god’s mighty strength! god’s people disobey the divided kingdom class #6

God’s Mighty Strength! God’s People Disobey The Divided Kingdom Class #6

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Page 1: God’s Mighty Strength! God’s People Disobey The Divided Kingdom Class #6

God’s Mighty Strength!

God’s People DisobeyThe Divided Kingdom

Class #6

Page 2: God’s Mighty Strength! God’s People Disobey The Divided Kingdom Class #6

We left our last class…

God’s Kingdom was firmly establishedThe temple had been builtNo one could touch the IsraelitesGod’s protection was radical and completeThe “milk” and “honey” were flowing!God had built his great nation!

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Tonight we will see…

God’s Kingdom will painfully divideThe temple is destroyedThe Israelites are taken captiveGod’s protection was goneThe “milk” and “honey” ceasedGod allowed his great nation to be destroyed!

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Let’s Review…

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Old Testament Time Line

Period Covers:

God’s People Form

Class #2


The Twelve Patriarchs

Egyptian Slavery


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God Plans to Develop Rel’n with Us

Starts from scratch with AbrahamHas plan to build a nation he can call “His Own”Gives Abraham a promise:

• Gen 1518-21 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates– 19 the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, 21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites."

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Abraham, Twelve Patriarchs

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From Patriarchs to Moses

Exod 1240-41 Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. 41 At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the LORD's divisions left Egypt.

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Old Testament Time Line

The Exodus

~ 1446 B.C.

B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o dB i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d


(PENTATEUCH)GenesisExodus 1—11


Period Covers: Period Covers:

God’s People Form

Class #2

God’s People DevelopClass #3


The Twelve Patriarchs

Egyptian Slavery


40 Years in the Desert

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40 Years in the Desert

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God’s New Nation

Exod 3:7-8 God saw the people’s misery– God wants to bring his people out of Egypt– He plans on taking them to Fertile Lands!

Exod 3:21-22 God gives them money– He equips them with money to meet their needs– Reason the famine brought wealth TO Egypt in

Joseph’s time

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Old Testament Time Line

The Exodus

~ 1446 B.C.

Entering The

Promised Land

~ 1406 B.C.

B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o dB i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d



Exodus 11—ffLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy


(PENTATEUCH)GenesisExodus 1—11


Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers:

God’s People Form

Class #2

God’s People DevelopClass #3

God’s People Are Established

Class #4


The Twelve Patriarchs

Egyptian Slavery


40 Years in the Desert

Conquering the Land

The Judges

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Conquering the Promised Land

Joshua leads people across the JordanThey conquer Canaan; one city at a timeJudges = “leaders”Government = “theocracy”

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Old Testament Time Line

The Exodus

~ 1446 B.C.

Entering The

Promised Land

~ 1406 B.C.

Anoint Saul as


~ 1020 B.C.

B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o dB i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d

HISTORYJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel 1—7



Exodus 11—ffLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy


(PENTATEUCH)GenesisExodus 1—11


Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers:

God’s People Form

Class #2

God’s People DevelopClass #3

God’s People Are Established

Class #4

God’s People Are Blessed

Class #5


The Twelve Patriarchs

Egyptian Slavery


40 Years in the Desert

Conquering the Land

The Judges

The United Kingdom




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The United Kingdom

Height of their gloryGen 1518 To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates–

God had a special relationship with DavidGod Protected Israel for a long time

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The United Kingdom

Three kings reign in Israel during this time– Saul led Israel for 42 years (1 Sam 131)– David led Israel for 40 years (2 Sam 54)– Solomon led Israel for 40 years (I Kings 1142)

United Kingdom = one nation– Even though there was much turmoil

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We come to King Solomon…

1 Chr 226-10 David was not to build the temple– His son Solomon would (peace on every side)– How would David feel about this?– Solomon is treated as a son

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The Life of Solomon

He Inherited the Kingdom from David 1 Kings 128-30

David Charges Him 1 Kings 22-4

He Humbly asked God for Wisdom 1 Kings 35-9

He Was honored by God for his HEART! 1 Kings 310-14

God Warned Him (as he does us!) 1 Kings 96-7

He Built an Incredible Kingdom 1 Kings 106-9

He Compromised ONE Area of His Life 1 Kings 111-2, 6

– Gave into his temptation with women…– Thought he was strong / above God’s direction– Paid SEVERLY for his pride…divided God’s Kingdom FOREVER!

He Paid Severely for His Sin 1 Kings 1111-13

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Do Not Intermarry!

WHERE? (Does God tell us)– Old Testament Deut 71-6

– New Testament 2 Cor 614-18 WHY? (Does God expect this)– God wants us to be faithful to him– He knows it leads our hearts astray– Be ‘yoked’ with someone who has the same

convictions! – Rev 184 Then I heard another voice from heaven

say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

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Do Not Intermarry! (cont.)

WHAT? (Happens when we don’t obey)– Solomon didn’t think it necessary to obey in

this area of his life– He considered himself strong– Although he followed God in every other

way, this area caused the problem / division

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Teen Application

2 Cor 112-3 I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. 3 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

Phil 214-16, 2 Tim 222, Rev 141-4

We need deep convictions about Godly datingWe should WANT to date disciples (because of mutual convictions!)The #1 goal of dating/marriage is a partner in the gospel

– Gen 218 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

– Mark 1225 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Marriage is a temporary blessing while we are on this earth!

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The Divided Kingdom

Solomon DiesThe Kingdom DividesIsrael in the North– Jeroboam is King– Tribe of Ephraim– Capital: Samaria

Judah in the South– Rehoboam is King– Son of Solomon– Capital: Jerusalem

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The Kings after Solomon’s SinKINGDOM DIVIDES - 933 BC (I Kings 12)


Book Chpt KINGDOM Dates KINGDOM Dates Prophets Dates1 Kings 11 J eroboam 933-911

12 Rehoboam 933-91615 Abijah 915-913

Asa 912-872 Nadab 911-910 Baasha 910-887

16 Elah 887-886 Zimri 886 Omri 886-875 Ahab 875-854 Elijah 875-850

22 Jehoshaphat 874-850 Ahaziah 855-854

II Kings 3 J oram 854-843 Elisha 850-8008 Jehoram 850-8439 Ahaziah 843

J ehu 843-816 Joel? 840-83011 Queen Athalia 843-83712 Joash 843-80313 J ehoahaz 820-804

J ehoash 806-79014 Amaziah 803-775

J eroboam II 790-749 Jonah 790-77015 Azariah 775-735 Amos 780-770

Zechariah 748 Hosea 760-720 Shallum 748 Menahem 748-738 Pekahiah 738-736 Pekah 745-730

Jotham 749-734 Isaiah 745-69516 Ahaz 741-726 Micah 740-70017 Hoshea 730-721


21 Manasseh 697-642Amon 641-640

22 Josiah 639-608 Zephaniah 639-60823 Jehoahaz 608 Nahum 630-610

Jehoiahkim 608-597 Jeremiah 626-586Jehoiahchin 597 Habakkuk 606-586

24 Zedekiah 597-586 Obadiah 586

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The Exile of the Kingdom

Judah Israel

Most Kings Did Evil

All Kings Did Evil

586 B.C. 722 B.C.

King Nebuchadnezzar


King Cyrus


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The Reason

Daniel sums up the cause of the Kingdom’s downfall…

Dan 97 “Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame-- the men of Judah and people of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you.”

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Old Testament Time Line

HISTORY1 Kings 12—ff2 Kings2 Chronicles 10—ff

The Exodus

~ 1446 B.C.

Entering The

Promised Land

~ 1406 B.C.

Anoint Saul as


~ 1020 B.C.

Solomon Dies

~ 922 B.C.

Jerusalem Falls

~ 586 B.C.

Last Bible Book


~ 400 B.C.

Jesus Christ is


~ 6 B.C.

B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o dB i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d

ISRAEL’S PROPHETS:Amos (770 B.C.)Hosea (735 B.C.)

JUDAH’S PROPHETS:Isaiah (745 B.C.) Micah (725 B.C.)Jeremiah (629 B.C.)Zephaniah (625 B.C.)Nahum (614 B.C.)Habakkuk (605 B.C.)

OTHER PROPHET’SJoel (855 B.C.)Jonah (790 B.C.)

HISTORYLamentations (586 B.C.)Esther (460 B.C.)Ezra (458 B.C.)Nehemiah (445 B.C.)

JUDAH’S PROPHETS:Obadiah (576 B.C.)Haggai (520 B.C.)Zechariah (520 B.C.)Malachi (444 B.C.)

OTHER PROPHET’S:Ezekiel (597-70 B.C.)Daniel (605—562 B.C.)

HISTORY(The Apocrypha)

HISTORY1 Samuel 8—ff2 Samuel1 Kings 1—111 Chronicles2 Chronicles 1—9

POETRY & WISDOM:Psalms (Some)ProverbsEcclesiastesSong of Songs

HISTORYJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel 1—7



Exodus 11—ffLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy


(PENTATEUCH)GenesisExodus 1—11


Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers:

God’s People Form

Class #2

God’s People DevelopClass #3

God’s People Are Established

Class #4

God’s People Are Blessed

Class #5

God’s People DisobeyClass #6

God’s People ReturnClass #7

God’s People Wait

Class #8


The Twelve Patriarchs

Egyptian Slavery


40 Years in the Desert

Conquering the Land

The Judges

The United Kingdom




The Divided Kingdom

The Beginning of the Exile

The Exile

Life in Babylon

Rebuilding Jerusalem

Return to Jerusalem

The Intertestamental Period

Period Covers: Period Covers: Period Covers:

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The End

Next class will be October 5th!

Read Lamentations, Daniel, Nehemiah, Ezra