goal setting. what we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being,...


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Page 1: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,



Goal Setting

Page 2: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Page 3: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

REWIND TO LAST CLASS What we’ll be covering this year

(goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety, career development)

Where can we apply everything we learn in HACE?…LIFE!!!

Page 4: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

THINK-PAIR-SHAREThink (silently) Take about a minute, write down your


Pair With a partner/small group, talk about

your ideas

Share Groups will share out their ideas to the

rest of class

Page 5: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


What is a “goal” An aim or desired result

Why would somebody want to set a goal? To achieve something or make a

change in their life

What is the most important thing you need to achieve any goal? A thought out action plan,


Page 6: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

“SMART” GOALS S: specific M: measurable A: action-plan R: realistic T: time-oriented

Page 8: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

GOAL SETTING: PART 2 Please take ONE bag of chips from the

front of the class

You now have TWO options…1.You can eat the bag of chips now


Page 9: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

2. If you wait until the END of class, I’ll give you a second bag of chips to eat at lunch

Page 10: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

COULD YOU WAIT? “The Marshmallow Test” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz1pnFBLZM4

How does “The Marshmallow Test” relate to goal setting?

Many people want “instant gratification” when they set a goal For example: many people who want to lose weight as a New

Year’s resolution will get discouraged if they don’t see results right away!

Do we see “instant gratification” in the first few days when we set a goal? Usually not!! We’ll see our efforts start to pay-off over longer

periods of time, but usually not right away

Page 11: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

LAST CLASS…Introduced “SMART” goals (S)specific, (M)measurable, (A)action

plan, (R)realistic, (T)time-oriented

Jim Carey’s “$10 million dollar goal” …was it realistic? To who?

Page 12: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

TODAY’S CLASS…1. Looking at “SMART” goal setting

2. Sharing my personal weight loss

story this summer using my

“SMART” goal!

Like I said before, this is a course about


3. Making your own goal

Page 13: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

(S) SPECIFIC Your goal needs to be… SPECIFIC!!

For example: many people have a New Year’s resolution of “losing weight”…is this specific?…how could we make this goal of “losing

weight” more specific?

Page 14: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

(M) MEASURABLE You need to have a way of MEASURING

your progress!

For example, if someone’s goal is to “lose 10 pounds” they could weigh themselves once a week.

Page 15: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

(A) ACTION PLAN Have a plan in place! Write down what you’ll do each week (or

each day) to accomplish your goal

Page 16: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

(R) REALISTIC Is it possible?

Page 17: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

(T) TIME ORIENTED You need to have a “target date” for

your goal!

E.g. Jim Carey’s goal had a very specific target date – Thanksgiving 1995.

Page 18: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

“BRAIN BREAK” The attention test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahg6qcgoay4

Page 19: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

MY PERSONAL WEIGHT LOSS PLAN:(S)pecific I will lose 10 pounds (at the time, I had weighed 210

pounds for over a year)

(M)easureable Weighing myself every 2-3 days to track my progress

(A)ction plan Exercising 1 hour per day, 6 days per week (walking,

running, lifting weights, whatever I felt like doing that day)

(R)ealistic YOU BET IT IS!!

(T)ime-oriented My deadline to weight 200 pounds was September 1st, 2015, at

the time, I weighed 210 pounds on June 26th (the last day of school)

Page 20: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,
Page 21: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Your homework this weekend is to make a goal using “SMART” goal setting

It can be anything!! Make it meaningful to you

Some examples: Performance in school – straight A’s? An A or

B in a class you struggle with? Exercise/weight loss Eat more fruits and vegetables Get more sleep! (in bed on time each night)

Page 22: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,
Page 23: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Today’s agenda

1. Rewind

2. Mr. Bottrill’s goal (yes, I did my homework

as well)

3. Work on our “SMART” goals (homework


4. Barriers

Page 24: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

LAST CLASS…Our own version of “the marshmallow test” What was I testing? And how did we relate to

goal setting?Patience! We need to be patient when working

towards our goals, as we won’t achieve our goals overnight!!

Discussed “SMART” goals (S)specific, (M)measurable (A)action-plan (R)realistic (T)time-oriented

Page 25: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,
Page 26: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

MY GOAL Running the Boundary Bay “half-

marathon” on November 1st, 2015 in under 2 hours

Half-marathon = 21.1km (about 50 laps around a running track)

Page 27: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


See if you can guess what aspect of goal-setting we’ll be discussing from the video…


Don’t do this, ever, EVER!

Page 28: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BARRIERS ANYTHING that (could) stand in the way

of achieving your goal

Page 29: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BARRIERS Why did I show that video?

This guy’s “goal” was to drive away with a “free” car (in other words, steal it)

The barrier to his goal: the police!Did he have a plan to deal with this barrier?No, hence, the epic fail

Again, always follow the law

Page 30: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

THINK-PAIR-SHARE With our definition of “barriers” in mind

(anything that could stand in the way of achieving your goal) List as many possible “barriers” as you can

Getting sick Getting injured Having a huge school project due Parties! (Thanksgiving, Diwali, Christmas) Distractions (TV, Facebook, video games) And much, much, more…

Page 31: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BARRIERS Barriers are different from goal to


Take my goal of running a half-marathon (in under 2 hours) on November 1st for example…What if I get injured while training for my

half-marathon?What if I get seriously sick (like I am now)

and can’t stick to my training schedule that I’ve planned out?

Page 32: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BARRIERS Or, if your goal was to get 10 hours of

sleep a night?

What are some barriers to getting 10 hours of sleep per night?

Page 33: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


1. Take barriers into consideration when making a goal

Example: I will get 10 hours of sleep per

night, 5-6 nights a week (not 7)

Some possible barriers to not getting enough sleep

A huge school project due Thanksgiving or Diwali get-togethers

Page 34: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

SO, WHAT DO YOU DO?2. Take barriers into consideration

when making your (A) action-plan

Page 35: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BARRIERS Barriers are going to happen at some point

or another!

1. Take barriers into

consideration when making a


2. Take barriers into

consideration when making

your (A) action-plan

Page 37: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Page 38: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

REST OF CLASS… Work on the “dealing with the barriers”

worksheet (I’ll be coming around to check last week’s homework for completion)

This will be due next Thursday, September 31)

Website is UPDATED

Page 40: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Agenda1. Quote of the week (Kid

President)2. Rewording goals3. Homework check/partner

work4. Wrap-up / homework

Page 41: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

QUOTE OF THE WEEK Kid President https://


Page 42: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

RE-WORDING GOALS How can we re-word this goal?

“I will eat more fruits and vegetables” …I will eat 5 servings of

fruits/vegetables each day

Why is it better to say “I will eat 5 fruits/vegetables each day” instead of “I will eat more fruits/vegetables”??

Page 43: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

AN EXERCISE IN RE-STATING GOALS1. 5 minutes of worktime


2. After 5 minutes, share your ideas with a partner

3. We’ll then share our answers as a class

Page 44: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

BRAIN BREAK! Stand up!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a4Uxdy9TQY

Page 45: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Page 46: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

REST OF CLASS… Exchange your “get serious about setting

goals” worksheet with a partner

In pen or pencil, (on their worksheet) write down any corrections or suggestions you would give them to make their goal or action plan better (at least 3 corrections or suggestions)

Give their worksheet back

Your homework: make a GOOD copy on your new sheet I just gave you (final copy due next Thursday)

Page 47: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Agenda1. Quote of the week2. “SMART” goals recap + tips3. Individual work period/homework

check4. …brain break

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Page 49: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


(S) specific – try and put a NUMBER to your goal I will lose 10 pounds I will eat 5 fruits/vegetables per day I will get 9 hours of sleep per night I will get an A (86%) in math

(M) meaurable Make sure there’s a clear way to track your progress

(for example: if your goal is to eat 5 fruits/vegetables per day, write in a journal how many you eat each day

(A) action-plan (R) realistic (T) time oriented

Page 50: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


If you are done your homework assignment, have a partner check it over! Also, feel free to ask me any questions to help make your “SMART” goal better

I’ll be coming around doing homework checks (completion)

If I see us working well (and quietly), we’ll have a brain break in about 10 minutes

Page 51: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

GOAL SETTING: CONCLUSIONAgenda Quote of the day Homework submission Pop quiz Goal setting recap Brain break A peek into the next unit (healthy living)

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Page 53: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,


Page 54: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

POP QUIZ Take out a piece of paper and a pencil

(close your duotangs and put them on the corner of your desk)

Put your name and date on your paper

Page 55: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

1. What does EACH of the 5 letters in our “SMART” goals acronym stand for?

2. Suppose Mr. Bottrill wants to get more sleep each night. Write out a (S) specific goal for Mr. Bottrill

3. In your own words, what is a barrier, in relation to goal setting? Name at least 2 possible barriers that could arise when setting a goal…

Page 56: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

SMART GOALS RECAP When writing your goal, try and include

a “target number” in your (S) specific goal

This makes it easy to measure your progress and tell whether or not you succeeded or not

Plan for barriers – they happen!! Have a plan in place for when barriers get in the way of your goal, don’t just blow up your goal!

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Page 58: Goal Setting.  What we’ll be covering this year (goal setting, healthy living, mental well being, family life, substance abuse prevention, safety,

A PEEK INTO NEXT WEEK Healthy living! What are you going to be learning

about??Physical activityHealthy eating / nutritionHealthy sleep patternsPuberty/sexual healthIllness/disease preventionHygiene