gondwana tales, an inquiry approach to plate tectonics


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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This #didactic activity proposes the students to discover the tectonic events occurred in an imaginary planet. Students are given several kind of evidences (Fossil distribution, Paleomagnetic data, Geodynamic events -volcanoes, seisms-, orogens...) from different ages, and must reconstruct the past geologic history through collaboration and scientific communication events reproducing those from the real scientific research. At the end of the activity, students generate a consensus model that is not contrasted with a “correct” answer, to keep the metaphor of science, where there is not a book of correct answers to test if we are correct.


Page 1: Gondwana Tales, an inquiry approach to plate tectonics

Gondwana Tales: an inquiry approach to plate tectonics

Jordi Domènech Casal

[email protected] | @jdomenechca

INS Vilanova, Vilanova del Vallès. Grup LIEC, Departament de Didàctica de les Matemàtiques i les Ciències Experimentals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

This poster, the didactic activity and more informations are available online at http://bit.ly/1i3HEt5



This work has been developed in the frame of the LIEC group from the Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences from UAB, financed by AGAUR (2009SGR1543) and the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (EDU-2012-38022-C02-02). The author is grateful to the European Geosciences Union for a GIFT grant conceeded to attend the EGU 2014 General Assembly.

#IBSE #Continental Drift #Stratigraphic Columns #Creation of Scientific Knowledge

#Guide fossils #Inquiry #Alfred Wegener #Plate Tectonics #Role Playing

Inquiry-Based Science Education

● Giving priority to evidences● Analyzing data in different


● Constructing scientific models to explain the evidences

● Making hypothesis, designing experiments

● Obtaining and communicating conclusions

● Constructing Scientific Knowledge socially

This #didactic activity proposes the students to discover the tectonic events occurred in an imaginary planet. Students are given several kind of evidences (Fossil distribution, Paleomagnetic data, Geodynamic events -volcanoes, seisms-, orogens...) from different ages, and must reconstruct the past geologic history through collaboration and scientific communication events reproducing those from the real scientific research. At the end of the activity, students generate a consensus model that is not contrasted with a “correct” answer, to keep the metaphor of science, where there is not a book of correct answers to test if we are correct.

#linguistic didactic Scaffolding for inquiry

REFERENCES● Writting articles and designing experiments: scaffolds for writting, thinking and

acting at the laboratory [Spanish]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, número especial. Congreso ENSE Ciencias (2013), 1085-1089. J. Domènech.

● Shaking the classroom: a seismic experience of collaboration between teachers and science disseminators [Spanish]. Alambique, Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (2012) 72, 84-91. J.Domènech, J.Díaz.

● Scientific skills● Understanding of the nature

of scientific knowledge● Hability to transfer scientific

models and concepts to new contexts