golden eagle sights sept. three yrs

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  • 8/14/2019 Golden Eagle Sights Sept. Three Yrs







    2006 2007 2008APRIL 7 15 8MAY 6 7 4JUNE 2 3 3JULY 6 5 3

    AUGUST 12 7 0SEPTEMBER 14 9 10

    TOTAL 47 46 28

    1 SNOWY MT.VA roads 644 640 643

    2 5 mi. S Blue Grass

    3 Meadowdale US 84 & VA 640

    4 US 220 6 mi. N Monterey

    5 US 220 5.4m S Monterey

    6US 220 9m S 250

    8CCC rd./Wyley Hole 15.5 m S Monterey (new)

    7 US 220 Power line 13 mi. S 250

    10 Bear Mt , Laurel Fork, Red Oak Knob, Tamarack Ridge

  • 8/14/2019 Golden Eagle Sights Sept. Three Yrs


    GOLDEN EAGLE SIGHTINGS April-SeptemberHighland County, Virginia

    1 April 9, 2006Time: 1220 golden eagleimmature


    Brenda TekinAlong VA 644, 0.1 mile south ofintersection with VA 643, in front ofJ. Swecker property.

    Immature GOEA flew low across thefield south of Snowy Mt. It headed duesouth over the Swecker property.About 3-4 minutes later it circled lowover a field on the western slope ofMonterey Mt. east of VA 643. It gainedaltitude, circling and drifting south overthe valley.


    April 15, 2006

    Time: 1010 golden eagleadult

    Tom Brody, Pen Goodall,Edmund Hevener, Patti Reum

    VA 635 in Possum Trot- Adult GOEA flew down very low overcar not far above the roof. It then flewsouth, gaining altitude.

    7 April 19, 2006Time:


    golden eagle

    golden eagle

    Rick Lambert

    Rick Lambert

    US 220 about 13 miles south ofMonterey

    VA 678 about 10 miles south ofMcDowell, US 250

    GAEA flying south over Jackson Rivereast of road in the Colaw Straight.

    Golden Eagle along Bullpasture Rivernear Hayfields farm.

    7 April 20, 2006Time: golden eagle Rick Lambert US 220 about 13 miles south ofMonterey

    GOEA in road in Colaw StraightStretch with carrion and keepingTurkey Vultures away from tree near Jackson River

    4 April 23 , 2006Time: 1000-1100 golden eagle Tom Brody, Patti Reum,Edmund Hevener

    VA 634 about 0.3 mile northeast ofUS 220

    Golden eagle circled about 200 feetabove observers and then an adultbald eagle few low and swooped overthe car.

    April 26, 2006Time:

    golden eagle Rick Lambert VA 614 one mile south of JonesTrail, 3.5 miles north of US 250

    6 May 3, 2006Time:


    golden eagle

    golden eagle

    Rick Lambert

    Rick Lambert

    US 220 east of road on Terry Farmabout 10 miles south of Monterey

    US 220 one mile north of Mustoe,6.3 miles south of Monterey

    GOEA perched in tree.

    GOEA perched in tree

    7May 10, 2006

    Time: golden eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey 15.3miles 200 yards north of Midway

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    10 May 25, 2006Time: 0930 golden eagle Pen Goodall, Leslie Goodall Eastbound side of US 250 about0.25 mile east of Goodall driveway

    GOEA perched in oak tree in the samearea where hes seen a golden before.


    May 29, 2006Time: Approx.


    golden eagles (2)


    Polly Newlon, Keith Carson Up a hollow on Buck Warners

    pasture in Daniel Ridges area ofSnowy Mt. (VA 644)

    Scoped two immature GOEA circling

    high with a couple of buzzards. Therewas a dead coyote hanging on a fencebehind Goog Colaws and the birdswere cautiously flying over it.

    1June 2, 2006Time: Noon golden eagle

    immatureMargaret OBryan West of VA 640 above east side of

    Snowy Mt. across from OBryanhome

    Immature GOEA soared with twoturkey vultures in a thermal and finallyrose to a height beyond visibility.

    10June 10, 2006

    Time: 1200 golden eagleadult

    Pen Goodall West side of Laurel Fork atGoodall cabin approx. 2 miles NWof US 250 and 1 mile SW of VA642

    Adult GOEA flew from SW TamarackRidge and flew back and forth,sometimes high and sometimes quitelow. It circled around pond and thenflew north toward Locust Springs.

    6July 1, 2006Time: 1151 eagles (4)

    golden eagle(adult bald eagle)

    (2 unidentified)

    Rick Lambert, Alex Dymersky US 220 9.8 miles south ofMonterey

    GOEA circled above trout ponds oneast side of US 220.

    4July 18, 2006Time: 0930-1000 golden eagle

    (bald eagle)adults

    David Johnston US 220 north of Monterey 5.5miles at Virginia Trout Company

    GOEA perched in a tree on the eastside of US 220 directly across from thetrout company. It sounded agitated andflew across the road and perchedabove the trout raceways. It continuedto vocalize. A BAEA was nearby, butdid not vocalize or appear agitated.The GOEA was very large, larger than

    the BAEA.

    6July 23, 2006Time: golden eagles (3) Alex Dymersky, Rick Lambert East side of US 220 near Jackson

    River trout ponds 9.8 miles southof Monterey

    Three GOEA circling above troutponds. Observers pulled off road towatch them.

    July 27, 2006Time: golden eagle

    adultCharlotte Stephenson US 220 about 2 miles north of

    Monterey near VA 632GOEA flying from west side of road toeast dove down into the water nearbridge and caught a fish. The fish was

    wiggling and black birds were chasingthe eagle. I nearly wrecked. It did not

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  • 8/14/2019 Golden Eagle Sights Sept. Three Yrs






    golden eagles (2)**

    golden eagle

    Bethel Crummett

    Bethel Crummett

    VA 640 about 0.5 north of VA638

    US 84 about 1mile southwest ofVA 640

    Stephenson's and Doug's house westof 640.

    Same place as above

    GOEA perched in dead tree at top ofmeadow at my house between houseand Doreen's driveway, west of US 84.



    Sept. 3Time: 1250-1320

    Time: 1500

    golden eagles (2)adults

    golden eagle

    Polly Newlon, Keith Carson

    Charlotte Stephenson, BruceHill

    VA 644 at Hardscrabble turnoutabout 1.5 miles west of the southpeak of Snowy Mountain.

    VA 643 at VA 644 and northwest

    Two GOEA soared about one mileaway most of the time. One flewdirectly over observers less than 100yards away giving them unquivocal

    identification. Observers followed it asit went back toward Snowy Mt. to jointhe second BAEA. While the pairsoared they flew in tandem and doveon each other. They soared just northof the north peak of Snowy Mt. muchof the time.

    GOEA flew below road into dip nearDr. Orren Royals house and did notreappear. Observer saw back of thebird because it flew low.


    Sept. 5, 2006Time: 1030

    Time: afternoon

    golden eagle

    golden eagle

    Bruce Hill

    Jed Thomas

    East side of VA 614 south of US250

    US 220 at VA 606 at Terry farm10.3 miles south of Monterey

    GOEA circling, kiting, about 50 feetabove the ground.

    GOEA flew from west across road solow driver going south almost hit it withthe car. The GOEA continued east

    across the Jackson River onto theTerry farm.

    1Sept. 6, 2006Time: 1700-1730 golden eagle Deborah Huso High Knob Road 0.3 mile West of

    VA 640 and 1.7 miles north of BlueGrass

    GOEA perched for about 30 minutes insnag about 200 yards from Husohome.

    7 Sept. 8, 2006Time: 0823

    golden eagleimmature Rick Lambert

    US 220 south of Monterey about15.5 miles near CCC road Adult GOEA sat on fence.

    7Sept. 14, 2006Time: 0835 golden eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about Golden eagle of unknown age feeding

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    undetermined age 15.5 miles, near CCC road on carrion and keeping three crowsaway from it.


    Sept. 15 , 2006Time:0809-0820 eagles (2)

    adult golden eagleadult bald eagle

    Bethel Crummett West side of VA 640 0.5 mile north

    of Sunnyside Mansion about 1.5miles south of US 250

    Both eagles were feeding on raccoon

    near road edge. Observer stopped carand the GOEA flew west while theBAEA flew east.

    7Sept. 18, 2006Time: 0835 golden eagle

    immatureRick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about

    15 milesImmature golden eagle perched intree.


    Sept. 19, 2006Time: 0831 golden eagle


    Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about

    15 miles

    Immature GOEA perched in tree.

    2 Sept. 26, 2006Time: 0928 golden eagle

    adultRick Lambert VA 640 about 2 miles north of US

    250 near rock quarryAdult GOEA flew low to the southwest.

    Sept. 27, 2006

    Time: 1825

    golden eagleundetermined age Keith Carson VA 640 about 1 mile south of

    US 250 near Cobb drivewayGOAE, probably adult, possiblyimmature, perched in tree at driveway

    entrance.2 Sept. 29, 2006

    Time: 1018-1120 eagles (4)adult baldBasic IV bald sub-adultimmature bald (HY?)immature goldenPHOTOGRAPHS

    Sandy Hevener East side of VA 637 0.3 mile northof US 250

    Four eagles flew up from road fromlarge dead groundhog. The adult andimmature BAEA flew southwest andout of sight behind maple trees. Thesub-adult flew east and perched insnag 50 yards from road. Theimmature GOEA flew west anddisappeared into maple trees in fallcolors. After 15-20 minutes the goldenbecame visible perched in the trees. Itfaced the observer 300 yards awayand fanned its tail while perchedrevealing the distinct light band nearbody and dark band on edge. It finallyflew east into or behind maple treesnear road. Its back was bright orange-brown and very molted.

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    1April 10, 2007Time: 1418 golden eagle

    immatureSandy Hevener VA 644 about 1 mile east of VA

    643Immature golden eagle harassed bycrows. It flew from ridges betweenRoyal and Newman houses tosouthwest and then west.

    2 April 13, 2007Time: 1445 golden eagle

    immatureSandy Hevener, EdmundHevener

    VA 637 2.4 miles north of US 250 A very irritated crow chased animmature GOEA SW toward Lantz Mt.The crow was gaining on the GOEA asthey flew below the hill behind Hevenerhouse.

    2April 19, 2007

    Time: 1150 golden eagleadult

    Sandy Hevener West side VA 637 about 2.4 milesnorth of US 250

    Adult GOEA flew northeast towardMonterey Mt. Nothing chased it.

    April 20, 2007Time: 0930

    Time: 1200

    Time: 1500

    golden eagleimmature

    golden eagles (2)

    adultimmature (same at0930)

    golden eagleimmature

    Michael Shank

    Michael Shank

    Michael Shank

    East side of VA 629 one mile northof US 250 (Beverage farm)

    East side of VA 629 one mile north

    of US 250 (Beverage farm)

    East side of VA 629 one mile northof US 250 (Beverage farm)

    Immature GOEA flew in and perchedin a group of trees. Later saw it in airand then it perched in the same areaagain.

    Adult and immature GOEA circled and

    then one went north and the other onewent south.

    Immature GOEA flew overhead. Themarkings seemed to be different thanthe earlier immature GOEA.




    April 21, 2007Time: 1050

    Time: 1110


    golden eagleimmature

    golden eagle4


    golden eagleimmature

    Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener,CarolBandy, Lin Pray, Brenda

    Tekin, Joyce Wilkinson, FrankTweedle, Clark Hill, StephanieHill, Tad Finnell, GeorgeWheaton

    Same group as above

    Polly Newlon

    Over VA 643, Hevener Lane

    Over Brushy Mountain, NE of BlueGrass

    Northwest of VA 644 about 1 milewest of VA 640

    Immature GOEA circled above VA643, south of road.

    Fourth year immature GOEA circledover Brushy Mountain to the east.

    Immature GOEA perched in hickorytree at Newlon house site. When

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    Time: 1225

    Time: 1715-1730

    eagles (2)

    bald- adultgolden- 4


    NOT same as above

    eagles (2)bald- adultgolden- 4


    (same as above)

    eagles (2)bald- Basic I/IIgolden- immature w/distinct tail band & wingpatches

    Same group as above

    Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener,Lin Pray, Brenda Tekin, ClarkHill, Stephanie Hill

    Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

    West of VA 644 about 100 yards

    and half mile north of VA 643

    West of VA 644 about 100 yardsand half mile north of VA 643

    US 220 about 13 miles south ofMonterey, 2 miles north of VA 607

    harassed by a Red-tailed hawk, theeagle flew west to an area on westside of VA 644.

    Adult BAEA and fourth year GOEA

    feeding on ground behind Royalhouse.

    Adult BAEA and fourth year GOEAfeeding on ground behind Royalhouse. Eagles flew when observersdrove up driveway to top of farm. Laterthese two birds rode thermals and

    flew above and below observers.

    The Basic I/II BAEA flew east of theroad, lit in a tree, and remainedperched. The immature GOEAappeared west of the road and soaredoverhead for some time. A red tailhawk appeared and it and the GOEAdid some rolls and talon displays. TheRT disappeared and the GOEA

    continued soaring west of the road.The BAEA remained perched theentire time.

    3April 22, 2007Time: golden eagle

    not agedSteve Fullerton & friends South side US 84 at Meadowdale,

    VA 640GOEA flew b=in valley below CharlotteStephenson house the soared incircles quickly gaining altitude andmoving south. Before it got out of sighta red tail hawk appeared and dived at

    the eagle repeatedly. The red tail has anest on Fullerton property

    1April 29, 2007Time: 1010

    eagles (4)3 bald adults1 golden adult

    Diana Holsinger Hevener Lane, VA 643 Soaring ?

    10April 30, 2007Time: 1100 golden eagle

    ImmaturePatti Reum About 2 miles south of US 250 and

    0.5 mile east of VA 601

    Immature GOEA chased by crows flewfrom NE to SW over Laurie Bermansfield and the up toward VA 601.

    v May 5, 2007Time: 1600 golden eagles (2) Margaret OBryan VA 640 near WV state line Two adult GOEA flew up from field

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    adults very low as car approached. Theyappeared to have been eatingsomething in field. They were within 30feet of the car.



    May 14, 2007Time: 1200

    Time: 1340

    golden eagleimmature

    golden eagleImmature 2-3 years old

    Carol Bandy

    Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener

    West side of VA 640 at VA 639

    VA 643 halfway between VA 642 &VA 644

    Immatue GOEA flew low and slowlyNW of Bandy residence, the SWtoward Hightown and finally turned SEtoward Monterey Mt.

    Immature GOEA flew near groundabove pasture on Lantz Mt. they slowlycircled higher, near the rookery anddisappeared. It had a distinct white tail

    band near base with broad black bandon end of tail. Observers didnt see ifwhile ovals under wings.

    3 May 24, 2007Time: 0900 golden eagle

    probably near adultPatti Reum VA 600, 3 miles north of US 84 GOEA and TV in road on carrion. The

    eagle spooked before TV.

    May 25, 2007

    Time 0900 golden eagleadult Patti Reum VA 600 near Valary Hillared Lowryhouse about 3 miles north of BathCo. line.

    Adult GOEA eating carrion nest toroad.

    1May 28, 2007Time: 1800 golden eagle

    adultAl Warfield (President,Richmond Audubon Society)

    East side VA 640 near WV linebehind Obryan house

    Adult GOEA perched in tree flew whenobserver appeared.

    4June 8, 2007Time: 1600 golden eagle-

    adultVal Kitchens Edge of Blue Grass Valley near

    river and north of VA 642 seen fromGinseng Mt. Rd.

    AdultGOEA soaring over Brushy Mt.

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    June 10, 2007Time: 0930

    Time: 1508

    golden eagleadult

    golden eagleadult

    Edmund Hevener

    Sandy Hevener, EdmundHevener

    North side of VA 642 about 0.3 milewestof VA 640 on Crummett farm

    Northern Blue Grass Valley andsouth side of Snowy Mountain

    Adult GOEA perched in a snag andholding a large clump of grass in itsbeak. It remained perched as theobserver drove past. This was a solid

    golden eagle with absolutely no lightercolors visible.

    Adult GOEA flew very 1quickly northacross VA 642 and then VA 644.When it got to the foot of Snowy Mt.., itstarted circling and slowly rose in athermal until very high and out of sight.

    10 July 7, 2007Time: 1030 golden eagle Keith Powell VA 600, Upper Back Creek nearold Hal Walker farm GOEA circled over pond about fiveminutes then flew west toward Bear

    Mountain and out of sight.

    10 July 9, 2007Time: 1300 golden eagle

    adultPen Goodall One mile east of US 250 & Collins

    Run Lane (Goodall driveway)Adult GOEA flew over Goodall houseand then flew over Tamarack Ridgeand then SW toward the CampAlleghany Battlefield.

    3 July 22, 2007

    Time: 1530golden eagleimmature

    Keith Carson VA 640 about 1 miles north of US84, just south of Pisgah Church

    Immature GOEA flew up from theground in a farm field just south ofPisgah church on Rt. 640. As we droveup next to where the birds flew up from(in a fenced pasture about 100 ft fromroad on west side of road) the eagleand a raven flew up from nearby spotson the ground. When we got justopposite where they were and slowedto look there was a turkey vulture stillon the ground near where the eagle

    and raven flew up from, picking atsomething we couldn't see. The twowhite wing patches and white base oftail were clearly visible on the eagle asit flew up from the ground. We lostsight of the eagle after it flew, but itappeared to depart in a southwesterlydirection.


    July 24, 2007

    Time: 0830-0915 eagles (5) PHOTOS1 hatch year golden Sandy Hevener 200 yards west of VA 640 at VA639 Five immature eagles feeding onsheep carcass.

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    eagle3 hatch year bald eagles1 2

    nd. year bald eagle

    Immature BAEAs on ground, flying inand out of maple tree, fighting onground, feeding on sheep carcass. Thegolden hatch year perched in snag 100

    yards south of carcass. Its solid broadwhite tail band and dark band onbottom of tail was clearly visible. Itperched about 15 minutes before flyingto ground near carcass. One of thehatch year BAEA remained perched ona fence post most of the time and asecond later perched on a differentpost west of it. The eagles kept flying

    in and out of the maple tree south ofcarcass making it hard to get anaccurate count. Photo of five eagles onthe ground at one time and the goldenperched.

    2 July 29, 2007 Three feathers-1 golden eagleimmature,

    body feather PHOTO

    2 bald eagle bodyfeathers

    Sandy Hevener West of VA 637 0.5 mile and 2.4miles north of US 250

    Feathers were near dead groundhogand close to an eagle perch tree inHevener hay meadow, in a dip wherenot visible from house, near rock pile.

    2 July 30, 2007Time: early a.m. Golden eagle

    Immature, possiblyhatch year

    Larry Bandy VA 640 at VA 639 Golden eagle with white tail and darkhead flew close over observer. Its tailwas white with dark trailing band, butsun behind tail made it impossible tobe sure if solid white or sunlightthrough it prevented observer from

    seeing markings of a second year bird.

    1 July 31, 2007Time: 1130 Eagles (7)

    3 immature bald eagles,one with white patchunder wings and curiouswhite patch in the middleof tail4 dark eagles, presumed

    immature golden eagles,but because of position

    Keith Carson About 0.5 mile north of VA 644halfway between VA 640 & VA 643on Carson-Newlon property on thesouth side of Snowy Mt.

    All seven eagles were on the wing.The three immature BAEA circled justnorth of Carson property on Snowy Mt.They appeared to be playing by divingat each other and lifting their talons.Observer watched them circle for 20minutes. The second group of eagles

    flew over the property in a northerndirection and disappeared in the

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    in the sky, no specificmarkings visible

    distance over Lantz Mt. to the west.


    August 2, 2007Time: 0718

    Time: 0721

    golden eagle PHOTO

    immature fuzzy

    bald eagle PHOTOadult female

    Sandy Hevener

    Sandy Hevener

    0.75 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4

    miles north of US 250

    Immature GE in perch tree. Observer

    saw wide white band at base of tail,but not well enough to be sure if anyspeckling in it or not. While she ranback to the house to get the camera,the bird shifted its position in a waythat foliage covered its tail. Theobserver went behind a shed in anattempt to get closer to the bird andwhen she emerged the GE was goneand the adult BE female was perched

    on its regular branch, not the samebranch the GE used.

    1 August 5, 2007Time: 1220 golden eagle

    adultKeith Carson About 0.5 mile north of VA 644

    halfway between VA 640 & VA 643on Carson-Newlon property on thesouth side of Snowy Mt.

    Adult GOEA soared southwest ofSnowy Mt. summit for several minutesand moved north over ridges on westside of Snowy Mt.


    August 8, 2007Time: 1221

    Time: 1330

    golden eagle

    hatch year

    golden eagles (2)adults

    Nickie Dymersky, Alex

    Dymersky, Rick Lambert

    Pen Goodall

    On CR 17 Halfway between Harper

    and Cherry Grove in WV. This is onthe NW side of Snowy Mt. and 7.5miles from sighting of golden eaglefledgling on July 26 SW of SnowyMt.

    Tamarack Ridge

    Observers stopped and watched the

    bird with binoculars and saidbroadwhite tail band was solid, no specks ofcolor and black band on end of tail alsovery solid.

    Two adult GOEA flew over TamarackRidge toward Sapling Ridge NNW

    10 August 13, 2007Time: 1225 golden eagleimmature Patti Reum About 2 miles south of US 250 and0.5 mile east of VA 601 over Bear


    Immature GOEA flew low overobservers home.

    2 August 14, 2007Time: 1500 golden eagle

    fledglingCarol Bandy, Larry Bandy 100 yards west of VA 640 and 300

    yards south of VA 639Fledgling GOEA on ground hoppedaround displaying tail while tossingsomething into the air. As the bird

    jumped and flapped the observers gota very good look at the top of its tail.The tail was very solid white with awide solid dark band on the edge. The

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    head looked like it was glowing in thesun. The observers watched it for 15minutes.



    Sept. 1, 2007Time:0930 Golden eagle


    Pen Goodall 2 miles south of US 250 at Larie

    Bermans house on Bear Mt.

    Adult BE flew over from sest to east

    toward Back Creek Valley.

    10 Sept. 2, 2007Time: 1555 Golden eagle

    immaturePatti Reum, Eric Harrold 2 miles south of US 250 on Bear

    Mt. at Hawkwatch siteUnaged BE flew from east to west overBear Mt. It did not appear to be inmigration.

    10 Sept. 6, 2007Time: 1030 Golden eagle Patti Reum 2 miles south of US 250 at Bear mt.

    Hawkwatch siteAdult BE flew east of Bear Mt. It didnot appear to be migrating.

    2 Sept. 8, 2007Time: 1245 Eagles (5)

    Juvenile baldImmature baldGolden eagleTwo unidentified eagles

    Edmund Hevener, SandyHevener

    East side of VA 640 between roadand Lantz mt. about 2.5 miles northof US 250

    Turkey Vultures were circling whenobserver heard a BE vocalize. The TVcircled higher and higher as eaglesstarted circling below. The eagleseventually circled higher and out ofsight too.



    Sept. 15, 2007

    Time: 0800-0823

    Time: 1000

    Golden eagleAdult (very large)

    Eagles (11)All in one place at onceBald eagles

    2 adults1 or more immature

    Golden eagles

    2 adults5 immature eaglesunidentified species

    Deborah Huso

    Arthur K. Ranck, Mrs. Ranck

    High Knob Road 0.5 mile west ofVA 640 north of Blue Grass 1.7 mile

    West side of VA 640 slightly southof WV line and one miles south ofWV line.

    Very large adult BE perched in samelocust snag where eagles perch 150yards south of house. When it flew, itflew west toward Paul Colaw house.

    It was unreal. My wife and I werebirding in Highland County north ofBlue grass around 10 AM and we sawseveral Turkey Vultures., two adultBaled Eagles, an immature Bald

    Eagle, and an adult Golden Eagle atone place. We proceeded north abouta mile to park in Margaret OBrienslane there on the county line.Acrossthe road in the field we waw someeagles flyin and then they startedcollecting on the ground. We couldwee elecenn (11!) eagles at one time.Eventually eight settled on the ground

    in one cluster. In the total group ofeleven we counted three adult Bald

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    1 Time: 1330 Golden eagleadult

    Arthur K. Ranck, Mrs. Ranck South of Blue Grass

    Eagle and at least two adult GoldenEagles. The rest were immature birds.We heard an eagle calling and lookedup and there were a Bald and aGolden interacting.

    Often when we lok for eagles we areunsure if we are seeing eh same birdsover and over, but this time thenumber was for real as they were all atone place.

    About 1:30 we saw an adult GoldenEagle south of Blue Grass soaring witha Raven.

    10 Sept. 22, 2008Time: 1310 Golden eagleNot aged Patti Reum Over Red Oak Knob, seen fromBear Mt. Hwk Watch site 2+ miles

    south of US 250 on \Bear Mt.

    Golden eagle flew over.


    1 April 5, 2008Time: 1210-1220 Golden eagle

    immatureKeith Carson South side Snowy Mountain, north

    of VA 644Immature GE circled over Carsonproperty slowly moving south towardBlue Grass. A red-tailed hawk

    interacted withit part of the time.



    April 8, 2008Time: 1000

    Time: 1230

    Golden eagleimmature

    Golden eagleimmature

    Keith Carson

    Patti Reum

    South side Snowy Mountain, northof VA 644

    Over Bear Mt. about 2 miles southof US 250

    Immature GE flew east-northeast,toward OBryan place on top of WimerMt. Road/VA640.

    Immature GE flew over Bear Mountain,harassed by raven, flew south



    April 13, 2008

    Time: 1235

    Time: 1300-1700

    Golden eagleImmature- 1


    Golden eagleImmature- 1


    Edmund Hevener, SandyHevener

    Carol Bandy

    West side VA 637 north of US 250about 2.5 miles

    South side VA 640 just south of VA639 on Bardon Warners field

    Immature GE flew low overPuffenbarger field, crows harassing it.

    Immature GE fed on lamb off and onfor several hours.

    April 15, 2008Time: 1040

    Golden eagleImmature- tail brightwhite

    Tom Duncan North side US 84 west of US 2206.6 miles

    Immature GE flew south on east slopeof Lantz Mt. A large hawk arrived andbegan diving at the eagle. Eagle flew

    back north toward Meadowdale area.

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    April 26, 2008Time: 0715


    Golden eagle (2)No age

    Golden eagle


    John Deehan

    Nelson Lewis

    VA 678 south of McDowell twomiles at Davis Run

    VA 644 Hardscrabble Rd. SW

    foothills of Snowy Mountain

    Large GE perched in tree at DavisRun, west of Bullpasture River.

    Immature GE thermalled over foothills,

    Two red-tailed hawks harassing formabove. GE had white tail base andwhite spots at base of remiges. GEthen glided north out of sight into WV

    1 May 10, 2008Time: Golden eagle

    adultAl Warfield East side VA 640 just south of WV

    lineAdult GE was eating something onground behind and slightly north ofMargaret OBryan house.

    5May 11, 2008

    Time: Golden eagleNo age

    Nickie Dymersky US 220 about 5 miles south ofMonterey

    GE flew.

    1 May 13, 2008Time: 1100 Golden eagle

    immatureKeith Carson North of VA 644 north of

    Carson/Newlon property south footof Snowy Mountain

    Immature GE soared.

    2 May 29, 2008Time: Golden eagle


    year.Patti Reum Above VA 640 seen from VA 637

    about 3 miles north of US 250

    Fork Road VA 643 & VA 642

    GE soared very high with several TV.Observer saw dark tail, light head, dark

    terminal wings with lighter inside ofunderwing.

    10 June 1, 2008Time: Golden eagle

    Not agedPen Goodall 2 miles north of US 250, Tamarack

    Ridge over Goodall farmGE flew far overhead

    10June 2, 2008Time: afternoon Golden eagle

    Not agedPen Goodall 2 miles north of US 250, Tamarack

    Ridge over Goodall farmGE flew overhead

    1June 10, 2008

    Time: 0900 Golden eagleimmature

    Keith Carson On southern side of SnowyMountain north of VA644/Hardscrabble Road overCarson/Newlon property

    Immature GE circled just north ofCarson/Newlon property.

    1 July 4, 2008Time: Golden eagle

    Not agedDebora Huso About 0.5 mile west of VA 640 and

    1.4 mile north of Blue grassGE perched in locust snag near Husohome.

    1 July 10, 2008Time: 1355 Golden eagle

    Immature- white tailbase, dark brown fringe,

    Sandy Hevener VA 642 about 0.5 mile east of VA

    640 just east of Blue Grass

    Immature GE in road eating roadkill. It

    had a small head. The observer in cargot a very clear look at its tail and back

  • 8/14/2019 Golden Eagle Sights Sept. Three Yrs


    no pattern, possiblehatch year

    as it did not fly up as quickly as eaglesusually do.

    1 September 3, 2008Time: mid-morning Golden eagle

    Not agedFrench Grimes VA 642 about 0.5 miles east of VA

    643Large BE perched on fencepost nearpond 75 feet south of road. It perchedfor a few minutes and then flew south,then west toward Lantz mountain.

    1 September 4, 2008Time: Golden eagle

    Not agedFrench Grimes 0.5 mile west of VA 640 north of

    Blue Grass 1.4 mileGE flew over, chased out of PaulColaw woods by smaller birds. Itcircled over driveway and pasture andback into the woods.




    September 5, 2008Time: 730

    Time: 1100

    Time: evening

    Golden eagleNot aged

    Golden eagleNot aged

    Golden eagleNot aged

    Edmund Hevener

    Bethel Crummett

    French Grimes

    VA 640 Highland Data Services in

    Blue Grass

    VA 640 Highland Data Services inBlue Grass

    0.5 mile west of VA 640 north ofBlue Grass 1.4 mile.

    GE flew parallel to building at rooftop


    GE circled with 13 TV over HighlandData building.

    BE perched in ususal tree 150 yardssouth of house. It flew toward theDevils Backboard.

    10September 13, 2008

    Time: Golden eagleNot aged

    Patti Reum Bear Mountain Hawk Watch Southof US 250/VA 640

    GE circled low over Red Oak Knobthen circled higher and higher until outof sight, not migrating.

    10 September 15, 2008Time: 1530 Golden eagle

    Hatch YearPatti Reum Bear Mountain Hawk Watch south

    of US 250/VA 600HY GE circled over Bear Mountain andflew south.

    2 September 21, 2008Time: 1612-1625Golden eagleBasic II

    Edmund Hevener, SandyHevener

    East side VA 637 from VA 640 toUS 250

    Immature GE circled over eastern BlueGrass Valley slowly drifting southeast.