs.

He loves to work in group projects/assignments and is more than willing to take the responsibility

for the bottom-line(i.e., put in the last word). The task finisher with great powers of concentration,

is very adept at finishing tasks at hand quickly and very well. He was also the unstoppable jugger-

naut in basketball for Section B.

He probably doesn’t have one favorite subject and you would most likely find him attending classes

from 9 am - 9:15 pm nonstop with the same cheerful and buoyant spirit. His contagious enthusi-

asm and zeal is sure to help him attain his dreams.

Most important values you can learn from him – “Never say die spirit and live life to the fullest”.

The Miss Sugary Sweet, Preet, is one person whom you can always look up to for any help

anytime, anywhere. A calm and composed person, her dedication towards studies is amazing.

A great listener, a person who is quiet but observes everything - if that paints too dignified a

picture, look at the other side - very adventurous as well. She is among the very few who can

get along with just about everyone, and the almost extinct category of people who never lose

their temper (at least on the outside!!!!).

She believes in being patient and enjoying the funny and foolish acts of other people. Hindi

meh bole toh..tamasha dekho , tamasha mat banno! The ever smiling and unassuming gal had

an embarrassment of sorts in class, when she was the subject of Prof De’s not so polite com-

ment, when everyone was constantly engaged in passing around the famous lemon colored

water bottle around to thirsty fellow classmates(!!).

Her aspirations would be directed towards the pursuit of happiness; leading a calm, peaceful

life and be successful in whatever she is doing.

Prasad Kulkarni

B’Day: 04-May

Email: [email protected]

Prashant Neeraj B’Day: 18-Jan Email: [email protected]

Preetmala Singh B’Day: 08-Aug Email: [email protected]

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“Uncle Sports” or “Tablet Kumar” is energetic and full of life. Most likely to be mistaken as a

youngster in the batch, this cool and courteous guy, is an inspiration to all hard-working guys

because he does well in academics and also manages to keep himself fit as a fiddle. He is a per-

fect gentleman with a knack of making new friends.

If he is not attending classes, you will probably find him hanging out with the ladies, near the tennis or badminton courts or at

the dhaba. It is always an amazing experience to hang out with him - play tennis, go to the gym, go horse riding, learn HR

concepts, or just share some insights on life with him. There are no limits to what he can achieve and hope to see him as a HR

head for big companies. Motto in life: Wherever you go, whatever you do, enjoy life to its fullest.

One of the well kept secrets of our batch, this fire breathing enigmatic CEO is most at home in a

jungle. When he must attend, his favorite activities in class are sleeping and playing sudoku. God

forbid, if he has ever been seen with a book or a pen!

Quick to rise to challenges, he prides himself on going late for most exams and being the first to

finish them as well. Raja loves playing TT and introduced GMP to horse riding and snake catching

early on. A real engineer; out of the mini-workshop in his room come beautiful articles made out of

bamboo, leather, wood, etc. He is known for owning a boat in all of XLRI, which he thanks the

international immersion for, and is often seen bunking lectures to row along the Suvarnarekha.

Mostly seen saving pigeons and eating chickens; in his spare time he runs his ‘small’ mine as he

modestly puts it. Unassuming, a gentleman and a genius, Raja is most likely to be seen on National

Geographic, chasing alligators and other wildlife.

Shahi, the nocturnal animal is a strong character, extremely energetic and hard work personi-

fied. He is an active participant in all student activities in GMP and is a member of three

different committees including placements and his contribution there has been phenomenal.

This guy is also known for his witty nature and presence of mind. For the MANAC project,

he was delivering his presentation and then he was asked a question to which he had no clue,

so he turned around in a flash to his group member, Surajit and very innocently said, “Surajit

will like to answer this question”. The whole class including the Prof Sengupta burst into


He is highly talented and multifaceted and his academic performance is enviable. Most im-

portant value you can learn from him – “Chase like anything. Stretch like anything”. Hope to

see him heading a financial firm or even as an entrepreneur.

Purnesh Kumar Dewangan

B’Day: 28-Dec

Email: [email protected]

Raja Marthandan B’Day: 30-Mar Email: [email protected]

Rajeev Kumar Shahi B’Day: 12-Jan Email: [email protected]

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Khokher or Mr.padaku baba is famous for his single-minded devotion and persistent hard

work. A very subdued and reserved person, he talks to a very a limited number of people. But

once you get to know him, he is an amazing friend. He values time and space, which is rather

rare in GMP (read “space” part). He has opinion of his own on almost everything but always ready to listen and accept. He

does hate people talking loudly in class though.

The typical Karnal da puttar has a huge appetite for Paranthas anytime during the day. He drinks tea with that slurping noise

which would get anyone in their deepest slumber to wake up. The most enjoyable times people have had with him are the

study trips to the library, walks after dinner and in classes beside him. He is one of the loyal kind of guys who are rare these

days. A hard worker to the core with intense concentration powers, he believes in being optimistic as everything depends on

the way you look at it.

Ravi aka “Langda Tyagi” is honest, punctual, straight-forward while expressing his thoughts, at

times even blunt, but very caring for his friends. This guy lovingly protects himself with thoughts of

joy and peace. He forgets and forgives the past and is always in the present. Always well-groomed,

he is very measured in his approach but the sight of dogs scares the daylights out of him.

This sincere and hardworking gentleman, before an OB Class in the first term realized that he forgot

his assignment back in the room, and ran to get it and twisted his ankle badly on the way back

(hence the Langda Tyagi name). But unfortunately the professor never asked for the assignment.

With a benevolent smile affixed firmly in an otherwise intensely astute face, this uncomplicated,

simple person is one of the nicest guys you will come across on campus. He is all set to deliver the

goods as a future leader.

Most important thing you can learn him is whatever you do, do it with good intentions.

Professor or “Prantik” as he is famously called amongst his batch mates is sharp and out-

spoken. He has an opinion on most things and is not afraid to voice them – the more

taboo the topics are, the better he gets. He strongly believes that "tongue is the ambassa-

dor of the soul" and hope is the pillar of his world.

He loves to sleep and whenever you are travelling with him, you would never know when

he has fallen asleep beside you. He believes in having humor in life and is always humor-

ous and witty; there is never a dull moment when he is around. A purist in the true sense

of the word, his ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.

Rajiv Kumar Khokher

B’Day: 27-Oct

Email: [email protected]

Ravi Kumar B’Day: 17-Dec Email: [email protected]

Ravindra Singh Bisht B’Day: 11-Jul Email: [email protected]

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Ability, simplicity, hard work and acceptability are the strengths of this multitasking and dynamic

personality. Rohit is a person who will go out of his way to help a friend in need. An ambidex-

trous person who bowls left handed and bats right handed, he loves challenges and proving people


With the attitude, "Eat, drink, smoke and be merry, for tomorrow you may not be”, he had quite a few memorable experiences

during the international immersion program in IESEG, Lille. Peeing in a public park near Eiffel Tower, with friends standing

guard and acting as if they were talking on the phone. Smoking in a non-smoking hotel room and then having the hotel staff place

a small placard the next day having the symbol “No smoking” in all places everywhere including the bathroom. He is practical but

never discards sentiments, and has this great ability to distinguish between what is important and what is not. He is all set to gain

respect and fame in mining industry.

Samar is honest, composed and knows how to enjoy life. The gadget guru of the batch, give him a

laptop and internet connectivity and he can "hangout" anywhere. The incident of Ipshita, repri-

manding Samar for seeking her help on one MCQ during an end term exam is a part of GMP folk-

lore now (guess he misunderstood his marriage vows). Diligent, meticulous, enthusiastic and what

not, Samar was volunteering during the campus placement week and Infosys got a taste of his vol-

unteering skills. A young looking gentleman comes to one of the interview rooms, and the hapless

fellow tries to get in when our big brawny Samar tells him 'You are not supposed to enter the

room'. The awestruck young man scurried to a safer haven; before Samar to his embarrassment

found out that the gentleman was from the Infosys interview panel.

His efforts with the branding committee and getting a batch t-shirt were well appreciated. A sensi-

ble and simple guy takes immense pleasure in helping others, and is guaranteed to have peace of

mind in his life. S- Strong, A- Affable, M – Magnanimous, A – Aplomb, R – Righteous, J – Jocular, I – Insightful, T - Tactful

Sandip dada is known to the batch as ‘carefree and cool’. You would not need to do much to

convince him to bunk classes. However, he had a keen interest in HR subjects and had a bet-

ter level of participation in these classes.

Sandip’s car, which was usually covered under a thick layer of dust, was fondly named as

‘ambulance’ by some of his friends because it became the standard mode of transport to reach

the learning centre for all GMPians who injured themselves in different incidents in the

course of year.

Sandip is a man with a difference and has made the bold decision of not running behind a big

fat salary from a top corporate. On the contrary, he wishes to give back to the society by start-

ing an NGO and by focusing all his efforts on changing the world for the better in his own

small way. We wish him luck and hope he is extremely successful in his noble initiative.

Rohit Kumar

B’Day: 30-Nov

Email: [email protected]

Samarjit Mazumdar B’Day: 06-Jan Email: [email protected]

Sandip Bhattacharya B’Day: 13-Nov Email: [email protected]

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Santanu’s confidence and aggression demand everyone's attention. His class presentations bear

ample testimony to that fact. A lot of people believe that he is so serious, that to call it

“seriousness” would be understatement.

Now in GMP folklore is his unforgettable remark in one of his job interviews: Interviewer “Where do you see yourself 5 years

from now?” The answer, probably in your position. Visibly flustered and concerned, the interviewer asks again, “So, you mean

my job is in danger?” Santanu's answer - No, I think you should find ways to move upwards.

A certified project manager he believes in getting things done (by hook or by crook!). He firmly believes in the maxim “The

only thing that matters is the thing you think matters”.

Saaashy is the langda of the batch, and both his body and laptop make noises when moved around

(both are broken). A sportsman to the core, he can play any sports and match his wits with anybody

when it comes to quizzing. He becomes like a valance electron just after any number based exams,

he just doesn’t like getting them wrong. Iska dimag chacha chaudary se bhi teez chalta hai, ask him

what 256^4 to check it out.

He has probably missed most of his breakfasts and even a few of his lunches, courtesy his better half

and kumbkharan habits. He is the guy lost from the Arctic’s, you have to enter his room with a

pullover to find out and if you look through the rubble you will find him cuddled inside his blan-

ket. One of the best classroom moments, Shashi to Fr Jesurajan, “Father are you trying to say”, Fr

Jesurajan – “No son, I don’t try…I just say”.

A calm, ever-cheerful guy with brains to match, this creative person is all set to reach new heights is his career.

Sid / Siddhu, as we lovingly call him, is a hard core Green Guy, who not only studied ISDCS

(and knew its full form from the very beginning), he also worked real hard on reducing his

Carbon foot print. You can usually find him either watching a movie on his laptop or chatting

with his (now) wifey dear! An epitome of laziness but can be seen in great spirits and overflow-

ing with energy when he enters the sports arena.

Another important characteristic of him is his “Foodieness”(also earning him the nickname of

“Chatora”) and is most enthusiastic to plan dinner parties (his Non vegetarian friends swear

by his recommendations). A guy who never cares to check his grades (and manages to get As

and A+s seemingly effortlessly), he makes it a point to enjoy the learning process. His notes

are categorized by salient features like - Crisp and To-the-point verbiage and scores of doo-

dles. For those who have been lucky to have been taught a concept by him vouch for his clari-

ty of thought and perseverance. He is sure to reach the unreachable.

Santanu Banerjee

B’Day: 28-Dec

Email: [email protected]

Shashi Prakash B’Day: 09-Jan Email: [email protected]

Siddhartha Agrawal B’Day: 20-Mar Email: [email protected]

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Sri (Mommy) spits out expletives more than other words. He is at the best of manners in front

of professors/elders, charming when with girls, best of expletives when with guys. The coolest

dude on campus (as stated by self-morphed Dhoni's Coach), sustains on fat free and sugar free

diet. His favorite campus hangout is the “Gym”. He spends half his day attending classes and in acads and the other half in the

Gym. Check out his muscular grades!!

Hardly anything in this world can embarrass Sripathi. Various folks have tried different tactics during his presentations and

ended up embarrassing themselves. The most important value you can learn from him is “Keeping Fit” and the most important

things in life for him are sex, gym, sleep, water, healthy food, phone etc. Overall, he is a disciplined, friendly guy and he is well

dressed whenever he is dressed. Motto in life: To enjoy life to its fullest.

Our very own “Phattu Kotler”, identified by Prof Sharad Sarin as the next face of Gillette Presto is

scared to death of quizzes/exams. “hamari maano to jake pad lo beta…” is what he always tells eve-

ryone before exams. The chai addict, with a gift of the gab, can convince you everything about

nothing, provided you keep pace with his thinking and talking.

Probably the loudest of the batch, he rises and falls by Prof. Rajkumar’s word, and with his inimita-

ble English gives his dissertation on life to the “beauties of our batch” pre and post classes. Not a

big fan of any physical activity, he has never played any sports in life and not too fond of cleanliness

either, he got his room cleaned twice in 10 months that too when his wife came down to visit him.

A forced bachelor, he maximises his happiness with a bottle and a glass at every possible chance. He

always has a bagful of ideas as to how to submit the “right assignment” at the “right time”. With his

indomitable determination and cool composure, he is all set to take the consulting industry by blitz.

Hailing from Orissa, Sumedha is a perfect fit to the adage ‘looks can deceive you’ – a silent

guy by looks but an engaging personality in group of friends. With his never ending laughter,

he has always entertained his friends. By nature, he is very inquisitive. With a ready and win-

ning smile, this good-natured and confident man is one of the coolest guys you will come

across on campus.

He gives due importance to the most important requirement of man ---food. Also due respect

and time allotted for sleep. For the rest of the time, he is an easy going but sincere student

who tries living by the principles that he suddenly reveals out of the blue now and then.

A power engineer by profession and a humble human being by nature, always ready to help

others and maintains his composure no matter how tough the situation is. A finance enthusi-

ast but still regrets the decision to opt for the Investments elective(!!). An avid cricket fan and

player, he intends to be in the power sector post MBA.

Sripathi Chakkravarthi

B’Day: 06-Jun

Email: [email protected]

Sudhanshu Vardhan B’Day: 23-Mar Email: [email protected]

Sumedha Sahu B’Day: 07-Jun Email: [email protected]

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Sumit, the “Qutub Minar” of our batch has an easy going demeanor. A really good friend and

great company, he has scaled peaks (literally) and is no amateur at photography. The ever smil-

ing, multi -tasker is a voracious reader, and reads two subjects for every course/exam, but the

right one only just an hour before every exam. He made the most of one of the RBS sessions by finishing a 250 page book.

He leads and finishes any group study within an hour with everything being “yeh kya hai, kuch bhi nahin, aage badho”. He

has spent less time at Jampot and more in Hyderabad initially trying to woo his wife and then to fulfill his marital duties (pun

intended). For every failure (personal/ general) that you discuss with him, he seems to know a real person (“mera ek dost

tha..”) who has turned a failure into success. Most important thing you can learn from him is staying updated and reading as

much as possible. In the long term, he intends to pursue a PhD and a career in the education industry.

Famously known as “Guruji”, Sunil is ferociously competitive, methodical, serious, very helpful and

a versatile sportsman. One of the active members of the sports committee, he was responsible for

facilitating many sporting events at the end of the fourth term. A creative and imaginative thinker,

every time Guruji starts a presentation, he comes up with something innovative.

On one occasion, Guruji after having a juice at Dadu's was feeling all refreshed and before leaving

the scene, he saw chittu da playing carom and yelled at the four guys playing Carrom to get a life

and go do their chores, rather than wasting their time on a silly game. And the guy with his back to

Guruji, turned around and gave an impish smile, and to Guruji’s discomfiture it was Prof Sengupta.

Hamare guruji kisi ko bhi gyaan de sakte hain!!

Never the one to give-up, the most important things in life for him are winning, being there for

your loved ones and striving for perfection in whatever you do. Hope to see him running his own company, putting his learn-

ing’s into action and seeing him on the cover of Business World as the new fresh face of Corporate India.

The cool and casual Surajit, is a rare combination of maturity and calmness. A person who

understands and appreciates the value of his family, and knows what he wants from life, be-

lieves that life isn’t a race, and the most interesting people follow a path all their own.

An exceptionally good all-rounder in cricket, he plays with the greatest ease and calm and is

probably the quickest bowler in the batch. He will always be remembered for his endless chats

and song sessions, both solo and chorus, during the adventure trip and numerous attempts to


His indomitable determination and cool composure will surely help to succeed in all walks of

life and hope to see him as the strategic head of a business unit/ geographic unit of a corpo-


Sumit Garg

B’Day: 22-Dec

Email: [email protected]

Sunil Mohta B’Day: 26-Aug Email: [email protected]

Surajit Banerjee B’Day: 04-Sep Email: [email protected]

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Swaraj, the Chandler Bing of the D-block is famous for his one-liners. This Jat from Haryana,

grew up in Assam and graduated from Mumbai before going to the Gujju hinterland and can

carry his own weight when required in multiple languages. He is also the Kumbkaran of the

batch and despite the hectic schedule managed to slot in 15 hours sleep for an entire week.

He is the quietest person in the class when the professor is around and loudest when he/she is not around and few can match

his calibre when it comes to talking loud. He can match and beat the best (even Sudhanshu Vardhan) and is the loudest cheer-

leader for section b, but can suddenly become a puppy over the mobile phone when talking to Mrs. Malik. This bakht of

TASVji is probably the only person in the batch who might have opened all the text books in GMP. He is never out of place

and always comes out of his room well groomed. Always ready for a party (two beers and tandoori chicken, he is on), he is em-

barking on his next big journey just after GMP and got married on the 24th April.

This brown eyed beauty’s gaze tells you that she is nobody’s fool and what you see is what you get.

Focused on where she wanted to go into; she aced all the marketing courses and went on to charm

quite a few of the professors as well. She has the ability to charge up a benign comment with more

punch than a 1kg of dynamite. It takes a while to understand and appreciate her subtle flamboyance

but once you are hooked, you keep going back for more.

She is known for her natural foreign accent; which no one has been able to copy despite many at-

tempts. Her most popular style statement includes a pink frilly umbrella that most boys would ra-

ther die than be seen around with. Her infamous ‘frozen shoulder’ had her immobilized for most of

the year, but that did not hold her back from being one of top 3 female badminton players of our


Emotional, sharp and often seen walking around diamond jubilee park with her walking buddies and a cup-a-tea, Taruni is a

piquant mix of mischief, innocence and strength.

Venky, the senior consultant is a rare combination of abundant left and right brains. The

“Farhan Qureshi” of our batch is the most eligible bachelor in GMP at large and off late

he has taken the tag so seriously that he has started responding to that label. He is proba-

bly the only one to have lost more than ten kilos during his time in GMP and spent most

of his last two terms in the gym and badminton courts.

His artistic and design capabilities have given impetus in the GliMPSe team where he

produced great results. He is a wonderful listener, an epitome of simplicity, humor per-

sonified, hard worker, the strong hold of cheer, a fundu photographer, a heartwarming

presence and an AMAZING friend. Equally adept at both management and IT he is most

likely to become a CIO in the near future.

Swaraj Malik

B’Day: 18-Jul

Email: [email protected]

Taruni Kukreja B’Day: 07-Aug Email: [email protected]

Venkatesh Iyer B’Day: 23-Sep Email: [email protected]

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‘Horlicks boy’ Vikas Gupta is one of the most energetic and enthusiastic personalities of the

batch. He gave significant impetus to the GMP branding activities through his active contribu-

tion as a member of the branding committee. He was eager to lead the show in activities in his

area of interest and you could always trust him to drive such initiatives to completion.

Vikas is a fitness freak and spent much of his free time working out at the XL gym. He is best described as “a fun-lover, fitness

lover and an alcohol lover”. However, his reputation as a whiskey guzzler suffered irreparable damage because of an incident

where he fell sick after one such ‘alcohol session’ and attributed the same to having Horlicks after the drink. Nonetheless, he

had often challenged seasoned drinkers and came out with flying colors.

Nicknamed ‘DGT’, Vineet is mix of a fun, masti, bakar and of course studies. He has the uncanny

habit of making an A+ in most of the courses. While he hardly misses out on any classes, what is

more surprising is the fact he wrote only a maximum of 8-10 pages as class notes in a complete


He is an obvious stud academically. Actually an ambivert by nature but his outlook makes everyone

except his close friends think that he is an introvert. His friends are very fond of his calm and cool

nature and always try to score at least one mark more than him. He has a classic style in anything

and everything he does. He has also tried his hand at singling and sung a song in Prarambh and also

finished on a high-note.

An entrepreneur in the making, Vineet wishes to have a peaceful and thrilling future and is sure to

have a prosperous time ahead.

Meticulous and multifaceted, Vipul will probably get the highest uncertainty avoidance score

in the entire batch. Honest, clear and extremely competent, he is known for his clarity of

thought and action. He is famous for never having submitted a project less than 3 hours be-

fore time; much less having missed a deadline. He is disturbed by wastage or glamour of any

sort. Often seen daydreaming in class, his self study is phenomenal and it is in-depth under-

standing of a subject that fascinates him. His FB posts are all most all content, comments are

sharp and insightful without being piercing.

But don’t be fooled by his studious looks; he has a soft spot for cricket. His face lights up as

he rattles of detailed analysis of each player’s style and statistics. His love for the game is as

much about the study as it is about the sport and extends to him being an ace bowler too. This

meticulous Jeeves lover is most likely to write a book on cricket with a Wodehousian sense of


Vipul - Don’t pick grammatical errors in this write-up!

Vikas Gupta

B’Day: 28-Jun

Email: [email protected]

Vineet Vishal B’Day: 15-Sep Email: [email protected]

Vipul Patki B’Day: 14-May Email: [email protected]

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Young, dashing and full of attitude, Vivek Arora has very few weaknesses; namely girls and fi-

nance. It is his dream to be able to understand what Prof Sengupta and Prof. Mohanty talked

about in class and use it in intelligent conversations to impress girls. Vivek likes his beer cold

and women with attitude.

Fit and agile, ‘Ashwath’ (after Ashwath Damodaran; the finance guru) was one of the first accidents(!!) on campus along with

Vikas Gupta. One of the youngest members of GMP, he is a certified ‘pagal’ from Helpful and almost never

known to say no to anyone, he is the ambassador for GMP on pagalguy and every online/internet forum. He is a sports freak

and follows almost all sports from Football to Badminton.

Shy and unassuming, he has made efforts to develop a rapport with each and every one of us personally. Vivek is most likely to

be the 2nd contestant from XLRI on MTV Roadies!

Jha’ji is a jolly good man with great practical knowledge. Taking things as they come in course, he is

highly optimistic. Effective thinking and straight forwardness are the weapons used by this logical

thinker to succeed in his life. He is a true friend to all those who believe in him. His dedication is

felt in his actions rather than his words. Jha’ji doesn’t always reveal his constructive thoughts and

believes that success is the outcome shown to this external world.

A member of the Brochure and GliMPse committess, his contributions have helped a great deal in

ensuring success. People have always enjoyed their post dinner "Walk the talk" with him. With ex-

cellent communication skills, he is ever enthusiastic about learning new things. A writer/poet

(shayar) in the making, here is one for him –

"Ek Sitara Bano Jagmagate Raho

Zindagi Mein Sada Muskurate Raho"

Vivek Arora

DOB: 16-Apr

Email: [email protected]

Aditya Jha DOB: 25-Feb Email: [email protected]

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Academically Inclined(!!)

Our Committees

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Celebrating our Festivals

Partying Hard!!

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8092475317, 17 Degrees, 60 ml - The sports bar, Adda, Amrut(the Booze that always flowed), Arup, Bahadur's

of XLRI, Balaji our very own Dosawala, Baskin and Robbins, Bauaaji, Bhatia's for the cold coffee and the

milkshakes, Bishuda, Brubeck, Café Coffee Day, Chappan Bhog, Chaupal, Choice Centre, Cinnamon, Clash

of the Titans, Coal aka 'Kohli', Cocktail, Daddu's, DC++, Diamond Jubilee Park, Dominos Pizza, Dosa King,

Equinox, Extra Gyaan Sessions, Firoz and the Autowalas, Fortune Hotel, Freddie, French Classes, GliMPse

Committee, GMP Mess Staff- Sandip and the crew, GMP Parties, GMP T-Shirts, GMP vs Faculty/Staff

Matches, Hong Kong, IBIS Hotel, Jampot Special Thanda Paan, JK Residency, JLT, Karnail Singh Hotel,

Lalita, Little Italy, Manish Prasad's travel agent contact in Adityapur, MDP Staff, Mr Lazarus for his continued

support, Placement Weeks, Pre Placement Talks, Rajveer 'Murgawala' , SAC and Placecomm Meetings, SAC

GMP, Shantha Unique Bellandur, Six Sigma Classes, State Bank of India - XLRI Branch Staff, Subway, The

Blue Taxi, The GMP Housekeeping Staff, The Grillhouse @ Sonnet, The Laundrywalas, TMH, to feeling psen-

ti, Xeroxwala @ Library, XL Dhaba - Sameer, Sheetal and the crew, XLRI Leadership Series

We would like to thank all our friends who have helped us put the Yearbook together. Special mention of

Asmita, Samarjit, Abhay, Sid Agrawal(Jr), Atanu, Jacob, Ankana and Neha for helping us along this journey.

Without their help, time and commitment we would never have got this far.

Finally and most importantly, we wish to thank the faculty and staff of XLRI who have helped

prepare us hopefully for lives of significance and service and made our stay memorable - intel-

lectually stimulating and rewarding, warm and safe.

XLRI, Jamshedpur. Thank you!!


Encumbered forever by desire and ambition,

There is a hunger still unsatisfied,

Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon,

Though down this road we’ve been so many times. . .

The Yearbook Team –

Deepak Khandelwal, Hrishikesh C, Ipshita Ghosh, Shreya Kohojkar, Venkatesh Iyer

Design and Layout — Venkatesh Iyer

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Christmas Night @ XLRI - December, 2011

The Yearbook Team -

Deepak Khandelwal, Hrishikesh C, Ipshita Ghosh, Shreya Kohojkar, Venkatesh Iyer

Design and Layout — Venkatesh Iyer