goltens brochure final

TRUSTED GLOBALLY Your Independent Repair Specialist

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Page 1: Goltens Brochure Final

TRUSTED GLOBALLYYour Independent Repair Specialist

Page 2: Goltens Brochure Final

Goltens is the Service Provider of choice to an extensive number of major fleet, Power Plant & Industrial Customers worldwide. We are committed to maintaining our reputation for reliable quality services in the marketplace whether in Marine, Oil & Gas, Power Generation or Industry in general.


‘Round the Clock, around the world’

ISO 9001:2000Cert No. 40111-2008-AQ-SNG-UKAS

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01Diesel Engines 02

Engine Diagnostics 03

Reconditioning 04

Precision Machining 05

Rebabbitting 06

Fuel Equipment 07

Crankshaft Grinding 08

In-situ Crankshaft Grinding 09

In-situ Machining 10

Line Boring 11

Hydraulic Services 12

Metal Stitching 13

Automation & Electrical 14

Steel Work – Welding 15

Quality Control 16

Classification Approval & Authorizations 17


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24 hours a day, 7 days a week and backed by our worldwide network of service facilities and on – call emergency repair team, Goltens has been helping thousands of vessels to reduce off-hire, reduce spare part consumption and more accurately predict operating cost over the past decades.

Our team of specially trained technicians and engineers capable of performing routine maintenance, troubleshooting and repair on all major makes of main and auxiliary diesel engines.

02Diesel Engines

ServicesGoltens Singapore

Goltens Offers:

• Expertiseinrepair,reconditioningand replacement of damaged/ worn out parts.

• Skilledpersonnel–engineersandmechanics with shipyard and sea going experience; technicians trained at the manufacturer factories for quick trouble shooting and problem solving.

• Readilyavailablespareparts.

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Goltens has a team of specially trained Service Engineers to carry out engine performance analysis and trouble-shooting with the assistance of portable “Diesel Doctor”. We can provide Vibration and Noise Analysis, Engine Inspection Programs, trouble shooting and repair preparations to reduce maintenance and peration costs while increasing machinery performance, efficiency and reliability for customer involved in the Oil and Gas, Shipping and Marine, manufacturing industries etc.

Engine Diagnostics – “Diesel Doctor”

ServicesGoltens Singapore


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Grinding of Piston Ring Grooves

Reconditioned Cylinder Covers

04ReconditioningIn an ever more competitive world, reconditioning is the best alternative to replace with new parts. At Goltens, well equipped facilities with class approved procedure, parts and components are reconditioned to original maker’s specifications.

Typical Components for Reconditioning:

• CylinderCovers/Heads,

• PistonCrowns/Skirts,

• ExhaustValveSpindles&Seats(StainlesssteelorNimonic)

• ExhaustValveCages/Housing

• PistonRods/ConnectingRods

• PumpHousings

Reconditioned Piston Crown

Reconditioned Piston Skirts

ServicesGoltens Singapore

Reconditioned Exhaust Valve Housings & Cages

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Precision MachiningFully equipped with computerised machines and automatic equipment, Goltens is well positioned to meet the high demand of today marine shipping environment. Our continued investment in equipment and people makes us the ‘repair partner of choice’ for many local and international customers.

Goltens workshop capacities includes:

• LargehightechnologyCNCPlanoMillingMachinewithmax cutting length x width of 6000mmx4000mm which can undertake machining jobs for work piece up to 10 tons.

• FullrangeofCNC,NCandmachinesforallboring,grinding, milling and machining requirement.

• FullrangeofPTA,SAW,MIG,TIGweldingequipment,welding positioners and associated manipulators.

• StateoftheartChromePlatingplant.

• Stressrelievingfurnace.

• Inhousegritblastingfacilityensuresnotimelost before inspection can commence.

CNC Plano Miller

Milling of Engine Bedplate

ServicesGoltens Singapore


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06Since Gotlens designed the hydraulic centrifugal rebabbitting machine 30 years ago, we have rebabbitted over 100,000 bearings, making us the industry’s foremost expert.

Typical Parts for Rebbabitting:

• CrankpinandMainBearings

• CrossheadBearings

• IntermediateBearings

• TurbineBearings

• AlternatorPedestalBearings

• PumpBearings

• MainGearBearings

• ThrustPadsandThrustCollars

• SternTubeBearings

Goltens Offers:

• Specialdesignedtoolsandmachinestosuitdifferentsizesand weights requirement of different types of bearings.

• Well-provenrebbabittingprocedureswidelyrecognisedand accepted by all classification surveys.

• Experiencedandwelltrainedtechnicians.

• Round-the-clockoperatedworkshoptomeetvessel’surgentneed.


ServicesGoltens Singapore

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Goltens has over the years built up a world-wide reputation for excellence in fuel equipment reconditioning. Our capabilities within injection equipment require the finest tolerances has been documented through several decades.

Goltens has a fully equipped workshop with special equipment for diagnosis, reconditioning and testing.

Typical Components for Reconditioning:

• FuelInjectors

• PlungerandBarrels

• FuelNozzles

• NeedleandGuides

• FuelVales

• FuelPumps

• HPFuelPiping

Fuel Equipment


ServicesGoltens Singapore

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Having reconditioned over 25000 crankshafts since the start up in 1940, Goltens have both the experience and expertise to handle any kind of grinding problem.

Goltens Offers:

• Speciallydesignedtoolsforgrindingofbearingsurfaces without dismantling the shaft.

• Benchgrindingindedicatedworkshop.

• Trainedengineersandmechanicswithartoftheskilled in in-situ grinding and bench grinding.

• Thereadilyavailableoftoolsforalmostanyenginemakeandtype.

Crankshaft Grinding

ServicesGoltens Singapore


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09In the field of crankshaft machining, Goltens has long been the acknowledged leader. Goltens first tool for in-situ machining was patented as far back as 1957. Since then we have machined more than 50,000 crankpins and main journals in situ.

In-situ Crankshaft Machining

Portable Machining Fixture

Single Point Tool Machining

Single Point Machining of Crankpin

Multi-Point Milling of Crankpin

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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10With in-situ machining, Goltens can offer a quicker, more economical alternative to dismantling damaged components, transporting to workshop, repairing and re-transporting for assembly and re-alignment. We can mobilize a wide range of machines and equipment to you site, ensuring that your machinery is operational as soon as possible.

Goltens Offers:

• PortableMachinesforresurfacing.

• Lightweightmachinesforvertical/horizontalpositionmachiningforseparators.

• Portablemachinestosuitoverhead/undersurfacemachiningforthrustersseating.

• Portableflatfacemillingmachines(generatorfoundationinpowerstation).

• Portablekey-waymachine(turbineshaftinpowerstation).

In-situ Machining

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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11Line boring in-situ or in workshop is a speciality of Goltens. With the use of skilled personnel, special designed tools and laser guided equipment, Goltens executes work of exact precisions.

Line Boring

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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12Goltens offer a full range of professional inspection, maintenance and repair services to meet marine and offshore hydraulic services requirement.

• ElectroHydraulicCranes

• TowingWinches

• MooringWinches

• AnchorWindlass

• Thrusters(Electro&DieselDriven)

• TankControlSystem

• CargoGrabs

• SteeringGear

Hydraulic Services

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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Metal stitching is a well know method for repair of all kinds of casted material. Goltens professionally trained teams are specialised in carry out metal stitching both in-situ and in our workshop.

Parts that generally need stitching are:

• Engineblocksandbedplates

• Pumpcasings

• Turbinecasings

• Gearandgearcasing


Goltens Singapore

Metal Stitching

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Themanoeuvring,control,alarmandsafetysystemsaremajorcontributorstomanyofthemoreseveredamageswe entertain regularly. Our concept, hence, is to overhaul the manoeuvring and safety systems as an integral part of a total overhaul to avoid interface problems. It is well-known that no system is stronger than its weakest link.

Priority Systems:

• Engineremotecontrol

• Bridgecontrol

• Alarmandmonitoringsystems

• Safetysystems

• Rudderandpropellercontrols

• Cargocontrolsystems

• Liftcontrols

• Firealarmsystems

• Switchboards

• Voltageregulators

• Starterpanels

• Distributionnetwork

• ElectricMotors

• Generators/Alternators 14

Automation & Electrical

Goltens Offers:

• TroubleShooting

• Repairs

• Finetuningofexiting

• Installations

• Calibrationofsensors

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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15Steel work such as welding of pipes, structure as well as special welding of engine parts is part of Goltens Singapore day-to-day services. We have long experience and well trained personnel for all kinds of welding requirements. TheseworkscanbedoneinGoltensworkshop,atanchorage as well as on voyage. Our certified welders and professional staff will guarantee quality in our service to you.

Steel Work – Welding

ServicesGoltens Singapore

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16At Goltens, we are pledge to comply with the requirement of the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Standard and other applicable statuary and regulatory requirements. All jobs are carried out in accordingly to original maker’s specifications with our class approved procedures.

We are ISO 9001: 2000 certified

We carry out quality check and inspection for various Engine Components:

• DeterminePistonRingGroovesChromeThickness

• DeterminePistonRingGroovesChromeHardness

• UltrasonicGaugingofCylinderCover

• InspectionofCylinderCoverCoolingBoresusingBoroscopes

• UltrasonicTestingofvalvespindle

• FerriteTestingofValveSpindle

Some of our Inspection Instruments

• FerriteIndicator

• LiquidPenetrant

• MagneticParticle

• ChromeThickness

• HardnessTester

• UTKrautkramer

Quality Control

Quality ControlGoltens Singapore

Determine Piston Ring Grooves Chrome Hardness

Determine Piston Ring Grooves Chrome Thickness

Magnetic Particle UT KrautkramerUltrasonic Gauging of Cylinder Cover

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17Classification Approval & Authorizations

All of our approved procedures are recognized by:



Service Authorizations

Classification Approval & AuthorizationsGoltens Singapore

IOP Marine Products Hydraulic Pumps,



Marine and Stationary Power





Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd




Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd




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‘round the clock, around the world,

www. goltens.com

Goltens WorldwideExecutive OfficeBrielle Hills, Building 8-2012640 Highway 70 Manasquan, New Jersey08736 - USAPhone: +1 732 223 2030Telefax: +1 732 223 2029email: [email protected] -5 hours

Goltens WorldwideOperationsOriental House Building8th Floor - Suite 805Bur Dubai, DubaiUAEPhone: +971 4 397 7231Fax: + 971 4 396 2499Fax: + 971 4 396 1588GMT +4 hours

Goltens Oslo A/SStrømsveien 195-1970668 OsloNorwayPhone: + 47 22 88 39 30Telefax: + 47 22 88 39 31email: [email protected] +1 hour

Nyland Maritime ASBrygga NaeringsenterVikaveien 294817 His (Arendal) NorwayPhone: + 47 37 06 1190Telefax: + 47 37 06 1191email: [email protected] +1 hour

Goltens Rotterdam B.V.Lorentzweg 293208 LJ SpijkenissePhone: +31 18 1465100Telefax: + 31 181 465109email: [email protected]@goltens.comGMT +1 hour

Goltens UK LtdMansion House1 Ardgowan SquareGreenockUnited KingdomPA16 8NGemail: [email protected]: +44 (0)1475 724455Telefax: +44 (0)1475 724466 GMT

Goltens Hellas Ltd.66 Dragatsaniou & Dervenakion Street185 45 Piraeus, GreeceOffice: +30 2104082080Telfax: +30 2104082084Email: [email protected] +2 hours/(Summertime) + 3 hours

Goltens Bahrain Co. SPCPO Box 50268Hidd, BahrainPhone: +973 17466145 / 17672135Telefax: +973 17466145email: [email protected] +3 hours

Goltens Fujairah L.L.C.Plot No. 33 Port of Fujairah P.O. Box 2501 Fujairah, UAEPhone: +971 9 2281899Telefax: +971 9 2281898email: [email protected] +4 hours

Goltens DubaiAl Jadaf Ship Docking YardPO Box 2811 Dubai, UAEPhone: +971 4 3241642Telefax: +971 4 3241019E-mail: [email protected] +4 hours

Goltens Qatar L.L.C.Takaful Insurance Bldg, 3rd Floor , Office # 12Ghariya StreetFareej KhaleebP.O.Box 30863Doha – QatarPhone/TeleFax: +974 486 3088email: [email protected] +3 hours

Goltens Red Sea (Saudi) Co. LtdAl Bakri Bldg.P.O. Box 9757Jeddah 21481Al Maadi St.Saudi ArabiaPhone: +966 2 6520032 Ext. 555Telefax: +966 2 6512072email: [email protected] + 3 hours

Goltens Singapore P. L.No. 6A Benoi Road Singapore 629881Phone: +65 68615220Telefax: +65 68611037email: [email protected] +8 hours

Goltens Shanghai Co., LtdBlock NO. 5,No. 533 Yuanzhong Road, Nanhui Industrial Zone,Nanhui District,Shanghai 201300Phone: +86 21 5818 6628Telefax: +86 21 5818 6633email: [email protected] +8 hours

Goltens KoreaRoom 1629 Ocean Tower,760-3, U DongHaeundae-Gu, BusanKoreaPhone: +82 51 740 6633Telefax: +82 51 740 6622email: [email protected] +9 hours

Goltens VietnamGoltens Vietnam Co., LtdStreet No. 12, Dong Xuyen Industrial Zone, Rach Dua Ward, Vung Tau City, VietnamTel: +84 643 61-62-72Fax: +84 643 61-62-70Email: [email protected] +7 hours

P.T. Goltens JakartaJI Danau SunterBarat Blok A1/1Sunter AgungJakarta Utara 14350IndonesiaPhone: +62 21 6408091Telefax: +62 21 6401150email: [email protected] +7 hours

Goltens JapanKenryu Bldg. II Room No. 3066, Kaigan - Dori, Chou -Ku,Kobe 650-0024JapanPhone: +81 78 392 3115Telefax: +81 78 392 3160Email: [email protected] +9 hours

Goltens India Private Ltd.415 - 417 Crystal ParadiseOff Veera Desai RoadAndheri (West)Mumbai 400 053, IndiaPhone: +91 22 6 6755888Telefax: +91 22 6 6755890email: [email protected]: +5:30 hours

Goltens India ChennaiNo.15, 2/F North Beach 4th Lane(Krishnan Koil St.) MannadyChennai – 600001Tel: +91 44 25245657

Workshop:A-183, TTC Industrial Area,MIDC, Khairne,Navi Mumbai - 40070

Goltens AmericasPO. Box 1176Marion, MA 02738, USAPhone: +1 508 536 6002Telefax: +1 508 536 6025GMT -5 hours

Goltens California322-330 Broad Ave.Wilmington CA 90744-5869USAPhone: +1 310 5492550(24 hours)Telefax: +1 310 5491350email: [email protected] -8 hours

Goltens Service Co. Inc.2323 NE Miami CourtMiami, Florida 33137, USAPhone: +1 305 5764410Telefax: +1 305 5763827email: [email protected] -5 hours

Goltens New York Corp.160 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, New York 11231USAPhone: +1 718 855 7200Telefax: +1 718 802 1147 +1 718 855 4471email: [email protected] -5 hours