golf digest singapore media kit

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  • 7/29/2019 Golf Digest Singapore Media Kit



    No.1The Worlds

    HOW TO PLAYInstruction from the bestplayers and coaches: Tiger Woods Ernie Els Annika Sorenstam Butch Harmon David LeadbetterAnd many more

    WHAT TO PLAYCovering the latest golfequipment fromevery angle

    WHERE TO PLAYFeatures on the best golf

    courses and destinations in

    the region and beyond


    Live it up with

    Food and WineMoneyAutomobilesPersonalities




    RATECARD 2007/2008

    Golf Publicationis in Singapore

  • 7/29/2019 Golf Digest Singapore Media Kit


    Bringing You TheBest In Golf andMuch More!

    Golf Digest Singapore, the local edition of the worlds undisputed No.1 golf publication, is positioned to

    be the premier golf magazine here. We deliver all the current articles from our parent title, Golf Digest

    from the U.S.A, including locally sourced features written with the most discerning Singapore golfer in

    mind. From instruction to personality features, and from the latest equipment to previews of the years

    Major tournaments, Golf Digest Singapore is the last word in Singapore golf.

    Learning how to play the game is at the crux o each Gol DigestSingapore issue. Each month, our line-up o instructional articlescomes straight rom the best players and coaches in the game.Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, Butch Harmon and David Leadbetter, toname a ew, will help take your game to greater heights.

    We understand that Singapore golers know their stu. GolDigest Singapore brings you comprehensive inormation on thelatest gol euipment available. From hot products in the US tocutting-edge euipment out o Asia, each issue keeps you upto date on the best weapons to play the game. On top o that,our annual Hot List issue lets you know what we think aboutthe seasons top oerings so you can make your next buying

    decision an inormed one.

    Each issue o Gol Digest Singapore brings you eature storiescovering the whole gamut o gol. Written by the worlds bestgol writers, our highly researched articles on the current aairso the gol world aim to entice, entertain and educate.

    Gol has become a borderless adventure. Explore the best andmost exciting places in our Courses and Travel sections. Youcan expect thorough reviews o regional and international golcourses, as well as inormative guides to eatured destinations.

    As the denitive gol publication in Singapore, we wont

    leave any stone unturned in providing our readers with everyacet o the game. Every month, Gol Digest Singapore providesarticles on the rules o the game, recent tournaments andeditorials rom some o the worlds most experienced andinormed journalists.

    INSTRUCTIONLearn From The Best

    EQUIPMENTKnow What You Play


    COURSES & TRAVELThe Best Places To Play



  • 7/29/2019 Golf Digest Singapore Media Kit


    There is no denying that more and more women are taking upgol. Gol Digest Singapore provides regular articles that address

    this growing market. Our editorial includes special instructionalstories targeted at women golers, rom the latest gol-relatedashion and products available to eatures on women golpersonalities in Singapore and the world.

    THE RED TEESWomens Golf

    We are what we wear. Gol ashion has come a long way sinceplus ours and waistcoats. Each issue lets you discover the latestin trendy gol apparel and accessories, and a regular column eachmonth answers your uestions on gol wear.Our readers are also among the most discerning advocateso style. Periodic product showcases refect the latest, most

    desirable personal possessions in the market.


    Nothing tops a day o gol better than a good meal. Gol DigestSingapore will take you to the best places to eat in Singaporeand beyond. And our regular articles on the nectars o lie willlet you know what, where and when to drink.


    Singapore golers desire the best things in lie. Weunderstand the eclectic nature o their pursuits and oer amyriad o articles to meet their expectations. Every month, awide variety o liestyle articles aim to interest our upwardlymobile readers.Personality eatures oer insights into Singapores moversand shakers; Automobile stories tell o the latest wheelson the road; Health+Fitness oers editorials on well-being;Money articles provide inormation on personal wealth;and our Community pages highlight the biggest social golevents o the month. This lively section at the back o eachissue just might be the rst place our readers turn to whenthey have Gol Digest Singapore in their hands.


  • 7/29/2019 Golf Digest Singapore Media Kit


    SPH Magazines, publisher o Singapores most-read magazines, stands or journalistic integrity,

    infuential reporting and superior design.

    A Sals Hotl 6319-6326A Tafc Hotl 6319-3059

    Golf Digest SingaporeGol Digest Singapore is a licensed title rom GolDigest, the worlds No.1 gol magazine rom CondeNast. The monthly is published by SPH Magazinesand enjoys the ull support o the companysexpansive resources in production, circulation,distribution and marketing.

    The Golf Digest readerGol Digest Singapore readers love their goland want to know about their avourite game.They are aged 25 and above, and cannot getenough o how to play, what to play and where to

    play. Our readers are on top o their careers or on the ast track there and enjoythe ner things in lie. Educated, discerning, and sensible at the same time, theyhave spending power and make key decisions wisely.

    Total Circulation 20,000

    Readership 60,000

    Freuency Monthly

    AdverTiSing rATeS


    R.O.P Full Page 4,500

    Inside Back Cover 5,500

    Outside Back Cover 6,500

    Double Page Spread 8,500

    Inside Front Cover Spread 10,500

    Sponsorship o Pocket Tips Booklet 15,000

    Page 2,800

    Premium Position Loading 20%


    3 Insertions 5%

    6 Insertions 10%

    12 Insertions 15%

    size trimmedsize bleedsize textsize

    Full Page 275(H) X 205(W) 281(H) X 211(W) 255(H) X 185(W)

    DPS 275(H) X 410(W) 281(H) X 416(W) 255(H) X 390(W)

    Page Vertical 275(H) X 100(W) 281(H) X 106(W) 255(H) X 90(W)

    Page Horizontal 135(H) X 205(W) 141(H) X 211(W) 125(H) X 185(W)


    Format HIGH-RES PDF with mandatory digital colour proo or reerence.

    Resolution 300 DPI and above

    All measurement in millimetres (mm).

    Copy and illustration must be kept at least 5mm from the spine.




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    spHmaGazinespteltd 82 Genting Lane, Media Centre Level 7, S349567 Tel: 6319-6319 Fax: 6319-3038 - [email protected]



    Aged 25 and above Established in his/her career Proessional, Manager, Executive or Business Owner Enjoys a high personal monthly income o $5,000 and above Highly discerning consumer who appreciates the ner things in lie