go for 4! life pharm global opportunity laminine

Go for 4! Life Pharm Global Opportunity Laminine

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Go for 4!Life Pharm Global


Why Life Pharm Global?

Life Pharm Global has brought to market the most amazing health product of all time. There has never been a single pill that could do so much for your health and be so affordable. There are at least 25 reasons to take Laminine- each of which is essential to over-all health.

Why Now?

The general health of our society has been deteriorating for years, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, stress, arthritis, pain, hormone problems, ADHD are just a few of the serious health problems facing our society today. Laminine is a one pill solution to these health problems.

What is Laminine?

Laminine® helps regenerate aging cells and nourish unhealthy cells, supporting restoration to their original state. Your body has its own repair mechanism- the physical ability to regenerate its own damaged cells. This repair mechanism is alive and well when we are younger, but falters as we age.Laminine unleashes this powerful repair mechanism inside our bodies to restore a new level of health. It can bring physical, mental and emotional health to a new level.

How it works….

Have you ever wondered how a child physically developsat a dramatic rate? How a young person can exert so muchenergy and recover almost instantly? Have you ever noticedhow a child is able to pick up new languages so quickly andremember the slightest things?The answer lies in a compound that is essential in supportingembryonic development called Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF).While FGF is readily available in the human placenta,its availability diminishes over time and essentially vanishesas we age. Our body by itself is incapable of producing itsown FGF, which it must get from our diet.

Who discovered Laminine and what it is made up of

In 1929 a Canadian doctor, Dr. John Ralston Davison, theorized that an injected extract from fertilized hen eggs could be helpful for a number of his cancer patients. In fact, he spent well over a decade developing and researching his theory. However, when Dr. Davidson passed away in 1943, his research on fertilized hen eggs quickly and quietly came to a halt and was lost.

It wasn’t until almost 50 years later that the pursuit of fertilized hen egg extract was revived by Norway’s foremost expert on egg research, Dr. Bjodne Eskeland.

Dr. Eskeland also hypothesized that partially incubated, fertilized hen eggs contained a special combination of amino acids, peptides, and protein fractions that could help provide an incredible array of health benefits when consumed by humans.

In theory, these partially incubated, fertilized eggs – specifically 9-day-old fertilized eggs, contain all the nutrients required to start a new life. This includes vitamins, minerals and proteins, as well as important defense factors, growth factors, hormones and other biologically active components. While not much was known about the growth factor at the time, the high level of oligopeptides (small peptides) gave credence to research we had done on the necessity of rapid transport across the digestive membrane in order to derive effective benefits from amino acids.


Amino acids are critical to life, and have many functions in metabolism. One particularly important function is as the building blocks of proteins, which are linear (straight) chains of amino acids. Laminine™’s unique blend of ingredients combines to produce a complete chain of 20 amino acids. The following is a list of those amino acids and their potential benefits. Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. When proteins are digested, amino acids are left. The human body requires a number of amino acids to grow and breakdown food and is a very important part of nutrition. A complete balance of amino acids are contained in Laminine™ and include:· Cystine· Methionine· Aspartic Acid· Threonine· Serine· Glutamic Acid· Proline· Glycine· Alanine· Valine· Isoleucine· Leucine· Tyrosine· Histidine· Ornitine· Lysine· Arginine, Hydroxyproline· AmmonGlycine and glutamine are precursors of nucleotides. Nucleotides are molecules that, when joined together, make up the structural units of RNA and DNA. These building blocks of proteins perform various vital roles in the body and help us to remain health in many ways.

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) The Miracle of Wellness

All-natural Laminine is believed to be the only known source of FGF in adults. Research credits FGF with improving neuron functions in your brain, increasing amino acids and peptides in your cells and assigning the proper stem cells to restore your body’s organs back to their original state.

In layman terms, the FGF reprograms adult stem cells and amino acids in the body, which make up the natural repair tools to travel to the areas that need it the most. Once there, these repair tools have the ability to integrate themselves with that particular body part. Their mission then becomes to repair and regenerate the cells and tissue in that location, wherever it is in the body.

As long as the FGF is there, the body’s repair mechanisms can be instructed to facilitate in the repair of that part of the body that needs the most rehabilitation. This explains why Laminine has demonstrated a wide range of benefits for individuals in varying parts of the body. The 11 double-blind studies have proven this health benefit to be factual.

Staff of LifeLaminine

Improves Focus & Alertness Increases Libido/ Sexual Desire Decreases Depression and Increases Well being Reduces Pain Regulates Hormones Rebuilds Collagen for healthier skin Promotes more restful sleep Reduces signs of normal aging Improves Emotional Balance Stimulates natural DHEA production Moderates Stress response- Stress is a major cause of cardiovascular

disease and weight gain Reduces Physical and mental stress Increases Energy, Stamina, Muscle tone and Strength

Staff of LifeRegular use of Laminine helps to;

Maintain healthy cortisol levels (Laminine lowers cortisol levels, which is produced by the Adrenal Gland. Cortisol increases stress and blood sugar. It causes inflammation throughout the body, which is the root cause of all diseases). You can reduce your cortisol by 50% with Fibroblast Growth Factor, established by Scientific studies. Autopsies have established that people who die naturally have high levels of cortisol. You die prematurely with too much cortisol. You also can not lose weight with high levels.

Regulates Serotonin levels (Laminine is clinically proven to raise serotonin levels. Serotonin regulates mood, decreases appetite, reduces aging, and improves sleep, learning, and memory).

Laminine improves cardiovascular growth factor which is responsible for producing Nitric Oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide is responsible for keeping 100 trillion cells and 80,000 miles of blood vessels healthy. The 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to three researchers who discovered the effect and benefits of Nitric Oxide to the body.

The endothelium (Inner wall of the blood vessels) is responsible for the production of Nitric Oxide. One of the most important benefits of Nitric Oxide is improved cardiovascular health, stronger, healthier, more supple blood vessels, clear of soft plaque.

Laminine BenefitsThe benefits vary based on how much you take, usually 4 to 6 pills for these problems/day for 6 months. The FDA has made a deal with the supplement industry that no claims of cure can ever be used for Health Supplements. For that reason there is no claim here, just benefits.

Parkinson’s Autism Schizophrenia Multiple Sclerosis Cancer Alzheimer’s and Dementia Musculoskeletal disorders Joints- Rebuilds cartilage Osteoporosis Immune System Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Abnormal cell growth- puts a check on DNA replication error

Life Pharm Global Company

Based in Southern California, Life Pharm has been in the business of developing, marketing and distributing premium all-natural supplements in the retail sector throughout six countries since 2001.

With extensive media & branding campaigns, Life Pharm has become a household brand in their specific categories and its name is synonymous with premium, high-quality natural supplements made in the USA.

Collectively, Life Pharm's management and shareholders has over 150 years of experience in our industry.

To ensure we consistently provide high-quality products for our consumers, all Life Pharm products are manufactured in the United States, adhering to the strictest manufacturing practice standards and we are backed by a multi-million dollar liability policy.

Web sites free for you to brand and use as your “own Website” upon your sign up

When you sign up as a distributor to sell Laminine, you will receive free of charge 2 websites to use as your own, branded with your name.1. The 1st will be a replicated site of the “Miracle of Wellness”2. The 2nd site will be provided by Life Pharm Global.

From that site your prospects and customers can buy product and sign up with Life Pharm as a distributor. There is no sign up fee, however, your 1st purchase will be 3 bottles of Laminine for $107.00 and then 1 bottle /month at the wholesale price of $35.00.

Go for 4!

Your goal as a distributor should be 4 sign ups.Your pay out will be as follows based upon 3 bottles 1st month and 1 bottle thereafter. The assumption is that everybody will sign up their 4 people in 1 mo.1st mo. $482nd mo. $463rd mo. $1674th mo. $6285th mo. $34876th mo. $6039

Go for 4!

7th mo $7058 + $100,000 bonus, New auto value $65,000, rolex watch, European vacation8th mo $8660+ $500,000 bonus, Diamond ring, Monster cruise9th mo $10,79610th mo $15,06811th mo $19,203Total commission $70,900+ $600,000 cash bonus, and an auto, Rolex watch, European vacation, diamond ring, 20 day cruise. Value exceeds $760,000 your 1st year

Fast track bonus and Go for 4!

Assumption you sign up 4 people and everyone for 12 levels below you does the same. And you purchase $1238.00 in Laminine or 40 bottles1st mo. $522nd mo. $483rd mo. $1724th mo. $645.005th mo. $4402 includes $3000 bonus6th mo. $10,591 + $100,000 bonus, 2 autos, European vacation

Fast Track Bonus and Go for 4!

7th mo. $13,280+ $500,000 bonus, Diamond ring, 20 day cruise8th mo. $14,5979th mo. $17,23210th mo. $22,50311th mo. $33,04512th mo. $54,126Total of commissions $170,693 + $600,000 cash bonus, 2 autos Value $80,000, European vacation, 20 day cruise, Rolex watch, Diamond ring. Total value exceeds $900,000

What are the odds you can do this?

With the replicated web site of “Miracle of Wellness” the odds are in your favor. Your job is to find 4 people in the 1st month. Then you have a job of helping your people 3 levels down to do the same. You are helping to manage those people to find a total of 84 distributors. Is it worth doing to make the 1st year in this business $900,000. Is it believable? Remember Dumbo and the feather, that which gave him the confidence to fly. Your confidence and the people below you will be derived from the Miracle of Wellness web site. The metaphor I want to demonstrate is this; this website is an over kill to find 4 people. It is like hunting for deer with a bazooka. A bazooka is designed to penetrate 1 inch of iron and you only need to penetrate skin. You can send a video link from the 10 different videos by e-mail. The contact clicks the link and is in your website and watching that video. The ratio of success is in the high 80 percentile. In other words, you just have to talk to someone and then send out a link. We teach you how to do this. You also can send by link this power point to anybody and there will be a voice over audio talking about these issues.

The Secret

There is another reason you will be successful and it has nothing to do with you or me. I have been in this business for years and have watched people for many years be successful and unsuccessful. I had been in the insurance business for over 10 years and made millions of dollars and sometimes millions in 1 year. I understand how to sale and succeed at making money. Are you ready to receive the greatest secret of all time as it pertains to making money in the network marketing

business. This Secret unveils as to why you can make a fortune. There have been many studies on the network marketing business and what the average person

makes on income and it is dismal. However revealing the Secret will show you why you are going to succeed even if you don’t want to or even if you think you can’t. What do you think of

that? This is the greatest Secret of all time for making money and it is unbelievable and once you see it you will agree and say, “ I can do this”. Not only that everybody you talk to can do this, even your unbelieving overly suspicious family and friends.

The Secret is made up of five parts and I am going to outline each part of the Secret. Even

the company does not understand or know the power of the Secret. And frankly we do not want them to know until we have made a small fortune. Their lack of knowledge is our opportunity.

Not that they would change anything, but others would jump at this Secret and we never know what that could lead to. I figure we have a year or more to soar before there will be a lot of competition and during that time we can make a lot of money. The company is in pre-launch until April. Once you start it, it is like a huge rolling boulder, it cannot be stopped.

The Secret Reveled

Secret #1- Once you sign up only two people you are in the pay system. Once there, the people above you have to put people below you because of the matrix system, they cannot go wide only down and you receive commission from the people below you. There are no gimmicks in the pay program, you get paid on total gross and 8 other ways.

Secret #2- About the 3rd or 4th month the commissions exceed your cost of $35.00 for 1 bottle per month. You purchase 1 bottle/mo and that is your financial requirement to receive commissions. Regardless of your health benefit you will never stop buying the product. Each month your commission grows. Upon 2 sign ups, the end of the 1st year total commission should be more than $2000.00 and that does not include 1000’s of dollars of bonuses.

Secret #3- There are over 25 reasons to take Laminine. I have never met anybody who doesn’t have more than 1 problem that can be solved with Laminine. There has never been a product or pill that solves so many health problems for such a nominal cost. You are repairing your entire body with Fibro Blast Growth Factor or Stem Cells. You will notice changes in your health, state of mind, general over all feeling, focus, energy and much less pain if you have any in the 1st month. It gets better every month. The secret here is actual success with the product which is rare in the health supplement business. The size of the molecules trying to get into the cells for repair is the key. In this case the Laminine molecules are so small they go right through to the area of need without any problem. Most health supplements have too large of molecules to be effective in entering the cells.

Secret #4- the Miracle of Wellness website sets you and your contacts up for success. After the third level you lose control and maybe even on the 3rd level. With this Dumbo feather and bazooka everybody can be successful in finding 4 people unless you cannot open your mouth. You and your contacts get the Miracle of Wellness replicated web site for Free. This is a $10,000 gift and tool for you to use.

Secret #5- The “Go for 4” power point program is so powerful in motivating people, you only need to send it by link or print it off and give it to whomever and you will have their attention and serious interest.


BrochuresBusiness cardsMiracle of Wellness web siteMylifepharm.com web siteConference calls weeklyOpportunity meetings all over the country

This is your time to excel!

It is hard to put a fire under those who have no interest. If you are one of them, just use the product. Don’t be surprised by the success of those around you. All successful people have to make some commitment this could be your time. We have brought to you the company, product, resources and a road map. There has never been an opportunity like this in the networking industry. This has everything- Product, Company, Resources and a very friendly payout system of 70%. (usually only 50% in the industry) The system is designed with you in mind and the company second. We are here to help you succeed. Please get back with the person who sent this to you.