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  • 8/3/2019 Gonzlez, 2012


    Archaeocyaths from South America: review and a new record


    and R. VARELA1

    1Centro de Investigaciones Geolgicas (UNLP-CONICET), La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina2Divisin Paleozoologa Invertebrados, CONICET, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    3Instituto de Estudios AndinosDon Pablo Groeber, Departamento de Ciencias Geolgicas, FCEN-UBA, BuenosAires, Argentina

    In South America, autochthonous archaeocyathan faunas preserved in Early Cambrian limestones have not been found yet. Nevertheless, a few

    well-documented occurrences of these fossils in clasts contained in coarse-grained rocks of a wide age range have been discovered in recent years.Erratic limestone blocks from the Late CarboniferousEarly Permian Fitzroy Tillite Formation in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands yielded threearchaeocyath taxa. Also, seven taxa were reported from archaeocyathan limestone clasts in a metaconglomerate of the Cambro-Ordovician ElJagelito Formation in northern Patagonia. In addition, a new record from the Late CarboniferousEarly Permian Sauce Grande Formationdiamictites in Sierras Australes, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, is presented herein. Preservation of this scarce new material is poor, but at leastthree different taxa can be distinguished. The most likely source of all archaeocyathan limestone clasts found in southern South America is theShackleton Limestone from the Transantarctic Mountains in East Antarctica. The new record from the Sauce Grande Formation and theinferred clast provenance reinforce the correlation between this unit, the Dwyka Tillite (South Africa) and the Fitzroy Tillite Formation(Falklands/Malvinas), suggesting a very wide distribution of these Antarctic occurrences during the Late CarboniferousEarly PermianGondwana glaciation (Episode III). Thus, even though being allochthonous, archaeocyaths are emerging as a new key biological featurefor Gondwana palaeogeographic reconstructions. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Received 8 July 2011; accepted 5 December 2011

    KEY WORDS archaeocyaths; South America; Gondwana; Late Palaeozoic glaciations; Sierras Australes; Buenos Aires


    Archaeocyaths were Cambrian reef-building organismsassociated with carbonate-dominated environments insub-tropical regions (Hill, 1972; James and Debrenne,1981; Debrenne, 2007). The occurrence of archaeocyathswithin sedimentary successions is important because: (1)they are high-quality indicators of maximum depositionalage, (2) they have limited palaeogeographic distributions,and (3) they are robust markers of provenance.

    Although in southern Gondwana they are well knownfrom the Australo-Antarctic (orGondwana after Debrenneand Kruse, 1989) palaeobiogeographic province, within South

    America there had only been some controversial mentions,such as those from the Precordillera (Rusconi, 1951, 1952)and from Tierra del Fuego (Hyades, 1887). Well-documentedspecimens have been described in recent years from theFalkland/Malvinas Islands (Stone and Thomson, 2005) andPatagonia (Gonzlez et al., 2011a). In the Falkland/MalvinasIslands the Archaeocyaths occur in limestone erratic clastswithin the Late CarboniferousEarly Permian Fitzroy TilliteFormation diamictites, whereas in Patagonia, they appearinstead, in limestone clasts within a Cambro-Ordovicianmetaconglomerate. Theoriginal limestone beds are not exposednear those regions, and therefore the clasts are consideredallochthonous.

    In addition to this, we report here newly found allochthonousarchaeocyath specimens in limestone clasts from the LateCarboniferousEarly Permian diamictites of the Sauce Grandebasin, Sierras Australes of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina(Figures 1 and 2). They occur within the context of the same gla-ciation that affected Gondwana prior to its Mesozoic break-up.

    Here we summarize the geological and stratigraphical con-text of the archaeocyathan occurrences in South America,

    *Correspondence to: P. D. Gonzlez, Centro de Investigaciones Geolgicas(Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET), Calle 1 #644, B 1900 TAC,La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.E-mail: [email protected] address: CONICET-Instituto de Investigacin en Paleobiologa yGeologa. Universidad Nacional de Ro Negro. Isidro Lobo y Belgrano.CP 8332, Roca, Ro Negro Province, Argentina.E-mail: [email protected]

    Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    GEOLOGICAL JOURNALGeol. J. (2012)Published online in Wiley Online Library(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/gj.2415

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    document the newly found specimens from Sierras Australes,and discuss their palaeogeographical implications within theLate Palaeozoic Gondwana glaciation episodes.


    Within South America (Figure 1), archaeocyaths have beenrecorded from the Falkland/Malvinas Islands (Stone andThomson, 2005) and from Sierra Grande area in NorthPatagonian Massif (Gonzlez et al., 2011a). A brief descriptionof both the geology and stratigraphy of these records are givenbelow.

    2.1. Falkland/Malvinas Islands

    Archaeocyath fossils from the Falkland/Malvinas Islands(Stone and Thomson, 2005) were found in erratic blocks

    of limestone within the Lafonian Diamictite (Baker, 1924, inFrakes and Crowell, 1967) or Fitzroy Tillite Formation(Aldiss and Edwards, 1999, in Stone and Thomson, 2005),which overlies Siluro-Devonian sandstones and quartzites.The tillites are part of the widespread glaciation that affectedGondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian(Veevers and Powell, 1987).

    According to Frakes and Crowell (1967), massive, greyand brown diamictites with sandy argillaceous matrix anddispersed, boulder- to sand-size clasts are the dominantfacies in the Fitzroy Tillite Formation. Bed thickness andmaximum clast size vary, respectively, from 850 m andboulders 7 m across in the west, to 350 m and boulders 2 macross in the east. The lithological variation suggestsgrounded ice in the west (present coordinates), as evidencedby intercalations of linear and fan-shaped sand bodies

    Figure 2. Sketch map depicting the main locations cited in the text.Numbers in Chaco-Paran Basin indicate locations of the boreholes: (1)Santiago Temple, (2) Ordoez, (3) Josefina, (4) Saira and (5) Camilo Aldao.

    Figure 1. Colour shaded-relief image of South America, Antarctic Peninsulaand surroundings from ETOPO-1 Ice Surface (Amante and Eakins, 2009)showing a general overview for the allochthonous archaeocyathan faunas inSouth America (Patagonia, Sierras Australes and Falkland/Malvinas Islands).Web-site of ETOPO-1: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html.This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj

    p. d. gonzlez et al.

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    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    interpreted as eskers and outwash-fans, and an open-sea withfloating ice in the east, as suggested by bedded intercalationsof pebbly mudstone, graded greywacke and shale withdropstones. An intermediate, downslope deposit is inferredby the presence of contorted and disrupted sandstone slabs

    (Frakes and Crowell, 1967).Direction of ice transport is indicated as W to E or SW toNE (present coordinates, Frakes and Crowell, 1967), on thebasis of trends of linear sand bodies, sedimentary structuresin intercalated strata, variation in clast size and diamictitethickness, and diamictite clast fabric.

    Clast lithologies, summarized by Stone and Thomson(2005), include quartzite, sandstone, quartz, chert, shale,conglomerate, limestone, granites, gneiss, schist, slate,dolerite, porphyries, ignimbrite, and banded iron-stone.

    The archaeocyathan limestone clasts studied by Stone andThomson (2005) were collected around Hill Cove and PortPurvis (West Falkland/Gran Malvina Island, Figure 2)

    and Frying Pan Quarry, near Mount Pleasant Airport (EastFalkland/Soledad Island, see also Stone, 2011). Thearchaeocyath fauna contained in limestone clasts is relativelywell-preserved. Stone and Thomson (2005) recognized threeinformal species and discussed their general similaritiesto those known from Antarctica and erratic blocks in theCarboniferous Dwyka Tillite of South Africa. The systematicstudy of this fauna is in preparation (Thomson, personalcommunication, 2010). These authors concluded that the mostlikely source of the Falkland/Malvinas archaeocyath-bearinglimestone clasts was the Transantarctic Mountains.

    2.2. North Patagonian MassifSierra Grande area

    The first documented records of archaeocyaths in continentalSouth America are from Early Cambrian fossiliferouslimestone blocks contained in a metaconglomerate of theCambro-Ordovician El Jagelito Formation, within thenorthern Patagonia basement of Argentina (Figures 1 and 2;Gonzlez et al., 2011a). The low-grade El Jagelito Formationis unconformably covered by Siluro-Devonian sandstones andquartzites of the Sierra Grande Formation (Busteros et al., 1998).

    The metaconglomerate is a ca. 1100m long by 10mthick lenticular bed (Gonzlez et al., 2011a). It is matrix-supported and normally graded, and contains rounded tosub-rounded cobbles and pebbles mainly of granitoids,intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks, mono- and polycrystal-line quartz and metapelites. Rare and outsized (up to 1 m)archaeocyath limestone clasts are subangular (Figure 3).

    Seven AtdabanianBotomian archaeocyath taxa wererecovered from the El Jagelito Formation (Figure 4). Theyhave overall affinities with the Australo-Antarctic orGondwana palaeobiogeographic province, mainly with thosedescribedfrom the Shackleton Limestone involved in the Ross

    Orogeny of the Transantarctic Mountains. They are alsosimilar to those found in the blocks of the Late CarboniferousFitzroy Tillite Formation in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands(Stone and Thomson, 2005, see below).

    The El Jagelito Formation metaconglomerate can be

    correlated with the Douglas Conglomerate (Goodge et al.,2004) of the Transantarctic Mountains, both containingcoeval archaeocyathan limestone clasts. The comparison oflithology, archaeocyath fauna, stratigraphy and detritalzircon patterns (Naipauer et al., 2010) shows an intimatecorrelation between the El Jagelito Formation (Patagonia,Argentina) and the Byrd and Beardmore groups (centralTransantarctic Mountains), and suggests a common Rossorogenic history in East Gondwana during the Cambro-Ordovician (Gonzlez et al., 2011b). As a result, Patagoniais proposed as a crustal block originated in the Ross Orogeny ofthe central Transantarctic Mountains during Cambro-Ordoviciantimes, which subsequently shifted from East to West Gondwana

    (Gonzlez et al., 2011c).

    2.3. Dubious localities

    Rusconi (1951, 1952) described a supposed archaeocyathspecies from the lower Palaeozoic of the southern Precor-dillera in Mendoza Province. The material was collectedfrom Sierra de Salagasta, about 40 km North of Mendozacity (Figure 2), and consists of two sponge sampleshaving a cylindrical shape and an internal net of irregularlydistributed holes and furrows (Rusconi, 1952, figure 2; pl. 1,

    figure 1). These specimens were recorded in association witha high-diversity Late CambrianEarly Ordovician (?) faunawhich is dominated by crinoids and articulate brachiopods.Rusconi (1952) originally assigned the material toSpirocyathus Hinde, 1889 (=Archaeocyathus Billings, 1861),an irregular archaeocyath genus described from the lowerand middle Cambrian of North America, Europe, Asiaand Antarctic-Australia. However, the specimens fromSierra de Salagasta are characterized by having a reticulateexoskeleton and seem to lack genuine septa, suggestingaffinities with Lithistida (Demospongea) rather than withArchaeocyatha.

    Another record from the southernmost South America isrestricted to a doubtful mention of CoscyanocyathusBornemann (fossil collected by Lovisato, 1883; in Hyades,1887, p. 222), from the Beauvoir Formation (Harrington,1943; Caminos and Nullo, 1979) on Isla de Los Estados,east of Tierra del Fuego (Figure 2), and therefore referredto the Early Palaeozoic. This fossil was later dismissed asan archaeocyath, and referred to a cephalopod by Richter(1925; in Harrington, 1943). The latter author and Blascoand Levy (1975, in Caminos and Nullo, 1979) describedand documented new cephalopod fossils from the Beauvoir


    Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Geol. J. (2012)

    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    Formation and reassigned this unit to the Upper JurassicLower Cretaceous. Currently, there are no doubts aboutthe Mesozoic age of the Beauvoir Formation, ruling outany presence of archaeocyaths in Isla de Los Estados.


    3.1. Local geology of the Sauce Grande Formation

    The Sauce Grande Formation is the lowermost unit ofthe Pillahuinc Group, which also includes the PiedraAzul, Bonete, and Tunas formations (Harrington, 1934,1947, 1970). The Sauce Grande Formation overlies themeta-sandstones of the Loln Formation (Ventana Group;Harrington, 1970) that bears a Malvinokaffric fauna ofDevonian age (Harrington, 1947, 1980). In accordance

    with the fossil content recorded in the overlying BoneteFormation (Eurydesma fauna and Glossopteris flora), the ageof the Pillahuinc Group is considered as Late Carboniferousto Early Permian (Harrington, 1934, 1955).

    The Sauce Grande Formation crops out in a narrow NNWSSE belt about 35km long. Massive topoorly stratified diamictites are the predominant rocks, butconglomerates, quartz-sandstones, and shales are also presentin smaller proportion (Figure 5). Since Keidels (1916) work,the diamictites have been interpreted as having a glacial(Coleman, 1918; Du Toit, 1927; Harrington, 1947; Massabieand Rossello, 1984) or glacio-marine origin (Coates, 1969;Frakes and Crowell, 1969; Harrington, 1970, 1972). Keidel(1916) was also the first to suggest a possible correlation withdeposits of the same origin and age in the Falkland/MalvinasIslands and in the Karoo Basin in South Africa.

    The Sauce Grande diamictites are composed mainly ofangular to rounded fragments of quartz-sandstone, with

    Figure 3. a to d, Archaeocyathan limestone clasts contained in a metaconglomerate of the Cambro-Ordovician El Jagelito Formation, Sierra Grande area,northern Patagonia basement of Argentina. Lst: limestone clasts. Other clasts = And: andesite; Rhy: rhyolite. Diameter of coins: 2.5 cm (photographs a and bafter Gonzlez et al. (2011a), and reproduced by permission of the Editorial Office ofGeologica Acta, Barcelona). This figure is available in colour online

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    smaller proportions of shale, limestone (with archaeocyaths),quartz-feldspathic meta-sandstones and granitic and volcanicfragments of different composition (Massabie and Rossello,1984; Andreis and Torres Ribeiro, 2003).

    Palaeocurrent indicators are difficult to identify in themassive to poorly stratified diamictite. However, somechannel orientation, clast imbrication, and ripple marks weremeasured (Andreis and Cladera, 1991; Andreis and TorresRibeiro, 2003). According to those authors, and despitesignificant dispersion, principal palaeocurrent trends areoriented towards the N or NW (present coordinates), andhence direction of ice transport is indicated as S to N or SEto NW (present coordinates), coming from South Africa toSouth America (Lpez-Gamund and Rosello, 1998; Andreisand Torres Ribeiro, 2003), which is in turn coincident withthe ice flow directions derived from Dwyka deposits in theKaroo Basin (Crowell and Frakes, 1972).

    3.2. Archaeocyath record

    The presence of limestone clasts in the Sauce GrandeFormation has been known since the pioneering studies ofKeidel (1916) and Schiller (1930). It is remarkable that

    Keidel (1916, p. 21) highlighted the finding ofonelimestone clast containing coral fossils. Unfortunately he did

    not study the fossils in detail, nor did he indicate the repositorywhere they were housed. The possibility that Keidels fossilswere in fact archaeocyaths cannot be dismissed, and thereforethis might be the first mention of archaeocyaths contained in alimestone clast from the Sauce Grande Formation of the SierrasAustrales. In order to corroborate the suspicion, we performed anew systematicfield search for archaeocyathan limestone clastsin glaciogenic deposits of the Sierras Australes of Buenos Aires.

    Following the earlier mention of coral fossils made byKeidel (1916), and allowing for detailed descriptions ofclasts composition performed by Andreis (1965) andAndreis and Torres Ribeiro (2003), we recognized at leastthree localities with limestone clasts contained withindiamictites of the Sauce Grande Formation. They are locatedbetween 1.0 and 2.6km northeast of the bridge over theSauce Grande creek, close to Villa Ventana. The localities(SV-1 to SV-3) are along the tracks of the Southern Railway,and the archaeocyath fauna was found only in one of them(SV-1, Lat. 380748.7000 South. Long. 614640.9000 West).Furthermore, only two limestone clasts containing archaeo-cyaths were found, out of the 18 recovered from this locality.

    Figure 4. Archaeocyaths from limestone blocks of the El Jagelito Formation, Sierra Grande, Ro Negro Province, Argentina. a, Archaeocyatha sp. 1, MLP32580-5a, transverse section. b, Archaeocyatha sp. 2, MLP 32580-1b, transverse section. c, Archaeocyatha sp. 3, MLP 32580-5c, transverse section. d, Archae-ocyatha sp. 4, MLP 32580-1a, transverse section, latex cast. e, f, Archaeocyatha sp. 6, MLP 325811, detail (e) and general morphology (f). g, Archaeocyathasp. 3, MLP 32580-1d, polished longitudinal section. h, Archaeocyatha sp. 5 (left), MLP 32580-3a, and Archaeocyatha sp. 1 (right), MLP 32580-5b, transversesection. i, Archaeocyatha sp. 5, MLP 32580-3a, transverse section, latex cast. Scale bars: 5 mm (photographs after Gonzlez et al. (2011a), and reproduced by

    permission of the Editorial Office ofGeologica Acta, Barcelona).


    Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Geol. J. (2012)

    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    Preservation of all archaeocyaths is poor. They were firstobserved directly on hand-specimens of the limestone clasts,sometimes with the help of a thin coating of magnesiumsublimate. The specimens were photographed with a digitalreflex camera and 1:1 macro lens and are housed in the Inverte-brate Palaeontology collections of the La Plata Natural HistoryMuseum (MLP 29220 to 29221), La Plata, Argentina.

    The archaeocyaths consist of 11 specimens preserved astransverse sections on the naturally weathered surface ofthe clasts, together with a single conical cup that is partiallyisolated from the matrix. Although additional complete andwell-preserved material is necessary to warrant a compre-hensive systematic study, it is possible to recognize at leastthree different species, which are briefly outlined as follows:

    The small-sized individuals illustrated in Figure 6ac, eand f seem to be conspecific. They are characterized byhaving a maximum diameter of 3 to 4 mm, a conic-cylindrical,slightly curved solitary cup which is subcircular to slightlyovoid in transverse section, a moderately wide intervallum,

    and a central cavity occupying about one-third of the cupdiameter. The intervallum shows 14 complete, straight, thickand porous radial septa (Figure 6a), and the inner wall appearsto have simple pores. The material illustrated in Figure 6g-leftis closely similar to those specimens, although it differs byhaving a diameter of 6.5 mm, a more ovoid outline, a largerintervallum, and 20 septa instead of 14.

    The specimen illustrated in Figure 6d has a maximumdiameter of 25mm and is characterized by its ovoid outlinein transverse section, its very wide central cavity and itsextremely reduced intervallum, which occupies only 6% ofthe cup maximum diameter. The inner wall of the cup lookssinuous. The septa are numerous and very close to each other,a conditionthat is especially evident in the bottom and rightportion of Figure 6d. Although the septa shown in the topand left parts of that figure are more widely spaced, thismight possibly be because the section is slightly oblique tothe axis of the cup. Because of its large size, this specimen isthe most conspicuous archaeocyath of the assemblage studied.

    Figure 5. a to d, Diamictites of the Late Carboniferous Sauce Grande Formation from Sierras Australes of Buenos Aires. Massive to thinly laminated grey towhite limestone clasts are indicated by arrows. a and b come from diamictite of the locality SV-1; c and d from conglomerate of the SV-2. Other clasts= Gr:granitoid, Gn: gneiss, Qtz: quartzite, diameter of coins: 2.5 cm. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj

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    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    By contrast, the species represented by the specimen ofFigure 6g-right shows a subcircular outline and a small size.The material possesses a diameter of 4.5 mm, a relatively nar-row intervallum occupying about 20% of the cup diameter, acorrespondingly wide central cavity, and a large number ofsepta (44). The latter are straight, thick, and extended from

    the inner to the outer wall of the cup. The cup is longitudinallyarched between septa.Since the archaeocyaths from the Sauce Grande Formation

    are scarce and not well preserved, their generic and specificaffinities are difficult to establish. However, the generalmorphology of the specimens illustrated in Figure 6ac, eand f leads us to compare it particularly with RobustocyathusZhuravleva. It mostly resembles juvenile samples frommoraines of the Whichaway Nunataks, East Antarctica (insetof Figure 2; see Hill, 1965, pl. 3, figures 2b-left, 6, 8), bysharing a relatively wide intervallum and a similar pattern ofsepta. In the same way, the particular exoskeleton of Figure 6dshows major similarities with Archaeocyatha sp. 5 from the ElJagelito Formation of the North Patagonian Massif (Gonzlezet al., 2011a, figures 6B-left, C; Figure 4h-left, i), Ajacicyathuscf. ajax (Taylor), from the Shackleton Limestone of theNimrod Glacier, in central Transantarctic Mountains (Figure 7;Debrenne and Kruse, 1986, figure 7), as well as undescribedmaterial from a limestone block in the Fitzroy Tillite Formationfrom Falkland/Malvinas Islands (Stone and Thomson, 2005,figure A1.a, above left), by having an irregular outline intransverse section, a very wide central cavity and an extremelyreduced intervallum. Finally, the specimen of Figure 6g-right

    mostly resembles Archaeocyatha sp. 2, from the El JagelitoFormation of Patagonia (Gonzlez et al., 2011a, figure 6A;Figure 4b), but differs by having a slightly smaller central cavityand a lower number of septa. This material is also superficiallycomparable to Thalamocyathus trachealis Gordon, fromthe lower Cambrian of South Australia and Antarctica (e.g.

    Hill, 1965, pl. 7,figures 2b, 8a), in possessing a similar interval-lum/central cavity ratio, and a similar arrangement of septa.Thalamocyathus has been widely described fromin situ LowerCambrian limestones of the Transantarctic Mountains andSouth Australia, as well as from erratic blocks on King GeorgeIsland, Whichaway Nunataks, the Weddell Sea and SouthAfrica (Debrenne and Kruse, 1989; Figures 2 and 7). Thus,the archaeocyaths from the Sauce Grande Formation suggestgeneral affinities with Early Cambrian assemblages of theAustralo-Antarctic palaeobiogeographic province.


    It is widely known that the Sauce Grande Formation of theSierras Australes in South America is a close analogue ofthe Fitzroy Tillite Formation of Falkland/Malvinas Islandsand of the Dwyka Tillite of South Africa (Keidel, 1916;Frakes and Crowell, 1967, 1969; Crowell and Frakes,1972; Caputo and Crowell, 1985; Veevers and Powell,

    Figure 6. Archaeocyaths from limestone blocks of the Sauce Grande Formation, Sierras Australes of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Mostspecimens are preserved as transverse sections on naturally weathered surface, with the exception of a. At least three different species are represented in thecollected material (see text). a, Longitudinal view of the cup, MLP 29220-a. b, MLP 29220-b. c, MLP 29220-c. d, MLP 29220-e. e, MLP 29220-d. f, MLP

    29221. g, MLP 29220-f (left) and MLP 29220-g (right). Scale bars: 2 mm.


    Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Geol. J. (2012)

    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    1987; Lpez-Gamund and Rosello, 1998; Lpez-Gamundand Buatois, 2010). The most striking similarities are thoserelated to their glaciogenic rocks, clast lithology, glaciallithofacies and source areas, in addition to their palaeocli-matic, palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic aspects relatedto Permo-Carboniferous Gondwanaland glaciation (EpisodeIII, Veevers and Powell, 1987; Lpez-Gamund, 1997).In the Ellsworth Mountains of West Antarctica, theWhiteout Conglomerate represents the Permo-CarboniferousGondwanaland glaciation (Webers et al., 1992), and henceis the time-stratigraphical equivalent of the formerly men-tioned units.

    A key feature shared by the Fitzroy Tillite Formation, theDwyka Tillite, and the Whiteout Conglomerate is the rarityof the limestone clasts, which additionally contain the samearchaeocyath fauna (Debrenne and Kruse, 1989; Stoneand Thomson, 2005). The new find in the Sauce GrandeFormation also shows this feature. Thus, the archaeocyath-

    bearing limestone clasts represent a further crucial elementfor the correlation of all those units across Gondwana.

    The archaeocyaths in the Sauce Grande Formationprovide further confirmation about the provenance of thelimestone glacial erratics and establish their distributionfarther west, as also supported by ice flow directions withinthe Permo-Carboniferous Gondwanalandglaciation (Figure 7).In this respect, Andreis and Torres Ribeiro (2003) alreadydeduced that the glacier advanced from South Africa to SouthAmerica.

    The Transantarctic Mountains seems to have been the mostlikely source area for the Early Cambrian archaeocyathanlimestone clasts found in South America and elsewhere insouthern Gondwana, for a long period of time between EarlyPalaeozoic and Cenozoic times:

    (1) In Early Palaeozoic times, the clasts formed part of theCambro-Ordovician El Jagelito Formation of Patagonia.

    Figure 7. Reconstruction of the Gondwana supercontinent for the Late Carboniferous at ~290Ma (after Powell and Li, 1994). Glacial episodes after Veeversand Powell (1987) and Lpez-Gamund (1997). Late Palaeozoic basins after Lpez-Gamund (2010) and many references therein. Ice- flow directions fromFrakes and Crowell (1969) for South America (additional information of Sauce Grande Basin after Lpez-Gamund and Rosello, 1998, and Paran Basin after

    Gesicki et al., 2002), from Crowell and Frakes (1972) for South Africa, from Frakes and Crowell (1969) for Falkland/Malvinas Islands, from Frakes et al.(1971) for Antarctica, and from Crowell and Frakes (1971) for Australia. In situ archaeocyaths locations in Antarctica and Australia are after Debrenne andKruse (1989), Debrenne (2007), and references therein. Note the ice-flow direction from East to West Gondwana suggesting the possible Antarctic provenanceof the allochthonous archaeocyaths contained in limestone erratics within Permo-Carboniferous glaciogenic rocks in West Gondwana. This figure is available in

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    DOI: 10.1002/gj

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    Northern Patagonia is interpreted as being locatedadjacent to the Ross Orogen during Cambrian times(Gonzlez et al., 2011b, 2011c), receiving the archaeo-cyathan limestone clasts derived from the ShackletonLimestone at a more outboard position with respect to

    the coeval Douglas Conglomerate described by Goodgeet al. (2004). It is widely accepted that the PatagoniaTerrane collided against South America in Permian times(see synthesis in Ramos, 2008).

    (2) In Late Palaeozoic times, archaeocyath-bearing clastswere transported by ice during the Permo-Carboniferousglaciation (Episode III) that produced the glacialdeposits of the Whiteout Conglomerate of EllsworthMountains in West Antarctica, the Fitzroy Tillite Forma-tion of Falkland/Malvinas Islands, the Dwyka Tillite ofSouth Africa, and the Sauce Grande Formation in SouthAmerica. In a reconstruction of Gondwana (~290Ma,after Powell and Li, 1994) the coincidence of ice flow

    patterns across the Ellsworth Mountains, the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, South Africa and South Americasuggests that the Permo-Carboniferous ice sheetflowedfrom the Transantarctic Mountains towards the WestGondwana, and also towards Australia (Figure 7).

    (3) Finally, during Cenozoic times, not only the centralTransantarctic Mountains but also the Argentina Rangewould have provided archaeocyathan limestone clasts.They too were probably transferred by ice to form partof the glacio-marine sediments of the OligocenePolonez Cove and Early Miocene Cape Melville forma-tions, as well as the recent moraines in the King George


    South Shetland Islands (Figure 2; Morycowaetal.,1982; Wrona and Zhuravlev, 1996), the recent morainesin the Whichaway Nunataks, and the blocks dredgedfrom the Weddell Sea (Gordon, 1920). According toMorycowa et al. (1982) and Wrona and Zhuravlev(1996), reconstructions of ice stream movement andiceberg drift, and the similarities in archaeocyath speci-mens, suggest the Argentina Range limestones as thesource of most of the erratics of King George Island, theWeddell Sea, and Whichaway Nunataks (Figure 2).



    The Sauce Grande Formation is widely exposed in theSierras Australes of Buenos Aires Province (Harrington,1947; Andreis, 1965), and, therefore, other diamictite outcropswithin these ranges might also provide archaeocyathanlimestone clasts.

    The Sauce Grande Formation diamictites are also presentin the subsurface of the Colorado Basin (Juan et al., 1996;Gebhard, 2005), off-shore Buenos Aires Province (BoreholePuelches es-1, Figure 2). As a southeastern extension of theSierras Australes outcrops, they may also represent a link to

    the Dwyka Tillite of South Africa (Figure 7), and are anotherpotential site to search for archaeocyathan limestone clasts.Allochthonous archaeocyathan limestone blocks in

    diamictites could even occur in other South Americanregions, such as the Chaco-Paran and Paran basins(Figure 7). The Permo-Carboniferous Upper Ordez Forma-tion (subsurface of the Chaco-Paran Basin; Figure 2) iscomposed of diamictites containing laminated grey limestoneclasts (Russo et al., 1987; Winn and Steinmetz, 1998). Theinferred glacial lithofacies and glacial to glacio-marine deposi-tional palaeoenvironments are comparable to those of theSauce Grande and Dwyka formations (Winn and Steinmetz,1998), even though no archaeocyaths have been reported so

    far. Likewise, in the Paran Basin, several diamictites of theItarar Group (Holz et al., 2010) contain grey limestone clasts,at least one-third of which were locally derived from underly-ing limestones (Frakes and Crowell, 1969). Nevertheless, anAntarctic provenance cannot be completely ruled out, takinginto consideration the mostly ESE to WNW ice-flow directionsproposed for the Permo-Carboniferous Gondwana glaciation(Episode III, Figure 7) in these basins (Frakes and Crowell,1969; Gesicki et al., 2002). It is indeed possible that the lime-stone clasts from the Upper Ordez Formation and equivalentunits (e.g. Itarar Group) share an Antarctic provenance withthose of the Sauce Grande and Dwyka formations (Figure 7).

    In order to confirm this, archaeocyaths with Australo-Antarcticpalaeobiogeographic affinities need to be found.The Gondwanic diamictites from the CalingastaUspallata

    Ro Blanco and western Paganzo basins (Figure 7) of theArgentine Precordillera also bear limestone clasts, but theirprovenance is clearly local, from Cambrian and Ordovicianlimestone units underlying the diamictites (Frakes andCrowell, 1969; Lpez-Gamund and Martnez, 2000; Marenssiet al., 2005; Prez Loinaze et al., 2010). Furthermore, theglaciation in those areas is somewhat older (Episode II ofVeevers and Powell, 1987 and Lpez-Gamund, 1997, seeFigure 7) than the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian episode,and thus, the glacial deposits are not contemporaneous withthe Sauce Grande Formation (see figure 1 in Lpez-Gamundand Martnez, 2000).

    Striking similarities between the Cambrian faunas incarbonate lithofacies of western Argentina and North Americahave been addressed in the literature (e.g. Harrington andLeanza, 1943; Rusconi, 1956; Poulsen, 1960; Borrello,1971; Bordonaro, 2003 and references therein). Archaeo-cyaths are known in association with the Olenellus fauna inNorth America (Landing and Bartowski, 1996), but they havenot been reported yet in the late Early Cambrian of the


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    Precordillera of western Argentina. If archaeocyaths werefound in those limestones (or in limestone blocks containedin diamictites), they might be expected to have Laurentianaffinities (Nitecki, 1967), rather than Australo-Antarcticones, given that the Precordillera, as part of the composite

    Cuyania Terrane, appears to be a piece detached from Laurentia(Ramos, 2004).Finally, the Gondwanic units with diamictite horizons

    from the Tepuel-Genoa Basin in extra-Andean Patagonia(Figure 7) also bear rare limestone clasts (Frakes andCrowell, 1969). However, they are comparable to diamictitesof similar age and lithofacies associations of the Precordillera,and thus they also belong to the early Late CarboniferousGlacial Episode II (Lpez-Gamund, 1987; Lpez-Gamundand Martnez, 2000).


    We report here the first finding of archaeocyath-bearinglimestone blocks contained in diamictites of the SauceGrande Formation, Sierras Australes of Buenos AiresProvince, Argentina. To date, in situ Early Cambrian archaeo-cyathan limestones are unknown from South America.The recovered fauna is allochthonous and its most likelysource is the Shackleton Limestone in the TransantarcticMountains, as suggested by its overall affinities with EarlyCambrian archaeocyath assemblages of the Australo-Antarcticpalaeobiogeographic province.

    The similar Antarctic provenance of the limestone clastsstrengthens the geological correlation between the SauceGrande, Dwyka and Fitzroy Tillite formations depositedduring the Late Palaeozoic Gondwana glaciation. The newrecord of archaeocyathan limestone clasts in SierrasAustrales, suggests that the distribution of these limestones,derived from East Antarctica, reached more western localitiesthan previously known.

    Allochthonous archaeocyath faunas constitute a keybiological feature to be considered in palaeobiogeographicGondwana reconstructions.


    This is a contribution to the Special Issue and we thankGuillermo Albanesi for his kind invitation to publish ourresults in this volume. We are grateful to the reviewers, M.R.A. Thomson and O. Lpez-Gamund, whose commentscontributed to improve the manuscript. The final Englishversion was greatly benefited by the kind assistance of bothreviewers. This study was funded by projects UNLP 11/N528 and CONICET PIP 0119, Argentina.


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