gongmin of goryeo

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  • 8/9/2019 Gongmin of Goryeo


    Gongmin of GoryeoKing Gongmin(23 May 1330 27 October 1374) ruled Goryeo DynastyKoreafrom 1351 untl1374! "e #as t$e second son ofKn% &$un%su'!n addton to $s arous Korean names (see r%$t)*$e bore t$e Mon%olanname +ayan ,em-r ()!

    Early life.edt/

    Goryeo $ad been a rotectorateof t$e Mon%olanuan Dynastysnce t$e Mon%ol nason of Korea!

    tartn% #t$ Kn%&$un%nyeol* rosecte rulers of Korea marred Mon%olan rncesses and #ere

    customarly sent to t$e uan &ourt* n effect* as $osta%es! s er t$s custom* Kn% Gon%mn sent

    many years n t$e uan court* ben% sent t$ere n 1341* before ascendn% t$e Korean t$rone! "e

    marred a Mon%olan rncess #$o became ueen o%u'! ,$e uan Dynasty be%an to crumble

    durn% t$e md614t$ century* and #as eentually conuered and relaced by t$e Mn% dynastyn



    :t$ t$e dsnte%raton of uan* #$c$ $ad nfluenced t$eKorean ennsulasnce t$e Mon%ol

    nasons of Koreaof 1239* Gon%mn be%an efforts to reform Goryeo %oernment! "s frst act #as

    to remoe all ro6Mon%ol arstocrats and mltary offcers from t$er ostons! ,$ese deosed eole

    formed a dssdent facton #$c$ lotted an unsuccessful cou a%anst t$e 'n%! "%$ offcal ;o l6

    s$n een tred to ta'e oer t$e %oernment* but t$s rebellon #as ut do#n by %eneral&$o oun%!

    Durn% t$eMon%ol nason of Korea* bet#een t$e 1250s and t$e 1270s* t$e Mon%olans $adanneaoyan%!

    not$er ssue #as t$e ueston of land $oldn%s! ,$e land6%rant system $ad bro'en do#n* and

    Mon%ol6faoured offcals* alon% #t$ a $andful of landed %entry* o#ned t$e ast ma?orty of

    a%rcultural land* #$c$ #as #or'ed by tenant farmers and bondsmen! "o#eer* Kn% Gon%mn@sattemt at land reform #as met #t$ ooston and subterfu%e from t$ose offcals #$o #ere

    suosed to mlement $s reforms* as t$ey #ere lando#ners t$emseles!

    ,$e :o'ou#ere also a roblem encountered durn% Gon%mn@s re%n! ,$e :o'ou$ad been

    troubln% t$e ennsula for some tme and $ad become #ell6or%anAed mltary marauders radn%

  • 8/9/2019 Gongmin of Goryeo


    dee nto t$e country* rat$er t$an t$e B$t6and6runB bandts t$ey started as! Generals&$o

    oun%and eon%6%ye#ere called uon by Gon%mn to combat t$em!

    ddtonally* Gon%mn %raled #t$ t$e Ced ,urban troos*#$o naded Goryeo t#ce durn% $s

    re%n (frst n 135 and a%an n 1381)! n 1381* t$e Ced ,urban troosoccued Kaeson%for a s$orterod of tme! fter Kaeson%#as recatured by Generals &$oe eon%* eon%6%ye*;eon%

    eun* +an%6sl*fe# Ced ,urban troosmana%ed to escae #t$ t$er les!

    Durn% t$e re%n of Gon%mn* a Goryeo dlomat*Mun '6?eom*statoned n &$na mana%ed to

    smu%%lecottonseeds nto Goryeo* ntroducn% t$em to t$e Korean ennsula for t$e frst tme!

    lt$ou%$ t$e relatons$ bet#een ueen o%u'and t$e 'n% #as ery close* t$ey faled to concee

    an $er for many years! Deste su%%estons of ta'n% a second #fe* Kn% Gon%mn %nored t$ese

    reuests! ueen o%u'became re%nant but ded from comlcatons #t$ c$ldbrt$ n 1385! "er

    deat$ led to Gon%mn@s deresson and mental nstablty! Kn% Gon%mn became ndfferent to

    oltcs and entrusted t$e %reat tas's of state to =yeon?o* a +udd$st mon' #$o #as born as t$e son

    of a rncess and a slae! ;ud%n% $m as cleer* Gon%mn renamed =yeon?o as $n Don! "an%

    t$e full confdence of Kn% Gon%mn* $n Dontred to reform t$e socety of Goryeo!n 1385*

    Gon%mn %ae =yeon?o t$e nc'name B&$eon%$an GeosaB* and t$e noble ttle

    of Jinpyeonghu(Chinpyng Marquess)! fter s< years* $n Don lost $s oston and Kn% Gon%mn

    $ad $m e

  • 8/9/2019 Gongmin of Goryeo


    lt$ou%$ $e dd not recee a temle nameof a 'n%* because t$e oltcal stuaton of t$e tme

    follo#n% $s deat$ dd not reco%nAe $m as suc$* $e roclamed $mself 'n% as a art of

    reformatons $e undertoo' n order to renstate Goryeo@s oston as an ndeendent naton! .citation needed/

    As An Artist.edt/

    eon ;e6s$n@s =ortrat* anted by Gon%mn around t$e 1370s!

    Kn% Gon%mn #as #ell 'no#n for $s artstc s'lls* and $e s referred to as one of t$e best artsts of

    t$e Goryeo erod! "e #as also #ell 'no#n for $s call%ra$y #or's!


  • 8/9/2019 Gongmin of Goryeo


    Mot$er ueen Gon%#on of t$e amyan% "on% clan (5467* ;uly 19* 129

    ;anuary 1390).1/

    &onsorts and t$er Cesecte ssue

    1! +or?%n +udas$r* t$e =rncess o%u'* ost$umously 'no#n as ueen ndeo' (:;?@8946* 6Jebruary 18* 1385).2/.3/.4/6 o ssue* ded n c$ldbrt$!

    2! &onsort "ye of t$e Gyeon%?u >ee clan (:;7* 6Jebruary 3* 1409) .5/.8/.7/.9/6 o ssue!

    3! &onsort ' of t$e "an clan./(