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  • 7/27/2019 God Channel



    Home Page ~ Site Navigator ~ Mother Pages ~ Four Steps ~ God's Classes

    The Four Steps to Wholeness

    A Message from

    the Channelers French Translation Spanish Translation

    Traduction Francaise Traduccion Espanola Updated

    August 7, 2012

    Spirit's Intention

    "I have asked that this material be published here so that you and I can communicate more fully. While

    my truest presence and voice will always be within you, my intention is to help strengthen the

    experience of our inner connection through this outer form of communication.

    "You and I already know each other; you have sometimes heard my voice speaking softly and lovingly

    within you, quietly appreciating and encouraging you. 'You are good,' 'You can do it,' and 'Follow your

    dream,' are examples of things you may remember hearing from me.

    "Talking to you from these pages now is like me talking to myself. It is, in fact, my own eternal presence

    within you that I am addressing. I am waking up inside of you, which is like saying that you are waking up

    to realize that you and I are one.

    "I should say that you are waking again, because you may remember that we have been here before.

    Your deep Being has always known the oneness of all things, and has always known that you, the part of

    you who is a fragment, a separate being, has been in a long and constant process of evolution toward

    becoming completely whole. For a very long time your own and all of humanity's evolution toward

    wholeness has been a great mystery. Now it is becoming the great awakening.

  • 7/27/2019 God Channel


    "If you ask me to, I can help you become aware of your true identity so that we can work together

    collaboratively to resolve the otherwise insurmountable problems you and your species are facing. I am

    now moving to the point in my own evolutionary process where I can effectively correct the imbalances

    that have existed on Earth and in the rest of Creation since before the beginning of time, and I am

    inviting your collaboration in doing this."

    "Above all, you have free will. You and only you can choose who you will be and what you will do. I

    would love you to choose to be my host here on Earth; I would love you to expand the presence of

    Divinity within you and allow it to fully express through you. And I would love that you and I work

    together to bring about the healing that is being called for by both your deepest Self and your planet.

    "And of course, as collaborators in the healing work, it will be most helpful if you and I have strong and

    certain inner two-way communication with each other. This website can support us in establishing andstrengthening our connection and communication.

    "You can, if you choose, channel my light, the light of loving Spirit, and use it to help heal yourself and

    the ills of your planet. We will soon explore the exact means of our inner communication and the

    specific healing tools and medicine we can use together. And in doing this healing work you will literally

    be preparing the way for Heaven to come to Earth.

    "If this is your choice, a good place on this site to begin is with the Four Steps to Wholeness."

    Who is God?

    Purpose of this Site

    The purpose of this site is to share our communication with God... both Spirit and the Mother of

    Creation, and help provide them with a focused virtual presence on Earth. We believe that God is

    already here within everything, including each of us humans. Experience has shown us that anyone can

    communicate with Spirit and the Mother (aka 'the Folks') and get verbal answers to questions and

    replies to concerns. This communication is accomplished through a phenomenon we call 'inner dialogue'

    or 'channeling.' Two-way prayer, contemplation, focused presence and meditation can also be ways of

    communicating with Deity.

  • 7/27/2019 God Channel


    We believe everyone has a direct connection with God, and the channeling on this site reflects our

    connections. You are welcome to use this material in your healing process, however, please disregard

    anything said here that may conflict with what you are getting directly through your own inner

    communication with loving Deity.

    Throughout the site, Deity's words as we have channeled them appear in quotes. This note explains the

    more modern use of language on the site.


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