gobble gobble without all the guilt


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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Don’t you wish you were a teenager again and had that fast metabolism? Then you could eat whatever you want on Thanksgiving and not gain an ounce. You’d also not lose all that work you did to get in shape fast . In the back of your mind you might be thinking about all the food and calories that will be in front on you on Thursday and how your waistline will survive it. I want you to enjoy the day on Thanksgiving and not dwell on this. It hope you can put your mind at easy by following my sure fire tips survival tips and you won’t let all the work to get in shape fast go out this window this holiday season!


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All That Work to Get in Shape Fast … Will It Go Out the Window on Thanksgiving?Don’t you wish you were a teenager again and had that fast metabolism?  Then you could eat whatever you want on Thanksgiving and not gain an ounce.  You’d also not lose all that work you did to get in shape fast .  In the back of your mind you might be thinking about all the food and calories that will be in front on you on Thursday and how your waistline will survive it.  I want you to enjoy the day on Thanksgiving and not dwell on this.  It hope you can put your mind at easy by following my sure fire tips survival tips and you won’t let all the work to get in shape fast go out this window this holiday season! 

Give it Up for Simple!Most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods are actually pretty good for us.  As you can imagine back in Plymouth, MA the Pilgrims didn’t add all the brown sugar, butter, cream, eggs to their foods.  No they celebrated their feast of Thanksgiving with turkey, vegetables, nuts, cranberries, stewed pumpkin, and corn.  These foods are actually good for you.  It’s how we prepare it in modern day that makes it unhealthy.

For example, plain pumpkin is low in fat and calories and has lots of potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and beta-carotene.  However, when we make it into a pie we add lots of cream, eggs, flour and butter.  In addition, cranberries are a great source of antioxidants, but at Thanksgiving we usually add lots of sugar to them.  My mom even used to make this frozen cranberry dish that had not only sugar, but also marshmallow and whipped cream added to the cranberries.

Keep it simple and you won’t feel guilty!

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Eeny Meeny Miney MoThere are so many delicious Thanksgiving dishes and I’m sure you have your favorites.  As you plan your feast or before you sit down, make a note of which dishes you must have and which ones you can live without.  For example when choosing your turkey keep in mind,← 4 oz. of skinless white meat turkey has 110 calories,

and 4 grams of fat← 4 oz. of white meat turkey with skin has 214 calories

and 8 grams of fat← 4 oz. of skinless dark meat turkey has 180 calories

and 4 grams of fatOr maybe you can skip the gravy this year and choose sweet potatoes instead of mashed potatoes.  Or for me, I have to have my pumpkin pie, but I will eat it without whipped cream and I’ll skip the crust.

Also, think about your drink choices.  Liquid calories can add up fast.  If you are going to have alcohol, decide ahead of time how much and stick to it. The sugar in alcohol is a killer… remember all that work you did to get in shape fast before you have that second drink.

How to Simply Eye-ball Healthy PortionDid you know totally depriving yourself of the foods that you really enjoy actually could backfire? This is because over time these restrictions can lead to cravings, binges and overeating.  This can completely sabotaging your attempts of healthy eating and weight

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loss.  We don’t want to feel deprived at Thanksgiving by skipping some of our favorites.  So go ahead, have those dishes you can’t live without, but just take a smaller portion than you normally would.  This will be easier if you first fill up half your plate with vegtables.  Then there won’t be too much room left for big servings.

To help with portion control here are some everyday guidelines:← 3 oz. of meat, is about the size of a deck of cards← 1 cup is about the size of a baseball or a light bulb← 1 Tablespoon is about the size of your whole thumb

or silver dollar← 1 oz. of cheese is about the size of 4 stacked dice← 1 oz. of a snack food is about the size of a rounded

handful ←If your Thanksgiving is going to be like mine, I will be surround with some unhealthy foods that I typically enjoy.  Especially since we will be going to a big buffet brunch on Thanksgiving at a nice hotel. If there is something your really want to eat, go for it but don’t go overboard.  Practice portion control and you will feel satisfied and not deprived.

Go ahead, enjoy Thanksgiving!   Remember keep it simple, make choices, and watch the portions.   A happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you and you family!

If you have any other Thanksgiving survival tips, please share them

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on my Facebook wall for everyone to see http://www.facebook.com/coachkathrynw

Click through here for more information on how we help people Get in Shape Fast with my private coaching groups.

PS.  Watch for my exciting Black Friday offer to help you or a loved one get in shape fast! 

Kathryn Wong is a Fitness Coach who works with others to help them realize their dreams and potential.  After years of putting her education, corporate career and family first, she was unhappy with her life and body.  She knew something had to change.  Kathryn struggled with exercise and healthy eating for a number of years, until she found the magic combination that changed everything. Kathryn jumped at the opportunity to dump her corporate career and follow her new passion of fitness and health, while maintaining a balanced family life.  She now helps others who lack hope and are unhappy with their current situation to change their life too.  Whether you are lacking energy, drive, motivation, or financial means, Kathryn is here to help you get the RESULTS you WANT and DESERVE. It’s never too late!  http://www.facebook.com/coachkathrynw